Pilot Press October 2013




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How many girls does it take to start a newspaper? According to the staff of the Pi-lot Press, enough to a make a group picture almost impossible. At the beginning of this school year, over 75 en-thusiastic and hardworking OLP students signed up to be a part of the Pilot Press and it has taken the talents and ded-ication of each girl to make our first printed edition possible. The Pilot Press is where the voices and opinions of the OLP community can be unified in an environment of gentleness, peace, and joy. As a newspaper that aims to connect

our community, it is only right to stay focused on the val-ues instilled in us by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet. We hope that the Pilot Press becomes a place where all as-pects of our school are united. After publishing a suc-cessful first edition online last May, we were excited and mo-tivated to start the 2013-2014 school year. This year we plan on producing four printed editions, one per quarter. We also have a new Pilot Press website (www.olppilotpress.org) where articles, photos, and news alerts will be uploaded frequently. See page 7 for a list of new and extended

articles on our website. Not only are we pre-senting the Pilot Press in digital form, but also in that old-fash-ioned format of real paper that makes turning a page strange-ly more satisfying than click-ing the “next page” button on a computer screen. A traditional newspaper will be published in print for you to pass around at school, and a digital news-paper allows you to catch up online from wherever you are. Our team of dedicated journalists, photographers, and technology and design-savvy stu-dents are proud to present the first printed edition of the Pilot Press.

Academy of Our Lady of Peace Deus Illuminatio Mea Edition 1 October 2013

What do scores of chairs, spe-cial schedules, photographers, and delectable treats all have in common? These things happen to be a part of the very special event known as Grandparents’ Day. On the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth of September, the Academy’s turquoise-green gates swept open and welcomed many of our grandparents. Stu-dents who had visiting grand-parents were excused from a lengthy ninety-minute Co-cur-ricular block to spend time with their beloved visitors. There were many smiles and hugs as girls warmly greeted their loved ones. Mrs. McMahon, one of the key co-ordinators of the event adds, “I love to watch the grandpar-ents’ reaction when they first see their granddaughters. Their eyes light up and they have huge smiles on their faces.” While some grandparents simply crossed the freeway, others had to cross the nation in order to participate in this event with their granddaugh-ters. No matter how long the journey, it was evident that it was worth the trek. Sophomore Camille Tudury shared, “My grandmother lives in Encinitas. It was great to show my grand-ma around after Mass and to spend time with her. She thinks this campus is beautiful.” Mass was lead by Fr. Kirk Davis, O.S.A., from Saint Au-gustine High School. His hom-ily reflected on honor, love, and faith; three traits that he sees in an OLP granddaughter.

After a meaningful Mass, Mrs.Lek, the Academy’s new Head of School, proceeded to the podium to share a few thoughts. She closed with the words, “The reciprocal blessing between grandparents and their granddaugh-ters, of hope for the fu-ture and wisdom from the past, guides the OLP community and each girl present today.” Her words definitely rang

true based on the inter-actions among families that day. Although it may not seem so, Grandpar-ents’ Day is actually one of OLP’s fundraisers. The event has changed dramatically over the course of six years. “It used to be a one day event, back in 2007,” says Mrs. Rosalie Mar-tinez, Director of Com-munity Relations, “It really is a great oppor-

tunity for students and grandparents to spend time together.” The number of attendants has noticeably changed. This is the reason why there are now two days for Grandparents’ Day. According to Mrs. Mc-Mahon, there were over three hundred grand-parents in attendance. There were also many volunteers that helped make this event possi-ble. These volunteers

helped out by bringing baked goods, creating centerpieces for tables, serving food and drinks, assisting photographers, and filling in wherever help was needed. A lot of work has gone into this event. Planning for the event began last June and many details have gone into decora-tions, invitations, and other important pieces of the puzzle. Continued on page 4

