Population Biology Output


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VOLUME 1 NON-LINEAR PROBLEMS IN MECHANICS OF CONTINUA Edited by E. Reissner (Brown University, August 1947)

VOLUME 2 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY Edited by A. H. Taub (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 1948)

VOLUME 3 ELASTICITY Edited by R. V, Churchill (University of Michigan, June 1949)

VOLUME 4 FLUID DYNAMICS Edited by M. H. Martin (University of Maryland, June 1951)

VOLUME 5 WAVE MOTION AND VIBRATION THEORY Edited by A, E. Heins (Carnegie Institute of Technology, June 1952)

VOLUME 6 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Edited by / . H. Curtiss (Santa Monica City College, August 195 3)

VOLUME 7 APPLIED PROBABILITY Edited by L. A. MacColl (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, April 1955)

VOLUME 8 CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Edited by L. M. Graves (University of Chicago, April 1956)

VOLUME 9 ORBIT THEORY Edited by G. Birkhoff and R. E. Longer (New York University, April 1957)

VOLUME 10 COMBINATORIAL ANALYSIS Edited by R. Bellman and M. Hall, Jr. (Columbia University, April 1958)

VOLUME 11 NUCLEAR REACTOR THEORY Edited by G. Birkhoff and E. P. Wigner (New York City, April 1959)


VOLUME 13 HYDRODYNAMIC INSTABILITY Edited by R. Bellman, G. Birkhoff, C. C. Lin (New York City, April 1960)


VOLUME 15 EXPERIMENTAL ARITHMETIC, HIGH SPEED COMPUTING, AND MATHEMATICS Edited by N. C. Metropolis, A. H. Taub, J. Todd, C. B. Tompkins (Atlantic City and Chicago, April 1962)




VOLUME 18 MAGNETO-FLUID AND PLASMA DYNAMICS Edited by H. Grad (New York City, April 1965)

VOLUME 19 MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Edited by J. T. Schwartz (New York City, April 1966)


AMS SHORT COURSE LECTURE NOTES Introductory Survey Lectures


VOLUME 22 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Edited by G. H. Golub and J Oliger (Atlanta, Georgia, January 1978)

VOLUME 23 MODERN STATISTICS: METHODS AND APPLICATIONS Edited by R. V. Hogg (San Antonio, Texas, January 1980)

VOLUME 24 GAME THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Edited by W. F. Lucas (Biloxi, Mississippi, January 1979)

VOLUME 25 OPERATIONS RESEARCH: MATHEMATICS AND MODELS Edited by S. I. Gass (Duluth, Minnesota, August 1979)

VOLUME 26 THE MATHEMATICS OF NETWORKS Edited by S. A. Burr (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1981)

VOLUME 27 COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Edited by L. A. Shepp (Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1982)

VOLUME 28 STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS Edited by R. Gnanadesikan (Toronto, Ontario, August 1982)

VOLUME 29 APPLIED CRYPTOLOGY, CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROTOCOLS, AND COMPUTER SECURITY MODELS By R. A. DeMillo, G. I. Davida, D. P. Dobkin, M. A. Harrison, and R. J. Lip ton (San Francisco, California, January 1981)

AMS SHORT COURSE LECTURE NOTES Introductory Survey Lectures published as a subseries of Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics

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Volume 30








The AMS Short Course Series is sponsored by the Society's Committee on Employment and Education Policy (CEEP). The series is under the direction of the Short Course Advisory Subcommittee of CEEP.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title:

Population biology. (Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics, ISSN 0160-7634; v. 30. AMS short

course lecture notes) "Lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, popula­

tion biology, held in Albany, NY, August 6—7, 1983"—T.p. verso. Includes bibliographies. Contents: Mathematical population biology/Simon Levin—Population dynamics and

demography/James Frauenthal— Some mathematical problems in population genetics/Thomas Nagylaki-[etc]

1. Population biology—Mathematical models—Congresses. I. Levin, Simon A. II. Amer­ican Mathematical Society. III. Series: Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics; v. 30. IV. Series: Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics. AMS short course lecture notes. QH352.P57 1984 575.5'248'0151 83-21389 ISBN 0-8218-0083-3

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1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 92A15, 92A10, 92A17.

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Preface ix

Mathematical population biology


Population dynamics and demography


Some mathematical problems in population genetics


Evolution: game theory and economics


Optimal control and principles in population management


Graph theory, homology and food webs



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The lecture notes contained in this volume were presented at the AMS

short course on population biology, held August 6-7, 1983 in Albany, New York

in conjunction with the eighty-seventh summer meeting of the American

Mathematical Society.

Population biology is probably the oldest area in mathematical bio­

logy, but remains a constant source of new mathematical problems and the area

of biology best integrated with mathematical theory. The need for mathe­

matical approaches has never been greater, as evolutionary theory is

challenged by new interpretations of the paleontological record and new

discoveries at the molecular level, as world resources for feeding popu­

lations become limiting, as the problems of pollution increase, and as both

animal and plant epidemiological problems receive closer scrutiny.

The purpose of this course was to acquaint the participant with the

mathematical ideas that pervade almost every level of thinking in population

biology and to provide an introduction to the many applications of mathematics

in the field.

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Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984


Simon A. Levin


Mathematical population biology encompasses the modeling of a wide range

of biological problems, including the growth of natural populations, changes

in their demography and distribution, and alteration of their genotypic and

phenotypic compositions.

There are a number of important historical lineages leading to the present

state of the subject. Especially familiar to mathematicians are the works of

Volterra, Lotka, and Kostitzin (see Scudo and Ziegler, 1978) dealing with the

dynamics of populations, and the fundamental writings of Fisher, Wright, and

Haldane (see Provine, 1971) in theoretical population genetics. The contri­

butions of these pioneers began with Volterra's 1900 speech at the University

of Rome on attempts to apply mathematics in the biological and social sciences

(Volterra 1901-2; see Borsellino 1980), and they have continued even until the

present (see for example Wright, 1980, 1982). Work in epidemiology can also be

traced to the same period (e.g., Brownlee 1906), and mathematical studies in

genetics actually were initiated even earlier (e.g., Pearson 1896).

Of course, one can identify the impetus for quantitative demography as

deriving from much earlier work, especially that of Malthus (1798), and even

Malthus' writings were preceded by more than a century by the work of John

Graunt (1662). Graunt studied the birth and death rates of the human

population in London, from which he estimated quite closely the population

growth rate. He calculated that, neglecting immigration, the population would

double every 64 years. He further recognized that such a situation could not

have persisted since the Creation and that therefore the simplest exponential

growth model was inadequate. However, it was only somewhat later, and inspired

by Malthus, that such observations found expression in density-dependent

population models. To account for density effects, Sadler (1830) proposed a

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. 92A10, 92A15, 92A17

Supported by National Science Foundation Grant MCS-8001618

© 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page




model in which fecundity was inversely related to density; another approach was

due to Quetelet (1835) and Fourier (perhaps slightly earlier than Quetelet)

proposed purely phenomenological models, analogized from experience with

hydrodynamic forces. Quetelet introduced the notion of "resistance to

growth," which was proportional to the square of the rate of increase; but this

approach was not related to any specific biological mechanism (Hutchinson,


Finally (Hutchinson, 1978), Pierre Francois Verhulst (1838, 1845), moti­

vated by his colleague Quetelet, proposed the now famous logistic equation in

which the per capita rate of increase of population growth is assumed to be a

linearly decreasing function of population size. Numerous other density-

dependent population models have been put forth since, but the logistic is the

simplest which captures the features of a threshold population size, the "car­

rying capacity," above which population growth is negative due to intrapopu-

lation inference and below which growth is positive. Frauenthal, in his con­

tribution to the present volume, discusses in further detail the logistic and

other density-dependent models. For a fuller discussion of the discrete time

analogues of these population growth models, one is referred to May (1978) and

Levin and Goodyear (1980). Such discrete time models are especially appro­

priate to populations which do not breed continuously and are widely used in

fisheries science (Ricker, 1958).


It is important to understand the manifold purposes to which mathematical

models are put, and to realize that models constructed for one purpose can

neither be indiscriminately applied to other uses, nor judged by criteria other

than those appropriate to the intended use. Despite the need for predictive

capacity in evaluating the potential effects of human influences on natural

populations, most population models cannot meet the criteria necessary for

long-term prediction. Their general inadequacy arises because of the

cumulative influence of density-independent factors such as climatic fluctua­

tions, which introduce unpredictable parametric variation into models; the

propensity for many nonlinear models to propagate errors and to exhibit

sensitivity to certain parameters; and the inherent difficulties in estimating

parameters from data.

However, there are some models available, for example the forest growth

simulators of Botkin et al. (1972), which have been shown to be quite reliable,

at least for limited time horizons. In general, those models that perform best

recognize the stochastic nature of population processes, generating proba-


bility distributions rather than deterministic predictions, and that bypass

the critical stock-recruit relation, which plagues fishery science, by

considering the number of new recruits added to the population each year to be

independent of population size. This is quite appropriate in forest growth

models, especially when the spatial extent is limited and/or when the time

period is not so long as to exhaust the stored supply of available new recruits.

Forests accumulate and store potential recruits by burying seeds or by

maintaining young individuals in the understory, ready to take over when older

trees die.

Fish populations do not have such storage mechanisms. On the other hand,

some fish species do buffer themselves against some of the unpredictability of

nature by iteroparity (multiple spawning) and by producing huge excesses of

eggs. Thus, a case can be made in some situations, especially when the spawning

stock has not been severely depleted, for ignoring the details of the

stock-recruit relationship and treating population size as a random variable.

However, the appropriateness of this assumption and the limits of its

applicability represent central and hotly-debated issues in fisheries ecology.

Most mathematical models are not intended for prediction, and in fact may

or may not represent hypotheses concerning how real populations are regulated.

Models may be used to explore the consequences of particular, restrictive

assumptions which represent only part of the full picture; or may be used to

identify critical system components, linkages or parameters to be measured; or

may be used as mechanisms by which one identifies critical experiments, or

simply fixes ideas. (Levin 1980b, 1983a; Strong 1983).

For example, in fisheries biology, it is well-recognized that the sim­

plest discrete-time population models have the potential for exhibiting, with

respect to parametric variation, bifurcations to periodic solutions (Ricker

1954, May, 1974, 1978) or much more complicated behavior (Li and Yorke 1975,

May 1974), and that there are serious problems regarding the problem of param­

eter identification. Thus, and because even the correct form of such models is

not known, they are inadequate for predicting long-term population trends.

However, they have been extremely useful as pedagogical tools and for

developing theoretical constructs. For example, in epidemiology, a wide class

of models show the existence of a threshold population size for the establish­

ment of a disease (Anderson 1982). Different models may make different quan­

titative predictions concerning the numerical value of the threshold; but

consideration of a variety of such models may give order of magnitude approx­

imations or bounds, and even the demonstration that there exists a threshold

represents a major theoretical contribution.



This volume includes contributions by experts regarding a selection of

topics of current interest in population biology. In such a short collection,

it is impossible to be complete, and the reader is referred elsewhere for

further depth. General references for the application of mathematics in popu­

lation biology are May (1974, 1978), Levin (1978), and Roughgarden (1979);

basic references in population genetics include Ewens (1979), Nagylaki (1977),

and Crow and Kimura (1970).

The opening two contributions to the short course were Jim Frauenthal's

discussion of demographic theory (for other discussions see Nisbet and Gurney

(1982), Keyfitz (1977), Smith and Keyfitz (1977), and Impagliazzo (1984)), and

James Yorke's lecture on models of gonorrhea. Unfortunately, lecture notes for

Professor Yorke's lecture were not available for these proceedings, but the

reader interested in a fuller discussion will find it in Hethcote and Yorke

(1984). Basic treatises on epidemological models are Bailey (1957), Hoppen-

steadt (1975), Frauenthal (1980), and Anderson (1982). Demographic theory is

at the heart of mathematical population biology, and consideration of the

dynamics of infectious diseases represents an area of application in which

theory and data have been brought into close contact.

The second pair of lectures, by Thomas Nagylaki and Ethan Akin, reflect

several active aspects of modern evolutionary theory, ranging from explicit

population genetic models (including very current work on gene conversion) to

game-theoretic phenomenological approaches.

Evolutionary theory is concerned on the one hand with the patterns of

change in phenotypic distributions (e.g., observed characters) and secondly

with the genetic mechanisms which govern that change. The grand synthesis

which took place in the 1940's served to meld these approaches; but what this

synthesis actually meant is interpreted differently by different people and is

in need of constant reassessment as our knowledge of the molecular processes

changes (Mayr and Provine 1980).

Many ecologists use optimization and adaptation interchangeably and

assume that these are the obvious endpoints of natural selection. But natural

selection is an on-going, ever-changing processes in a changing environment

(Lewontin 1977, Gould 1977, Levin 1978, 1980a), and the process of optimization

does not guarantee an optimal end-product; nor is the notion of end-product

really appropriate to such a "game with Nature" in which the only real payoff

is being allowed to continue in the game (Slobodkin 1964). Furthermore, much

phenotypic expression is not under direct genetic control, and this is another


obstacle to be confronted by the adaptationist (Gould and Lewontin 1979).

The sense in which natural selection may be thought to optimize anything

at all is at the core of evolutionary theory (see for example Levin 1978,

Maynard Smith 1982) and is explored further in Ethan Akin's contribution to

this volume. In particular, the famous theory (Fisher 1983) that the mean

fitness of a population increases under natural selection, eventually reaching

some "adaptive" peak, is a very special result, valid only for situations in

which fitnesses are approximately constant. For most ecological situations,

the notion of constant fitnesses is not appropriate, and a modified approach is

needed (Levin 1978, Maynard Smith 1982).

The last two papers in the volume explore two other areas of active

current interest. Wayne Getz discusses the application of control theory to

the management of renewable resources (see also Clark 1976), and George

Sugihara presents results on the application of graph theoretical methods to

interpreting patterns in the structure of ecological food webs (see also Cohen

1978, Pimm 1982). Especially since Clark's 1976 book, bioeconomic problems

have been recognized as a rich source of mathematical problems, and as

constituting an area of great applied importance as human demands on renewable

resources increase. The investigation of food web structure also represents an

area which is quickly becoming one of the most active in ecological theory. It

is appealing both for its intellectual content, and its potential applied

importance as more and more attention is paid to possible ecosystem conse­

quences of anthropogenic perturbations.

There are a number of other important topics not treated in this volume,

for example host-parasite systems (Anderson 1982), coevolutionary models

(Anderson and May 1983, Levin 1983b), and models of dispersal and spatial

patterning (Skellam 1951, Okubo 1980, Levin 1974, 1983). It is hoped that

those topics that are represented here will be sufficient to provide an entree

to this exciting area, and that the additional references given will provide

the opportunity for delving further into the subject.



Anderson, R. M. (ed.). 1982. The Population Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: Theory and Applications. Chapman and Hall, London.

Anderson, R. M. and R. M. May. 1983. Epidemiology and genetics in the coevo-lution of parasites and hosts. To appear. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B.

Bailey, N. T. J. 1957. The Mathematical Theory of Epidemics. Griffin, London.

Borsellino, A. 1980. Vito Volterra and contemporary mathematical biology. pp. 410-417. In C. Barigozzi (ed.) Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathemat­ical Models in Biology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Botkin, D. B., J. F. Janak, and J. R. Wallis. 1972. Some ecological conse­quences of a computer model of forest growth. J. Ecol. 60:849-872.

Brownlee, T. 1906. Statistical studies in immunity: the theory of an epi­demic. Proc. Royal Society, Edinburgh. 26:484-521.

Clark, C. W. 1976. Mathematical Bioeconomics. The Optimal Management of Renewable Resources. Wiley, New York.

Cohen, J. E. 1978. Food Webs and Niche Space. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Crow, J. K. and M. Kimura. 1970. An Introduction to Population Genetics Theory. Harper and Row, New York.

Ewens, W. 1979. Mathematical Population Genetics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Fisher, R. A. 1930. Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Frauenthal, J. C. 1980. Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Gould, S. J. and R. C. Lewontin. 1979. The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: a critique of the adaptationist programme. Proc. R. Soc. B. 205:581-598.

Gould, S. J. 1977. Ever Since Darwin. Norton, New York.

Graunt, J. 1662. Natural and political observations mentioned in a following index, and made upon the Bills by Mortality of John Graunt Citizen of London. (reprinted in part in Smith and Keyfitz, Mathematical Demog­raphy) .

Hethcote, H. and J. Yorke. 1984. Gonorrhea transmission dynamics and control. To appear. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Hoppensteadt, F. 1975. Mathematical theories of populations: demographics, genetics and epidemics. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Philadelphia.

Hutchinson, G. E. 1978. An Introduction to Population Ecology. Yale University Press, New Haven.


Impagliazzo, J. 1984. Deterministic Aspects in Mathematical Demography. In press. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Keyfitz, N. 1977. Introduction to the Mathematics of Populations. With Revisions. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.

Levin, S. A. 1974. Dispersion and population interactions. Amer. Natur. 108:207-228.

Levin, S. A. (ed.). 1978. Populations and Communities. Studies in Mathe­matical Biology II. Studies in Mathematics 16. Mathematical Association of America, Washington.

Levin, S. A. 1980a. Some models for the evolution of adaptive traits, pp. 56-72 in C. Barigozzi (ed.), Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Levin, S. A. 1980b. Mathematics, ecology, and ornithology. The Auk 97:422-425.

Levin, S. A. 1983a. The role of theoretical ecology in the description and understanding of populations in heterogeneous environments. Amer. Zool. _21:865-875.

Levin, S. A. 1983b. Some approaches to the modelling of coevolutionary phenomena. pp. 21-66 In M. Nitecki (ed.). Coevolution. Chicago University Press, Chicago.

Levin, S. A. and C. P. Goodyear. 1980. Analysis of an age-structured fishery model. J. Math. Biol. 9:245-274.

Lewontin, R. C. 1977. Adaptation. pp. 198-214. In Enciclopedia Einaudi Turin. 1:198-214.

Li, T. Y. and J. Yorke. 1975. Period three implies chaos. Amer. Math. Monthly. 8^:985-992.

Malthus, T. R. 1978. An essay on the principle of population as it affects the future improvement of society, with remarks on the speculations of M. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and other writers. J. Johnson, London.

May, R. M. 1974. Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems. (Second Edition). Princeton University Press, Princeton.

May, R. M. 1978. Mathematical aspects of the dynamics of animal populations. pp. 317-366. In S. A. Levin (ed.) Populations and Communities, Mathe­matical Association of America, Washington.

Mayr, E. and W. Provine. 1980. The Evolutionary Synthesis. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Maynard Smith, J. 1982. Evolution and the Theory of Games. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Nagylaki, T. 1977. Selection in One- and Two-locus Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Nisbet, R. M. and W. J. C. Gurney. 1982. Modelling Fluctuating Populations. Wiley, Chichester, New York.


