Piggy banks


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ESCOLA ESTADUAL “DR. JOAQUIM VILELA”Avaliação de Língua Inglesa - English Test -Teacher:Name: Number: Class: Data:Eixo Temático:

PIGGY BANKSMary Barneby has been worried about the financial future America's women. She runs a company that devises and manages retirement plans. "We're making a lot of money, much more than our parents did. But in many areas of the country our houses have lost value. Many of us have been downsized out of jobs. We have little to expect from the Social Security System and we can't think of retiring at 65," says Barneby.Women do not put much money aside for a variety of reasons. They come and go in the work force, taking time off early to raise children and, later, to tend to elderly relatives. When they do work, they usually earn less. However, societal patterns cannot be blamed for everything. The problem is also a refusal to think about white hair and wrinkles.Before it's too late, every woman should start thinking of herself. Here are some useful tips:1. Learn a little more about money. There are plenty of information sources.2. Start saving now.3. Take away a percentage from your income, as a tax you're charging on yourself.4. Avoid spending your money on useless things.One last and very, very important recommendation: the stock market has enjoyed years of above-average growth. Sometimes a downward correction happens and it may be for a month, a few months, a year or more. It's impossible to say how and when. Build a diversified group of mutual funds and have reasonable expectations.(Adapted from Readers' Digest, Sept. 1997, p. 82-87)Vocabularyto run — to administerto devise — to orientateto manage — to administerretirement — a time when a person stops working, usually because of ageto downsize — to reduce in sizeaside — apartto take time off — to leaveto raise — to take care; to be responsible forlater — after a certain timerefusal — rejectionwrinkle — a line on someone's face that forms as they get oldtip — suggestion; advicesource — fountain; the place something comes fromincome — money received from work or investmentto charge — to debitdownward — reduction, lower, fall

vocabuláriopara executar - para administrarconceber - para orientarpara gerir - para administraraposentadoria - um momento em que uma pessoa pára de trabalhar por causa da idadepara reduzir - para reduzir de tamanhode lado - para alémpara ter tempo livre - para deixarpara levantar - para cuidar, para ser responsável pelamais tarde - após um certo temporecusa - rejeiçãorugas - uma linha no rosto de alguém que se forma à medida que envelhecemponta - sugestão; conselhofonte - fonte, a coisa vem de lugarrenda - dinheiro recebido do trabalho ou de investimentode cobrar - para débitopara baixo - redução, baixa, queda

CHECK YOUR READING 1. According to the text:a) lots of American women can expect a solid financial future.b) there's not much to expect from the government policy of securityc) there is a general devaluation of houses in the United States.d) the great majority of American women have no jobs.

2. When Mary Barneby says, "We can't think of retiring at 65", she means that:a) 65 years of work is too much.b) 65 years of age is too early to retire.c) 65 years of age is too late to retire.d) retiring at 65 was something usual for her parents.

3. All the options are right, EXCEPT:a) women tend to forget that they will get old.b) women's pay is inferior.c) women have to take care of children.d) women have many reasons to be in the work force.

4. Among the tips suggested in the text we can infer that:a) the stock market presents risks.b) there is nothing to fear from the stock market.c) in some periods of the year the stock market falls.d) the stock market has oscilated during the last years.

5. Another title for the text could be:a) The ups and downs of the stock market.b) What every woman should know about money.c) Women in the work force.d) How to earn money.

GABARITO: 1 = b); 2 = c); 3 = d); 4 = a); 5 = b);
