Portuguese Phrase Book


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Organized by subject: everyday phrases, transport, shopping, hotels and more

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eface onunciation

"seful Everyday Phrases ays, Months , Seasons "umbers

Time Hotels Cam ping and Cara\"anning Driving Rail Travel Air Travel Bus, Metro and Boat Trawl Eating Out ~lenu Guide Shopping At the Hairdresser

Span Post Offices and Banks Communications Health Conversion Tables ~[jni-dictionary

5 6 8

H 15 16 19 24 27

34 41 46 51 55 70 76 79 84 89 95

103 105



This Dar/illg KilldcrslcJ Eycwilllcss Trawl Guides Phrase Booll has been compiled by experts to meet the general needs of tourists and business tra\-ellers .. -\rranged under the headings of Hotels. Drh'jng and so forth. the ample selec tion of useful words and phrases is supported by a 2.000·line mini-dictionary_ There is also an extensiw menu guide listing approximately 550 dishes or methods of cooking and presentation. In addition, many Bra::ilian words and expressions are given. including a list of l)lJical Brazilian dishes and specialities.

Typical replies to questions you may ask during your journey, and the signs or instruc tions you may sec or hear, arc shown in tinted boxes. In the main text. the pronunciation of Portuguese words and phrases is imitated in English sound syllables. The in trodllCto ry section on pronunciation provides basic guidelines to Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese) pronunciation.

Dar/ill,'S Killderslcy Eyc\dOlCSS Trawl Guides are recognized as the \vorlds best travel gUides. Each titl e fea tures speCially commissioned colour photographs, detailed maps, cUlaways of major buildings an~ 3-D aerial \'iews, plus information on sights. e\'ents. hotels, restaurants, shopping and enlertainmenl.

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\Vhen ~eading the imitated pronunciation, stress the part that is unde.rhned. Pronounce each syllable as if it formed pan of an Eng.hsh word, and you will be understood sufficiently wei\. ~\'o l d pauses between the syllables. The Portuguese tend to lmk the sound of a terminal vowel with the beginning of the next word. They have a 'soft' pronunciation and will often ~wallow word endings. Given this complex sound structure it IS nO.t always easy to transe.ribe Portuguese in terms of English s~el1mg. Remember the pomts below, and your pronunciation wIll be even closer to the correc t Portuguese.



For Brazilian Portuguese. word endings are not swallowed as in Portuguese. and \"owe! sounds arc clearly pronounced. The ao sOllnd is hea\"ily nasalised as in Portugal. The letter r at the beginning of a word is pronounced as an h so Rio (as in Rio de Janeiro) actually sounds like hee-oo. A double r , in the middle of a word. also sounds like the English h. The s as in cortes is more like a z, whereas in Portuguese it is like the English sh.

Where the Portuguese word differs from the Brazilian, the Brazilian equi\"alem has been giwn next to it, as in the following example (levamar is the Portuguese and tirar the Brazilian equi\·alem):

j As in ajoodghr ([or ajudarl: this should be sounded as )'ou would in the s in 'pleasure·, soft not hard. Posso le,·antar/tirar (Bra::) dinhciro com esre cartao de credito?

ng As in 1l0wIlg (for nao) : it represents the nasal sound made when the vowels a, e, i, 0 or u precede m or n, and the nasal diphthongs ao, ae , ai , and oe. If you are familiar with the French pronunciation of words like 'manter· and 'environ', then the Portuguese nasal sound should be no problem to you. Don't give the g of ng its full (hard) value as in 'sing' - treal the letter combination as a symbol of the nasal sound.

As in ra h!;.ttuh (for raqueta ): the initial r of a word should be rolled and aspirated, to create a 'hrr' sound from the back of the throat.

u As in hgh-zult dull bghll-Yoo (for casa de banho): this is a dull u sound, as in the 0 in ·mother'.


