Phoenix Wright (1)




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- - G Y A K U T E N S A I B A N 3 - - ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | ___ \ | (_) | | | | (_) | | | | | |_/ / |__ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __ | | | |_ __ _ __ _| |__ | |_ | __/| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ '_ \| \ \/ / | |/\| | '__| |/ _` | '_ \| __| | | | | | | (_) | __/ | | | |> < \ /\ / | | | (_| | | | | |_ \_| |_| |_|\___/ \___|_| |_|_/_/\_\ \/ \/|_| |_|\__, |_| |_|\__| __/ | |___/ Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations version 1.2 22/12/2007===============================================================================CONTENTS:===============================================================================1) Introduction ......................................................... [int]2) Version History ...................................................... [ver]3) Episode 1: Turnabout Memories ........................................ [ep1] a) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2)4) Episode 2: The Stolen Turnabout ...................................... [ep2] a) Investigation (Day 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1) c) Investigation (Day 2) d) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) e) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2)5) Episode 3: Recipe for Turnabout ...................................... [ep3] a) Investigation (Day 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1) c) Investigation (Day 2) d) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) e) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2)6) Episode 4: Turnabout Beginnings ...................................... [ep4] a) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2)7) Episode 5: Bridge to the Turnabout ................................... [ep5] a) Investigation (Day 1, Part 1) b) Investigation (Day 1, Part 2) c) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) d) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2) e) Investigation (Day 2, Part 1) f) Investigation (Day 2, Part 2) g) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) h) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2) i) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 3)

8) Closing / Credits .................................................... [clo]

===============================================================================1) INTRODUCTION [int]===============================================================================Short intro here, this is a guide for the third installment of Phoenix Wright! I'm not gonna go into details about how to play the game, I am assuming that you have played the previous 2 Phoenix games before this one, (you actually should, since the games are all related) there is nothing new to this game, so there isn't really a need to go over controls and games mechanics.

Secondly, despite being just steps to finish the game, this guide contains SPOILERS, especially in the evidence sections, so I'm warning you here! So, only use this guide when you are totally stuck :D

And then, if you have anything you wish contact me about and/or there are any mistakes in this guide, me email is here: abcd9146 (at) gmail (dot) com

===============================================================================2) VERSION HISTORY [ver]=============================================================================== v1.0 - 28/08/2007 - 122kb - first version on gfaqs, walkthrough complete v1.1 - 29/08/2007 - 122kb - fixed an error in ep4 v1.2 - 22/12/2007 - 122kb - fixed another error in Phoenix's age

===============================================================================3) EPISODE 1: TURNABOUT MEMORIES [ep1]=============================================================================== a) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiles------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marvin Grossberg (61, Male) My superior and the head of Grossberg Law Offices.

2. Phoenix Wright (21, Male) My client. A third year art student at Ivy University. He currently has a cold.

3. Doug Swallow (22, Male)

The victim. He was a fourth-year Pharmacology student at Ivy University.

4. Dahlia Hawthorne (20, Female) Phoenix Wright's girlfriend. Dated the victim Doug Swallow up until eight months ago.

5. Winston Payne (49, Male) The prosecutor for this trial. A veteran lawyer with a little too much confidence.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Attorney's Badge Type: Other One of my possessions. Proof of my profession. The first and last time I used it was a year ago.

2. Doug's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Received during the preliminary hearing. Date and time of death: 4/9 at 3PM. Cause of death was a fatal electric shock.

3. Crime Photo 1 Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Payne. The crime took place behind an Ivy U. building. Touch the Check button for details.

4. Crime Photo 2 Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Payne. The victim's watched stopped at the time of death. Touch the Check button for details.

5. Coldkiller X Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Payne. Found clutched in the victim's hand. Covered in Wright's fingerprints.

6. Umbrella Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Payne. Owned by the victim. Found broken near an electrical pole at the crime scene.

7. Phoenix's Testimony Type: Documents Submitted as evidence during the trial. The victim fell on top of his umbrella. There was a loud sound when this happened.

8. Dhalia's Present Type: Other

Received from Phoenix Wright. A small bottle necklace given to Wright in the day they met. He shows it to everyone.

9. Newspaper Clipping Type: Other One of my possessions. An article from 8/28, almost 8 months ago. Touch Check Button for details.

10. Student's Testimony Type: Documents Submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Payne. The old power cable broke due to some sort of impact on 4/9 at 2:55 PM.

11. Police Report Type: Reports Received form Marvin Grossberg. A report on the incident eight months ago. Touch the Check Button for details.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What was the cause of death? B) Electrocution 2. What was the cause of the bad blood between Phoenix Wright and the victim? Profiles -> Dahlia Hawthorne

Witness Testimony : Phoenix Wright -- The Victim and I -- Statement 1 : Um, I... I admit I was there... Statement 2 : But I'm not a killer! All I did was find his body! Statement 3 : I hardly knew the guy to begin with... Statement 4 : I never even talked to the stuck-up British wannabe! Statement 4a: He was always walking around with a huge Union Jack on the back of his shirt.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 4. (Statement 4a added to testimony.) 2. Present -> Crime Photo 1 at Statement 4a. (Crime Photo 2 added to the Court Record.) (Coldkiller X added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Phoenix Wright -- What Really Happened -- Statement 1 : The truth is... I went because he called me. Statement 2 : He was in the Pharmacology Dept., so we agreed to meet at 2:45 behind that building... Statement 3 : We talked for a bit, and then at around 3:00, we split up. Statement 4 : Then later when I went back, I found him lying there. Statement 5 : I'd been taking Coldkiller X for the last 2 or 3 days... Statement 6 : But I lost my bottle of it around lunchtime on the day of the accident.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (What do I do!? Maybe I should ask him for some more details) B) About Pharmacology Dept. 3. Press Statement 6.

4. (Maybe I could still come out if this mess smelling like a rose!) A) Establish murder method 5. Show me how you believe the victim was electrocuted! Present -> Crime Photo 1 6. Ms. Fey, where exactly in this photo is the murder weapon? Present -> The end of the severed electrical cable hanging down

Witness Testimony : Phoenix Wright -- When I Pushed The Victim -- Statement 1 : The guy... He was talking bad about Dollie... Statement 2 : I lost my temper and gave him a shove! Statement 3 : At that moment, I heard some kind of loud noise... Statement 3a: After I shoved him, he... He fell down on top of his umbrella. Statement 4 : A little while after I left, I started to get worried. Statement 5 : So I went back. But h-he was just lying there, d-dead!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (What should I do? I'm treading on some dangerous ground here...) A) Ask for more details 3. Um, well... A) Of course it's important! (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 4. Present -> Crime Photo 1 at Statement 3a. (Umbrella added to the Court Record.) (Phoenix's Testimony added to the Court Record.)

(Dhalia's Present borrowed from Phoenix Wright.) (Newspaper Clipping added to the Court Record.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Witness Testimony : Dahlia Hawthorne -- What I Witnessed -- Statement 1 : I had been planning to go back to Feenie's place after class was over. Statement 2 : Feenie and Dougie... They were talking behind the building. Statement 3 : Then suddenly... Dougie got all wobbly and just collapsed. Statement 3a: Um, actually, I didn't see the moment he pushed Dougie. Statement 4 : That's when Feenie noticed that I was there. Statement 4a: It didn't look like they were fighting, and I didn't hear any noise either. Statement 5 : I went to go and find some other students and they called the authorities.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (Hmm, so what should I do about her testimony just now?) B) Show contradiction (Statement 3a added to testimony.) (Statement 4a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Phoenix's Testimony at Statement 4a.

4. (She said something that could totally change this whole case!) C) There was lightning. (Student's Testimony added to the Court Record.) 5. Who or what was it that caused the cable to break? Present -> Profiles -> Phoenix Wright

Witness Testimony : Dahlia Hawthorne -- What I Witnessed, Part 2 -- Statement 1 : Then truth is... Feenie pushed him twice. Statement 2 : The first time was into the electrical pole. That's when the cable broke. Statement 3 : Then Dougie tried his best to run away from him... Statement 4 : But Feenie caught up and crashed into him from behind. Statement 5 : The cable snapping, and Dougie being electrocuted -- it all occurred in less than a minute.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Crime Photo 2 at Statement 5.

2. Now then, Ms. Fey. Let's have it. Who is the "real killer"!? Present -> Profiles -> Dahlia Hawthorne (Police Report added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dahlia Hawthorne -- How I Met My Feenie -- Statement 1 : I first met my darling Feenie eight months ago. Statement 2 : It's like we were destined to meet in this very courthouse's basement reading room. Statement 2a: I had to come to this courthouse to do some research for a paper I was writing. Statement 3 : The moment our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat! Statement 4 : We've been going out ever since that fateful day.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (I have to remember the judge is on Dahlia's side. I'd better tread carefully...) B) Keep pressing (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Police Report at Statement 2a.

Witness Testimony : Dahlia Hawthorne -- The Poisoning -- Statement 1 : I met the lawyer who was poisoned to discuss something in the cafeteria that day. Statement 2 : I left my seat for just a moment, and that's when it happened! Statement 3 : From what I heard, it was a liquid poison that is lethal at just 2 teaspoons.

Statement 4 : Not only that, I heard it was a very special kind of poison. Statement 5 : So you see, I'm innocent! I wouldn't even know where to get a poison like that!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Profiles -> Doug Swallow at Statement 5. 2. ...then where is the container the poison was carried in? What happened to it? Present -> Dahlia's Present 3. The real reason that Dahlia Hawthorne is dating you is... B) because of that necklace. 4. Exactly who was Ms. Dahlia Hawthorne planning to kill? Present -> Profiles -> Phoenix Wright 5. Show to this court irrefutable proof that Ms. Hawthorne was planning to poison Mr. Wright! Present -> Coldkiller X

Episode 1: Turnabout Memories [THE END]

===============================================================================4) EPISODE 2: THE STOLEN TURNABOUT [ep2]=============================================================================== a) Investigation (Day 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1) c) Investigation (Day 2) d) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) e) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiles------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Phoenix Wright (26, Male) Me. What more can I say? This is my third year as a young (but skilled!) lawyer.

2. Mia Fey (deceased, Female) Maya's older sister and my eternal mentor in life and law. Passed away 2 years ago.

3. Maya Fey (19, Female) My assistant and a disciple in the Kurain Tradition of spirit channeling.

4. Pearl Fey (9, Female) Maya's cousin, and a channeling prodigy. She has amazingly powerful spiritual abilities.

5. Adrian Andrews (24, Female) Head of planning, promotion, and security of the Treasures of Kurain Exhibit.

6. Dick Gumshoe (32, Male)

Homicide detective at the local precinct. In charge of the initial investigation.

7. Mask DeMasque (???, ?) A flashy thief who steals valuable works of art. Sends a calling card before a heist.

8. Luke Atmey (34, Male) An Ace Detective. Has great powers of deduction, yet rarely makes sense.

9. Ron DeLite (23, Male) A young man who turned himself in as Mask DeMasque. A bit if a pitiful guy.

10. Desiree DeLite (23, Female) Ron DeLite's wife. Seems to be a very friendly and out-going lady.

11. Larry Butz (25, Male) My friend. I've known this trouble magnet ever since grade school.

12. Godot (???, Male) A prosecutor who is shrouded in mystery. He seems to know me somehow.

13. Kane Bullard (48, Male) CEO of KB Security. His body was found inside his safe.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Attorney's Badge Type: Other One of my possessions. It's my all-important badge. It shows that I am a defense attorney.

2. Magatama Type: Other Received from Maya Fey. A present from Maya. It reacts to people who have secrets in their hearts.

3. Treasure Exhibit Poster Type: Other Received form Pearl Fey. A poster for the Treasures of Kurain exhibit. Touch the Check button for details.

4. Ami Fey's Golden Statue Type: Other Obtained in Lordly Tailor's Basement Warehouse. A statue of the founder of the Kurain Channeling Technique. Is holding the Shichishito. Update 1: A statue of the founder of the Kurain Channeling Technique. Moved the night of the crime. Update 2: Carried into the basement warehouse the day of the crime. Moved again that night.