A Grand Day at Grandparents’ Day By Ane Holland ‘15

Hot off the Pilot PressBy Morgan Hazel ‘14

A basement is not an uncommon component of a house. Typically, families use these spaces to store Christmas decora-tions, old baby clothes, or furniture from that one relative whose apartment is never big enough for all his stuff. As you may know, our very own Villa Montemar was once a home, and no excep-tion to the catchall laws governing basements. However, our basement holds much more than the odd holiday decoration: it conceals speculation, secrets, and lots and lots of spiders. With my skilled (and fearless) photographer Bianca, I set out on a blustery September day for an adventure that would involve crawling through dirt, at least two unfortunately placed spider webs, multiple warnings, a pickaxe, a shovel, and someone named “Big Earl”. When we set out that day, we never dreamed we would uncover a mystery that frightens faculty and stupefies students to this day. We started with the men on the inside: the wonderful custodial workers who keep OLP running behind the scenes. While looking for Mr. Ludwig, our predetermined tour guide for the morning, we bumped into Mr. Navarro, a.k.a. “Rigo”. Upon asking him about the basement below the library, he shook his head saying, “There is nothing”. Upon probing some more, he threw up his hands and shouted that he “can’t tell us!” But we were in no mood to give up. I mean, we had walked all the way to Circle Drive! We weren’t leaving without an answer. Finally, he looked around and leaned in. The cold wind billowed our skirts as we tilted our heads to hear his whispers. “Be careful,” he said, glancing past us. A little spooked, we thanked him for his help and continued on to find Mr. Ludwig. Suddenly the wind felt a bit chillier. The basement had gone from a run-of-the-mill storage space to a basement with the potential of something more sinister. We finally found Mr. Ludwig working with a watering hose. He explained that his plans had changed since our appointment and that he was unfortunately busy. The basement would have to wait for another day. After thanking him for his time and setting another date for the adventure, we left him to his work. Filled with a strange mix of disappointment and relief, Bianca and I left the northeastern corner of the campus and made our way back to the main buildings. It was then that we came across Mr. Navarro again, leaning against his rake with a sparkle in his eyes and a smile that revealed nothing. As we passed, he called for us to stop. Placing his rake gently against the wall, he shook his keys and said, “Follow me”. We passed through the well-traversed doors of Vill Inn and continued to the left. The hum of the vending machines was a comforting sound, yet not soothing enough to shake the chilly feeling enveloping me. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to uncover what mysteries had been hidden underneath the library. Mr. Navarro unlocked a door and ushered us into a room absolutely void of light. I heard creaking and scurrying, but they were quick-ly masked by the beating of my heart. He shut the door behind us and shuffled around for a light, muttering to himself. Upon finding a floodlight, the room was illuminated in a narrow strip. We found ourselves standing on a wooden staircase that led directly into dirt. Bianca and I gasped in shock. I turned to our

guide and gestured down the stairs. Nodding an affirmation, he said, “Be careful!” If only I had listened. I walked face first into a very large spider web. With my face. To be terrifyingly clear, my face broke the spider web. Strug-gling with a fear greater than all of my sophomore year speeches put together, I tried to suppress a scream; with a gaping black hole leading under the library ahead of me, I had to press on. Mid-shriek, I changed my tone. It turned out something like “Ahhh-hh--oohh look, writing!” Ahead of me on the wall was scrawled a large “B”. What could it mean? Wiping dust and cobweb off of my nose and choosing to ignore the horror of what I had just endured, I jumped off the step and landed crouching in the dirt, sending a cloud of dust into the musty air. I’d like to think I looked like Indiana Jones in a skirt, but I felt like an absolute chicken. I was shaking through my uni-form shoes as I tried to see into the pitch-black darkness that was the opening before me. As I slowly stood, I found another spider web, this time with the top of my head. I bent over and shook out my hair. I was really starting to hate this place, but I needed to know more. Mr. Navarro clunked down the stairs behind me with the light, illuminating the tunnel and trooping on ahead of me. Showing a more infinite wisdom than I possessed, he held his hand in front of him to keep any errant spider webs—that I hadn’t already demolished with my body—from hitting him. We turned a corner and found two doors. One, a heavy iron door, had a dusty plaque that was absolutely unreadable. We creaked open the heavy iron door and entered a cement room. Multiple “B”s were handwritten on all the walls and around the number in different colors and sizes. It gave the appearance that someone had a prolonged stay in this small space and filled both their time and the walls with this mysterious “B”. Could it stand for “bewilder”? “Baffle”? “Bizarre”? Mr. Navarro laughed a low laugh and tapped on the nearest “B”. “For ‘beware’”, he said, wink-ing. To read the rest of this thrilling story and see more pic-tures from the adventure, visit www.olppilotpress.org.

Photo Credit: Bianca Corallino

B is for BewareBy Katelyn Fecteau ‘14

Established by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1882, The Academy of Our Lady of Peace has been providing young women with a top-notch education for over 130 years. Formerly a boarding school for grade and high school students, OLP has become a highly respected, all-girls Catholic high school that prides itself on providing quality education for over 700 stu-dents. While the student population has grown, the campus has not. In order to continue to educate their students to the fullest po-tential and to ensure they have the best possible foundation for the increasingly competitive college admittance process, OLP faculty and administration sought to modernize the campus, which has not seen a major renovation since the 1997 addition of the Holy Family Event Center. The road to renovation has not been entirely smooth. Ex-pansion plans were met with certain challenges, but according to Mrs. Lauren Lek, OLP’s Head of School, “If we don’t move on, we’ll be stuck in it… I want to move on, to build relationships with the neighbors.” The upcoming construction at OLP will not only be a renovation of buildings, but also a development in the commu-nity that has grown with OLP through the years. With all of the talk about future renovations on campus, many people may also wonder how much the OLP campus has evolved since its original 1924 state. Just short of a century ago, the estate overlooking Mission Valley was significantly different. In fact, the original campus consisted of only three buildings and

