Pn 154 Nclex Review


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  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    PN 154

    NCLEX Review

    Spring 2010

    Instructor: Lisa Lee Rohm, RN, BSN

    Creator of this fabulous PowerPoint:

    Amber Lee, RN, BSN!!

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Concordes Process

    A preliminary Caniate list! is mae an sent to"SBN, #ho then sens the list to $earson %ue

    Applications &'oth (or "SBN an $earson %ue),(ingerprinting, * passportphoto #ill 'e sent 'y

    Concore to the appropriate places +ou may receie your Authori-ation to .est &A..)prior to "SBN receiing the o((icial transcripts,ho#eer i( you ta/e the eam 'e(ore your transcriptsare receie, you #ill not receie a nursing licenseuntil a(ter the entire process has 'een complete

    "n the grauation ate, Concore #ill sen theo((icial Caniate List! to "SBN

    hen all o( the graes an SIGNED&'y you an theinstructors) ealuation (orms are turne in, the o((icial

    transcripts #ill 'e sent to "SBN

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Application Hints

    o not change your name or you appearance(rom the time you (ill out the application an ta/eyour passport picture until you receie your

    license o not (ill out the 'lue (ingerprinting car until you

    are in the presence o( the (ingerprinter!

    3or the (ingerprinting ay:

    4a/e sure you are #ell hyrate an your hans aremoisturi-e

    I( you hae callouses, seriously consier ao)manicure

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Application Hints (Just sa! "es#$

    I( you hae any yes! ans#ers on your B"N app5A short, one paragraph, eplanation is su((icient

    "n the chemical su'stances 6uestion, say yes!

    een i( you hae a prescription5 .he 6uestion reas 7ae you ever 'een

    arreste, charge #ith, entere a plea o( guilty,no contest, conicte o( or 'een sentence

    (or 555!Ans#er yes! een i( the recor has 'een

    epunge &8uenile or ault) I( you say no! an it someho# sho#s up on your

    'ac/groun chec/, this #ill elay your process

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    How to apply for anOregon Nursing License

    (step % step process$



  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    How to appl .or initial

    licensure in anot,er state


    &Clic/ on Boars o( Nursing!, then mem'er'oars,! then clic/ on the state you #ant to 'e

    license in)
  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    How to re+ister .or t,e


    &%or overv!ew'
  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )c,edulin+ "our E/a-

    Concore #ill sen "SBN a Caniate list! #ho #illthen sen $earson %ue a Caniate List!

    A(ter your 'oar o( nursing eclares you eligi'le, you#ill receie your Authori-ation to .est &A..)

    $earson %ue #ill mail each person their A..5

    A(ter you receie your A.., you may scheule yourtest #ith any $earson %ue .esting Center &200locations) "regon testing centers: Beaerton, Salem, 4e(or

    Aerage test ate is 29 ays (rom the ate o( scheuling

    +ou must ta/e the eam #ithin 0 ays o( receiingyour A.. &'ut a(ter grauation ate ;

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )c,edulin+ "our E/a-

    >ach A.. is ali (or the perio o( time speci(ie'y the 'oar o( nursing &B"N) &0 ays)5

    "nce the B"N has eclare you eligi'le to test

    an your A.. is issue, you must test #ithin thealiity ates o( your A..5

    (hese va$!!t) ates cannot be e*tene %oran) reason. I% )o# o not test w!th!n these

    ates+ )o# w!$$ have to re,reg!ster an )o#are respons!b$e %or the -200.00 pa)ent.

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    *e.ore t,e da o. t,e test0

    >pect an prepare (or stress

    Be prepare (or others to leae the testingcenter 'e(ore or a(ter you

    Bring #ater an snac/ to /eep in the loc/er $lan alternate routes to the testing (acility

    +ou can ta/e a irtual tour o( your testing (acility

    'y going to: ###5pearsonue5com

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est0

    Bringto 2estin+ Center

    (( $etter? +ou #ill not 'e amitte to the eam#ithout your A..5 +ou #ill 'e re6uire to re@registeran re@pay to ta/e the eam &200500)5

    2 (orms o( I, one #ith photo, 'oth #ith signature 3irst an Last name must e*act$)match the

    name on your A.. letter LIDriers License or State I or $assport

    &4S. N". B> >D$IR>) an must inclue aphotograph an signature

    A sa$$ storage space is proie

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est

    1$an to arr!ve 0 !n#tes be%ore )o#rsche#$e test!ng t!e. &I( you arrie lateyou may 'e re6uire to (or(eit your

    appointment5 +our (ailure to ta/e the eam#ill 'e reporte to the B"NE)

    .he test aministrator &.A) #ill proie you#ith an erasa'le note 'oar that may 'e


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est0 o Not *rin+

    Any stuy materialsE 7ats, Scares, Coats, $hones, atches, $ager $aper

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est

    +ou #ill 'e (ingerprinte, photo ta/en, anas/e to illustrate your signature5

    >arplugs proie i( neee5

    Cloc/ starts as soon as you are logge in!5

    +ou hae = hours to complete the NCL>D@$N5

    +ou #ill receie a tutorial 'e(ore the eam to(amiliari-e you #ith the computer5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est

    "ptional Brea/s proie at 2 hours, an at G5=hours

    Brea/s count against your testing time, #hen youreturn (rom 'rea/, you #ill 'e (ingerprinte again

    +ou #ill 'e as/e to complete a surey at the en

    o( the eam

    o not gie any in(ormation a'out the eam toanyone, incluing instructorsE

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est

    .he test aministrator &.A) #ill proie you#ith an erasa'le 'oar that may 'e replaceas neee uring testing5

    .he .A #ill gie you a short orientation anthen #ill escort you to a computer terminal5+ou must remain in your seat uring theeam, ecept #hen authori-e to leae 'y

    test center sta((5 +ou may not change your computer terminal

    unless a .A irects you to o so5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    a o. 2est

    Raise your han to noti(y the .A i( +ou: Beliee you hae a pro'lem #ith your computer

    Nee to change note 'oars

    Nee to ta/e a 'rea/ Nee the aministrator (or any reason

    hen you hae (inishe the test an6uestionnaire, raise your han5 .he .A #ill

    collect an inentory all note 'oars5 .he .A #ill ismiss you #hen all re6uirements

    are (ul(ille5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    34 ,ours a.ter t,e NCLEX

    Results #ill not 'e release until the Boar o(Nursing receies you o((icial transcripts (romConcore

    "regon License %eri(ication &(ree):###5oregon5go

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Co--on uestions and 6t,s A%out

    t,e NCLEX

    $assing Score epens on #hat the aeragescore o( all people ta/ing the test across thenation

    .heres lots o( rug 6uestions

    Can you hae a piece o( scratch paper

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Co--on uestions and 6t,s

    A%out t,e NCLEX It is harE

    Can you ta/e the NCL>D in another stateH

    7o# many times can you reta/e the eamH

    .est@ta/ers are selecte ranomly to ta/e a

    certain num'er o( 6uestions5

    I( you miss a 6uestion on a particular su'8ect,you #ill get more 6uestions on that topic5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    "SBN is no# re6uiring that you noti(y them o(name changes, aress changes, email changes,employment changes, an lost car

    +ou must #or/ ;0 hours

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    2est *rea9down

    J=@ 20= 6uestions &.here are thousans o( 6uestions inthe test 'an/)

    2= pre@test 6uestions on eery NCL>D@$Neam &;0 o((icial plus 2= pre@test 6uestions ma/e up your (irstJ= 6uestions)

    $re@test 6uestions are #ritten 'y nurses

    Kuestions are reie#e 'y Item Reie#ers! #hoare nurses that are currently practicing nursing

    Kuestions must 'e approe 'y a $anel o(uges!

