PIERCE COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION Documents/Meeting Minutes... · 2020-03-22 · Page 1 PC Fire...


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Page 1 PC Fire Chiefs Association Minutes March 5, 2020


General Meeting Minutes March 5, 2020

1. Call to Order President Burgess called the Pierce County Fire Chiefs Association meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. at Buckley Fire Department located at 611 South Division. According to the Sign-In Sheet there were a total of 25 people representing 17 Districts/Departments/Agencies in attendance. He and Chief Sharp discussed earlier in the week regarding holding the meeting or not and it was decided best to meet to discuss current events, etc.

2. Flag Salute Chief Predmore led the flag salute and welcomed everyone to Buckley. Busy like all the rest of you. Took delivery of a new engine a few months ago and new medic unit coming. SAFR Grant have recruited 35 volunteers and 8 more through oral boards. Growing in area 5-600 new homes and some commercial stuff as well and multi-family proposals. Tango Tango app that turns phone into a two-way radio. First in WA state to launch, widely used by law enforcement and fire throughout United States. Turns phones into pagers as well and links with records management.

3. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Chief McElligott and seconded by Chief Backer to approve the February 6, 2020 meeting minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

4. Treasurer’s Report – Denise Menge The Treasurer’s Report was presented, see attached copy on the back side of the agenda. It was moved by Chief Sharp and seconded by Chief Backer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

5. Correspondence Nothing at this time.

6. Guest Speaker – Traci Krieg – Director of Behavioral Health Outreach Vice President Sharp introduced Traci Krieg with MCIRT (Mobile Community Intervention Response Team) and joined by Emily Chandler. Powerpoint presention. MCIRT started in 2017 in Pierce County. Central Pierce was the pilot area and worked in collaboration with them and law enforcement. Question regarding legal services – guardian ad lietum, couple of other court related issues, etc. tkrieg@cmhshare.org

7. Unfinished Business Joint Meeting with Law Enforcement this year? President Burgess asked if there was interest in continuing and having that again this summer? Very well attended. Will move forward with planning that.

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Training event last November for our membership and thought it was worthwhile. Focus this year on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Is membership interested? Chief Sharp stated he attended last year as well, had Captains attend as well and found beneficial. Good opportunity to put money into training ourselves. Will plan to do so again this year.

8. New Business Nothing at this time.


9. South Sound 911 – Andrew Neiditz Jim Duggan reported on Leadership change at SS911 and COVID19. In the newspaper this morning – the Board of Directors appointed Debra Grady (sp?) experience from Snohomish county and currently in Sacramento. 30 some applied, narrowed to 13 down to 5 and the Board selected her. Andrew agreed to stay until Sunday before, end of February retire. Staying through transition to new director. COVID19 Lisa working with Dr. Friedrick, went live last night. Hired medical advisor, works with agencies in this room. APCO cards updated, disappointing in that it was behind the CDC on travel recommendations. Asking everyone that calls SS911 if fever, cough and shortness of breath and will notify responding crews, etc. Want to make sure careful we don’t say we are screening for COVID19. Critical point with community expectations and crews expectations, etc. When there’s a hit, positive ID, PPE advised don’t want to broadcast or state no CV risk factors reported. Holding off on word Positive. Lisa reported uploaded procedure on website sent to all Operations Chiefs. Created a unit attached to a call and verbalized in tone out. Documenting everything. Question about Law Enforcement if they’ll be notified as well. Duggan stated yes on joint responses. If LE only call, those questions are not being asked, if a joint response, information will be relayed to LE comm. President Burgess asked if there will be an opportunity to recognize Neiditz for his work and efforts? Duggan stated yes invitations will come out.