a swimming pool. A San Diego architect, I.E. Loveless, was com-missioned to design three additional buildings: Aquinas Hall, St. Margaret’s Hall (now Qualiato Hall), and the campus gem – the chapel. Long after their completion in 1927, the Academy contin-ued to expand, from the construction of St. Joseph’s Hall in 1964 to the 1997 alteration converting the swimming pool into the Holy Family Event Center. Throughout the past 100 years of dedicated education, Our Lady of Peace strives to meet its students’ needs and is now approaching a new phase in its evolution. Ladies-OLP is changing right before our eyes! The Acad-emy is wasting no time initiating the project that every student with a driver’s license has been waiting for – the construction of a park-ing lot. The structure, currently scheduled to begin construction on May 30th, is to be partially subterranean, provide 103 parking spots, and feature an elevator. While additional landscaping on the structure may extend the project’s completion into the early months of school, the long-awaited parking lot is expected to be ready for use just in time for the 2014-2015 school year. Mrs. Lek is also thrilled about the plans for a new building on the OLP campus. While the construction on the buildings won’t begin for another two to three years, a respected Texan architec-tural firm, Lake|Flato, will be visiting the campus in November to survey the school’s needs. “I’m most excited to learn [from the firm’s survey] what the school needs – I would also love to hear from par-ents and students as to what they think the school needs,” says Mrs. Lek. The Head of School isn’t the only one who wants to know what the Academy’s student body thinks; we want to know how you envision the OLP campus in the future, whether it be ten years or 100 years from now. Join the vision! Submit your images or ideas to


An alarm is ringing. It is 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning in July. Not exactly the late wake-up time most OLP students look forward to during the summer. But freshmen Claire Egan, Calis-ta Gilger, Hannah Littlefield, and Taylor Storniolo are already up; they need to be at the San Diego Bay by 8 a.m. sharp. Once they are there, they need to set up tents and tables and activity sta-tions until 9 a.m., at which time they will greet campers and lead them in a day of fun. Once three o’ clock rolls around, they break down their camp setup, a pro-cess which takes another hour. At 4:00 p.m., their eight-hour workday is done, but they will be

back tomorrow. These four freshmen spent

their summer at the bay vol-unteering with the San Diego Therapeutic Recreation Services, which holds summer camps to encourage people with mental disabilities to be socially and physically interactive with oth-ers. These four freshmen com-pleted over 275 hours of commu-nity service at these week-long camps, watching over a “camp buddy” and leading him or her around the bay to participate in activities such as archery, hand cycling, kayaking, and sailing. While they admit that the camps were a lot of fun, they also acknowledge all of the hard work they had to put into making the experience safe and enjoyable for the campers. With campers occasionally trying to run off or throwing tantrums,

there were definitely a lot of re-sponsibilities for the volunteers to uphold. Hannah Littlefield re-flects that the hardest part of her job as a volunteer was keeping track of each camper and mak-ing sure they were participating in the camp activities. She says that a lot of attention was re-quired to manage the campers, so each volunteer had to be on constant alert. “But when ev-eryone was working hard and the campers learned to trust the volunteers, everyone had a lot of fun,” says Calista Gilger. Claire, Calista, Hannah, and Taylor agree that they all had a blast jet skiing and kayaking, but it is the little moments that they cherish the most. Taylor Storniolo smiles as she remem-bers that at the end of a long week by the bay, her “camp bud-dy” told her that she was one of his official friends. The girls all

laugh when they remember a dance competition that arose be-tween some of the campers one day at lunch. The atmosphere of the camp was very energetic and lively. Once all of the volunteers came together, they made the camps unforgettable for both the campers and themselves. All four girls plan to vol-unteer again with the San Diego Therapeutic Recreation Services, both during the year and at the summer camps in 2014. Claire Egan says that working with mentally disabled people was very new and different for her, but she definitely enjoyed the ex-perience. All four girls can agree that their summer was memora-ble and uplifting. They are proud of themselves, and they are glad that they could make a difference while discovering a new passion.