    .hen the 6uestions #ill 'e pre@test! 6uestions

    +ou #ill not /no# #hich 6uestions count to#arsyour eam

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    NCLEX *rea9down

    p to = hours to ta/e the eam &Spee per6uestion is not a (actor in the (inal score, 'ut (igure appro5 1minute per 6uestion)

    >am #ill en #hen:At least the minimum num'er o( 6uestions

    &J=) 6uestions are ans#ere an there is a= certainty the test@ta/er #ill pass or (ail

    4aimum num'er o( 6uestions &20=) hae'een ans#ere

    4aimum time &= hours) has passe

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Pass or 7ail:

    It is impossi'le to ta/e a test #hich #ill coereery su'8ect, it #oul 'e #ay too long anta/e too much time5

    Instea the computer ecies 'ase o(( yourans#ers to a minimum amount o( 6uestions#hether it is = certain you #oul pass or(ail i( you ans#ere eery 6uestion on eery


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Passin+ wit, ;5< Con.idence

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    7ailin+ wit, ;5< Con.idence

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Pass or 7ail:

    A(ter J= 6uestions the computer #ill 'eginto etermine the = con(ience

    I( at J= 6uestions, the test ta/er is not

    passing or (ailing, you #ill continue toans#er 6uestions until there is =con(ience, on #ay or another5


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Pass or 7ail:

    I( the maimum num'er o( 6uestions &20=)has 'een reache or = hours has passe,an the computer can still not etermine a

    = con(ience: .he computer #ill loo/ 'ac/ at the last ;0


    I( at any point the test ta/er (alls 'elo# the

    stanar@ the test ta/er (ails5 I( the test ta/er remains a'oe the

    stanar (or the last ;0 6uestions, they


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    ),ould ou =+ive up> i. ou ta9e -ore

    t,an 5 ?uestions:

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    N#Stay (ocuse5 Rela5 +ou still hae

    plenty o( opportunities to pass5

    .est ta/ers #ho too/ 20= 6uestions

    hae passe

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    uestions A%out How CAT


    National Council o( State Boars o(Nursing, Inc5 &NCSBN) ###5ncs'n5org .oll (ree: 15J;;52G5;00 >@mail: nclein(oMncs'n5org

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Pass Rates


    J9 test ta/erspasse on the (irst

    time 9= o( all the test

    ta/ers in 2009

    passe the NCL>D


    J= o( test ta/ershae passe on the

    (irst time 9J o( test ta/ers

    hae passe the

    NCL>D so (ar

    @"our %est c,ance to pass is to ta9e t,e e/a- sooner t,an later@


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    B,at 8. 8 7ail:

    +ou #ill receie aper(ormance report

    in the mail, #hich#ill sho# you your#ea/ areas

    +ou may reta/e the

    eam a(ter = aysas many times as itta/es (or up to threeyears

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    NCL>D .>S.$LAN


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Co-ponents o. 2est Plan

    >ach eam 6uestion aresses:A leel o( cognitie a'ility

    A client nees category

    An integrate process

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    Ono#lege Recall




  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    5now$ege: recall

    A nurse reie#s the la'oratory results o( aclients 'loo glucose leel5 .he nurse /no#s

    that #hich o( the (ollo#ing is a normal leelH 15) 0mg

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    5now$ege: recall

    A nurse reie#s the la'oratory results o( aclients 'loo glucose leel5 .he nurse /no#s

    that #hich o( the (ollo#ing is a normal leelH 15) 0mg

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    Coprehens!on: unerstan in(ormation anra# in(erences 'ase on that in(ormation

    A hospitali-e client #ith .ype 1 ia'etes

    mellitus complains o( hunger annerousness an the nurse notes that theclient is iaphoretic5 .he nurse unerstansthat the client is most li/ely eperiencing:

    15 aniety relate to the hospitali-ation 25 signs relate to an in(ection G5 a hyperglycemic reaction 5 a hypoglycemic reaction

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    Coprehens!on: unerstan in(ormation anra# in(erences 'ase on that in(ormation

    A hospitali-e client #ith .ype 1 ia'etes

    mellitus complains o( hunger annerousness an the nurse notes that theclient is iaphoretic5 .he nurse unerstansthat the client is most li/ely eperiencing:

    15 aniety relate to the hospitali-ation 25 signs relate to an in(ection G5 a hyperglycemic reaction P5 a hypoglycemic reaction

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    pp$!cat!on: Interention, nursing action,ecision or pro'lem that nees to 'earesse

    A client is eperiencing a hypoglycemicreaction5 .he nurse aministers #hich 'estitem to the client to treat the reactionH

    15 #ater 25 iet soa G5 mil/ 5 one sugar@(ree coo/ie

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit

    pp$!cat!on: Interention, nursing action,ecision or pro'lem that nees to 'earesse

    A client is eperiencing a hypoglycemicreaction5 .he nurse aministers #hich 'estitem to the client to treat the reactionH

    15 #ater 25 iet soa PG5 mil/ 5 one sugar@(ree coo/ie

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Levels o. Co+nitive A%ilit


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Client Needs

    1 Sa(e, e((ectie care enironment

    25 7ealth promotion an maintenance

    G5 $sychosocial integrity

    5 $hysiological integrity

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Client Needs

    Sa(e an >((ectie Care >nironment Coorinate Care

    Sa(ety an In(ection Control

    7ealth $romotion an 4aintenance $sychosocial Integrity

    $hysiological Integrity

    Basic Care an Com(ort $harmacologic .herapies

    Reuction o( Ris/ $otential

    $hysiological Aaptation

    Clients are de.ined as individuals

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Clients are de.ined as individuals!

