Penpals Project Canada-Reunion Island - Nature in my...


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31/03/2017 Penpals Project Canada­Reunion Island ­ Nature in my country : animals , landscapes , trees . 1/14

Penpals Project Canada-Reunion Island - Nature in mycountry : animals , landscapes , trees .Class 404 - 9C


CASSANDRAThis is a delicious fruit : the avocado

miguelThis is a "jambalac". It is a fruit.

miguelThis is  a combava.

AudreyThere are "brèdes" : it is a vegetable , it looks like a lettuce.

AURELIENIn reunion island we have the chance to see beautifulbeaches

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AudreyHere there are many places for hiking !! And it's verybeautiful !!

Agnès <3In my island there are "martin" it's a bird

Marion <3

The "chouchou" is a green and tender vegetable.


The "endormi is a lizard we can ¸nd it in Reunion Island . Itis a typical lizard. 

Marion <3

The flamboyant is a very beautiful tree of red color.

ElisaThe beautiful sunset !!

CassandraHoney  is very sweet.

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Marion <3The geko is a lizard that can be found in the pond of manapany.


Marion <3

The Passion fruit is a typical fruit of Reunion.

AURELIENThe tangor is a sour and sweet frui.It is orange and verydelicicious.

Anne 淴�ore"Anse des cascades", a place with many waterfalls.

AudreyIn my island there is sugar cane. It's SO good !

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miguelhello, This is Reunion Island .

Agnès<3Pineapple is a very good fruit, it's colored and sour.

BenjaminThis shows the palm trees of Reunion.

AURELIEN The beautiful Reunionesesunset.

ElisaThe water falls 

Agnès <3In my island there are "gecko" : it's a little green lizard.

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Marion <3

The hermitage is a beautiful beach

AudreyIn Reunion island there are beautiful beaches.

LéoTamarind is very good and there is even a song about it.

JoelleThe wasps   hurt when then sting!

PIERRE.DThe shark is soooo  cool !!! TO EAT YOU !!!! ARGH !

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LéoThe guava is very good . It's very juicy

LaurentWe speak "créole". A language widespread on many islands,but we have our own "créole", creole language. For example :Quoi ou dit ? Komen y lé ? = How are you ? ( = Comment çava ? in French)


This animal is very beautiful : the turtle

LéoThe "pinpin" : we eats it with a sauce

ChristianThe coffee " Café" bourbon" is a coffee   that is recognized byconnaisseurs in the world.

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ThalyaCarambole is good . hmmm ! Yum yum!

So�aThe most beautiful place in Reunion Island , according to me, it's " le Piton des Neiges" . It is the roof of Reunion . Fromthere you can see the whole island .It is the highest place ofthe Reunion , there we are at 3070m of altitude.

LyianeIn the Reunion Island there are coffee beans .

DorianMango is good!

So�aWe have all possible landscapes , the mountains , the beach ,the volcano, rivers , waterfalls...

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Pierre.DWe haves goats. MMéééé


This fruit is very good: it is a pitaya.

SamuelI love forests.

DorianRéunion Island is beautiful.

ChristianThe volcano of the Reunion is one the most active volcano inthe world. 

ThalyaI like this place .(Langevin)

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JoelleI like this place . It's a pond :"bassin caché"

Pierre E.In my country , we have beautiful mountains. Here is the piton de la fournaise, the volcano.

DorianIn my country , we have  the " endormi" : it's  a lizard.

LaurentWe have "cirques".It's 3 towns in the moutains. Their nameare Salazie, Mafate, and Cilaos.  The picture shows the "cirque" of Salazie.

Pierre.Dere we eat letchis a fruit of my island .We do jam with this .

FlorentThis is my favorite animal. It is a "paille-en-queue". 

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JoelleIn my country there are a beautiful beaches. 

LucieIn Reunion Island, there  are peaches. 

SamuelIn  Reunion Island , we can ᆵ�nd Hibiscus 䯜ower.

ThalyaHere we eat mangoes : a fruit of my island ♥!

LéoIn Reunion  Island there is a longanis  : the 䯜ower, ofyellow color It is very sweet 

Pierre.DThe "papangue" is a bird of prey in my island .

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LouisIn my country the landscape is tropical .The typical animalsare tangue ( a derivative of porcupine) paille-en-queue (abird).

BradyReunion Island is beautiful.


In  Reunion Island , there are many endemic species, as "letangue"(it's a rodent, it look very much like the hedgehog),"le papangue"(bird), "paille-en-queue"(bird),"l'endormi" ( it isa chameleon. The trees we have here : the litchi tree, mangotree, the guava tree, ... We have  also endemic plants likesugar cane.  

LyianeIn the Reunion Island there are pretty fruit 

Pauline GaillardIn my country , we have a "papangue". (it's a bird). (look at hepost of Pierre.D for the picture). And we have the "tangue. " (Look the post of Louis and Laurent ) . They Are endemicspecies. We have a volcano: " Piton de la Fournaise ". We eatpineapple, pitaya, letchi, coconut etc... (fruits). There arecoconut trees, palm trees, banana trees, mango trees,... InReunion Island we have beautiful beaches ! In my city wehave a beach called : "Grande anse" Look at this picture. It's"Grande Anse": ((At the end)) We have a beautiful waterfall too  in my city. (Look at thepost of Thalya and Joelle)

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The tangue is an endemic species,

Hedgehog Type of Reunion Island.
