Plethware Rebranded


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  • 8/8/2019 Plethware Rebranded


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    10GB Mailboxes & 50MB Attachments

    10GB MailboxesOur goal is to take storage out o the equation. Thats why we

    oer users huge, 10 GB mailboxes. No longer will users haveto worry about cleaning out and archiving their mailboxes to

    prevent running out o storage space. With 10GB o data storagespace, your users can keep all o their emails in their account

    without deleting them. This helps users to create an eectivearchive o work activity. It also provides an excellent way tomanage and retrieve inormation about past projects, decisions,

    and emailed conversations.

    50MB Attachments

    We want to be sure that your users arent limited by le sizelimitations when theyre sending an attachment. Thats why we

    are one o the leaders in the industry that supports up to 50MB attachments on incoming or outgoing email. This helps to

    ensure that users can send and receive important attachmentswithout concern or le size limitations.

    With a 50MB attachment limit, your users could send or


    A 1,000 page Microsot Word document *

    200 slides in a Microsot PowerPoint presentation *

    500 JPEG images *

    A 500 page Adobe PDF le *

    * Illustrative estimateActual numbers depend on the size o agiven le(s).

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    Plethware Control PanelComplete online control over your hosted emailenvironment

    Get all the benets that a hosted email environment hasto oer, without the work o managing it yoursel. We

    provide you with ull-eatured solutions backed by the bestinrastructure in the industry and supported by a complete

    sta o email experts.

    For the ew details that you will want to manage yoursel,

    we developed a web-based control panelriendly enoughor users without in-depth technical knowledge and

    detailed enough or IT pros. In the Control Panel, an emailadministrator can:

    Manage Services & Users

    Add/delete/disable users or Microsot Exchange and

    Plethware Email

    View usage

    Reset passwords

    Setup aliases/orwarding

    Update user contact inormation

    Manage distribution lists

    Access All Services, From One Location Manage Microsot Exchange and Plethware Email in

    one place

    Upgrade services online

    Control spam & virus settings

    Manage Administrators

    Update contact inormation

    Add/delete administrators

    Limit administrator access

    Access email reports

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    Plethware EmailAll the Features Business Users Need

    Plethware Email packs a complete personal inormationmanagement system into a compact, easy-to-use interace.

    Business email users have dierent needs and requirementsthan personal users. Email clients like Gmail or Yahoo are

    great or staying in touch with riends and amily, but whenyoure business relies on email, you need more.

    For Your Users

    Access to mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes

    rom one application

    Use our easy webmail client or your desktop client, like

    Outlook or Thunderbird

    Free backup and sync tool or Outlook, BlackBerry,

    iPhone, and Windows Mobile

    View/share/edit users calendars

    Share calendar outside o your domain with iCal


    Maintain and track task lists

    Create group contacts lists

    Companywide contact lists

    10GB mailboxes (hold about 10 years o email)

    50MB attachments (about 500 JPEG images)

    Mail ltering controls and enhanced searching

    For Your IT Department

    Easy, web-based control panel administration

    Data migration assistance available

    Uptime money-back guarantee backed by SLA

    Redundant, clustered servers pairs

    Secure SSL encryption

    Add/delete/restore mailboxes rom control panel

    API interace or SSO support

    Desktop client compatibility Domain & mailbox-level spam and virus lters

    Daily backups

    Optional email archiving service

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    Email HostingFeatures Overview

    Over 1 million users worldwide depend on Plethware Email.Our web-based email client was built rom the ground up as

    an all-in-one, sotware-ree email management system. Thebusiness applications suite is constantly evolving around the

    tools businesses need to communicate and be productive.Find out more about all the ways Plethware email supports

    your email and your productivity.