    .a-ilies and si+ni.icant ot,ers&

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )a.e and E..ective Care

    .he practical nurse proies nursing care thatcontri'utes to the enhancement o( the healthcare eliery setting an protects clients anhealth care personnel 'y: Colla'orating #ith health care team

    mem'ers to (acilitate e((ectie client care5 Contri'uting to the protection o( clients an

    health care personnel (rom health anenironmental ha-ars5

    )a.e and E..ective Care Environ-ent0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )a.e and E..ective Care Environ-ent0

    Coordinated Care (1D1thical $ractice In(orme Consent In(ormation .echnology

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )a.e and E..ective Care Environ-ent0

    Coordinated Care contF Legal Responsi'ilities Colla'oration #ith the Interisciplinary .eam Concepts o( 4anagement an Superision

    Con(ientialitysta'lishing $riorities $er(ormance Improementucation

    ) . d E.. ti C E i t

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )a.e and E..ective Care Environ-ent0

    ) and 8n.ection Control (14ternal isaster $lans


    4eical an Surgical Asepsis

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    )a.e and E..ective Care Environ-ent0

    ) and 8n.ection Control (14

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Coordinated Care

    A client scheule (or surgery tells the nurse that hesigne an in(orme consent 'ut #as neer tol a'out theris/s o( the surgery5 .he nurse seres as the clientsaocate 'y:

    15 posting a note on the chart (or the surgeon #ill see it#hen the client arries in the "R5

    25 ocumenting in the chart that the client #as not tola'out the ris/s o( the surgery5

    G5 noti(ying an RN an re6uesting that the surgeon to 'econtacte an as/e to eplain the surgical ris/s to theclient5

    5 reassuring the client that the ris/s are minimal an

    unli/ely to occur5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Coordinated Care

    A client scheule (or surgery tells the nurse that hesigne an in(orme consent 'ut #as neer tol a'out theris/s o( the surgery5 .he nurse seres as the clientsaocate 'y:

    15 posting a note on the chart (or the surgeon #ill see it#hen the client arries in the "R5

    25 ocumenting in the chart that the client #as not tola'out the ris/s o( the surgery5

    G5 noti(ying an RN an re6uesting that the surgeon to 'econtacte an as/e to eplain the surgical ris/s to theclient5

    5 reassuring the client that the ris/s are minimal an

    unli/ely to occur5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Healt, Pro-otion and 6aintenance

    .he practical

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Healt, Pro-otion and 6aintenance (G1

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Healt, Pro-otion and 6aintenance (G1

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Healt, Pro-otion I 6aintenance

    A nurse is preparing to care (or a hospitali-eteenager #ho is in s/eletal traction5 .henurse plans care /no#ing that the most li/ely

    primary concern o( the teenager is:15 "'taining ae6uate nutrition

    25 Boy image

    G5 Oeeping up #ith school#or/

    5 "'taining ae6uate rest an sleep

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Healt, Pro-otion I 6aintenance

    A nurse is preparing to care (or a hospitali-eteenager #ho is in s/eletal traction5 .henurse plans care /no#ing that the most li/ely

    primary concern o( the teenager is:15 "'taining ae6uate nutrition

    25 Boy image

    G5 Oeeping up #ith school#or/

    5 "'taining ae6uate rest an sleep

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit

    .he practical

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit (14

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit contF

    Coping 4echanisms &ienti(ications)

    Crisis Interention

    Cultural A#areness &consierations o( care)

    >n o( Li(e Concepts Qrie( an Loss &assist #ith process)

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit contF

    4ental 7ealth

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit contF

    Suicienironment nepecte Boy Image Changes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit

    A male chil is 'rought to the school nurses o((ice #ith c

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Psc,osocial 8nte+rit

    A male chil is 'rought to the school nurses o((ice #ith c

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit

    .he practical nurse assists in the promotiono( physical health an #ell@'eing 'y proiingcare an com(ort, reucing ris/ potential (orclients an assisting them #ith themanagement o( health alterations 'y:

    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit cont

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit contF

    $roiing com(ort to clients an assistance in theper(ormance o( their actiities o( aily liing

    $roiing care relate to the aministration o(

    meications an monitors clients receiingparenteral therapies

    Reuces the potential (or clients to eelopcomplications or health pro'lems relate to

    treatments, proceures, or eisting conitions $roies care (or clients #ith acute, chronic or

    li(e threatening physical health conitions

    P, i l i 8 t it

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit0

    *asic Care and Co-.ort (111Glimination &monitoring patterns)

    Assistie eices &canes, crutches, #al/ers, etc)


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    *asic Care and Co-.ort

    A nurse has proie in(ormation a'out the measuresthat #ill promote normal urination patterns anpreent urinary tract in(ections5 hich statement 'ythe client inicates a nee (or (urther in(ormationH

    15 I shoul eat (oos that #ill ma/e my urine aci5!

    25 I shoul try to hol my urine in as long as I can ratherthan epelling it #hen I (eel the urge5!

    G5 I shoul rin/ plenty o( (luis uring the ay5!5 I shoul ta/e my (urosemie &Lasi) in the morning5!

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    *asic Care and Co-.ort

    A nurse has proie in(ormation a'out the measuresthat #ill promote normal urination patterns anpreent urinary tract in(ections5 hich statement 'ythe client inicates a nee (or (urther in(ormationH

    15 I shoul eat (oos that #ill ma/e my urine aci5!

    25 I shoul try to hol my urine in as long as I can ratherthan epelling it #hen I (eel the urge5!

    G5 I shoul rin/ plenty o( (luis uring the ay5!5 I shoul ta/e my (urosemie &Lasi) in the morning5!

    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ic 8nte+rit0

    P,ar-acolo+ical 2,erapies (;15((ects Contrainications an Compati'ilities osage Calculations

    >pecte >((ects 4eication Aministration &; rights) $harmacological Actions $harmacological Agents Sie >((ects Client .eaching

    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    P,ar-acolo+ical 2,erapies contF

    Bloo trans(usions &monitoring (or complications)

    Counting narcotics

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,ar-acolo+ical 2,erapies

    Cyclosporine &Sanimmune) oral solution isprescri'e (or a client #ho ha a /ineytransplant5 .he nurse proies in(ormation tothe client a'out the meication an tells heclient that #hich o( the (ollo#ing is mostimportant to monitorH

    15Apical heart rate

    25 $eripheral $ulsesG5 $latelet count

    5 .emperature

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,ar-acolo+ical 2,erapies

    Cyclosporine &Sanimmune) oral solution isprescri'e (or a client #ho ha a /ineytransplant5 .he nurse proies in(ormation tothe client a'out the meication an tells heclient that #hich o( the (ollo#ing is mostimportant to monitorH

    15Apical heart rate

    25 $eripheral $ulsesG5 $latelet count

    5 .emperature

    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    Reduction o. Ris9 Potential (11K

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    Reduction o. Ris9 Potential (11K

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    Reduction o. Ris9 Potential (11K

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    Reduction o. Ris9 Potential (11K

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    P,siolo+ical Adaptation (111G

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    P,siolo+ical Adaptation (111G

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    P,siolo+ical 8nte+rit0

    P,siolo+ical Adaptation (111G

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    .he (ollo#ing processes (unamental to the

    practice o( practical

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    15 Caring 25 Clinical pro'lem@soling process

    G5 Communication an ocumentation

    5 .eaching an learning

    8 d P

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Car!ng It is ery easy to 'ecome inole #ith the

    technological ie#point #hen ans#ering a

    6uestionF ho#eer, al#ays thin/ a'out theprocess o( caring #hen ans#ering a 6uestion

    8 d P

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Caring 55? interaction o( thepractical

