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Polarity Wellness Tarot Basics!

Polarity  Wellness  Tarot  by  Miriam  Jacobs  

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This  file  introduces  you  to  Polarity  Wellness  Tarot  and  reveals  the  possibili=es  of  fusing  Tarot  with  the  body  and  other  systems  for  comprehensive  healing.  It  guides  you  to  connect  the  dots.    Since  Tarot   is  based  on  universal  elements,   it   is   cohesive  with  other   systems  also  derive   from  universe  elements.  Be  open   to   stretch.  Trust  your   intui=on  and   then  affirm   it  with   the  Tarot.  Be   crea=ve  and  get  ready  to  explore.  

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A"ribu'ng  knowledge  of  other  systems  eases  your  use  of  Polarity  Wellness  Tarot.      Choosing  Cards……………………………………………………….………      2  History  of  Tarot………………………………………………..…………….      3  Tarot  Structure………………………………………………..……………..      4  Set  Up  -­‐    Minor  Arcana,  Courts  &  Major  Arcana………………      5  Numerology……………………………………………………………………      6  Polarity  Wellness  Tarot…………………………………………………..      7  The  Elements,  Individual  Suits,  and  the  Body………….………      8  Astrology  as  the  Bridge…………………………………………………..      9  Top  Symbols  Order  on  Top  of  PWT  cards…..…………………….   10  Top  Symbol  Layout………………………………………………………….   11  Polarity  Elements……………………………………………………………   12  Touch  Symbols………………………………………………………………..   13  Zodiac  Symbols…………………………………………………………….…   14-­‐15  Planet  symbols………………………………………………………………..   16  Chakras…………………………………………………………………..………   17  Minor  Arcana  -­‐  Air,  Fire,  Water,  Earth………………………………   18-­‐21  Major  Arcana  -­‐  3  Rows  of  7  Cards……………………………………   22-­‐26  Court  Cards…………………………………………………………………….   27  PWT  -­‐  Prac\ce  Breakdown………………………………………………   28  4  Elemental  Spread…………………………………………………….…..   29  Elemental  Spread  Direc\ons……………………………………………   30  Wrap  up  and  Contacts………………………………………………………   31  About  the  Author…………………………………………………………..…   32  !!

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Generally  speaking  a  tarot  card  reading  may:    Help  us  make  personal  choices,  see  the  underlying  reasons  behind  events,  help  focus  intui\on,  affirming  what  we  are  sensing  or  already  know.  Tarot  informs  us  as  what  to  expect.  Tarot  readings  opens  the  conversa\on  with  others  and  points  out  what  is  going  on  in  our  unconscious  mind.    A  PWT  reading  does  all  this  and  then  suggests  mindful  prac\ces  that  empowers  us  as  to  reframe  and  make  changes  happen.  

Start  with  asking  mundane  ques=ons  or  pick  one  card  each  day.    Intuit  the  meaning  and  study  up  on  that  card.  Observes  what  happens.  Keep  a  journal.

Choosing  Cards

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History    The  origins  of  the  Tarot  are  unknown.  There  are  depic\ons  of  “fortune  telling”  through  out  art  history.  Sources  indicate  one  or  all  of  the  following  may  be  the  case.  !Tarot  was:  • a  book  of  wisdom  

• from  Ancient  Egypt    and  meant  “Royal  Road  of  Life”  

• derived  out  of  the  Tree  of  Life  (Kabbalah)    -­‐  Hebrew  -­‐  Torah  

• was  a  pictorial  way  for  gypsies,  who  spoke  different  languages,  to  communicate  

• made  as  a  wedding  giY  made  for  the  marriage  union  between  the  Viscon=  &  Sforza  families  (15th  century  Renaissance  Italy)  

• in  La=n  meant  “Rota”  Wheel

For  a  \me,  the  use  of  Tarot  cards  went  underground  and    were  considered  evil  and  feared.  In  the  early  20th  century  new  groups  formed    along  with  new  interpreta\ons  of  Tarot,  from  Paul  Foster  Case  and  the  school  of  the  BOTA,  to  the  Secret  Society  of  the  Golden  Dawn;  Aleister  Crowley’s  Thoth  deck  (designed  by    Lady  Frieda  Harris)  and  the  Rider/Wait  deck  (designed  by  Pamela  Smith).