    Email Client Features

    10GB Mailboxes & 50MB Attachments

    Keep email in your inbox without ear o running out

    o room

    Mailbox holds up to 10 years o email

    Send and receive large les

    Send a 1000 page Word document, 200 PowerPoint

    slides, or 500 Adobe PDFs

    Free Backup and Sync Tool

    Sync personal data, like contacts, calendars and more

    to a BlackBerry, iPhone, or Windows Mobile device

    Use the ree Sync or Outlook tool to protect yourOutlook data

    Two-way sync keeps email data same across platorms

    Set up automatic sync to pull email data on a schedule

    Install over the air or download plugin

    Powered by Funambol data sync technology

    Customized Settings

    Adjust spam lters, trash handling, message alerts at

    domain or user level

    Display HTML or text

    Supports 8 languages

    Customize reply and orwarding settings

    Create user or domain-level saelists and blacklists

    Receive email rom external accounts

    Change password rom webmail interace

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    Application Suite Features

    Contacts Create multiple personal contact lists with unlimited


    Company directory auto-updates new mailboxes

    Multiple entries or phone and email inormation, a

    notes area, and an option to add a photo

    Import/export contacts between Outlook, Yahoo,

    Gmail, and more

    Users can update their personal contact data rom the

    email interace

    Make permission-based group lists rom the control



    Create multiple calendars and share with selected

    people in Plethware Email or Outlook

    Send meeting invites and create recurring events

    Allow specic people to edit your calendar

    iCal eed to share calendars outside o your domain

    Get alerts via email, pop-up, or text message to your


    Color-coded viewing or multiple calendars

    Import calendars in .csv ormat


    Create task lists with sub-tasks

    Assign due dates

    Multiple search options

    Add task-specic inormation in task notes area

    Use Task List Manager or overview o all outstanding


    Notes Unlimited space to record text notes

    Assign note titles or easy searching

    Search by title or last updated date

    Copy and paste text rom other applications

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    POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP

    Plethware hosted email supports all standard email protocols, like POP3, IMAP, and SMTP.They allow users to check and send email via desktop email clients like Outlook and Mozilla

    Thunderbird, plus wireless devices like BlackBerry, iPhone, and Windows Mobile devices. Thismeans you can use your avorite email apps while using our service.


    Post Oce Protocol (Version 3) is what most users need and use today. POP3 is a client/server

    protocol in which email is received and held on a mail server. Periodically, you check or mail onthat server and then download it to your email client. POP3 is the standard protocol built into

    practically every email client. This method is well-suited or users that dont want to store emailmessages online.

    IMAP4Internet Message Access Protocol (Version 4) is another popular way to access email messages.With IMAP4, messages and olders are always stored on the mail server. When users access their

    email, they are working directly with these messages. This means that any updates made to theemail, such as moving, agging, or marking a message as unread, is stored on the server.

    IMAP4 is a convenient option or users who need to access their email online rom multiple

    clients at multiple computers or locations.

    Our IMAP server supports IMAP IDLE, which provides real-time push support or IMAP

    applications, alerting you the second you have new mail... which makes it very powerul orusers on the go.


    Simple Mail Transer Protocol is the standard protocol or sending email messages across the

    Internet. It is also commonly reerred to as an outgoing mail server. Our SMTP servers arecongured to require SMTP Authentication. The servers themselves perorm two important

    unctions.First, they veriy that anyone sending outgoing email through the SMTP server has the rightto do so. Then secondly, they send the outgoing email. I undeliverable, the mail gets sent

    message back to the sender.

    SSL and TLS Encryption

    We provide SSL and TLS encryption or POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and the Webmail client. This encrypts

    your data so that others cannot view it. Our servers also support opportunistic TLS, whichallows your incoming and outgoing email data to be encrypted as it travels through theinternet. This is very important or passwords and condential emails.Supported RFCs

    RFCs are standards or email communication between servers and email clients. These

    standards are approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and are known as RFCs.These standards cover SMTP, POP, and IMAP, among other Internet technologies.