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes Carin+

    An in(ant is 'rought to the emergency epartment 'yemergency meical serices &>4S) #ith suspectesuen in(ant eath synrome &SIS)5 .he in(antsparents hae accompanie >4S an are present #hen

    the in(ant is pronounce ea5 .he most important aspecto( compassionate care (or the parents is to:

    15 >plain to the parents that the eath #as not their (ault

    25Allo# the parents to say goo'ye to the in(ant5

    G5 Qather ata a'out the eents that occurre 'e(ore thein(ant #as (oun

    5 >ncourage the parents to atten a support group5

    8 d P C i

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes Carin+

    An in(ant is 'rought to the emergency epartment 'yemergency meical serices &>4S) #ith suspecte suenin(ant eath synrome &SIS)5 .he in(ants parents haeaccompanie >4S an are present #hen the in(ant is

    pronounce ea5 .he most important aspect o(compassionate care (or the parents is to:

    15 >plain to the parents that the eath #as not their (ault5

    25Allo# the parents to say goo'ye to the in(ant5

    G5 Qather ata a'out the eents that occurre 'e(ore thein(ant #as (oun

    5 >ncourage the parents to atten a support group5

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Clinical Problem-Solving Process(Nursing Process)? a scienti(ic approachto client care that inclues ata collection,planning, implementation an ealuation5

    8 t t d P

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    C$!n!ca$ 1rob$e So$v!ng &N#rs!ng 1rocess' 15 Data co$$ect!on

    Su'8ectie: in(ormation gien 'y the client

    "'8ectie: o'sera'le, measura'le 3irst step

    I( you are as/e to ienti(y the initial or (irst actionF

    (ollo# the steps o( the nursing process, i( a atacollection action is one o( the options, that option ismost li/ely correct

    I( the 6uestion aresses an emergency situation,

    rea care(ullyF an interention may 'e the priority

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0

    ata CollectionA postoperatie as/s the nurse (or pain

    meication5 .he nurse shoul ta/e #hich action(irstH

    15As/ the client ho# long it has 'een since the lastose o( pain meication #as aministere5

    25 Qather ata (rom the client a'out the pain

    G5 $repare the prescri'e ose o( pain meication

    5As/ the client i( the last ose o( the meication#as e((ectie5

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0

    ata CollectionA postoperatie client as/s the nurse (or pain

    meication5 .he nurse shoul ta/e #hich action(irstH

    15As/ the client ho# long it has 'een since the lastose o( pain meication #as aministere5

    25 Qather ata (rom the client a'out the pain

    G5 $repare the prescri'e ose o( pain meication

    5As/ the client i( the last ose o( the meication#as e((ectie5

    8 t t d P

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    C$!n!ca$ 1rob$e So$v!ng 25 1$ann!ng

    Setting priorities

    Assisting in etermining goals

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0 Plannin+

    A nurse is reie#ing the nursing iagnoses #ritten ina nursing care plan (or a client #ith chronico'structie pulmonary isease5 .he nurse eterminesthat #hich nursing iagnosis is the priorityH

    15 Ine((ectie Role $er(ormance r

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0 Plannin+

    A nurse is reie#ing the nursing iagnoses #ritten ina nursing care plan (or a client #ith chronico'structie pulmonary isease5 .he nurse eterminesthat #hich nursing iagnosis is the priorityH

    15 Ine((ectie Role $er(ormance r

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    C$!n!ca$ 1rob$e So$v!ng G5 Ip$eentat!on

    Client in test 6uestion is your only assigne

    client Client in test 6uestion is only client you are

    concerne a'out

    Ans#er 6uestion (rom tet'oo/

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0

    8-ple-entation A nurse is assisting in monitoring a client (ollo#ing a

    cariac catheteri-ation proceure5 .he client suenlycomplains o( a (eeling o( #etness at the in8ection site5.he nurse 6uic/ly chec/s the site an iscoers that the

    client is 'leeing5 .he 'est initial nursing action is to:15 Apply (irm pressure to the site using a sterile gau-e


    25 Apply (irm pressure to the site using a 'ath to#el5

    G5 As/ the client to place pressure on the site5

    5 Chec/ the clients 'loo pressure

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0

    8-ple-entation A nurse is assisting in monitoring a client (ollo#ing a

    cariac catheteri-ation proceure5 .he client suenlycomplains o( a (eeling o( #etness at the in8ection site5.he nurse 6uic/ly chec/s the site an iscoers that the

    client is 'leeing5 .he 'est initial nursing action is to:15 Apply (irm pressure to the site using a sterile gau-e


    25 Apply (irm pressure to the site using a 'ath to#el5

    G5 As/ the client to place pressure on the site5

    5 Chec/ the clients 'loo pressure

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    C$!n!ca$ 1rob$e So$v!ng 5 Eva$#at!on

    "ngoing, continual process o( comparingactual #ith epecte outcomes

    $roies means (or etermining nee tomoi(y plan o( care

    3re6uently #ritten in (alse response (ormatFie the 6uestion may as/ (or a clientstatement that inicates inaccuratein(ormation relate to the issue o( the6uestion

    8nte+rated Processes0 Evaluation

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0 Evaluation

    I'upro(en &4otrin) has 'een prescri'e (or aclient5 "n a (ollo#@up physicians isit, thenurse etermines that the meication ise((ectie i( the client states relie( o(:

    15A'ominal 'loating

    25 Constipation5

    G5 oint sti((ness5

    5 7eart'urn5

    8nte+rated Processes0 Evaluation

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes0 Evaluation

    I'upro(en &4otrin) has 'een prescri'e (or aclient5 "n a (ollo#@up physicians isit, thenurse etermines that the meication ise((ectie i( the client states relie( o(:

    15A'ominal 'loating5

    25 Constipation5

    G5 oint sti((ness5

    5 7eart'urn5

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Communication and Documentation?er'al an noner'al interactions 'et#een

    the practical

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Co#n!cat!on .herapeutic communication techni6ues

    inicate a correct option

    Nontherapeutic communication techni6uesinicate an incorrect response

    I( an option re(lects a clients (eelings,anieties, or concerns, select that option

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Co--unicationA client says to a nurse, Im scare a'out my

    surgery that I am haing tomorro#5! .he nursema/es #hich appropriate response to the clientH

    15 .here is no reason to 'e scare5!

    25 +ou hae plenty o( reasons to 'e scare5Surgery is a scary thing5!

    G5 ScareH!

    5 4ost people #ho hae to hae surgery arescare5!

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Co--unicationA client says to a nurse, Im scare a'out my

    surgery that I am haing tomorro#5! .he nursema/es #hich appropriate response to the clientH

    15 .here is no reason to 'e scare5!

    25 +ou hae plenty o( reasons to 'e scare5Surgery is a scary thing5!

    G5 ScareH!

    5 4ost people #ho hae to hae surgery arescare5!

