Plestravera 1.2.3


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Sorries of Strangetown


Chloe sat down and looked out the window. This was not what she'd had in mind when she decided to buy the public pool in Strangetown. She'd imagined more socializing and less sitting.

She glanced at the grocery store that for whatever reason had come with the pool. Nervous had it worse, she decided. She got to sit, while he had to stand.

Finally people started coming. Crystal Curious hoped a dip in the pool would clear her mind. Lazlo still wanted to stay in that odd house Pascal and he called home, and Lazlo was bent on not being a father.

Albany Capp also came to the pool, all the way from Veronaville. He still wasn't happy about making peace with the Montys, and hoped some time away from the Montys and Capps would help him accept the new era of peace everyone hoped would come to Veronaville now that the feud was over.

Things were looking up. A guy came in to talk with Chloe, and she got his number. Maybe this wouldn't be such a waste of time.

He didn't stay long though, and soon was in the hot tub with Crystal, who was busy venting about her husband.The feud in Veronaville is over, and he still won't move!Well, has he given a reason?

Yeah, he thinks he'll only fit in here, in Strangetown. But he hasn't even tried to fit in anywhere else! He also says he wants to be near his brothers, but he can still see them as often as he wants, he'll just take the subway instead of walking.Maybe he really wouldn't fit in anywhere else. And walking is healthier from the environment. Crystal glared, and the stranger laughed.

Crystal recovered soon enough, and went back to her rant. And he said we could talk about having a baby when our neice Venus was old enough to not need a crib, and she's old enough now. Yet whenever I try to bring it up, he changes the subject!

Maybe he doesn't want a kid.Crystal glared again at the stranger. You are really annoying.Cause I'm right? he grinned. Crystal silently pouted. You know, you can't always have your way. You have to see it from the other person's point of view.

He was greeted by silence. Fine, he sighed. Don't take my advice.

Vidcund was the only one who'd chosen the refreshingly cool pool over the warm, relaxing hot tub. He was glad he had. The cold water helped him clear his head and think.

Why do I hate the Montys so much? he asked himself the question he'd been avoiding. He already knew the answer.His mind flashed back to the first of many Summerdream parties. It had happened before the feud started, but not long before. The Summerdreams were the only teens in Veronaville with no parents or guardians, and the rest of the Veronaville teens planned to make full use of this fact.

Albany had been young and in love. He'd had a major crush on Bianca Monty for a long time, and was finally ready to make his move. He asked her to dance... and she refused. Heartbroken, he headed towards home only to be stopped by Goneril before he left the Summerdream home.

He had met Goneril before, but since their marriage had already been arranged by their parents (Veronaville was old-fashioned back then, and Consort had arranged the marriages of all of his children) and they were rebellious teens they had never considered each other as potential dating material. But Goneril being the kind soul that she was offered to dance with him so he wouldn't be without a partner, and being desperate and on the rebound he'd accepted.

That was why Goneril and Albany's marriage, though good, wasn't perfect. And that was why Albany hated the Montys.It's not fair to hate them just because Bianca rejected you, Albany thought to himself. She's married now. You're married now. It's time you moved on.

Meanwhile back at the hot tub, the silence between the two had been ended. And Crystal, lonely and in need of male attention, had took it a step further.

She put her arm around him and kissed him.

Connor Weir, who was single and temporarily forgot that she was married, kissed her back.

Encouraged, Crystal started slipping off her bikini. She'd never done this before- Lazlo knew better than that. He knew Crystal would've not used protection and gotten herself pregnant. But Connor seemed willing...

Crystal's heart raced when she realized what she'd done. She'd had an affair behind her husband's back! In public!And Connor remembered that Crystal was married. What have I done?

Chloe was having her own love problems. She still hadn't found a new boy toy; Connor had left after a promising start, and now Albany was poking her for no good reason!

So that's how you want to play, huh? Chloe scowled.

If you're going to poke random people, you better be ready to pay the consequences, Chloe yelled.Albany was taken aback, but quickly regained his confidence. I'm a Capp. I've fought more fights than you ever will. Bring it, Greenie.

Get off of my property and don't come back! Chloe hissed.Albany didn't move. You can't tell me what to do, he smirked.

Listen mister, if you don't get off my property I'm calling the cops! Chloe smacked Albany.Albany left the lot, grumbling the whole way.


Ajay loved the summer. It brought warm weather, relaxation, and a chance to catch up with old friends.

Ajay and Crystal had dated once upon a time, but Ajay was always moving because of his dad's job. But now that Ajay was back in Strangetown and had settled in, he decided it was time for Crystal to visit.

It was just like old times, and they went back to when they were young and in love.

They forgot the present, including that they were both married, and they started passionately kissing.

Then the bathing suits came off.

Ajay, get out of the hot tub. Now. Lola's voice was dangerously low, and Ajay knew better than to defy it.