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    Plethware ArchivingCompliance Overview

    Freedom Inormation Act Sunshine Laws

    The ederal government and nearly all state governments have established Open Recordslaws. The purpose o these laws is to provide a level o transparency to the activities o

    government agencies and ocials to their citizens. There are no specic guidelines on howlong emails must be retained. However, IT departments o these agencies must comply withthe request or inormation which, in the absence o an email archiving solution, typically

    includes the laborious process o the restoration o backup tapes and the manual search acrossmultiple mailboxes. In many cases, this search only produces a raction o the emails pertaining

    to the request.

    Plethware Archiving provides quick deployment o email archiving or all government agenciesregardless o their email platorm. With secure capture o all emails and ull text indexing o

    emails/attachments, Freedom o Inormation requests are ullled with limited expenditure oIT resources.

    Federal Rules o Civil Procedure (FRCP)

    The U.S. Supreme Court has recently ratied changes to the Federal Rules o Civil Procedure

    (FRCP), which will take eect on December 1, 2006. These changes shit the rules o discoveryin a legal proceeding rom a ocus on policies or electronic records retention, disposition, and

    preservation, to a ocus on procedures that will streamline evidence presentation.

    Email and storage administrators need to answer key questions like:

    Where is the data in question?

    What actions were taken to preserve it?

    How can the data be searched and reproduced?

    Just what is the companys established data retention/deletion policy?

    Importance o METADATA

    Plethware Archiving helps organizations comply with the Federal Rules o Civil Procedure as

    it pertains to email archiving by securely capturing, indexing and storing up to 9 copies oauditable email or easy retrieval through our search and discovery interace.

    Open Meeting Laws

    Most local governments (County, City, Towns, and School Districts) have strict Open Meeting

    Laws. Join Letters, Conerence Calls, and Emails usually entail deliberation and are subject to

    Open Meeting Laws.

    SEC 17A-4 and NASD 3010

    The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) originally enacted the Securities Exchange Act in

    1934, as a means o protecting investors rom raudulent or misleading claims by securitiesdealers. The Act required member rms to create and maintain transaction records that could

    be reviewed and audited. In 1997, rule 17a-4 o the Act was amended to provide procedures orstorage o electronic records, including emails. This rule has since been interpreted to include

    instant messages as well.

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    NASD (National Association o Securities Dealers) applies similar rules to its

    member rms through NASD 3010.

    The provisions o SEC 17a-4 and NASD 3010 apply to all individuals and organizations involved

    in trading securities. This includes securities rms, stock brokerage rms, banks, and anynancial institutions that all under SEC or NASD jurisdiction. They require securities dealers to

    implement specic, enorceable retention procedures, which include the ollowing:

    Archived messages must be stored in duplicate. One copy must be stored in an online archive,and a second copy must be stored ofine on permanent, tamperproo media, such as Write-

    Once-Read-Many (WORM) technology. Storage media must be veried automatically or qualityand accuracy.

    Plethware provides storage or all archived email on WORM compliant storage.

    Archived messages must be date/time-stamped and serialized. Each message must be assigneda unique, sequential identication number as a saeguard against deletion.

    Plethware guarantees we capture messages with their original integrity in tact (Message ID,

    body, attachments, etc.) Messages are dierentiated by a unique identifer as a saeguard against


    A searchable index o all stored data must be maintained. Indexes must be retained on eachunit o storage media or the messages and attachments stored on that unit.

    Plethware indexes all message components: Header, Body and Attachments and stores these


    Messages and indexes must be easily retrievable and downloadable to other media as required

    by SEC regulators.

    Plethwares Archiving service indexes all message components: Header, Body, and Attachments.

    All o these components are easily searchable through a secure web based user interace and

    retrievable to standards-based ormats like .pst, .pd, text, mime, etc.

