PFields - DSL721 - Major Project -Leadership Communication Speaking Notes


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Leadership Communication EffectivenessSpeaking Notes

Total Presentation estimated 2 hours 

SLIDE 1 Why am I here?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to return to the store. This presentation will focus on effective leadership communication. What is it and how do we get better at it? Exactly why am I here today?

SLIDE 2Communication + and – correlations (Husain. 2013)

Champion communicators can improve their organizations commitment, performance, behaviors or job satisfaction. Husain (2013) reports the following results:

Positive correlation between….communication and- Organizational commitment- Performance- Organizational citizenship behaviors- Job satisfaction

Negative correlation between….communication failure and- Stress- Job dissatisfaction- Low trust- Decrease in organizational commitment- Severance intentions- Absence

SLIDE 3Leaders Communicating

Leaders communicate all the time. I’ve included a few examples on this slide. Research indicates the importance of communication during intended change which links change and communicating inextricably (Husain, 2013).

Darling and Beebe (2007) stated that effective leadership involves strategies that are based on communicating effectively. Leadership requires a level of interaction with followers that is based on communication. Leaders engage in communicating 70-80% of their time at work (Helms & Haynes, 1992). Do you think this is accurate?

SLIDE 4Communicating is Critical

Therefore, it is imperative that the necessary skills and strategies that improve a leader’s communication effectiveness be studied. Put on your thinking caps. Let me give you a basic outline of what we will cover. This will help those of you who are detailed oriented or time sensitive. I’ve got all the notes for you later, so just relax and enjoy the show.-Meaningful communication informs and educates employees at all levels and motivates them to support the strategy (Husain, 2013).

SLIDE 5Basic Outline of the Presentation

This presentation will go over basic definitions of leadership and communication. It will be geared specifically to your experience as leaders here at The Home Depot, particularly to the department heads and aspiring store managers. At the end, I have included a detailed list of references for those of you who want to dig deeper into leadership communication.

SLIDE 6Engage in the Presentation – Active Listening

As you listen and watch the presentation, try to apply what you hear and see to the experiences you are having in the store. This is called active listening and we will discuss it in detail shortly. Feel free to comment or raise questions as we cover specific areas. Leadership communication is a large area, but I hope this presentation will provide an opportunity for dialogue amongst yourselves and a framework from which you can hang further discussions as you improve in this area.

SLIDE 7Active/Effective Listening

What is active or effective listening? Look at the definition provided above.FORMAL DEFINITION– The ability to listen is someone who is comfortable asking questions, admitting they do not have all the answers and asking for help (Baldoni, 2003). Ask your associates and customers what they need, want and aspire to become (Baldoni, 2003). Then make the changes that let people know you heard what they were saying.

SLIDE 8The Home Depot Life

Remind them of the typical Monday morning ritual. You don’t see your managers until Tuesday afternoon because of all of the conference calls, rollouts, charts, reports, etc.

At The Home Depot, leaders must make sure there is two-way communication taking place (Baldoni, 2003). Oftentimes, it comes from RVPs or DMs and sent down in neat little packages. Managers spend several hours a week on conference calls from the corporate office engaging in communication efforts. Effective listening is crucial to execution.

SLIDE 9Takeaway

Takeaway 1– - Effective communication requires a proactive disposition (Hua, Sher, & Pheng, 2005). This means we must be effective in our communication while engaging others as an effective listener to achieve understanding. We will discuss this at various times throughout the presentation.

SLIDE 10The Big 3

We all know that The Home Depot continues to stress the Big 3: a) customer service, b) in stock, and c) store appearance. All of these can be improved through the communication between leaders and followers. After each slide, you will note I have provided a contextual reference to your experiences here at The Home Depot and a specific takeaway for you to remember when you return to the floor. 

SLIDE 11What is effective communication?

Informal Definition – ask the audience their informal definition of effective communication.I’ve provided an informal definition and some examples on the slide.

SLIDE 12What is the formal definition of effective communication?