By Lorea Mendiguren ‘16 & Claire Acree ‘15

Envisioning the Campus of the Future

A Summer to RememberBy Pitrina Gilger ‘15

Approximately 3 years ago, I embarked on a journey: high school. On my first day of school, I felt lost and had no idea what I was doing. These treach-erous waters were filled with oth-er sailors who had far more expe-rience than I did. Unfortunately, none of them passed along a map to help me get a sense of direc-tion. (The seniors, juniors, and sophomores didn’t have a school newspaper to give me advice!)

As a current senior, I’ve learned my way around these waters and while I’d love to tell you that once you get settled in it will be smooth sailing, I cannot tell a lie. You’ll rest easy in calm winds every now and then but many times you might feel like you’re going overboard. Take a minute to read these help-ful messages that I wish I had found when I was a freshman.•Do not procrastinate. I can’t

stress it enough. I know Twitter, Instagram, Pretty Little Liars, and those Saints boys are su-per-duper fun but when crunch

time comes, you’ll hate every single thing that distracted you. (Including the cute boy you met at that football game.)•Life is easier for everyone if

your skirt is to the knee. •Try to make friends with at

least one person in each class. If you miss a day of school, you can ask your friend about the home-work and know what’s up. Also, it’s nice to have friends wherever you go. •It’s a scientifically proven fact

that if you have pizza or cup-cakes at school your popularity will increase by 100%. You will

suddenly have more friends and, surprisingly, they’ll all be hun-gry. •Your bed is your bud- so try to

get 8 hours of beauty sleep. •Always have a pen. Teachers

like pens when it comes to short answers, essays, pop quizzes, and homework.•When that calm before the

storm comes every once in a while, take a minute to appreci-ate the voyage you’re on and the wonderful times that lay before you. Don’t take a minute of it for granted. This journey goes by faster than you think and sud-denly you’ll be the one giving advice.

Tips for Freshmen: Navigating Year One at OLP By Kat Thatcher

Ever wonder why Abraham Lincoln had a beard? Well there is a reason. On this day in 1860, eleven-year-old Grace Bedell of West-field, New York sent a letter to Lincoln sug-gesting that he grow some “whiskers.” Grace Bedell told Lincoln that if he grew a beard, she would persuade her four older brothers to vote for him in the upcoming election. Lincoln replied to Grace, and he had a beard when he passed through Westfield during his campaign. Lincoln won the election of 1860 for his first presidential term. Maybe his new beard was a factor in his victory! Up, Up, and Away! On this day in 2009,

On This Day in History: Beards, Balloons, and

Loving LucyBy Nia de la Pena ‘15

“A Grand Day...” Cont.

Grandparents who could not be pres-ent or have passed away were remembered on a special memoriam board.

The Mass prayed for and remem-bered those not present. Afterward, guests enjoyed a couple more cookies and a compli-mentary picture. Students were then excused from the last block of the day to leave with their grandparents for the afternoon. Fresh-man Riley Whalen said, “ After the Mass, I showed them around my school, looking at classrooms and the rest of the campus.

Then we went out for lunch at Marie Café. It was a great first Grandparents’ Day.” This event meant a lot to many peo-ple. Being able to share a piece of your world with someone you care for very much makes that relationship even more special. Mr. Jose de la Peña, grandfather of Junior Nia de la Peña, shared with a smile, “It means everything to be here today with my granddaughter. It’s great to spend time with her, we already have a really strong bond.” So, if you were wondering why North Terrace suddenly looked like a garden party, it was because of a grand day had by ev-eryone at Grandparents’ Day.

Richard and Mayumi Heene false-ly reported that their six-year-old son, Falcon, was floating in the sky aboard a gas balloon. It was later discovered that the story was just a hoax. When Falcon was asked where he was hiding he looked at his parents and told the reporter, “You guys said that, um, we did this for the show.” The parents plead guilty to the charges against them. Richard Heene was sentenced to 90 days in jail and his partner in crime, Mayumi, to 20 days of weekend jail. The only falcons we want to see flying are the feathered ones! “Lucy I’m Hoooome!” On this day in 1951 I Love Lucy found its home on CBS. Lucille Ball, who played Lucy, is an icon. With her fiery red hair and her crazy antics, Lucy was the first person to ever ap-pear on the cover of TV Guide. 44 million viewers tuned in to watch the birth of Lucy’s son, Little Ricky. The premiere had almost 15 million more viewers than President Ei-senhower’s inauguration that same year! Today, I Love Lucy has 40 million viewers in comparison to Teen Wolf’s average of 1.9 million viewers for half of the season. You can catch up on I Love Lucy epi-sodes online at tvland.com or pur-chase I Love Lucy complete season DVDs on Amazon. Once you watch an episode of I Love Lucy you will realize why everyone does love Lucy!