    SEC Investment Advisers Act o 1940

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently imposed new regulations

    on private investment pools, also known as hedge unds. The U.S. Securities and ExchangeCommission, in a three-to-two vote on Oct. 26, 2005 decided to require hedge und managerswith assets in excess o $25 million to register under the Investment Advisors Act o 1940. The

    regulation went into eect on Feb. 1, 2006.The ruling requires that most hedge und advisersregister with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act o 1940, which includes provisions or

    securing, managing and archiving all electronic communication, including email and instantmessages. The rules governing the retention o electronic documents are the same as SEC 17


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    Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

    The Sarbanes-Oxley Act o 2002 was enacted in the wake o several major corporate and

    accounting scandals. Its provisions aect email retention, integrity and oversight. Sarbanes-

    Oxley applies to all publicly traded companies and the CPAs and attorneys associated withthese companies.

    Section 802 presents a possible ne o up to $1,000,000 dollars or a prison sentence o

    up to 20 years or any person who destroys, alters, mutilates, or conceals any electronic

    document in an ocial investigation.

    Sarbanes-Oxley species minimum retention periods or all accounting records, work

    papers, communications, le attachments, and documents whether transmitted via email,

    instant messaging or other message modes.

    Section 302 requires CFOs and CEOs to personally certiy and be accountable or their

    rms record retention policies and nancial reports.

    Section 404 requires auditors to certiy the underlying controls and processes that are

    used to compile the nancial results o a company. Email is a critical component in beingable to achieve this certication.

    Section 103(a) and 801(a) require companies to maintain all documents including

    electronic documents that orm the basis o an audit or review or seven years.

    Plethware Archiving assists companies in complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as it pertains to

    email archiving by securely capturing, indexing and storing up to 9 copies o auditable email or

    easy retrieval through our search and discovery interace.

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    This law was passed in 1996 and took eect in 2001. All organizations and business which

    handle, maintain, store, or exchange private health or patient related-inormation, regardless

    o size, are subject to HIPAA. In addition to health care providers and insurers, this includesemployers maintaining employee health records, lie insurers, public health authorities, organdonation banks, pharmacies, long-term acilities, billing agencies and clearinghouses. Eachinstance o intentional unauthorized disclosure is punishable by nes up to $250,000 and

    possibly 10 years o jail time.

    Section 164.312 establishes saeguards or electronic storage and maintenance o

    individual health inormation. Organizations must ensure the condentiality, integrity and

    availability o all protected electronic inormation it creates, receives or transmits.

    Mandates the use o security measures in 164.312(e), like encryption, to protect electronic

    health inormation rom unauthorized access while being transmitted over electronic


    In HIPAA section 164.312 the law establishes strict requirements regarding user access,

    authentication, and data protection.

    Section 164.308 requires covered entities to establish contingency plans or responding to

    emergencies which damage systems containing electronic protected health inormation.

    This includes the ability to maintain retrievable copies o electronic records and having

    disaster recovery plan to restore any loss o data.

    Section 164.312(b) establishes audit controls to determine when messages were

    delivered, manipulated or when administrators accessed the system.

    Plethware Archiving helps organizations comply with the HIPAA regulation as it pertains to email

    archiving by securely capturing, indexing, and storing up to 9 encrypted copies o auditable email

    or easy retrieval through our search and discovery interace.

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    21 CFR Part 11 Pharmaceutical Companies:

    This legislation was enacted by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997 and enorced

    beginning in 2000. It governs the use o electronic signatures and electronic records by

    pharmaceutical manuacturing companies. It aims to insure that electronic media providethe same level o data integrity as the paper-based storage and retrieval systems they areincreasingly replacing. It mandates that:

    For electronic signatures to be considered the legal equivalent o handwritten signatures,

    they must be secure, unique, and veriable. Electronic signatures generally consist o a

    user name and password, which are tied to a specic computer.

    For electronic records to be accepted by the FDA, they must provide an inclusive audit

    trail that is computer-generated, operator-independent, time-stamped, and secure. The

    audit trail must preserve the total sequence o electronic events: record changes cannot

    overwrite previous inormation. From the time a le is created, all additions, deletions and

    changes must be saved in such a way that they can be retrieved and reviewed at a later

    time, and they must be traceable to the individuals who initiated them and who can beheld responsible via their electronic signatures.