Formal Definition – ask someone from audience to read from the slideDiscuss the differences and similarities between the two slides and focus on how people interpret what they think is effective communication. If I see an effective communicator as leader who the listener and you see one as someone that casts a vision for the company, does that mean one of us is wrong?Note the different opinions and understandings of communication

Does anyone see a difference or similarities between the formal and informal definitions?(Darling & Beebe, 2007)

Note how these differences in opinions and beliefs lead to miscommunicationIf I thought someone should cast the vision for our company and you think a leader listens, wouldn’t that lead us both to assumptions about each other and our leadership that might make us turn our noses up at them? Could this lead us to ignore anything they “listener” says because they are too “touchy feely”? Can you see how the person that wants someone to listen might ignore the talk about a vision by a leader? How can organizations get past these basic assumptions held by their associates? What about Home Depot?

SLIDE 13The Home Depot - THD

The Home Depot Life – So what does this have to do with you? Anybody care to give us examples of communication gone wrong?

THD has 3 big focuses but that is not the only way they communicate. How you communicate, where you communicate, what you say, how you say it are all important for effectiveness. Before you say anything, think before you speak.


Have you ever said anything to a customer you wish you could take back?Have you ever said something to a fellow employee you’d like to take back?

We communicate all day. Work on communicating effectively so you won’t put yourself in situations where you say things you wish you could take back.

Anyone can be an effective communicator.

SLIDE 15Takeaway

Takeaway 2- How you communicate should be specific to your audience, leadership style, audience, method, personality, organization and even your industry.

Segue - Understanding the importance of communicating is good. What about leadership? To be an effective leader communicator, shouldn’t we know what leadership means?

SLIDE 16What is leadership?

Informal Definition – ask someone from audience to read from the slideThere are a lot of definitions of leadership flying around. Here are a few examples on the slide.Go through each example, then, ask…

Why don’t we agree on what leadership really means? In fact, there is no accepted definition of leadership.Let’s look at the formal definition.

SLIDE 17Formal Definition

Formal Definition – ask someone from the audience.Northouse (1997) defines leadership as the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

Use this time to ask for other definitions people may have heard from.Discuss the differences between the two and focus on how people interpret what they think is effective leadership.


Note the different opinions and understandings of leadership.Note how these differences can lead to assumptions about leaders that are incorrect.The difference in opinions about the definition of Leadership might explain why some people think others are bad leaders, and some think they are great!The assumptions we make about what leadership means will determine how we judge that leader and others.Have you ever thought about what type of leader you work with, and what style they use?Have you ever explained to your boss what type of Leadership you are looking for? Or asked her to explain her leadership philosophy?Better yet, have you ever explained your leadership philosophy to your associates?


The Home Depot Life – Ask for other examples from audienceAsk about the typical Monday morning at THD – with conference calls, company roll outs,…

At THD, Leadership is top-down in orientation. Instructions come from the CEO in Atlanta, GA. to 2300+ stores. Regional and District Managers pass them on to Store Managers. Store managers pass it on to assistant managers, department heads and finally on to the associate. Each of these people has their own leadership style, favorite methods and specific skill set that makes them an effective communicator.

Remember what I said about active listening? Ok, let’s get the whole group involved.What type of leaders would you say are the most common at THD?Which type gets promoted the most?Do you see how a certain leadership style is rewarded at THD?Does this mean you have to change your style to be promoted?What do you think?

SLIDE 20Takeaway

Takeaway 3- Leadership comes in various shapes, styles and formats. Each of us can be both leader and follower at the same time. Recognizing which role you are currently in allows you to behave appropriately.

Example from slide illustrations, discuss how this might show up in the store. The slide says we are all leaders and followers. Wait…What?

What do you mean we are leaders and followers at the same time? You have a store manager which makes you a follower. You have associates under you, which make you a leader. You have to be able to think with both versions of yourself in mind.

SLIDE 21Effective Followers

Followers – Ask for a definition from the audience. Effective follower means you post on twitter a lot, right? What is an effective follower? It means I do whatever my boss says, right? It means I just put my head down and get through the day, right?