At OLP, we are constantly recognizing different girls for all of the amazing contributions they make to the community, but seldom do we hear of Saintsmen making such contri-butions. Here at Pilot Press we decided that we should highlight these young men who give back to the community to get to know more about their strong sense of compassion and justice. Meet Michael McRoskey.Michael McRoskey is the Executive President at Saints. Michael really en-joys being apart of ASB because they are able “to make decisions about events, causes to support, and ways to improve Saints.” When asked what he is most looking forward to in his Se-nior year, he responded with, “Finally getting my college apps in and being able to enjoy time with my friends.” His first choice for college is Notre Dame because that is where his brothers (all Saintsmen), and his sister (a proud Pi-lot) went. He says, “I love the tradition there and have grown up rooting for the Irish.” Michael is a senior at Saints who had a life-changing experience during his freshman year. His English class went on a field trip to feed the homeless. Shocked that not everyone was fed, he knew he wanted to do more to help. With the support of his family, he put together a bag that con-sisted of water, energy bars, trail mix, raisins, gum, beef jerky, a hand wipe, and a personalized note. His sister and class of 2012 alum, Mary-Catherine, gave him the idea to use a reusable red bag, and the name of the organization was born: The Red Bag Project. Mi-chael says, “It is a simple bag with ba-sic necessities that people can carry in their car. It provides everyone with the chance to reach out to a neighbor in need.” The non-profit organization has quickly grown and helped over 2,000 homeless people in San Diego. Anyone is invited to get involved with The Red Bag Project by visiting www.red-bag.org, liking them on Facebook, or by speaking to one of the OLP ambassa

dors: Morgan Hazel (‘14), Aliea Clark (‘14), or Julia Zarella (‘14). Michael looks up to his grandparents because they are every-thing he wants to be, but when it comes to needing advice he turns to one of his six siblings because as the youngest, he knows that his older siblings have gone through the same things that he is go-ing through. Saints has had a major impact on the person Michael is today. He says, “Saints is unique because I am able to get involved in everything from leadership to sports. I’ll never forget the weekly masses with my friends or the opportunities I’ve had, like going to Italy to learn about the Augustinians during Intersession. Saints has been huge part of my life.” Michael hopes to start his own company in the future, but his number one goal in life is to get to heaven. What A True Saintsman.

Toying with EconomicsBy Morgan Hazel ‘14

A True SaintsmanBy Aminah Al-Jaber ‘14

Walking down the toy aisle in any given store, a shopper generally finds one wall stacked with princess outfits, tiny play kitchen sets, and baby dolls wrapped in pink blankets, while an-other wall is piled with science exper-iments, rocket launchers, and pretend tool sets. Although it is not explicitly stated, the idea that one wall is for girls and the other wall is for boys is com-monly understood among shoppers. This distinction between “girl” toys and “boy” toys was the inspiration for a semester long project in Ms. Hanley’s Economics class.

Students currently tak-ing econimcs with Ms. Hanley are being chal-lenged to create the proto-type and marketing strat-egy for a gender-neutral toy. Rather than simply creating dress up dolls or monster trucks, the girls must create a toy that en-courages involvement in the sciences. Along with inventing the toy idea, the students must also name the toy, market it to a spe-cific audience, and price the toy accordingly. The idea for this project came to Ms. Hanley after speaking with OLP En-glish teacher, Mrs.Turner. Mrs. Turner was explain-ing a toy her daughter loved, called Goldie Blox. Goldie Blox was created by Debbie Sterling, a fe-male engineer and Stan-ford graduate who was disheartened by the lack of women in her pro-fession. She specifically designed Goldie Blox to encourage girls to pursue engineering. The Goldie Blox set comes with a book starring Goldie, a young girl inventor, and a construction toy. Fol-lowing the adventures of Goldie, girls use the construction toy to solve problems presented in the book. It was this innovative idea that sparked Ms. Hanley’s interest in gen-der-specific toys and the influence they have on women’s career choices. She decided to incor-porate this idea into the semester project for her economics class with the goal of empowering girls to pursue education in the sciences and provid-ing an exciting and rele-vant lesson about gender stereotypes.

Inviting guest speakers to class and incorporating concepts of psychology, statistics, and science, Ms. Hanley realized the teaching opportunity in this project provided more than a good eco-nomics lesson. Kaitlyn Bigelow, an OLP alumnae and employee at Roken-bok Toy Company, has already spoken to Ms. Hanley’s classes about the variety of factors that go into toy development: cost analysis, resource prices, an understanding of the targeted audience, and more. This method of cross-curricular learning broadens the educational experience of a class and offers more opportunities for students to apply what they learn to the outside world. Senior Kayla Moreno is a student in Ms. Han-ley’s Economics class and expresses that she and her classmates are “ex-tra excited for this proj-ect because it gives us more freedom to make something with our own creativity”. Kayla’s group plans to construct a toy similar to Goldie Blox by including a doll and a book that has “differ-ent tasks that involve building, measuring, and counting”. Many girls grow up playing happily with Barbies and Easy-Bake ovens, and Ms. Han-ley emphasizes “there is nothing wrong with the girls’ toys that we have, but we are so much more than that.”