    Plethware Archiving helps organizations comply with the 21 CFR Part 11 regulation as it pertains

    to email archiving by securely capturing, indexing, and storing up to 9 copies o auditable email or

    easy retrieval through our search and discovery interace.

    Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA)

    The GLBA was signed in 1999 and became ully eective on July 1, 2001. The law applies tobanks, brokerage rms, tax preparation companies, insurance companies, consumer credit

    reporting agencies, and a wide variety o other nancial services rms. Violations o the GLBAmay result in a ne o up to $100,000 dollars and 5 years in jail. The primary ocus o the GLBA is

    the protection o customers personal nancial inormation. Section 6801 - Regulated organizations must insure the security and condentiality o

    custom records and inormation.

    In Section 6801 the law requires that access to all customer records be careully controlled

    to prevent substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.

    Any storage location that contains sensitive customer inormation must be protected by

    strong access control and secure passwords.

    In Section 6801 (b)(1) companies must ensure that email messages are kept secure and

    encrypted when being transmitted over a link.

    Sensitive customer inormation must be protected in case o physical disaster or techno-

    logical ailure.

    Plethware Archiving assists companies in complying with GLBA as it pertains to email archiving by

    securely capturing, indexing, and storing up to 9 copies o auditable email or easy retrieval through

    our search and discovery interace.

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    Oce o the Comptroller o the Currency Advisory Letter 2004-9

    On June 14, 2004 the OCC Advisory sent out a letter highlighting issues regarding Electronic

    Record Keeping in light o the E-SIGN Act. 15 USC 7001. The purpose o this letter was to

    address key issues posed by electronic record keeping systems. The OCC Advisory letter statedthat banks should implement an electronic record retention system to allow litigation, audits,bank supervision, and compliance with laws & regulations. Systems should also preventexternal access by third parties, and provide back-up, internal controls, record destruction, and

    record retention.

    Plethware Archiving assists companies in complying with OCC Advisory as it pertains to email

    archiving by securely capturing, indexing, and storing up to 9 copies o auditable email or easy

    retrieval through our search and discovery interace.

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    Be Prepared with Plethware Archiving

    Businesses are under more pressure than ever to maintain

    solid email archiving and retention procedures. PlethwareArchiving is your partner in the quest or regulatory compliance.

    Weve combined archiving technology with our mastery ocloud computing to give you the highest level o security andperormance at low, xed monthly rates.

    Why Do I Need Plethware Archiving?

    Industry regulations require multiple avenues o protection roma simple backup plan to retention o detailed message header

    inormation. I your business relies on email or communication,you should know the impact these laws and regulations have onyour email:

    Open Meeting Laws. Intended to promote transparency

    and open access to government records

    Freedom o Inormation Act (FOIA). Gives greater access

    to government records, updated in 1996 to encompass

    electronic records

    Healthcare Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

    (HIPPA). Wraps sti penalties around violations o electronic

    data retention and privacy regulations

    21 CFR Part 11. Imposes FDA-mandated policies or elec-

    tronic records management on pharmaceutical companies

    SEC 17A-4. Places sti SEC-enorced rules around retention

    and access to records related to securities transactions

    Sarbarnes-Oxley (SOX). Addresses auditing and reporting

    or corporations to combat corporate accounting raud

    Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA). Enacts regulations around

    data security in the nancial sector

    FRCP. Sets limits around electronically produced and saved

    documents that are required as part o legal compliance

    Plethware Archiving was built to address these and many moreregulations that aect how you retain and retrieve email.

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    How Can Plethware Help?

