Personal Injury Lawyer Peterborough



LPC - Personal Injury Lawyer Peterborough 459 George Street North Peterborough, ON K9H 3R6 (705) 243-3685 Your local Peterborough personal injury lawyers possess vital trial experience that keeps us ahead of the competition. Having successfully defeated insurance companies in court, we have secured substantial judgements for our clients. Winning cases both inside and outside the courtroom has created a track record that other legal representative find difficult to duplicate. Local residents can rely on and give us the confidence to promise that if we do not win your case, we will not charge you a penny. Call LPC Law for a free no obligation consultation. If necessary, we will visit you at your home or hospital room.

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Essential Documents You’ll Need When Consulting With Personal Injury Lawyer

By chance if you were injured and that injury was caused due to negligence or wrong

doing of third party, you can get compensated for the injuries and trauma. For this it is

important to meet an Injury Lawyer in Bolton as soon as you can, as many states have

certain statues regarding limitations (limited period of time to file lawsuit). While going

for consultation with the law firm, it is necessary to get below mentioned documents.

This way your lawyer can assess the situation much faster.

1. Notes Relating The Accident (From Victim’s Point of View)

Jot down everything which you can possibly remember about the incident. Anything, no

matter how insignificant will have some effect on your case and claim. Answer the questions given below while writing the notes.

Date and time of the incident.

What happened before and after the accident?

Your health condition after the accident.

Any witnesses. Whom did you talk to, at the accident site?

Make a point to write about pain, mental distress, conversation which happened with

your doctor etc.

2. Accident Report

If the accident happened at your office, particular accident report should be given by

your supervisor or business owner. Get a copy of that incident report. If they say no to

give you accident report copy, call your Injury Lawyer in Bolton to deal with them. Sometimes you need to file claim before to get a copy of report.

In case you had a vehicular injury, accident report is filled by Policy authority. Report

must contain names of involving individuals in the accident, their insurance information and their contact information. Witnesses contact informationneeds to be available.

3. Pictures

Pictures can help your attorney determine the extent of damage that was caused by your

accident. Pictures give a clear idea to your Injury Lawyer in Bolton, as to the extent of

injury and damages. If there was a car accident, take pictures of involving vehicles, their

license plates, location of the accident and of course your injuries.

4. Pay Stubs

If you missed work because of your sustained injuries, you can take your pay stubs. Pay

stub amount will be used in order to verify wage’s amount you lost.

5. Hospital Bills And Records

Your medical bills and records are used to know the cost of your treatment. Along with

that, make sure to collect discharge papers and prescription receipts. It might be good to stay in touch with the doctor and stick to the prescribed treatment.

6. Health Insurance Card or Policy

Your lawyer will have to know whether (if you have) your health insurance will cover the

tab of your medical bills and treatment. Also the amount insurance policy will cover is

important to know from insurance adjuster.

7. Auto Insurance Policy

In situation of car accident, take the page of declaration of auto insurance along with

you. It has details regarding insurance coverage.

Some Facts About Product Liability And Personal Injury

Product liability is type of a personal injury caused by using defective and dangerous

product. Here it is possible for the survivor or the victim to recover those damages by

claiming product liability. This type of product liability comes under contract law and tort

law. That is why you need to have a Injury Lawyer in Peterborough besides you when you fight for your rights.

Law of product liability is established to protect the customers who used dangerous and

defective products without their knowledge and have suffered injuries due to it. Another

main feature of this law is to hold accountable the people responsible for putting such

unsafe products into public markets. The law covers manufactures that produce such

products, distributors and retailers who make these products available in the market. It

can be possible that all the parties are held liable in various jurisdictions. This case is

possible to file under several various circumstances. Few highlightedfacts relating to Product liability are:

Negligence: In this claim, the plaintiff’s Injury Lawyer in Peterborough needs to establish

the fact that the other party is responsible for producing a dangerous item. Also other

parties could have detected any issue with the product if they had taken a reasonable

amount of care while manufacturing and designing or in inspection process. Finally,

plaintiff needs to prove the failure of opposite party in meeting their standard obligation

and that plaintiff indeed, got harmed due to using defected product. Following are

categories of product defects:

Design Defects: Here the design is the element which makes the item defective and

dangerous for consumers to use.

Manufacturing Defects: Due to fault in manufacturing process, the product turns

into defective.

Marketing Defects: This type of liability is caused because of insufficient warning instructions and labels provided for its consumers.

Generally, there are adequate laws which allow consumers who are injured due to faulty

and defective products to get fair compensation. However these defects may be not so

obvious. To fight a long and arduous battle in the court, it is advisable to appoint a

qualified Injury Lawyer in Peterborough. Victims or Survivors can get compensation for

damages including therapy and medical expenses, lost wages, extra expenditures, lost

wages, doctor’s fees, permanent suffering, punitive damages and consortium arranged

for partner.