No. An effective follower is a person that tells the boss the truth, even if they don’t like it. An effective follower looks for good leadership and demands it from the boss. An effective follower does what the boss asks, unless it is unethical or illegal. An effective follower is the type of person that turns in an illegal act, even if it is committed by the boss. An effective follower cares about the organization and its people. An effective follower, when asked a question, does not just tell the boss what she wants to hear. It is a tough job and demands respect, while giving respect, and showing respect.

So how do leaders and followers communicate? For THD, how do department supervisors and associates actually communicate? 


After covering the basics listed on this slide, where does that really get us? Have we really communicated yet? This takes us to the actual communication process. How do we communicate?

SLIDE 23The Communication Process

Anybody know what the communication process really looks like? Look at the examples on the slide for a minute.Is this how your associates feel you communicate?Think about how you communicate to your boss, your associates, your vendors, your customers…?You use emails, notes, charts, reports, talking, orders, text messages, voicemail, and other ways.

SLIDE 24Formal Description

Formal Description– Let’s take a look at the formal description on this slide.Effective Communicating Consistently – incorporates the views of others, the workplace environment and organizational stability. Information is presented in an organized fashion which considers the recipient in a way that provides clarity and appropriateness to its audience. It can involve several methods including writing and speaking. It encourages feedback, discussion and questions from others whether the message involves good or bad news (Tyler, 2003).

Wow. That’s what I call a definition/description. Look at all that is involved. (Go through bold words above). Do you mean I have to actually communicate with you in more than one way, at the same time? That sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it. The fact is, you do it every day, all day long. Imagine if you did it intentionally what you could get done…. (pause).

SLIDE 25Communication Types

Non-Verbal Communication – tone of voice, body language, eye contact, posture, absence, showing up early, taking notes, scuffling feet, phone ringing, leaving the room, etc.Verbal Communication – this can be spoken or written. These are more common. The next slide goes over these in detail.

SLIDE 26Verbal Communication Methods

If we consider the description on the previous slides, we have a lot of things to consider, don’t we? What methods are available to us as leaders/followers? Look at the slide above and tell me what some of them are….

We are going to look at the ESVS software that HD uses in detail to really bring home the point of communication.


THD uses notes on the ESVS, notes from department supervisors, texts or phone calls...In a typical carpet install quote, here is what is supposed to happen. You know this process well….

1) A customer comes in or sets up a carpet measure online.2) Measure Comp goes out to do the measure and emails the drawings to the customer.3) The customer then decides they want to pick out another carpet and comes into the store.4) The associate helps them pick out a color and they are ready to pay.5) The associate calls Measure Comp and asks them to release the drawings to the store so

your associate can close the sale.6) If you’re lucky, they do it then while the customer is there and the associate proceeds to

get payment.7) The customer goes home and waits for the installer to call with the carpet install date.8) The carpet is installed and the customer is happy.9) The customer gets a follow up call asking if they are happy and why.10) Everyone gets graded on their job by the customer and the store makes money, customer

has carpet, vendor keeps their job and your associate gets a pat on the back.If only it every really happened that way……we would never need a presentation on communication. Because it gets complicated, THD came up with a simple system to help everyone communicate called the ESVS. Has this helped with the communication process?


In some areas it has, but it other areas it has not. Why do you think this is the case?There are multiple players, multiple methods, multiple styles, and people that are in a hurry trying to communicate instead of taking an active listening position to consider the recipient and the best method of communication….every time. This isn’t a chance to go off on the ESVS, but a chance to understand where we can each make improvements in our communication efforts.

Therefore, let’s consider the audience, recipients, the message and our methods for communicating.

SLIDE 29The Home Depot Life

The Home Depot Life – tries to train its employees to communicate effectively. At THD, this takes on dynamic proportions. There is so much involved with carpet installs, but let’s take a real close look at it to bring home the importance of communication and the role leadership plays in its effectiveness. It is critical to your success (Husain, 2013).