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Structure  TAROT  is  similar  to  playing  cards  (52  cards).  Except  that  in  each  of  the  4  suits,  there  are  4  court  cards    instead  of  3  (that’s  56  cards).  Plus  an  addi\onal  22  cards,  Major  Arcana  making  a  Tarot  deck  a  total  of  78  cards.  The  suits  have  different  names  but  always  relate  to  the  4  elements.  !                            Air                                      Fire                                                  Water                                Earth

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Set  up  78  cards  total  56  Minor  Arcana  cards  in  4  suits     40  number  cards                 with  16  court  cards    22  Major  Arcana  cards

Minor  Arcana  -­‐  describes  ma0er  at  hand,  detailed  through  suits/elements.  Minor  secrets  !Court  Cards  -­‐  specific  people  that  influence  the  reading  or  aspects  of  yourself  that  relate  to  psychological  states  also  through  suits/elements.    !Major  Arcana  -­‐  Archetypical  symbols  of  the  journey  of  life.  Major  secrets.  Also  based  on  pathways  of  the  Kabbalah  and  therefore,  the  Hebrew  le:ers  (neither  are  included  in  this  presenta\on).    

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1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  Numerology  -­‐  a  system  within  itself    Every  deck  incorporates  numbers  !• Interprets  the  numbers  of  the  spelling  of  your  name  and  birth  date    • Is  based  on  early  philosophical  theories  • Explores  the  rela\onship  between  physical  objects  or  living  things  

General Number Meanings 1. New  beginning,  seed,  individual  2. Polarity,  balance,  rela=onship,  opposite  3. Triangle,  body/mind/spirit,  trinity,  synthesis,  coopera=on,  integra=on  4. Square,  four  direc=ons/corners/seasons/elements,  founda=on,  stability,  order    5. Pentagram,  struggle,  change,  crisis,  conflict  6. Cube,  triumph,  harmony  and  beauty,  reciprocity,  exchange,  decisive  ac=on  7. Chakras/days  of  the  week/wonders  of  the  world,  inner  work  or  process,  a  challenge,  mastery  8. Change,  inspira=on,  rhythm  or  octave,  progress  9. Comple=on,  culmina=on,  transi=on,  resolu=on  10.Manifesta=on  in  full  form,  transforma=on,  abundance  

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Polarity  Wellness  Tarot  is  based  on  classic  Tarot.  Fused  with  Polarity  Therapy,  and  other  systems,  the  cards  suggest  insights  as  well  as  show  where  to  focus  in  the  body  and  what  to  do  to  move  energy  to  promote  change  and  balance.  Images  are  digitally  designed  collages  that  show  the  Polarity  Energy  Man  on  each  card,  who  highlights  areas  to  focus  your  ajen\on.  There  are  color-­‐coded  reference  symbols  on  the  top  of  each  card  that  integrate  elements,  touch  types  to  use,  astrology  and  chakra  ajributes.  The  deck  comes  with  a  User  Guide  (By  Miriam  Jacobs  with  Stephanie  Swafford)  that  contains  concise  card  meanings  with  suggested  mind  body  prac\ces.  for  more  on  Polarity  Therapy  see:  hjp://polaritywellness.com/what-­‐is-­‐polarity-­‐therapy/