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Doc#entat!on Reie# ocumentation guielines@legal an ethical Sample 6uestion:

    A nurse iscoers that she nees to ma/e a correction to

    a #ritten entry in a clients chart5 .he nurse #oulappropriately:

    1) Contact the nursing superisor to cosign thecorrection

    2) Remoe the page, recopy the ata to a ne# page,

    an a the correct entryG) ra# a single line through the entry that nees

    correction (ollo#e 'y hisrase the entry that nees correction an a the

    correct entry

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Sample 6uestion: A nurse iscoers that she nees to ma/e a

    correction to a #ritten entry in a clients chart5 .henurse #oul appropriately:

    1) Contact the nursing superisor to cosign thecorrection

    2) Remoe the page, recopy the ata to a ne#page, an a the correct entry

    G) ra# a single line through the entry that nees

    correction (ollo#e 'y hisrase the entry that nees correction an a

    the correct entry

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    Teaching and Learning 55? (acilitation o(the ac6uisition o( /no#lege, s/ills anattitues to assist in promoting positie

    changes in 'ehaior

    8nte+rated Processes

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    8nte+rated Processes

    (each!ng an Learn!ng I( a test 6uestion aresses client teaching,

    remem'er that client motiation an

    reainess to learn is the 3IRS. priority See hanout

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    2eac,in+ I Learnin+

    A nurse has rein(orce teaching #ith a clients spouse a'outho# to change the clients colostomy 'ag5 .he nurse 'estetermines that the spouse unerstans the proceure 'y:

    15As/ing the spouse i( she has any 6uestions a'out theproceure5

    25As/ing the spouse is she unerstans #hat items areneee to per(orm the proceure5

    G5As/ing the spouse to per(orm the proceure an o'sereher per(orming it5

    5As/ing the spouse is she (eels com(orta'le per(orming theproceure5

    8nte+rated Processes0

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    2eac,in+ I Learnin+

    A nurse has rein(orce teaching #ith a clientsspouse a'out ho# to change the clients colostomy'ag5 .he nurse 'est etermines that the spouseunerstans the proceure 'y:

    15As/ing the spouse i( she has any 6uestions a'outthe proceure5

    25As/ing the spouse is she unerstans #hat itemsare neee to per(orm the proceure5

    G5As/ing the spouse to per(orm the proceure ano'sere her per(orming it5

    5As/ing the spouse is she (eels com(orta'le

    per(orming the proceure

    2pes o. 2est uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    2pes o. 2est uestions

    4ultiple Choice &ma8ority J=@0) "nly onecorrect ans#er

    3ill in the 'lan/ Numerical response &6uestion #ill tell you ho# to

    roun your ans#er an #hat units) 4ultiple response &must hae all correct ans#ers to

    receie creit) =@; potential ans#er choices

    $rioriti-ing &"rere response) 3igure or illustration &hot spot) Chart

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    7ill in t,e *lan9

    .he nurse is preparing to aminister igoin&Lanoin) 052=mg orally5 .he la'el on themeication 'ottle reas igoin &Lanoin)0512= mg per ta'let5 7o# many ta'let&s) oesthe nurse plan to aminister to the clientH&roun to the nearest 05=)


    6ultiple Response

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    6ultiple Response

    Select all nursing interentions that apply in the careo( an in(ant (ollo#ing a cle(t lip repair &cheiloplasty)

    $osition the chil on the a'omen

    Cleanse the suture line gently a(ter (eeing the in(ant

    Oeep el'o# restraints on the in(ant at all times

    Institute measures that #ill preent igorous ansustaine crying

    "'sere (or 'leeing at the operatie siteAssist the mother #ith 'reast(eeing i( this is the

    (eeing metho o( choice

    sin+ a 7i+ure or 8llustration

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    sin+ a 7i+ure or 8llustration

    .he nurse is per(orming C$R on a ; monthol in(ant5 sing the computer mouse, clic/on the anatomical area that the nurse #oulpalpate to assess circulation5

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    ###5atitesting5com http:

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    List in orer o( priority the interentions thatthe nurse #oul ta/e in the care o( a client#ho eelops acute pulmonary eema5&Num'er 1 inicates the (irst action annum'er inicate the last action5)

    $lace the client on pulse oimetry

    $lace the client in high@3o#lers position

    $repare the client (or enotracheal intu'ationan mechanical entilation

    $repare (or the aministration o( oygen

    sin+ a C,art or E/,i%ition

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    sin+ a C,art or E/,i%ition

    .he nurse reie#s theclients la'oratoryresults (or electrolyteleels5 .he nurse

    reports #hicha'normal resultH

    15 Soium

    25 $otassium

    G5 Chlorie5 Bicar'onate

    Clients Chart

    4es NotesLa's


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    6ultiple C,oice

    Ienti(y parts o( the 6uestion Rea care(ully

    Loo/ (or /ey #ors or phrases

    Ienti(y the issue se the process o( elimination

    Aoi as/ing yoursel( hat i(H!

    Parts o. t,e uestion

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Parts o. t,e uestion

    15 Case s!t#at!on, .he heart o( the 6uestionFproies #ith in(ormation neee to ans#er

    25 6#est!on ste,Statement that generally(ollo#s the situation an as/s something eryspeci(ic a'out the in(o in the case situation

    G5 7pt!ons,All ans#ers presente #ith the6uestion &usually )

    e Bords'P,rases

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e Bords'P,rases

    3ocus your attention on critical an speci(icpoints

    4ay inicate there is only one option

    4ay inicate you may nee to prioriti-e 4ay inicate a true response 6uestion

    4ay inicate a (alse response 6uestion

    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

    In!cate there !s onlyonecorrect opt!on

    >arly sign

    Late sign


    Qoal has 'eenachiee

    Ae6uately toleratingAoi

    Nees rein(orcement

    o( the instructions

    Lac/ o(unerstaning

    Qoals hae not yet'een (ully met

    7as not met theoutcome criteria

    Ine((ectie Inae6uate na'le to tolerate

    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

    In!cate the nee topr!or!t!8e


    3irst Initial


    4ost or least li/ely 4ost or least


    7ighest or lo#estpriority

    "rer o( priority

    At highest ris/

    At lo#est ris/

    Best unerstaning

    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

    In!cate a tr#eresponse

    >arly sign Late sign

    Best 3irst Last Initial

    Immeiately4ost li/ely4ost appropriate

    7ighest priority

    "rer o( priority

    All nursinginterentions thatapply

    Qoal has 'eenachiee


    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e Bords or P,rases 2,atF

    In!cate a falseresponse

    Least li/ely Least appropriate

    Least priority Least help(ulAt lo#est ris/AoiNees

    rein(orcement o( theinstructions

    Nees aitionalteaching

    Lac/ o(

    unerstaning Qoals hae not yet

    'een (ully met 7as not met the

    outcome criteria Ine((ectie Inae6uate na'le to tolerate

    2,e 8ssue o. t,e uestion

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    e ssue o e ues o

    Speci(ic su'8ect content that the 6uestion isas/ing a'out

    Loo/ 'ac/ at the Client Nees

    2,e 8ssue o. t,e uestion

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Sample Kuestion A client #ith metastatic cancer is receiing

    morphine sul(ate to alleiate pain5 .henurse monitors the client (or #hich aerse

    or toic e((ect o( the meicationH

    15 i--iness

    25 Seation

    G5 S/eletal muscle (lacciity5 Nausea

    Rando- )trate+ies

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    $rocess o( elimination Li/ely to eliminate t#o o( the optionsF you

    hae t#o remaining

    ith those t#o remaining: Rea the 6uestion again

    Ienti(y the case situation

    Loo/ (or /ey #ors

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Sample 6uestion A nurse is caring (or a hospitali-e client #ith a

    iagnosis o( congestie heart (ailure #hosuenly complains o( shortness o( 'reath an

    yspnea5 .he nurse ta/es #hich immeiateactionH

    1) $repares to aminister (urosemie &lasi)