Okubo, A. 1980. Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Mathematical Models. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Pearson, K. 1896. Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution. Note on reproductive selection. Proc. Royal Society. 59:301-305.

Pimm, S. L. 1982. Food Webs. Chapman and Hall, London.

Provine, W. 1971. The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics. Chicago University Press, Chicago.

Quetelet, A. L. J. 1835. Sur l'homme et le developpement de ses facultes; ou essai de physique sociale. Bachelier, Paris.

Ricker, W. E. 1954. Stock and recruitment. J. Fish. Res. Board. Can. 11:559-623.

Ricker, W. E. 1958. Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 119.

Roughgarden, J. 1979. Theory of Population Genetics and Evolutionary Ecology: An Introduction. Macmillan, New York.

Sadler, M. T. 1830. The Law of Population. J. Murray, London.

Scudo, F. M. and J. R. Ziegler. 1978. The Golden Age of Theoretical Ecology: 1923-1940. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Skellam, J. G. 1951. Random dispersal in theoretical populations. Biometrika 38:196-218.

Slobodkin, L. B. 1964. The Strategy of Evolution. Amer. Sci. 52:342-357.

Smith, D. and N. Keyfitz. 1977. Mathematical Demography. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Strong, D. R., Jr. 1983. Natural variability and the manifold mechanisms of ecological communities. Amer. Natur. 122:636-660.

Verhulst, P. F. 1838. Notice sur la loi que la population suit dans son accroissement. Correspondences Mathematiques et Physiques 10:113-121.

Volterra, V. 1901-2. Sui tentutive di applicazione delle matematiche alle scienze biologiche e sociali. Ann R. Univ. Roma. pp. 3-28.

Wright, S. 1980. Genie and organismic selection. Evolution 34:825-843.

Wright, S. 1982. Character change, speciation, and the higher tax. Evolution 36:427-443.


Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984

Population Dynamics and Demography


1. Introduction. This paper surveys some of the topics which have been of recent interest in the areas of population dynamics and demography. Generally, population dynamics is concerned with models for the interaction of species and demography with models for the growth of an age-structured population. For two reasons, this paper will focus on human demography. The models tend to be less well known than those from other areas of population biology and some of the popular techniques for dealing with age-structure are finding their way into the larger area of population biology.

Although there are numerous references throughout this paper, there is one which is so useful and comprehensive that it deserves special notice. It is an annotated collection of fifty-six of the historically most important papers in mathematical demography, edited by David Smith and Nathan Keyfitz [25].

2. Population dynamics. It is customary to count only the females of a species and to assume that males are present in sufficient numbers for reproductive purposes. In addition, populations are ordinarily viewed as closed to migration both in and out. This means that the only way to join a population is to be born and the only way to leave the population is to die. However, since there is no age structure, birth and death have the same effect, but with opposite signs. Consequently, our generic, continuous time model is of the form:

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 92A15. Key words and phrases. Demography, population dynamics.

© 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page




^-f^-^r[Pit)]Pit) (1) at

where Pit) is the number of individuals in the population at time t, and r, which is the called the intrinsic rate of growth, is the excess of births over deaths as a function of the number of individuals. Note that if Pit) is interpreted as a vector, the model can represent multi-species interactions. Although this is an interesting topic, it will not be pursued here (see J.C. Frauenthal [7]).

2.1 The simplest models. There are several well known models for the growth of a single species in isolation. If the intrinsic rate of growth is assumed to be a constant, riP)=r0, then the population grows (or shrinks) exponentially. This trivial model is often associated with the name of the eighteenth century English cleric T.R. Malthus [18] who was interested in the apparent ability of humans to reproduce faster than evolving technology could support. Another popular model represents the intrinsic rate of growth as a linearly decreasing function of population size, riP)=r0[l— P/K]. This model, which is usually called the logistic equation, possesses a globally stable equilibrium point at P^K, with K called the carrying capacity of the environment. This second model is usually associated with the name of the nineteenth century demographer, P.F. Verhulst [27]. It is worth noting that the logistic model has found wide application over the years as biologists and demographers have attempted to fit data to theory. One can, of course, go on in this manner increasing the order of the polynomial representation of the intrinsic rate of growth. However, it is really unreasonable to try to justify any form higher than second order on physical (biological) grounds.

2.2 Some alternative formulations. One immediately obvious defect of the first models discussed is that all treat population numbers as continuous and deterministic. An alternative formulation is as a birth and death stochastic process. Models of this sort are employed in so many branches of the sciences that they are not really peculiar to population modeling and will not be discussed here (see Goel and Richter-Dyn [8]). Another way to introduce non-determinism into the models is by adding noise terms directly to the differential equations to produce stochastic differential equations. Since there is not yet agreement as to the proper solution techniques, as evidenced by the Ito/Stratonovich controversy, this area has generated considerable mathematical, as well as biological, interest (see J. Roughgarden [23]).

Another obvious defect of the earlier models is that they do not allow for the effects of past population size. One can, for example, replace the logistic kernel by a term of the form


riP) = r0\l-Jpir)Qit-r)dr\ (2) L —°° J



fQ(i)dt-l/k 0

For Q(g) a gamma density, this model converts the non-oscillatory stable point at P=K into an oscillatory stable point (see R.M. May [20]). The lesson to be learned here is that in general the effect of time delays is destabilizing. Another interesting set of models result if QiQ is taken to be a Dirac delta function. This converts the ordinary differential equation into a delay differential equation (see Cushing [3]). Delay differential equations are often used as models of epidemic processes, where the delay corresponds with an incubation period.

The entire system of equations may also be recast in discrete time; the result is a system of difference equations. Equation (1) for a single species might be replaced, for example, by

Pt+l =R[Pt]Pt (3)

where R now plays a role similar to the intrinsic rate of growth, and Pt is the population at time t. Considerable work has been done on difference equations of this form both in the mathematical and the biological literature (see T.Y. Li and J.A. Yorke, [15] and R.M. May, [19]). Typically, models of this sort are used to describe the growth of species such as insects and certain fishes which live in isolated generations. It is well known that for large ranges of the parameter values, such models admit an aperiodic trajectory which is almost indistinguishable from the trace of a random process. Such behavior has been aptly called chaos.

3. Demography. As with the models just discussed, it is assumed that only females are counted and that no migration occurs. This means that all new members of the population enter at age zero and are then subjected to mortality as they grow older. Consequently, separate functions will be needed to specify births and deaths. Before defining these, it is convenient to introduce pia,t), the population age density, which is defined such that piaj)da counts the number of individuals in the population between ages a and a+da at time t. It then follows that the total population, Pit), is given by


Pit) = fpia,t)da. (4a) o

where Pit) plays the same role here that it did in the models without age-structure. Recognizing that age and time increase at the same rate allows the


basic model for the population age density to be derived easily from the formal definition of the derivative; the result is

dpj^o. + MMI + ^ M _ o. (4b) 9a at

The function pia,P) is called the force of mortality, and is defined such that lxia,P)da is the probability of dying within the age interval from a to a-\-da when the total population size is P. The production of newborns is assumed to be distributed over some age interval according to a fertility or maternity function, pia,P). This function is defined such that f$ia,P)da is the number of daughters born to a woman during the age interval a to a-\-da when the population is P. Typically, there is an age below which fertility is zero (menarche) and and age beyond which fertility is zero (menopause). The band-limited nature of the function is useful mathematically. It follows that


Bit) - p(0,f) - f/3ia,P)pia,t)da (4c) o

where Bit) is called the birth trajectory. The set of equations (4a-c) was first derived in 1926 by the Scottish military officer and mathematician A.C. McKendrick [17]. Perhaps due to their complexity (a hyperbolic partial differential equation with two integral side conditions) these equations were overlooked until their reintroduction in 1959 in a paper by H. von Foerster [28].

3.1 Mortality and the life table. An age cohort is a group of individuals who were born in the same year. Cohorts experience the mortality which is appropriate to their age group at the time they are the particular age. This gives rise to two logical ways to report mortality experience. One is the cohort mortality which reports the mortality experience of a particular cohort as it passes through successive ages in successive years. The second is the period mortality which reports the mortality as experienced at a certain point (or short interval) of time for each cohort alive at that time.

Imagine a synthetic cohort which is composed of a fixed size initial group of newborns (typically taken to be 100,000) at a particular point in time. These individuals are subjected to the current newborn mortality experience for a year. The survivors are simultaneously subjected to the one-year-old mortality experience for a year, and so forth for all subsequent ages. Thus, during a single year the synthetic cohort is subjected to the period mortality experience of all age groups in the population. The survival statistics for the synthetic cohort is called the life table. To compute the life table, assume that the force of mortality is independent of secular changes. This allows (4b) to be reduced to an ordinary differential equation for piaj)=pia) which is called the survivorship function. The equation is easily integrated formally to yield


—J n(a+x)dx

p(a+n) = pia)e ° (5)

Developing a life table from census data and vital statistics raises some interesting questions in data analysis and approximation techniques. For a discussion of a non-iterative method, see Keyfitz and Frauenthal [12].

3.2 Stable population theory. Continuing with the assumption that mortality does not change with time allows Equation (4c) to be replaced by an integral equation which is familiar from renewal theory:


Bit) -Git) + fBit-a)pia)piaf)da (6) o

where Git) accounts for births to women in the population at time zero and the integral represents births due to all successive generations of their female offspring. This formulation was first introduced in 1911 by F.R. Sharpe and A.J. Lotka [24], who subsequently noticed that a formal solution exists if one assumes that the fertility depends only on age. This formal solution, which is referred to as stable population theory, is discussed at length in Keyfitz [11] and Pollard [22]. It is easily shown that the solution is of the form:

Bit) - 2C/* r ' ' <7a> i -0

where the r( are the roots of the characteristic equation oo

Je~r'apia)fiia)da - 1 (7b) o

and oo


Qi - i H <7c> fae~r,apia)pia)da o

It is easily shown that the characteristic equation admits one real and an infinite set of complex, conjugate root pairs, all with real parts smaller than the real root. Consequently, as time passes, the effects of the conjugate root pairs die away relative to the real root, and the birth trajectory grows exponentially. In essence, this is just an age-structured analog of the Malthusian model discussed earlier. Obviously, many extensions are possible, though few have been investigated seriously to date.

There is a discrete time version of the model just discussed which was introduced in 1945 by the British biologist P.H. Leslie [14]. This formulation


has received considerable attention from both the human demography and population biology communities because of its computational convenience. Since one ordinarily keeps track of age groups instead of exact ages, a discrete formulation is useful. Further, the Leslie model simultaneously accounts for all age groups instead of just the trajectory of births.

If by analogy with the population age density, p(a,t), a population age group density kit is defined for age groups i —l,2,...,n and times steps / =0,1,2,... , it then follows that survival to the next age class can be modeled by the expression

fci+U+i - Pi kitt : i - 1 , 2 /f ; t =0,1,2,... (8a)

where Pt is the fraction of the females in age group i at time t who survive to be in age group i + l at time f+ 1. Similarly, reproduction can be represented by the expression

* U + i - S ^ * u : ' -0 ,1 ,2 , . . . (8b) i - i

where Mt is the number of daughters per female in age group i who survive through the time interval in which they are born. Clearly, these two equations can be neatly represented in matrix form. A discrete analog of stable population theory follows easily from standard matrix operations. For details, see Keyfitz [11] and Pollard [22].

3.3 Momentum of population growth. Stable population theory can be employed to determine certain properties of populations. For example, assume that a population has been growing in a stable manner for a long time, so that

V p(a,t) - B0er° -r0a p(a) (9)

A common measure of the rate of growth of the population is the net reproduction rate


Ro = fp(a)p(a)da (10) o

Note that R0> 1 corresponds with r0>_0. Next, assume that at t = 0 there is an abrupt shift in maternity so that Ro=l (and thus r"0 = 0.) Further, the maternity shift occurs by a uniform scaling at all ages so the new maternity function becomes /3(a) = (3(a)/R0. After the transients die out, B(t)=Boo and p(a,t) = Boop (a). It is not hard to show that the ratio of the ultimate to the initial population size is accurately approximated by ^//^o (see Frauenthal [5]). This result demonstrates that a stably growing population which immediately assumes reproduction which eventually just balances mortality possesses a growth momentum which is due to its age structure.


3.4 Microdemography of kinship. Yet another use of stable population theory results from the observation that stable growth implies a fixed genealogy. Goldman [9] has derived methods for using a probabilistic interpretation of fertility and mortality to allow a sample survey of a population concerning living and surviving kin to be used to estimate the vital rates for the population as a whole.

3.5 Strong, weak and stochastic ergodicity. Several interesting theorems can be proven concerning the age-structure of populations subjected to fixed or changing regimes of mortality and fertility. These can generally be proven for both the continuous and the discrete formulations of the problem. In effect, stable population theory contains the strong ergodic theorem which can be stated as follows. Imagine that there are two isolated initial populations which are subject to identical, fixed vital rates. As time passes, the two populations asymptotically approach having the identical age structure.

The weak ergodic theorem is considerably harder to prove (see Lopez [16] for the original solution and Parlett [21] for a recent interpretation.) This theorem may be stated as follows. Imagine that there are two isolated initial populations which are subject to identical, changing vital rates. As time passes, the two populations asymptotically approach having the identical age structure. Recently Cohen [1,2] has extended these theorems to include the moments of the age structures of populations whose vital rates are chosen independently according to a Markov chain.

3.6 Easterlies hypothesis. One possible extension of stable population theory is based upon an observation by Easterlin [4] that human fertility varies inversely with the cohort size of the mother. This idea was introduced into the discrete formulation by Lee [13] and the continuous formulation by Frauenthal [6]. Equation (4c) takes the form


Bit) - Git) + fB(t-a)p(a)t3(a,t)da (11a) o


(3(a,t) = /3(a)M[B(t-a)l (lib)

If /9(a) is normalized so that oo

Jp(a)fi(a)da - 1 ( l ie) o

then M[B(t—a)] may be interpreted as the cohort net reproduction rate. This is represented in the form

BM[B] = E + (l-y)(B-E) + g(B-E) (lid)


where B =*E is the equilibrium birth trajectory, 7 is a parameter which measures the strength of the Easterlin effect, and the function g(B—E) contains only the quadratic and higher terms.

It is not hard to show by linearized analysis that there is a critical value of 7 which has associated with it a doubling of the period of oscillation of the dominant roots of the solution. Recently, Swick [26] showed that for reasonable conditions on the shape of M[B], a Hopf bifurcation occurs as the period doubles.

3.7 Age independent mortality. Although very little can be said in general about the basic model (4a-c), another computationally useful transformation is available if it is assumed that the force of mortality is not a function of age and that the fertility function can be represented in the form:

P(a,P) =p(P)^e-aa (12) n\

where n is a non-negative integer. Although the assumption of age independent mortality is severe, it may be realistic for a species living in a harsh environment. Given certain physically reasonable restrictions, M.E. Gurtin and R.C. MacCamy [10] have demonstrated that the partial differential equation (4b) can be transformed into a set of n+2 coupled, non-linear, ordinary differential equations of the form:

- - -[p(P)+a]A0 + \p(P)AH (13a) n\

- -lii(P)+a]Am + m Am.x : m -1,2,...,/* (13b)


dA m dt

dP dt

2£- = -ii{P)P + ${P)An (13c)

where the auxiliary variables are defined by 00

4 W - -^rfame-aap(a,t)da : m -0,1,...,/! (13d)



Bit) =${P)An{t). (13e)

This set of equations is particularly attractive because it allows for simple models of age-structured population interactions analogous to those discussed earlier. Substantial amounts of work still remains to be done in this area.


4. Concluding remarks. This paper attempts to highlight topics of continuing interest in the area of population mathematics. Although large amounts of work have been done on the interaction of species, this area was mostly ignored in favor of a discussion of models which investigate the development of an age-structured population. This area seems to be attracting the interest of mathematical biologists, even though it finds most of its historical origins in the work of human demographers. Based on the nature of the problems which arise as one attempts to introduce age-structure into models of population interactions, it is safe to say that many hard and interesting practical problems still exist in this area of mathematical biology.


1. J.E. Cohen, Ergodicity of age structure in populations with Markovian vital rates. I. Countable states, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. A, 71, (1976), 532-583.

2. J.E. Cohen, Ergodicity of age structure in populations with Markovian vital rates. II. General states, Adv. Appl. Prob., 9, (1977), 18-37.

3. J.M. Cushing, Integrodifferential Equations and Delay Models in Population Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977.

4. R.A. Easterlin, The American baby boom in historical perspective, Amer. Econ. Rev., 51, (1961), 869-911.

5. J.C. Frauenthal, Birth trajectory under changing fertility conditions, Demography, 12, (1975), 447-454.

6. J.C. Frauenthal, A dynamic model for human population growth, Theo. Pop. Biol., 8, (1975), 64-73.

7. J.C. Frauenthal, Introduction to Population Modeling, Birkhauser, Boston, 1980. 8. N. Goel and N. Richter-Dyn Stochastic Models in Biology, Academic Press, New York,

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population dynamics, Math. Biosci., 43, (1979), 199-211. 11. N. Keyfitz, Introduction to the Mathematics of Population with Revisions, Addison-Wesley,

Reading, Massachusetts, 1977. 12. N. Keyfitz and J.C. Frauenthal, An improved life table method, Biometrics, 31, (1975), 889-

899. 13. R.D. Lee, The formal dynamics of controlled populations and the echo, the boom and the

bust, Demography, 11, (1974), 563-585. 14. P.H. Leslie, On the use of matrices in certain population mathematics, Biometrika, 33,

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992. 16. A. Lopez, Weak Ergodicity, from Problems in Stable Population Theory, Office of Population

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21. B. Parlett, Ergodic Properties of Populations I: The One Sex Model, Theo. Pop. Biol., 1, (1970), 191-207.

22. J.H. Pollard, Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1973.

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Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984


Thomas Nagylaki1

ABSTRACT. Two areas of theoretical population genetics, geographical variation and the evolutionary effects of molecular turnover process­es, are discussed, with emphasis on unsolved problems. The deter­ministic problems primarily involve functional iteration; the sto­chastic ones concern Markov chains and diffusion processes. In the area of geographical variation, limiting results, invariance prin­ciples, and robustness are treated. Among molecular turnover pro­cesses, most attention is devoted to gene conversion at a single locus.


Population genetics concerns the genetic structure and evolution of natu­

ral populations. The genetic composition of a population is usually described

by genotypic proportions, which may depend on space and time. These geno-

typic frequencies are determined by a few elementary genetic principles and

the following evolutionary factors.

Various genotypes may have different probabilities of surviving to adult­

hood and may reproduce at different rates. Differential mortality and fertil­

ity are the components of selection. Unless the population is in equilibrium,

selection will change the genotypic and allelic frequencies in accordance with

the expected number of progeny, called fitness, of the various genotypes.

Natural selection has been recognized since Darwin as the directive force of

adaptive evolution.