5. Sacred Urn Type: Other Received from Maya Fey. One of the treasures of Kurain Village. Supposedly priceless, it looks like a plain old pot. Update 1: Found in the office of Luke Atmey. Has pink splotches all over it.

6. DeMasque's Calling Card Type: Documents Received from Detective Gumshoe. Sent before a heist, the emblem is top-secret. Touch the Check Button for details.

7. Shichishito Type: Other Obtained in Lordly Tailor's Basement Warehouse. A ceremonial sword held in Ami Fey's statue. Wasn't bent before the crime. Update 1: DeMasque knocked Atmey out during the crime w/ a blow to the back of the head.

8. Camera Data Type: Documents Obtained in Lordly Tailor's Basement Warehouse. The warehouse camera went off once at around 1 AM on the night of the crime.

9. Desiree's Letter Type: Documents Received from Desiree DeLite. Address to her husband Ron DeLite. Apparently contains something important.

10. Security Camera Photo Type: Photographs Received from Luke Atmey. Photo of storeroom entrance taken by the camera. Touch the Check Button for details.

11. Blackmail Letter Type: Documents Found in DeMasque's Hideout. Written with a fountain pen. Found in Ron's room. Touch the Check Button to read. Update 1: Found in Ron DeLite's room. Written by Bullard. Touch the Check Button to read.

12. Ron's Wallet Type: Other Received from Larry Butz. Found by Larry Butz at his part-time security job's company building (night of the crime).

13. CEO Office Key Card Type: Other Received from Larry Butz. Found inside Ron's wallet. Apparently used for the building of his

part-time job. Update 1: Found inside Ron's wallet. Opens the KB Security CEO's office. Leaves a record when used. Update 2: Found in Ron's wallet. Used on October the 12th, the night if the crime, at 1 AM.

14. Publicity Photo Type: Other Received from Maya Fey. A shot of Mask DeMasque striking a pose. Touch the Check Button for details.

15. DeMasque's Broach Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Godot. Found in the shadow of Ami Fey's statue. Looks like it was torn off of some clothing.

16. Kane's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Received from Detective Gumshoe. Time of death: 10/12 at 1 AM. cause: Cerebral hemorrhaging from blunt trauma to the head.

17. Newspaper Clipping Type: Other Received from Detective Gumshoe. An article on Mask DeMasque's first heist. Touch the Check Button for details. Update 1: About first heist, Guard in photo is Ron DeLite. Touch the Check Button for details.

18. Kane's List Type: Documents Found in the KB Security CEO's Office. Found on a table at the crime scene. Touch the Check Button for details.

19. CEO Office Buzzer Type: Other Found in the KB Security CEO's Office. Connected to the basement Security Guard Office. There are no fingerprints on it.

20. Buzzer Record Type: Documents Received from Larry Butz. The buzzer went off once at 1:02 AM on October 12 in the CEO's office.

21. Ron's Testimony Type: Documents Received from Ron DeLite. From DeMasque's 2nd heist on, he was stealing as directed by blackmail letters.

22. Sacred Urn (2) Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Desiree DeLite.

Found in Atmey's Office. Covered in pink splotches, but it's the genuine article. Update 1: Broken and repaired by Adrian 2 weeks ago, then replaced in its box. Kept out of sight again.

23. Urn Box Type: Other Obtained in Lordly Tailor's Basement Warehouse. A wooden box that had the Sacred Urn in it. Has pink paint stains on it.

24. Paint Marks Type: Other Obtained in Lordly Tailor's Basement Warehouse. Completely dry. The box of the Sacred Urn fits in the gap perfectly.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Treasure Exhibit Poster added to the Court Record.) 1. Move -> Basement Warehouse (Adrian Andrews) 2. Talk -> Adrian Andrews 3. Talk -> Lordly Tailor 4. Pan Right -> Examine -> Golden Statue (Ami Fey's Golden Statue added to the Court Record.)

5. Talk -> Sacred Urn (Sacred Urn added to the Court Record.) 6. Talk -> What to do 7. Talk -> Last year's incident 8. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall (Detective Gumshoe) 9. Talk -> What happened10. Talk -> Mask DeMasque11. Talk -> Ace Detective12. Talk -> Calling Card (Calling Card added to the Court Record.)

13. Move -> Basement Warehouse (Luke Atmey)14. Talk -> Ace Detective15. Talk -> Mask DeMasque16. Talk -> The night of the crime17. Present -> DeMasque's Calling Card18. Examine -> Cardboard box on the floor19. Examine -> Sword on the floor (Shichishito added to the Court Record.)20. Examine -> Computer screen (Camera Data added to the Court Record.)21. Pan Right -> Examine -> Golden Statue (Ami Fey's Golden Statue updated in the Court Record.)22. Examine -> Pink paint

23. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall24. Move -> Wright & Co. Law Offices25. Move -> Detention Center (Mask DeMasque)26. Talk -> Mask DeMasque27. Talk -> Sacred Urn

28. Talk -> Lost it?29. Talk -> Dessie30. Move -> DeMasque's Hideout (Desiree DeLite)31. Talk -> Ron DeLite32. Talk -> Desiree DeLite33. Talk -> The night of the crime34. Present -> Profiles -> Mask DeMasque35. Talk -> Delusions (Desiree's Letter added to the Court Record.)

36. Move -> Detention Center (Mask DeMasque)37. Present -> Desiree's Letter (Letter given to Mask DeMasque... Actually, more like "taken".)38. (Hmm... What should I do?) A) Take his case39. Move -> Wright & Co. Law Offices (Maya Fey)40. Talk -> Pearl41. Talk -> Maya42. Talk -> Kurain Village custom43. Talk -> Maya's mother

44. Move -> Atmey Detective Agency45. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall (Adrian Andrews)46. Talk -> DeMasque's calling card47. Talk -> The security48. Move -> Atmey Detective Agency (Luke Atmey)49. Talk -> The night of the crime50. Talk -> Sacred Urn51. Talk -> DeMasque's M. O. [Psyche-Lock x1]52. Talk -> Psyche-Lock53. Present -> Magatama

Luke Atmey - Psyche-Lock x1 -- Mask DeMasque's M. O. -- i. Detective Atmey, I have here proof that someone went through the door last night! Present -> Camera Data ii. In that case, the reason you didn't at the time was because you were... C) unconscious. iii. Time to put your money where your mouth is. Show me your evidence! Present -> ShichishitoUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

54. Talk -> DeMasque's M. O. (Shichishito updated in the Court Record.) (Security Camera Photo added to the Court Record.)55. Talk -> DeMasque's reason56. Move -> DeMasque's Hideout57. Examine -> Green envelope on the chair (Larry Butz) (Blackmail Letter added to the Court Record.)58. Talk -> Larry Butz59. Talk -> Why you came here (Ron's Wallet added to the Court Record.)60. Talk -> Wallet (Key Card added to the Court Record.)61. Present -> Blackmail Letter62. Talk -> KB Security

63. Present -> Key Card (Key Card updated in the Court Record.)

64. Move -> Atmey Detective Agency65. Examine -> Black bag on the table (Luke Atmey)66. Talk -> Tomorrow's Trial67. Talk -> DeMasque's identity67. Talk -> Godot


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Mask DeMasque Publicity Photo stuck onto the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dick Gumshoe -- Mask DeMasque's Crimes -- Statement 1 : Mask DeMasque is a master thief that started his crime spree 6 months ago. Statement 2 : He's so confident that he sends his calling card before he even commits the crime! Statement 3 : This was his fifth heist, and as usual, he sent a card to Lordly Tailor. Statement 4 : His pattern is to always go after only the most precious art pieces. Statement 5 : That's why we're sure it was Mask DeMasque, sir. It fits his M. O. to a T!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Sacred Urn at Statement 4.

2. (I need proof that the person at Lordly Tailor that night was in fact, Fake DeMasque!) Present -> Security Camera Photo 3. Go on. Use this pointer and show us what about this picture is so "peculiar". Present -> Mask Demasque's chest area (DeMasque's Broach added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- What I Witnessed -- Statement 1 : It was approximately 1 o'clock in the morning... just after the date changed. Statement 2 : That's when my nemesis, the infamous Mask DeMasque, dancingly descended upon me! Statement 3 : Just as I began to turn, the coward struck a fierce blow upon my noble head! Statement 4 : Darkness swallowed be before I could land a single strike. When I awoke, he was gone. Statement 5 : Thirty minutes later, I used an emergency phone to notify the police!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> DeMasque's Broach at Statement 4.

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- Fight With The Thief -- Statement 1 : Indeed, it's true that I looked away from the door for a brief moment. Statement 2 : However... Luke Atmey cannot be so easily discombobulated! Statement 3 : Unfortunately, the thief grabbed a weapon from the side and... rendered me senseless. Statement 4 : A true gentleman fights only with his own fists... But they were not enough. Statement 5 : His first blow struck true! Bam! ...And that's all she wrote. Statement 5a: I put my back to the wall to fight, but the thief's blow landed upon my third eye.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 5. 2. (What do I do now? Should I ask more about this...?) C) "Atmey Fighting Style?" 3. Hmmm... Well, Mr. Wright? What about that testimony...? B) It was very important. (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 4. Present -> Shichishito at Statement 5a.

5. Very well, Your Honor. The defense asserts that... C) Mr. Atmey is Mask DeMasque! 6. The decisive evidence that proves Mr. Luke Atmey is in fact Mask DeMasque... B) has yet to be found! (Sacred Urn updated in the Court Record.) 7. (I've got to prove that urn was actually in the Atmey Detective Agency...) B) Show fingerprints on the urn 8. The defense proposes that the fingerprints of this person should be on the urn! Present -> Profiles -> Phoenix Wright

Witness Testimony : Ron DeLite -- Mask DeMasque's Identity -- Statement 1 : The truth is, I've been Mask DeMasque all along! Statement 2 : I mean, you can't prove that I'm not actually Mask DeMasque, can you? Statement 3 : I don't have an alibi for the night the urn was stolen, after all! Statement 4 : I donned my costume that night and dancingly descended upon the scene of the crime! Statement 5 : Look! You can see right there in the photo! That's me! Statement 6 : As for my broach, I snagged it on the door handle and it got torn off, that's all!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Ron's Wallet at Statement 2. 2. The evidence that shows why Mr. DeLite went to KB Security at 1 AM that night! Present -> Blackmail Letter 3. This is the person who can testify that the key card was used at 1 AM that night! Present -> Profiles -> Larry Butz (Key Card updated in the Court Record.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sacred Urn given to Pearls.) 1. Talk -> What to do 2. Talk -> Sacred Urn 3. Talk -> Kurain Village 4. Move -> Detention Center 5. Move -> DeMasque's Hideout (Desiree DeLite) 6. Talk -> Ron DeLite 7. Talk -> Detective Atmey 8. Talk -> KB Security 9. Talk -> Love at first sight?