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On   the   lower   right   hand   corner   of   each   Polarity  Wellness   Tarot   card   is   a   Polarity   Energy  man   with   color-­‐coded   anatomical   references.   These   highlight   areas   show   you   where   to  contact  the  body,  or  where  to  to  focus  your  ajen\on  to  create  change  from  the  lessons  of  each  card.  Please  refer  to  the  PWT  User’s  Guide  or  Tarot  and  the  Chakras  for    specific  card  meanings  and  suggested  prac\ces.  for  more  on  Polarity  Therapy  see:  hjp://polaritywellness.com/what-­‐is-­‐polarity-­‐therapy/

Ether          Air                  Fire              Water      Earth  Major        Swords            Wands              Cups        Pentacles  Arcana        

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Aries forehead2,3,4 of wandscardinal fire

Taurus neck5,6,7 of pentaclesfixed earth

Gemini shoulders8,9,10 of swordsmutable air

Cancer chest2,3,4 of cupscardinal water

Leo solar plexus5,6,7 of wandsfixed fire

Virgo colon8,9,10 of pentaclesmutable earth

Libra kidneys 2,3,4 of swordscardinal air

Scorpio genitals5,6,7 of cupsfixed water

Sagittarius thighs8,9,10 of wandsmutable fire

Capricorn knees2,3,4 of pentaclescardinal earth

Aquarius ankles5,6,7 of swordsfixed air

Pisces feet8,9,10 of cupsmutable water

Crown ChakraMajor Arcana VIII-XIV PURPLE

Third Eye ChakraMajor Arcana XV-XXIIndigo

Ether ChakraMajor Arcana I-VIIBLUE

Air ChakraswordsGREEN

Fire Chakra


Water ChakracupsORANGE

Earth ChakrapentaclesRED

Astrology  is  the  bridge  to  Polarity  Anatomy  with  

Tarot.  !Randolph  Stone,  founder  of  Polarity  Therapy  gave  astrological  references  to  the  body.  !Aleister  Crowley,  creator  of  the  Thoth  deck,  gave  astrological  references  to  the  Tarot.    !The  Vedics  and  Tibetans  gave  elemental  references  for  the  Chakras.  !The  elements  designated  for  the  body  and  the  Chakras  easily  translate  to  Tarot  suits.

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On  the  top  of  each  card  is  a  row  of  helpful  referenced  symbols:    Aces  -­‐  element/suit,  touch,  chakra  Minors  -­‐  element/suit,  touch,  planet,  astrological,  chakra  Majors  -­‐  element/suit,  touch,  planet,  astrological,  chakra  Courts  -­‐  element/suit,  touch,  sub-­‐element,  chakra  Sub  elements  in  court  cards  -­‐  Kings  -­‐  fire  (+),  Queens  -­‐  water  (-­‐),  Knights  -­‐  fire  (+),  Pages  -­‐  (0)  earth    

PTW  is  great  as  an  aid  for  learning  other  systems.    They  may  serve  as  flashcards  for  energy  bodyworks  and  healers.

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Ether  -­‐   (container  of  all  elements,  joints)      return  to  spirit,  grief,  space,  hearing,  cranial  sacral,  music,  elonga=on  !Air  -­‐  (shoulders,  kidney,  ankles)    sca0ered,  quick,  light,  thoughts,  touch,  dance,    speed,  east  !Fire  -­‐   (forehead,  solar  plexus,  thighs)    anger,  forgiveness,  enthusiasm,  pukng  out  in  world,  clarity,  sight,  visual  arts,  shaking,  south  !Water  -­‐   (breast,  pelvis,  feet)  emo=ons,  feelings,  lekng  go,  a0achment,  nurturing,  smooth,  taste,  cooking,  salty,  flowing,    west  !Earth  -­‐   (neck,  colon,  knees)  courage,  fear,  slow,  steady,  stuck,  grounded,  smell,  sculpture  &  business,  sweet,  contrac=on,  north  !For  more  on  Polarity  Therapy  see:  h0p://polaritywellness.com/what-­‐is-­‐polarity-­‐therapy/