Sometimes dangerous product’s usage can cause death too. This results a claim in

wrongful death due to using defective product. If the user is dead due to such failure of

the product, their family has right to file a lawsuit under the wrongful death. Here

manufacturer too will be held responsible under the laws of product liability. Survivor of

the dead victim who has filed a case can get compensation as a settlement for pain,

suffering, fees, medical bills, loss of loved ones etc. In such delicate situations it is wise

to have a good Injury Lawyer in Peterborough, which will look after legal procedure and

help you to move on in your life.

Does Wrongful Death Call For Legal Assistance Of Personal Injury Lawyer In


Wrongful claims of death were created to help those families who lost their loved ones

suddenly because of an illness or accident. These claims are different than rest because

deaths are caused due to the result of other party’s or person’s actions. Laws relating to

claims like these are comparatively new. Anyone who has suffered certain damages due

to a death has the right to file a case. Usually, people filling such cases are family

members. Suffering also includes people those were dependent financially on the

deceased victim, like their ward or partner. It also depends on state that extended

family members can also receive compensation. To win the case successfully and to get

the fair compensation amount, people hire Personal Injury Lawyer in Bolton.

In certain instances, there can be several different organization or people responsible for

victim’s death. Like, death occurred due to dangerous medicine, pharmaceutical

company can be responsible for manufacturing flawed drug or its fault to warn patients

about its serious side effects. A hospital or doctor too can be responsible if the illness is

misdiagnosed by them and hence wrong medicine was prescribed. Same goes for traffic

accidents; driver could be speeding or consumed alcohol. In trunk accident cases, Truck

Company may have failed to keep up with safety regulations rules or their equipment

must not have been up to standard laws. If the accident was due to a drunk driver, the

place which served the driver alcohol may be responsible under the dram shop laws. A

good Personal Injury Lawyer in Bolton is well aware that which establishment is liable for

the occurred accident. Your injury may also file lawsuit against multiple parties

responsible for victim’s death.

Hence discovering that which party is liable for accident is the primary step for seeking

settlement. Although one has to prove exactly which damages are caused due to victim’s

death. First type is economic damages which include burial and funeral costs, medical

expenses, lost income, lost inheritance etc. Non-economic damages are suffering and

pain because of violent and untimely death, loss of care and companionship and much

more. Punitive damages are a punishment given to the offender; it is not directly

connected to what survivors have gone through. If above mentioned damages are

proven you can get compensation as a settlement or a court verdict. To get the fair

amount in the settlement, ensure that you have an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

in Bolton, present by your side.

If any family you know or your family have experienced anything like this, it is important

to hire a licensed and reputable Personal Injury Lawyer in Bolton to represent the case

immediately. Pick a law firm which offers initial assessment for free and collects fees

only if the case wins. That will help you get the compensation without any upfront legal


More About Personal Injuries Due To Medical Malpractice

Personal injury means the harm caused to a person including slander or bodily damage.

Injury occurred as a result of negligence, accident or done intentionally, are all classified

under Personal Injury.

Medical Malpractices too fall under Personal Injuries tab and is quite a common event.

This happens when action is not carried as per the certain accepted standards of Medical

community. When a healthcare facility or a professional doesn’t provide quality care and

is negligent, and if that results as an injury to their patient, it is viewed as malpractice.

Certain Personal Injury Lawyer in Peterborough specializes in medical malpractice and

work to get injured patients/victims justice, by doing grueling amount of work for these

long battles. Some of the typical issues are:

Lack of diagnosis or mis-diagnosis: This results in worsening health conditions. In

this type of case, usually patients do not give all necessary information to make a

correct diagnose. If this is the case, it is difficult to build a successful case based on

this. Also disclosing all the medications makes a significant difference to the case and

to the patient’s heath.

Surgical errors: Result of physical damage (internal or external) to the body. This

may cause in maiming or causing an emotional damage or distress to the patient,

which requires additional money for correction. If serious, an organ may be required

to repair or replace entirely. This is a negative effect of wrong dosage or wrong

medication when recommended. There have been cases were FDA recalled that

particular product as it caused organ damage as a side effect. Individuals who

suffered these kind of damages are allowed to file a suit against the manufacturer.

Wrongful or accidental death: This is the most horrible mistake among all the

mentioned events. Needless to say, victim’s family is eligible to file a lawsuit against

that healthcare facility.

A lawsuit must be filed to prove that the healthcare professional failed to provide certain

level of care and didn’t meet those standards, and is responsible to causing injury to the

victim. It is necessary to file the case immediately, otherwise it will get tagged as

'statute barred'. As a matter of fact, if you represent yourself, chances of winning are a

mere 38%. Whereas if you get qualified Personal Injury Lawyer in Peterborough by your

side, your chances increase manifold. Make a point to seek a certified attorney who is

well aware about Medical malpractices. Board certification is only given to law

professionals who are well respected in the industry, having substantial amount of

experience and have trialed at least 10 lawsuits in civil court.

Well-respected Personal Injury Lawyer in Peterborough will offer honest advice and

guidelines and let you know if the case holds merit. That will help you know if you should

go ahead and file for compensation or just let it go.
