Planungsverband Ballungsraum Frankfurt / Rhein-Main Manuela Hahn Control of large-scale retail trade...


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Planungsverband Ballungsraum Frankfurt / Rhein-Main

Manuela Hahn

Control of large-scale retail trade in the metropolitan region Frankfurt / Rhine-Main

Open Days, October 2007

European Week of Regions and Cities

Current situation and trends

▌ Retail space today: 2.700 000 m².

▌ Estimated demand for additional retail

space until 2015: 350.000 m².

▌ Estimated excess supply of retail space

until 2015 without intervention by the region:

350.000 m² + 540.000 m² = 890.000 m².

▌ We expect cut-throat competition between

existing city and town centres and additional

retail based in greenfield sites.


City centre vs greenfield site development

City centre of Frankfurt

Pedestrian zone “Zeil”

Cluster of discount retailers in a

greenfield site development

Need for an overall strategy

An overall regional framework for retail

development is required.

The REHK is a spatial development programme.

It will be integrated into the

Regional Land Use Plan (RegFNP)

and so become legally binding.

This has been taken forward as the

Regionales Einzelhandelskonzept (REHK).

Core REHK policy objectives

▌ Promotion of a retail development that favours city centres

and urban sub-centres.

▌ Co-operation of key stakeholders beyond

sectoral/municipal planning.

▌ Planning transparency and reliability as well as

long-term planning stability for our

75 municipalities, investors and politicians.

▌ Improvement of business and trade in the region in order

to strengthen balanced polycentric urban structures.

REHK in detail

▌ Fostering of central shopping districts in city centres

and urban sub-centres, such as large-scale retail facilities

with a wide range of consumer goods.

▌ Fostering of complementary retail locations focusing on

large scale retail facilities with a range of goods that is atypical

for city centres (building material, furniture…)

▌ Fostering local retailers in addition to central retail

areas in order to lay out a foundation for diverse local

supply structures.

▌ Where necessary retaining large-scale retail

agglomerations in industrial areas but no further




Retail location and development


Resolution on REHK passed by the Chamber of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Conurbation Planning Association

Appraisal of current situation, reports - in collaboration with municipalities, experts and political stakeholders -

Issue of REHK in draft

Integration of REHK draft into Regional Land Use Plan (RegFNP)

Until summer 2007

Until the end of 2007

Regional Assembly of Southern Hesse: Presentation of REHK draft in the 2nd public participation of the Southern Hesse Regional Plan, first quarter 2008

Presentation of REHK draft to Chamber of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Conurbation Planning Association

Spring 2004

Autumn 2007

Contact Information

Manuela Hahn

Tel.: +49 (0)69-2577-1356

Poststr. 16

60329 Frankfurt am Main