SLIDE 30ESVS in Detail

The ESVS was developed to help. When a customer comes in to set up a carpet install, they are able to link their email with the vendors, the store and the installer (if they want). They are called and emailed by the measuring company to give them a quote. They can come in to the store or work outside the store to decide on what they want and when they want it. Once it is paid for, they can set up the install at their convenience. The store is notified when the carpet comes in and both the store and the vendor work for a convenient install date. Finally, at the customer’s convenience, they get their carpet. However, there are hidden flaws in this system.

1) The customer is used to coming into the local store and working with one or two associates. They dislike having multiple people call them to get their money.

2) They often get offended because of the lack of communication between all parties. They want to work with one person!

3) The convenience for the customer is usually not very convenient because they call at all times of the day and email them constantly trying to get paid.

4) If they try to call the install number they are put on hold for 30 minutes before finally hanging up.

5) When they do get someone on the phone, it is not who they talked to and that associate doesn’t come back to the store until the next day because of scheduling.

6) They ask the person on the phone to leave a message, which the other associate never gets and they feel like they are being ignored by THD.

7) Finally, fed up, they go to a local ma and pa store to get their carpet. There are as many choices but at least they can deal with one person, pay and have it installed next week.

SLIDE 31Hidden Flaws

How many times have you heard this story? Before we rip into the install program at THD, let’s focus on the communication issues.

1) Can THD make it so they only talk to one person the entire time? (YES)2) Can THD make sure they are communicated with using the method they prefer, like

email (YES)3) Can THD make sure all notes that are put into the ESVS are seen by everyone (YES)4) Can THD schedule associates a certain way in certain departments so that people feel like

they have a personal shopper (YES, BUT IT HASN’T HAPPENED YET)5) Can THD do something about the phone calls getting answered and notes taken for other

associates (YES)

SLIDE 32Can You Change?

Can you change? The answer is absolutely! But it is up to you as leaders to make sure it happens. Part of your role as a leader is to create effective communicators. If you take on this job, you will make your life a little easier as a leader.

The truth is, most of this has been addressed by THD, but the lack of training and discipline by associates and managers keeps the same complaints coming again and again. As department heads and future managers, what can you do to ensure communication training is taken seriously?

SLIDE 33Takeaway

Takeaway 4 – It is important to know your audience as a leader to ensure your message is being heard and carried out. By understanding who you work with, leaders can cater their message to their follower so it is heard.

Consider the message, the method, the recipient, the timing, the reaction, your body language, your tone, eye contact, use of words, etc.

SLIDE 34Takeaway

Takeaway 5 – communicators invite open and honest dialogue, create an environment of inclusion and encouragement. This opens the door for associates to be proactive and exchange ideas (van d. D., & Caldeira, 2006).

SLIDE 35It May Sound Simple, but It Isn’t Easy

We’ve gone through the players and the process and tried to make it simple. However, that does not mean the process is easy. There are barriers you have to face and overcome.  

SLIDE 36Communication Barriers

Description– ask anyone what a communication barrier might be?A communication barrier can be anything that keeps individuals from communicating. Some common ones are listed above and are usually brought to the table unknowingly by everyone.

Discuss these various barriers –BLINDSPOTS –      these are areas leaders are not aware existASSUMPTIONS –   these are beliefs leaders bring to the table without recognizing themTIMING –               how and when communication takes place can determine its effectivenessSPEED –                 how quickly leaders respond to a crisis can determine the receiver’s responseCLARITY –             taking special care to consider one’s audience can add to a message’s clarityFOLLOWERS -       everyone is different and leaders need to know the differences so their communication efforts can become more effective.

SLIDE 37Home Depot Barriers

Ask for a blindspot at THD (old associates versus new associates)Ask for assumptions at THD (specialty associates versus receiving associates)Ask about timing – THD (communication leaks about who gets promoted)Ask about speed – THD (why does it take 4 weeks before promotions get announced)Ask about clarity - THD (a store manager talks about stock options and their bonus and you are trying to pay the phone bill)Ask about followers – everyone is a leader and follower

SLIDE 38The Home Depot Life – Barriers to Communication

At The Home Depot, there are various levels of leadership. You could be talking to 45 associates or one district manager and hopefully, not the same way. Everyone has to face communication barriers. Always consider your message, your audience, your beliefs and how they might receive your message to enhance your effectiveness

SLIDE 39Takeaway

Takeaway 6 –To communicate effectively, know your role. Know your associates, about their lives and how they might take certain comments. This is doubly important with customers. Get to know your people, your customers, your associates, their kids and their business needs. By taking the time to communicate effectively, leaders can build trust, generate community spirit, motivate their associates, improve commitment, increase engagement, improve retention and more (Husain, 2013).