Where the whole sentence (or most of the sentence) is different, the Brazilian equh-alent will be repeated on a separate line and have (Bra::) preceding it:

Desculpe. enganei-me no numero dushlwolp, CIIgallgY-H1111l 1100 nooll1croo

(Braz) Desculpe, foi engano d[L~J1JWO!p, Joy en-galt-noll

In Things You"1I See or Hear. the whole Brazilian phrase has been ghTn afterward:

casa de banholbanheiro (Bmz) naa fumadores/nao fumantes (Braz)

bathroom non-smokers



Yes/No SimINao secnglllowllg

Thank you Obrigado (.~aid by a man) obreegQh-doo

Obrigada (said by (1 \\'oman) obreegg}l-duh

No, thank you Nao obrigado (said ~Y a mall) /lownS obrecgQh-doo

Nao obrigada (sC/ iel by a woman) 1l00V Il j; obrecgrrh-dljlJ

Please Por favor IJoorfuh -\'Qr

I don't understand Nao compreendo/emcndo (Braz) nowng kompreC-Qldoolain-caing-dol!

Do you speak EnglishIFrenchiSpanish? Fala ingleslfranceslcspanhol? JQh-luh ccnglf:,sJlljrwls£s!l/sllpall-YQll

I can't speak POrluguese Eu nao falo ponugues r h-oo llowllgJQh-loo poortoo-gtsh



e speak more slowly l\'OT, fale mais dcvagar :l:h-\"QI; Jaltl mysh c/UYagrrIH

e write it down for me 5e Importa de me eSCTCWT isso?

-r:,:: st"t' ccmpQr!uh dull /J1UShkrf\'rur ITSSOO

d afternoon tarde

-llh !elrel

'ood night '3 nonc

-uh n()yt

dbyc eus/Ate logo (Bra:) '.-ooshla/l/cJJ lilll-guh

ow arc you? mo est<1?!Como \-aI? (Bra::)

~.t:-moo shlallwh-moo \acc

b:cusc me, please . fJ: favor/Com licen(a (Bra::)

1: Ii-Ish Juh-\-Qr/hoJlg Ice-saing-sah

rry ! :;..:u lpt! sh!~QQlp



I'm really sorry Tenho muita pena/Sinta muito (Bra:::) 1(l1yO /)lIvff.lltuh pfh-nuhlscr.nco mwcr:nloo

Can you help me? Pode-me ajudar? PQd-nwl1 ajoodQ)"

Can you tell me .. . ? Pode-me dizer ... ? pQd-muh deezml

Can I have .. . 7 Oa-me ... lIMe da ... ? (Braz) dg-tnuhlmch dall

I would like . Queria .. .IGostaria .. . (Bra:::) krff-tlhlgos-tah-rff-uh

Is there ... here? Ha ... aqul? ah ... ah"

Where is the w i let? Onde e a casa de banho? Ql1deh till hgh-zlIh du.h bghn-yoo

(Braz) Onde e 0 banhei ro Q!Jg-deh er OJl bang-dl-roll

Is there a highchair/cotlbaby changing room? Ha uma cadeira alta/urn ben;o/um vcsti,lrio para bebes? ah (Jomah Iwh-day-ruh al-ruhloom behr-su/oom vesh -Icc-arcc-oo

pah Hth bch-besh


re can I geL ... ? ~ posso arranjar ... ? " PQssoo arranjqhr

. much is it?

you take credit cards? ilam cartoes de credito?


",;,'. -cowng harr~ngsh duh Im:_ddicoo

I pay by cheque' .. so pagar com cheque?

pC/gahr IWllg shd~

'What time is it? ( . e ho rns S30?

1111sh sowllg

I must go now .ho que me ir embora

..... ,,:,0 huh nwh eer embQruh

'-a:) Tenho que ir embora --...:,,;-ho heh ill t'ng-QQb.-rah

Cheers! (toast) ~ ude!


Go away! -"'a-selVai (Bra.::) embora!

,;suhlvacc cmbQI11h



Where is the BritishlUS embassy? Onde e que fica a embaixada BriUinica/dos Estados Unidos? ol1(/tlh ell hee Iee-hah ah embaay-s/wh-dal! bree-lan-ee-hah/doosh

shlah-doosh oonfc-doosil

Is there wheelchair access? H:m acesso pa ra cadeiras de fadas? wy-(!)'ng CIssell-soD pc!h r-uh l::all-clay-rash dell ro-dash

Are there facilities for the disabled? Ha facilidades para deficientes? all Ja-scc-lce-dahdesh paln"-tth dcJcc-scc-eng-tcsh