The action of selection is strongly affected by the mating system. If

mating occurs without regard to the genotypes under consideration, we say it is

random. This is the simplest situation and, at least approximately, appears to

be frequently realized in nature. We say there is inbreeding if related indi­

viduals are more likely to mate than randomly chosen ones. Assortative mating

refers to the tendency of individuals who are similar with respect to the trait

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. 92A10. Key words and phrases. Geographical variation, subdivided populations, stepping-stone model, gene conversion. Supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB81-03530.

© 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page




in question to mate with each other. Disassortative mating means that pheno-

typically dissimilar individuals mate more often than randomly chosen ones.

Nonrandom mating influences genotypic frequencies. In the absence of selection,

inbreeding does not change gene frequencies, but assortative and disassortative

mating may. This may happen if the mating pattern is such that some genotypes

have a higher probability of mating than others.

Mutation designates the change from one allelic form to another. Clearly,

it directly alters gene frequencies.

In spatially structured populations, migration must be taken into account.

It can affect not only the geographical composition of the population, but the

amount of genetic variability as well.

Unless some of the parameters, such as the selection intensities, required

to specify the elements of evolution described above fluctuate at random, these

evolutionary forces will be deterministic. In a finite population, however,

allelic frequencies will vary probabilistically due to the random sampling of

genes from one generation to the next. This process is called random genetic

drift. Its causes are (nonselective) random variation in the number of off­

spring of different individuals and the stochastic nature of Mendel's Law of

Segregation. Evidently, the smaller the population, the larger is the evolu­

tionary role of random drift. No matter how large the population is, however,

the fate of rare genes still depends strongly on random sampling.

The genomes of higher organisms contain a significant proportion of re­

peated DNA sequences, which may be arranged tandemly on a chromosome or dis­

persed throughout one or more chromosomes. Within a single phylogenetic spe­

cies, the DNA sequences within one family of repeated genes are often wery

similar. Multigene families that serve a similar function in closely related

species, however, may show considerable divergence from each other (Arnheim,

1983). These observations have stimulated the investigation of the evolution­

ary effects of molecular turnover -processes', unequal crossing over, replica-

tive transposition, and gene conversion.

Unequal crossing over between sister chromatids can lead to sequence homo­

geneity of tandem arrays (Smith, 1973; Tartof, 1973). In a finite population,

the same holds for unequal crossing over between homologous chromosomes. In

Figure 1, we display schematically the effect of unequal crossing over; A,9

A*, and A^ represent repeats. Ohta (1983a and references therein) has studied

extensively various evolutionary models of this process. Although the simplest

case (Ohta, 1976) has been formulated and solved exactly (Nagylaki and Petes,

1982, p. 332), challenging mathematical problems remain in more general and

important situations.


"Ai A2




A, + 0( l 3 l


FIGURE 1. Unequal crossing over.

In the genomes of both lower and higher organisms are found DNA sequences

that are capable of replication and transposition to new sites (Campbell, 1983).

The distribution in a population of the number of such transposable elements per

individual is of great biological interest and has been recently investigated

(Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1983; Kaplan and Brookfield, 1983; Langley,

Brookfield, and Kaplan, 1983). Further research is required in this area, espe­

cially with regard to the effects of natural selection, linkage,and finiteness

of the number of available sites (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1983).

Gene conversion is the non-reciprocal transfer of information between two

genes (Nagylaki and Petes, 1982). As indicated in Figure 2, this can occur

between genes on a single chromatid, on sister chromatids, and on different

(homologous or non-homologous) chromosomes. Gene conversion can produce se­

quence homogeneity of tandem and dispersed multigene families (Edelman and

Gaily, 1973) and can significantly influence evolution at individual loci (Gutz

and Leslie, 1976; Lamb and Helmi, 1982; Nagylaki, 1983a,b; Walsh, 1983). Con­

version is biased if one of two interacting genes has a higher probability of

converting the other than vice versa. The dynamics of the probabilities of

genetic identity under unbiased gene conversion has been examined at the popu­

lation level (Ohta, 1982, 1983a,b; Nagylaki, 1983c; Ohta and Dover, 1983). A

more complete analysis of this stochastic process has not been performed. The

major open problem is the extension of the study of biased conversion in a

single chromosome lineage (Nagylaki and Petes, 1983) to a population. Note


also that the creation of new alleles by gene conversion has not been explored

(Nagylaki, 1983a). This process has been investigated, however, for intragenic

crossing over (Golding and Strobeck, 1983; Hudson, 1983).

|Al^rA2 A2




FIGURE 2. Gene conversion.

The analysis of the joint action of all the above evolutionary forces is

prohibitively difficult, and even if it were possible, would almost certainly

lead to results too complex to be illuminating. We can obtain insight by

analyzing models that incorporate judiciously chosen subsets of evolutionary

forces. In Sections 2 and 3, we treat some aspects of geographical variation

and gene conversion at a single locus, respectively. We present the biological

assumptions and the results; for discussions and proofs, the reader should con­

sult the references.

The genetic background required is wery briefly sketched and genetic terms are indexed and defined in Nagylaki (1977a); Crow (1983) expounds basic genet­

ics lucidly and concisely. Mal£cot (1948), Kempthorne (1957), Moran (1962),

Ewens (1969, 1979), Wright (1969), Crow and Kimura (1970), Maruyama (1977),

Nagylaki (1977a), Bulmer (1980), and Kingman (1980) treat various aspects of

theoretical population genetics. The bibliography of Felsenstein (1981) has

almost complete coverage of the field through the end of 1980.


To achieve some coherence of biological and mathematical formulation, sev­

eral topics properly subsumed under the title of this section will be omitted.


The discrete models mentioned in this paragraph involve multidimensional non­

linear functional iteration; the continuous ones concern nonlinear parabolic

partial differential equations. Nagylaki (1977a, Ch. 6) and Karlin (1982)

treat migration-selection polymorphism in subdivided populations. There is also

a rich literature on the existence, uniqueness, and stability of such polymor­

phisms in spatially and temporally continuous models (Fife and Peletier, 1981;

Yanagida, 1982). The rigorous incorporation of random genetic drift into these

models is difficult (Nagylaki and Lucier, 1980), and many basic problems are

unsolved in this area. Weinberger (1982) discusses the wave of advance of

genes favored uniformly throughout the habitat. Finally, genotype-dependent

migration leads to surprisingly hard mathematics even in the absence of all

other evolutionary forces (Nagylaki and Moody, 1980; Moody, 1981); here too,

major problems of existence, uniqueness, and stability remain open.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, the following assumptions will hold

throughout this section.

(i) The population is diploid and monoecious.

(ii) A finite number of randomly mating colonies exchange migrants.

(iii) Generations are discrete and nonoverlapping.

(iv) The analysis is restricted to a single locus.

(v) The migration pattern is fixed and ergodic (i.e., time independent, ir­

reducible, and aperiodic).

Let N. represent the number of adults in colony i. We employ the back­

ward migration matrix, M9 to describe the pattern of dispersion: m.. desig-

nates the probability that an individual or gamete in colony £ comes from col­

ony j. Migration is conservative if and only if it does not change the sub-

population numbers. By the ergodicity of the nonnegative stochastic matrix

M, the eigenvalue one of M is nondegenerate (= simple) and exceeds all other

eigenvalues in modulus; we may choose the left eigenvector v corresponding to

this unit eigenvalue to have only positive components (Gantmacher, 1959, Vol.

II, Ch. 13). Thus, the conditions

0 < v . < l , I v. = 1, Y v . m . . = v . (1) v J

uniquely determine v. Let K. and N denote the proportion of adults in colony

i and the total population number. Then

Ki = Ni/NT, 0 < Ki < 1, 1 ^ = 1 . (2) i

The effective population number

N8 = mT, s= (l4/Ki) ' {3)


satisfies N < N , with equality if and only if K = v, which occurs if migra­tion is conservative (Nagylaki, 1980).

We treat neutral and selective models separately.

2.1 Neutral Models

We focus here on general migration patterns. Sawyer (1976, 1977a,b, 1978, 1979), Rusinek (1982), and Sawyer and Felsenstein (1983) analyze some important special cases in depth; see Nagylaki (1977b, 1978) for references to the rest of this extensive literature. In this subsection, we impose two more assump­tions.

(vi) There is no selection at the locus under consideration. (vii) Every allele mutates at rate u (0 < u < 1) per generation to new alleles.

We examine two models: gametic and diploid dispersion. In both of them, the subpopulation numbers are finite only at the adult stage and random drift oper­ates through population regulation.

For gametic dispersion, let f . . ( t ) designate the probability that two dis-tinct genes chosen at random from adults just before reproduction in generation t (= 0,1,2,...), one from colony i and one from colony j, are the same allele. The probability of allelic identity is (in principle) a measurable functional of our rather complicated finite Markov chain. Its complement, 1 - /.., is an index of the amount and pattern of genetic diversity in the population. In particular, 1 - /.. is the expected heterozygosity in deme i. We summarize our model in the life cycle below.

Adults >- Gametes >- Gametes •

N.9f.. gametogenesi s di spersi on ferti1i zati on


Zygotes • Zygotes • Adults mutation regulation

I- J id

Then (Malgcot, 1951; Sawyer, 1976; Nagylaki, 1980)

% = »[lt Vjlfkl + I Wjk&k^ V - fkk)] . (4)

where v = (1 - u) and the prime indicates the next generation. Complete ran­dom union of gametes implies that a proportion ^/N. of the individuals in col­ony i are produced by self-fertilization.

As t -> ooj f. ,(t) •> ?. ., the unique equilibrium of (4); f. . = 1 for eyery i and j, which corresponds to a completely homogeneous population, if and only if u = 0, i.e., there is no mutation (Malgcot, 1951; Nagylaki, 1980).

In contrast to the above model, suppose now that diploids disperse and selfing does not occur, [There is a similar theory for selfing at rate 1/tf̂


(Nagylaki, 1983d)]. Let I. .(t) represent the probability th.at two genes chosen I'd

at random from distinct adults just before reproduction in generation t, one from deme i and one from deme j, are the same allele. We designate by J . ( t ) the probability that the two genes of an adult chosen at random from deme i just before reproduction in generation t are the same allele. Thus, J. is the expected homozygosity in colony i. We display our formal scheme below.

Adults y Zygotes • Zygotes • reproduction migration mutation

N .,T. .9J. °°5^>- °°j->-

Zygotes > Adults regulation

«>,-,- N.9I'..9J:

Instead of (4), now we have the more complicated model (Sawyer, 1976; Nagylaki, 1983d).

I'.. ^ i.kl Ah m^nxn + \ Wj*(s**rl(1 + Jk - 2 J ^ ] > (5a>

J i * v l miKXW ( 5 b )

As t -> °°, [ 7 . •{t)9j.[t)'] + [f. .,<?.] , the uniqu e equi l ibr iu m o f ( 5 ) ; I'tJ 1 I'd 1

i.. - 1 and 3. - 1 for ewery i and j if and only if u = 0 (Sawyer, 1976; I'd I*

Nagylaki, 1983d). In the remainder of this subsection, we investigate three aspects of the

models (4) and (5). Since the detailed analysis of (4) and (5) is difficult and often a geographically structured population behaves genetically like a panmictic one, it is natural to seek properties that are invariant under popu­lation subdivision. Even if the property being examined is not exactly invari­ant, approximate invariance may hold if migration is much stronger than all the other evolutionary forces, an idea that leads us to study the strong-migration limit. Finally, it is important to ask how well the classical model (4) approximates the usually more realistic model (5); this is an explicit and necessary, but not sufficient,criterion for robustness.

2.1a Invariance Maruyama's pioneering work on this problem is discussed in Nagylaki (1982).

Our first two results hold for gametic dispersion. For u > 0, the weighted means

7 - I. v/*,- 7o" *l b\fKJhi (6)

satisfy (Nagylaki, 1982)


. » ( W 0 ) s Wo m 1 ZN (1 - v) 4N u {/)

at equilibrium, where the approximation holds if u « 1. Since generally u is -5 of order 10 or less, this approximation is extremely accurate. Population

subdivision influences (7) only through the stationary distribution, v, of M and the niche proportions K. For conservative migration, J and fn simplify to

the general and local means for genes chosen at random and N = N . If u = 0, our stochastic process is an absorbing Markov chain. Therefore,

some allele will be fixed in finite time with probability one, and hence the

total number of heterozygotes formed by a new mutant (i.e., an allele initially

represented exactly once in the population) is finite with probability one.

For conservative migration, the expectation of this random variable is simply

ZN (Maruyama, 1971; Nagylaki, 1982), as for random mating.

If u = 0 and migration is conservative, for both gametic and diploid dis­persion a martingale argument establishes that the fixation probability of an

allele is precisely its initial frequency in the entire population (Nagylaki,

1980), again as for panmixia.

See Nagylaki (1980, 1982) for further results.

2.1b The Strong-Migration Limit

To investigate (4) and (5) at equilibrium, we assume that N = \x/u and let u •> 0 with M, K, and u fixed. In this limit, mutation and random drift are

much weaker than migration. We find (Nagylaki, 1980, 1983d)

W V1'*1 + ̂ (8)

as u -* 0.

To derive the rate and pattern of convergence to the equilibrium (8), we

suppose that M is fixed and all the demes are large, N. -> °° for every i. Thus,

migration dominates random drift, but the intensity of mutation is arbitrary.

By calculating the leading eigenvalue and eigenvector of the relevant linear

systems, we deduce (Nagylaki, 1980, 1983d)

•/„(*) - f^ ~ a[l + 0^)^v\\ - (2Ne)'] + 0(Nl2)f, (9a)

i.At) - i.. ~ YD + ofr-htfu - (ZN r 1 + 0(jf2)]*, (9b) L>tJ I ' l l &: fe: fc>

J At) - 3. ~ vy[] + oiN-J^O - (2^) _ 1 + 0(N-2)f (9c)

as t -> °°. The unevaluated constants a and y niay not be equal; they do not depend on the subscripts i and j. The error terms in (9) presumably differ

from one another and depend on i and j.


The only influence of population structure on (8) and (9) is the appear-



ance of N instead of N, and this effect disappears if migration is conserva-

The reader may wonder what happens in the weak-migration limit. The most

interesting case is that of equilibrium with u > 0. In view of the robustness

results below, it suffices to examine (4). Put

m . . = 6 . . + mX . ., id ij id

where 6.. represents the Kronecker delta, m -* 0+, and X.. is of order one. Id Id

Clear ly , X . . < 0 , X . . > 0 i f i f j , an d

I A . . = o . j %3

Substitut e

Jid id J id

into (4) at equilibrium and expand in powers of m. This leads to the zeroth-

order solution, which corresponds to isolated colonies,

*(0) _ v 1

J i i v + 2ff.(l-i>) 1 + ^ >u

?<»'-o, < „ (Malecot , 1946 , 1948 ; Kimur a an d Crow , 1964) , an d the f i r s t - o r d e r correct io n

„ m 4tf.X../(.9) 4 / y . X . . / ^

^ i i v + 2N.{1-vJ ~ 1 + 4ff.u *

J( 1) = j v ^ id dd ^ ^ ^ ^J•/Jt7 . rf . ^ j 1 - i; ~ 2w ' t f J '

where the approximations hold for u « 1. Notice that, as expected intuitively,

the homogenizing effect of random drift within colonies is weakened (/:. < 0)

and different colonies become genetically similar (f\ .' > 0 for i f j , provided I'd

A . . / 0 o r A . . / 0 ) . id J^

2.1c Robustness

The results (8) and (9) may be viewed as robustness theorems for strong

migration. For arbitrary values of the parameters, we confine ourselves to

equilibrium. Therefore, to avoid trivialities, we take 0 < u < 1. We posit

that the subpopulation numbers are all the same, N. = N for every £, and migra­

tion depends only on displacement, m . . = m. ., rather than on initial and. final ^d l~~d

positions separately. For the three migration patterns considered below, these

assumptions imply homogeneity of the probabilities of identity: / . . = / . . , I. . = j. ., J. = J. (10)


With the aid of (10), we can demonstrate that

\J - fQ\ < lu + |JQ - ?Q|. (11)

As discussed below (7), u « 1; therefore, by dint of (11), it suffices to establish that J. is well approximated by /. for every i.

For an infinite lattice in d dimensions and for colonies in a "circle,"

0<^-- 1 < min (Zu±) (12)

i for every i. In the case of the lattice, the number of colonies is, of course, infinite, and if d > 2, i represents a vector with integral components. For n equivalent islands, the elements of the backward migration matrix are given by

wher e m denote s the

m. .

migratio r


U/( i r a te .


m9 t> -

n - 1) , i f

The n we hav e

1 < min(6u , - j

J ,


for every i.

Since u « 1 and generally N » 1, the bounds (12) and (13) are very strin­gent. Equations (10) to (13) and a number of other results are proved in Nagylaki (1983d). The proofs of (12) and (13) depend on explicit representa­tions of the solutions. If a bound similar to (12) and (13) exists for arbi­trary M> it will probably be necessary to prove it by less obvious manipulation of (4) and (5).

2,2 Selective Models

Since selection is intrinsically nonlinear, its treatment in a subdivided population is usually difficult. We replace assumptions (vi) and (vii) by the following two hypotheses.

(vi*) There are n (< °°) alleles, 4,, A~9 ..., A . (vii*) Selection acts only through viability differences; the genotype A Av has

constant viability w. .-, in colony i.

Let the random variable p. . designate the frequency of A. in colony i in adults just before reproduction. Our life cycle is the following.

Adults > Zygotes > Adults reproduction selection migration

^ ̂ , J rW M>»«7 Adults > Adults > Adults

mutation regulation


In this scheme, population regulation causes multinomial sampling of genotypes

at the end of eyery generation. In the diffusion approximation, to which we

restrict ourselves, this is the same as the biologically less rigorous, classi­

cal model of multinomial sampling of genes (Nagylaki, 1980, 1982). Furthermore,

if, instead of adult migration, we posit juvenile migration (i.e., we inter­

change selection and migration in our life cycle) or gametic dispersion, the

same results hold (Nagylaki, 1980, 1982), which makes them robust in the sense

used above. Consequently, we need to investigate only invariance and the

strong-migration limit.

2.2a Invariance

Solely for the analysis of invariance, we impose the following additional

assumptions. It would be highly desirable to establish results under more

general conditions.

(viii) There are two alleles, 4-. and Ar>-(ix) There is no mutation.

(x) The selection pattern is the same in all demes and is purely additive:

w,-, = 1 + s, 7j-|2 = 1> Wjy = 1 - s. (14)

(The choice w-.? = 1 is a convention; (14) is the most general deme-independent scheme without dominance.)

(xi) Migration is conservative.

To obtain the diffusion limit of our Markov chain, put

s - a(2NTy\ m.. - S.. + y ^ ) " 1 * Ofr"2) (15)

and let fl -> °° with K., a, and u.. fixed for eyery % and j. This means that 1 1 1Q

all evolutionary forces are weak, as is often the case. In this limit, the

fixation probability of A-,9 all moments of the total number of heterozygotes

that appear in the population, these moments conditioned on fixation of A^9

and the last two functionals restricted to an infinitesimal gene frequency

interval are the same as for random mating (Maruyama, 1972; Nagylaki, 1982).