(Continued on page 7)

Photo Credit: Micahel MicRoskey

What do you do when you’re stressed or have free time? Read? Play a sport? What about doodling? And I’m not talking about the kind of doodles scribbled on the side of your history notes. I’m talking about the Ze-ntangle Method, a focused doodling practice that creates intricate and beautiful pieces of art through varying patterns. While the con-cept of “Zen” and the image of something “tangled” don’t normally coincide, the Ze-ntangle Method creates serenity and peace. One of OLP’s very own teachers practic-es Zentangle. While you may associate this teacher with Bible classes and freshman sec-tion rather than doodling, she is an accom-plished “Zentangler” as well. Mrs. Katherine Gibbs uses this kind of doodling to relax and de-stress. She discovered the art of Zentan-gle two years ago through her previous hob-by of scrapbooking. Little did she know that Zentangle would transform into a serious passion and hobby. Zentangle is not a representative art but an art that uses the patterns around us. The artwork usually takes place on 3x3 tiles and begins by sectioning off the tile in pencil with what is called a “string”. After this you use a dark art pen to create patterns and add definition. There are different patterns you can find online or in the book recommend-ed by Mrs. Gibbs, “The Art of Zentangle.” There is no real objective when a doodle is started and the result is often a surprise to the artist. The number one rule of Zentangle is that erasing is not allowed. So, for those of you who struggle with perfectionism, this might be a difficult exercise at first. Mrs. Gibbs claims, “I create a lot of new pieces in the summer time but it is especially useful during the school year, allowing me to de-stress.” And it’s true. How many of you doodle on your homework when you’re tired of thinking and start stressing out? And how many of us have heard Ms. Carbone tell us to draw circles on our tests to help us remem-ber the answers we might have forgotten? The method of Zentangle channels this type of thinking into an art form. Doodling is healthy for our minds and for our grades. The next time you are worried about school, grab your handy art pen and start doodling. It is sure to lower your stress level and you might even find a new hobby, just as Mrs. Gibbs did.

Mrs. Gibbs: OfficialOLP ZentanglerBy Katie Hammond ‘14

Ahead of the Game: Freshmen on VarsityBy Riley Stenehjem ‘15 & Gabby Ashenafi ‘15

Freshman year is notorious for being an intimidating yet exciting period of high school and juggling new teachers, classes, and friends can be an overwhelming task. This year, many freshmen proved that it’s possible to balance all of these new things while simultaneously excelling at a sport in their very first year at OLP. “The easiest part about running is finish-ing”, Freshman Lacey Yanke said after a hard practice including a five-mile run. Not only is Lacey on the varsity cross-country team, she is also the number one runner! She spent the past two summers training with Bish-op High School’s cross-country and track teams after being recruited in the seventh grade. Last summer, she averaged about 25-30 miles of running per week. When asked what the hardest part about running is, she replied, “The hardest part is that you can easily stop. When I run I have to zone out the world and find the willpower to keep going.” Lacey also manages to balance being on a travel softball team and a club soccer team, all during the same season. Not only does she stay on top of all her athletic pur-suits, Lacey never lets her grades suffer, and still manages to get eight hours of sleep!

Photo Credit: Katie Hammond

You can be sure to see great things from Lacey Yahnke in the near future. Pay a visit to Morley Field to watch this up-and-coming freshman run alongside the rest of her team. Now let’s take a hike from Morley field back to the event center at OLP, and catch up with Lauren Widaski, a fabulous fresh-man on our varsity volleyball team. Lau-ren has played volleyball for five years and is an outside hitter on the team. When the coaches invited her to the varsity tryouts this summer, Lauren explained that she was “really surprised”. When her friend interjected, “We all knew it was coming!” it was revealed that Lauren was only be-ing modest. Lauren said that playing with the older girls is “intimidating, but a lot of fun”. Go support Lauren and the rest of the volleyball team this season! Next up: Maria Morgan, the only freshman to make the varsity tennis team. Maria started playing five years ago and revealed that her parents initially influ-enced her to try the sport. According to Maria, she loves tennis because it keeps her “strong everywhere” - both physically and mentally. Maria said she practices be-tween eleven and fifteen hours a week, so staying on top of school is “tough some-times”. But it’s not just the homework it-self; being a freshman, Maria had to adjust to a brand new school while staying dedi-cated to her sport. As we got to know her, we found out her favorite tennis player is Roger Federer - who happens to be ranked sixth in the entire world. We’re sure Maria will follow in her inspiration’s footsteps, so go check out a match down at Morley Field! It’s pretty clear that the class of 2017 is full of bright and talented new Pilots who exemplify the OLP spirit. Just three of these ladies are highlighted here, but there are over one hundred equally fantastic girls in the freshman class. It’ll be exciting to see how the rest of the year plays out in sports and other aspects of the freshman experience for our new school-mates. Check out the OLP website for sports schedules and cheer on all of the OLP fall sports teams! Go Pilots!