10. Move -> CEO's Office (Dick Gumshoe)11. Talk -> What happened (Autopsy Report added to the Court Record.)12. Talk -> Detective Atmey (Newspaper Clipping added to the Court Record.)13. Talk -> Prosecutor Godot14. Examine -> Binder on top of the table in the foreground (Kane's List added to the Court Record.)15. Examine -> Red button on the back wall (Emergency Buzzer added to the Court Record.)16. Present -> Profiles -> Kane Bullard17. Talk -> The victim18. Move -> Security Room (Larry Butz)19. Talk -> Good info20. Talk -> Security Guard21. Talk -> The night of the crime [Psyche-Lock x2]22. Present -> Magatama

Larry Butz - Psyche-Lock x2 -- The Night of the Crime -- i. (The evidence that Larry was not manning his station when the murder happened is...) Present -> Ron's Wallet ii. ...the killer "snuck" into the CEO's office after 10:00 PM, during your shift! Present -> CEO Office Key CardUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

23. Talk -> The night of the crime24. Present -> CEO Office Buzzer25. Talk -> Emergency buzzer (Buzzer Record added to the Court Record.)26. Move -> CEO's Office27. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall28. Move -> Basement Warehouse (Adrian Andrews)29. Talk -> DeMasque's identity30. Talk -> The night of the crime31. Talk -> Sacred Urn [Psyche-Lock x2]

32. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall33. Move -> Atmey Detective Agency34. Move -> Wright & Co. Law Offices35. Move -> Detention Center (Ron DeLite)

36. Talk -> Mask DeMasque37. Talk -> The night of the crime38. Talk -> Why you were fired39. Present -> Newspaper Clipping (Newspaper Clipping updated in the Court Record.)40. Talk -> Blackmail letter41. Talk -> Heist plans (Ron's Testimony added to the Court Record.) (Sacred Urn refiled into the Court Record.)42. Move -> Wright & Co. Law Offices43. Move -> Main Exhibition Hall44. Move -> Basement Warehouse (Adrian Andrews)45. Pan Right -> Examine -> Pink paint on the wall46. Pan Left -> Examine -> Wooden box on the floor (Urn Box added to the Court Record.)45. Pan Right -> Examine -> Pink paint on the wall (Paint Marks added to the Court Record.)46. Present -> Magatama

Adrian Andrews - Psyche-Lock x2 -- The Sacred Urn -- i. Do you have any evidence the urn that was submitted at the trial was genuine? Present -> Sacred Urn ii. Why do you think it was broken recently? How do you know? Present -> Treasure Exhibit Poster iii. Do you have any proof the urn was broken here at Lordly Tailor? Present -> Paint Marks iv. The proof linking the paint on the urn to the paint on the floor is... Present -> Urn BoxUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

47. Talk -> Sacred Urn (Sacred Urn updated in the Court Record.)48. Talk -> Ami Fey statue (Ami Fey's Golden Statue updated in the Court Record.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Witness Testimony : Ron DeLite -- My Visit To KB Security -- Statement 1 : That evening, around 1 AM, I went to see Mr. Bullard in his office at KB Security. Statement 2 : The blackmail letter I got... It ordered me to go there. Statement 2a: The blackmail thread didn't scare me. It wasn't going to cause me trouble or anything. Statement 3 : I'd been working for KB Security until a year ago, so I knew

where his office was. Statement 3a: He fired me for selling company secrets... but Dessie doesn't know about that.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. Press Statement 2. 3. (...Now, what should I do?) A) Press harder (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 4. Press Statement 2a. 5. Press Statement 3. 6. (This isn't good. Maybe I should change the subject...?) B) Why he was fired (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 7. Press Statement 3a. 8. Present -> Profiles -> Desiree DeLite at Statement 2a.

Witness Testimony : Ron DeLite -- At the CEO's Office -- Statement 1 : When I entered the office, there was a suspicious shadow there... Statement 2 : Suddenly, I was hit on the forehead. After that, I remember being a bit dazed. Statement 3 : If I hadn't been wearing that, I would have been killed! Statement 3a: I'd have been killed if I hadn't been wearing my Mask DeMasque costume! Statement 4 : When I came to... Mr. Bullard was lying there... dead! Statement 4a: I panicked and hid the body in the safe. It took about 10 minutes.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 2. Press Statement 3a. 3. "Took a lot longer"...? (What is he talking about...?) B) Press harder (Statement 4a added to testimony.) 4. Present -> Buzzer Record at Statement 4a.

5. (Can I prove that it wasn't Kane Bullard who sounded the buzzer?) A) I can prove it alright. 6. This piece of evidence proves that it wasn't the victim who sounded the buzzer! Present -> CEO Office Buzzer 7. Why did the "real killer" sound the emergency buzzer? B) To call the security guard. 8. Who was it that framed Mr. Ron DeLite for the murder of Kane Bullard!? Present -> Profiles -> Luke Atmey


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- The Alibi -- Statement 1 : I was stealing the urn as Mask DeMasque, just as I announced I would... Statement 2 : I had more than enough time to prepare. It was a pathetically easy job. Statement 3 : A photograph contains no words... But in this case, one turned out to be my witness. Statement 4 : The time at which the camera captured Mask DeMasque was the same time as the murder!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. Are you saying that I, Lone Wolf Luke, had an accomplice? B) Give it up 3. Press Statement 2. 4. Press Statement 3. 5. Press Statement 4. 6. Press Statement 3. 7. (It's got to be here... Isn't there something "funny" about this picture?) A) You bet there is. 8. What about this photograph do you find "funny"? Present -> The paint on the floor 9. What is supposed to be in this picture instead of the paint stains? Present -> Ami Fey's Golden Statue

10. Now then, who was the one that moved the golden statue on the night of the crime? Present -> Profiles -> Luke Atmey11. Just where in this picture does this "lie" exist!? Present -> Timestamp on the photo

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- The Sacred Urn Heist -- Statement 1 : I first received the request from Lordly Tailor about 20 days ago. Statement 2 : The urn was placed in a box, and Zvarri! It was then sent to the warehouse. Statement 3 : Hence, I was actually unable to see the urn for myself until the day of the crime... Statement 4 : I knew it was an extremely valuable treasure, so I sent my card 10 days beforehand. Statement 5 : I then handled security by myself to ensure that my crime would go smoothly! Statement 6 : At last, I held the urn in my hands for the first time at 1 AM on October 12th.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> DeMasque's Calling Card at Statement 6.

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- Motive for Murder -- Statement 1 : I, Luke Atmey, had no points of contact with the victim whatsoever. Statement 2 : Kane Bullard decided to investigate Mask DeMasque and simply mistook who he was! Statement 3 : It was Mr. Bullard who wrote the blackmail letter and sent it

to Ron DeLite. Statement 4 : And it was again Mr. Bullard who harbored a grudge against Mr. DeLite for his betrayal! Statement 5 : Mr. Bullard's mistake is quite excusable. The defendant truly believes he is Mask DeMasque! Statement 6 : That is why Mr. DeLite saw it fit to kill Kane Bullard. Truly a tragedy...

(Blackmail Letter updated in the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Blackmail Letter at Statement 3.

2. Show us the contradicting evidence in the content of the blackmail letter! Present -> Newspaper Clipping 3. This is who Kane Bullard was actually blackmailing! Present -> Profiles -> Luke Atmey 4. The "identity" that Luke Atmey wanted to so desperately keep secret was his identity as... C) a blackmailer. 5. During the first crime, how did Luke Atmey know that Ron DeLite was Mask DeMasque? Present -> Newspaper Clipping 6. That night, Luke Atmey was at KB Security, and the defense... B) can't prove it.

Witness Testimony : Luke Atmey -- The Last Testimony -- Statement 1 : Indeed, it is true that I was not at Lordly Tailor. Statement 2 : I had to leave to see about another vitally important job request. Statement 3 : I had known about the date beforehand, so I had this photograph readied. Statement 4 : My brilliant deduction was what informed me that the true culprit was Ron DeLite. Statement 5 : And thanks to the Key Card and Wallet, it was abundantly clear that he was there. Statement 6 : I was also able to make a deduction from the buzzer, which sounded only once. Statement 7 : The button did not have any fingerprints on it... Why? Statement 8 : The victim would have left prints if he sounded it. Which means the killer sounded it. Statement 9 : Mr. DeLite was wearing his Mask DeMasque outfit, which is why he left no prints. Statement 10: And, the blackmail letter? The victim likely just mistook the color of the jewel. Statement 11: Zvarri! Therefore, all the evidence points to that poor boy!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 9.

2. Mr. DeLite, even if a bowl is broken, there is always a way to put it back together. Present -> Sacred Urn

Episode 2: The Stolen Turnabout [THE END]

===============================================================================5) EPISODE 3: RECIPE FOR TURNABOUT [ep3]=============================================================================== a) Investigation (Day 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1) c) Investigation (Day 2) d) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) e) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiles------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Maya Fey (19, Female) My assistant and a disciple in the Kurain Tradition of spirit channeling.

2. Mia Fey (deceased, Female) Maya's older sister and my eternal mentor in life and law. Passed away 2 years ago.

3. Godot (???, Male) A prosecutor who is shrouded in mystery. He seems to know me somehow.

4. Dick Gumshoe (32, Male) Homicide detective at the local precinct. In charge of initial investigations.

5. Maggey Byrde (23, Female) A waitress at Tres Bien. Was found guilty of murder thanks to the phony me.

6. Jean Armstrong (39, Male) Tres Bien owner and chef. A witness in the case who is also into aromatherapy. Update 1: Tres Bien owner and chef. Has a large debt and prior convictions for theft.

7. Glen Elg (28, Male) The victim. Was a programmer. Maggey had apparently never even seen him before. Update 1: The victim. Was a programmer. Wore an HMD over left eye. Left eardrum was ruptured.

8. Victor Kudo (68, Male) Was in Tres Bien at the time of the incident. Has a thing for waitresses. Update 1: Was in Tres Bien at the time of the incident. Called the police by pay phone.

9. Lisa Basil (???, Female) The CEO of Blue Screens, Inc., and Glen Elg's boss. Absolutely not a robot.

10. Violetta (???, Female) / Viola Cadaverini (25, Female) Possibly part of the staff at Tender Lender? A thoroughly bitter person. Update 1: The granddaughter of crime boss Bruto Cadaverini. A thoroughly bitter person.

11. Furio Tigre (42, Male) The head of the Tender Lender loan company. Also known as "The Tiger".

12. Bruto Cadaverini (78, Male) The head of the Cadaverini Family crime syndicate. Seems to live for his granddaughter.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Attorney's Badge Type: Other One of my possessions. It's my all-important badge. It shows that I am a defense attorney.

2. Magatama Type: Other Received from Maya Fey. A present from Maya. It reacts to people who have secrets in their hearts.

3. Magazine Clipping Type: Other Received from Detective Gumshoe. An article from December 5th. Says I was trounced and my client was found guilty.

4. Sports Paper Type: Other Obtained at Tres Bien. Dates from December 3rd, the day of the incident. Touch the Check Button for more details.

5. Job Listings Type: Other Found at Vitamin Square. Picked up from a bench in Vitamin Square. Thrown away by the old man.

6. Lunch Special Type: Other Obtained at Tres Bien. Tres Bien lunch special. Costs 20 dollars despite how unbelievably bad it tastes.

7. Magatama (Refile) Type: Other Found in the Kitchen. On loan from Maya. Recovered in the kitchen of Tres Bien.

8. Small Bottle Type: Other

Found in the Kitchen. Found in the kitchen. Shape is different from the other bottles. Contents unknown.

9. Scooter Type: Other Found at Vitamin Square. Ridden by my phony. The wheel guard is all smashed up.

10. Sports Paper (Refile) Type: Other Obtained at Tres Bien. Left by victim. Doodle is in victim's handwriting. Touch the Check Button for more details.

11. Jean's Loan Contract Type: Documents Received from Detective Gumshoe. Jean's debt is half a million dollars. The owner of the loan is Tender Lender.

12. Victor's Note Type: Documents Received from Victor Kudo. "Convicted before, a wicked man or woman, repeat offender -- Victor Kudo"

13. Glen's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Died of potassium cyanide poisoning. Time of death was between 1:30 and 2:30 PM.

14. Tres Bien Floor Plans Type: Maps Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Blueprints of the crime scene. Touch the Check Button for details. X = victim's seat.

15. Crime Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Godot. A photo of the scene taken from near the kitchen. Touch the Check Button for details.

16. Coffee Cup Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. The coffee contained potassium cyanide. Covered in the victim and Maggey's fingerprints.

17. Victim's Lottery Ticket Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Godot. A winning ticket for half a million dollars. Found during a body search of Maggey.

18. Apron

Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Worn by Maggey at the time of the incident. Has small pockets but big stains.

19. Potassium Cyanide Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Godot. A deadly powdery poison. Bears Maggey's fingerprints. Found in her apron pocket.

20. Victim's Prescription Bag Type: Other Submitted as evidence during the trial. The victim got this from the doctor before going to Tres Bien. The bag is empty.

21. Victor's Testimony Type: Documents Received from the Judge. "When the incident occurred. I broke the vase at my seat. I'm sorry."

22. Million Radio Flier Type: Other Received from Detective Gumshoe. Experience the most thrilling ten minutes of your life every Monday at 1:30 PM!

23. Glen's Calendar Type: Other Found at Blue Screens, Inc. On Dec 3rd, the day of the incident, there is a note saying, "Meet with The Tiger".

24. Losing Horse Racing Tickets Type: Other Found at Blue Screens, Inc. Horse racing betting tickets. Found in Glen Elg's desk. There's over 500 of them!