2.2b The Strong-Migration Limit

Suppose A . mutates to A . at rate u.. (by convention, «.. = 0). We take 1 J 1Q 11

the diffusion limit by setting

u.. = \x..(2N ) " \ w. .- = 1 + a. .A2N ) _ 1 (16)

and letting N -> °° with K., y.., a. .,, and M fixed for ewery £, j, and k. & 1 1Q 1 , J ri

Define the weighted mean gene frequencies P. and the local deviations q. .: P. = Y v.p. ., q. . = p. . - P.. (17)


Then, as N -> °°, q([2N x]) -> 0 in probability for x > 0 and P(t2N x]) has the same limiting diffusion as for random mating, with scaled selection intensities

»jk -1 v * , # < 1 8 > (Nagylaki, 1980). Again, population subdivision manifests itself only through N and v, and hence its effect disappears for conservative migration.

Assuming that there are only two alleles, the migration matrix is symme­tric, and the deme sizes and selection coefficients are the same in all colo­nies, Slatkin (1981) has calculated the fixation probability in the weak-migration approximation. More work is needed on this topic.

3. GENE CONVERSION The results presented in this section, which is restricted to pure gene

conversion, are proved in Nagylaki (1983a); see Nagylaki (1983a,b) for analyses of the joint action of gene conversion and other evolutionary forces. We posit the following.

) The diploid, monoecious population mates at random. i) Generations are discrete and nonoverlapping. ii) The analysis is confined to a single locus.

v) Selection, mutation, and random drift are absent. This requires that the population be very large.

(v) Even if gene conversion occurs, an A.A. individual can produce only A. and A • gametes.

A skew-symmetric matrix B determines the effect of gene conversion on allelic frequencies; we denote the probability that an A .A . individual produces an A . gamete by ~-(l + b. . ) , where b. . = -b .. and | b .. | < I for every i and j . The allele A. has a conversional advantage over A . if 2?.. > 0; conversion is unbiased if b . . = 0. Let p . { t ) represent the frequency of A . in generation t (= 0,1,2,...). For n alleles, the single-generation changes in the allelic frequencies read

AP; = Pi I b p , (19)

which maps the simplex

p > 0, I p. = 1 (20)

^=l into itself.

The interior, or completely polymorphic, equilibria (i.e., those with p. > 0 for every i ) satisfy Bp = 0. Therefore, if n is odd, interior equili­bria may exist; generically (i.e., if B has rank n-1) there exists at most one such equilibrium. If n is even, generically dets f 0, and then an interior


equilibrium does not exist.

To study the dynamics of (19), it is fruitful to associate with each n-allelic conversion pattern an oriented graph (Harary, 1969) with n points. The

point i corresponds to the allele A . ; the points i and j are connected if and

only if conversion between A . and A . is biased (2?.. i 0); if A. has a conver-

sional advantage with respect to A . (&.. > 0), the directed line that connects d I'd

i and j points from j to i. (See Figures 3, 4, and 5 for examples.) If the

alleles can be divided into two or more disjoint sets such that conversion is

biased only within each set, (19) easily reveals that these sets evolve inde­

pendently of each other and the total gene frequency of each set is constant.

Therefore, without loss of generality, we may restrict our attention to connec­

ted graphs.

3 3

AA 1 (a) 2 1 (b) 2

3 3 3 AAA 1 (c) 2 ' (d) 2 1 (e) 2

FIGURE 3. The connected oriented graphs with three points.

Next, we state three principles that enable us to analyze directly many

conversion patterns.

Principle 1. If A . has a conversional advantage relative to e^ery allele

to which it is connected (i.e., A^ is a sink), then all those alleles are ulti­mately lost. In particular, if a sink A. is connected to ewery other allele,

then it is ultimately fixed.

For instance, in Figure 4, A, is a sink, so Pn^Po^P^ -̂ 0, but p-. -> 1

may not occur (e.g., Figure 3b).


FIGURE 4. A} is a sink.

Principle 2. If A . has a conversional disadvantage relative to e^ery al-

lele to which it is connected (i.e., 4. is a source), then A . is lost or those 7s % In particular, if a sources, is con-alleles are lost (or possibly both)

dtoevery other allele, then A

For instance, in Figure 5, ,4-j is a source, so p-, -> 0 or p^V^V^ + 0;

nected to every other allele, then A . is lost.

0 may not occur (e.g., Figure 3c),

FIGURE 5. 41 is a source.

Principle 3. If there exists a unique, isolated completely polymorphic

equilibrium p and the initial gene frequency p(0) f P, then p{t) converges to

the boundary of the simplex (20).

Remarks. Equivalently, we assert that p{t) permanently leaves e\/ery com­

pact interior set of the simplex. This implies

lim inf pJ,t) = 0 (21) t -> °°


for some i. Notice that no allelic frequency need remain small: in many cases,

as in Figure 6, lim^^p^t) ? 0 for any i. From Principle 3 and the discussion

at the beginning of this section of the existence of completely polymorphic

equilibria, we conclude that convergence to the boundary occurs for many con­

version patterns if the number of alleles is odd.

FIGURE 6. An orbit corresponding to Figure 3e.

Principles 1, 2, and 3 yield a complete analysis for n = 2 and n = 3; ex­tensive numerical investigation of (20) was carried out for n = 4 and n = 5. The results strongly suggest the following conjectures.

Conjectures. Suppose that p(0) is not an equilibrium. (£) If conversion

is biased within at least one pair of alleles, then p(t) converges to the boun­

dary of the simplex (20). This implies that the frequency of at least one

allele must become arbitrary small, i.e., (21) holds for at least one i for

every connected oriented graph, (ii) If conversion is biased within es/ery pair of alleles, then the frequency of at most one allele can fail to become arbi­

trarily small, i.e., (21) fails for at most one i for eyery tournament.

If these conjectures are correct, then in the absence of mutation and

selection, the biological ubiquity of small random perturbations implies that

biased gene conversion at a single multiallelic locus diminishes intrapopula-

tion genetic variability by decreasing the number of alleles. If conversion is

biased within eyery pair of alleles, ultimately only one allele survives.

Which alleles are lost often depends on random genetic drift and other stochas­

tic perturbations that may affect gene frequencies. Therefore, biased conver­

sion must frequently contribute to the genetic divergence of isolated populations.



I thank T. Petes for helpful discussions.


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Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984


Ethan Akin

Not man alone but all organisms face the economic problem.

Limited resources of time, energy and environmental provender must

be allocated among the demands of maintenance and reproduction.

In recent years biologists have been adapting theories of the hu­

man economy to the problems of biological populations.

A population is a subset of a species which is sufficiently

isolated that intraspecific interactions, eg. mating, take place

amongst members of the subset. We will assume the population is

large enough that we can usefully measure the numbers or mass of

subpopulations by continuous variables.

In our models the individuals of the population have a choice

of actions or strategies from a set I. I will either be a finite

set of discrete alternatives or the continuous range of one or more

real variables. Each i e I has an associated payoff A. which it

is in the individual's interest to maximize. Instead of selection

based on calculation and subsequent choice we assume that the pat­

tern of strategies in the population is shaped by natural select­

ion. The relatively less successful strategies are gradually

eliminated from the population as they are reproduced less fre­

quently. Thus, the payoffs A. will often be measured in terms of

© 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page



38 Ethan Akin

"fitness" or net reproductive rates.

We will concentrate on single populations and ignore inter-

population effects like competition and predation. The examples

which remain break roughly into two classes according to whether

or not there is feedback of the population strategy choices upon

the payoff values.

Simple Optimization Models; In these cases the A.'s depend

on environmental conditions which may vary with time (eg. weather)

or with the total population size (density-dependence) but they do

not depend on the frequency of the strategy choices in the popu­

lation. Finding the optimum is then a classical economic calcu­

lation of costs versus benefits.

A widely studied example concerns life history strategies.

Suppose the population is divided into age classes with x the size

of age class a (= l,..,,n). Writing X(t) for the column vector

of these age classes at time t, the population dynamic is assum­

ed to be given by the Leslie matrix model described by Dr. Frauen-


(1) X(t + 1) = LX(t)

L =

m l • •

P l o . . 0


m n


n - 1

where m and p are, respectively, the average fecundity and sur­

vival probability of an individual of age a. Defining £ = 1 and

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 39

& = Pn ••• P (a = 2,...,n) the dominant eigenvalue of the non-

negative matrix L is the positive root of:

(2) £ X"a^ m = 1. a a a

This eigenvalue X is called the asymptotic growth rate. As

discussed by Dr. Frauenthal, the distribution of age classes ap­

proaches that of the normalized right eigenvector of L: the stable

age distribution. When the population is at the stable age dis­

tribution each age class grows geometrically with ratio \.

Equation (2)--essentially the characteristic equation—defines

X as an implicit function of the entries of L. The strategies

are alternate matrices L. and the payoff is X(L.). The subpopula-

tion with the largest X outcompetes the rest by growing—event­

ually—at a faster rate.

While X is a monotone function of the m *s and p 's, there

are assumed to be biological constraints on these variables. For

example, a trade off between reproductive effort and maintenance

at age a can be represented by a constraint F(m ,p ) < C where

F is monotone in each variable. A detailed analysis due to W.D.

Hamilton is described by Roughgarden [5; Chapter 19], In economic

language p is increased until the marginal benefit of further in­

crease is equal to the marginal cost of the associated decrease in

m where value is measured by \.

Density dependence is introduced by assuming that the m 's

and p 's are decreasing functions of the population size

x = £ x . X then becomes a decreasing function of x and so, a a

40 Ethan Akin

assuming Lim + X(x) > 1 > Lim X(x), we get a unique value x,

called the carrying capacity, at which X(x) = 1. Through the de­

pendence of L upon x(t) system (1) becomes nonlinear and has a

unique nonzero equilibrium with population size x and stable

age distribution for L(x).

The strategies are now alternate matrix functionsL. where the

common independent variable x applied to all the L.'s in the pop­

ulation is the population size summed over all age classes of all

strategies. The payoff is x(L.). Suppose that L.. has the largest I l*

carrying capacity. When x < x (L . . ) then \ (L..) > 1 and the i* sub-l* l*

population increases while once x is greater than the remaining

x(L.)'s, \ (L.) < 1 and the remaining subpopulations decrease.

Models with Frequency Dependence; These models exhibit stra­

tegic feedback. If p is the distribution of strategies in the

population then the payoff A. is a function of p. In contrast to

simple optimization models, strategic feedback imports into the

biological context all of the complexities of noncooperative games.

This subject is not so much a theory as a folklore of interesting

examples illustrating the difficulty of even defining a solution

or optimum. Maynard Smith's great contribution was not merely to

introduce game theory to biology but to define a useful and general

solution idea: the evolutionarily stable state (ESS). A distribu­

tion of strategies is evolutionarily stable if it does better

against any slightly perturbed distribution than the perturbed

distribution itself. Formally, if A.(p) is the payoff to strategy

i, when the population is in state p, then the payoff to a distri­

bution q is its expected value:

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 41

Ag(p) = f Ai(p)q(di) = 2 l Ai(p)qj.

where the latter sum formulation applies when I is finite. So

p* is an ESS if for all p near p*

(3) A^(p)^A p(p)

with equality only when p = p*. By writing p = (l-e)p* + e<3 for

an arbitrary distribution q and e > 0 we can use linearity in

the subscript variable to get the equivalent condition of nonin-

vadability: for all distributions q and all e > 0 sufficiently


A (d-e)p* + cq) ̂ A ((l-€)p* + eq),

with equality only when q = p*.

While Maynard Smith's definition was static the implied dyna­

mic was made explicit by Taylor and Jonker [20] in the case where

I is finite. Let x. be the size of the i-strategist subpopula-

tion so that x = £ x. is the total population size. Define

p. = x./x so that p lies in the simplex ^ i i

A = [p e E : p. ̂ > 0 and £ p. = 1}. We assume that the payoff

A.(p) is the relative reproductive rate and so:

dx. ,

i QX (4) "5F = x i V p ) and li = x V p ) ' where the latter equation is obtained by summation since x. = xp..

Because d in p. = d #n x. - d p x we can subtract to get:

dp. (5) -r~ = P. (A (p) - A (p)).

at l i p

42 Ethan Akin

Taylor and Jonker observed that an ESS is always a locally

stable equilibrium point for the dynamical system (5). This result

was sharpened by Hofbauer, Schuster and Sigmund to the following

theorem whose statement requires a bit of game theory terminology.

For any distribution p e &, a strategy i e I is called active for

p if it occurs in the population. The set of active strategies

is called the support of p, i.e. supp(p) = {i e I: p. > 0 } # The

strategies of full support, or interior strategies, consist of the


set A = fp e A: p. > 0 for all i e i).

1 Theorem; (a) p* e & is an equilibrium for (5) if and only if

every strategy active for p* has the same payoff when the popula­

tion is in state p*, i.e. A.(p*) is the same for all i e supp(p*).

This common value is A ^(p*). (This condition is due to Bishop and p*


(b) For any p* e & the function of p:

P* I (p) = -E p* j£n(p./p*) (summation over the support of p*) is a

smooth, nonnegative function on the open set

P* (p e A; supp(p) z> supp(p*)). I (p) = 0 precisely when p = p*.

(c) p* € A is a n ESS if and only if it is an equilibrium for

P* (5) and, in addition, I is a local Lyapunov function, i.e. on

some neighborhood of p*

<*> ^ .

with equality only at p*.

Proof; (a) From (4) p* is an equilibrium if and only if A.(p*)

= A (p*) for all i e supp(p*). But if A.(p*) = C for all p* i

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 43

i G supp(p*) then C = 2 p*C = £ p*A.(p*) = A ^(p*) because the 1 1 1 p*

summations are the same carried out over supp(p*) or all of I.

(b) By concavity of the log function:

I P (P) 1 -4n(£ pjfp^p*)) ^ -m(l) = 0

with equality only when p. and p* have a common ratio for

i € supp(p*) and this support equals that of p., i.e. p* = p.

(c) (6) follows immediately from (3) because at p:

P* (7) % " = 2 P£(Ap(p) - A i(p)) = Ap(p) - A p #(p).

Again, summation over supp(p*) is the same as summation over I.

From this it follows that p* is a locally stable equilibrium. The

direct proof that an ESS is an equilibrium is interesting in itself

and we will return to it later. QED

The application of both sorts of models raise issues which

are currently controversial in evolutionary theory. Some auth­

ors object that optimization attributes a degree of perfection to

biological adaptation more appropriate to the operation of reli­

gious design than to the piecemeal., myopic process of natural

selection (see [3]). There may be additional biological con­

straints beyond those apparent in the structure of the model. The

obverse of this same objection is that the degrees of freedom re­

maining in the model must actually be available as real or poten­

tial variability in the population for natural selection to act

upon if motion to the optimum is to be achieved. In my view this

objection says little more than that speculative predictions re-

44 Ethan Akin

quire empirical testing before they are taken too seriously. Other

more technical problems are suggested by the models themselves.

For example,, in the density dependent age-structure case I glossed

over the question of local stability of the equilibrium and the

possibility of nonequilibrium attractors, eg. limit cycles. When

these occur competition between competing subpopulations using

different strategies can no longer necessarily be described by max­

imizing some payoff function.

The other major issue concerns the level at which selection

acts. Instead of the harmonious progression of adaptive traits

selected "for the good of the species" we hear recently the more

dissonant theme of conflict of interests between individuals in

the population. The divergence of Darwinian natural selection

from presumed species benefit is revealed most sharply in the pro­

blem, first raised by Haldane [2], of altruistic traits.

We can illustrate the problem of altruism using the frequency

dependent model of equations (4) and (5). I consists of two

strategies: (1,2} with 1 the altruistic, or cooperative, trait

and 2 the cheating, or noncooperative, trait. So p is the frac­

tion of altruists in the population, and since the vector

P = (P-IJ>P9) = (P-i * l"P-i ) w e c a n regard the A;'s as functions of p

(i = 1,2). So (4) and (5) become

dx — = xA^(p) with A (p) = P1A1(p1) + (l-pl)A2(pl)

dp -£7 = P1(A1(p)-A (p)) = P1d-P1) (A1(pi)-A2(pi)).

The phenomenon of altruism arises when:

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 45

(8a) dA.

A.' (p_) = -r-^ > 0 for all values of p. (i = 1,2) l cl dp *i v ' J

(8b) A2( p i } > Al ( pi* f o r a 1 1 v a l u e s o f Pi-

Condition (8a) says that every increase in the frequency of al­

truists increases the fitness of both altruists and nonaltruists.

Condition (8b) says that the nonaltruists always do better, or in

game theory parlance, strategy 2 dominates strategy 1. See Figure


From the dynamic viewpoint domination, (8b), is all that mat­

ters. Pure altruism, fixation with p = 1, is an unstable equili­

brium. Any perturbation, any introduction of strategy 2, poisons

the population which then tends to fixation with p = 0 because

A- - A < 0. But (8a) makes this result appear paradoxical. Each

subpopulation does worse and worse as the frequency of altruists

decreases. Furthermore, the entire population also does worse

if we assume, in addition:

Figure 1

46 Ethan Akin

<3A (p)

^ > 0 for a l l v a l u e s of p.. , i . e .


^i^i* + (i-Pi^tei) > A2

(pi ) " V ^ '

In Figure 1 this says that the average slope exceeds the difference

between the two graphs.

While this model is simple it can be used to clarify an ex­

ample where even "individual benefit" leads to the same sort of

pitfalls as "group benefit".

The classic example of presumed altruism is the alarm call:

upon spotting a predator I scream and run. The effort of the

scream and the risk of attracting the predator's attention are

regarded as (possibly small) costs to me, while nearby conspe-

cifics receive the benefit of the warning. Trivers [15] suggests

that the call may be to my individual advantage because the preda­

tor who successfully hunts one of my species, even if not me or

my relatives, may be more likely to concentrate on my kind, putting

me at greater risk later (the "search image" hypothesis). This

would appear to solve the alarm call problem by reference to its

individual benefit. Trivers himself does not commit this beguil­

ing error as he refers to the need for spatial variation, of which

more below. However, some other authors, citing his discussion, do

fall into the trap. The mistake is revealed by considering compe­

tition between strategies rather than individuals. Even if cor­

rect, the above argument does not eliminate domination by the non-

cooperative strategy. It would mean that silent flight is a "spite­

ful" strategy which hurts me but hurts others more as we share the

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 47

search image cost while I save the alarm call risk cost. The level

of search image cost depends just on the frequency p but the risk

cost savings is the difference A (p ) - A (p ) which is positive.

So a supplementary explanation is still required. It is Dawkins

[14] who especially emphasizes the usefulness of this focus upon

strategies rather than individuals.