    With properly archived and retrievable email, your messages

    are automatically retained and immediately accessible

    when requested. Ofoading your archiving management tothe experts at Pleth reduces internal server load, improvesproduction server operation and saves IT resources. In thePlethware archive you can:

    Capture, index, and saely store up to 9 copies o audit-

    able email; including header inormation, body, and

    attachment content

    Use ull text search capabilities to nd email based on

    message components in a secure web-based search

    and discovery interace

    Maintain original message integrity using WORM tech-

    nology to assign date/time stamps and unique headers

    to saeguard against deletion

    Export to standards-based ormats like .pst, .pd, .txt,

    and mime

    Gain unlimited storage with guaranteed uptime

    How Sae is My Data with Plethware Archiving?

    During transmission and storage, your data remains secure

    and private. Plethware Archiving provides you with:

    Top tier, physically and logically secure data centers

    backed by the Plethware Cloud

    Adherence to PCI DSS standards or payment card

    industry transactions

    DoD standards-based encryption with HMAC-SHA1

    authentication or tamper-proo data

    The most current SSL encryption protocols or data

    center-to-device transmissions

    Dynamically allocated, dedicated virtual machines

    delivering superior perormance even during activity


    An audit trail or every system interaction with reports

    detailing users, activity, date, time, and IP address

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    Plethware ArchivingFor Healthcare

    Email is a standard means o business communication.

    Healthcare providers use email to exchange critical nancialdata, patient inormation, and corporate communications both

    internally and externally. Healthcare regulations carry some othe most comprehensive and complex ederal mandates oremail archiving and retrieval. And, as you well know, ailure

    to comply with HIPAA, Sarbarnes-Oxley Act, Freedom oInormation Act, plus more ederal, state and industry standards

    can result in:

    Inability to secure certications needed or relationships

    with vendors and insurers

    Sti civil and nancial consequences

    Criminal penalties up to and including jail time

    Expensive legal ees and costs deending non-compliance

    In this intense regulatory environment, the healthcare industrycant aord to be without accessible, compliant email archiving

    to satisy legal discovery laws, government regulations, or audits.Unortunately, meeting the letter o the law puts a signicant

    burden on tight resources and sta in the IT department.

    Email Archiving or Healthcare Made Easy

    Plethware Archiving is the answer to your healthcare compliancequandary. Harnessing our global computing cloud inrastructure

    and our email expertise, we can oer you a sotware-ree,aordable archiving service with unlimited, on-demand storage

    capabilities. For a minimal monthly, per-user ee, you cansupplement in-house IT compliance activities with:

    Searchable email database that delivers rapid results with

    tagging eatures to urther categorize and streamline


    Fast export service converts email messages into common

    document ormats like PST, PDF, MIME, TXT, or HTML

    Easy to navigate administrative control panel or handlingpermissions, viewing activity reports, and management o

    policy monitoring and alerts

    Focused compliance expertise dedicated to staying abreast

    o email compliance standards and adapting processes to


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    Plethware ArchivingStop Worrying about Email Storage

    With unlimited, secure email storage rom Plethware Archiving, you

    can solve the most challenging aspects o email retention with oneeasy, aordable solution.

    Email Backup

    Were going to need a dedicated server just to store all o our old email.

    I the volume o your email messages is outgrowing your serverspace, its time to step up to Plethware Archiving or innitely

    scalable, cloud-based storage.

    Keep inboxes clean with emails automatically stored in eight

    data centers worldwide

    Reduce the amount o time you spend managing inbox olders Create a secure repository or corporate knowledge stored in


    eDiscovery & eRecovery

    The last time we were subpoenaed or emails, it took weeks to fnd and

    ormat everything.

    Dont wait or a subpoena to realize the benets o email archiving.Using Plethware Archiving, you can comply with litigation requests


    Saves a tamper-proo record o all pertinent aspects o inbound

    and outbound email including, metadata, body, and any


    Find, ormat, and send requested les in minutes rom an easy-

    to-use administrative control panel interace

    Access web-based control panel at work, at home, or anywhere

    theres an internet connection

    Email Retention/Compliance

    We need to create a compliance plan but we dont know where

    to start.