Understanding  the  elements  is  a  way  into  understanding  how  to  use  both  PW  Tarot  and  Polarity  Therapy,  which  isolates  the  elements  as  follows:  

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Touch  Symbols  indicate  what  type  of  touch  to  use  in  body  work  therapies.  They  may  also  suggest  a  type  of    physical  movement  to  balance  or  move  energy.  Touch  symbols  are  derived  from  fusing  seasonal  astrological  aspects  with  Polarity  type  of  touch.  Dr.  Stone  (founder  of  Polarity)  ajributed  types  of  touch  to  the    involu\on  and  evolu\on  of  energy  through  out  the  body.  In  Ayurveda  these  principles  of  energy  are  known  as  Gunas.  

Type  of  Touch  Vedic  Name

Seasonal  Aspect

Type  of  Movement

Minor  Arcana

Rocking  Rajas

Beginning  Cardinal


All  2,3  &  4s

Light  &  Off  the  Body  Satvas

Middle  Fixed


All  5,6  &  7s

Deep  &  Dispersing  Tamas

End  Mutable


All  8,  9  &  10s

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Astrology  is  an  important  part  of  both  Tarot  and  Polarity  Bodywork.    Each  Minor  Arcana  2-­‐10  cards  have  a  zodiac  and  a  planet  symbol.  12  Major  Arcana  cards  have  a  zodiac  symbol  and  9  have  a  planet  symbol.  Aces  (1’s)  and  Court  cards  relate  to  all  3  elemental  zodiac  symbols  of  that  suit.                                                    !Astrological  Symbols

Aries:  cardinal  fire  -­‐  focused  on  new  experiences,  ac\ve  and  outgoing,  asser\ve,  self-­‐willed,  star\ng  things  off,  beginnings.  The  RAM  Taurus:    fixed  earth  -­‐  secure,  stubborn,  slow,  possessive,  strong,  loving  comfort  and  beauty,  possessions  &  comforts.  The  BULL  Gemini:    mutable  air  -­‐  quick,  light,  talka\ve,  indecisive,  adaptable,  percep\ve  and  friendly,  duality.  The  TWINS  Cancer:    cardinal  water  -­‐  compassionate,  sensi\ve,  nurturing,  protec\ve,  connec\ng  mother  –  child.  The  CRAB  Leo:  fixed  fire  -­‐  bright,  proud,  drama\c,  adventurous,  charging  ahead,  crea\ve.  The  LION  Virgo:    mutable  earth  -­‐  me\culous,  orderly,  service,  order  &  control,  detail  oriented.  The  VIRGIN  

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 Astrological  Symbols  con=nued

Libra:    cardinal  air  -­‐  balanced,  just,  harmonious  balance  &  truth.  The  SCALES  Scorpio:    fixed  water-­‐  passionate,  deep,  fearless,  Fixed  Sign,  merging  thru  sexuality,  occult.  The  SCORPION  Sagi0arius:    mutable  fire  -­‐  big-­‐hearted,  idealis\c,  restless,  focused  on  a  target,  ‘out  there’  energy.  The  ARCHER  Capricorn:    cardinal  earth  -­‐  solid,  cau\ous,  structured,  self-­‐controlled,  taking  care  of  earthly  needs,  career.  The  GOAT  Aquarius:    fixed  air  -­‐  trendsejer,  extremist,  individualis\c  individuals,  rulers.  The  WATER  CARRIER  Pisces:    mutable  water  -­‐  roman\c,  idealis\c,  compassionate,  merging  with  spirituality,  levng  go  of  karma.  The  FISH  

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!Planet  Symbols

Sun:  ego-­‐iden\ty,  radiant  spirit,  individuality  

Moon:  emo\ons,  adaptable  sense  of  self,  reflec\ve  

Venus:  love,  ajrac\on,  compassion,  connec\on  

Mars:  drive,  desire,  courage  

Mercury:  reason,  skill,  intelligence,  verbal  expression  

Jupiter:  truth,  faith,  grace,  op\mis\c,  expansive    

Saturn:  order,  disciplined,  contrac\on,  transcendence  

Uranus:  free  from  limita\ons,  willful,  inven\ve,  rebellious    

Neptune:  formless,  escapist,  spiritual  realized    

Pluto:  transforma\ve,  regenera\ve,  subversive    

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Crown/Major  Arcana  XV  -­‐  XIX    higher  realms  

