Policing and crime element of council tax consultation January - February 2015


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Policing and crime element of council

tax consultation January - February


How have we done this year?

Crime DownOverall crime reduced by 3% from December 2013 to November 2014

Public Confidence and SatisfactionPublic confidence measured in the Spring / Summer survey is 86.6%

Victim satisfaction to November 2014 is 87.7%

A good HMIC Assessment of Wiltshire PoliceDru Sharpling, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary states:

“in terms of its effectiveness, in general, the force is good at reducing crime and preventing offending, is good at investigating offending and good at tackling anti-social behaviour, the efficiency with which the force carries out its responsibilities is good”

The Challenges for next year

Maintaining and improving performance as funding reduces

A 5.1% cash reduction in grant, limited local increase, 1.3% cost increases, means….










2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


0% Ctax Increase

1.9% Ctax Increase

Budget requ

Funding Gap

Our Current funding

This is different from councils – 60% of Wiltshire Councils and 52% of Swindon Borough Councils funding comes from Council Tax

With nearly 2/3rds of the funding coming from grants any increase in Council Tax will only cover part of the 5.1% lost grant

The impact on Council Tax

This consultation is about a proposed increase of £3.06 a year (a 1.9% increase)

The current Band D council tax of £160 per household is the lowest in the region

£3.06 would provide funding of £345k in 2015-16 and £728k in 2016-17 – helping negate a small portion of the lost grant

What impact will the funding choice have?

What is the gap?A £3.06 increase in Council Tax increase will leave a funding gap of £3.3m (£3.6m with no increase)

How is this gap to be filled?It is intended that the Force will work in partnership with councils and other police forces to deliver better services in single locations and single teams, purchasing and working smarter together.

How about the long term?Further funding reductions are expected. With no council tax increases a £13m gap is expected over the next 3 years. With small council tax increases the gap if forecast at £11m.

Give your feedback

• Consultation from Tuesday 6 January – Wednesday 4 February 2015

• Commissioner and members of his team attending Wiltshire Area Boards and Swindon Locality meetings

• Read more about the proposal and give feedback on the Commissioner’s website – www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk
