


made of the opposites Red and Blue shortest and longest wavelengths heat and coolness appearing in violet will express creativity and eccentricity. Iit is a colour of great inspiration but also indecision! In its lighter shades, violet is a true tranquiliser much like the scent of lavender. it will bring delicate relaxation to the person who wears it ....mmmmmmmmmmm. placed the point where earth and heaven meet ...and NAPOLEON loved violet! Irving R. Kaufman, Lwyer

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VIOLETsomeone said thatthere is a fine line between a genius and madnessand VIOLET is the colour to complement this statement

made of the oppositesRed and Blueshortest and longest wavelengthsheat and coolness

placed the point where earth and heaven meet

it is the favourite colour of artistspsychic mysticsand other owners of a lofty personality

...and NAPOLEON loved violet!

appearing in violet will expresscreativity and eccentricity.Iit is a colour of great inspiration but also indecision!In its lighter shades, violet is a true tranquilisermuch like the scent of will bring delicate relaxation to the person who wears it....mmmmmmmmmmm.

You wear a costume identifying you as, if not quite divine, someone special.

Irving R. Kaufman, Lwyer
