Philippians 2016 - St George's Episcopal Church · Philippians 2016 Outline Lesson One ....


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Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson One Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) The quest for joy and peace in our lives

a. Jesus wants to help us (*Mat 11:28-30)

b. Joy and peace are part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (*Gal 5:22-23)

c. Hindrances to being at peace and filled with joy

(2) Background of Philippians

a. Who wrote? (Paul under inspiration of the Holy Spirit (II Tim 3:16; *Phil 1:1-2) (1) Timothy included in greeting (Phil 1:1-2; Acts 28:16-31) (2) Paul’s background (Acts 22:1-21; Phil 3:5; Gal 1:14)

b. Paul’s persecution of the early church (Phil 3:5-6; Acts 7:55- 8:3; Acts 22:20; Acts 9:1-2; Gal 1:13)

c. Paul’s encounter with Jesus (Acts 9)

d. Results of Paul’s encounter (1) Sent primarily to Gentiles (Acts 9:15; Acts 22:21; Eph 3:1-8) (2) Preparation for ministry (Gal 1:11-24)

e. Persecution foretold by Jesus (*Jn 16:1-4)

f. Paul at Stephen’s stoning (*Acts 7:55-8:3; Acts 22:20)

g. Paul’s transformation (1) Paul’s humility (I Cor 15:8-9; Eph 3:8) (2) Paul’s gratefulness and love of God for His forgiveness (*Lk


h. Learning from Paul (I Jn 1:9)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Two Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) Background of Letter to Philippians

a. Background of church at Philippi (Acts 16)

b. Date of writing approx. AD 60-63

c. Place of writing (Rome)

d. Circumstances of writing: Most likely Paul under house arrest

e. Purpose of writing: To thank and encourage Philippian Church

f. Application : Goal of course

(2) Philippians One

a. Paul’s confidence and joy in prayers (Phil 1:4-6) (1) Praying according to God’s will (I Jn 5:14-15; II Pet 1:3-4; II

Cor 1:20) (2) Some promises found in Scripture (Heb 13:5; Psm 46:1; Rom

8:37; Rom 8:28; I Jn 4;4) (3) God does what He says (Jer 1:12)

b. God’s continuing work in us corporately and individually (Phil 1:6) (1) Original creation, fall and work of restoration (Gen 1:26; I Jn

3:2; Rom 8:22-23)

c. Paul’s defense and confirmation of the Gospel (Phil 1:7, 17; Eph 6:19; Acts 4:23-31) (1) Our defense and confirmation of the gospel (I Pet 3:15; Rom


d. Paul’s joy at the furtherance of the Gospel (Phil 1:12-18; Acts 16:25-34; Rom 8:28)

e. Paul’s dilemma (Phil 1:19-26; Jms 2:26; *II Cor 12:2-4; II Cor 4:16-5:9)

f. Freedom from fear of death (Heb 2:14-15)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Three Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) Paul’s instruction for behavior and attitudes (*Phil 1:27-2:11)

a. Being ambassadors for Christ (*Phil 1:27; II Cor 5:17-20)

b. Appeal for unity (*Phil 1:27; I Cor 12:12-26; Eph 4:1-16)

c. Appeal for fearlessness (*Phil 1:28)

d. Assurance through suffering (*Phil 1:29-30) (1) Promises to those who suffer and are persecuted (Rom 8:16-17;

II Tim 2:11-12; I Pet 4:13-14; Mat 5:10-12; Jn 15:17-21; Heb 12:2; II Cor 4:17-18)

e. More appeal for unity (*Phil 2:1-2; I Cor 1;10-17; *Pro 6:16-19; Mk 3:24-25; Acts 2:1; *Jn 17:20-26)

f. Appeal for humility (*Phil 2:3-4)

g. Appeal to have the humility of Christ (*Phil 2:5-8)

h. The rewards of Jesus’ humility (*Phil 2:9-11)

i. The rewards of our humility (*I Pet 5:5-6)

j. Our identity with Christ (Rom 6:3-4; Eph 2:4-7)

k. Authority in the name of Jesus (*Phil 2:9-11; Acts 3:1-16; *Eph 1:19-23)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Four Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) Continuation of Paul’s instructions for behavior and attitudes (*Phil 2:12-18)

a. Appeal to work out own salvation (*Phil 2:12; Eph 2:8-10;*Js 2:14-18; Jn 15:8; *Js 1:22-25)

(1) God working in us to will and do His pleasure (*Phil 2:13; Ps 37:4-5)

b. Appeal not to murmur nor dispute (*Phil 2:14-16; Gen 1:3; Isa 55:11; Gen 1:26; Pro 18:21; Mat 12:34-37; I Pet 3:10)

(1) Example of consequences of murmuring (I Cor 10:10-11; Ex 15,16,17; Num 14,16,17)

(2) Examples of consequences of praise and thanksgiving (*II Chro 20:3-22; Acts 16:25-26)

(3) Importance of getting attitudes and thoughts in harmony with God’s (Mat 12:34; Rom 12:2)

c. Appeal to hold forth the word of life (*Phil 2:16-18) (1) Holding forth the word of life (*Phil 2:16; I Jn 1:1; Jn 6:63, 68;

II Tim 3:16) (2) Rejoicing in the Day of Christ (*Phil 2:16; II Tim 4:6-8; Heb

12:1-2) (3) Day of Christ (*Phil 2:16; I Cor 1:8; II Cor 1:14; Jn 14:2-3; I

Thes 4:13-18)