The honor of raising this issue to modern consciousness be­

longs to Wynne-Edwards, in [12] he argued that a number of alt­

ruistic traits are maintained by group selection, i.e. those popu­

lations which are poisoned by an increasing percentage of non-

cooperaters are outcompeted and eventually replaced by popula­

tions which have remained purely altruistic. Williams [13] re­

plied that group selection can successfully oppose individual se­

lection only under very unusual circumstances. The argument is

based on relative rates. Darwinian selection proceeds by differ­

ential births and deaths and so its time scale is the generation.

Group selection operates by differential extinctions and coloniza­

tions of entire populations and so has a time scale an order of

magnitude slower. Furthermore,, isolation between the competing

populations is required. Virtually any migration between popula­

tions will cause the infection of noncooperation to spread lateral­

ly between populations before prophylactic extinction can elimi­

nate it.

The current view is that the stability of an altruistic trait

requires some device whereby its possessor receives proportionally

more of the benefits of the altruistic acts than does the average

member of the population. This can be accomplished by donor

48 Ethan Akin

discrimination in favor of other altruists (Trivers1 reciprocal

altruism) or in favor of relatives (Hamilton's kin selection). In

the latter case kin of altruists are more likely than average to

carry the altruistic trait while kinship may be easier to recog­

nize than possession of the trait itself.

Stability can also result if the trait shows variation of

occurrence in a spatially extended population. This mechanism

is interesting because it does not require behavioral discrimi­

nation by the donors. D.S. Wilson [17] shows how this can happen

as a consequence of a statistical result which we may call the

Redhead Theorem: redheads in a population tend to see more red­

heads than the average person.

Suppose a population of size x is divided into subpopula-

tions with x the size of a subpopulation, x = £ x . Define

q = x /x. Suppose there are x altruists in population a so CX C o 1 C 6

that p, = x., /x is the frequency there. The mean frequency p., *ia la a 1

is given by:

E x (x, /x ) E xn / i n x „ a la a la (10) P-, = E q P, = = "^ • v *i Ma^la Ex Z x

a a

As an individual is in population a with probability q , equation

(10) says that p is the frequency of altruism observed by a ran­

dom member of the population. Now consider p the frequency of

altruism as observed by a random altruist. Because x, = x,J?,„ 2 ia ct la

we have

2 2 (1) Z x la p la S xa p la Z qa P la M t 2, ,

( 1 1 ) P l = r x n =

EX P l = Eq P l = Pi + ^ /Pi)

la a la a la

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 49


where cr is the variance of p computed via the distribution

q . To see this another way, note that, by Bayes' Theorem, an

altruist occurs in population a with probability

q i X ) = qapla/pl = Xla / E Xla

and (11) says that p = £ q p. • Similarly, the frequency of

altruism as observed by a nonaltruist is computed via

(12) p{ 2 ) = Z q^2)pla = P, " (a2/l-Pl)

If the effect of the altruistic acts are restricted to sub-

populations then the fitness of strategy i in population a is

A.(p ). SOj at least in the linear case illustrated by Figure 1,

the average fitness of an altruist is A (p ) and of a nonal-

(2) (2) (1) 2 truist is A (p ). As p < p with difference <j /p (1-p ) it

is easy to see graphically that A (p ) can be larger than

(2) A (p ) despite domination.

So far this analysis says that the predominantly altruistic

subpopulations may do sufficiently well that the frequency of the

altruistic trait increases. As Hamilton points out in a related

article [16] the requirements for stability are shifted in an

interesting way. Competition between isolated groups is not re­

quired. In fact, the groups can break up and reform after a dis­

persal stage. What is required is that the variance in the trait

which is diminished by selection be regenerated in some fashion.

Wilson shows by example that the variance generated by binomial

sampling alone in the dispersal stage may suffice.

50 Ethan Akin

For the remainder of the discussion I want to focus on the

special case of (5) where the payoffs A.(p) are linear. This means

that there is a constant matrix a.. representing the payoff to the

i player when he meets a j-opponent. A.(p) = a. = £ p.a.. and 1 lp j 13

A (p) = a s £ P.p.a... in this notation (5) becomes: p pp 1 D iD

dp. (13) ~ = P- (a. - a ).

dt *i ip pp7


Thus, every I x I matrix a.. yields a vectorfield X on A de­

fined by the right side of the above equation.

For example, the problem of altruism in the linear version

considers a 2 x 2 matrix a... Conditions (8b) and (9) reduce to:

(14) a 2 1 > a u > ( a 2 1 + a L 2 ) / 2 > a ^ > a ^ ,

and these imply (8a). To check the equivalence recall than an in­

equality linear in p is true for all values of p if and only if

it is true for the extreme values p = 0,1. This two-person game

is the celebrated Prisoner's Dilemma.

The dynamical system (13) arises in a number of different

contexts, eg. origin of life problems [22] and population genetics.

The discrete time version with an antisymmetric matrix is the mo­

del of gene conversion discussed by Professor Nagylaki.

The special case where the matrix is symmetric, i.e.

(15) a.. = a.. ID ]i

is the classical genetic model of natural selection for a large,,

sexual population. In that context I is the set of alternative

genes (alleles) at a position on the chromosome (locus). a.. is

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 51

the fitness of an ij zygote and so is symmetric by definition.

From the game theory perspective symmetry means that the two play­

ers always get the same payoff. The game appears to be totally

cooperative and the problem is to find where both players do best.

The result which verifies this intuition is known as Fisher's Fun­

damental Theoremof Natural Selection. Writing the mean payoff a

as a it is easy to check that

(16) |3 = 2z P±(^ip ~ a p p )2 ^ 0 (given (15))

with equality only at an equilibrium.

Furthermore,, the Maximum Principle of Kimura says that the

direction of the vectorfield, in the symmetric case, is that of

- a

greatest increase of a. This suggests that X is, up to a posi­

tive multiple, the gradient of a. However the ordinary gradient

- a

of a is not parallel to X . This corresponds to a peculiarity

in Kimura"s proof--which biologists have remarked upon—concerning

the meaning of a unit direction. The solution of this puzzle

is due to Shahshahani and Conley. To get the gradient of a func­

tion you begin with its differential and take the dual vectorfield

using a Riemannian metric. So the concept of gradient depends upon

the choice of Riemannian metric. The Shahshahani metric is a o

Riemanian metric on ^ different from the usual Euclidean metric.

Consider a vectorfield X on (E ) = {x e E : x. > 0 for

all i}. The associated differential equation is: dx. -TTT = X. = X. F . dt l i^i

52 Ethan Akin

so that X. is the absolute rate of increase of x. and £. = X./x. 1 1 1 1 1

is the relative rate of increase. The Euclidean notion of length

is given by

11X11* = E x N j x J ? |

which is independent of the point x at which the vector is based.

The Shahshahani notion of length is

Hx|!2 = s x 2 A . = s x.?2.

11 "x I l i^i

More generally if X and Y are vectors based at x with com­

ponents X. = X.F. and Y. = x.T). then the Shahshahani inner product

I i^i i I 'i

is defined by:

(17) < X> Y) X = * Xi Yi / xi = s xi*iV

The Shahshahani metric has proved to be natural for a number

of problems. For example, let U be a real valued function on

(E ) . The vectorfield X is the Euclidean gradient of U if

its components, the absolute rates, are the partials of U, i.e.

X. = - ° — . It is the Shahshahani gradient of U if the relative i &xi

rates are the partials, i.e. g. = . So in models which begin I 5X-

by describing relative rates of increase, the Shahshahani geome­

try is likely to be the natural one.

If we restrict to the open simplex J = ^ fl (E ) then the

unrestricted gradient must be projected onto the tangent space of

A which is E = {X: £ X. = 0}. So the Shahshahani gradient on

I of U at p is given by:

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 53

(18) (v U) . = p. (-̂ - — ) (evaluated at x = p) P 1 *! fcX. ^X ^

where -"— = £ p. . dx *i ^x±

Returning to equation (13) with a.. symmetric it is easy to


check from (18) that the vectorfield X is the Shahshahani gra­

dient of a/2. Thus, selection of gene frequencies acts to opti­

mize mean fitness a. Recall that a is the population growth

rate, i.e. the second equation of (4) is:

dx (19) - = xa.

We can introduce density dependence, as we did in the age-

structured model, by assuming the a..'s are functions of x as


da. ,1"1 < 0 a. . = a. . for all x dx 13 31

Lim _. a. . > 0 > Lim a. .. x^0+ lj x->oo ij

So for each p e & vie can define the associated carrying capacity

x = x(p) by the equation

(20) 0 = a(x) (= E p.p.a..(x)).

Notice that a > 0 (resp. < 0) if and only if x < x(p) (resp.

x > x(p)).

If we take the gradient of the equation (2 0) we get

- - da - - _ v a = — v x = 0 p a* p

where 7 a is the gradient with respect to the p variables with P

54 Ethan Akin

da. 1

dx ~ ^i^j dx

when x = x(p) the gradient of x points in the same direction as

x then fixed at x(p) and 7- = E p.p. ,1^ < 0. This means that

the partial gradient of a (= 2xa). This implies the following

which can also be computed directly from (20):

<21> S = ̂ Hiv~a / 2 ) | IP = " ^ s pi(aiP-aPP)2

(when x = x(p)).

Note that this is nonnegative, vanishing only at equilibrium.

Following Ginzburg [6] one can then show that the system tends to

equilibrium and that (p*,x*) is a locally stable equilibrium if and

only if x* = x(p*) and this value is a local maximum for the func­

tion x. As before density dependence replaces growth rate by

carrying capacity as the objective of optimization. Notice that if

we replace the dynamic adjustment (19) by instantaneous size ad­

justment: x = x(p) , then x(p) is a Lyapunov function for the new

system by (21) .

Let us return to the density independent case. A vectorfield

X on £ is just a function X: & -> En. By differentiating at

p e ^ we define a bilinear form called the Hessian of X at p:

(22) H (X)(Y.,Y ) = (D X(Y ),Y ) (Y^Y € R*) . p L 2 p i z p L 2 u

The Hessian is a useful tool for two reasons. The vector-

field X is the Shahshahani gradient of some function if and only

if the Hessian is a symmetric form at every point p e A- Secondly,

if p is an equilibrium, i.e. X(p) = 0, then the derivative at p,

D X: R^ -> R^, is the linearization of X at p whose eigenvalues p 0 0

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 55

determine local stability. The Hessian is the bilinear form dual

with respect to the Shahshahani metric. An application of the

first property is the following (cf. Akin [23]) :

2 Theorem. Let X be any vectorfield on I which is not a grad-

ient. In the family of vectorfields fx + x}, where a.. varies

over all symmetric matrices, Hopf bifurcation takes place and so

there occurs examples with nonconstant periodic solutions.

Sketch of proof: Because X is not a gradient there exists p* e A

such that H (X) is not symmetric. The family of symmetric matri-

ces is just large enough that a unique a.. is determined by (1) the

restriction that p* be an equilibrium for X + X and (2) the choice

a of symmetric part for the form H .(X + X). Furthermore, the


choice in (2) is arbitrary. So one can define a one parameter fam-

ily a such that p* remains at equilibrium and one conjugate pair

of eigenvalues crosses the imaginary axis as e varies. This

leads to Hopf bifurcation and hence to cycles. QED

In population genetics we let X model the effect of re­

combination between two loci and obtain the unexpected occurrence

of cycles in the two-locus-two-allele model. In game dynamics we

b let X = X with b.. antisymmetric and get cycling examples for

(13). However, the nature of the Hopf bifurcation requires more

investigation in each example. It can happen that the Hopf bifur­

cation is degenerate so that the cycling examples are not robust.

For example, Zeeman shows this is true for the three strategy ex­

amples of (13) [30]. In the four strategy case he constructs non-

56 E t h a n A k i n

d e g e n e r a t e e x a m p l e s l e a d i n g t o r o b u s t l i m i t c y c l e s . Such l i m i t

c y c l e s c a n a l s o o c c u r i n t h e t w o - l o c u s - t w o - a l l e l e m o d e l ( s e e [ 2 4 ] ) .

I f p * G J i s o u r e q u i l i b r i u m f o r X t h e n i t i s e a s y t o c h e c k

t h a t

(23.) Hp,(Xa) (Y15Y2) = z \ t \ ^ 2 ± <VY2 € *l>

which will usually not be symmetric if the matrix a.. is not. No­

tice that the form does not depend on the point p*. However, the

eigenvalues of the linearization do depend on the point because to

get the matrix of the linearization from the form one uses a

( . ) . orthonormal basis for E^. In practice we care less about p* 0

the precise eigenvalues than whether they all have negative real

parts, which is the condition for local stability. A classic re­

sult of Lyapunov says that a sufficient, but certainly not neces­

sary, condition for stability is that the symmetrization be nega­

tive definite:

(24) H +(Y,Y) = s a. .Y.Y. < 0 for all Y e E* Y ^ 0. p* lj 1 j 0

For an interior equilibrium this is exactly the condition that p*

be an ESS.

3 Theorem. Let p* e A- P* is an ESS for a.. if and only if p* is

a an equilibrium for X and the Hessian is negative definite at p*,

i.e. (24) holds.

Proof: Fix Y e E and substitute p = p* + eY with e > 0 suffi­

ciently small into inequality (3). Expanding out and canceling we

get 0 > a,r ̂ + ea . In particular, 0 ^ a . for all Y e E-. Yp* YY Yp* 0

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 57

Replacing Y by -Y we get 0 = a *and this implies a. ^ is inde­

pendent of i, i.e. p* is an equilibrium. Cancelling c we have

0 > a = H ^(Y.Y). As this reasoning is reversible we have the YY P*

equivalence. QED

The dynamic stability of an ESS has already been remarked in

Theorem 1. For an interior ESS inequality (6) holds on the entire

interior I and so p* attracts all interior initial values. To

see this note that equation (7) can be rewritten in this case:


~dt~ = aYY W l t h Y = p - p* (p e A)

because a = 0 by the equilibrium condition. In [30] Zeeman Yp*

provides an example of a locally stable equilibrium which is not

globally stable and so is not an ESS.

As another example of the special role of ESS note first that

replacing a.. by a.. - e. has no effect on equation (13). In con­

trast, replacing a.. by a?. = a.. - g. does change the dynamics.

The biological interpretation is that different strategies may

have different energetic costs independent of strategic considera­

tions of how i does against j. The perturbation from a to ae

is a change in these entry costs. If p* e £ is a nondegenerate a

equilibrium for X , eg. an interior ESS, and the perturbing e.'s e

are small then Xa will have a unique equilibrium p* near p*. The

a Hessians H ^ (X ) and H ^ (X ) are equal because T, e.Y Y = 0 as

I e

Yn £ E^. So if p* is an ESS for a.., p* will be an ESS for af. as 1 0 13 e 13

long as the perturbed equilibrium remains in £. While I have not

examined the matter I presume that sufficient variation of this

58 Ethan Akin

sort may destroy local stability for an equilibrium which is not

ESS. In fact,, I conjecture that for judiciously chosen a. ., Hopf

bifurcation can occur in the family {X ).

A final point concerns the interpretation of mixed states,

eg. p £ A. The Taylor-Jonker dynamic (13) is appropriate to poly­

morphism: individuals play pure strategies and p. is the fraction

of i-strategists in the population. In [26] Hines describes the

mathematics when individuals themselves play mixed strategies.

Then each individual is associated with a point in A and the pop­

ulation is described by a measure on A. To see the difference

suppose the population is monomorphic for some mixed strategy

p e A« Because we are ignoring mutation and every individual

breeds true there is no variation upon which selection can act. So

the population remains at p regardless of strategic considera­

tions. In all of these models monomorphism is an equilibrium,

though it is often unstable. Mathematically, the mixed strategy

dynamic leads to interesting extensions of the Shahshahani geome­

try to spaces of measures. Again ESS plays a special role (see

[25] and [29]).

In sum, economic and strategic concepts, especially the idea

of ESS, are playing a growing role in biological thinking with many

opportunities for mutualism between biological and mathematical

intuitions. Even the restricted area of the Taylor-Jonker dyna­

mics has provided an upwelling rich in food for mathematical


Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 59


This list is intended as a guide to further reading. It con­

sists mostly of books and surveys from the Quarterly Review of

Biology. These tend to have broad bibliographies for those who

wish to concentrate on a topic. I have tried to pick out works

which I particularly enjoyed. In particular, I recommend the en­

tire series of Princeton Monographs on Population Biology of which

several titles appear below.


[1] J. Maynard Smith: The Theory of Evolution, Penguin Books Inc. (1958).

[2] J.B.S. Haldane: The Causes of Evolution, Cornell U. Press (1966) (a reprint of the 1932 edition).

[3] S.J. Gould: The Panda's Thumb, W.W. Norton and Co., Inc. (1982).

[4] R.H. MacArthur: Geographical Ecology, Harper and Row Publishers (1972).

[5] J. Roughgarden: Theory of Population Genetics and Evo­lutionary Ecology: An Introduction, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. (1979).

[6] L.R. Ginzburg: Theory of Natural Selection and Popula­tion Growth, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. (1983).

[7] R.M. May: Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems, Princeton Monographs in Pop. Biol. No. 6, Princeton U. Press (1973).


[8] S. Stearns: "Life History Tactics: A Review of the Ideas" (1976) Quart. Rev. Biol. 51: 3-50.

[9] R. Levins: Evolution in Changing Environments, Prince­ton Monographs in Pop. Biol. No. 2, Princeton U. Press (1968).

60 Ethan Akin

[10] S.D. Fretwell: Populations in a Seasonal Environment, Princeton Monographs in Pop. Biol. No. 5, Princeton U. Press (1972).

[11] S.A. Levin: "On the Evolution of Ecological Parameters" in Ecological Genetics: The Interface, edited by P.F. Brussard, Springer-Verlag Inc. (1978).


[12] V.C. Wynne-Edwards: Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behavior, Oliver and Boyd (1962).

[13] G.C. Williams: Adaptation and Natural Selection, Princeton U. Press (1966).

[14] R. Dawkins: The Extended Phenotype, W.H. Freeman and Co. (1982).

[15] R.L. Trivers: "The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism" (1971) Quart. Rev. of Biol. 46: 35-57.

[16] W.D. Hamilton: "Innate Social Aptitudes of Man: An Approach from Evolutionary Genetics" in Biosocial Anthropo­logy edited by R. Fox, Malaby Press (1975.

[17] D.S. Wilson: The Natural Selection of Populations and Communities, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. (1980).

[18] J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies: An Introduction to Beha-vorial Ecology, Sinauer Associates (1981).

[19] J. Maynard Smith: Evolution and the Theory of Games, Cambridge U. Press (1982).


[20] P.D. Taylor and L.B. Jonker: "Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and Game Dynamics" (1978) Math. Biosci. 40: 145-156.

[21] P. Schuster, K. Sigmund, J. Hofbauer and R. Wolff: "Self-Regulation in Animal Societies" (I and II) (1981) Biol. Cybern. 40: 1-8 and 9-15.

[22] M. Eigen and P. Schuster: The Hypercycle: A Principle of Natural Self-Organization, Springer-Verlag Inc. (1979).

