Php application development using frameworks


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PHP Framework ensure speedy Software Development

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is the world’s most popular scripting language because it is both flexible and easy-to-use. The coding in PHP, for that matter, in any other language, is rather monotonous and repetitive. PHP Frameworks help promote rapid application development which saves time, builds more stable applications and reduces the repetitive coding of developers.

PHP Frameworks provide a basic structure to build web applications and streamline their development. They also help beginners build more stable applications by ensuring proper database interaction and coding on the presentation layer. This allows more time towards creation of actual web application, and avoids repetitive coding.

PHP Frameworks work on architectural pattern in programming called Model View Controller (MVC). MVC isolates business logic from UI allowing one to be separately modified from the other (also known as separation of concerns). While Model refers to Data, View represents the presentation layer and Controller to the application of business logic. Essentially coding is effected faster and rendered less complicated.

Why use PHP Frameworks ? Developers use them for various purposes. A framework offers pre-built modules to perform coding tasks.  

PHP Frameworks speed up the process of development. Stability is another plank where it scores. Simplicity is one of its greatest assets but can also be a pitfall. Beginners tend to use bad code unintentionally because of its ease. This is a security risk because it opens up avenues for attack. Finally it is quite extensive and there are a large number of frameworks to choose from. While many prefer to use popular frameworks it is necessary to match our requirement with parameters available therein to evolve the right application.

Comparison of Top 10 ranking PHP frameworks are listed below and their advantages and disadvantages are shown against each-

1. Yii provides nearly every feature needed by today’s Web 2.0 application development. It is a high -performance framework for developing large-scale web applications.

2. CodeIgniter is well-known for its ease-of-use, performance and

speed. It is ideal for shared hosting accounts. It offers simple solutions, has an extensive library of video tutorials, forums, a user guide and wiki available for support.

3. CakePHP is based on principles that Ruby on Rails is designed around. Simplicity and Scalability are its hallmark traits. It is good for rapid application development. More user-friendly and easy-to-use but has less of a support system because it is relatively new.

4. Zend is focussed on web 2.0 style applications and is powerful, fast and scalable.

5. Symfony is aimed at advanced developers who’s main objective is to create enterprise-level applications- most notably Askeet and Yahoo! Bookmarks. It is a can-do-it-all framework full of features. But it is a bit slower than others.

6. PHPDevShell is for small teams, small users, is fast and secure but not advised for web-site creation or conent management system.

7. Prado is easy-to-use, reusable, enables separation of contents and presentation.

8. Akelos based applications can run on most shared hosting service providers. It is ideal for distributing standalone web applications.

9. QPHP stands for Quick PHP. Easy database access, fast and stable, simple input validation are the advantages.

10. ZooP is stable, scalable and portable. It is designed to be fast, efficient, modular and extensive. It encourages separation of display, logic and data layers. Bugs can easily be quashed.

PHP Frameworks are a great way for developers of all skill levels to reduce the need for repetitive coding, speed up development process, and to ensure proper coding when creating web applications. This not only speeds up the development of rich applications, but also tightens. PHP security by plugging breaches in them. There are many PHP frameworks available today, and developers are sure to find a framework that fits their needs in terms of features, support, speed and scalability.

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