Perfect Child: July 2013 Sneak Peek



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Small Town Talent 10

Miss Perfect of the Month 20

Our Experience 33

Mr. Perfect of the Month 44

Perfect Child Model Feature 62

Jade Smith Photography 66

Cover Model: Brylee 72


As we continue to grow as an excellent expo-sure magazine we hope to keep our main focus on giving those children that “have what it takes” the exposure the deserve. We pride our-selves on being a perfect magazine safe for any member of your family to pick up and read. We hope that through this magazine many children will receive the positive attention they deserve to move forward in this industry! If you think your child deserves to be in an issue, email us at



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Meet Ryder! He is 5

years old and lives in

Creston, IA . He has

the potential of going

very fair with his talent

but is unfortunately

stuck in his small town.

When talking to

PCMM, his mom in-

formed us, “I am told

daily how adorable and

There is a modeling agency approximately 2 hours away that

starts accepting kids at age 4 and since Ryder just turned 5,

they are turning in his photos and trying to make this Small

Town Talent, a big time name! Best of luck RYDER!

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Meet Lillian Rae! She is 3 years old and lives in Elizabeth-

town, IL. Have you heard of it? You most likely haven’t be-

cause it is one of the smallest towns around! This beautiful

girl could definitely find work if she lived in Los Angeles or

maybe even New York, but she is stuck in her small town!

Her mom told us, “Lillian won her first trophy when she was

just 3 months old, but it was only for our town. I would love

to get her into modeling,

but in our town, agencies don’t even exist! It is really hard to

get your child into something like modeling or acting when

there are no options available.” We are wishing little Lilly

nothing but the best for her future in life and in modeling and

know that she has the potential to do whatever she sets her

pretty little mind to!

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8-80 must be purchased

8-80 must be purchased

8-80 must be purchased

8-80 must be purchased

8-80 must be purchased

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Code: PCMMAD Expires: July 31st, 2013

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