[23] E. Akin: The Geometry of Population Genetics, Lect.

Evolution: Game Theory and Economics 61

Notes in Biomath. No. 31, Springer-Verlag (1979).

[24] E. Akin: Hopf Bifurcation in the Two-Locus Genetic Model, to appear Memoirs AMS No. 284 (1983).

[25] E. Akin: "Exponential Families and Game Dynamics" (1982) Can. J. Math. 34: 374-405.

[26] W.G.S. Hines: "Strategy Stability in Complex Popula­tions" (1980) J. Appl. Prob. 17: 600-610.

[27] W.G.S. Hines: "Three Characterizations of Population Strategy Stability" (1980) J. Appl. Prob. 17: 333-340.

[28] W.G.S. Hines: "Mutations, Perturbations and Evolution-arily Stable Strategies" (1982) J. Appl. Prob. 19: 204-209.

[29] E.C. Zeeman: "Population Dynamics from Game Theory", Proc. Int. Conf. Global Theory of Dynamical Systems, North­western, Lecture Notes in Math. No. 819, Springer-Verlag (1979).

[30] E.C. Zeeman: "Dynamics of the Evolution of Animal Con­flicts" (1981) J- Theoret. Biol. 89: 249-270.

Mathematics Department, The City College of New York, New York City, N.Y. 10031.

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Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984



ABSTRACT. A wide variety of problems dealing with the growth, manage­ment and exploitation of natural resources have been formulated in an optimal control setting. Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [1-4] pro­vides a set of necessary conditions that can be used to construct ex­tremal (candidate) solutions to optimal control problems. Often these solutions embody a qualitative principle. In this paper, problems are presented that demonstrate a particular principle in the growth and management of biological populations. Applications include the exploitation of both lumped and age-structured populations, ques­tions relating to investment, the management of fisheries and pest populations, and the optimal allocation of resources to growth and reproduction. Problems include free, fixed and infinite time mathe­matical formulations with various types of boundary conditions as well as systems with so-called state variable jump-discontinuities.

1. BACKGROUND. Ordinary differential equations were first used in the early

to mid-19th Century to model the growth of a population (Gompertz [5], Verhulst

[6]). It is only in the last sixty years, however, that systems of differen­

tial equations were used to model population interactions such as predation

(Volterra [7], Lotka [8]) and competition (Gause [9]). These models fall with­

in the general autonomous ordinary differential equation framework:

~jf ̂ f(x) x(0) = xQ (1)

where x e Rn and f is a vector of functions f.: Rn -> R, i = 1, ..., n

that possess continuous partial derivatives

x — , i,j = 1, ..., n. 3 xj

The elements x. of x, i = 1, ..., n, usually denote the density (biomass,

numbers) of the i-th species, although in ecosystem models, some of the vari­

ables x. may represent the concentration of nutrients and chemical pollutants.

The function, f ^ x ) , i = 1, ..., n, characterizes the rate of change of the

i-th population x- (species or chemical) with respect to time.

Until the early seventies, analysis of population models primarily

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification: 92A15, 49B10. © 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page




focused on the qualitative properties of solutions to systems where f is ex­plicitly defined or where the behavior of f» usually specified by the sign of its first derivatives, is defined in regions of the positive orthant x.| > 0, i = 1, ..., n. More recently, emphasis shifted to include the analysis of population and resource management problems in the following optimal control theory framework.

PROBLEM 1. Minimize the objective functional fT

J(u(-)) = L(x,u,t) dt + F(x(T)) (2) 0

overall piecewise continuous vector-valued functions u(*)- [0,T] -»• U, where U c R is a prescribed constraint set, subject to the system constraint equa­tions

Jjf = f(x,u) (3)

and boundary conditions

x(0) e eQ and x(T) e 6I . (4)

The functions L: R m + n + 1 + R, F: Rn + R and f: Rn+m + Rn are usually (although not necessarily) assumed to have continuous first derivatives while the bound­ary sets e.., i = 0,1, are usually assumed to be nonempty, smooth (n-q.)-dimensional manifolds (q.. < n) that possess tangent spaces d (6-) at every point x G e.. n

The primary tool for analyzing the property of solutions to a particular form of Problem 1 is a maximum principle [1-4,10,11] often referred to as Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. This principle provides a set of necessary conditions that can be used to construct so-called extremal or candidate solu­tions to the problem on hand. These conditions are stated in terms of the Hamiltonian function

H(x,u,X,X.t) = Xn L(x,u,t) + I X. f,(x,u), o o i=] l l

where X = (Xi,...,X ) is termed the costate vector.


MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE. A necessary condition for a control u*(0 to be a solution to Problem 1 is that there exists a non-trivial vector function A(«):[0,T] -> R and constant XQ < 0 such that an [0,T]

(i) ^ i = _ 3H (x*(t), u*(t), X(t), XQ,t) i = l 9 . _ n (6) ut oX«

(ii) max H(x*(t),u(t),X(t),Xn,t) = H(x*(t),u*(t),X(t),X ,t), (7) ueU


where x*(t) is a corresponding state vector solution to equation (3) satisfying

boundary conditions (4). Further, the costate vector at time t = 0, i.e. X(0),

is normal to the tangent space dx/0\(6 ) wnl^e ^("0 1S tne sum °f the grad­

ient vector X |— and a vector normal to the tangent space dx(T)^

e i^" D

For convenience define the so-called switching functions

(t).||t(x*(t),u*(t).X(t),X0.t) 1 = 1> mmmtm (8) i dU •

If the control constraint set U = {u e Rm| a. < u. < b., i = 1, ..., m} then,

using (8), condition (7), for i = 1, ..., n, becomes

V (t) = a. (bn.) only if a.(t) < (>) 0 (9)

so that on (t-j, t2) c [0,T]

u ^ U ) e (a.,b.) only if a.(t) = 0. (10)

Extremal controls that switch between the values expressed in (9) are referred

to as bang-bang controls.

If the boundary set 0j is specified by q, < n equations

*j(x) = 0 j = 1, ..., q v (11)

where ip: Rn -+ R is differentiable and the gradient vectors ^-7- , j = 1, oX

... q-,, are linearly independent, then the transversality condition on

X(T) can be expressed as

for some arbitrary vector v e R^ . Thus if x(T) is completely specified , 9F (q = n) then x(T) is arbitrary while if x(T) is unspecified then X(T) = - — oX

Simi la r l y i f x(0 ) i s spec i f i ed , the n X(0 ) is arbitrary . I f the matri x H I M , wit h element s 7^—^— , i s singula r on ( t , , t 9 ) c [0,T ]

UU oU • c3U • \c.

when evaluated along the optimal solution then the case of singular oontrol arises. Of particular interest in population biology is the case where H is

linear in u, i.e. H = 0, and some of the switching functions a-(t),

defined in (8), are zero. In this case conditions (9) and (10) are not directly

helpful in the construction of candidate solutions (extremal controls) to

Problem 1. Necessary conditions exist involving the time derivatives of oAt) [11,12], however, and these can be used to construct extremal controls.

In some problems the value of T is not fixed and the objective function­

al J has a minimum with respect to T and u(*)- Assuming that 81 = R , i.e.

Under certain controllability assumptions which are satisfied whenever x(T) is unspecified, the control problem is said to be normal and we can set X = - 1.


x(T) is unspecified, and that F in (2) is an explicit function of T , i.e.

F = F (x(T),T), then a necessary condition for the pair (u*(*)»T*) to be opti­

mal is that

H(x*(T*), u*(T*), A(T*), XQ, T*) - jjf- (X*<T*)'T*) = 0 (13)

2. EXPLOITATION OF A LUMPED RESOURCE. Consider the logistic growth model [6]

gf = ax(l - x/K) x(0) = xQ , (14)

where x is a scalar population-density variable, a > 0 is the intrinsic per

capita growth rate and K > 0 is the environmental carrying capacity, is perhaps

the simplest model of population growth in a finite or saturating environment.

The solution to (14) is the so-called sigmoidal or S-shaped curve

x(t) = K/(l - ce~at) , (15)

where c is a constant determined by x . Equation (14) has been used exten­

sively to model the growth of single populations, including human populations

[13]. More recently equation (14), has been used in the general framework of

Problem 1 to analyze the exploitation of renewable resources such as fisheries

and whale populations [10,11,14].

PROBLEM 2. (After Cliff and Vincent [14]). Maximize the objective functional

JT(u(-)) = (ux - yu) dt (16)

over all piecewise continuous functions u(*)* [0,T] -»• [0,b] c R subject to

g | = x(l-x) - ux x(0) = xQ (17) •

Here x and t are transformed to dimensionless units (cf. equation (14).

The term ux is the harvest rate which is assumed to be proportional to the

population density x and the effort level u. The parameter y > 0 in (16) is

a cost-price ratio. Thus Jj represents the net relative profit or rent

(harvesting income versus effort expenditure) provided by the resource over

the time interval [0,T].

SOLUTION. Applying the maximum principle, bearing in mind that we are minimiz­

ing -J-j. , it follows that the switching function (cf. equation (8)) is given


cr(t) = x*(t)(l - X(t)) - y (18)

The problem is singular since its Hamiltonian (cf. equation (5)) is linear in

u, i.e., u does not appear in (18). Thus the switching function cannot be used

t See previous footnote


directly to construct extremal controls. Setting a(t) = 0 implies that along

singular arcs, i.e. non bang-bang segments of the singular control, the rela­


X(t) = 1 - Y/x(t) (19)

holds. By differentiating both sides with respect to time and substituting

for --£ and - ̂ (cf. (6) and (17)) it can be shown that the singular arc is

given by

xS = (1 + y)/2

us = (1 - y)/2 (20)

Vs = (1 - y)/(l + Y)

From (9), (10), (18) and (19) it follows that

u*(t) = 0 (uO (b) only if X > ( = ) (<) X* (21)

provided us e [0,b]. Further, it is possible to show that xo < ^ x$ ^ X^0^ > ^ x* ' i-e- tnere e x 1 sts t1 > 0 such that

x0 < (>) xS => u*(t) = 0 (b) for t e [ 0 , ^ ] . (22)

Also, x(T) unspecified implies that X(T) = 0. Since (20) implies that

Xs > 0, it follows from (21) and X(T) = 0 that there exists t2 < T such that

u*(t) = b for t G [t0, T] (23)

The values of t-j and t2 are obtained by solving the equation - ̂ forward from

x(0) = x and the equation -rr backward from X(T) = 0. Thus the extremal

solution will include a singular component on [t-,, t~] only if T is sufficiently

large to ensure that t-j < t2- Using sufficiency conditions [15], Cliff and

Vincent [14] showed that the extremal solution determined by (22) and (23) is

optimal. O

The singular arc specified by (20) is also the solution to the static

problem (cf. (16) and (17)

max ux - yu (24) u>0

subject to

x(l-x) - ux = 0 (25)

Since the static problem is equivalent to maximizing the rate of rent accumula­

tion under an equilibrium constraint on (17), the solution to (24) and (25) is

termed the Maximum Sustainable Rent (MSR) solution. The interpretation of the

solution to Problem 2, from (22), is to approach the MSR as rapidly as possible

and, from (23), to leave the MSR near the end of the planning horizon so that

advantage can be taken of the lack of constraints or costs associated with

leaving the resource depleted at time T. To avoid this artifact of a finite


planning horizon [0,T] several approaches can be taken. Allowing T -»- », pre­

sents the problem that JT + » . This can be avoided: by considering

S,im JT/T [16]; by introducing a discount factor 6 > 0 into the objective "f-x>o functional so that J^ is defined [10] i.e.

e"6t (ux - yu) dt; (26)

or by deriving necessary conditions for Problem 1 on finite but arbitrarily

large time intervals [0,T] [17,18]. In all of these analyses, the MSR solu­

tion plays a central role. In the analysis of (26), the costate variable JJ4.

X(t) is replaced by the current-value costate variable q(t) = e X(t).

The discussion so far has focused on harvesting a single logistic re­

source (i.e., a population modeled by [14]). The extension of Problem 2, to

harvesting one or both populations in a general two-dimensional modeling frame­

work, has been considered. Taking advantage of Poincare-Bendixon theory,

Haurie [18] has analyzed the role of the MSR solution and extremal control.

For problems linear in u = (u-j, u2) , the MSR solution plays the role of an

exact turnpike while, in general, the MSR solution is an asymptotic turnpike,

i.e., all solutions respectively reach the MSR solution if T is sufficiently

large, or asymptotically approach the MSR solution on infinite time intervals.

For two competing populations, however, unlike the one-dimensional case, the

optimal trajectory does not approach the MSR turnpike as rapidly as possible

but approaches along partially singular arcs [19] (i.e., arcs along which one

component of the control satisfies (9) and the other satisfies (10). The

minimum time approach, however, involves only bang-bang controls (cf. (9)),

i.e., u(t)e {(apa.), (a-, ,bp) > (b^a^) (b-.^)}, while extremal solutions to

the harvesting problem also involve the elements {(a-j , u 2$ ) , (u, s , a 2 ) , (unS,u2


(b,,Up ), (u, ,b2)}, assuming that the MSR solution satisfies u.s e (a.,b-)

i = 1,2 (see [11] for further discussion).


cyclic behavior of a fish prey-predator system using two coupled quadratic

differential equations. In dimensionless variables this model can be written

as: dx-,

prey equation: ^ - = x-j(l-x2) x,(0) = x 1 Q


predator equation: - — = x^U-j-k) ^ W = *20


Vol terra showed that solutions to (27) are cycles whose amplitude depends on

the initial values x.Q, i = 1, 2, i.e., system (27) possesses a constant of

motion determined by

X l ( t )k x2(t) e - ^ l ^ V * ) = ( x 1 Q )

k x 2 Q e-(x10+x20}. (28)

Goh et al. [20] considered the problem of driving the populations to the equil­

ibrium solution (k, 1) while minimizing some performance criterion (objective

functional). In a pest management context, the advantage of having the popu­

lations at equilibrium is the prevention of periodic outbreaks of the pest

population x, beyond its equilibrium level k as it interacts with its

natural enemy x?.

PROBLEM 3 (After Goh et al. [20]). Minimize the objective functional rT

J(u(-)) = (cx-j + u)dt



over all oiecewise functions u(-)- [0,T] -> [0,b] c R subject to

dx-, ^ r = Xl(l-x2) + e] UX] X] (0) = x 1 Q


-jp = x2(x-j-k) + e 2 ux2 x2 (0) = x 2 Q

where u represents the rate at which a chemical that

(i) selectively kills the pest x-. (i.e., e, = -1, e 2 = 0); or

(ii) selectively kills the predator x2 (i.e., e^ = 0, e 2 = -1); or

(iii) kills both x-j and x2 at rates e-, < 0 and e 2 < 0,

is applied to the system or u represents the rate at which laboratory reared

(iv) pests X-. (i.e., e-, = 1, e2 = 0), or

(v) predators x2 (i.e., e-j = 0, e 2 = 1) are released.

The constant c > 0 in J(u) is the relative cost of the damage induced per

unit pest. •

SOLUTION. Except in the case of (iii) the optimal solutions are purely bang-

bang. In the case of (iii), however, singular subarcs can arise but their

significance is not understood. In all but the latter case, the solutions can

be characterized by constructing, in the phase plane, i.e., {(x-j,x2)}, the

switching curves that represent the set of points at which the bang-bang con­

trols switch between u*(t) = 0 and u*(t) = b. The solution to (iv) is depicted

in Figure 1. By following the trajectory from the initial condition, as in­

dicated, we see that two separate pest release periods are required to drive

the system to its equilibrium. The solution also demonstrates the notion


of pest control through pest release, i.e., the prevention of a future pest

outbreak by ensuring that the natural enemy population does not collapse when

pest levels are low.

(A-B, B-D, D-E) Switching Surfaces





- - - Optimal trajectory: u*(t) = 0

Optimal trajectory: u*(t) = b

D Equilibrium

C-D Final approach of the trajectory is along the switching surface B-D

Prey (x^

1. Optimal stabilization of a pest and natural enemy interaction by

releasing pests at the rate u* = b over, at most, two periods of

time. (After Goh et al. [20]).


for which equation (3) does not directly provide an appropriate model, is the

exploitation of age structured resources, such as fisheries, where each time

period (year) is divided into a distinct spawning and harvesting season. In

this case equation (3) holds during the harvesting season while a mapping is

used to link the state variables between harvesting seasons.

PROBLEM 4 (After Getz [21]). Maximize the objective functional

N-l "J* n JN ("(')) = I I w,(t) -u, x, dt ™ k=0 , i=l n 1 n


over all piecewise continuous functions N-l

U-;(#): U [k,k+tp ]"-> [0,°o), i = 1, ..., n, subject to the system constraint 1 k=0


Harvesting season: t e [k, k+ t' ], k = 0, ..., N-l and t' e (0,1)


dt 'r= -(a. + U l) x- 1, ..., n; (31)


Spawning season: k = 0, ..., N-l

x,(k + i) = s(i c. x.(k + ay) 1 i = l n n

xj+1(k + 1) = ai x ^ k + t1 )• i = 1, ..., n-2 (32) xn(k + 1) = an xn(k + t' )• + a n - 1 x n - 1(k + f ). D

In (31) the parameters a. are natural mortality rates and the controls

u. are man-induced fishing mortality rates. Let w(t) be a function describing

the weight of an individual at time t that was born at t = 0. Then the weight

of an individual in age class i at time k +• t is described by

w.j(t) = w(t - k + i - 1), i = 1, ..., n t e [k, k + f ]". (33)

The integrand of (30) is thus the rate of biomass removal so that JN represents

the total biomass removed over the N-year exploitation period. As a weight

function, w(t) is assumed to be increasing with time, bounded above and its

proportional rate of increase is assumed to decrease with time, i.e., there

exists a constant vv > 0 such that

0 < w ( t ) < w , | r < 0 , ^ [dw/w(t)] < 0 . (34)

In (32) the constants a* e [0,1] represent the probability of surviving

from age-class i at time k + t' to age-class i + 1 at time k + 1. These

constants are usually related to natural mortality rates a. by

-«, (i - f ) a i = e

The constants c. > 0 reflect the relative fecundity of individuals in the i-th age class so that

P = I c, x.(k + t' ) (35)

i=l 1 1

can be regarded as a stock fecundity index. The function S: R -* R is usually

referred to as the stock-recruitment relationship.