25. Gumshoe's Lunchbox Type: Other Received from Detective Gumshoe. A tenderly handmade lunchbox. Fills the stomach with love and plenty of weenies.

26. MC Bomber Type: Other Found at Tender Lender. Found at Tender Lender. A sample disc with the name written in marker. Update 1: Found at Tender Lender. Contains a computer virus program. Update 2: A computer virus made by Glen Elg. Potentially worth millions of dollars.

27. Tres Bien Matches Type: Other Found at Tender Lender.

Matches used for advertising. Found lying in Tender Lender.

28. Paper Badge Type: Other Found at Tender Lender. Found at Tender Lender. Made of cardboard and painted to look authentic.

29. Repair Bill Type: Documents Found at Tender Lender A car repair bill for $15,000. Paid by Tigre to the Cadaverini Family.

30. Viola's Medical Papers Type: Documents Received from Viola Cadaverini. A 1 million dollar bill for cranial surgery. Payment was due last year.

31. Small Bottle (Refile) Type: Evidence Found in the Kitchen. The victim's ear medicine. Found covered in unidentified fingerprints in the kitchen. Update 1: The victim's ear medicine. Covered in Furio Tigre's fingerprints.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Magazine Clipping added to the Court Record.) 1. Talk -> What to do 2. Talk -> Any ideas 3. Move -> Detention Center (Maggey Byrde) 4. Talk -> Maggey Byrde 5. Talk -> What happened 6. Talk -> Guilty verdict 7. Talk -> The other guy 8. Present -> Magazine Clipping

9. Move -> Tres Bien10. Examine -> Magazine rack on the right (Sports Paper added to the Court Record.)11. Move -> Detention Center12. Present -> Sports Paper13. Move -> Tres Bien (Jean Armstrong)14. Talk -> Tres Bien15. Talk -> What happened16. Talk -> Old man17. Present -> Profiles -> Maggey Byrde18. Talk -> Maggey's motive [Psyche-Lock x3]

19. Move -> Vitamin Square (Old Man)20. Talk -> What you saw21. Examine -> Magazine on the mandarin (Job Listings added to the Court Record.)22. Move -> Tres Bien

23. Present -> Job Listings24. Move -> Detention Center25. Move -> Wright & Co. Law Offices26. Move -> Criminal Affairs Dept. (Dick Gumshoe)27. Talk -> Magger Byrde28. Talk -> The victim29. Talk -> The investigation30. Talk -> Contradictions31. Present -> Sports Paper (Sports Paper given to Detective Gumshoe.)32. Present -> Profiles -> Jean Armstrong33. Talk -> The charming chef

34. Move -> Detention Center35. Move -> Tres Bien (Maya Fey)36. Talk -> Waitress37. Talk -> Lunch Special (Tres Bien Lunch Special added to the Court Record.)38. Talk -> The Kitchen39. Move -> Kitchen40. Examine -> Green object on the center table (Magatama put into pocket.)41. Examine -> Box of small bottles in the lower left corner (Small Bottle added to the Court Record.)42. Move -> Tres Bien43. Move -> Vitamin Square44. Examine -> Pink scooter (Scooter added to the Court Record.)

45. Talk -> What you saw46. Talk -> Maggey Byrde47. Talk -> Tres Bien48. Talk -> Tres Bien regular [Psyche-Lock x3]49. Move -> Tres Bien50. Move -> Detention Center51. Move -> Criminal Affairs Dept. (Sports Paper refiled into the Court Record.)52. Present -> Small Bottle (Small Bottle given to Detective Gumshoe.)53. Talk -> Armstrong's secret (Jean's Loan Contract added to the Court Record.)54. Move -> Detention Center55. Move -> Tres Bien56. Move -> Vitamin Square (Old Man)57. Present -> Magatama

Old Man - Psyche-Lock x3 -- Tres Bien Regular -- i. I can tell that not you nor anyone else in the world would go to that place for its food. Present -> Lunch Special ii. You don't have money to burn. You're flat broke! Present -> Job Listings iii. But there are no free papers to read at Tres Bien! Present -> Sports Paper iv. The real reason why you go so much to Tres Bien is... Present -> Profiles -> Maggey Byrde


58. Talk -> Tres Bien regular59. Move -> Tres Bien (Maya Fey)60. Present -> Profiles -> Victor Kudo61. Talk -> What you saw62. Talk -> Tres Bien63. Talk -> Tres Bien regular64. Talk -> Armstrong's record (Victor's Note added to the Court Record.)65. Move -> Tres Bien (Jean Armstrong)66. Present -> Magatama

Jean Armstrong - Psyche-Lock x3 -- Maggey's Motive -- i. I think the winning ticket was stolen by this person. Present -> Profiles -> Jean Armstrong ii. I present to you, proof that you have stolen from others in the past! Present -> Victor's Note iii. I want to see la incontestable proof that I 'ave ever stolen from one of my customers! Present -> Magatama iv. And that you are in desperate need of a large amount of cash? Present -> Jean's Loan ContractUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

67. Talk -> Maggey's Motive68. Talk -> Winning ticket (Victor's Note thrown into the trash.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Glen's Autopsy Report added to the Court Record.) (Tres Bien Floor Plans added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dick Gumshoe -- The Incident -- Statement 1 : When the incident took place, the victim was alone at his table, sir. Statement 2 : We understand that the guy, Glen Elg, was listening to the radio at the time. Statement 3 : Traces of poison were found in his coffee cup. Statement 4 : And what we found was potassium cyanide. That stuff really packs a punch! Statement 5 : And, um... it looks like Ms. Byrde might've had, well... some kind of motive.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. (What should I do? Should I press on this point a little harder or not?) B) Press Harder (Crime Photo added to the Court Record.)

3. Press Statement 2. 4. (What should I do? Should I press on this point a little harder or not?) B) Press harder 5. Press Statement 3. 6. (What should I do? Should I press on this point a little harder or not?) B) Press harder (Coffee Cup added to the Court Record.) 7. Press Statement 4. 9. Press Statement 5.10. (What should I do? Should I press on this point a little harder or not?) B) Press harder (Victim's Lottery Ticket added to the Court Record.) (Apron added to the Court Record.) (Potassium Cyanide added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dick Gumshoe -- The Investigation -- Statement 1 : The crime was reported at 2:25 PM by a kind of scary old man, sir. Statement 2 : Poor Maggey had passed out from the shock. It must've been real tough for her. Statement 3 : The victim didn't have any identification on him. Statement 4 : But we figured out who he was pretty quick, and then the investigation went smoothly. Statement 5 : When Maggey was searched, we found the lottery ticket and the bottle of poison. Statement 6 : And that was it. There was nothing missing from the crime scene.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 4. 2. (What should I do? Should I leave this alone or ask to hear more?) B) Ask about the prescription bag (Victim's Prescription Bag added to the Court Record.) 3. Present -> Victim's Prescription Bag at Statement 6.

4. (But I can't get away with any old weak objection. What should I do...?) A) Push the medication issue

Witness Testimony : Victor Kudo -- What I Witnessed -- Statement 1 : The young man was reading the sports paper. Statement 2 : The serving girl brought him a javaccino... But she put something in it! Statement 2a: There's no question about it! She very conspicuously put some white powder in there! Statement 3 : The man took one sip of it, looked like he was in terrible pain, and then collapsed. Statement 4 : That's the serving girl, right there in the defendant's chair. I remember her well! Statement 4a: There was a ribbon in her hair, and her apron's straps were loose. Statement 4b: There wasn't anything that caught my interest about her when I saw her from the front.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2.

2. (I bet I know what's coming up and something tells me I'm not going to like it...) B) Press harder (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 3. Press Statement 4. 4. (He seems pretty sure of himself. What should I do?) B) Press harder (Statement 4a added to testimony.) 5. Press Statement 4a. 6. (What should I do? I get the feeling there's something more to this fellow...) C) Ask about the waitress's back (Statement 4b added to testimony.) 7. Present -> Apron at Statement 4b.

Witness Testimony : Victor Kudo -- About the Victim -- Statement 1 : He was another of those pesky young types, wearing a broken pair of spectacles. Statement 2 : He had a newspaper in his right hand, and the noisy brat kept rustling its pages! Statement 3 : The young man was listening to the wireless. I remember that well. Statement 4 : Then the serving girl in question brought over the javaccino. Statement 5 : The little fidget picked up the cup with his free hand and took a sip.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Coffee Cup at Statement 5.

Witness Testimony : Victor Kudo -- Left Hand or Right Hand -- Statement 1 : The boy was wearing the earpiece on the same side as the green lens of his specs. Statement 2 : He kept fiddling with it all the time. Statement 3 : He was fiddling with it just before he picked up the cup, too. Statement 4 : And then he used the same hand to pick up the cup. His left hand!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Profiles -> Glen Elg at Statement 1.

Witness Testimony : Victor Kudo -- The Final Showdown -- Statement 1 : First of all, I want to stress that this might be nothing. I'm not too sure of myself. Statement 2 : The young boy slumped over the table as soon as he took one sip of his javaccino... Statement 3 : Well, the clumsy idiot upset the vase! He knocked it right over. Statement 4 : It broke, and the strip of cloth covering the table got completely soaked! Statement 5 : Well!? How about that? Turned things upside-down, hmm?

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Crime Photo at Statement 4.

(Victor's Testimony added to the Court Record.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Talk -> What to do 2. Talk -> Any ideas 3. Move -> Detention Center 4. Move -> Criminal Affairs Dept. 5. Move -> Detention Center 6. Move -> Tres Bien (Dick Gumshoe) 7. Talk -> Today's trial 8. Talk -> Lunch special 9. Talk -> The radio [Psyche-Lock x1]10. Present Magatama

Dick Gumshoe - Psyche-Lock x1 -- The Radio -- i.'s pretty clear what kind of radio program it was. I'd say it was related to... Present -> Victim's Lottery ticketUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

11. Talk -> The radio (Million Radio Flier added to the Court Record.)12. Present -> Glen Elg13. Move -> Blue Screens, Inc. (Lisa Basil)14. Talk -> Blue Screens, Inc.15. Talk -> What happened16. Examine -> Small pieces of paper on the floor (Glen Elg's Losing Horse Racing Tickets gathered up.)17. Examine -> Top of the desk (Glen's Calendar added to the Court Record.)18. Present -> Profiles -> Glen Elg19. Talk -> Glen's troubles [Psyche-Lock x3]

20. Move -> Tres Bien21. Move -> Kitchen (Jean Armstrong)22. Talk -> Tres Bien23. Talk -> The woman just now24. Present -> Jean's Loan Contract25. Talk -> The woman just now26. Talk -> Tender Lender27. Move -> Tres Bien (Gumshoe's Lunchbox given to Maya to carry.)28. Move -> Vitamin Square29. Move -> Tender Lender

30. Examine -> CD Player on the desk (MC Bomber added to the Court Record.)31. Examine -> Ashtray in the bottom left corner (Tres Bien Matches added to the Court Record.)32. Move -> Vitamin Square (Victor Kudo)

33. Talk -> Today's trial34. Talk -> Embroiderer (If we let him start rambling now, we might never shut him up! What should I do?) B) Suck it up35. Talk -> The "errand"36. Move -> Tres Bien37. Move -> Kitchen38. Move -> Tres Bien39. Move -> Detention Center (Maggey Byrde)

40. Talk -> Contradiction41. Talk -> After the Incident42. Present -> Profiles -> Victor Kudo43. Talk -> Victor's Testimony44. Present -> Gumshoe's Lunchbox (Gumshoe's Lunchbox eaten with Maya.)45. Move -> Criminal Affairs Dept. (Dick Gumshoe)46. Talk -> Tender Lender47. Talk -> Computer viruses48. Talk -> What's a virus?49. Present -> MC Bomber50. Talk -> MC Bomber (MC Bomber updated in the Court Record.)