Third  eye/Major  Arcana  VIII  -­‐  XIV  higher  realms  

Ether/Throat  Major  Arcana  I  -­‐VII  higher  realms  

Air/Swords/Heart           Thoughts    

Fire/Wands/Solar  Plexus       Insights      

Water/Cups/Sexual         Emo\ons    

Earth/Pentacle/Root         Physical  

Chakras  are  7  energy  centers  in  the  body  that  run  down  the  spine.  The  Vedics  and  the  Tibetans  gave  elemental  names  to  the  5  lower  Chakras.  PWT  corresponds  all  Major  Arcana  cards    to  the  Ether/Throat  Chakra.  Tarot  and  the  Chakras  divides  the  Majors  into  the  3  upper  Chakras.  The  Fool  is  lies  between  the  Heart  and  the  Throat  Chakras  to  lead  us  on  our  journey.  

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Swords/Air   cards   signify   everything  mental.   They   are   our   thoughts,   ideas,  contempla\ons,   and   communica\on  skills.  

Swords/Air   cards   are   about   logic   and  the  way  we  internalize  nega\ve  and/or  posi\ve  thinking.  Swords/Air  is  the  suit  that  has  the  most  so-­‐called  “nega\ve”  cards.   But   it   is   also   the   suit   that  indicates   thought   pajerns,   which   are  the  easiest  pajerns  to  change.  

Swords/Air   suit   is   about   the   way   we  make  decisions  and  the  ways   in  which  we   think.   In  modern   \mes   Air   relates  to  computers  and  technology.  

Gemini   shoulders,   Libra   kidneys,  Aquarius  ankles  

Minor  Arcana  Swords/Air  

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Wands/Fire   cards   are   crea\ve   and  intui\ve.   They   are   about   spontaneity  and  insight.  

Fire   can   be   associated   with   focusing  energy   and   is   the   ac\ve,   driving   force  behind  anything  we  do.  

Generally,   Wands/Fire   cards   indicate  outgoing,  charisma\c  energy.  

Wands/Fire   influence   is   closely   related  to   the   spiritual   life.   Many   of   us   who  want   meaning   in   our   lives   seek   a  spiritual  path.  

Aries   forehead,   Leo   solar   plexus,  Sagijarius  thighs  !

Minor  Arcana  Wands/Fire  

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Cups/Water  cards  are  about  emo\ons,  rela\onships  and  human  feelings.  They  are  mainly  about  love  rela\onships.  They  signify  connec\ng,  flowing,  and  nurturing.    

Cups/Water  cards  are  oxen  about  the  rela\onship  of  mother  to  child,  lovers,  or  individually,  about  connec\ng  our  feet  to  the  ground.  

Cups/Water  cards  may  also  indicate  the  occult  or  addic\ons.  They  signify  the  quest  or  search  for  the  Universal  or  the  Divine.  Cups/Water  influence  the  need  of  boundaries.  

Cancer  chest,  Scorpio  pelvis,  Pisces  feet  !

Minor  Arcana  Cups/Water  

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Earth/Pentacle  cards  are  everything  physical  or  literal.  They  are  about  work,  money  issues  and  structure.    

They  put  everything  into  prac\cal  perspec\ve.  Earth/Pentacle  cards  point  out  our  physical  needs.    

The  suit  of  Earth/Pentacle  is  also  known  equally  known  as  Disks  or  Coins.  A  five  star  pajern  oxen  appears  on  these  cards,  symbolizing  the  human  body.  