(2) Paul’s plan to send Timothy and Epaphroditus to Philippi (*Phil 2:17-30)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Five Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) Philippians 3

a. Exhortation to rejoice (*Phil 3:1; Gal 5: 22-23; Neh 8:10; Rom 8:28)

b. Exhortation to beware! (*Phil 3:2)

c. The false circumcision and the true circumcision (*Phil 3:2-3; Heb 8:10; Heb 10:16; Rom 2:28-29; Eph 2:8-9)

d. Paul’s qualifications for confidence in the flesh (*Phil 3:4-6) (1) Where we put our confidence (Matt 7:24-27; *Rom 8:35-39)

e. The price Paul paid for his faith (*Phil 3:7-8; II Cor 11:24-28; Matt13:44-46)

f. Paul’s desire for the righteousness of God (*Phil 3:9; Isa 64:6)

g. Paul’s desire to identify with Christ (*Phil 3:10-11) (1) To know Christ (*Phil 3:10; Jn 14:16-17; I Cor 6:19; Rom 8:9

*I Cor 2: 9-16) (2) To know the power of His resurrection (*Phil 3:10; Eph 1:16-

23; Rom 8:11) (3) To know the fellowship of His sufferings (*Phil 3:10; Jn 15:18-

20) (4) Being made conformable to His death (*Phil 3:10; Gal 2:20) (5) Looking ahead to resurrection (*Phil 3:11; I Cor 15:21-23; Rev

20:5-6; Heb 12:2)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Six Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to which we will be turning.

(1) *Philippians 3:12-21

a. Paul’s ability to stay focused on his mission (*Phil 3:12-14) (1) His refusal to live in the past (*Phil 3:13-14;*I Cor 15:9) (2) Following Paul’s example (I Jn 1:5-10; II Cor 5:17)

b. Paul’s race (*Phil 3:14; II Tim 4:7-8) (1) Our race (Heb 12:1-2; I Cor 9:24)

c. The Judgment seat of Christ (*II Cor 5:10) (1) Not a judgment of sins (*I Pet 2:24; Heb 8:12) (2) A judgment of works (*I Cor 3:9-15) (3) Importance of motive behind works ( I Cor 13:1-3)

d. Believer’s crowns (*Rev 4:1-11; Rev 5:9-10) (1) Crown of righteousness (II Tim 4:8) (2) Incorruptible crown (I Cor 9:25) (3) Crown of rejoicing (I Thes 2:19-20) (4) Crown of life (Js 1:12; Rev 2:10) (5) Crown of glory (I Pet 5:4)

e. Paul exhorts believers to stay focused (*Phil 3:15-16; Mt 13:7,22)

f. Paul exhorts believers to follow him and not those who are apostate (*Phil 3:17-19; I Cor 11:1; Jn 14:9)

g. Paul’s goal of reaching the resurrection (*Phil 3:20-21; I Cor 15:12-19; Rom 8:18-23; I Thess 4:13-18; I Cor 15:51-54; I Jn 3:1-2; Heb 2:14-15; I Cor 15:26)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Seven

Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to

which we will be turning.

(1) Philippians 4

a. Paul urges believers to stand fast in the Lord (*Phil 4:1; *Eph

6:10-18; II Cor 10:3; I John 5:4)

(1) Jesus as our example (Luke 9:51-53; Isa 50:7)

b. Paul appeals for unity (*Phil 4:2-3; I Cor 12:26)

c. Paul instructs believers to rejoice (*Phil 4:4; *James 1:2-4;

Heb 6:12; Rom 8:28-29)

d. Paul’s instructions for how to have peace of God (*Phil 4:5-


(1) Our part (*Phil 4:6; James 4:2; Heb 13:5; Psm 46:1; Mark

10:30; Luke 12:7; II Tim 1:7; I Pet 5:8; Eph 4:27; I Thess 5:18; Eph 5:20)

(2) God’s part (*Phil 4:7; *John 14:27)

(3) Our part again (*Phil 4:8-9; Prov 23:7; *II Cor 10:3-5; *James

1:22-25; II Kings 19:14; Eph 6:13)

Philippians 2016

Outline Lesson Eight

Please note: The Scriptures marked with an asterisk (*) are those to

which we will be turning.

(1) Philippians 4, continued

a. Paul learned contentment with regard to material possessions

(*Phil 4:10-12; Rev 2:9; Rev 3:17; *I Tim 6:6-12; Jas 4:14; I Cor 15:32;

Rev 5:10; Rev 20:6)

b. Paul states he can do all things through Christ (*Phil 4:13; Lk

1:37; Jn 15:5; Psm 127:1)

c. Paul speaks of giving (*Phil 4:14-17; Mat 6:19-21; Mat 6:24)

d. Paul tells us the source of all we need (*Phil 4:18-19; Eph

3:20; Jas 1:17; II Pet 1:3; Jn 10:10)

e. Some of God’s spiritual gifts to us

(1) All spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Eph 1:3; )

(2) Eternal life (Jn 3:16)

(3) Gifts of the Spirit (I Cor 12; I Cor 14; Rom 12:6-8)

(4) The indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17; I Cor 3:16; I Cor


(5) Empowering by the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:19; Acts 1:8)

(6) Spiritual discernment (I Cor 2:12-14)

f. Some of God’s mental gifts to us

(1) Sound mindedness (II Tim 1:7)

(2) The mind of Christ ( I Cor 2:16)

(3) Revelation of the truth (Jn 16:13)

(4) Wisdom (Jms 1:5)

(5) Peace of God (Jn 14:27; Phil 4:7)

g. Some of God’s physical gifts to us

(1) Healing (I Pet 2:24)

(2) Promise of resurrected bodies (I Cor 15:51-53; I Thess 4:16-17;

Rom 8:23)

h. Benediction (*Phil 4:20-23; Rev 22:21)