SLIDE 40Leadership Challenges

#1 Leadership Challenge– Lack of communication skills is among the top reasons for executive derailment (Tyler, 2003).Suggestions from Tyler (2003) when leaders communicate: (discuss and apply to THD)1)     Incorporate the views of others – (Before recreating a display, consider the customer)2)     Present information in an organized and logical fashion (Write effective and clear signs)3)     Consider the recipient (What about customers who speak Spanish?)4)     Consider your method for effectiveness (Can you read your handwriting?)5)     Work to become efficient in oral and written communication (Yelling instructions doesn’t

usually work, does it?)6)     Encourage questions and open discussions with others (Ask your associates if they

understand what you want done)7)     Communicate bad news and good news effectively (How do you tell associates they can’t

switch schedule? Do you laugh and say, “Ha Ha”?)8)     Become comfortable communicating effectively even if you have to practice. (Repeat the

question back to make sure you understand)

SLIDE 41The Home Depot Life

The Home Depot Life– ensure two-way communication. If derailment is caused by lack of communication, consider who you are talking more than listening. People think communication is talking. That's one very small part. How many times have you told a customer we only deliver on Friday and then get a call that Monday wondering where their stove is and why isn’t it being delivered? People hear what they want to hear, it is your job to make sure you are communicating effectively.

SLIDE 42Takeaway

Takeaway 7-It’s your job. Find a partner at work who will tell you the truth about your communication effectiveness. Ask for advice and take classes that improve your skills. Volunteer to speak in front of the store or in the community.

SLIDE 43Leadership Preparation Development

Focus – every follower is a leader waiting for a mentor or someone to help them develop into a leader. If you are a leader, who are you helping to develop into a leader? If they don’t want to be leaders, who are you helping to become a better follower?

Some Leadership Goals–1) All Time Champion of Micro-Management2) All-Star Who Always Hides from Controversy3) Pass-The-Buck4) Throw Others Under the Bus to Promotion Title Holder5) #1 Grumbler of All-TimeAre these the goals you want to achieve? Do you associates think you have already won one of these titles? How many of you are actively working to develop your associates?

SLIDE 44The Home Depot Life

THD - Good associates are overlooked, or not taken seriously because of their schedule or family situation. Countless talent has been lost between the racks because no one took the time to engage an associate and steer them towards a career at THD. I know you are busy, but time spent teaching others pays back in dividends.

SLIDE 45Takeaway

Takeaway 8- commit with a peer associate to hold you accountable as a leader and commit to another associate to mentor him/her towards leadership.

SLIDE 46FUN and Games

Sarcasm - I know that no one in here is competitive….at all, right? We are going to try a game that is short, fun and makes the point of the presentation. Keep your thinking caps on.

SLIDE 47Skill Development – An Exercise

Explain the Wuzzle-Puzzle Purpose – team development and communication skills. This was developed and used in a study by Dunphy and Whisenand (2006).

Puzzle A – This puzzle contains Pictograms that illustrate a common saying. Take your time and fill it out now. We will go over the answers in a second.Puzzle B – This puzzle contains Pictograms that illustrate common sayings, as well. I am going to divide you up into groups of two and three to let you solve the puzzles. These may be a little harder and you will need to work together. 

SLIDE 48Wuzzle Puzzle A

(Dunphy, & Whisenand, 2006)Hand out the papers to each person. Make sure everyone has a pencil or pen. Put their name at the top. Time them for 5 minutes unless they finish sooner, no cheating.Then, take up the papers. Start into the next exercise as soon as possible.