Problem 4 is an optimal control with state variable jump discontinuities

problem. In the calculus of variations this type of problem was analyzed by

Denbow [22] and in an optimal control setting by Vincent and Mason [23]. A

general maximum principle is stated in [24] and includes a transformation con­

dition that the costate variable X must satisfy across the jump interval

[k + t' , k + 1]. Specifically, if

x(k +1) = g(x(k + t' )) (36)

where g: Rn -> Rn (cf. the particular case given by equation (32)), then the

corresponding costate condition is


+ t , ) = |£T(x(k+t') x ( k + 1) 9 x(k + f ) = f£ V M * u ' x(k + 1) , (37)

where -^- is the gradient matrix associated with g(x). A similar result also

appears in [3],

In previous section, the importance of the MSR solution was demonstrated

in terms of its turnpike property. Equations (31), however, do not possess a

positive equilibrium solution, since for u. > 0, x-(t) decays exponentially

to zero. The transformation given by (32), however, can act to restore the

density of the i-th age-class at time k + 1 to its level at time k as each

age class moves one class ahead. In this case a dynamic equilibrium can occur

that is characterized by

x.(k + 1) = x.(k) i = 1, ..., n. (38)

If (38) holds for k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N then Problem 4 reduces to solving for

u.* (•)> i = 1, ..., n on t e [0, 1], i.e., from (30), JN(u*(-)) = NJ1(u*(-))

SOLUTION. Since the controls u. appear linearly in Problem 4, extremal control

consists of bang-bang and/or singular subarcs. For this problem it is easily

shown that the time derivative of the switching function (cf. (8)) satisfies

da. dw. -gf= w.(t) x.*(t)[(-^-/w.(t)) - a.] i=l,...,n. (39)

Since w.(t) and x.(t) are always positive, it follows from (33) and (34) that


-IT- can change sign at most once on [0, t' ] and then only from negative to

positive. Also, since u.(t) > 0 is not bounded above, whenever extremal con­

trol is switched on, its value becomes infinite. Thus it is easily shown

(see [21] for details) that extremal control is drawn from the class of impulse

functions acting at time t.* where, from (39)


V = ° 1f [ ^ F / wi< 0^ < a i (40)

dw.(f ) V = t' if [ ^ /Vi.{t>n>a.

or if neither condition in (40) holds then t^* e (0, t' ) and is the solution

to the equation

dw. (t,*)

^ F / W i ( V ) = a i ( 4 1 )


Applying an impulse control at time t^* is equivalent to removing a given

number of individuals, say z^ , at that point in time. In this case it can

be shown that the solution to Problem 4 subject to constraints (38) can be

obtained by solving the following parametric linear programming problem (see

[25] for details):


J1 = I w^t.*) z. (42)


over the set {p, x-, > 0, z- > 0 i = 1, ..., n} subject to the constraints

n ro xl " I ri zi = p (43)


x1 = S(p) (44)

n I qn- zi - x1 < o (45)


The objective function (42) is equivalent to J, as defined for N = 1 in (30).

S is the stock recruitment function introduced in (32) and p is the stock

parameter defined by (35): The parameters q. can be expressed in terms of

the parameters a. and a. in (31) and (32) and the inequality (45) is an

expression of the fact that under equilibrium constraints (38) the number of

individuals removed from the population cannot exceed the number x-, that are

recruited. Equation (43) is derived from (.35) so that in addition to involving

q. and a., j = 1, ..., n, the parameters r., i = 1, ..., n, include the con­

stants c-, j = 1, ..., n. Finally, we can use the fundamental theorem of

linear programming, which asserts that if an optimal feasible solution exists

a basic optimal feasible solution exists [26], to identify the nature of the

solution to Problem 4. For the problem defined by (42)-(45), a basic solution

involves at most x-j > 0 and two elements of z = (z-j, ..., z ) . Taking cog­

nizance of which constraints are tight (i.e., hold with equality) the follow­

ing theorem can be stated [25]

THEOREM. The optimal solution to Problem 4 involves the application of impulse

control to at most two age classes, x. and x. say, at times t.* and t.* 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2

determined from (40) and (41). Further, if two age classes are harvested, it

is optimal to remove all individuals from the older class. •

The bimodal nature of the optimal harvesting policy is independent of the

form of S. This bimodal result was first obtained for linear S by Beddington

and Taylor [27]. More recently Feichtinger [28] has shown the result to hold

for an infinite dimensional problem dealing with continuous age distributions.


5. EXPLOITATION AND INVESTMENT. In Problem 2 it was assumed that the maximum

level of exploitation was fixed at a predetermined level b. in a fishery, for

example, this would be related to the maximum number of boats available to

exploit the resource. Also, in Problem 2, economic considerations were con­

fined to considering a cost-price ratio y. The economic aspects of this

problem have been examined in much greater detail [10,29,30]. The problem

presented below examines the role of investment in maximizing the -present value of all future rent derived from exploiting a resource.

PROBLEM 5 (After Clark et al. [29]). Maximize the objective functional

J(u(-), v(.)) e"6t [ux - yu - TTV] dt (46)


over all piecewise continuous functions u(»):[0, °°) ->• [0,b(t)] c R and

v(*):[0, ~) -* V c R subject to

J|= f(x) - ux, x(0) = xQ (47)


^ = -Bb + v, b(0) = bQ (48) n

As in Problem 2 the control function u(t) < b(t) is the exploitation

effort level and ux is the harvest rate. The maximum effort level b(t), how­

ever, is now a dynamic variable that reflects the level of capitalization in

the industry. From (48), this capital depreciates at a rate 3 > 0, but can

be supplemented through investment at a rate determined by the control var­

iable v. As before, y > 0 is the cost-price ratio, while the parameter

IT > 0 represents the relative cost of purchasing one unit of b. The objective

functional (46) is expressed in terms of the present value of the resource,

since it includes a discount factor 6 > 0 on all future revenues (cf.

expression (26)).

SOLUTION. Problem 5 departs from the previous problems in that the control

constraint set for u(«) is now dependent on a state variable, i.e., b(t)

satisfying (48). The Maximum Principle does not hold for state-dependent

control constraints and a more general set of necessary conditions are needed

[4,31]. For the special case V = R, i.e., capital can be freely shifted in

and out of the resource, the optimal policy will be u*(t) = b(t) since the

excess units of capital can be directly converted into cash. In a fishery,

this would correspond to a pool of fishing vessels that can be transferred

between different fisheries, as the demand arises. Integrating by parts,

utilizing (48), the functional (46) reduces to


J(u(- e"6t [x - y - TT (6+3)] u dt (49)

Thus, for the case V = R, Problem 5 reduces to maximizing (49) over all piece-

wise continuous u(*): [0,°°) -> [0.°°) subject to (47). The problem now falls

within the scope of the Maximum Principle and has the classical turnpike solu­

tion (cf. section 2), i.e., the resource is driven as rapidly as possible

(in this case an ad hoc upper bound or u(t) must be imposed if an impulse

solution is considered unacceptable) to the singular MSR solution, x , which

satisfies [10,29,30]

f CxS) - [*'(xS)f(xs)/(l - d)(xs))] = 6 (50)


<f>(x) = [y + TT(6 + 3)]/ x (51)

and ' denotes differentiation with respect to x. Note that xs in (20) is

the solution to (50) for the case TT = 6 = 0 and f(x) = x(l-x). Now consider

the case V = [0,«>), i.e., it is not possible to withdraw capital from the

fishery. If the stock is initially in a virgin state, then it has been shown

[29] that the initial level of capitalization always exceeds the long run

optimum b$ (cf. u$ defined in (20)). The optimal solution thus includes

initially driving the stock level to below the MSR solution xs before depre­

ciation of b*(t) allows x*(t) to approach x \ at which point an optimal in­

vestment rate v$ = 3b$ (cf. (48)) is established to maintain the resource at

its MSR level. •

In the fisheries literature excess capitalization has often been regarded

as a sign of poor management. The above theory indicates, however, that in

the case where the capital is non-malleable, i.e., V = [0,°°), the optimal

solution includes an initial over-capitalization phase.

6. PESTICIDES AND RESISTANCE. In the use of pesticides a new consideration

enters into the analysis of population management, that is, the influence of

the control variables with time may be reduced as the population becomes

resistant to their use. In most populations, the response of individuals to

the application of pesticides will vary, according to their degree of suscepti­

bility. The pesticide thus provides a selective force that favors the survival

and reproduction of the most resistant individuals in the population. With

each application of the pesticide the proportion of resistant individuals in

the subsequent generation is enhanced, often to the point where further appli­

cation of pesticide is ineffectual. This problem has been analyzed in several


settings [32-35]. Here we present a study that considers the problem of

applying alternative technologies* i.e., the problem of when it is optimal to

switch management practices such as switching from one pesticide to another,

switching to natural control, or planting a different crop.

PROBLEM 6 (After Regev et al. [33]). Maximize the objective functional


J = e"6t [p(x) - cu] dt + Ff(x(T), w(T)) e~6 T (52)

over all piecewise continuous u(*)« [0,°°) -> [0,°°), all i e I (a finite index

set) and all T > 0 subject to

g £ = x(l - k(w,u)) f(x) x(0) = xQ (53)

3 Y = w g(w,u) w(0) = wQ. (54) n

The variables x(t) and w(t) respectively denote the level of pests and

the proportion of individuals in the population that are resistant to a pesti­

cide applied at a rate u(t). The per capita growth rate f(x) is specified

as satisfying

7T- < 0 and f (x) = 0 for some x~ > 0. (55) oX

The proportional rate of increase of resistant individuals is specified as


Is-> 0 , ^ > 0 and g(l,u) = 0 for all u > 0. (56) dU dVI

These conditions, together with (54), imply that the level of resistance w(t)

can only increase with time and that w(t) -> 1 as long as u(t) > 0. The kill

rate function k(w,u) is specified, for all w(t) e [0,1], as satisfying

k(w,0) = 0 and k(w,u) e [0,1] for u > 0 , (57)

In the objective functional (52), the function p(x) > 0 represents the value

of the output from the crop. This value is assumed to decrease with increasing

x, i.e., TT§- < 0. The parameter c > 0 is the cost of applying the pesticide dX

and 6 > 0 is the discount rate (cf. Problem 5). The functions F.(x(T),w(T)),

i e I, represent the profits, discounted on [T,°°), that can be realized by

switching to alternative technologies and are assumed to satisfy


3F. 3F. _ J < 0 and ^ - < 0 (58)

SOLUTION. Application of the Maximum Principle is straightforward. In this

case the value of T is unspecified and the optimal value satisfies (13).

Since for any i e I,

^ F ^ x ^ e " 6 1 ] = -SF.(x,w) (59)

the interpretation of (13) for this problem is: the shift to the i-th technology

will occur only when the value of the Hamiltonian along the optimal trajectory

is equal to the value of (59), interpreted as the instantaneous future gain,

along the optimal trajectory. As a consequence of its properties, as speci­

fied in (58), an alternative technology F. will never be implemented if

(cf. (55) for a definition of x").

p(x) - cu > 6F.(x, 1), (60)

i.e., an alternative technology cannot be feasible if its instantaneous future

gain rate under maximum resistant pest levels is less than the instantaneous

return obtained at maximum pest levels using the current technology. Thus

inequality (60) allows policy makers to exclude all non-profitable

alternatives. •

Regev et al. [33], also compared the solution to Problem 6 with the

solutions to two related problems, viz, the problem where resistance is set

at w and the dynamics of w(t) are ignored, and the so-called competitive

solution where resistance is regarded as an unmanaged common property resource.

Their analysis leads to the conclusion that the competitive solution is often

preferable to a centralized optimal management plan that ignores an increase

in resistance with time.

7. ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES. The problem of maximizing over a fixed time

period the total output from a resource, where the rate of output is dependent

on the size of the resource and the growth of the resource can only take

place at the expense of producing output, has many applications. In popula­

tion biology, the evolution of life history strategies in organisms, such as

annual plants [36] and honey bee colonies [37] that allocate resources be­

tween vegetative growth (leaves, stems, worker bees, etc.) and reproductive

organs (fruit, seeds, drones and queens, etc.) falls within the framework of

this general problem. The same is true for the production of lymphocytes

in the mammalian immune response system [38]. Although these specific


problems do not deal with an externally imposed management plan but are, rather,

cybernetic in nature, their analysis yields principles of interest to popula­

tion managers. Here we present the problem of maximizing the annual seed

production of a plant that lives for N years.

PROBLEM 7 (After Mirmirani and Oster [39]). Maximize the objective functional

N i 1 0 = I P1'1 s.(i) (61)

i=l 1

over all piecewise continuous functions u(*):[0,N] + [0,1] subject to the

system constraints

5J£ = aux x(0) = xQ (62)

ds. -jjr- = b(l-u)x for t e [i-1, i) and s^i-l) = 0

i = 1, ..., N. (63)

The variable x(t) represents the biomass of the plant as it grows over

the N year period while the variables s^, i = 1, ..., N, represent the biomass

of seeds produced by the plant during its i-th year. The control variable

u(t) e [0,1] represents the proportion of photosynthate allocated to growth

versus seed production at time t. The constants a > 0 and b > 0 respectively

reflect the relative efficiences in converting photosynthate to plant and seed

growth at a rate proportional to the plant biomass x. The probability of the

plant surviving from one year to the next is assumed to be constant and

denoted by p e (0,1]. As such it is regarded as a discount factor.

SOLUTION. Like Problem 4, Problem 7 can be considered in the formulation of

control systems with state variable jump-discontinuities. The solution to

Problem 7, however, can be explicitly derived, since x and u appear

linearly in equations (61)-(63) and s^(t) does not enter the dynamics.

Using the Maximum Principle it is easily shown that extremal control is bang-

bang, i.e., singular subarcs do not exist, and has the form

u*(t) = 1 t e [i-1, t.j*) i = 1, ... N

u*(t) = 0 t e [t^, i) (64)

The values of t.* can be characterized as follows. Define

Ti = i - (l/a)(l - pe d- ( 1- p e d "•' ) i = 1, ... N (65)

' N-i terms '


where a > 0 is the growth rate in (62), i.e. xN = N - 1/a and-T ,

= N-l - (l/aMl-pe3""1) etc. Then

t.* = i if T. > i

V = i-1 if T. < i-1 (66)

t ^ = Ti if T. e (i-1, i).

If the first case in (66) holds then it follows from (62)-(64) that all re­

sources are allocated to growth during the i-th season (year). If the

second case in (66) holds then it follows that all resources are allocated

to seed production during the i-th season. If T- e (i-l,i), however, then it

follows from (64) and (66) that the plant switches frdm growth to seed produc­

tion at time T.. From (65) it is easily shown that

i - T. > (i_i) > T.^ i = 2, ..., N,

so that once seed production begins then in each subsequent year the onset of

seed production occurs earlier in the season. The final season will be solely

devoted to seed production only if a < 1. This follows since T N = N-(l/a).

It follows from (65) that seed production during the early seasons will occur

if p is sufficiently small, i.e., the plant will start producing seeds early

in its N year life cycle if it has a low probability of surviving from one

year to the next. In fact, it has been shown [39] that, no matter how large

N is, if a plant is reproducing optimally, it will produce seeds during its

first season whenever p < e"a. Finally, for finite N it can be demonstrated

that the extremal control defined in (64)-(66) is optimal (cf. [38]).

Recently Problem 7 was generalized by Schaffer et al. [40] to include a

storage component thus allowing photosynthate to be either allocated immediate­

ly towards vegetative growth or seed production or to be stored for future use.

Given that a plant's photosynthetic rate and reproductive efficiency vary

through the season, with the former peaking earlier in the season than the

latter, conditions are presented in [40] which favor the evolution of a storage

component in a plant.

8. CONCLUSION. In each of Sections 2-7 a problem and the essence of its

solution are presented. Although these solutions suggest principles relating

to the management and growth of populations, the application of these princi­

ples, both to infer understanding and to facilitate the design of management

programs must be approached with caution. Firstly, the population models, are

highly simplified abstractions of real world processes. Secondly, the framework




in which the management problems are formulated as idealizations of a complex

set of biological, economic and sociological issues. Nevertheless, these

principles do help focus our analysis of the problems at hand. The challenge

we face is to integrate the insights acquired from analyzing Platonic formula­

tions with the knowledge gained from many years of seat of the pants practical

experience so that better resource management decisions can be made in the



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Division of Biological Control University of California at Berkeley 1050 San Pablo Avenue Albany, CA 94706

Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume 30, 1984

Graph Theory, Homology and Food Webs

George Sugihara1


Ecological systems consist of large networks of interrelated parts. The living components of these networks are linked largely by trophic interactions involving predator-prey encounters and competition.

Our aim here will be to show how the formal tools of graph theory and alge­braic topology may be brought to bear to uncover patterns in the structure of real food webs. We will begin by examining the various ways that food webs can be represented, and will then apply these representations to search for regulari­ties in the structure of natural ecosystems.

The pattern of interactions in food webs is of scientific interest because it determines the flow of energy and materials (e.g., nutrients and pollutants) through ecological systems as well as the dynamics and stability of species popu­lations. Knowledge that real ecosystems are contained within a specific subset of possible topologies has fundamental interest as it helps to illuminate those nar­row regions in a wide landscape of mathematical possibilities that warrant fur­ther study.


The basic information that is used to construct a food web is contained in the so-called food web matrix A (Fig. 1). This is a binary matrix whose columns C correspond to the set of consumer species and whose rows R corre­spond to the set of resources or prey in the system. The l's in the matrix signify

Research supported by an Ogden Porter Jacobus Prize from Princeton University and a Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (operated by Union Carbide Corpora­tion under contract W-7405-eng-26 with the U.S. Department of Energy), Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Publication No. 2229, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL.

© 1984 American Mathematical Society 0160-7634/84 $1.00 + $.25 per page




that a given consumer uses a given prey item which, in turn, generates the ordered pairs (C/Jfy). Notice that a given column Q in A identifies the subset of resources used by that consumer and each row Rt identifies the subset of con­sumers that share a given resource.

Ordered pairs in the food web matrix can be put into graphical form by con­structing the digraph of trophic flows (Fig. 2). The digraph D(V,E*) consists of a finite nonempty set V of vertices formed from the union of consumers C and resources R, along with an arc set E* containing the ordered pairs (C,R) from V. The vertices V in D(V,E*\ therefore, consist of the set of all species in the food web (both predators and prey) and the directed edges E* indicate who eats whom. The digraph is the classical standard for representing food webs (e.g., see Shelford 1913).

Two newer representations involving undirected graphs (no ordered pairs) may be constructed by choosing either consumers or resources, separately, as

Community Food Web Matrix (Knysna Estuary)








1 1






13 14






1 1





2. attached plants

5. Hyporhamphus

6. Mugil

7. Upogebla

8. Lamya

9. Solen

10. Arenlcola

I I • Hymenosoma

12. Johnius

13. Lithognathus

14. Rhabdosargus

15. Hypacanthus

FIGURE 1. Data from Day (1967) (Sugihara 1982).


FIGURE 2. Digraph for the Knysna Esturary community (Day 1967) (Sugihara 1982).

object sets. These undirected graphs are examples of intersection graphs defined as follows.

Let S = (Si, . . . ,Sp) be an object set consisting of a nonempty fam­ily of distinct subsets. The intersection graph G(S) is formed by identifying S with the vertices of G and making S, and Sj adjacent whenever 1 ¥= j and Si Pi Sj # 0. Hence an edge is drawn between two vertices in G(S) whenever the subsets that they represent overlap. Marczewski (1945) has shown that every graph is an intersection graph.