Are gUide dogs allowed? Permilem cacs de guia? per-mer-lang IWingsh dell guahr-dl!h


aberlO agua potavcl atuga-se caixa casa de banhol

banheiros (Braz) com licent;a como eSIa/vai? (Braz) de nada desculpe elpor (Braz) favor

fcehar a porta elevador empurre encerrado entrada


open drinking water for rem lill toilet

excuse me how are you don't mention it sorry

please dose the door lift push closed entrance

da livre/franca (Braz) ado ado para ferias ado para obras

mens rario de abertura rns de visita -abos uito prazerl -0

-0 falo inglcs ~o faz mal ~o fumar rigado

ocupado rdao rigo de morte

pintado de frescol linta fresca (Braz)

privado proibida a entrada pu..xe rese rvado

ida saida de emergencia saldos sani1<iriosl\VC

nhoras sim urn mornenlO, por favor '\"cndc-sc


admission free closed closed fo r holiday period closed for repairs men opening times visiting hours toilet pleased to meet you! no I don't speak English never mind no smoking thank you engaged sorry danger wet paint

private no admittance pull reserved exit emergency exit sale toilet women yes one moment, please for sale



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

January February March ' April May June July August September OCLOber November December

Spring Summer Autumn \~/inter

Christmas Christmas Eve Good Friday Easler

New Year New Year's Eve


Domingo Segunda-feira Terc.;a -feira Quana-feira QUinta-feira Sexla-feira Sabado

Janeiro Fcycreiro 0. lan;o Abril :\ Iaio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Nowmbro Dezembro

PrimaYera Venia OULOno 1m-ernc

Natal \ 'espera de Natal Sexta-feira Santa Pascoa . Semana Santa Ana i\'O\'O

Vespera de Ano No\-o

doomffngo scgoo.ndun Jay-nih lQirsuh fl~v . ruh Inl'QrWh g..v· ruh hcrnruh ·~\'-mh savshwh Ja..\·· ruh sgbadoo

jan.G,v·roo ftnrQy -roo mQI"SOO

abru:.l mx-oo JQQn -yoo jQQi -.lloo agQshlOo sec(mbroo oh-cQQbroo noo'·rmbroo dC.f.mbroo

prccma-\·g.f1llh \'erQwng olQh-noo

3 •


.::Q;roo oom

IS dovsh ts rrc'"sh

tro kwqtroo

de: desll on: e an.z do: e doze Ire: e {rez

5 cinco sffllg.koo 6 seis saysh 7 sele set 8 oito QVIOO 9 nove no'

catorze/quator:e (Bra::J kacQdalQr:::eh quinze keen::.: de:asseisldezesseis (Bra::) dc::.:assClyslllde::.:-ell ·sdJ.· is dezassete/dezessele (Bra::) dc::.:asftlde::.:-eh-Sflcc de:oito d C::.g.\'IOO

dezanow/de:eno\-e (Bra:) dc::.:anQvlde:::·eh -.!1.illJ.-\'cc 'loll.' Vfflll

\ lntc e urn n.-ent ft' 00111

nnte e dais hY'H t'e donh [rima tI-.a:nwh -[rima e urn lru,:nruh cc Dam trima e dais rr,(OHuh cc dovslJ quarenta k\\'ars::nruh -cmquenta Sft."lg -l~h·.cnruh sessenta scssf:nluh setenta SC1(nlUh

nalqh! enema oWs:.n/uh \'fshpurrull dull nmqhl noventa -noO\;.;.nw/l S£Shlllh IQv./uh sqmuh 1 cem sayng pahsh-h\\"uh-\\"uh. 110 eento e de s;.;.nlOO ff dcsh semqn -uh sqn/tlh 2: cluzemos doo::r.ncoosh qh-noo nah-voo 0 mil mcd \'t.sllpull-Il,h dqh.noo 1.000,000 urn milhao oom meel.)Qwng




today hoje yes terday ontem tomorrow amanha the day before antcontcm

yes terday the day after depois de amanha.