SLIDE 49Wuzzle Puzzle B

(Dunphy, & Whisenand, 2006)Divide them into equal teams depending on the total number of participants in teams of 2. Hand each group puzzle B, and start the time clock. Then, take up the papers. Now start with puzzle A and hand them so that no one grades their own puzzle. Score the papers. Do the same for the team puzzles, score them.


Answers to both wuzzle puzzles Discussion – did you learn anything? In the team puzzle (B), the members were able to capitalize on the diversity and knowledge of the group (Dunphy, & Whisenand, 2006).Questions – Wait for answers. Did you notice how you would come to a conclusion in your decision making?Were there any special issues you want to discuss?Did you find the diversity of the group a benefit to communication or a hindrance?Did you think about actively listening to your teammates or just bully your way to the answers?Did you think your teammates appreciated your input?Did you let them know you appreciated their input?Note: There are other exercises you can do like these. Perhaps in your weekly meeting you could use these to enhance your own leadership team of department heads and managers. Is that something you would like to do? 

SLIDE 51Takeaways from Presentation

We have gone over these, and you will get a copy, but let’s look through them one more time before you hit the floor “orange” tonight. Takeaway 1- Effective communication requires a proactive disposition (Hua, Sher, & Pheng, 2005). This means we must be effective in your communication while engaging others as an effective listener to achieve understanding.Takeaway 2– How you communicate should be specific to your audience, leadership style, audience, method, personality, organization and even your industry.Takeaway 3 – Leadership comes in various styles and formats. Each of us can be both leader and follower at the same time. Recognizing which role you are currently in allows you to behave appropriately.Takeaway 4 – It is important to know your audience as a leader to ensure your message is being heard and carried out. By understanding who you work with, leaders can cater their message to their follower so it is heard.Takeaway 5 – Communicators invite open and honest dialogue, create an environment of inclusion and encouragement. This opens the door for associates to be proactive and exchange ideas. Takeaway 6 -Know your role to communicate effectively. Know you associates, about their lives and how they might take certain comments. This is doubly important with customers. Takeaway 8 – It’s your job. Find a partner at work who will tell you the truth about your communication effectiveness. Ask for advice and take classes that improve your skills. Volunteer to speak in front of the store or in the community.Takeaway 9 – commit with another associate to hold you accountable as a leader and commit to another associate that you plan to mentor towards becoming a better leader or follower.

We have gone over Takeaways 1-9, and let me close with Takeaway 10. Takeaway 10 – Some parts of leadership are silent (Tomlinson, 2015). It comes from living out what you ask others to do: hard work, conviction, trust, courage, and more. Model the Way for others to follow (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). 

SLIDE 52References

 You can pick up your copy of the presentation and speaking notes if you’d like a copy.Thanks again for having me!

Darling, J. R., & Beebe, S. A. (2007) Effective Entrepreneurial Communication in Organization Development: Achieving Excellence Based on Leadership Strategies and Values. Organization Development Journal, 25(1), 76-93.

Dunphy, S. M., & Whisenand, T. G. (2006). Building camaraderie through information processing: The wuzzle picture-puzzle exercise. Journal of Information Systems Education, 17(1), 11-16.

Helms, M. M., & Haynes, P. J. (1992). Are you really listening? the benefit of effective intra-organizational listening. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 7(6), 17. 

Hua, G. C., Sher, W., Pheng, L. S. (2005). Factors Effecting Effective Communication Between Building Clients and Maintenance Contractors, Corporate Communication, 10(3), 240-250.

Husain, Z. (2013 Jan). Effective Communicating Brings Successful Organizational Change, The Business & Management Review, 3(2), 43-48.

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2003). The five practices of exemplary leadership. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Northouse, P. (1997). Leadership theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Tomlinson, C. A. (2015). Communication that powers leadership. Educational

Leadership, 72(7), 90-91.Tyler, J. L. (2003). Core Competencies: A Simplified Look at a Complicated Issue. Healthcare

Financial Management, 57(5), 90-2, 94.van d. D., & Caldeira, S. J. (2006). Effective Leaders Champion Communication Skills. Nation’s

Restaurant News, 40(13), 20-20, 28. 