    2) Calls a respiratory therapistG) $repares to aminister oygen

    ) >leates the hea o( the clients 'e

    PrioritiMin+ uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Qeneral Quielines Note /ey #ors

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Best >ssential 3irst

    7ighest priority Immeiately Initial 4ost appropriate 4ost e((ectie

    4ost important 4ost li/ely


    "rer o( priority $riority



    6aslows Hierarc,

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    6aslows Hierarc, o. Needs 2,eor

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is assisting #ith the amission o( aclient to the mental health unit #ith aiagnosis o( post@traumatic stress isorer5.he client is con(use an isoriente5

    uring the ata collection, the nursesprimary goal (or this client is to:

    15 Sta'ili-e the clients psychiatric nees

    25 "rient the client to the unitG5 >plain the unit rules

    5 4a/e the client (eel sa(e


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse has helpe eelop a plan o( care(or a client iagnose #ith anoreia nerosa5hich nursing iagnosis #oul the nurseselect as the priority in the plan o( careH

    15 istur'e Boy Image

    25 e(ensie Coping

    G5 e(icient Ono#lege

    5 Im'alance Nutrition: Less .han BoyRe6uirements


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is preparing to rein(orce instructions #ith aclient a'out using crutches5 Be(ore rein(orcingthe instructions, the nurse collects #hichpriority in(ormation (rom the clientH

    15 .he clients (ear relate to the use o( crutches

    25 .he clients unerstaning o( the nee (orincrease mo'ility

    G5 .he clients muscle strength an preiousactiity leel

    5 .he clients (eelings a'out the restricte actiity

    PrioritiMin+ uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    !ghest 1r!or!t):A client nee that is li(e@threatening or i( untreate coul result inharm to the client

    Intere!ate 1r!or!t):Non@emergency or

    non li(e@threatening client nee that oes notre6uire immeiate attention

    Low 1r!or!t):Client nee that is not irectlyrelate to the clients illness or prognosis, is

    not urgent or oes not re6uire immeiateattention


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    A nurse is caring (or a client #ith anginapectoris #ho 'egins to eperience chestpain5 .he nurse aministers a su'lingualnitroglycerin &Nitrostat) ta'let as prescri'e,

    'ut the pain is unreliee5 hat actionshoul the nurse ta/e netH

    15 Call a Coe Blue

    25 Call the clients (amilyG5 Aminister another nitroglycerin ta'let

    5 Reposition the client


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    An in(ant #ith tetralogy o( 3allot eperiencesa hypercyanotic spell uring a 'loo ra#5List in orer o( priority the actions that thenurse #oul ta/e &num'er one is the (irst

    priority an num'er (our is the lo#est priority)5Aminister morphine sul(ate su'cutaneously

    as prescri'e

    Aminister 100 oygen 'y (ace mas/ as

    prescri'e$lace the in(ant in a /nee@chest position

    Aminister intraenous (luis as prescri'e

    2,e A*Cs

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    .he client #ith a iagnosis o( cancer isreceiing morphine sul(ate 10 mgsu'cutaneously eery G to hours (or pain5hen preparing a plan o( care (or the client,

    the nurse inclues #hich priority actionH15 4onitor stools

    25 4onitor the urine output

    G5 >ncourage the client to cough an eep'reathe

    5 >ncourage (lui inta/e

    2,e A*Cs

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is monitoring a clients conitiona(ter carioersion5 hich o( the (ollo#ingo'serations is the highest priority to thenurseH

    15 Status o( air#ay

    25 "ygen (lo# rate

    G5 Leel o( consciousness

    5 Bloo pressure

    2,e A*Cs

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is rein(orcing preoperatieinstructions to a client scheule (or acholecystectomy5 hich interention is o(the highest priority in the preoperatie

    teaching planH

    15 .eaching coughing an eep 'reathingeercises

    25 .eaching leg eercisesG5 Instructing regaring (lui restrictions

    5 etermining the clients unerstaning o( the

    surgical proceure

    B,en to )elect =Noti. an RN>

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    I( the 6uestion ">S N". escri'e a li(e@threatening client situation or one that inicates achange in the clients conition AN there is anoption that irectly relates to a nursing actionreleant to the situation, then it 'est to select thatoption an N". the option that reas Notify theRN

    I( the 6uestion ">S escri'e a li(e threatening

    client situation or one that inicates a change inclients conition, then select the option that reasNotify the RN

    Noti. RN:

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is caring (or a postoperatie client#ho 'ecomes restless5 .he nurse shoulta/e #hich initial actionH

    15 Chec/ the clients ital signs

    25 Noti(y a registere nurse

    G5 4eicate the client (or pain

    5 .al/ to the client in a calm oice

    Noti. RN:

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is caring (or a client #ho 8ust returne(rom the recoery room (ollo#ing atonsillectomy an anoiectomy5 .he client isrestless an the pulse rate is eleate5 .he

    nurse prepares to collect aitional ata onthe client 'ut the client 'egins to omit largeamounts o( 'right re 'loo5 .he immeiatenursing action is to:

    15 Noti(y an RN25 Continue #ith ata collection

    G5 Chec/ the clients 'loo pressure

    5 "'tain a (lashlight an gau-e

    e Bords 2,at 8ndicateF

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    ata Collection Chec/


    etermine 3in out


    Ienti(y 4onitor


    "'tain In(ormation

    ata Collection

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is teaching a client #ith coronaryartery isease a'out ietary measures to(ollo#5 uring the session, the clientepresses (rustration in learning the ietary

    regimen5 .he nurse shoul initially:15 Ienti(y the cause o( (rustration

    25 Continue #ith the ietary teaching

    G5 Noti(y a registere nurse

    5 .ell the client that the iet nees to 'e(ollo#e


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is reie#ing the plan o( care (or apregnant client #ith a iagnosis o( sic/le cellanemia5 hich nursing iagnosis, i( stateon the plan o( care, shoul the nurse select

    as receiing the highest priorityH

    15 Aniety

    25 Ine((ectie coping

    G5 istur'e 'oy image5 e(icient (lui olume


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    ANS!" T#! $%!ST&'N "' AN &D!ALT!*T+'', P!"SP!CT&!. /'% #A!