10. Department of Emergency Management – Jody Ferguson Not present. Kyle Bustad reported they are busy supporting Tacoma PC Health. Working on planning includes planning for those that need to be isolated, quarantined. Trying to come up with something for the homeless if they need to be isolated or quarantined. Working on PPE replenishment. PPE suppliers are out. As manage this and it turns into pandemic – there will be a viral pandemic and a panic pandemic to manage. As manage the situation it will have to get people to stop buying masks, etc. DEM and DOH to get the message out. Masks are more effective for those that are sick. Should receive a survey on N95s to submit to the State a request for PPE. Since don’t have case in Pierce County they’ll prioritize in the State. Please complete the survey and be reasonable and ask for what you need. PCWARN list going to be sent out again. Please double check contact information is correct. Please have at least two (2) contact people listed. Chief Burgess asked if there is a target time to plan for completing the survey for PPE? Kyle stated don’t know how long going to play out. At this point don’t know. Tacoma PC Health Department phone number is 253-798-6410 goes right to their EOC.

11. Pierce County EMS – Norma Pancake

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Not present. Kyle reported she is sitting in the PC Health EOC right now.

12. Fire Marshal – Warner Webb Reported couple months into code adoption. A year behind, 2 year code cycle. Eric Waters and Chief Olson from CPFR at the table. Sub area plan for densification of area. Last planning commission meeting last night. Adopting county-wide what CPFR has put in. Sprinkler automatic requirement for less than 5 foot setbacks. Deviations working on as well. Discussion at higher level planning wise on hammerheads versus cul de sacs, etc. with developers. Chief McElligott stated DuPont is running into now is finding someone to work on systems. Warner can give a list of sprinkler contractors, not plumbers, separately piped not flow through system.

13. State Chiefs – Keith Wright Not present.

14. Puget Sound Clean Air Agency – Jessica Landkrohn Not present.

15. PC Fire Commissioners Association – Dan Rankin Not present.

16. Department of Natural Resources – Charley Burns Not present. Chief Predmore stated Charley is retiring May 1st.

17. Tacoma-Pierce County Chaplaincy – Ben Harris Not present.

18. Bates Technical College – Chief Todd Wernet Not present.


President Burgess stated Denise will be sending out an email to verify who the current Chairs are for the Divisions.

19. EMS – Russ McCallion Chief McCallion reported H1N1, Ebola, etc. used to working on. Training and response plans being modified and updated. Coordination with State DOH, PC Health, etc. Have state lab open in Kirkland to process tests. Handouts distributed (copy attached). Big things dealing with – guidance from hospitals to leave the near well home. Screening, interviews conducted by SS911, triage, etc. 3 calls a day times 5 sets of PPE per call causes some concern. Chief Thirkield saw that CPFR wearing APRs. Chief Karns stated they are part of the SCBA standard, fit test, everyone issued their own. Filters – N100 cartridges unless exposed to liquid pathogen, good for up to one year ran through L&I and Infectious Hospital in Texas. Decon process. 3M or MSA product. Goggles, APRs, gloves, and if SS911 positive, then going in with gowns, MU in first and delay second crew. Chief McCallion encouraged to consult with base station physician and encourage to stay home if not symptomatic. Asked Tacoma PCHD for list of things to leave with patient. Helpful to leave something at the scene. Problematic with this is can’t easily distinguish between COVID19 and the flu. Ongoing fear and anxiety in the public. Unknowns, transmission and infection rates. Seems equivalent to

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the flu. Case fatality rate of 3%. South Korea under ½% because testing everyone. False high here because not testing everyone. Still don’t have good answers on how long virus lasts on hard surfaces. Overall thinks PC is in good shape. President Burgess asked Todd Magliocca to give update on what TFD is doing. Same boiler plate questions, meets criteria on dispatch and MDC or determine low risk versus moderate to high risk. 10 page document written over last 4 days for procedures. Happy to share. Chief Newhouse and MSO’s working on that.

20. A. Metro Training – Woody Juarez Reported currently working on drill June 24th FF survivability. CPFR hosting at TT on Canyon Road. Next meeting bringing in instructors to discuss. B. Training – TEW Training/Exercise – Tom Mason/Gary McVay Not present. C. Training – TEW Equipment – Todd Magliocca No report.

21.Fire and Life Safety – Eric Waters Not present. Chief Karns reported been attending the PC meetings. Scary what is going on in jurisdictions that you don’t know about. Talking about WPFR area last night on adult family care homes, etc. Have relied on PC Fire Marshal Webb for a lot of things covered and there are things that take place that he’s not aware of. Would encourage to attend PC Planning Committee meetings to engage in what is going on in your communities. There’s a lot going on. PCFM Webb stated District 5 Gig Harbor ran into regarding a bridge being built, applied for maintenance application under shorelines, got vested and then came in and changed the project entirely to a tear down and rebuild a new bridge but using the same standards. When discovered, should have been told to reapply as a new bridge construction not a maintenance. Involvement early and often is encouraged.

22. Logistics – Steve Richards Not present.

23. Operations – Ed Goodlet Not present.

24. Volunteer Services – Eric Skogen Reported kicked off fire academy first of three this year. Coordinate joint academies. Chief Thirkield stated there has been buy in from agencies and they are working together using resources.


25. UASI Committee – Todd Magliocca

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Reported in final stages of UASI for 2020. Kyle stated guidance FEMA released and in that put a lot of new requirements haven’t had before. 5% in cyber security, 5% in target hardening, total of 20% in specific areas. Still in process and not voted on. Todd stated region to get roughly 1.2 million for fire. Training and equipment, hazmat equipment and active shooter ballistic platform. Method of distribution not determined. Seattle developed ballistic platform that come as a package. More to come. Submitted grant for 10 vests with 3 agencies centralized standardization.

26. Emergency Management Committee – Eric Watson Not present.

27. 700 mHz User Group Committee – John Burgess - DORMANT

28. Banquet/Awards Committee – Steve Richards - DORMANT

29. Nominations Committee – Backer / Gibson / Sharp - DORMANT

30. Audit Committee – Predmore/Nixon Completed and received letter from committee.


32. Good of the Order Duggan reported the COVID19 issue everyone doing what need to protect community and crews. Works functionality – need to hear back from users to adjust as needed so it’s useful and efficient. Initially overshoot in some cases and undershoot in others. Not screening, providing intel. Tacoma Fire – Alex Wilsie reported regional radio group – not making decisions or spending money – come to talk to system owners to address any needs you might have. That is all they are about. Came out from the Deltawork study. PCFM Webb stated as part of code adoption, thresholds for built in repeaters, etc. Will get out so can make sure the thresholds meet needs, etc. Chief McElligott on COVID19 everyone different way to handle when come in contact with patient. Regarding quarantine, he talked with Kirkland and thought ok to go home. Once people leave – one in Kititas County and wanted to monitor vs King county monitor, etc. Has where can house 3-5 to quarantine. Couple members with babies at home, etc. May get push back and have to deal with city legal requirements, etc. Different set of rules of quarantine (contact) and isolation. Discussion followed. Chief Burgess – addressed with labor group and interested in hearing from after the meeting. Chief Thirkield asked about options on meeting remotely if needed.

33. Adjournment There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m.

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Denise Menge, Recording Secretary 2020 Meeting Schedule: Jan 2, 2020 – General – CANCELLED Feb 6, 2020 – Business – Gig Harbor Fire – 10222 Bujacich Rd NW Mar 5, 2020 – General – Buckley Fire – 611 S. Division St. Apr 2, 2020 – Business – Browns/Dash Point BPIC 201 Ton A Wanda, Tacoma - CANCELLED May 7, 2020 - General – Riverside – 4114 56th Ave E, Puyallup Jun 4, 2020 – Business – Central Pierce Fire & Rescue – 17520 22nd Ave E, Tacoma Jul 2, 2020 – NO MEETING Aug 6, 2020 – NO MEETING Aug ??, 2020 - Joint Meeting with Police Chiefs Association – ?? Sep 3, 2020 – Business – Tacoma FD Training Center – 2124 Marshall Ave. Oct 1, 2020 – General – Graham Fire & Rescue – 23014 70th Ave E Nov 5, 2020 – Business – West Pierce – Sta. 21 – 5000 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood Dec 3, 2020 – NO MEETING – ANNUAL BANQUET
