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JULY 2017

The events, meetings, and services I have attended in the last month are as follows:

1. On Sunday 11 June, I travelled to Mackay to represent the RSL State President, Stewart

Cameron, at the annual Bakers Creek Memorial Service. This service marked the 74th

anniversary of the tragic crash of an American Flying Fortress during World War 2 when 41

Americans lost their lives.

2. On 15 June I travelled to Woorabinda to attend and do the RSL Poppy Service at the funeral

of Richard Toby, an indigenous Australian and Vietnam veteran.

3. On 15/16 June, together with District Deputy President, John Edwards, and Vice President,

Phil Luzzi, I visited the Gemfields, Springsure and Emerald sub-branches.

4. I travelled to Brisbane on 20 June to attend a Board meeting of Mates4Mates.

5. From 22 to 27 June, I was in Brisbane to attend the State AGM and Board meeting.

6. On Saturday 1 July, I travelled to Mackay to attend and chair a District Executive meeting.

7. On Sunday 2 July, Vice-President, Phil Luzzi, and myself, attended the annual service of

remembrance at St. Christopher’s Chapel, Nerimbera.

District President’s Voluntary Hours and Kilometers Travelled Statistics for June 2017

Voluntary Hours 203.5 hours

Kilometers Travelled 3492 kilometers

Nights Away From Home 12

District Executive Meeting Saturday 1 July 2017

Dental Health Pilot Program

At the meeting held in May, the District Council approved the Dental Health pilot program for


The program is now up and running and being utilized by RSL service members.

The program guidelines have been disseminated to all sub-branches. However, some procedural

changes need to be made and the amended guidelines will be distributed to the sub-branch

secretaries in the next few weeks.

Please note that here is no need to seek a quote for your dental treatment if you are able to pay

for the treatment up front. Simply complete the necessary paper work and together with the

receipt, submit through your sub-branch to the District Secretary for processing and refund.

However, if you are unable to make the payment up front for financial reasons, then we suggest

you go to your dentist for a checkup, and then seek a quote for any treatment that may result

from this checkup. Submit the quote and receipt for your checkup through your sub-branch for

refund of checkup cost and the payment of the quoted amount directly to the dentist by the

District Secretary. Once the amount has been made to your dentist, you will need to arrange an

appointment to have the treatment undertaken. Remember, under the program, you are only

entitled to a maximum refund of $1000 during 2017 and you may need to make part of the

payment yourself.

At the end of 2017, the District Executive will review the pilot program and then make

recommendations to the District Council on whether the program will continue or continue in

an enhanced form.

Gracemere Sub-Branch

The Gracemere Sub-Branch has made a request to transfer from the Wide Bay District to our

District. The Wide Bay District has approved the move to our district and the matter will be

considered by our District at the next Council meeting on Saturday 22 July next.

The Gracemere Sub-Branch President has been invited to the Council meeting.

LiveLife Alarms

The program is progressing with around 13 alarms ordered to date.

Sub-Branch Presidents are reminded to keep an eye out for members who may need of this


Nebo Sub-Branch

The Sub-Branch is in the process of closing. However, the Nebo Auxiliary will continue to

operate to ensure that ANZAC Day service will continue to be run in Nebo.

State Board Meeting Monday 26 June 2017

ACNC Investigation

A communication went to sub-branches in late February advising that the ACNC was conducting

an investigation into all RSL State Branches including Queensland.

Queensland welcomed the investigation and has now voluntarily supplied the information

requested by the ACNC. The finalization of the investigation could take to the end of the year.

The State Executive and CEO recently met with ACNC investigators but at this stage I have not

received any feedback that I can relay to you.

District Governance Review

As announced at the State AGM, the State Board has engaged consultants, Deliotte’s, to conduct

a review of governance in the RSL in Queensland. The presentation made at the State AGM is to

be made available to sub-branches.

Deliotte’s will visit the districts and conduct workshops of 2-3 hour duration. They will make a

presentation to the State Board in December 2017 of their recommended governance model.

State Based Minister for Veterans Affairs

RSL Queensland is lobbying the State Government to appoint a State based Minister for

Veterans Affairs.

The LNP opposition has announced a policy in this regard but the government has not done so

at this stage.

Community Link Program

Community Link in schools in Queensland presently only covers about 12 % of schools. RSL

Queensland management has recently made changes to the program. They are looking to scale

up the program to cover all schools and the name is to change to “Community Engagement”.

There will be a Year 9 research program only with no research program in the Primary schools.

I will keep you posted as the new program is rolled out.

Rosemary – ANZAC Day

Traditionally, sprigs of rosemary are worn on ANZAC Day. The State Board is concerned about

the recent practice in some sub-branches of wearing the poppy on ANZAC Day.

The State President has asked that I remind sub-branches in the district that the poppy is

traditionally worn on Remembrance Day, not ANZAC Day.

State AGM 23/25 June 2017 in Brisbane

I have outlined salient matters from the AGM:

• Both the Minister for Veterans Affairs and the Shadow Minister spoke at the conference.

• A number of reports including the audited accounts were presented to the meeting.

• Dr Maddy Romaniuk from the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation spoke about the study

presently under way into transition from life in the military to civilian life.

• John Strachan OAM was elected State Deputy President for a further 3 years.

• A presentation was given by State Secretary, Scott Denner and a representative from the

Salvation Army on Homelessness.

