P.O. Box 309 Gleanings July 2018 Sultana, CA 93666 Phone ... · P.O. Box 309 Sultana, CA 93666...


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  • P.O. Box 309Sultana, CA 93666 Phone: (559) 591-5009 Fax: (559) 591-5036 info@gleanings.org www.gleanings.org

    Gleanings For The Hungry

    A Ministry of Youth With A Mission

    July 2018

    “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” Rom 8:2

    THANK YOU FOR SERVING We are thankful for each board member who participates in giving oversight to our ministry. Last year, new bylaws were passed to limit service of board mem-bers to three consecutive three-year terms, allowing fresh insight and involve-ment of new people. Many board members have faithfully served even longer than nine years, so this limit of terms created quite a transition. We want to honor and thank those who recently left the board. Thank you to former board members: Dale Harrison, Peter Iliyn, Steve Witmer, and Mario DeFrancesco.

    We would like to extend a special appreciation to Dale Harrison, who served on the board for nine years. After three years as vice-president, Dale was appointed as chairman and president of the board in 2012. He was chairman the remainder of his service and president until October of last year. Dale was available to lend a helping hand, give pertinent advice and guidance, and organize and lead our board meetings for so many years. Thank you Dale!

    OUR CURRENT BOARDWe’d like to welcome and introduce our newest board members: Vicki Morris, Stan Bracy, and Donna Jordan. Vicki Morris joined the board in May 2017. Her service with Gleanings started back in 2008. After visiting a staff member they were supporting, Vicki and her husband Bill fell in love with Gleanings. Since then, they have served at Gleanings cooking lunch and preparing afternoon snack for three months every spring and fall.Stan Bracy joined the board in May. Stan and his wife Nancy first met Wally and Norma Wenge, Gleanings founders, in Munich, Germany during a YWAM outreach at the Olympics in 1972. Ten years later, Wally began Gleanings; Stan and

    Nancy had always wanted to visit. Their hope finally became reality in 2017, and during that visit, God called Stan and Nancy to staff our most recent Discipleship Training School (DTS) and lead the outreach team. Donna Jordan also joined the board in May. She is a YWAM veteran from Canada. Donna and her husband Peter worked with our founders in the 70’s and 80’s. Donna regularly teaches in Gleanings’ Discipleship Training Schools.

    Thank you again to all our dedicated board members. Pictured from left to right, standing: Ruddy Ancheta, San Francisco, CA; Fritz Meier, Gleanings director/president; Stan Bracy, Boise, ID; Al Gove, Gleanings staff; Bruce Eckhoff, Gleanings staff; Jim Biermann, Grapeview, WA, chairman. Seated: Donna Jordan, Medicine Hat, BC; Bonnie Olson, Tulare, CA, secretary; Vicki Morris, Salem, OR, treasurer.

    Dale Harrison, Fritz Meier, & Jim Biermann

  • Fritz Meier

    Dear Friends,I’m writing this Director’s Corner in the Vancouver, Canada airport. I’m on my way to spend a week with Ron Wagner in Saskatchewan visiting farmers who donate soup ingredients to Gleanings. Thinking about the growth at Gleanings, from drying peaches and procuring other shelf stable food, to adding our soup line and making two truckloads of nutritious soup a week, gets me very excited. God cares for the poor and He wants us to do the same. As we do so, we don’t just help the needy, we align ourselves with the very will of God on this earth. I’m very happy to visit with many of our awesome farmer friends in Canada who have big hearts, to ex-press our gratitude for their contributions. I think I speak for many of you who have volunteered at Gleanings when I say that we are humbled to stand behind every containerload of soup that leaves Gleanings and pray for God’s blessing on all the recipients. It takes all kinds of provision for shipments to go to the nations. We are part of a wonderful work and we are blessed by every one of you who participates with us.May the Lord bless you.

    Ministry Report:Container Ministry in South AfricaLike the savannas, or tropical grasslands, God’s presence continues to grow and cover the people on the continent of Africa. Grace Missions & Justice Ministry shares food from Gleanings For The Hungry with the poor and needy in areas all over South Africa, through their Container Ministries. In Mpumalanga Township, a woman named Busi lives with 27 people in a four-room house. She is the sole supporter for them all with her pension, which she

    receives monthly. She comes three times per week to receive food to help her family. Nonhlanhla is a 40-year old, unemployed, Albino woman who is chronically ill. She comes daily to receive enough food to take her medicine twice a day. Without the food, a situation that is a daily struggle for sustenance and survival quickly becomes fatal. Many people ill with HIV/AIDS and other conditions would not be able to take their medications without receiving food assistance.Archbishop Zuma has been a part of the church all her life. In the com-munity of Chesterville, she cares for the sick and elderly, runs a sewing room, and holds services four times per day. They struggle to pay their electricity and water bill, living in very humble circumstances. Grace Missions & Justice Container Ministries was able to provide Archbishop Zumba’s ministry with Gleanings soup mix, peaches, and four loads of wood to boil water.“Words cannot express our gratitude…The food we receive unties our hands to confidently preach a Gospel of love and compassion, as well as allows us to tangibly express that Gospel. We walk the talk as such. That is so vital for evangelism.”Thank you for your partnership as we continue to reach people in South Africa with the glorious Good News of Jesus and bless them in His Name!

    Dave Ricther from Container Ministries on far left with Dave from Sun Valley Packing, Tim a volunteer pastor, and Fritz Meier visiting at peach donor Sun Valley Packing house.

    Archbishop Zuma with some of her church