51. Move -> Detention Center52. Move -> Tres Bien53. Move -> Vitamin Square54. Move -> Tender Lender55. Examine -> Coats hanging on the back wall (Paper Badge added to the Court Record.)56. Talk -> Tender Lender57. Talk -> What happened58. Present -> Profiles -> Furio Tigre59. Talk -> Saved your life?60. Talk -> The head bandage [Psyche-Lock x4]

61. Move -> Vitamin Square62. Move -> Tres Bien63. Move -> Detention Center64. Move -> Criminal Affairs Dept. (Dick Gumshoe)65. Present -> Profiles -> Violetta66. Talk -> The Cadaverinis (Gumshoe's Lunchbox given to Maya. Again.)67. Move -> Detention Center68. Move -> Tres Bien69. Move -> Blue Screens, Inc. (Lisa Basil)70. Present Magatama

Lisa Basil - Psyche-Lock x3 -- Glen's Trouble -- i. Did Mr. Elg's troubles have something to do with this? Present -> Losing Horse Racing Tickets ii. Mr. Elg's gambling wasn't restricted to horse races, was it? Present -> Victim's Lottery Ticket iii. Mr. Elg's real problem was with someone or something more terrifying and ferocious!

Present -> Glen's Calendar iv. In that case, I think it's time to introduce you to The Tiger. Present -> Profiles -> Furio Tigre v. The program in question... Was it by any chance... this!? Present -> MC BomberUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

71. Talk -> Glen's troubles72. Talk -> Risky extra work (MC Bomber updated in the Court Record.) (Glen Elg's Losing Horse Racing Tickets thrown back on the floor.)73. Move -> Tres Bien74. Move -> Vitamin Square75. Move -> Tender Lender76. Examine -> Paper sticking out between the shelf and the chess piece (Repair Bill added to the Court Record.)77. Present -> Magatama

Viola Cadaverini - Psyche-Lock x4 -- The Head Bandage -- i. Did the injury in question have something to do with this? Present -> Repair Bill ii. Your relationship with the Cadaverinis is very strong... And this is why. Present -> Profiles -> Bruto Cadaverini iii. (Hmm, is it possible...? Could the person who committed the hit and run have been...? Present -> Profiles -> Furio Tigre iv. But I have proof that The Tiger was involved in a traffic accident on his bike! Present -> Scooter v. I think the reason he paid for the operation wasn't because of you, but someone else... Present -> Profiles -> Bruto CadaveriniUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

78. Talk -> The head bandage79. Talk -> Compensation (Viola's Medical Papers added to the Court Record.) (Repair Bill thrown into the trash.)80. Move -> Vitamin Square81. Move -> Tres Bien


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Small Bottle refiled into the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Jean Armstrong -- At Tres Bien -- Statement 1 : When it all 'appened, z'ere were just two customers in my restaurant. Statement 2 : I remember I was experimenting w'iz some new art deco z'at

day. Statement 3 : Like 'aving a large mirror between la tables, for example. Statement 4 : Oui! Per'aps z'at is what la old man was looking at. Statement 5 : La cup, la earpiece and la glasses, 'E would 'ave seen everything in reverse, non?

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (What should I do? Should I ask him more about the mirror or not?) B) Press harder 3. Present -> Profiles -> Glen Elg at Statement 5.

Witness Testimony : Jean Armstrong -- The Mirror -- Statement 1 : La mirror, it was in z'e middle of la restaurant, dividing z't two 'alves. Statement 2 : Z'ere is only one seat from which you could 'ave seen an image of la victim. Statement 3 : Z'at was la seat at z'e table next to la victim's. Z'at was where la old man was sitting. Statement 4 : After la terrible incident occurred, I moved la mirror so it was not in z'e way. Statement 5 : But naturally, I did not touch anything else!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Crime Photo at Statement 5.

2. What is the something that "should not exist" in this photo? Present -> Flower vase on the left 3. Because it very clearly contradicts with this piece of evidence! Present -> Victor's Testimony 4. The reason behind all the contradictions in Mr. Kudo's testimony is simple C) The victim was a phony.

Witness Testimony : Jean Armstrong -- In the Restaurant -- Statement 1 : La victim, Monsieur Elg, 'e came to my restaurant alone. Statement 2 : I remember la old man arrived not long after 'im. Statement 2a: I remember la old man arrived not long after 'im, just after 2 PM. Statement 3 : Z'ere were no other customers. Statement 4 : When 'e got word 'e won la lottery, Mon. Elg became very excited. Statement 5 : It was approximately 5 minutes later z'at la poisoning incident occurred. Statement 6 : Non, z'ere was no time for a phony to do la acting.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (Maybe I should ask about his arrival in more detail.) C) What time was it? (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Million Radio Flyer at Statement 2a.

4. First, where was the body of the real Mr. Elg concealed? B) Inside Tres Bien 5. The exact location where the body was concealed inside Tres Bien is...

Present -> Kitchen 6. Where's the evidence that proves the body was hidden in that location? Present -> Small bottle

Witness Testimony : Jean Armstrong -- The Confession -- Statement 1 : It is true, I 'id la body in la kitchen. Statement 2 : A man forced me to do it. I 'ad no choice. Statement 3 : I 'ad to go along w'iz 'him because... Z'ere was a reason why I could not refuse. Statement 4 : But I did not kill 'im! I swear it! You must believe me!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Profiles -> Furio Tigre at Statement 2.

2. I know you couldn't go against Mr. Tigre. At least, not while he had this on you! Present -> Jean's Loan Contract


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (In that case, would you mind checking the prints on this for me?) Present -> Small bottle (Small Bottle given to Detective Gumshoe.)

Witness Testimony : Furio Tiger -- The Tiger's Alibi -- Statement 1 : I don't know nothin' about no murder. Statement 2 : I was tied up with business in December last year. Spent all'a my time in my office.\ Statement 2a: The day youse talkin' about, I was in de office, too. I never saw that kid before. Statement 3 : I got whales lined up to borrow cash from Tender Lender every single day. Statement 4 : Youse wanna check my alibi just ask Violetta.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (What's important is what he was doing on the day of the murder... So, now what?) A) Press harder (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Glen's Calendar at Statement 2a.

Witness Testimony : Furio Tiger -- The Victim, Glen Elg -- Statement 1 : I ain't no liar. I never met Glen Elg. Statement 2 : There was some lame guy with that name, though. Wanted to borrow cash from me. Statement 3 : I set up meetin' with the guy... at my office, Tender Lender. Statement 4 : I waited around for him, but he ain't ever showed. Statement 5 : I ain't never even been to that Tres Bien joint, youse hear?

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Tres Bien Matches at Statement 5.

Witness Testimony : Furio Tiger -- At Tres Bien -- Statement 1 : I was supposed to meet wid the kid at the restaurant that afternoon. Statement 2 : When I opened the door to the joint, I saw one ugly scene. Statement 3 : The guy was laid out over the table, stiff as concrete. Statement 4 : I figured if the place wasn't hot already, it was gonna be, so I split. Statement 5 : I heard the cop's sirens on my way out, and I went straight back to my office.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Tres Bien Floor Plans at Statement 2.

2. In that case, Mr. Wright, reveal the identity of this "criminal" to the court! Present -> Profiles -> Furio Tigre 3. Who was this "waitress" that Mr. Kudo witnessed? Present -> Profiles -> Viola Cadaverini

Witness Testimony : Furio Tiger -- Ties to the Victim -- Statement 1 : Yeah, I loaned Elg cash. About 100,000 dollars. Statement 2 : That day, we was due to have a little chat. The kid had hit his payback date, see? Statement 3 : So anyway, he tells me he's got no way to pay up. Statement 4 : I'm about to flatten the guy, when he starts screamin'. Statement 5 : "Yesss! I won! Half a million bucks!" He got lucky, you'know. Real lucky. Statement 6 : If that waitress hadn't done what she done, everythin' woulda been over. Statement 6a: Thanks to what she did, my business with that kid was over! Statement 6b: I was after the $100,000. I didn't have no other reason to kill the guy!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 6. 2. (Maybe I should push a little on this...) A) Ask about what Maggey did (Statement 6a added to testimony.) 3. Press Statement 6a. 4. Well, Mr. Wright? Are you happy with the testimony, or would you like it amended? B) Have it amended (Statement 6b added to testimony.) 5. Present -> MC Bomber at Statement 6b.

6. Why did Mr. Tigre need money to the tune of one million dollars? Present -> Viola's Medical Papers 7. What was this trick you say Mr. Tigre performed to frame the accused? Present -> Paper Badge (Small Bottle put into pocket.) 8. Present this final, decisive piece of evidence to the court!

Present -> Small Bottle 9. Why? Because it contains... C) potassium cyanide.

10. (I know. I'll give her a little present to celebrate her freedom...) Present -> Gumshoe's Lunchbox

Episode 3: Recipe for Turnabout [THE END]

===============================================================================6) EPISODE 4: TURNABOUT BEGINNINGS [ep4]=============================================================================== a) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) b) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiles------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Terry Fawles (25, Male) My client. Sentenced to death 5 years ago. Escaped from custody 2 days ago.

2. Valerie Hawthorne (23, Female) Police officer and the victim. The key witness in the case against Fawles 5 years ago.

3. Deigo Armando (27, Male) A hot-shot lawyer. My senior and rival at the office. A bit smug.

4. Miles Edgeworth (20, Male) Dubbed a genius as soon as he started as a prosecutor. Today is his court debut.

5. Dick Gumshoe (26, Male) Homicide detective in charge of the initial investigation. Still new to his position.

6. Melissa Foster (19, Female) A college student. Witnessed and photographed the incident on Dusky Bridge.

7. Dahlia Hawthorne (deceased, Female) Valerie's younger sis. Victim of the kidnap/murder. Fell from bridge, no body found.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Attorney's Badge

Type: Other One of my possessions. Proof of my profession. It's brand-new and sparkles in the light.

2. Valerie's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Received during the preliminary hearing. Stabbed with a knife in the back. Died from blood loss between 4 and 5 PM.

3. Dusky Bridge Map Type: Maps Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Bridge located 40 feet above the Eagle River. Touch the Check Button for details.

4. Victim's Note Type: Documents Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Confidential police materials written by the victim. Touch the Check Button for details.

5. Crime Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. A photo of the trunk of Fawles's car. Touch the Check Button for details.

6. Scarf Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Miles Edgeworth. Worn by the victim at the time of the incident. Found on Dusky Bridge.

7. Witness's Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Detective Gumshoe. Seems to have been taken by the witness. Touch the Check Button for details.

8. Camera Type: Other Submitted as evidence by Melissa Foster. Melissa took the Witness's Photo with this. A small but powerful model. Update 1: Melissa took the Witness's Photo with this. Has a timer function.

9. Diamond Type: Other Received from Terry Fawles. A 2 million dollar gem. Used as ransom for Dahlia. Lost to Eagle River 5 years ago.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dusky Bridge Map added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dick Gumshoe -- Summary of the Incident -- Statement 1 : On the day of the incident, an unknown person phoned the sergeant and asked to meet. Statement 2 : Sergeant Hawthorne went to Dusky Bridge at the designated time and met with Mr. Fawles. Statement 3 : And that's where she was murdered, sir. Statement 4 : The criminal stuffed her body into his trunk and tried to make a getaway. Statement 4a: Here's a photo of the trunk. But I don't see anything strange, do you? Anyway... Statement 5 : Mr. Fawles was arrested at a police checkpoint we set up at the base of the mountain.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. (Victim's Note added to the Court Record.) 2. Press Statement 2. 3. Press Statement 3. 4. Press Statement 4. (Crime Photo added to the Court Record.) (Statement 4a added to testimony.) 5. Present -> Victim's Note at Statement 4a. (Scarf added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Dick Gumshoe -- Events on Dusky Bridge -- Statement 1 : Actually, there's an eyewitness who was there when the incident took place. Statement 2 : This photo was accidentally taken by the witness. It shows her wearing the scarf, sir. Statement 3 : It was drizzling that day; unfortunately, it's a little hard to see what's going on. Statement 4 : Anyway, the criminal shoved the victim down from behind and stabbed her in the back! Statement 5 : ...That must have been when the scarf fell off.

(Witness's Photo added to the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Crime Photo at Statement 4.

2. What is it about this photo of the trunk that doesn't fit with the conditions of that day? Present -> The victim's coat 3. Here is the evidence that proves the surface of the bridge was muddy! Present -> Scarf 4. The false evidence in this case is the... C) witness's testimony.