• A presentation on governance by consultants(Deliotte) was made to the meeting and this

presentation formed the basis of a breakout session on governance held later in the day.

• The CEO also gave a presentation to the meeting.

• The 3 motions from Lowood that I referred to in my last newsletter were soundly defeated.

• The State President conducted an open forum and many questions were asked of him and RSL


• At the end of the AGM, 35 RSL scholarships ( $12,000 each over 3 years) were presented to the

children of veterans.

• The 2018 AGM will be held in Cairns.

Your sub-branch delegate should be making a report back at your next meeting in July. For those sub-

branches who were not represented at the AGM, there will be a talking point report sent to the sub-

branch. Bryan Ottone from the Emerald Sub-Branch has done a very comprehensive report from the

AGM and he has offered to provide a copy of his report to those who want it.

Vale Richard Toby

Richard was a local indigenous Australian and Vietnam veteran who passed away recently. While he was

not a member of the RSL, his family requested the RSL to do an RSL Poppy Service.

Together with District Vice President, Phil Luzzi, I attended the funeral at Woorabinda and did the poppy

service on behalf of the RSL.

I would like to thank the presidents of the Emu Park, Yeppoon, and Gracemere sub-branches for

organizing for their members to attend the funeral.

On Going Matters and Reminders

District Website/Facebook

New website site has been set up. It needs some finishing touches. Website address is

Sub-branches are encouraged to keep providing details of events, photographs, etc to Vice

President, Phil Luzzi, for placing on the district facebook page.

Drop in Centre at District Office.

The District Executive has decided to purchase 2 desk top computers and a printer for the Drop

in Centre and the computers will be set up in coming weeks.

New Constitution

The new State constitution has now been finalized. However, there is a matter that needs to be

resolved in relation to sub-branches who have gambling clubs and legal advice is being sought in

this regard.

Matter was not resolved in time for the new State constitution to be put to State AGM in

Brisbane on 23/25 June and a special general meeting will need to be called for this purpose

later in the year.

In the meantime, model constitutions for districts and sub-branches are being developed and

members of the Constitution & Awards committee will be undertaking another round of visits to

District Council meetings to consult on these constitutions.

Tony Ferris from the Constitution & Awards Committee will be present at the next District

Council meeting on 22 July next to brief sub-branch delegates.

Sub-Branch Charters

State Branch was looking at preserving the old charters of sub-branches, 1920’s – 1940’s, as it is

evident that some of these charters are framed and hung on the wall. State Branch proposes to

provide copies of charters to sub-branches for hanging and provide storage for original charter.

In my last three newsletters, I asked sub-branches to indicate by advising the District Secretary

whether they have an old charter that needs to be preserved. I also raised matter at last District

Council meetings.

Due to the lack of response from sub-branches state wide, the RSL State Board has decided to

discontinue the project.

ANZAC and RSL QLD Centenary Commemorative Funding

Funding is now being provided as follows:

1. 2017. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of RSL (QLD Branch).

2. 2017 and 2018. To commemorate anniversaries of historical World War 1 events.

The District Secretary has a copy of the Terms of Reference and Guidelines for the funding


Applications are to be submitted using the “Event Plan” as a guide (located on RSL(Queensland

Branch) website). Submissions are to be submitted through District so the completeness of the

application can be checked.

Sub-branches need to be aware that funds will not be allocated to a single sub-branch unless

there are geographic isolation reasons. Events need to be community based and in most cases

sub-branches in a local area will need to combine and apply for the funding.

Homelessness Report

As reported in recent newsletters, the Review of Veteran Homelessness for RSL Queensland “A

Place to Call Home” was released in an electronic form in the later part of 2016 and is on the

State RSL website.

I commend the report and urge that sub-branches become familiar with the report, especially

the recommendations, which have been accepted by the State RSL Board as a pathway strategy.

Negotiations with the Salvation Army are now complete. A report on the project was made to

the State AGM. Implementation is proceeding and training will occur at the next District Council

meeting on 22 July.

District Veterans Welfare Fund

Remember there is $100,000 available in the fund during 2017 and applications are open.

Approximately $60,000 of the grant monies has now been disbursed.

Cadet Fund

Remember there is $24,000 available in the fund. Sub-branches need to be liaising with the

cadet units in their area and start preparing applications for submission later in the year.


In early June last, I was appointed a director to the Board of Mates4Mates by RSL(Queensland

Branch). At this stage, I have only attended 1 meeting and I have a lot to learn about the


I am pleased to report that the State AGM ran well and there was no sign of the threatened disruption

of the meeting. The 3 motions from Lowood were soundly defeated and I hope this has sent a message

to the small number of members who continually push their own barrow. I thank the sub-branches and

delegates for their responsible deliberation of the issues at hand and voting accordingly.

I look forward to catching up with your delegate and co-delegate at the next Council meeting..

Kindest regards

Barry Vains

District President


Member ID First Name Surname Date of Birth

Deceased Date Owner

2352234 Thomas McCrone 27/11/1935 15/06/2017 Sarina Sub Branch Inc.

1024825 June Hull 4/06/1925 12/06/2017 Mackay Ex-Service Women Sub Branch Inc.

1557973 Marcelle Hamilton 7/02/1924 12/06/2017 Sarina Sub Branch Inc.

1735767 Colin Ladley 10/04/1935 6/06/2017 Finch Hatton Sub Branch Inc.