Permaculture in action at Brambleberry FarmPermaculture in action at Brambleberry Farm Hamilton...


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Permaculture in action at Brambleberry FarmHamilton County SWCD “Permaculture in Practice Workshop”

April 14, 2018

Darren Bender-Beauregard

This time of the year, sheer beauty seems to be the major product of our farm

We use comfrey around young trees as a “nurse plant” to keep the sod at bay

And helps with mulching

Comfrey as a living grass barrier for berry rows

Perennial fruit, nut, and berry nursery is now our main farm income source

Grafting has been a major tool for propagating improved varieties of trees

Image by Josh Marshall

Various species of poultry have been very useful for adding fertility and providing quality protien

Hogs are amazing workers but need close supervision to not overdo it!

Grassfed, rotationally grazed beef cattle can improve the soil with very little inputs

Kids seem to thrive on the diversity of life here

Playing host to wild creatures from our farming efforts is richly rewarding

Turning inedible wood into delicious shiitake mushrooms

Dozer creating keyline swales; trees planted on the berm

Ponds hold and absorb overflow from our rainwater cisterns

Building structures is major passion for us!

This is our strawbale house in the beginning phases of construction

Proper Drainage is crucial in our wet clay soils

Using on-site subsoil (clay) for building material

Interior of our strawbalehome

Local sourcing of building materials

Solar Chimney:Balances venting perfectly with greenhouse solar heat-cycles

Rainwater collection!

Over 11,000 gal of storage currently

Tours and consulting:Education is an important underlying theme of our work.

Different options for pathways on a design for a client. Each option will shape the future of the planting in a different way

Successional orchard design for a farm client in KY
