Pineal Gland ?the Body?s Light Meter



this is my research into pineal , dmt and spiritual science .

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Pineal Gland the bodys light meterDMT the spirit molecule

Pineal Gland Descrates mentioned it as the seat of the soul. After being labeled as a vestigial organ for quitesometime , scientists have shed new light into its role as the bodys light meter. By the light meter it means its role in the non-visual functions of light. The intention of this presentation is to present the latest scientific information about the pineal gland and its role in spirituality.


This picture is therepresentation of the power that is inherent in a prayer. The light in the centre of the brain is the pineal gland being lit up, and the opening of the sahasrara.

Pineal Anatomy Anatomy- arises from the roofof the third ventricle under the posterior end of the corpus callosum and is connected by a stalk to the posterior commisure and habenular commisure. There are nerve fibres in the stalk, but they apparently dont reach the gland. Its lies outside the blood brain barrier in contact with csf in third ventricle. It has a very high perfusion rate of blood second only to the kidneys. Arterial supply from superior cerebral artery.

Nerve Supply of Pineal Gland Pineal is connected to the eyethrough a special pathway, there is a special photoreceptor called melanopsin present in the ganglion cells in the retina. It is highly receptive to blue light, its sends its signals to Suprachiasmatic nucleus. SCN is a part of the hypothalamus, and is an important time keeper. It coordinates various rhythms in the body through hypothalamus. Diagram shows how it is connected to the pineal .Presence of even little light can switch off melatonin production in the pineal via this pathway.

Pineal Histology Lobular parenchyma ofpinealocytes surrounded by connective tissue spaces. Calcifications can be present making it visible in x rays. Pinealocytes secrete melatonin. Other cells are interstitial cells, perivascular phagocytes, pineal neurons.

Pineal Crystals Pineal is a calcifying tissueand has mulberry shaped carbonate hydroxyapatite crystals which resemble those in the teeth and the bones. There are also small non mulberry type calcite crystals. Mechanism of formation is unknown. Its controversial whether with age the crystals increase in number and size and if it does have any effect on the physiological functions of the body.

Pineal Crystals Mulberry Shapedhydroxyapatite crystals.

Pineal Crystals Non CalciteCrystals are the only other known non pathological calcite deposition in the body other than the otoconia in the ear.

Effects of Electromagnetism There is a growing evidence thatEMF could be affecting human beings. For example, it has been shown that application of very specific temporal patterns of weak (