    ALL T#! T&! AA&LA+L! T' CA"! '"

    T#! CL&!NT AND ALL T#! "!S'%"C!S

    AT T#! CL&!NT0S +!DS&D!1


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is caring (or a preoperatie male client #hoer'ali-es a great eal o( aniety a'out the surgicalproceure scheule in t#o hours5 hich action 'y thenurse #oul 'est alleiate the clients anietyH

    15 .ell the client that you #ill spen some time ans#ering

    6uestion as soon as you get your other tas/s complete25 .al/ to the client (or 1= minutes an return shortly

    therea(ter to chec/ on him

    G5 Call the clients #i(e an as/ her to isit the client 'e(ore

    surgery5 Stay #ith the client until he is ta/en to the operating room


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is caring (or a client (ollo#ing a cariaccatheteri-ation5 .he client suenly complains o( a(eeling o( #etness in the groin at the catheterinsertion site5 .he nurse chec/s the site, notes thatthe client is actiely 'leeing, an ta/es #hich 'est

    actionH15 on a clean gloe an places pressure on the

    insertion site #ith the gloe han

    25 ons a sterile gloe an places pressure on the

    insertion site using sterile gau-eG5 Chec/s the clients 'loo pressure

    5 Chec/s the clients peripheral pulse in the a((ecteetremity


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A client recoering (rom an eacer'ation o( le(t@sie heart(ailure has a nursing iagnosis o( Actiity Intolerance5.he nurse etermines that the client 'est tolerates mileercise i( the client ehi'its #hich o( the (ollo#ingchanges in ital signs uring actiityH

    15 $ulse rate increase (rom J0 'eats

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Al#ays ensure client sa(ety 4atch tas/s 'ase on Nurse $ractice Act

    .hin/ a'out iniiual ariations in #or/

    a'ilitiesAl#ays proie clear irection to the


    Oeneral Ouidelines0 B,o Can o


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    A$Am'ulation Bathing Qrooming 7ygiene measures $ositioning R"4 eercises

    S/in care Some specimen collection &urine, stool) .ransporting a client

    Oeneral Ouidelines0 B,o Can o


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    L$NAll that A$ can o AN

    Aministering $" mes

    Aministering I4 mesAministering SK mes

    ressing changes

    Irrigating #ouns

    Oeneral Ouidelines0 B,o Can o


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    B,atL$N &continue)

    4onitoring I% (lo# rate

    $er(orming urinary catheteri-ation

    Suctioning .eaching a'out 'asic hygiene

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    RN can oALL that A$ an L$N can o AN

    Aminister I% meications

    Leaing others an managing client careenironment


    sing nursing process: assessment,analy-ing ata, planning client care,implementing an ealuating care


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A license practical nurse is planning client assignments (orthe ay an has another license practical nurse an anursing assistant on the nursing team5 .he nurse mostappropriately assigns #hich client to the licensepractical nurseH

    15 An oler client recoering (rom pneumonia #ho re6uiresam'ulation eery G hours

    25 A client #ith a tracheostomy #ho re6uires (re6uentsuctioning

    G5 An oler client #ho re6uires turning an repositioningeery 2 hours an range o( motion eercises eery hours

    5 A client #ho re6uires the collection o( urine (or a 2@hourperio


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A license practical nurse employe in a long termcare (acility is assigning client care actiities to anursing assistant5 .he nursing assistant is a (irst@semester senior nursing stuent an #or/s at the(acility as a nursing assistant part@time on #ee/@ens5 .he (acility position escription (or a nursingstuent #ho is employe as a nursing assistantinicates that he or she may per(orm proceureslearne in nursing school i( superise 'y a licensenurse5 Base on the (acilitys position escription,the nurse assigns #hich most appropriate actiity to

    the nursing assistantH15 7ang an I% solution o( 05 normal saline25 Insert an I% catheterG5 Change a sterile a'ominal ressing5 Aminister igoin &Lanoin)

    2i-e 6ana+e-ent

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    4ust o Shoul o

    Nice to o

    3ocus on 'eginning the aily tas/s, #or/ingon the most important (irst #hile /eepinggoals in min





    2i-e -ana+e-ent

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse on the ay shi(t is assigne to care (or the (ourclients5 3ollo#ing report (rom the night shi(t, the nurseplans to per(orm client rouns an collect ata (rom eachclient5 Num'er in orer o( priority ho# the nurse #ill planthe client rouns5 &Num'er 1 is the (irst client that the

    nurse #ill chec/ an collect ata (rom an num'er isthe last client that the nurse #ill chec/ an collect ata(rom5)

    Client scheule (or a cariac catheteri-ation at 11 am

    Client iagnose #ith ia'etes mellitus #ho is scheule(or ischarge to home at 12 noon

    Client #ith emphysema #ho is receiing oygen therapy

    Client scheule to hae an electrocariogram &>CQ) at2:00 pm

    Co--unication uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    4ay 'e in any clinical setting an in anypatient care areaE

    3ocus on clients (eelings, concerns, anietiesor (ears

    Consier cultural i((erences: communicationstyles, use o( eye contact, meaning o( touch

    Nontherapeutic techni6ues impee or 'loc/

    the (lo# o( communicationF shut o#n or shuto(( conersation

    P,ar-acolo+ical uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    4eication Rights Al#ays :

    Chec/ (or allergies hypersensitiities

    As/ the client a'out eisting meical isorers that are

    contrainicate #ith the aministration o( a prescri'eme

    Chec/ (or potential interactions relate to the me

    Chec/ pertinent la' alues

    Chec/ ital signs, particularly i(antihypertensie

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Intene e((ect: esire e((ect

    Sie e((ect: Not a esire e((ect

    Not usually li(e@threatening

    Can usually 'e alleiate #ith speci(ic measures

    Aerse e((ect: more seere than a sie e((ectAl#ays an unesira'le e((ect

    Al#ays reporte to an RN an 4

    .oic e((ect: 4eication leel in the 'oy eceesthe therapeutic leel

    .ylenol, .egretol5 Lanoin, Qentamycin, Lithium,4agnesium sul(ate, ilantin, Salicylate,


    P,ar-acolo+ical uestions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Re(er to 3"N Appeni C pg 12J1

    Loo/ to the trae name

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    .he nurse notes that a physician hasprescri'e cotrimoa-ole &Bactrim) (or aclient #ith a urinary tract in(ection5 hichpriority action #ill the nurse ta/e 'e(ore

    aministering this meicationH15 Call the pharmacy to orer the meication

    25 As/ the client a'out an allergy tosul(onamies

    G5 Chec/ the meication supply room to (in outi( the meication nees to 'e orere

    5 In(orm the client a'out the nee to increase(lui inta/e


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A client ta/ing amitriptyline hyrochlorie&>lail) calls the nurse at the physicianso((ice an reports that he eelops an upsetstomach #heneer he ta/es the meication5

    .he nurse appropriately tells the client to:15 .a/e the meication #ith an antaci

    25 Stop the meication (or 2 ays an thenresume the prescri'e meication scheule

    G5 .a/e the meication on an empty stomach5 .a/e the meication #ith (oo

    osa+e Calculations

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    .otal %olume D gtt 3actor.ime in minutes