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. These three words are tossed around in the hope of stirring up some action to-wards a better, healthier planet. Although the triple “R’s” have plenty of value to them, they may often seem like cliché process-es that are now part of daily routine. You may be wondering how we can continue to be Earth friendly in a more refreshing, excit-ing manner. Here are a few tips on how to be a more “green” teen. 1. Redecorate! Instead of hitting the mall for new furniture, buying used items from thrift shops helps reduce the wastes we leave for the earth. Venture out into the shop aisles of used mis-cellaneous items. You’ll be surprised by what you can find. 2. Swap! If thrift shopping is not your forte, have no fear. This is your chance to go shopping in your friends’ closets. Host a par-ty with your friends and invite them for a night of swapping clothes and accessories. Take turns switching items and you’ll have a perfect collection to take home. The best part is, you don’t have to spend a penny! Again, less waste leads to a happier Earth. 3. Get involved! Grab some friends and head to the beach for a coastal cleanup day. This is a great way to spend some time in the sun while helping the earth one piece of litter at a time. Gather-ing friends for company makes this activity much more fun. Since most organizations are nonprofit, you might even be able to

log some service hours while having fun, which is a total bonus! Shop green! If you insist on going out shopping to take off some of the first quarter stress, notice what kinds of fabrics are used. Many products may come in 100% organic cotton, recycled materials, or even a plant called hemp. Wearing clothes made of these materi-als reduces the amount of waste we are throwing into the earth. 4. Buy locally! What’s cuter than a farmer’s market? Buying locally grown foods is beneficial for everyone: from the farmer who grew the crops to the families who enjoy them. Farmers are then ensured a fair wage and we get the benefit of having food without any of the harmful chemicals sometimes found in the products at large grocery stores. 5. Trade it! For the ladies who survive OLP on coffee: the next time you stop by your favorite coffee shop, trade your regu-lar latte for shade grown or fair trade coffee. Shade grown coffee is produced on land where no trees have been removed and fair trade coffee is produced in businesses where the farmers pro-ducing the beans are treated well and paid fairly. We may not think of where the delicious drinks we buy come from, but it makes a big difference to our global community when we have a more ethical and environmentally friendly drink in our hands. 6. No plastic! One of the golden rules of OLP is to not use plastic water bottles. This rule has been around for years, but every year more plastic is seen on campus. It is a very simple rule to follow, so grab those fantastic reusables and help get rid of plastic on campus! With these simple tips, you can be more environmentally friendly, and not to mention, a star student in any Ethics or Science class.

How To: Take “Going Green” to the Next Level

By Bianca Gonzales ‘14

What’s up online? Toying with Economics Cont. It is when young girls and boys realize the toys at the toy store are separated by dress-up and science exper-iments, they start to believe they are limited to those things. Ms. Hanley’s economics project not only teach-es students how to produce a product and market it ef-fectively, but it also helps them realize that their futures are not predetermined by the toys they are expected to play with. Could one of the reasons that 89% of engineers today are men be that women have been taught since child-hood that science is for boys and dress up is for girls? Could something as seemingly trivial as toys really have that much of an effect on career decisions? While these questions may never have a definitive answer, Ms. Han-ley strives to prove to her students that they never need to choose between being a girl and being an intelligent scientist or an innovative engineer; they can do both.

