Political Structures Florence and Venice in the Renaissance HI320



Political Structures Florence and Venice in the Renaissance HI320. How does Venetian and Florentine government evolve in the period and why? What are the sources of power and who has it? How do you achieve stable government?. C11-12 communal governments elected own leaders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Structures

Florence and Venice in the Renaissance HI320

• How does Venetian and Florentine government evolve in the period and why?

• What are the sources of power and who has it?

• How do you achieve stable government?

•C11-12 communal governments

•elected own leaders

•riven with conflict

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Justice, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, C14th

The Venetian Commune

• general assembly elects dux (doge)

• no feudal nobility

• short terms of office

• Great Council (Maggior Consiglio)

The doge

Giovanni Bellini, Doge Leonardo Loredan (1501-2)

Serrata• late C13th:

limiting of guild power

• closing of the Great Council c. 1297

• hereditary status to nobles

• libro d’oroSala del Maggior Consilio, Ducal Palace

•cittadini class

•popolani excluded

Pyramid of Government

Doge: elected for life

Signoria: Doge + 6 councillors + 3 heads of the Forty (8 month term)

Pien Collegio: Signoria + 16 Savi

Senate (Pregadi): c. 300

(1 year term)Maggior

Consilio: all adult male patricians

Council of Ten

• created 1310 after Querini Tiepolo conspiracy

• state security

• by-pass bigger councils

• quick, secretive, summary justice Chamber of the Council of Ten, Doge’s


Florence’s Palazzo dei Priori (Palazzo Vecchio),


The Florentine Republic

•Signoria = 8 priors (6 month term)

•Gonfaloniere della giustizia

•12 Buonuomini + Gonfalonieri di compagnia + Signoria = Tre Maggiori

•scrutiny (scrutinio)

The Medici

• Giovanni di Bicci (c. 1360-1429) builds fortune

• banker to pope

• Cosimo di Giovanni (1389-1464) takes over 1420s

• 1433 exile

• 1434 triumphant return!

Medici power

• accoppiatori

• elections a mano

• use of balìa

• Cento council created 1458

• international network

• peasant army

• patronage: parenti, amici, viciniCosimo ‘il vecchio’ de’ Medici

Piero di Cosimo ‘the gouty’ (1416-70)

• takes over 1469

• charisma, international


• ‘Golden age’ of culture

• Pazzi conspiracy 1478

• Council of 70

Lorenzo di Piero ‘the Magnificent’ (1449-92)

Lorenzo de’ Medici’s death mask

• Lorenzo dies 1492

•1494 son Piero di

Lorenzo kicked out

• new Great Council

• influence of Savonarola

• 1502 Gonfaloniere a

vita Piero Soderini

Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, later Pope Leo X

(r. 1513-21)

• 1512 Medici return

•1527 Florentine


• Clement VII (r. 1523-


• 1532 Alessandro de’

Medici = ‘First Duke of

the Florentine Republic’

Duke Cosimo de’ Medici

(r. 1537-74)


•contado vs. distretto

•bigger towns left to administer, judge, tax

•negotiation with individual communities


•revolt of Pisa 1494-1509

Italy at the Peace of

Lodi, 1454

Lion of St. Mark, Verona

• Rule by consent

• Degree of autonomy

• Renegotiation of


• Venetian justice

• Elites could not join

Great Council

• Major ecclesiastical

positions for Venetians