tomorrow this week esta semana last week a semana passada

next week a semana que vern

this m orning eSla man hat hoje de manha (Braz)

this afternoon eSla tarde/ hoje a tarde (Braz)

this evening esta noite/ hoje de noite (Braz)

tonight esta naite yesterday ontem a tarde

a fternoon tomorrow amanha de manha

morning tomorrow night amanha a naite in three days dentra de lres diasl

em lreS dias (Braz) three days ago ha treS dias late tarde early cedo soon em breve later on rnais tarde at the moment neste momento second segundo


oje Qntayng amanyqng alHcc-Qntayng

depQYsh damanygng

fshtuh semgli · 'luh uh semah-mth taSSQh-duh

U semqh-mdt huh vayng

!;.ShlUh manyangl hoe-gee ddl tnClnyang T (shtuh ta rd II: hoe-gee all lard f.shwh nO)'1 hoe-gee dell noyl (shtuh nay! Qntayng all {aId

amanyqng duh man)'.ang

amanyqng all not denlroo duh Ires dIT-ush

ehm Iresh dcr-ush ah tresh dff-ush ca rd seh-doo ayn~ brev mys lard nesht mOOnl.c.ncoo scgmndoo


minuto de.z minu[Os urn quarto de hora/ quinze minuros (Braz) meia hora IreS quartos de hora! quarenta e cinco

minutos (Bred a hora o dia a semana a quinzena o mes o ano



desh meenQQlOosh oom Invartoo dQl1th/ hing-zeh mee-!1QQ-toes mav-),uh Qruh crcih ·!lwgrcoosh dQntltf cua-ming-cah ell £crll-

Iww mce-noo-coes Ql1th dcr-[th sell1il}J-IlHh /u:l'n::m'llttll mesh {Ih-lloO

nuguese you always put the hour fi rst when talking 1 minutes past the hour. Use the word e for 'P,lst'

3 10 = tres e vinte or 'three and twenly'). For minu tes to hour the minutes come first. Use the word para for ' 10'

.J.() = vinte para as sete or ' tweillY to seven'). The 24-clock is used officially in timetab les and enqUiry offices.

Bra: ilian Portuguese you neyer use the word 'quarte r' telli ng the time, instead you say fifteen to the hour or fif­

past the hour (eg 2.15 = duas e quinzc and 2.45 = quinze as tres).

o"c1ock paSt one

er past onc

I)' pas t one pas t one t}' to two

uma hora uma e de= uma e urn quano! uma e quinze (Bm::)

llmJ e vinte uma e mew vinte para as duas

QQllluh Qruh QQllluh ee desh QQllluh ee oom

hW{IrloO/OOntaiJ ell illng-zcll

QQmuh ee \'Cenl QQl11lih ee l11ill'-yull veelll prasl1 c/QQ-ush


f" TI ~IE

quarter to \\"'0 urn quarto para oom In\"gnoo prash as duaslquin:e dQQ-ushlhlng-seh para as duas (Bra::) pah-rah as dQQ-as

le n to two de: para as duas dcsh prash dQQ-ush two o'clock duas haras dQQ-u::: Ql1lsh

13.00 (1 pm) tre:.e horas lrr.:::ee .Qntsh 16.30 (·1.30 pm) de.:asscis e (rima! dt'::assQ\':: ff Crrrntu&

dezesseis de::>ch -~-is e ninta (Bra::) e? cr'(QHuh

20.10 (8.1 0 8 m) \'inte e dez \"Cent rc dcsh at half past ive as cinco e meia ash s(£llg-koo e.:

mo.v-yuh at seven o'clock as sele haras ash sec Ql1lSn

noon meio-dia mgy-yoo-d(f-uh midnight meia-noite mf!.\oyuh -nQyt



P"rtIl,vuese ho tels are classified one-Slar lO five-star, in addition rhich there are the following types of accommodation:


gem: Luxury inn da: Stale- run inn , in a scenically beautiful area and

of len a building o f historic interest Boarding house Reasonably priced accommodation, usually a small , family-run concern


a \'aranda a casa de banhol o banheiro (Bra::) a cama ° quano a conta o pequeno almoc;o/ o cafe da manha <Bra::) a sala de jantar o jantar o quano de casal o fO\'er/o salao (Bra.:) penSao complela rneia-pensao o hotel a chave o ascensorl o cle\'ador (Bra.:) a sala ° almo,o o gereme a recep<;ao

varg.l1duJl Rah -::uh dId! bqllll-yool bang-cll-roh hall -mull hll'artoo kQllluh pekf.ll-noo almall -sao/ c~ff. dah mang-D.,Y(! SQh-lah dull j(llllahr jalJ(ghr kwqrtoo duh Iwzgl Iw)'.-ayls(lhlallg poyng-sl2wllg homp/r.lluh mgy-yuh payllg-sQwllg Oh -1J.'U shalH' ash -sC!Yllg-sQll rh -In'-ah-door sqh-Iuh almQJ1-soo jern:m nlssepsQII'llg



receptionist restaurant room room service shower single room


twin room

o recepClOmsta o restaurante oquano o ser\'ir;o de quartos o ducheJo chuveiro (Bra::) o quarto individual! de solteiro (Bra::) a casa de banhol banheiro (Bred o quarto com duas


Have you any vacancies? Te:m \'agas? luy-ayng Vql1-gLISll

I have a reservation Eu fi: uma resel"\'(1 r l1-oo feez QQI11(1 n:.::illrvu/i

I'd like a single/double room

nlSScpss-YOOllffshru h rush/oil -rail! kwarloo s1Ir-=-\,cr50 dull /lwqrroosh dO(J.SJI sho-rrb.-roh k\\'grlOO ecndl.'C\'cedwgl/ duh sol-L£h.-roh kah-:;:uh duh hahn-vool bah-n/lei-roll - -kwgrtoo Iwng dQQ-ush


Qucria urn quarto individuatlde casal j,rcr-uJl oom kwartoo cendcevfcdwgllduh kazgJ

(Braz) Queria urn quarto de soheiro/de casal hIT-ult oom kwgrloo clec SOI-ldl-roh/duh ha:::aJ

I'd like a twin room Queria urn quarto com duas camas h cr-tl ll oom kWQl"wo Iwng dQQ-lIsh hal1 -n1llsh

I'd like a room with a bathroomlbalcony Qucria urn quarto com casa de banho/com \-aranda hcr-wJ 00111 kw,arlOO kong kgh-:::uJl dull bgnhyoollwng \'aranduh

(Bred Queria urn quarto com a b;mheiro/corn \-aranda In.cr-uh 00111 bvgrlOo hong 011 bClIlg-dJ. -rohllwng var,andllh


li ke a room for one night/three nights .::1a urn quarto 56 par uma noite/tres noites

....... <111 Dam kll'grtoo soh poor QQmtlh noyc/pom- fresh noytsh

there satellite/cable TV in the rooms? 'Ja rtas tern t\- \-ia sateliteJl\- par cabo?

:,\'arroosh cay-ayng ceh-vea \'fr-tll! salch-lee-cllllIceh-\'ce poor Im-bll

at is the charge per night? ..J.l e a prc(o por noite?

ell 00 prdHoo poor l lOJiC

(In't know yet how long I'll stay ':a nao sei quanta tempo mu ficar

-,J;.llduh nOll'ng say kll'gllcoo ccmpoo vohfeehghr

"'hen is breakfast/dinner? '-,'.Ie horas e 0 pequeno almo(% jamar? ",' l' QfllZ eh 00 pehch-Iloo almQh-so%o jantghr

'~ A que horas e 0 cafe da manhMo jamar? ~,'t' QIlI':: eh 00 cafe deh mang-!J..1li!Ioo jQlughr

tOuld you have my luggage brought up, please? .:~ -me/Poderia (Bred lc\'ar a bagagem, par favor?

_ :-muh/pol1-dch-rcc-ah lul1vghr 1111 baggh-jayng, poor jul1-vQr

asc call me at ". o'clock l-_.1me-me as '" hams, par fa\'or ... ll1 u-nlllh ash '" Qru sh, poorJtll1-\'Qr

n I havc brcakfast in my room? '~so tamar 0 pequeno almo~o no qua n o? '';00 loomghr 00 pd~!:.h-l1oo almQh-soolnoo hl\'grcoo

" I.::) Posso tamar 0 cafe da manha no quarto? _ -suo roomghr 00 cafe dell mang-1J,.Ya noo hll'~JTIOO



I'll be back at ... o'clock Volta as . horas vQlt o() ash ... QI"t!Sh

Can you recommend another hotel? Pode-me recomcndar/Poderia sugerir (Bra::) Dulro hotel? {JQcl-muh rdwomclldghrlpoh-deh-rc-aI1 SQQjclirccr QJ1-rroo Oh-l£ll

My room number is . o numcro do mell qua no eo. 00 IlQQmciH-OO d(lo mriHJO Inl'Qnoo (11 00

I'm leaving tomorrow \'ou-me embora amanh:1 v.QI1-nwh flJlbQruil amanyang

Can I have the bill , please? A coma, por favor till kQ/l{ U/l , poorJuh-vQr

Can you gel me a taxi? Pode-me chamar urn taxi? PQd-I71UII slwmah r Dam l"ilser


agua rria agua quentc almoco banheira casa de banhol

banheiro (Braz) chuvciro conta


cold water hOI water lunch bathtub bathroom, toilet

shower bill


t pequeno almoc;o/ cafe da manha (Braz)

=~:aolterreo (8 raz)


bed and b reakfast

lift dinner half board full board breakfast

t\\-1n room double room smgle room

receptlon ground .ooor reser\"atlOn restaurant emergency exit telephone s\\itchboard operator

muita pena, mas estamos chcios Sin to muito, mas estamos chcios

r:V sorry, but we're full

lemos quartos individuais ~ :\30 temos quarto de soltciros _ n: are no Single rooms left

E 'Por (Bmz) favor pagar adiantado .. ......:..e pay in advance




Portugal has campsites all along its coastline and especially ncar the most popu lar resorts. Sites can also be found inland. It is advisable to have an Interna tional Campers' Card, ava il able from mOLOring organisations and the Camping and Caravanning Club in Grea l Britain . Many sites require that such a card be shown, especiall y in the high season,

Youth hostels are open to members of the YHA , but in the high season it is best to book in advance.

In COlllraSl to Portugal, camping isn't widespread in Brazil , and there are very few organized campsites with facilities.



I camp here?

a tenda de campismol a barraca (Brav o reboque o albergue da/de

(Braz) jUYentude

- a.:ampa r aqui? olhampghr ,t!~"

. -e pa rk the caravan here?

lellg-dah deh kang-peesh-moolba-lJ.ak-er

rdlbQk albillrg dllhldeh


C's estacionar a rulole/o trailer (Bra::) aqui? -. -moosJl sluass-yoonahr alt roo-Ioh -chayloh 1.rrJJ-ler akcr.


bucket 0 balde bglduh jooggy-Jllh eer akampahr park duh

\,I' ....... ~ is the nea rest campsite/caravan site? .ica 0 pa r-que de campismo mais pr6ximo?

campfire a fogueira go camping IT acampar campsite 0 parque de

cam pismo caravan a rulote!

o trailer (Bra::) caravan site 0 parque de

cooking utensils

drinking water groundsheet


rope rubbish rucksack saucepans sleeping bag


caravanas as utensilios de

cozinha a agua potj"el a lona impermeavei

pedir boleia/ pedir carona (Braz) corda o lixo a mochila as pandas o saco de dormir

kampro-moo roo-1Qh-chayl 1.rrJJ-ler pgrk duh

kah-rah- vghllash OOWlSff/-yoosh duh

kooillllllyuh ghg-wuh pootgh-vell iQnnuh cempennee-

ah-veJl ped.:!;>" booJgyyuhl pch-dger ha-mll-nall hQrduh lIT-shoo mooshrrluJl pall -neh-Iush sah-hoo dtlh doonnITr

- ;r;£.kuiJ o() parJ~ dull kampffj-moo mysh prQssimoo

is the charge per night? :; tJ prec;o por noite? c~ 00 prr}l-soo poor noyt

I light a fire he re? .Kender uma fogueira aqui? J.S senciillr QQmuh joogG,Y-l1lh al?IT.

re can I gel . . . ? e posso arranjar ... ? i: PQssoo arralljah ,·

h the re drinking water here? ... ~Ja POl<l,\"e! aqui?

"; ".,~ - wtlh poocah-vd/ akcr.




acampar agua potavel albcrgue da/de (Braz) juventude barraca (Braz) canao casa de banhol

banheiro (Braz) chuveiro cobertor cozinha duche emprestar fogueira luz manta parque de campismo pedir emprestado proihido acampar proihido fazer lumei

proibido fazeT fogueira (Braz) rchoque ruiole/t railer (Braz) saeD de dormir tarifa tend a de campisrno uso


to camp drinking water youth hostel tent pass, identity card toilet

shower blanket kitchen shower lend fire light blanket campsite borrow no camping do not light fires

trailer ca ravan sleeping bag charges tent use

l'.!G :gal has a rapidly expanding mOlOTway network wi th

· ... ''''''"'tia1 stret ches heading northwards and southwards from "'n. All motorways charge a toll. If you don·t use the rways, it is advisable to lIse an EN (Estrada Nacional) , as