Taurus  neck,  Virgo  colon,  Capricorn  knees  


Minor  Arcana  Pentacles/Earth

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Major  Arcana  !

Breaking  the  Major  Arcana  into  3  rows  of  7  cards  each  leaving  the  Fool  to  stand  alone  clarifies  the  22  karmic  cards.

Fool    lives  in  between  the  Chakras

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Consciousness:  outer  concerns  Body

Major  Arcana  I  -­‐  VII

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Major  Arcana  VIII  -­‐  XIV

Subconscious:  search  inward  to  find  who  we  really  are  


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Superconscious  development  of  a  spiritual  awareness  


This  Elemental  spread  gives  the  querent  helpful  informa\on  in  specific  parts  of  their  lives.  The  spread  Major  Arcana  XV  -­‐  XXI

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Court  Cards  There  are  4  Courts  for  each  suit.  They  represent  either  specific  people,  aspects  of  yourself  or  psychological  states  that  influence  the  majer  at  hand.    King/Knight         Father  wise  one    Queens         Mother  nurturer          Knight/Prince       Son/teens        Page/Princess       Daughter/child  !Each  court  card  suit  represent  all  3  elemental  body-­‐anatomy.    !Sub  elements  are  due  to  “rank”  and  changes  the  quality  of  touch.    Kings  -­‐  earth    Queens  -­‐  water  Knights  -­‐  fire  Pages  -­‐  air  

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Prac=ces  In  order  for  change  to  occur  there  needs  to  be  movement  The  unique  thing  about  PWT  is  that  it  gives  specific  prac\ces    for  each  card  to  move  energy  and  change.

Major  Arcana  -­‐  Takes  the  meaning  of  the  card  into  account  to  create  mindful  medita\ons.  Minor  Arcana  -­‐  Gives  yoga-­‐like  exercises  directly  inspired  by  Polarity  Therapy  that  focus  on  specific  anatomy  related  to  each  card.  Court  cards  -­‐  Art  rituals  are  suggested  based  on  art  forms  designated  by  Polarity  theory.    Air/swords  -­‐  dance    Fire/wands  -­‐  visual  art  Water/cups  -­‐  cooking  Earth/pentacles  -­‐  sculpture/aroma  therapy

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earth air water fire

Physical  Sense  Work  Money  Structure  Methodical  Organize  Grounded  

Mental  Thoughts  

Contemplate  Ideas  

Movement  Speed  Disperse  Lightness  

Emo\onal  Love  

Rela\onship  Connect  Flowing  Recep\ve  Nurturing  Merging

Spiritual  Create  Insight  Passion  

Brightness  Ac\on  Focus  Vitality  

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Elemental  Spread  Direc=ons:  Focus  on  your  ques\on  or  inten\on.Shuffle  the  deck  and  spread  out  the  cards.Choose  four  cards,  one  at  a  \me,  and  place  them  from  right  to  lex  as  shown.  This  spread  does  not  reflect  the  Polarity  elemental  order.  You  may  choose  several  sets  of  four  cards  for  deepening  or  clarifying  your  ques\on. The  meaning  of  a  card  is  strengthened  if  it  is  in  the  placement  that  corresponds  to  its  element:  For  example:  a  fire  card  in  the  fire  (first)  placementWeakened  cards  are  as  follows:Water  card  in  a  fire  placementFire  card  in  a  water  placementEarth  card  in  an  air  placementAir  card  in  an  earth  placement  More  than  one  card  of  the  same  element  or  number  strengthens  the  meaning  of  those  cards  in  the  spread.  

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Posi=ve/Nega=ve  Cards  What  do  you  do  when  a  card  is  reversed? Typically,  reversals  indicate  the  opposite  meaning  of  a  card.  When  a  Polarity  Tarot  card  is  reversed  it  is  interpreted  as  contracted  or  stagnant  energy  that  needs  ajen\on.  Instead  of  asking  ques\ons  that  can  be  answered  with  “yes”  or  “no”  responses,  consider  opened-­‐ended  ques\ons.  