The intersection graph that is formed by choosing C = (C\, . . . ,CP) as the object set is Cohen's (1979) consumer overlap graph G(C) (Fig. 3). Here, whenever two consumers (subsets of resources) Q and Cj overlap with respect to at least one resource an edge is drawn between them. The vertices in G(C) represent consumer species and the edges signify overlap in consumer resource use. Such overlap may be determined mechanically by checking the columns of A for nonzero dot products.

The consumer overlap graph provides a portrait of the potential competitive structure of a food web. It is a simplified picture, however, in that a single edge joining two consumer species may represent overlap with respect to multiple resources.

A fuller characterization of consumer interrelationships may be obtained by taking the formal conjugate of G{C) (Sugihara 1982). Herein let R be the object set and form the intersection graph G(R) over R by joining those






Rhabdosargus FIGURE 3. Niche overlap graph G(C) corresponding to matrix in Figure 1 (Sugihara 1982).

resources that belong to a single consumer species. This involves checking for nonzero dot products between the rows of A.

The resulting resource graph G(R) (Fig. 4) gives a more complete picture than G{C) for two reasons. First, whereas a consumer species in G(C) is represented as a single vertex, in G(R) it is represented by the constellation of resources used. That is to say, the n-dimensional trophic niche of a species in G(C) corresponds to a clique (maximally connected subgraph) over its n resource vertices. A species that uses 5 resources is represented in G(R) by its 5-dimensional niche, that is, as a clique over its 5 labeled resource vertices (see shaded area in Fig. 4). Secondly, unlike G(C), G(R) contains information as to the number of resources involved in the niche overlaps. As can be seen in Fig­ure 4 the intersection of species niches may involve multiple resources.

For pedagogical purposes it may be useful to construct the multigraph (a graph having multiple edges) version of G(R) out of tinker toys. Balls of model­ling clay may be used to represent resource vertices, and an individual species niche may be represented by struts of a given color maximally connecting the resource set. Such a model is always possible due to the fact that any graph can be imbedded (with no edges crossing) in 3-space using only straight lines (e.g., Boesch 1981).

The information in the resource graph G(R) may be given a more robust geometry if the notions of clique and graph are replaced with the terms simplex and complex as defined below.




FIGURE 4. Resource graph G(R) corresponding to matrix in Figure 1 (Sugihara 1982).

Let v°,...,vn be vectors in JR„. A vector V is said to be affinely dependent on them if there exist real numbers \o,....,\n called barycentric coordinates such that

2 \: = 1 and V = X0v° + ... + \nvn . 1=0

Suppose further that v°,...,vn are affinely independent (none affinely depend­ent on the rest). Then, a simplex (closed) having vertices v0 , . . .^* is defined to be the set of points affinely dependent on v°,...,vn such that every barycentric coordinate is ^0. The boundary of a simplex consists of those points which have at least one barycentric coordinate equal to 0, and its dimension n is simply the number of vertices minus 1.

Notice how the notion of simplex corresponds with the graphical term "clique". Both are similar in that vertices and edges in the simplex identify with vertices and edges in the clique, however in dimensions above 1 the simplex characteristics of interior, exterior and boundary, as defined by the barycentric coordinates, differ from those in the graph. Harary (1972) defines a graph as a complex of simplexes of dimension 0 or 1. A simplex, therefore, can be viewed


O O-simplex


o-V -o I -simplex



FIGURE 5. Simplexes (Sugihara 1982).

as a clique which has been inflated in a higher dimensional space to have an interior that is filled, and a clique conversely can be viewed as the vertices and edges of a simplex, or the 1-skeleton of a simplex. Notice that because a clique is convex, so is the simplex. That is, if u and w are two vertices of the simplex then every straight line segment joining u and w belongs to the simplex. Indeed the simplex is the smallest convex set containing its vertices which is expressed by saying it is the convex hull of its vertices.


Paired with our graphical representation of the species niche in G(R) as an n -pointed clique; it is also possible to represent the n -dimensional niche of a species as a simplex over n resource vertices. In geometrical terms this gives rise to a solid tinker toy model where a species niche may be thought of as a convex polyhedron whose n vertices correspond to the n resources used by that species. This generates a powerful architectural description of communities where the polyhedral species niches are joined through shared resource vertices to form a simplicial complex K(R) (Fig. 6).

According to this model a community hypervolume may be broadly visual­ized as a multidimensional crystal having clusters of crystal faces which corre­spond to individual species niches. The simplicial complex model allows one to visualize clearly the geometry by which species niches are fitted together in communities.


We shall now apply these characterizations to a collection of 40 community food web matrices recently extracted from the literature (Sugihara 1982, after Briand 1983). In all, this collection contains 73 nontrivial communities', defined here as connected components (all vertices linked through some sequence of edges) in G{C) containing 2 or more consumer species.


A question of biological interest concerns how closely species niches are packed together in K(R). That is, are species niches packed tightly so that each community in K(R) is a simple solid (Fig. 6B), or are they fitted together more loosely so that K(R) resembles a multidimensional Swiss cheese (Fig. 6A)? In biological terms, we are asking whether there are any minimal constraints acting on the geometry of species packing.


The mathematics which we will use to address this question is homology the­ory or the study of multidimensional holes. The full technical details of these ideas are rather baroque, and the interested reader is refered to the excellent expositions given by Atkin (1974) and Giblin (1977). It will suffice to say, how­ever, that basic information as of the holiness of a complex is contained in the pth order betti number, PP(K). The pth order betti number represents the num­ber of p-dimensional holes in a complex and is calculated as the rank of the pth

homology group

pp(K) = rankHp(K)


A B FIGURE 6. Simplicial complexes consisting of 4 species which each use 3 resources. A contains a hole, B is packed more tightly (Sugihara 1982).

This is formed as the quotient group of the family of all p -dimensional cycles, Zp(K) and the family of bounding cycles Bp(K) in K,

Hp(K) = Zp(K)/Bp(K)

Hp(K), therefore, consists of non-bounding p-cycles and the pth order betti number is the number of non-bounding p -dimensional cycles in K. These p -cycles are the kernel of the standard boundary homomorphism.

Some intuition may be gained by demonstrating how to compute the first order betti number for complexes having only 1-dimensional holes (Fig. 7). Put briefly, this involves finding the number of independent 1-cycles [rank Z\(G)] in K(R) and subtracting out the number of those that are in the boundary of a species simplex [rank B\(K)],

fa(K) = Rank Z,((?) - Rank BX(K) (1)

The computation of the first order betti number, therefore, involves finding the number of non-bounding 1-cycles in the 1-skeleton of K(R). Because G(R) is the 1-skeleton of K(R), the number of independent 1-cycles of K(R) is the same as the rank of the cycle basis of G(R).

Rank ZX(G) = Rank[cycle basis G(R)]


FIGURE 7. Examples of n-dimensional holes. (A) A complex composed of three 1-simplexes fram­ing a single 1-dimensional hole, $\ = 1. (B) A complex consisting of five 1-simplexes framing two 1-dimensional holes, jSj = 1. (C) A hollow torus containing 2 independent nonbounding 1-cycles, 0! = 2. (D) A hollow sphere containing a single 2-dimensional hole, 02

= 1 (Sugihara 1982).

The cardinality of the cycle basis for G(R) is calculated from the elegant Euler-Poincare equation

Rank ZX{G) = Edges - Vertices + 1 . (2)

In Figure 8A below, for example, rank Z\(G) = 9 — 6 + 1 = 4 , hence there are 4 independent 1-cycles in this complex. For 8B and C there are 6 and 8 independent 1-cycles respectively.

The number of independent 1-cycles in the boundaries of all species sim-plexes [rank BX(K)] is calculated from the union of independent 1-cycles in the species cliques in G(R) corresponding to maximal simplexes in K(R) (con­tained no larger simplex). For example, in Figure 8B the maximal simplexes are the 2 shaded triangles and the solid tetrahedron. Applying equation 2 to the cliques corresponding to each maximal simplex (1-skeleton), the number of inde­pendent bounding 1-cycles is computed as

Rank BX(K) = (3 — 3 + 1) + (3 — 3 + 1) + (6 — 4 + 1) = 5 .

As calculated earlier, the total number of independent 1-cycles (both bound­ing and non-bounding), rank Z\(G), is 6. Hence applying equation 1 we find

fttfT) = 6 - 5 = 1 .


FIGURE 8. Three simplexes containing 1-dimensional holes (non-bounding 1-cycles) (Sugihara 1982).

This indicates the presence of a single 1-dimensional hole in K(R). For sim­plexes that are joined at 3 or more points and whose intersection thereby con­tains cycles, rank B\(K) is computed as the union of bounding cycles for each simplex, calculated by working the inclusion-exclusion principle in the usual way to avoid counting cycles more than once. For the complex in Figure 8C, which consists of 2 tetrahedra and 2 triangles, the bounding cycles may be calcu­lated as

Rank BX(K) = (3)fl + (3 - l)b + ( l ) c + (1), = 7

where 1 is subtracted from b to account for the shared cycle in the intersection of simplexes a and b. In this example, P\(G) = 8 so that ($\(K) = 1, again demonstrating the existence of a single 1-dimensional hole in the complex.


A representative simplicial complex illustrating Bird's (1930) Aspen Park­land community is pictured below (Fig. 9). This community complex is typical in that although it possesses a rich mosaic pattern, from a homological stand­point it is rather simple and contains no holes of dimension 1 or greater. In all,


ruffed grouse

oriole, etc

FIGURE 9. K(R) for the Aspen Parkland (Bird 1930) (Sugihara 1982).

out of the the 73 community complexes tested, none had p -dimensional holes with p ^ 2 bounded by spheres or hyperspheres. Of the 60 communities that could possibly have 1-dimensional holes only two in fact did; although these, it has been argued, should be held with some reserve (Sugihara 1982). The data suggest, therefore, that holes are extremely rare in real niche spaces.

Aside from its interest as a fundamental topological property of communi­ties, the deeper biological significance of this result is the implication that


resources in the environment are ordered or correlated with each other by vari­ous means (e.g., spatially, taxonomically, by size), and that this ordering is per­ceived similarly by all of the species involved. For example, consider an insec­tivorous lizard community where the prey sizes may be grouped into the cata-gories large, middle, and small. As seen in Figure 10, the appearance of a lizard on the scene that eats only large and small insects, while avoiding the middle-sized ones, will create a hole. On the other hand, if this species obeyed the size ordering and also took in middle-sized prey items, the hole would be filled. One should not be misled by this grossly simple example because some of the order-ings are observed to be quite subtle (Sugihara 1982).

FIGURE 10. K(R) for a community where each species uses 2 resource sizes. Here, the species which uses large and small insects while avoiding the middle-sized ones creates a hole (Sugihara 1982).


Turning now to the condensed picture of niche overlaps given by G(C), we will attempt to obtain insight into the process of community assembly from the observation that real consumer overlap graphs possess the rigid circuit property (Sugihara 1982). A connected graph G is said to be rigid circuit or chordal if every circuitous path ¥ntG of length n > 4 is shortened by a chord (Dirac


1961) (Fig. 11). Such graphs have also been called triangulated (Rose et al. 1967) since all generated subgraphs contain no more than triangular circuits.

The following results for rigid circuit graphs lead to biologically reasonable assembly rules for G(C).

Rigid Circuit


Non Rigid Circuit


® <§)

<t> ©


FIGURE l l . An illustration of the rigid circuit property. Notice in graph A, that b and d are extreme vertices (neighbors form a clique) whereas a and c are not (Sugihara 1982).


LEMMA 1, (Dirac 1961). Every rigid circuit graph possesses at least one extreme vertex. That is, a vertex whose neighbors form a complete graph or clique.

LEMMA 2, If G is a rigid circuit graph, then G — V is also rigid.

PROOF, This follows trivially from the definition of triangulated graphs since every generated subgraph of G must be rigid.

A perfect elimination ordering (p.e.o.) (Fig. 12) is an ordering on the vertex set V

a:KHl,2,.. . f/i}

such that for every pair of vertices (v,-,^) not joined by an edge there exists no minimal path from vt to p, containing only p. and p- and vertices numbered less than

FIGURE 12. A perfect elimination ordering (Sugihara 1982).


min[a(Vj), a(vj)]. Therefore collapsing a graph by following a p.e.o. involves eliminating extreme vertices to generate the sequence of graphs


having n,...,l vertices.

THEOREM 1. G is a rigid circuit graph if and only if it possesses a perfect elimination ordering.

PROOF. Lemmas 1 and 2 lead directly to the result that rigid circuit graphs have a p.e.o. Conversely, because a p.e.o. involves eliminating extreme vertices there can be no generated subgraph containing Pn, n ^ 4 (see also Rose et al. 1976).

The reverse of a perfect elimination ordering is a perfect addition ordering (p.a.o.) (Fig. 13),

y(Vt) = n~ a(V() + 1 .

This generates the sequence of graphs

G\,G2, :,Gn


B 0 ® \ i

\ I



FIGURE 13. An assembly rule deduced from the rigid circuit property (Sugihara 1982).


by adding rather than deleting extreme vertices. Clearly theorem 1 holds for perfect addition as well as perfect elimination.

The fact that real niche overlap graphs G(C) are rigid circuit guarantees the existence of a p.a.o. However, to say that such an ordering exists is not to say that real niche overlap graphs were constructed in this way. The following bio­logical arguments may lead to such an ordering.

ARGUMENT L It is conventional wisdom that species tend to enter communi­ties in order of increasing (non-decreasing) specialization. That is, generalist species using a wide variety of resources enter first with specialists having nar­rower requirements coming in later on. Adding sequential specialists to G(C) may generate a p.a.o. by requiring incoming species to attach as extreme ver­tices within single cliques. A clique in G(C) corresponds with the biological term guild, or group of functionally related species. If an incoming species bridges two different functional groups it will likely be more generalized than any one of the species it overlaps. Therefore, if an incoming species is a specialist it will tend to attach within a single guild, as an extreme vertex. This, in turn gen­erates a p.a.o.

A more rigorous and general argument follows.

ARGUMENT 2. Suppose specialization at the /'* stage is associated with fewer niche overlaps or competitors in G,(C). A specialist, therefore, would have lower point degree (fewer radiating edges) than a generalist. Suppose further that each species subsequent to the ith one is a greater (or equal) specialist with respect to the species already present at the ith stage (vi,...,v,_i). That is, no subsequent species Vj,j>i will overlap more of the vertices (vi,...,V/-i) than v,. This produces the following rule for ordering vertices in G.

(PI). As the next vertex v,- to number choose the one adjacent to the most labeled vertices (viv..,v,--.i).

To see that this condition generates a p.a.o. we will use the following property of orderings which is strong enough to imply p.e.o. on triangulated graphs (Tar-jan 1978).

(P2). If a(v0)<a(v1)<a(v2),(v0,v2)e£' and (vhv2)$E, then there exists a vertex v* such that a(vj) < a(v* ), (vj,v* ) e E and (v0,v* ) $ E.

LEMMA J. (Tarjan 1978). If G is triangulated, any ordering that satisfies P2 is a p.e.o.

THEOREM 2. If G is triangulated, any ordering generated by PI is a p.a.o.


PROOF. Let a be a reverse ordering generated by PI where vertices are num­bered from n to 1. Due to lemma 3, it will suffice to show that a satisfies P2. Suppose a(v0)<a(vi)<a(v2),(v0,v2)el$ but (vuv2)$E. According to PI when V! is labeled it must be adjacent to at least as many vertices numbered before vx as v0. Since (v0,v2)sE but (vhv2)$E, there must be some vertex v* numbered before V! to which vx is adjacent but not v0. Thus a satisfies P2, and PI generates a p.a.o. (see also Tarjan 1978).

Therefore whether one argues loosely as in argument 1 or more precisely as in argument 2, increasing specialization combined with the rigid circuit property leads to the rule that species enter communities by attaching within individual guilds or cliques (perfect addition) rather than across multiple guilds. Given the conditions set forth in argument 2, this rule is both necessary and sufficient.


The following consequence of the above assembly rule can explain the lack of holes in K(R) discussed in Sect. 3.1.

LEMMA 4. Suppose that a guild or a clique in G(C) is defined by a common resource v0 in K(R). (True in most observed cases.) Then, perfect addition in G(C) pre-empts holes in K(R).

PROOF. It is easy to see that requiring all species; say the ith, to attach to sin­gle guilds (p.a.o.) implies that the distance (number of edges) in K(R) between vQ and some other resource Vj in the attachment set must be

d{v0,vj)<2 .

This restriction pre-empts the possibility of holes in a community complex. Therefore rigidity in niche overlaps G(C) and the absence of holes may both

be explained by our derived assembly rule.


A graph G is said to be interval (Fig. 14) if it is isomorphic to some graph 0(F) where F is a family of intervals. That is,

vtadj vjin G iffft Dfj * &in 0

Intervality is a special case of boxicity (Roberts 1969) which is the minimum number of dimensions required of boxes to represent adjacency in G. Interval graphs, therefore, have boxicity 1.


GR(C;A) Q R ( F ; X )


^ >


FIGURE 14. Intervality. Graph A can be collapsed to an interval graph, graph B cannot (Sugihara 1982).

The importance of intervality for the study of food webs derives from Cohen's (1978) provocative finding that nature contains an excess of interval niche overlap graphs G(C). To find natural food webs contained in this narrow subset of possible topologies implies a peculiar nonrandomness in the construc­tion of ecological systems. Despite numerous attempts to find an explanation, no biologically plausible mechanism has been discovered for this curious phenome­non (Cohen 1978, Yodzis 1982). One can gain some insight into the problem, however, from the following necessary and sufficient conditions for interval graphs.

THEOREM 3. (Lekerkerker and Boland 1962). A graph G is interval iff

1. G is a rigid circuit graph.

2. G is non-asteroidal (i.e., G does not contain 3 distinct points v0,v1,v2 and three paths connecting them W0,Wh W2 such that each point v, of this tri­ple of points is not a neighbor of any path Wt connecting the other two).

Because real niche overlap graphs are rigid circuit it seems worthwhile to test whether conditioning on rigidity alone may account for the high frequency of interval niche overlap graphs. That is, could the excess of interval niche over­lap graphs in nature be a simple consequence of the fact that they are triangu­lated? In particular could it be a consequence of the assembly rule for rigid cir­cuit graphs deduced earlier?


Out of our collection of 73 nontrivial communities G(C) (connected com­ponents with 2 or more species), 63 were observed to be interval. When these communities are numerically assembled by a random perfect addition ordering, 62.36 are found to be interval, and the difference is not significant (z = 0.33). These random rigid circuit graphs have the same number of vertices and edges as the observed communities however they are assembled by a perfect addition ordering which uses uniform distributions over appropriate limits to determine the sizes and identities of the attachment sets at each step. Therefore the assem­bly rule deduced in Sect. 3.2 appears to be sufficient to account for the high fre­quency of interval niche overlap graphs observed in nature.


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