PNC Testimonials



PowerNetworking Conference Testimonials What They Said!!!

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InterContinental Hotel - Dallas, TX - June 26-28, 2014

“Thank you for your support,

strength and vision.” Letters/

Comments of Love

from the PNC


Earl Erasmus, Cape Town, South AfricaBaba George, the conference was a deep process of separating some limiting thoughts, mindsets and habits from the authentic ones that you are alreadymodeling. You represent what I dream of, calling millions together to feed at the table of wisdom of the elders, in various fields of expertise, to come together to collaborate, to intentionally organize for personal and collective growth, to build community with all its structures worthy of being called great again.

Now in the second half of my life, the next thirty years of my life, I am fully persuaded and even more so, since I saw PNC, about the call of that night, to go for my people. PNC gave me a glimpse of the gathering potential of our people, of our power when the right training is effected, of WOW when a group economic is enacted, of peoples power and purpose when we support each other.

Denice Whalen-White This was my first year attending the PNC through the advice of Peggy Morris of Sisters4Sisters Network, Inc. I am so glad she recommended me to attend. As I lead a non-profit I was hesitant in attending, but it truly worth the effort. I met many wonderful like-minded people and felt that your speakers spoke to my spirit and soul and affirmed to me that I am on the right path and as long as “I do me” and not worry about the naysayers all will be well. (“Yes, Yes”)!

Veronica Shrieves-BrownThanks for your words of encouragement. I dedicate my life to God every day. I thank Him for His grace and mercy. I ask Him to order my footsteps and I thank Him for granting me the courage to follow His lead. He led me to your FraserNet PowerNetworking Conference 2010 and for that I thank Him and You.

Jeanetta Hill Thank you for the PowerNetworking Conference. I have developed new relationships that I want to keep for a lifetime. It was Super Amazing. Keep on going fearless leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pam KnightPowerNetworking Therapy-have you had it? I have a story to tell you about a young woman who decided to attend a PowerNetworking Conference and received some powerful “therapy”. Here’s

the story…Imagine being in a place where there are so many “therapists” to give you guidance, opportunities, have you make countless business and personal connections and learn so much that you will have a renewed sense of power.

This woman attended a PowerNetworking Conference and had no idea she needed so much therapy. She said to her friends, “Have you ever had PowerNetworking Therapy? Have you? Do you even know what PowerNetworking Therapy is?” Because she had never had PowerNetworking Therapy until she went to the conference she really didn’t know what to expect and what was to come. As a matter of fact she didn’t even know what that meant. It was her first time and she really didn’t know that she would need it so badly.

Now this wasn’t your typical psychotherapy consultation, this was a different type of therapy. No, you didn’t lie on a couch and pour your heart out to a doctor; No, the “therapists” didn’t take notes and tell you to take a pill and you would be all right in the morning and no, you didn’t have to schedule another appointment. This type of therapy gave you the power, spirit and mind changing activities to help you further your business and help you grow professionally. It had world-renowned coaches, speakers and trainers, uplifting voices, speeches and workshops and the opportunity to connect with thousands of other people who also needed the same therapy.

The “therapy” session was called PowerNetworking Conference. It was truly an AMAZING experience for her. It was powered packed with speakers, trainers, coaches and celebrities. These people weren’t just for show; they came to put their money where their mouth is. They held nothing back and you had to listen, take notes and be inspired. This conference gave you access:

to key contacts; insights on building wealth; business and career resources; free coaching (that would literally cost you thousands); choices of 30 workshops/panels to participate in; two PowerLuncheons (so you can Meet-and-Eat while still getting powerful insider information); national town hall meetings; elevator pitch and job interview techniques; exhibits, prizes and finally the most important part of this conference is the power networking reception. Ooo child what an ending; she said it was truly amazing!

Well, the woman in the story I was just telling you about was me, that’s right me. I had never been to a PowerNetworking Conference that gave me “therapy” that was long overdue and that I didn’t know I needed. A gentleman by the name of Chike Akua stated that “we had much needed therapy” and he was right. I am so glad I decided to go to this conference and get this much-needed experience/therapy. Next year when I go for my annual therapy session, I will be ready for the next level of the PowerNetworking Conference experience.

Khadijah ChapmanYes, yes, yes George.... I had a wonderful time at your Conference as I always do…and I encourage all black folk to get to the next one…it’s the 14th year anniversary and Kudos to you...

Shontelle Marie PlantMr. Cool, Black and Brilliant Fraser - this was my first year at the PowerNetworking Conference and I can’t stop speaking of how fantastic, over the top, exceeding my wildest imagination this conference was. As so many said to you publically, so shall I - thank God for George C. Fraser!! Every speaker, every coach, every plenary, every workshop was absolutely necessary and beneficial!! Thank you Lord for this man!

Michael H. ScottMy Brother George, as always it has been a life changing experience. I, as others, look forward to the next one.

Sonya LoweryIt was another fabulous PowerNetworking Conference with George C. Fraser... you need to make it to this next year people! Really!!!

Sonia Williams DunnThis is Sonia (Jamaican girl) from LA, I had my first experience at the 2014 Conference in Dallas. Firstly I want to applaud you on your mission that you have accomplished. To see that many souls you have touched is absolutely amazing. I was left speechless after the conference, and nearly two weeks later I am still talking about it. The people were so positive and kind and those at the top, so humble. I am looking forward to 2015 where I too can bid in the auction. My daughter and my son in law were also blown away, they will be attending the David Anderson who will be in S. Florida doing a work shop the next two weeks, by the way are there any plans for you to visit S. Florida in the near future? Thanking you again for making this experience possible for me.