sa:ondalY roads can be in poor repair. European and American standards, Brazi lian roads are not well main tained. Some roads have recently been privatized tolls arc now le\ied. Portugal. the rules of the road are: drive on the righ t, :..:ike on the lefl. There are no prior ity signs such as there

ill France. since all secondary roads give way to major at junctions and crossroads. In the case of roads having

status, or at unmarked junctions, traffic coming from the HT has priority. e spcecl limit on motorways is 120 km/h (75 mph), and on r highways 90 km/h (56 mph); o therwise keep to the

shown. In bUilt-up areas the limit is 60 kmlh (37 mp h). can be fined on the spo t if you break the speed limit. pmel1l to be carried at all times includes a spa re tyre and a

mangle in case of breakdown or accident. Seat belts are pu lsa r)'. It is also compulso ry to carry yo ur dri ving li cence, ranee documents and passport at all limes. tro l stations on highways arc usually open 24 hours a day, elsewhere the), close late at night. Fuel ratings are as follows: -star = super, diesel fuel = gas6ieo , unleaded = scm chumbo, ed = com chumbo.

any Brazilian cars run on alcoa!. Outside main cities, petrol ons are few and fa r between, so fill up before you leave. Be

pa red to pay in cash . since many petrol s tat ions don·t take it cards.





aeroporto aIrport apagar as maximas! headlights off

apagar as far6is (Braz) atencao ao comboiol beware of the trains

alcncao ao trem (Braz) bomba/posta (Braz) dCJasolina fill ing station bus/via da onibus (Bra bus lane ccntro (da cidade) town centre circule peLa direita/esquerda keep rightlleft cruzamcnto crossroads cruzamento perigoso dangerous junction dar prioridade give way desvio d iversion escola school estacao de servh;o service station estacionamento proibido no parking fim de autoestradaJ end of motorway

hm de rodavia (Braz) garagem garage luzes de tninsito traffic lights norte north obras roadworks pare, olhe e escute stop, look and listen parque de estacionamentol car park

estacionamento (Braz) passagem de nivel level crossing passagem subterranea pedestrian underpass peoes/pedestre (B raz) pedestrians perigo danger portagemlpedagio (Braz) loll proibida a inversao de marcha no U-turns proibido ultrapassar no ovenaking rua scm saida cui-dc-sac, dead end semaforos traffic lights

28 -

'do proibido do tinieo (Braz)

do ao tTansito los pesados

te de vcJocidade azul


o porta-bagageml a mala (B r-a~

no emry onc-way sueet traffic lights road closed heavy vehicles speed limit


restricted parking zone

o ua\'aolo freio (Bra::) a a\'ariaJ

PQrluh -bagf!h -jayngl /1lah -lah travQ\\'ng/Jrrll-oh avarrr-uJ1i en-g,u;.-sah

an roads

e (verb)



ction (1f1 lIl otonvay)

cngui,ar (Bra::) o carro a ruio[e/o trailer (Braz) o cru::amento condu::irl dirigir (Braz) o motor o tubo de escape/ o cano de descarga

(Bra:) a correia da

venLOfnhaJ a correia do

vcmilador (Braz) a oncina a mudan,aJ a m~lfcha (Bra:) as mudan\:asl as marchas (Bra~ o ramal da

autoesuadaJ o trC\'O (Braz)

kQlTOa roO-/OJ1 -C 11 a y /IliD'--Ie r hroozamrnlOo hondoo::.££/'/ dee-ray-sheer mootQr tQQboo dushhap/ ha-noh deh des halt-gah

IworJ;~yyt(h da vel1wO-ITI1Yllhl

Jwr-~Q doh vCl1l-eh-lah-doo ,'

o}l-jecssgfl1uh moodqllslIJ11 maJl-s}wh moodql1sllshl n1clh -shahsh ratnq/ duh 0\\'100-

shlrah-dull/ treh -vall




lights (heatl) ( rca r)


mirror motorbike rnolorway

number plate petrol petrol station

road skid (verb) spares

speed speed limit


Sleering wheel lOw (ve rb) tramc lights

t railer Lyre van

wheel windscreen


a carta de condw-,:ao/

a carteira de motorista (Bra:::)

os farois maximos as luzes de mis o camh\O/ o caminhao (Bra=:) o espelho relfoyisor a motocicleta a autoestradal a rodovia (Bra~ a matrfcula a gasolina a bomba da gasolina

a estrada paLinar/derrapar (Braz) as pec;as sobresselcmes! as pec;as sobressalemes

(Braz) a \·elocidadc o limite de

\'e\ocidade o conta-quilometrosl o ve\ocimclro (Braz) o volante rebocaT os semaforos o sinal (Braz) o rcboque o pneu a furgonetaJ a caminhonete (Bra=:) a rada o para-brisas

I/qrtult duh kondoosQwngl

car-1ru:-ralJ deh mow-lOc-illU!

