Phase 1 Presentation Maria Claesson




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Bent are Nilsen, 50+


Values and interests



Bent are Nilsen, Keywords




Audio books





I have been looking at some photo-based documentary work of the Canadian photographer Natalie Schonfeld Howard.

The project, Legally Deafblind, is a multimedia project about individuals who are deafblind.

Bob Lock reading Braille, by Nathalie Schonfeld Howard

Fiber optic lights, by Nathalie Schonfeld Howard

Bob Lock using his mobility skills, by Nathalie Schonfeld Howard

“My fingers are my eyes and my hands are my ears. I create my sense of space with my mind.

Everyone speaks a silent language and everyone expresses a truth without intention.”

What do I see every day?

Loss of central vision

Loss of contrast vision

Loss of parts of visual field

Tunnel vision

Total blindness

What would Bent are Nilsen see if he was sitting in my sofa?


What do we strive for? Freedom? Control? Security? Power? Awareness?

Can we have it all?

Maria Claësson

The material I will work with should be a material that suggests interaction and communication.

Even though Bent are Nilsen is a man of relatively few words, he has this indescribable charisma that tells me a lot about him.

I believe that his contentment with life has a lot to do with the fact that he is not alone.

I was thinking of using a material related to something in his past and to combine it with something from his present.

To work in the industry with small metal pieces made him relax and it was a form of socializing as well.

The reflections of metal pieces could be profitable as extra lightning. Today, one of his biggest interests is listening to audio books and music together

with his significant other. As long as another sound does not interfere with the activity, he feels like he can do other physical things at the same time.

Maybe I can combine tactile surfaces, pieces and material related to the industry with music, audio books, tape recorders …

I was thinking of using a material related to something in his past and to combine it with something from his present.

To work in the industry with small metal pieces made him relax and it was a form of socializing as well.

The reflections of metal pieces could be profitable as extra lightning. Today, one of his biggest interests is listening to audio books and music together

with his significant other. As long as another sound does not interfere with the activity, he feels like he can do other physical things at the same time.

Maybe I can combine tactile surfaces, pieces and material related to the industry with music, audio books, tape recorders …

I was thinking of using a material related to something in his past and to combine it with something from his present.

To work in the industry with small metal pieces made him relax and it was a form of socializing as well.

The reflections of metal pieces could be profitable as extra lightning. Today, one of his biggest interests is listening to audio books and music together

with his significant other. As long as another sound does not interfere with the activity, he feels like he can do other physical things at the same time.

Maybe I can combine tactile surfaces, pieces and material related to the industry with music, audio books, tape recorders …

I was thinking of using a material related to something in his past and to combine it with something from his present.

To work in the industry with small metal pieces made him relax and it was a form of socializing as well.

The reflections of metal pieces could be profitable as extra lightning. Today, one of his biggest interests is listening to audio books and music together

with his significant other. As long as another sound does not interfere with the activity, he feels like he can do other physical things at the same time.

Maybe I can combine tactile surfaces, pieces and material related to the industry with music, audio books, tape recorders …

I was thinking of using a material related to something in his past and to combine it with something from his present.

To work in the industry with small metal pieces made him relax and it was a form of socializing as well.

The reflections of metal pieces could be profitable as extra lightning. Today, one of his biggest interests is listening to audio books and music together

with his significant other. As long as another sound does not interfere with the activity, he feels like he can do other physical things at the same time.

Maybe I can combine tactile surfaces, pieces and material related to the industry with music, audio books, tape recorders …