Witness Testimony : Melissa Foster -- The Witness's Photograph -- Statement 1 : I... I was using my camera to take some pictures of wild flowers. Statement 2 : Then, I noticed there were two people standing up on the suspension bridge. Statement 3 : Suddenly, they just started fighting!

Statement 4 : That's when I hurried and took the photo that shows the crucial moment. Statement 4a: The victim turned around and tried to run away, but... Statement 5 : And right after that, I called the police. Statement 5a: She only got about 10 yards before she was stabbed in the back.

(Camera added to the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Witness's Photo at Statement 4. (Statement 4a added to testimony.) (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 2. Present -> Dusky Bridge Map at Statement 5a.

Witness Testimony : Melissa Foster -- Running From the Crime -- Statement 1 : After he stabbed her in the back, he quickly picked her up in his arms. Statement 2 : Then he carried her over to the car. Statement 3 : I suppose that was the only way he could make sure the body stayed hidden. Statement 3a: The killer broke into the trunk of the stolen car and hid the body in there. Statement 4 : He couldn't just leave the body on top of the bridge. Statement 5 : Oh, I'm sorry... I'm only supposed to talk about what I saw.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Dusky Bridge Map at Statement 3. (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 2. Present -> Dusky Bridge Map at Statement 3a.

3. (What she just said... Is there a contradiction in there somewhere...?) B) It doesn't work. 4. The reason the witness had seen the scratches was... B) she put the corpse in herself. 5. What I'm saying is the shutter for this may not have been pushed by Ms. Foster herself! Present -> Camera 6. Where was Melissa Foster when the incident on the bridge occurred? Present -> Blue circle symbolising the victim 7. At the time of the incident, Mr. Fawles had forgotten what Valerie Hawthorne looked like! Present -> Scarf


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Diamond added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Melissa Foster -- Melissa Foster's History -- Statement 1 : I... I was out of the country until the year before last.

Statement 1a: Naturally, I didn't know either the victim or the defendant. Statement 2 : Until I entered college, I had never been to Eagle Mountain before... Statement 3 : And I certainly don't have any reason for wanting to hurt a police officer. Statement 4 : Holding a grudge and killing the officer who testified against you 5 years ago... Statement 5 : Or kidnapping a poor girl... I just think the defendant is a terrible, horrible monster! Statement 5a: I guess I'm lucky I wasn't wearing a white scarf.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. (...What do I do? Should I press her for details?) B) Press her harder (Statement 1a added to testimony.) 3. Press Statement 4. 4. (Well, she's right about that. Mr. Fawles is kind of forgetful...) B) Press harder 5. (Sometimes it's best not to poke too deep... What should I do with the last statement?) A) Have it added to the testimony (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 6. Present -> Scarf at Statement 5a.

7. The reason why the witness thought the scarf was white is...! Present -> Victim's Note 8. The third person that knew the contents of the note was...! Present -> Profiles -> Dahlia Hawthorne 9. What motive would this witness have for murdering her own sister, Valerie Hawthorne? Present -> Victim's Note

Witness Testimony : Melissa Foster -- 5 Years Ago -- Statement 1 : Five years ago, I was kidnapped by Mr. Fawles. Statement 2 : The ransom price was a raw diamond. My sister, Valerie, brought it to the bridge... Statement 3 : After she made the exchange, she shot Mr. Fawles in the arm! Statement 4 : That's when Mr. Fawles tried to kill me by shoving me off the bridge from behind! Statement 5 : I survived, but I was afraid I might be kidnapped again for my family's money... Statement 6 : So I decided to change my identity and start a new life...

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Dusky Bridge Map at Statement 4.

2. Because your flawed logic contradicts the Court Record! Present -> Witness's Photo 3. This is why she risked her life by jumping into the rapids of the Eagle River! Present -> Diamond 4. (Who is the one person who can testify to that demon woman's crimes...?) Present -> Profiles -> Terry Fawles

Witness Testimony : Terry Fawles

-- Who Terry Fawles Saw -- Statement 1 : That day... 4 PM... I stopped the car. I was in front of bridge... Statement 2 : She wasn't there... So, I waited on bridge. Statement 3 : I watched my car from bridge. I never put no body in that car! Statement 4 : Finally, one woman came. She stood in front of me. Statement 5 : We talked... Then she left. Statement 6 : That was... That was Valerie. Not my Dahlia!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Witness's Photo at Statement 4.

Episode 4: Turnabout Beginnings [THE END]

===============================================================================7) EPISODE 5: BRIDGE TO THE TURNABOUT [ep5]=============================================================================== a) Investigation (Day 1, Part 1) b) Investigation (Day 1, Part 2) c) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1) d) Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2) e) Investigation (Day 2, Part 1) f) Investigation (Day 2, Part 2) g) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1) h) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2) i) Court Trial (Day 2, Part 3)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiles-------------------------------------------------------------------------------AS PHOENIX WRIGHT [Investigation (Day 1, Part 1), (Day 2, Part 1 & 2)] 1. Maya Fey (19, Female) My assistant and a disciple in the Kurain Tradition of spirit channeling. Update 1: Went to the Inner Temple for spiritual training and is now trapped there. Update 2: Went to the Inner Temple on the night of the incident and is now missing.

2. Mia Fey (deceased, Female) Maya's older sister and my eternal mentor in life and law. Passed away 2 years ago.

3. Godot (???, Male) A prosecutor who is shrouded in mystery. He seems to know me somehow.

4. Pearl Fey (9, Female) Maya's cousin, and a channeling prodigy. She has amazingly powerful spiritual abilities. Update 1: Maya's cousin, and a channeling prodigy. She was found at the Inner Temple.

5. Bikini (48, Female) A hearty, motherly nun at Hazakura Temple, a channeling dojo deep in the mountains. Update 1: A nun at Hazakura Temple. She discovered the murder. Her bad back really bothers her.

6. Elise Deauxnim (???, Female) Kind-eyed author and illustrator of picture books. Pearls is a huge fan of hers. Update 1: The victim of this incident. A picture book author of unknown age. Larry's teacher. Update 1: Real name: Misty Fey. Maya's mother and Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique.

7. Iris (25, Female) A nun at Hazakura Temple. She reminds me so much of "her"... Update 1: The defendant. A nun from Hazakura Temple. Doesn't seem to have any spiritual power.

8. Laurice Deauxnim (25, Male) Better known as Larry Butz. Current in training as Elise Deauxnim's pupil. Update 1: AKA Larry Butz. Saw an unbelievable sight at Heavenly Hall the night of the crime.

9. Dick Gumshoe (32, Male) Homicide detective at the local precinct. In charge of the initial investigation.

10. Franziska von Karma (19, Female) Legendary prosecutor Manfred von Karma's daughter. Born/raised in Germany. Prosecutor at 13.

11. Miles Edgeworth (26, Male) An old friend. Said to be #1 at the D.A.'s office. Studies foreign judicial systems now.

12. Morgan Fey (???, Female) Older sister of Misty Fey and mother of Pearl and Iris. Is in solitary confinement.

13. ?????? (???, ?) Morgan Fey's daughter and Iris's twin sister. Her father deals in jewelry apparently.

14. Dahlia Hawthorne (deceased, Female) Morgan Fey's daughter and Iris's twin sister. She was executed last month. Note: This replaces ??????.

AS MILES EDGEWORTH [Investigation (Day 1, Part 2)]: 1. Phoenix Wright (26, Male) My friend since grade school. Fell from Dusky Bridge and is currently hospitalized.

2. Dick Gumshoe (32, Male) Homicide detective at the local precinct. In charge of the initial


3. Larry Butz (25, Male) My friend since grade school. I don't remember how we became friends, though.

4. Elise Deauxnim (???, Female) The victim of this incident. A picture book author of unknown age. Larry's teacher.

5. Iris (25, Female) The defendant. A nun from Hazakura Temple. Doesn't seem to have any spiritual power.

6. Godot (???, Male) The prosecutor for this case. He apparently holds some sort of grudge against Wright.

7. Bikini (48, Female) A nun at Hazakura Temple, a channeling dojo. She discovered the murder. Update 1: A nun at Hazakura Temple. She discovered the murder. Her bad back really bothers her.

8. Maya Fey (19, Female) Went to the Inner Temple for spiritual training and is now trapped there.

9. Pearl Fey (9, Female) Maya's cousin. Was apparently with the victim at the time of the crime. Currently missing.

10. Franziska von Karma (19, Female) My mentor, Manfred von Karma's daughter. Born/raised in Germany. Prosecutor at 13.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence-------------------------------------------------------------------------------AS PHOENIX WRIGHT [Investigation (Day 1, Part 1), (Day 2, Part 1 & 2)] 1. Attorney's Badge Type: Other One of my possessions. It's my all-important badge. It shows that I am a defense attorney.

2. Magatama Type: Other Received from Maya Fey. A present from Maya. It reacts to people who have secrets in their hearts.

3. "Oh Cult!" New Year's Issue Type: Other Received from Pearl Fey. An occult magazine featuring Hazakura Temple. Touch the Check Button for details.

4. Hazakura Temple Map

Type: Maps Received from Elise Deauxnim. Shows Hazakura Temple and the surrounding area. Touch the Check Button for details.

5. Hanging Scroll Type: Other Found at the Inner Temple Training Hall. Shows Misty Fey, Master of the Kurain Technique. Touch the Check Button for details. Update 1: Misty Fey's image is completely obscured by gravy. Touch the Check Button for details.

6. Photo of Elise Type: Photographs Received from Laurice Deauxnim. Taken by her only pupil, Laurice Deauxnim. Touch the Check Button for details.

7. Iris's Hood Type: Other Received from Iris. A magical hood said to offer protection from evil spirits. Update 1: Received before the lights out bell the night of the crime. Protects from evil spirits.

8. Weather Data Type: Documents Received from Detective Gumshoe. A regional weather report for the night of the crime. Touch the Check Button for details.

9. Shichichito Type: Weapons Found in Hazakura Temple Courtyard. Had the victim's blood and the suspects fingerprints on it, but is not the murder weapon.

10. Victim's Staff Type: Other Found in Hazakura Temple Courtyard. Carried by Elise Deauxnim when she was alive. Has her fingerprints on it. Update 1: Has a sword hidden inside. No one knows this except me and Detective Gumshoe. Update 2: Has a sword hidden inside. The actual weapon used to murder the victim.

11. Elise's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Received from Detective Gumshoe. Time: 10 - 11 PM. Cause: loss of blood from stab in back. Body fell 10 ft. after death.

12. Iris's Testimony Type: Documents Received from Iris. Rang lights out bell at 10 PM and was then in her room until the murder

was discovered.

13. Tracks Photo Type: Photograph Submitted as evidence by Franziska von Karma. Taken that night. From Main Gate to Dusky Bridge. Touch the Check Button for details.

14. Crime Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Franziska von Karma. The courtyard where Elise Deauxnim was murdered. Touch the Check Button for details.

15. Larry's Sketch Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Larry Butz. Horrible sketch of what he saw the night of the crime. Touch the Check Button for details.

16. Crystal Sphere Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Larry Butz. Found on ourcropping near Dusky Bridge. Has blood on it. Came from victim's staff.

17. Kurain Master's Talisman Type: Other Found in the Inner Temple Garden Worn by Elise Deauxnim. Found in the garden of the Inner Temple.

18. Burnt Letter Type: Other Received from Detective Gumshoe. Found by Gumshoe in the Inner Temple incinerator. Touch the Check Button for details. Update 1: Orders from Morgan Fey. Opened once before. Touch the Check Button for details.

19. Dagger Type: Weapons Submitted as evidence by Godot. Found behind a tree in the Inner Temple garden. The blood is being analyzed now. Update 1: Found stuck in a pine tree in Inner Temple Garden. The blood doesn't match the victim's.

20. Stone Lantern Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Godot. A lantern from the Inner Temple garden. Was not lit the night of the crime.

21. Dusky Bridge Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Godot. Taken the morning after the crime. Touch the Check Button for


AS MILES EDGEWORTH [Investigation (Day 1, Part 2)]: 1. Attorney's Badge Type: Other Received from Phoenix Wright. Received from Wright. He wasn't serious when he gave this to me... was he?

