Persuasive Writing By Laura Popp



Persuasive Writing By Laura Popp TABLE OF CONTENTS. What is Persuasive Writing ? Prewriting Planning Introduction Body Conclusion Practice & Evaluate Sample Topics Graphic Organizer Works Cited. What is Persuasive Writing?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Persuasive Writing

By Laura

1What is Persuasive Writing?


Prewriting is also known as brainstorming.

Both are just fancy ways of saying THINKING.

Writers prewrite, or brainstorm, to decide what they will write and how they will communicate their ideas.Theres no one correct way to brainstorm. Click on the image above to see examples of brainstorming.

Which pre-writing strategies do you use? Click on the image above to see different ways of pre-writing or brainstorming.

What is your position on the topic? (are you for or against it)Free College PROS(reasons for free college)CONS(reasons against free college)More people would be able to attendLarger class sizesPeople wouldnt be burdened with outrageous student loans.Universities would lose money for buildings, heating & cooling, libraries, technology, etc.

People would be more educated.Watch a video about taking a position on your topic!

Beginning with a DESCRIPTIVE SENTENCETopic: Vending Machines in SchoolPosition: Vending Machines SHOULD be put in schools.Thesis Statement: We should have a vending machine at our school because people get hungry in the middle of the day, it would raise money for sports and clubs, and students would learn more.

Example Introductory Paragraph:Imagine a school with an abundance of extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs. Imagine a school with classrooms full of alert students engaged in learning. Who wouldnt want to go to this school? Bringing vending machines into our school would lead to improvements in several areas. We should have a vending machine at our school because people get hungry in the middle of the day, it would raise money for sports and clubs, and students would learn more.

PrewritingcontinuedIn Persuasive writing, there are certain things the writer must decide during prewriting. Click on underlined words in the thinking bubbles for examples.

What is my position on the topic?What topic do I want to write about?

BodyThe Body of your essay is the main part. It is where you spend time really persuading your reader.Argument 1Argument 3Argument 2Reasons that support Argument1Reasons that support Argument 2Reasons that support Argument 3

What topic interests you?Separating classes by gender (boys in one class, girls in another)Wearing flip flops at schoolEOG testingFree collegeKids getting paid for good gradesLess homeworkCurfews for teenagersKids bringing MP3 players/ electronics to schoolCell phones in schoolCollege athletes getting paidRecess for middle school studentsDownloading music for freeGrade requirements for student athletesYear round schoolSoda as an option in school cafeteriasViolent video games sold only to adultsGym every dayUsing animals in scientific research or testing of products

Works CitedIntroductionHook the reader with a question, quote, interesting fact, descriptive sentence, or story.

Next add your thesis statement (statement listing 3 reasons you are either for or against something).

Often youll need a sentence or 2 in between your hook and your thesis statement. Well call it your linking sentence(s). Begin with a QUESTION!Begin with a QUOTE!Begin with an INTERESTING FACT!Begin with a DESCRIPTIVE SENTENCE!Begin with a STORY!

Links connect things!

Remember the Essay about Year Round School?Now that you know all about introductions, look at the essay again.

Pay attention to the writers introduction.

How did he hook the reader? (question, quote, interesting fact, descriptive sentence, or story)

Does the introduction contain a thesis? Yes or No

Does the writer use any linking sentences between the hook and the thesis? Yes or No

Click on the image to view the essay.


Test is so long, many cant stay focused.

Some students on the Honor Roll, dont pass.

Test questions dont reflect 21st century skills.The EOG doesnt give accurate results.This person is writing about EOG testing. Her position is that EOG testing should not continue. Notice how she takes argument 1 from her graphic organizer and writes a paragraph that puts her reasons supporting the argument into complete sentences. EOG testing should not continue because it doesnt give accurate results. Because the test is so long, many students lose focus after the first hour. Some students work over four hours on the test. What adult wouldnt reach frustration after 4 hours of testing? If a student isnt able to fully concentrate on the test, the results may indicate he doesnt know the material, when he actually might. In addition, many students who earn passing grades all year long, fail the test. Does this mean that the work the student has done all year should be dismissed? Certainly not. How can we trust a test that yields results inconsistent with a students performance in the classroom? Finally, test questions on the EOG do not reflect 21st century skills. Students need to be able to communicate, problem solve, and collaborate in a team, yet the EOG does not assess these skills. If this test isnt really informing us of a students abilities, why should we continue to use it?

BodycontinuedDo you prefer dogs or cats? Which is a better pet?

Click HERE to read a persuasive essay on this topic. Pay attention to the body of the essay (paragraphs 2,3,4).