Suggested  ques=ons  clients  may  ask  of  the  cards:  •  What  can  I  learn  from  this  situa\on?    •  How  can  I  best  approach_______?    •  What  are  the  implica\ons  of  my  choice(s)?    •  What  are  and  how  can  I  overcome  nega\ve  circumstances?    •  How  am  I  off  course?    •  What  has  to  happen  for  me  to  reconnect  to  myself/another/a  situa\on?    •  What  is  going  on?    

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Miriam  Jacobs’s  comprehensive  guides  offer  a  system  to  ease  learning  the  Tarot.  Using  exercises,  tools  and  inter-­‐  connected  wisdom  you’ll  learn  to  deepen  the  metaphysical  connec'on  by  understanding  these  energies,  instead  of  being  controlled  by  them.

POLARITY  WELLNESS  TAROT      The  First  SomaHc  Deck  PWT  is  based  on  classic  Tarot.  Each  card  is  a  unique  digitally  designed  collage  that  shows  the  Polarity  Energy  Man,  who  highlights  areas  to  focus  your  ajen\on.  Color-­‐coded  references  integrate  anatomical,  astrological  and  elemental  ajributes.  Accompanying  the  deck  is  a  User  Guide  (with  Stephanie  Swafford)  that  contains  concise  card  meanings  with  suggested  mind  body  prac\ces.  !TAROT  and  the  CHAKRAS:  Opening  New  Dimensions  to  Healers  Discover  how  to  use  the  Tarot  and  the  Chakras  to  support  holis\c  views  and  to  alter  energy  systems,  thereby  affec\ng  pajerns  presented  to  you  in  the  cards.  This  comprehensive  guide  takes  the  Whole  into  account  by  including  medita\ons,  exercises,  bodywork  techniques,  home  remedies,  dietary  recommenda\ons,  and  the  use  of  crystals.  All  of  these  help  balance  energy  and  facilitate  change  of  the  physical,  mental,  and  spiritual  body.    

For  more  info  or  to  purchase  a  deck  or  book:  Miriam  Jacobs          hjp://polaritytarot.com    Facebook:  PolarityTarot    Miriam@polaritytarot.com  !

Polarity Wellness Tarot Basics


In   this   hec\c   and   challenging  world,  we   strive   for   balance,   ease  and  op\mal  health.  In  this  quest  over  25  years,  Miriam  Jacobs  dis-­‐covered   the   deeper   elemental   energy   within   the   Tarot.   Author  and   deck   creator,   Miriam’s   offerings   teach   how   the   Tarot’s  profound   connec\on   fuses   other   ancient   healing   systems,  (Astrology,  Numerology,  and  soma\c  wisdom   in  chakras,  energy-­‐based   bodywork,   Yoga,   and   more)   to   guide   a   deeper   insight,  wisdom  and  healing.  

Miriam’s   comprehensive   guides   offer   a   system   to   ease   learning  the  Tarot.  Using  exercises,  tools  and  interconnected  wisdom  you’ll  learn   to   deepen   the   metaphysical   connec\on   by   understanding  these  energies,  instead  of  being  controlled  by  them.  

Axer  a   successful   career  as  a  visual  ar\st,  Miriam  found  herself  drawn  to   the  healing  arts  and  began  her  formal  studies  in  1989.  She  trained  at  the  Polarity  Wellness  Network  in  New  York  City  and  was  cer\fied  by  American   Polarity   Therapy   Associa\on.   She   received   cer\fica\on   in   Swedish   Esalen   massage   from   the  McKinnon  Ins\tute  in  1996.  Miriam’s   private   prac\ce   in   the   San   Francisco   Bay  Area   uses   both   Polarity   Therapy   in   bodywork   and   her  Tarot  deck  to  guide  healing  for  clients.    

Miriam  Jacobs 