2. Magatama Type: Other Received from Phoenix Wright. Received from Phoenix Wright. Something about reading people's hearts... What utter nonsense.

3. Hanging Scroll Type: Other Found at the Inner Temple Training Hall. Shows Misty Fey, Master of the Kurain Technique. Touch the Check Button for details.

4. Iris's Hood Type: Other Received from Iris. Received before the lights out bell the night of the crime. Protects from evil spirits.

5. Hazakura Temple Map Type: Maps Received from Elise Deauxnim. Shows Hazakura Temple and the surrounding area. Touch the Check Button for details.

6. "Oh Cult!" New Year's Issue Type: Other Received from Pearl Fey. An occult magazine featuring Hazakura Temple. Touch the Check Button for details.

7. Photo of Elise Type: Photographs Received from Laurice Deauxnim. Taken by her only pupil, Laurice Deauxnim. Touch the Check Button for details.

8. Weather Data Type: Documents Received from Detective Gumshoe. A regional weather report for the night of the crime. Touch the Check Button for details.

9. Note to Iris Type: Documents Found in the Hazakura Temple Main Hall. Found in the Main Hall. Maybe she dropped it? Touch the Check Button for details.

10. Elise's Autopsy Report Type: Reports Received from Detective Gumshoe. Time: 10 - 11 PM. Cause: loss of blood from stab in back. Body fell 10 ft. after death.

11. Shichichito Type: Weapons Found in Hazakura Temple Courtyard. The apparent murder weapon. Had the victim's blood and the suspect's fingerprints on it.

12. Victim's Staff Type: Other Found in Hazakura Temple Courtyard. Carried by Elise Deauxnim when she was alive. Has her fingerprints on it.

13. Iris's Testimony Type: Documents Received from Iris. Rang lights out bell at 10 PM and was then in her room until the murder was discovered.

14. Crime Photo Type: Photographs Submitted as evidence by Franziska von Karma. The courtyard where Elise Deauxnim was murdered. Touch the Check Button for details.

15. Tracks Photo Type: Photograph Submitted as evidence by Franziska von Karma. Taken that night. From Main Gate to Dusky Bridge. Touch the Check Button for details.

16. Larry's Sketch Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Larry Butz. Horrible sketch of what he saw the night of the crime. Touch the Check Button for details.

17. Crystal Sphere Type: Evidence Submitted as evidence by Larry Butz. Found half-covered in snow near Dusky Bridge the night of the crime. Has blood on it.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 1, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ("Oh Cult!" magazine received from Pearls.)

1. Talk -> Channeling dojo 2. Talk -> The other nun 3. Move -> Main Hall (Elise Deauxnim)

4. Talk -> Elise Deauxnim 5. Talk -> Why come here? (Hazakura Temple Map added to the Court Record.)

6. Move -> Main Gate 7. Move -> Suspension Bridge 8. Move -> Inner Temple Gate 9. Move -> Training Hall10. Examine -> Scroll on the right wall (Hanging Scroll added to the Court Record.)11. Move -> Inner Temple Gate12. Move -> Suspension Bridge (Larry Butz)13. Talk -> Laurice Deauxnim14. Talk -> Elise Deauxnim (Photo of Elise added to the Court Record.)15. Talk -> Picture books16. Present -> Profiles -> Iris

17. Talk -> Iris18. Talk -> Hazakura Temple [Psyche-Lock x5] (Iris's Hood received from Iris.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 1, Part 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Talk -> Iris 2. Talk -> The night of the crime? 3. Talk -> Any idea? 4. Talk -> Frightened? [Psyche-Lock x2] 5. Move -> Suspension Bridge (Dick Gumshoe) 6. Talk -> What happened 7. Talk -> Dusky Bridge 8. Talk -> Prosecutor Godot 9. Talk -> Lightning (Weather Data added to the Court Record.)

10. Move -> Main Gate (Laurice Deauxnim)11. Talk -> Iris12. Talk -> The night of the crime [Psyche-Lock x3]13. Move -> Main Hall (Bikini)14. Talk -> The night of the crime15. Talk -> What you saw16. Talk -> Why return?17. Talk -> The acolyte18. Present -> Profiles -> Iris19. Examine -> Note in the corner with the sitting cushions ("Note to Iris" added to the Court Record.)

20. Move -> Courtyard (Dick Gumshoe)21. Talk -> The victim (Autopsy Report added to the Court record.)22. Talk -> What happened23. Talk -> Tomorrow's trial

24. Talk -> Inner Temple25. Examine -> Golden Statue (Shichichito added to the Court record.)26. Examine -> Staff on the floor, buried among the snow (Victim's Staff to the Court record.)

27. Move -> Main Hall28. Move -> Main Gate29. Examine -> Snowmobile30. Move -> Suspension Bridge31. Move -> Detention Center (Iris)32. Talk -> Inner Temple33. Present -> Magatama

Iris - Psyche-Lock x2 -- Frightened? -- i. Is this what frightened you so much that you couldn't even leave your own room!? Present -> Note to Iris ii. ...there is one person you didn't want your secret told to! Present -> Profiles -> Phoenix WrightUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

34. Talk -> Frightened? (Iris's Testimony added to the Court Record.)35. Move -> Suspension Bridge36. Move -> Heavenly Hall (Larry Butz)37. Talk -> Heavenly Hall38. Talk -> Iris39. Talk -> The night of the crime [Psyche-Lock x3]40. Present -> Magatama

Larry Butz - Psyche-Lock x3 -- The Night of the Crime -- i. It's impossible for you to have seen lightning strike Dusky Bridge from your room! Present -> Hazakura Temple Map ii. The place you witnessed lightning strike Dusky Bridge was... here! Present -> Heavenly Hall iii. I believe that last night, you were waiting for this person to come meet you! Present -> Profiles -> Iris iv. Here's the evidence that you were waiting for Iris... Present -> Note to IrisUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

41. Talk -> The Night of the Crime42. Talk -> Something incredible [Psyche-Lock x5]


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Crime Photo added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Bikini -- The Night of the Murder -- Statement 1 : That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner Temple. But... Statement 2 : Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently. Statement 3 : So, I left Iris to help the acolyte and returned to Hazakura Temple. Statement 3a: Iris came to the Inner Temple. She was dressed exactly as she had been at dinner. Statement 4 : There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot soak. Statement 5 : After I had finished, and just as I was heading back... that's when I saw it!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Iris's Testimony at Statement 3. (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 2. Present -> Iris's Hood at Statement 3a.

Witness Testimony : Bikini -- After My Bath -- Statement 1 : I finished my bath around 11, and I thought I should return to the Inner Temple. Statement 2 : And as I was walking back... I heard a noise from the courtyard. I took a look and... Statement 3 : Iris was...! Oh, Mystic Elise! And with that sword, of all things! Statement 3a: Now that you mention it... Iris didn't have her hood on. Statement 4 : Mystic Elise was staying in the corner room, which faces out onto the courtyard. Statement 5 : The stabbing I saw must have occurred after she was pushed out of her window.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. What do you say, Mr. Edgeworth? Is this testimony important? B) It's important (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Elise's Autopsy Report at Statement 5.

Witness Testimony : Bikini -- Further Details -- Statement 1 : When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place. Statement 2 : Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise. Statement 3a: I saw the instant in which the blade, plunged in to the hilt, was smoothly drawn out. Statement 3 : I've never seen so much blood before... Statement 4 : That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you? Statement 5 : And when I awoke... Mystic Ami was... stabbing Mystic Elise through the back!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (What should I do...? Press the point further?)

B) Press further (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Shichichito at Statement 3a.

Witness Testimony : Bikini -- Location of the Weapon -- Statement 1 : I saw the murder at around 11 PM... Statement 2 : And after asking that it be reported, I went out to the Main Gate. Statement 3 : And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicated the snowmobile had been used! Statement 4 : It takes 15 minutes to walk to Dusky Bridge, but less than 5 using one of those! Statement 5 : Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle River and came back while I was knocked out? Statement 6 : ...Iris could have done that. She can drive a snowmobile after all...

(Tracks Photo added to the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (...I'm not really sure if this is really relevant... What should I do...?) A) Press further 3. Present -> Tracks Photo at Statement 5.

4. (This idea that the snowfall covered one set of tracks....?) B) There is a contradiction 5. Evidence that the outgoing tracks were not covered by snow! Present -> Weather Data 6. Where is your evidence that it had already stopped snowing when the victim was killed? Present -> Crime Photo 7. Mr. Edgeworth! Who is this idiot you're talking aboot!? Present -> Profiles -> Larry Butz


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 1, Part 2):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Witness Testimony : Larry Butz -- What I Saw -- Statement 1 : I was at that lodge out in the mountains, looking up at the stars that night. Statement 2 : I walked to the bridge a number of times, but... Statement 3 : I didn't see a s-snowmobile! Statement 4 : I didn't meet anyone at the bridge that night!

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Profiles -> Phoenix Wright at Statement 4.

Witness Testimony : Larry Butz -- What I Saw, Pt. 2 --

Statement 1 : I went to the shack at around 9, so it would have been about 10:30 PM... Statement 2 : I was lying under by bedding when a white flash almost blinded me! Statement 3 : I looked out the window...and Dusky Bridge was on fire! Statement 4 : There was still some thunder, but I went right away to check it out. Statement 5 : That's when I ran into Nick. Statement 5a: I arrived at the bridge, and Nick showed up less than a minute later.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 4. 2. (...Well? Should I press him for a little more info?) B) Why didn't you call anyone? (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Weather Data at Statement 5a.

Witness Testimony : Larry Butz -- The Missing 15 Minutes -- Statement 1 : I'm a Deauxnim. I'm an artist! What do you think I was doing? Statement 2 : Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into a frenzy of art! Statement 2a: I saw Iris flying! Her white hood fluttering! Statement 3 : The shock and awe that I was feeling... I transferred it all directly onto the page! Statement 4 : ...Before I realized it, the flames had gone out and then he came running up.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (...the entire world may be changed by what is depicted there...!) B) Look at the sketch (Larry's Sketch added to the Court Record.) (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Iris's Hood at Statement 2a.

Witness Testimony : Larry Butz -- Proof that Iris Flew! -- Statement 1 : When I reached Dusky Bridge she was already gone... Statement 2 : I was so worried! So I frantically searched all over for her! Statement 3 : That led to me finding a beautiful crystal sphere, half buried in the snow! Statement 4 : I'm sure that Iris was simply wearing a spare hood. Statement 5 : After all, no one else could have lost a crystal sphere that night.

(Crystal Sphere added to the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Photo of Elise at Statement 5.

2. (Can I prove that the crystal sphere was dropped before the murder took place...?) A) Yes, I can. 3. Evidence that proves that the crystal sphere was indeed dropped before the murder!

Present -> Crystal Sphere 4. Please show us the method by which the victim's body was carried to Hazakura Temple! Present -> Tracks Photo


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 2, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Move -> Main Gate (Franziska von Karma) 2. Talk -> Franziska von Karma 3. Talk -> Today's Trial 4. Talk -> What happened 5. Move -> Main Hall (Bikini) 6. Talk -> Iris 7. Talk -> Inner Temple 8. Talk -> Elise Deauxnim [Psyche-Lock x5] 9. Talk -> Pearl

10. Move -> Courtyard11. Examine -> Golden Statue12. Examine -> Staff on the floor, buried among the snow13. Move -> Main Hall14. Move -> Main Gate15. Move -> Suspension Bridge16. Move -> Inner Temple Gate17. Examine -> Gold Incinerator on the right18. Pan Right -> Examine -> Gate in the courtyard leading to the Inner Temple19. Move -> Training Hall20. Examine -> Padlock21. Examine -> Scroll on the right wall (Hanging Scroll updated. Touch to see before and after view under the Check Screen.)

22. Talk -> Why didn't you show?23. Talk -> Can't undo?24. Talk -> Mia Fey25. Talk -> Trick Lock26. Move -> Inner Temple Gate27. Move -> Garden (Dick Gumshoe)28. Talk -> The investigation29. Talk -> Maya30. Examine -> Huge lantern with the red markings31. Examine -> Red Charm on left hand side (Kurain Master's Talisman added to the Court Record.)