Lola smacked him. I can't believe you were stupid enough to cheat on me!

Jenny and Pete suspected something like this might happen, but I stood up for you and they put up with you for my sake. I guess they were right all along, huh?

It was just this once, it's not like...That's the best excuse you could come up with? Cheating is cheating, and it's wrong no matter how many times you do it!

You have a day to pack up your stuff, Ajay. I want you out of this house.

And I came home to find Ajay in the hot tub with Crystal, and... Lola broke into tears. She'd chosen Nervous as her confidant because she knew he wouldn't tell her I told you so and because he'd been cheated on, too. He never mentioned it and Lola didn't want to bring it up, so she didn't know if he knew, but it was still true.

I don't know what to do, Nervous. I told him to leave, but I still love him, even after what he did to me, Lola started tearing up again, and she wiped them away.Do you think you'd be happy with him? Nervous answered. If you do, maybe you should give him a second chance.

That's what I chose. I knew that being with Chloe was the happiest I was going to be, so I pretend I don't notice the guys she brings home, and the noises coming from our bedroom.So you do know.

Of course I do. She's not very secretive about it.Nervous, I don't think I could do that. Give him chance after chance while I watch him cheat on me.Do you think he'll ever do it again?

I don't know. He didn't even act like he was doing anything wrong. Does that mean he'll cheat on me again?I don't know, Nervous saw the clock in the corner of his eye. Lola, I have to go. I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

The two got up from the couch. Goodbye Nervous, Lola hugged her friend.

She watched as he walked away. She'd wanted that hug to continue forever...

She quickly looked away. Until tomorrow, and maybe longer if you let Ajay stay, you're still married! And he's married! And not just to anyone, your twin! He is off-limits!

Lola sat back down on the couch. Yelling at herself was not working- looked like she needed some new tactics.

I've packed my things, Ajay said, and waited for a reply. I'm about to call the cab. Then I'll be out of your life forever.It was now or never, Lola realized. If she wanted him to stay, she had to make her move.

Please please please don't make me go! I made a mistake, and hurt your feelings, and I'm really really really sorry. I'll do everything humany possible to make sure it never happens again-

Not good enough, Lola interrupted.Okay, it will never happen again. I swear on my parents' graves! Lola, I love you and I don't want to lose you.

So will you forgive me?

You promise you'll never cheat again?Yes.And I won't see or hear of Crystal ever again?Yes.

You get one more chance. But if you slip up again, I'll kick you out again and mean it!Thank you Lola! I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.You better!


Gundrum, come here for a second! Loki called. He had a new idea- a brilliant, wonderful, diabolical idea.

Gundrum didn't realize, of course. She was still a child, young and innocent. So she yelled Coming, Daddy! and raced over to him.

Gundrum, I want you to sit in that chair over there.Okay, Daddy!

Now, tell me wh you see.

I see... Gundrum squinted at the blurry images floating infront of her.

It's all blurry and hard to see. And red like blood, too. There's flames,but it's kinda gloomy. And there's a bunch of bones and skulls and there's a phone on top of them. Shrieks filled the scene, and Gundrum put her hands over her ears. There's all this shreiking and moaning, make it stop Daddy!

Loki stopped the machine and lifted the cap off of Gundrum. She hopped out of the chair. Daddy, what was that place? And why'd I see it in the machine?

It's a machine that gives answers, but only a child can see them, and they have to be in the chair.What question did you ask, Dady? And how was that the answer?

I don't know how that answered my question.

As for what the question was, that's something you don't need to know.

With that Gundrum ran to Circe. Mommy, Daddy told me to sit in the chair and there were flames and bones and it was scary.

Circe couldn't believe it. She'd told Loki to not do any more unethical tests on unpaid test subjects, especially not their young daughter!Don't worry I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.

She found Loki still in the lab. What were you thinking, letting her sit in that chair? Remember when it electrocuted Nervous?That only happens with adults. She's still young enough that it's safe.You still shouldn't use her for your 'research'!

I warned you that if this happened again you would die alone, and I plan to make good on that promise. Erin and Vidcund can stay, but you have to go.This is my house, Circe! If anyone's leaving, it should be you!

Fine. But I'm taking Gundrum with me.

Gundrum, pack your stuff. We're moving.Will Auntie Erin and Uncle Vidcund come too?No, they're staying here. And so is your father.

Why not? Gundrum's looked up at Circe, and Circe wished she didn't have to explain to Gundrum.He did some bad things, Gundrum.What did he do? And if he's the one who did the bad things why do we have to move?

Because your daddy owns the house.But I like it here and I don't want to leave Daddy. If he apologizes and doesn't do any more bad things can we stay?

It's not that simple, Gundrum.But why not?You'll understand when you're older.