Go to olppilotpress.org to see:- Extended editions of articles seen here

- A movie review- A local restaurant feature

- A preview of the 2013 Holy Bowl- A feature on the new OLP clubs

- “On this day in history....” - A recap of the exciting Comic Con 2013

- Poems and short stories from OLP’s writing club

- Gallery of photos from around OLP

In many ways, we as students find ourselves so unlike our teachers. We distance ourselves from them by la-beling our teachers as people who assign countless hours of homework, who are unaware or just not interest-ed in the fact that we have lives out-side of school. We believe that our teachers do not understand the strug-gle of balancing the multitude of de-mands placed on us by the Academy. From six intense classes, to sports, to clubs, we think teachers are unable to relate. But shockingly, teachers do understand. They are not much dif-ferent: they too have to keep up with their classes and their lives outside of OLP; some teachers even go above and beyond, doubling as coaches for the Academy’s athletic program. At OLP we are lucky to have two teachers who are part of the fall sports coaching staff. Along with preparing lessons, grading, and teaching, they also coach golf. Mr. Kirschbaum and Mr. Gonzalez are the foundation of the golf program at OLP. They create an amazing team that is the source of the golf program’s passion and deter-mination. It is no surprise that these two are more than just co-workers. Mr. Kirschbaum and Mr. Gonzalez have fostered a friendship that fur-ther enriches the golf team. They work together and exchange ideas to aid all players. When asked what makes them such a great match, Mr. Gonzalez described that they, “complete each other” because they are, “like minded in terms of teach-ing and coaching.” He goes on to explain that Mr. Kirschbaum helps him stay organized in the midst of all the chaos during golf season. The secret to their teamwork is be-lieving that “we are in it together.” Mr. Kirschbaum revealed that he loves being a part of the coach-ing staff because he is able to “see students in a different and more re-laxed light.” He learns more about the students he sees every day in a less serious environment by helping them hone their golf skills. Upon re-flection, Mr. Kirschbaum admitted that being a golf coach makes him,

“a better golfer, a better person, and a better teacher.” He constantly finds himself using golf analogies in the classroom, which any student who has had Mr. Kirschbaum can explain is helpful in understand-ing difficult concepts. It would not be a signature Kirschbaum class without the golf references. Mr. Gonzalez feels that coach-ing golf has also contributed to his style of teaching because the prin-ciples of golf are visible in the class-room. In golf, only you can truly become a stronger golfer. Since it is an independent sport, you can easily track your personal improvements and find ways to make yourself bet-ter. He finds that similarly only you can truly improve your performance in school. In this way and many others, Mr. Gonzalez finds him-self using golf to relate to teaching. It is hard to imagine our teach-ers being like us, but in many ways they are. Mr. Gonzalez and Mr. Kirschbaum are just two of the teach-ers who do more than we imagine. This “dream team” puts countless hours into the OLP golf program, exemplifying the work ethic and passion that resides in the hearts of all the teachers here at the Acade-my. Although not all teachers are coaches, many are involved in mul-tiple school-related activities. The next time you complain about your teachers not comprehending the amount of time their classes require, take a step back and realize that they too are trying to keep up with the responsibility of being a part of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace.

On Par With Teaching By Sarah Quinones ‘14Zombies Aren’t the Only Ones Who Want Your Brain By Danielle Burner ‘14

Ever considered donating your brain to sci-ence? One woman, Mary Henner, certainly has! Ms. Henner is one of only twelve people in the world suffer-ing from a rare condition known as hyperthymesia, more commonly known as Highly Superior Autobiographi-cal Memory, and has announced that she plans to donate her brain for the purpose of research. People diagnosed with this peculiar disorder have the unfailing ability to remember every detail of every moment of every single day. While some OLP girls would argue that these skills would come in handy during one of Ms. Nagem’s APUSH quizzes, most of the twelve individuals living with this condition say that it is more of a curse than a blessing. Let’s face it – there are some things in life we just want to forget. Whether it be a bad grade, an ugly fight, or freshman dance lessons, some things/ are just better left in the past. But what if you couldn’t forget? What if instead of forgetting an unpleasant event, you could recall it ef-fortlessly and in great detail? Most humans have a limited ability to recall information; memory is malleable and of-ten becomes blurred or misconstrued over time. In the case of Alzheimer’s Disease, memory can even fade altogether. These two extremes – superhuman memory and rapid memory loss – have sparked great interest in the Psychology world. Over the years, researchers have col-lected over 300 measurements from Ms. Henner alone, including tissue samples, saliva swabs, and CAT scans in an attempt to understand how her memories are catego-rized and stored. Researchers hope that by discovering how memory is cataloged, scientists will be one step closer to solving other memory-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s. Last week, Ms. Henner announced her plans to do-nate her brain to the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer’s Disease Re-search Center. Who knows what secrets her brain will reveal. It just goes to show, a fruitful mind should never go to waste!

Editors and Moderators

Entertainment:Katie Anastas

Katelyn Fecteau

OLP Life:Katie Hammond

Karla Lopez

Peace and Current Events:Danielle Burner

Sports:Sarah Quinones

Photography:Bianca Corallino

Victoria Rodriguez

Layout:Renata Galan

Danielle NguyenEmily Edgin

Editor-in-Chief:Morgan Hazel

Moderators: Mrs. TurnerMs. DeVore

Photo Credit: Stephanie Elliott