Portfolio Guillermo Rubio


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Sales Partnerships Startup

Marketing Growth Communications

About me"Lo único imposible es

aquello que no intentas"

Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation.Co- Founder and Financial leader at Loadinn.

I love economy, marketing, sustainable growth, bigdata and fitness world

Guillermo Rubio



Graduation BangorHigh school

Superior grade formative course onfinance and business administration

3 months Finance and businessadministration practice Cork, Ireland

Leinn Degree atMondragon University.Creation of Loadinn

Market research in SanFrancisco for Ékolo

Project / Productcoaching in Ain


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1 year exchange student in the United States

3 Months exchange Ireland

14 years in a Basque School

About me:Volunteering:

Sports lover:

Since 2013 in AFS (http://www.afs.org)

I like scuba diving, sky and fitness

In the last few years, we are facing a veryharsh economic situation in Spain, this is

why we decided to develop a project thatwould help the unemployed people.

We gather 2 entrepreneur teams and coachthem on their projects. We focus on

sustainable project growth, marketing andproduct/service development to try to

achieve our initial goal, that consisted onimproving their current situation.

This is the second time that we haveworked with Ain, based on the good results

obtained on both editions.

I have always been involved in sports andlinked with the sports the nutrition anddiets, From sharing the same concern Igot to met Ékolo. Ékolo is a Spanish oil,

juice and preserved food.They wanted to expand this vision was toprovide as many people as they can withhealthy and ecological food. They have a

great presence here in Spain, but ourmission was to help them introduce to the

american market.Our work was to make a market research

for this company, presenting theirproducts to possible partners, distributors,

importers and consumers.

Financial chief officer/financial leader

We have created a company calledLoadinn. We are 13 members creatingpositive impact all around the world.We have travel to Finland, United

States, India, China and Estonia. Wedevelop B2B projects (From innovationand food and market consultancy) to

B2C projects ( Zocco, ......).

I have a financial roll this year, myobjectives are to scale the existing

projects in order to become acompany (Cooperative or S.L) andmake our living from it. We are

facing challenges such a frequentcashflow, and a more company focus



Thank you