    Start with Plethware Archiving. A strong email retention solution isan integral part o a comprehensive compliance plan. Our hosted

    archiving solution is the rst step toward a well-balanced plan.

    Ready to use immediately with no setup costs or additional

    sotware to download

    Export archived mail to evaluate activity monitoring

    Set optional retention periods, save searches, and export data

    to monitor email policy adherence

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    Best in Class UptimeI youve ever had your email service go down, you know how important uptimeis. Businesses rely on email more than ever beore, whether its a contact us

    link on your website, emailing client documents, or gathering your team or ameeting. In act, over 80% o small business owners consider reliable email an

    important part o their success. However, maintaining sae, reliable email serviceis no easy task. Just ask the 25% o business owners who experienced major emailoutages last year.

    The Satisaction Guarantee

    Plethware customers have the luxury o not worrying about uptime. We guaranteeall systems related to delivering your email are operationalor your money back.

    Were that condent because we have nearly a decade o experience successullynavigating mail to inboxes, saely, quickly, and eciently.

    How Do We Deliver?

    That requires vigilance on multiple ronts to guarantee on demand email

    perormance every time you hit send:

    Sending & ReceivingAcross multiple data centers, we maintain over 1000

    mail servers moving more than 50 million messages a day. Using simple,

    scalable inbound and outbound mail servers, trac spikes are eciently

    spread across data centers and new servers are deployed on demand. All o

    this happens without a blip in service on your end.

    Secure Mail StorageI a catastrophe wipes out your systems, it wont

    wipe out mail data. Two live copies are always available, plus a third ofinebackup. Messages are backed up daily and retrievable up to 14 days later.

    System Metrics & AlertsReal-time monitoring tells us immediately i

    theres a broken link in our system beore it aects your inbox. All day, every

    day rom over 20 locations on ve continents, we test mail delivery, server

    availability, and security. When a problem arises, dozens o experienced

    engineers handle the problem and plan to prevent reoccurrence.

    Our PeopleEngineers and developers are the oundation o our guarantee.

    Weve assembled unctional teams dedicated to individual aspects o mail

    delivery. Within these teams, developers designing new eatures and xeswork alongside engineers responsible or troubleshooting and keeping the

    systems running. So i something goes wrong, the people who built the

    systems are working in sync with the people expected to x it.

    With our highly specialized, directed teams and processes ocused on your email,you can go back to ocusing on your business.

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    Plethware Email SyncFor Outlook, BlackBerry, iPhone, & Windows Mobile

    Todays on-the-go email user demands synchronization o their data, regardlesso device or location. Plethware addresses this growing need and is proud to

    introduce Plethware Email Sync.

    With Plethware Email Sync, users o can keep their calendar, contacts, and tasks

    synchronized across Microsot Outlook, BlackBerry mobile devices, WindowsMobile devices, and Plethware Webmail. Sync is designed as a plug-in, using

    the open standard SyncML and can be installed directly on a users computer ormobile device. Users can customize the synchronization settings and also set up

    automatic synchronization.

    Reduce rustration while increasing productivity by eliminating the need to enter

    the same data into several locations.

    With Plethware Email Sync, you can:

    Synchronize calendars, contacts, and tasks between Outlook, BlackBerry

    mobile devices, Windows Mobile devices, and Plethware Webmail

    Synchronize mail, calendars, and contacts to your iPhone

    View shared calendars in Outlook and Plethware Webmail

    Schedule automatic synchronizations

    Manage and update data rom any computer, BlackBerry mobile device,

    and/or Windows Mobile device

    Allow others to view your calendars online or ofine

    Easily set up sync capability between multiple computers

  • 8/8/2019 Plethware Rebranded


    call us today or check us out online 888-276-0848 //

    Navigating a Dynamic Threat Landscape

    Spam used to be annoying. Now, its dangerous. Last year, 75% o businesses

    reported virus inections rom incoming email. Email is now the leading entrypoint or network threats like viruses, Trojans, and worms. Lost productivity rom

    checking and deleting spam and the expense o rallying the IT department to xand recover lost data costs over $20 billion a year.