Gundrum turned away. She just couldn't understand why they had to move. She loved Mommy, but she also loved Daddy. Why did she have to leave one of them behind? Then she had an idea- maybe she wouldn't have to move!Can we at least stay for my birthday? she asked. Then she could go to college instead!Sure.

Gundrum's birthday was bittersweet. Though they were happy she was growing up, there was still tension between her parents, and Circe was about to leave.

The taxi beeped. It was time for Gundrum to go to college, and for Circe to leave for her new home.

I'm such an idiot. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I let her go.

Even though I wasn't the most faithful husband, she loved me and was there for me, to pick me up when I was down and to celebrate with me when I was happy.

What have I done?


Lazlo, you said we could talk about having a kid when Venus was older, and she is now.Crystal, now's not a good time, you're about to leave for work and I'm tired. Can we talk about this in the morning?

I'll be asleep in the morning, you know that!Well we can talk about it in the afternoon.You leave in the afternoon to visit Vidcund.

Fine. Let's talk.You know I want a baby, and I don't see a reason not to have one.At this point nearly everyone in the college at this point will have graduated and our baby will be a child. He or she will be the only one their age.Fine, I can wait a while till the baby will be the same age as, say, Venus' kids.

But you'd be in your forties! Wouldn't that be risky?No, I'd be in my late thirties. Talk to Lola, I'm sure she'll be able to make sure I'm fine during the pregnancy.I still don't like the idea of raising a kid in our fifties.

So? I won't have to work anymore so I can be around more to take care of kid, and it'll only be a couple years till the go to college. And then we'll be a good age for being grandparents when he or she comes back.Fine. If Chloe says you'll be safe, we can try for a baby.

Great! Now while I have the chance to talk to you, let's talk about moving! Veronaville ended its feud officially, so it should be safe.Not until every Capp and Monty who has killed is dead will I think it's safe to live there.

Okay then, Pleasantview. The drama isn't that bad there, and why should that stop us from moving there anyway?You obviously don't read the right things. Antonio Monty for one lives there, and both him and his wife, Brandi, have some mysterious deaths surrounding them.

Fine, we'll stay in Strangetown. But can we at least move out of this house? The old Grunt house is up for sale still, and there's another nice house next to it.Why move when we've got a nice house right here? Erin is staying with her brother Loki. Lola is staying with her sister Jenny. Why can't I stay with Pascal?

All you care about is your brothers! You spend half the day with each of them, and never spend any time with me! If you really loved me you'd save the afternoons for the two of us because that's the only time we're both up. But nooo you have to go visit Vidcund.

You never complained about it before, and you said you were about to get a promotion that'd let you sleep regular hours so afternoons wouldn't be the only time we'd both be awake. I promise I'll spend more time with you if we can stay here.Fine, we'll stay.

. . .

Hello?Hi, it's Ajay. Listen, about the other day... If I ever do that again Lola's kicking me out. We're still friends though, right?Of course. I was about to call to tell you it was a mistake anyway. So Lola didn't divorce you?

Nope. It was a close call, though. And it made me realize I really don't want to lose her.Yeah, I know what you mean. Lazlo and I may have our arguments, but I couldn't imagine life without him.

Yeah. So it'll never happen again and after this phone call we'll pretend it never happened, agreed?Agreed.

Well, that's all I wanted to say, so bye.Okay, bye.Click.

Crystal still had one more phone call to make. She took the piece of paper out of her pocket and started dialing the number.

Hey, watsup.Hi, I'm Crystal Vu. Are you Connor Weir?Nah, I'm his roomie. But I'll go get him.Crystal heard movement, and the man on the other end yelling, Connor! There's some chick named Crystal Vu on the phone, and she wants to talk to you!

Hello?Hi Connor, it's Crystal Vu. You know, from Strangetown?You were the girl at the hot tub complaining about her husband, right?Uh, yeah. About what happened that day...

Let me guess. You talked with him and sorted out all your problems, and that day was a big mistake.Yeah, pretty much. Well, goodbye.Bye.

It's true, I really don't want to lose Lazlo... So why do I keep making these stupid mistakes?

Calling them and ending it was a start, but I still need to confess to Lazlo... But what if he divorces me?

Lazlo, I have something I need to confess. Crystal bit her lip. Well here goes nothing... I had an affair behind your back, but I ended it, and I'm really really sorry. For Ajay's sake she'd decided she'd only mention the one affair with Connor. Well partly for Ajay's sake and partly for her own.

There was a moment of silence. This will never happen again? Lazlo said after what seemed to Crystal like an eternity.I promise, Crystal replied.

I guess I'm partly to blame. You're right, I haven't been spending much time with you. That doesn't make it hurt any less, though.I know, and I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?

Lazlo stood up and kissed Crystal, and she took that as a yes. Maybe things wouldn't be perfect, at least not right away, but things would work out.

Yes, everything would be all right.