    Aaila'le mg esire mg Aaila'le mLP esire mLP


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    se the on@screen calculator Conert the unit o( measure is necessary 3ollo# the (ormula $lace the ecimal points in the correct places $lace a -ero 'e(ore a ecimal point i( the

    alue lac/s a num'er 'e(ore the ecimalpoint &05= not 5=)

    Aoi placing a ecimal point an a -ero a(tera #hole num'er &= not =50) Rechec/ the accuracy o( the calculationEE

    osa+e Calculations

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A physicians orer reas phenytoin&ilantin) 052 g orally t#ice aily5 .hemeication la'el states 100 mg capsules5 Anurse prepares ho# many capsule&s) to

    aminister one oseH15 1 capsule

    25 2 capsules

    G5 G capsules5 capsules

    osa+e Calculations

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A physician orers 1000mL o( one@hal(normal saline to in(use oer J hours5 .herop (actor is 1= rops &gtt) per 1 mL5 .henurse sets the (lo# rate at ho# many rops

    per minuteH &roun to the nearest #holenum'er)

    15 1J rops per minute

    25 G1 rops per minute

    G5 rops per minute5 100 rops per minute

    Additional Oeneral )trate+ies0

    A%solute Bords

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review








    None Not



    Not@So@A'solute ors Qenerally




    In genera$+ !% anopt!on conta!ns an

    abso$#te wor+ !t !s!ncorrect

    A%solute Bords

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is proiing ietary instructions to aclient a'out a lo#@(at iet5 .he nurse tellsthe client to:

    15 Neer use 'utter in their coo/ing

    25 Rea the la'els on (oo items to eterminetheir (at content

    G5 >at only (oos that hae less than 1 (at

    content5 rin/ (luis only i( they are (at (ree

    Not)oA%solute Bords

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A client scheule (or a computetomography &C.) scan o( the a'omen as/sthe nurse #hen the results o( the test #ill 'eaaila'le5 .he nurse ma/e #hich appropriate

    response to the clientH15 .he results #ont 'e aaila'le (or at least

    one #ee/!

    25 +ou must as/ the C. technician (or that

    in(ormationG5 +our physician may hae the results in a'out

    G ays

    5 >ery scan is rea 'y a raiologist an thisprocess al#ays ta/es 1 #ee/

    Additional Oeneral )trate+ies0 6edical

    vs Nursin+ 8nterventions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review



    Select the option that is a nursing interentionan not a meical one

    .he only situation in #hich you may nee toselect a meical interention is i( the 6uestion

    inicates to o so, i5e5 hich interentionoes the nurse anticipate the physician #illprescri'eH!

    Eli-inatin+ ptions 2,at Contain 6edical

    Rat,er 2,an Nursin+ 8nterventions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse is caring (or a client #ith a iagnosiso( congestie heart (ailure #ho suenlyeperiences seere yspnea, an the nursesuspects that the client eelope

    pulmonary eema5 .he nurse immeiately:15 "'tains a ial o( (urosemie &Lasi) an a


    25 $laces the client in the high@3o#lers position

    G5 "'tains a ose o( morphine sul(ate (rom thenarcotic meication ra#er

    5 Inserts a (oley catheter

    Additional Oeneral )trate+ies0

    Eli-inatin+ )i-ilar ptions

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Note options that are similar in regars totheir content or contetF i( they are present,they are 'oth #rongUmultiple choice6uestions hae only "N> right ans#er

    Additional Oeneral Ouidelines0

    All Parts o. an ption are Correct

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    2 part ans#ers: connecte 'y an! or! Both must 'e correct

    .he nurse epects to collect the (ollo#ing ataon a client #ith a cataract o( the right eye: 15 Complaints o( 'lurre ision AN ecessie

    tearing o( the eye 25 A clouy #hite pupil AN complaints o( eye

    pain G5 Complaints o( a graual loss o( ision AN

    photopho'ia 5 Complaints o( a (rontal heaache AN


    Additional Oeneral Ouidelines

    )elect t,e -%rella ption

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Qeneral statement that may incorporate thecontent o( the other options #ith it

    hen you are ans#ering a 6uestion an notethat more than one option appears to 'e

    correct, L""O 3"R .7> 4BR>LLA"$.I"N

    -%rella ption

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Sample 6uestion A nurse in the emergency epartment receies a

    phone call (rom >4S an is tol that seeral ictims#ho surie a plane crash an are su((ering (romcol eposure #ill 'e transporte to the hospital5 .he

    initial nursing action is #hich o( the (ollo#ingH1) Supply the trauma rooms #ith 'ottles o( sterile #ater

    an normal saline

    2) Call the launry epartment an as/ to sen asmany #arm 'lan/ets as possi'le to the emergency

    epartmentG) Call the nursing superisor to actiate the agency

    isaster plan

    ) Call the IC to re6uest that nurses 'e sent to theemergency epartment

    Additional Oeneral Ouidelines0

    isualiMe t,e 8n.or-ation

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    3orm a mental image o( the situation an placeyoursel( into the situation


  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Sample 6uestion A nurse prepares to per(orm a sterile

    ressing change on a $ICC line5 .he nurseeplains the proceure to the client, #ashes

    her hans, an sets up the sterile (iel5 .henurse #oul ta/e #hich action netH1) on sterile gloes

    2) on clean gloes an remoe the ol ressing

    G) Clean the site #ith Chloraprep

    ) Inspect the integrity o( the s/in aroun theinsertion site

    Additional Oeneral )trate+ies0

    )i-ilar Concepts

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Loo/ (or similar concepts in the 6uestion anin one o( the options

    Sample 6uestion A client is amitte to the hospital #ith a

    iagnosis o( pericaritis5 A nurse monitorsthe client (or #hich mani(estation thati((erentiates pericaritis (rom othercariopulmonary pro'lemsH

    1) Chest pain that #orsens on inspiration

    2) $ericarial (riction ru'

    G) Anterior chest pain


    ea/ness an irrita'ility

    La%orator alues

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Ienti(y #hether the la'oratory alue isnormal or a'normal

    Note the isorer presente in the 6uestion

    Ienti(y the associate 'oy organ that isa((ecte as a result o( the isorer

    La%orator alues

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A client #ith a iagnosis o( sepsis isreceiing anti'iotics 'y the intraenousroute5 .he nurse monitors (or nephrotoicity'y chec/ing the results o( #hich la'oratory

    alue most closelyH15 Bloo urea nitrogen

    25 hite 'loo cell count

    G5 $latelet count5 Lipase leel

    Additional Oeneral )trate+ies0

    Client Positionin+

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    Al#ays reie# physician orers 3ocus on clients iagnosis

    Ienti(y the anatomical location o( the clientsiagnosis

    Consier the pathophysiology o( the isoreran the goals o( care

    .hin/ a'out #hat complications you #ant to

    preent See hanout

    Client Positionin+

  • 7/24/2019 Pn 154 Nclex Review


    A nurse assists a physician in per(orming alier 'iopsy5 A(ter the 'iopsy, the nurse plansto place the client in #hich o( the (ollo#ingpositionsH

    15 Supine

    25 $rone

    G5 A le(t sie@lying position #ith a small pillo# or

    ( l t l th t it