    Keeping the spam menace out o your organization is not an easy or cheapproposition. The sotware licenses alone are costly. Add to that constant

    maintenance to ensure protection against emerging threats.

    Looking or relie? Look to Plethware.

    With Plethware, you get exceptional support and aordable, eature-rich businessemail and the strongest threat detection structure in the industry. We combined

    the best o our threat scanning capabilities with industry leaders in spam andvirus protection. Beore a message enters your mailbox, it undergoes our

    independent, threat blocking scans:

    Threat Blocker #1: Our Gatekeeper Scan. Our team o email experts devel-

    oped the Gatekeeper scan to evaluate a messages compliance with rigorous,

    internationally recognized technical standards. Messages are also checked

    against aggregated blacklists o known spam oenders.

    Threat Blocker #2: Message Snifer. Utilizing user eedback and enhanced

    pattern matching, Message Snier seamlessly annihilates over 98% o spam

    in real time.

    Threat Blocker #3: Cloudmark and CommTouch. Advanced Message

    Fingerprinting rom Cloudmark is strong enough to annihilate spam and ac-

    curately identiy virus attacks. Plus, we added CommTouchs thorough spam

    lters, eaturing Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD) technology.

    Threat Blocker #4: Clam AV. Incorporating a three-layer virus scan on all

    incoming messages, Clam AV targets deceptive measures senders use to

    mask viruses, compares the message against known virus denitions, and

    evaluates attachments or possible viruses.

    Maintaining this comprehensive level o threat protection could cost youthousands o dollars a month to maintain. As a Pleth customer, these protections

    are ree with every mailbox.

  • 8/8/2019 Plethware Rebranded


    call us today or check us out online 888-276-0848 //

    We Plan or Scalability

    Your email should be innitely scalable. The ability to add or

    remove mailboxes, handle jumps in email trac, and sendand receive on demand are integral elements o what you

    get with Plethware. From end to end, we plan our systems toaccommodate your usage no matter how big or small.

    We Plan or Your Expansion

    Whether youre adding 5 or 5,000 mailboxes, Plethware has

    the system architecture in place to scale to your needs. How?Advanced sotware design and servers in multiple data

    centers eature massive amounts o excess capacity. And,you can add or delete right rom the control panel.

    We Plan or Trac Spikes

    When email trac spikes, you wont miss a message because

    your server chokes on the increased volume. Load-balanced,clustered, single-purpose servers support inbound and

    outbound trac. On demand, we tap into reserve servercapacity to manage message volume.

    We Plan or Accessible Email

    Your mail data lives on servers with an identical twin. In

    case o an outage or disaster, you have two live copies omail data immediately available and an ofine backup.

    Our servers sense ailures and quickly divert trac to the

    operational twin server.

    With support, a money-back uptime guarantee, and xed,aordable pricing, Plethware meets your immediate email

    needs and is poised to serve your uture email needs.

  • 8/8/2019 Plethware Rebranded


    ll d h k li 888 276 0848 // l h

    Mobility with Plethware Email

    With Plethware Email Sync sotware, you can check email anywhere you have anInternet connectioneven your mobile devices web browser. Every PlethwareEmail mailbox includes pull technology with on demand access to mail and

    personal inormation data on your phone.



    As a BlackBerry Alliance Member, we have

    the inside track on new developments andinstant access to BlackBerry support teams.

    Windows Mobile

    As a Microsot Gold Certied partner,

    we have access to a wealth o resourcesdirectly rom Microsot.


    Well keep your iPhone in touch with easy

    synchronization and backup support.

    Share between Plethware Email,

    Outlook, and Devices

    Email & Folders




    Company Directory

    Sync on a schedule





    Company Directory

    Sync on a schedule