32. Talk -> Bloody writing33. Talk -> True crime scene34. Move -> Inner Temple Gate35. Move -> Suspension Bridge36. Move -> Main Gate37. Move -> Main Hall38. Present -> Magatama

Bikini - Psyche-Lock x5 -- Elise Deauxnim -- i. But now I do. This piece of evidence proves Ms. Deauxnim's true identity! Present -> Kurain Master's Talisman ii. This talisman and one other item unequivocally proves Ms. Deauxnim's true identity! Present -> Hanging ScrollUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

39. Talk -> Elise Deauxnim40. Main Gate


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Investigation (Day 2, Part 2):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Talk -> Escape 2. Talk -> Trick lock 3. Talk -> The night of the crime [Psyche-Lock x3] 4. Move -> Garden (Miles Edgeworth) 5. Talk -> The investigation 6. Talk -> Earthquakes 7. Talk -> Iris 8. Move -> Inner Temple Gate 9. Move -> Suspension Bridge10. Move -> Heavenly Hall (Pearl Fey)

11. Talk -> Laurice's Sketch12. Talk -> The night of the crime [Psyche-Lock x5]13. Talk -> Lost powers14. Move -> Suspension Bridge15. Move -> Main Gate16. Move -> Main Hall (Bikini)17. Talk -> Kurain Channeling Technique18. Talk -> DL-6 Incident19. Talk -> Family feud20. Talk -> Morgan and Iris

21. Move -> Courtyard (Dick Gumshoe)22. Talk -> The investigation23. Talk -> The letter (Burnt Letter added to the Court Record.)24. Talk -> Murder weapon25. Talk -> Secret weapon26. (Should I help Detective Gumshoe out, or not?) A) Play forensics expert27. Examine -> Staff on the floor, buried among the snow28. Talk -> Murder weapon (Victim's Staff received from Detective Gumshoe for safe-keeping.)

29. Move -> Main Hall30. Move -> Main Gate31. Move -> Suspension Bridge

32. Move -> Inner Temple Gate33. Move -> Garden34. Present -> Profiles -> ??????35. Talk -> Dahlia Hawthorne36. Talk -> Dahlia's death37. Move -> Training Hall38. Present -> Magatama

Iris - Psyche-Lock x3 -- The Night of the Crime -- i. Because this person saw you somewhere else on the night of the murder! Present -> Profiles -> Bikini ii. Now, you say you left the Main Hall at 9:40 PM, but what you say doesn't add up with this! Present -> Iris's Hood iii. There's only one possibility for this apparent impossibility! C) There were two of you. iv. Then show me the evidence! Show me something that proves there is more than one of me! Present -> Profiles -> Dahlia HawthorneUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

39. Talk -> The night of the crime40. Talk -> The Traitor41. Talk -> Revenge42. Move -> Inner Temple Gate43. Move -> Suspension Bridge44. Move -> Heavenly Hall45. Present -> Magatama

Pearl Fey - Psyche-Lock x5 -- The Night of the Crime -- i. On the night of the murder, you went to this place, didn't you...? Present -> Inner Temple ii. You went to this place for one very simple reason, and that is this: Present -> Profiles -> Maya Fey iii. I think I know why. The reason you were so worried about that bell was because of this: Present -> Burnt Letter iv. The person you were trying to channel that night, Pearls, was... Present -> Profiles -> Dahlia Hawthorne v. Who wrote this set of instructions for you to follow...? Present -> Profiles -> Morgan Fey vi. But you misunderstood some of the words, and this is the evidence that proves it! Present -> Hanging ScrollUNLOCK SUCCESSFUL

46. Talk -> The night of the crime47. Talk -> Lost powers48. Talk -> Morgan's letter (Burnt Letter updated in the Court Record.)



Court Trial (Day 2, Part 1):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Iris's Testimony crumpled up and shoved into a pocket.)

Witness Testimony : Iris -- The Real Murderer -- Statement 1 : I went to the Inner Temple that night and I saw it all happen in the garden. Statement 2 : I saw Mystic Elise strike Mystic Maya with her staff! Statement 3 : Then, while Mystic Maya was stumbling, Mystic Elise moved in to deliver a fatal strike! Statement 3a: She threw her staff away and pulled a dagger from inside her robe! Statement 4 : Mystic Maya tried desperately to defend herself and stole the weapon...! Statement 5 : It was only in self-defense! You can't blame her for it!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 3. 2. (Hmm... Do I have a problem with Iris's testimony...?) B) There is one thing... (Statement 3a added to testimony.) 3. Present -> Victim's Staff at Statement 3a.

4. Because Ms. Elise Deauxnim would never attempt to take the life of Maya Fey! Present -> Profiles -> Elise Deauxnim (Dagger added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Iris -- The Battle -- Statement 1 : Mystic Maya stumbled briefly after being hit over the head with the staff... Statement 2 : But then she dodged Mystic Elise's next attack and stole her weapon! Statement 3 : Suddenly Mystic Elise was the one on the defense with her back to the stone lantern. Statement 4 : That's when Mystic Maya stabbed Mystic Elise! Statement 5 : Mystic Elise managed to fling the knife away, but then... Then... she collapsed.

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Elise's Autopsy Report at Statement 4. (Stone Lantern added to the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Iris -- Sister Iris's Cover-Up -- Statement 1 : After Mystic Elise died... I called out to Mystic Maya. Statement 2 : I thought it was my duty to protect the future Master of Kurain Tradition. Statement 3 : So I removed the body from the Inner Temple by myself... Statement 4 : I dragged it behind me all the way across Dusky Bridge. Statement 5 : Then I used the snowmobile to carry it back to Hazakura Temple and... Statement 5a: By the time the murder took place, the snow had already stopped.

Statement 6 : ...I used the Shichishito to alter the way the wound looked.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 5. 2. (Should I ask for more details...?) C) About the tracks 3. How about it, Mr. Wright? What do you think about the testimony...? A) It's very important. (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 4. Press Statement 5a. 5. Present -> Weather Data at Statement 4.

Witness Testimony : Iris -- Moving the Body -- Statement 1 : Other than walking over the bridge, there's no way to move the body. Statement 2 : So I... must have just... gotten confused, I guess. Statement 3 : Was the snow still falling or had it stopped...? Does it really matter that much? Statement 4 : Or are you saying that there is a way to cross a burning bridge?

(Dusky Bridge Photo added to the Court Record.)

Cross Examination: 1. Present -> Larry's Sketch at Statement 1.

2. This sketch drawn by Laurice Deauxnim is... B) a complete contradiction. 3. OK, Trite. So what exactly contradicts reality as we know it? Present -> Wires on the left/right sides connected to the bridge 4. Show us something that will point out how the sketch contradicts reality! Present -> Dusky Bridge Photo 5. What makes you think the criminal had the rope on hand to create a pendulum!? Present -> Dusky Bridge Photo 6. Do you have any actual evidence that the body was swung over like a pendulum!? Present -> Crystal Sphere 7. Who was the person that received the body on the Hazakura Temple side? Present -> Profiles -> Iris 8. Her real name is...! Present -> Profiles -> Dahlia Hawthorne 9. ...have there been any chances for Iris to switch places with Dahlia Hawthorne? B) There was one...10. The person who gave Iris the chance to freely move about was... Present -> Profiles -> Miles Edgeworth


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 2):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Witness Testimony : Dahlia Hawthorne

-- The Plan -- Statement 1 : ...The whole plan began with my death. Statement 2 : A stupid plan hatched by Morgan Fey to install her own daughter as the next Master. Statement 3 : But for it to work... Maya Fey would first have to die. Statement 4 : The idea was for me to kill Maya and then have the blame pinned on Iris. Statement 5 : The plan went wrong... but it seems to have succeeded anyway. Statement 5a: Do you understand why I would kill Maya Fey now? What my goal was?

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. Press Statement 2. 3. Press Statement 3. 4. Press Statement 4. 5. Press Statement 5. (Statement 5a added to testimony.) 6. Present -> Profiles -> Mia Fey at Statement 5a.

7. Do you have any evidence that refutes this claim? Present -> Hazakura Temple Map 8. Shall I tell you where Maya is this very instant? Maya Fey is... C) in this very courtroom. 9. There was someone who called you before she could! Present -> Profiles -> Maya Fey

(Victim's Staff updated in the Court Record.)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Court Trial (Day 2, Part 3):------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dagger updated in the Court Record.)

Witness Testimony : Maya Fey -- At the Inner Temple -- Statement 1 : I was going to a spare prep room when it happened as I was passing through the garden. Statement 2 : Suddenly, someone struck me over the head... Statement 3 : I stumbled... and ended up against the stone lantern. Statement 4 : I think I screamed, "Help me!" Statement 4a: I could see a man behind my attacker by the light of the stone lantern. Statement 5 : Then, something warm splashed over me... Statement 6 : That's when... I lost consciousness.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 2. 2. (Maya is really having a hard time... What should I do?) B) Press her harder 3. Press Statement 4. 4. (What do I do? Do I press her for more details...?) B) "My last hope"

(Statement 4a added to testimony.) 5. Present -> Stone Lantern at Statement 4a.

6. Who was this person that you say Ms. Fey saw in the darkness...? Present -> Profiles -> Godot

Witness Testimony : Maya Fey -- The Killer -- Statement 1 : ...When I came to, I was just lying there on the Training Hall floor. Statement 2 : By the time I got back to the garden, the place had totally changed... Statement 2a: I think it was for my sake that they cleaned up any and all the evidence of what happened. Statement 3 : The torches were lit... And the body was gone. Statement 4 : And all the snow around the stone lantern had been carefully cleaned up, too. Statement 5 : Since the person did all that work alone, I just assumed it was a man...

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. Press Statement 2. 3. Press Statement 3. 4. Press Statement 4. 5. Press Statement 5. 6. Press Statement 2. (Statement 2a added to testimony.) 7. Present -> Stone Lantern at Statement 2a.

8. Why did the killer leave the message written in blood on the lantern? C) The killer didn't notice it. 9. Who is the person that could have failed to notice the bloody writing? Present -> Profiles -> Godot

Witness Testimony : Maya Fey -- After the Incident -- Statement 1 : Pearly was also stuck on the Inner Temple side that night! Statement 2 : The next morning, she looked around, but couldn't find anyone. Statement 3 : On the day after, when the bridge was finally fixed, she was in the spare prep room. Statement 4 : That's when Mr. Godot arrived at the Inner Temple for the first time! Statement 5 : He found Pearly first and cheered her right up!

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 5. 2. (Hmm, maybe I should ask some questions, Phoenix-style...) B) Cheering Pearls Up 3. Press Statement 5. 4. (Hmm, maybe I should ask some questions, Phoenix-style...) C) Godot's investigation 5. Present -> Hanging Scroll at Statement 4.

6. Is it really possible that another person knew of that plan!? Present -> Burnt Letter

7. One person that ties you and Maya Fey together inextricably! Present -> Profiles -> Mia Fey

Witness Testimony : Maya Fey -- The Time of the Murder -- Statement 1 : ...Just before it happened, I think I saw some red lights. Statement 2 : I thought I'd ask for help, but... just then I was splattered with blood! Statement 3 : She wasn't dead though... And struck back at the enemy behind her. Statement 4 : Suddenly, the red lights went out and the whole area was dark. Statement 5 : ...Just at that moment, there was a horrible scream! Statement 6 : Right after that... Dahlia collapsed and I lost consciousness.

Cross Examination: 1. Press Statement 1. 2. (I don't get the feeling she's covering for him anymore, but...) A) Press harder 3. Press Statement 5. 4. (It sounds like a reasonable deduction, but... I wonder.) A) There's a contradiction.

5. ...what could have she used to strike back at the killer? Present -> Dagger 6. Where's this location where you say the killer hid his wound!? Present -> Profiles -> Godot

7. Who is Maya Fey being strong for...? Present -> Profiles -> Pearl Fey

Episode 5: Bridge to the Turnabout [THE END]

===============================================================================8) CLOSING / CREDITS [clo]===============================================================================Thanks to: > Capcom > GameFAQs > Me? I guess... > Omni-Alchemist - picked up on an error in ep4!

abcd9146 (at) gmail (dot) com