Eric ScottThank you for having the vision to create and implement a union of collective minds. As I called to inquire about PNC, Bria informed me that after my first time attending, it wouldn’t be my last and she was absolutely correct. I have already registered for next year. I could not have envisioned anything greater than what I experienced. During the conference, I had the pleasure of promoting the PNC on the radio with David Anderson. Upon my return to Louisiana I have willingly shared my experiences and will continue to be an advocate to expand the growth of the PNC.

Harriette GibbsI would like to take a moment and say thank you for creating the Powerful PowerNetworking Conference. This was my second year attending and it gets better every year. When I first attended in 2012 along with my 18 year old nephew we didn’t know what to expect. I was a little apprehensive at first being around so many powerful people. I came to the conference thinking I was an “entrepreneur” only to find out I was really a “brokepreneur” who needed some real help and guidance.

From the 2012 conference, I met Bro. Bedford who became my coach and helped to identify my very own personal vision. From that conference I realized that I wanted to create my own space in the world. I am in the process of writing a book for parents of children with disabilities to help them navigate through the special education process and it will be finished this year. I developed “Harriette Gibbs Inspires” which is a group for educators, supporters and parents dealing with special education issues.

From PNC 2014 conference, I am now working with LaVon Lewis and his dynamic group on my professional logo. Every year I leave the conference a little bit better than when I came. I joined the MOSES movement this year and I am looking forward to getting my finances in order and sharing with others. I highly recommend the PowerNetworking Conference to entrepreneurs and those thinking about entrepreneurship. I can honestly say for me it was Life Changing!! If you are open minded this conference will definitely help you carve out your path in the world so that you can make a powerful IMPACT on humanity.

Michelle Maltbia & Lauren JenningsIt was a pleasure to meet you. We had a remarkable time working the conference and networking with the attendees in Dallas. As young entrepreneurs we gained tremendous insight from the presentations and one on one conversations. We are honored that Alex afforded us the opportunity to work with the both of you on the 2014 PowerNetworking Conference. We look

forward to continuing to support your vision and direction of PNC. Much success!

Jeremy EacklesThank you for giving me the opportunity to volunteer for the PowerNetworking Conference. It was a life-changing event for me. I’m a college senior who has many dreams and aspirations, and I would love to stay connected to assist and learn from you in any way possible. I love what FraserNet and the PowerNetworking Conference stands for. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Quiana KirklandFirst and foremost, I would like to begin by saying that I thank you tremendously for creating this conference for the betterment and success of our people. You are a true pioneer in my eyes when it comes to empowering people to become successful, and I pray this event continues to grow beyond your wildest dreams for years to come. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the 2014 PowerNetworking Conference for the first time as a student and was blessed to be the benefactor of the FraserNet staff’s generosity and giving spirit. The impact on my life has immediately been tremendous. Your event has changed the way I view success and achieving my goals, not only as a person but as a young black professional.

When I looked at the itinerary for the PowerNetworking Conference I was unsure of what workshops I wanted to attend, but I knew right away that Orrin Hudson’s workshop would be beneficial to me. Being that it was targeted towards young professionals, I just had to see what Mr. Hudson was all about. To say the workshop was informative would be an understatement.

He provided myself and the rest of the young professionals with information and advice that will push you to where you want to be in life. Although I had never played chess in my life, Mr. Hudson explained the game to us and made it so understandable and relatable to what he calls “the game of life”.

Amongst all the information that was given to me by Mr. Hudson, there was one particular thing that he said that really stood out, “The secret to winning is giving.” The reason this particular statement has stood out to me is because I am a true believer in good karma -- what you put out in the universe will come back to you. By seeing how successful he has become by following this mantra, Mr. Hudson has made me realize that continuing to perform good deeds because they make myself and others happy will propel me to where I want to go in life.

Abby AdesinaMs. Linda Clemons, I am Abby Adesina with CREST – an engineering services company. I had the pleasure of not only being your muse for the “Seductive Sale Secrets” Presentation but also attended your breakout sessions on Serve Sell, and Soar Packages at the PowerNetworking Conference.

Your presentation had the most profound impact on me. I entered a space where I received that God wasn’t done with me yet and that I am meant and created for more. I also recognize that I need some serious polishing. Moreover, you led me realize that I can’t be comfortable being somewhat of a “wallflower” in a entrepreneurship space.

Subsequently, I am writing to confirm that I am still enthusiastic about participating in the Coaching Sessions in Indiana.

Jay CrutchfieldThank you for inviting me to the PowerNetworking Conference. My wife and I had a great time and took copious notes during the sessions. My wife and I chatted about the laugh we had when you told us we look like kids following Linda’s session. Like you said, black don’t crack.

There were so many nuggets so I will just pick one. Don’t chase money, chase excellence. When you chase excellence, money will chase you. Very valuable, especially for our young people to hear.

Oh, I know you’re a student of black history so this month you should be getting something nice in the mail. Thank you and your team’s hard work to help our community work together so we can succeed together.

Rob & Cheryl ColemanYou are a man of excellence, strong character and a powerfully humble leader of your people. We count it a privilege and an honor to participate in PNC.