ConclusionIn your conclusion you have 2 jobs: Restate the Topic & Basic ArgumentCall the Reader to Action

When you call the reader to action, you are trying to convince him/her to DO SOMETHING, or to NOT DO SOMETHING. In conclusion, students should be allowed to wear flip flops at school because they are comfortable, affordable, and teachers wear them. I urge you to take a stand on this issue! Let people like your classmates, teachers, parents, and principal know how you feel. Consider writing a letter to the principal or school board. Start a petition and convince others to sign. Whatever you do, you must not stay silent. If you do not voice your opinion, nothing will ever change.

21Looking Back Once MoreLook back at either the Year Round School essay, or the Cat essay.Pay attention to the writers conclusion.How is it similar to the introduction?Does it restate the topic and basic argument? Yes or NoDoes it call the reader to action? Yes or No

Year Round School EssayCat Essay

Lets Review!

Click on the image below to evaluate some persuasive essays.Would you give the writer a passing or a failing grade?

Back to the Table of Contents

Lockers for Everyone

What would you think if you had to put your personal belongings in a crate, and every time you turn around something of yours were stolen? That is why I think students should have lockers. Students should have lockers to protect their things, keep their things somewhere clean, and so they wont have to carry everything at once.Students should have lockers because it will stop people from stealing their stuff. For example, the children wont have to worry about their books, homework assignments, and personal belongings being stolen. The reason for this is that the children will have their own lockers plus their own locks, which only they have the combination to. This will reduce cases where things are being stolen.Students also should have lockers so they will have a clean place to put their books. What I mean by this is that many desks are rusty and have gum stuck under them. Also, if you put you stuff into a crate then it is easily collecting dust. This connects to my argument because their stuff will be kept very clean in a neat environment if students are given lockers to use. My final reason why I think students should have lockers is so students wont complain about carrying everything at once. The things that they may be carrying everyday are very heavy. This is important because students may suffer health problems from having to carry all their stuff everywhere. Why carry books everyday when you can eliminate the pain by having a locker to store the things you dont need? Also, kids are always whining about having to carry all their books. If we had lockers everyone would be happier.In conclusion I think students should have lockers. If we have lockers stealing in school would go down, it would create a safe and clean place for students to put their things, and students would complain less and be healthier. If we had lockers, the school would be a happier place for everyone. If you dont want your things stolen, contact your principal and demand lockers for your school.

Click on the thesis statement.

Lockers for Everyone

What would you think if you had to put your personal belongings in a crate, and every time you turn around something of yours were stolen? That is why I think students should have lockers. Students should have lockers to protect their things, keep their things somewhere clean, and so they wont have to carry everything at once.Students should have lockers because it will stop people from stealing their stuff. For example, the children wont have to worry about their books, homework assignments, and personal belongings being stolen. The reason for this is that the children will have their own lockers plus their own locks, which only they have the combination to. This will reduce cases where things are being stolen.Students also should have lockers so they will have a clean place to put their books. What I mean by this is that many desks are rusty and have gum stuck under them. Also, if you put you stuff into a crate then it is easily collecting dust. This connects to my argument because their stuff will be kept very clean in a neat environment if students are given lockers to use. My final reason why I think students should have lockers is so students wont complain about carrying everything at once. The things that they may be carrying everyday are very heavy. This is important because students may suffer health problems from having to carry all their stuff everywhere. Why carry books everyday when you can eliminate the pain by having a locker to store the things you dont need? Also, kids always whining about having to carry all their books. If we had lockers everyone would be happier.In conclusion I think students should have lockers. If we have lockers stealing in school would go down, it would create a safe and clean place for students to put their things, and students would complain less and be healthier. If we had lockers, the school would be a happier place for everyone. If you dont want your things stolen, contact your principal and demand lockers for your school.

Click on the Call to Action.

What grade would you give the following essay?

PASS or FAILFacebook: To Do or Not To Do?Imagine a child as young as ten years old on the website Facebook chatting with a grown man or grown woman. Should parents let their children as young as ten years old be on Facebook? I think parents should not let their children or child be on Facebook because on Facebook there are a lot of things that are said and done that a child of that age should not be able to see.If a parent approves of a child being on Facebook it is very inappropriate. Because that child may tell a story about their age and someone much older may see it and think their telling the truth and start sending them messages and the child might not like it at all.When a child that young is on a website like Facebook they might get excited and go overboard. For example, the child might tell where they live, their address, and a lot more information that is not needed.In conclusion I think parents should not let children get on Facebook because many different things can happen.

Now that you know all about Persuasive Writing, click on the video persuading you to buy burgers from In & Out Burgers. Listen for the following:Attention grabber / Hook3 Supporting ArgumentsConclusion

Congratulations!You are now an expert on persuasive writing.

I think its time you give writing a persuasive essay of your own a try!Go back to the Table of Contents and Click on Sample Topics if you need help coming up with something to write about. Pick something that matters to you; it will make your essay stronger!Dont forget about the Graphic Organizer to help you plan. You can click on it on the Table of Contents page.Back to Table of Contents