JarQ}'sh mQssecmoosh lQQ:::ush duh trash kam-YQwngl ka-mee-llillil1,g shpgll-yoo rClroo-vee motoo-see-k1t:ttuIJ owtoo-shtrghduhl hoad-oh-::r.rah matlI,-/woluh gazool"Jlllh bQmbllh duh

gazoolcenllh shIrah-dull palee-IlQh rldey-JKw.-a prssush sobnlilscl.~nls Pf.SStlSJl soh-brey-sah-

ICIl -chccse ve/oossee-dalld leemITI dlll~

veloossee-dghd kOlltuh -keelQmmeCf veh -loss -ch -!!!f!! -lOh VOO/Qllt reboohQhr semmJooroosh see-naJJI rcbQk pllf.h-oo JoofgoOnf.11ull! Iw-meing-noh-lli!,Y-cllef. rQdd!lh pel ra-brrr-::!lsh

ke some petroVoiVwater '":_ gasolina/oJeo/agua

_ - r ga::oolcrn uhlall-yoo/ghg-wuh

It up, please! -.J 0 lanque, por fa\'or .~ 00 lml,g-Ile.\~ poor j uh-\'Qr

h kc 30 curos worth of petrol :-:a !rima curos de gasolina, por fa\'or

..... -:..h lramuli aYlllil"Osh duh ga:.:oolcenuh, poor juh-\'Qr


....::. Queria cinco mil reais de gasolina, por favor _ -:lh s"-Ilg-Iwo med heh-ice duhga:.:ooleel1uh, poorjttlH'ar

uld yo u check the lyres, please? ',J \'c rifi car os pneus, pa r fa\'or? \.4"-ll ll verre -Jee/lQr oosh pllf.h-oosh, poorJuh-\'QI"

1terc is the nearest garage (for repairs )? :::'c e a oficina mais proxima?

_ c~ till oh:fcessITl1uh mysh prQssccmuh

\\' do 1 get to ... ? ~o ~ que se \'ai para ,.? '·moo elt Iwlt suh vye PQr-uh

lh is the road to , .,? cSle 0 caminho para ... ? ,:5111 00 kam,,,l-)'OO PQr-tlh

you do repairs? .1.:em repara<;oeslconsenos (Bra:::)? '-:::ayllg rt:parrllh-s.Q.Yllgshlcol1-sir-wes



Can you repair the clutch? Pode-me arranpT a embraiagem? }JQd-muh (lITaltjahr [411 cmbl),-gh-jayng

(Braz) Pode consertar a embreagem? poll -gee con-sir-wll all cm-bli -ah -ilieng

How long will it take? Quanta tempo vai demorar? hlV!1lltOO tfmpoo vyc dcmoorahr

There is something wrong with the engine o motor esta com urn problema 00 moolQr shlah hong oom pro-blf..h-mah

The engine is overheating o motor esta a aquecer demais 00 mootQr shtah ahussQir dllh -m):sh

(Braz) 0 motor esta esquentando muito 00 mootQr sillah fs -hen -tan-doo mooing-toc

I need a new tyre Preciso de um pneu novo pre-sec-soh doom pllfh-oo nah-voo

I'd like to hire a car Queria al ugar um carro krff-lJ/J aloogahr oom kgnno

Where can I park? Onde posso estacionar) Qnduh PQssoo shtass-yoonghr

Can J park here? Posso eslacionar aqui? PQssoo shrass-yoOllf1ln akff



"dente te-chapas

·chalfila (Braz) garrafamcnto ell [urad a oleo/diesel (Bmz) olina olina super

\"el do oleo leo ressao dos pneus ida m chumbo

on the right on the left first on the right second on the le ft go round the .

after the. straight on at the corner turn right lurn left

accident bodywork repairs queue traffic jam puncture diesel petrol four-star oil level oil tyre pressure exit unleaded




Portuguese trains are quite fas t, and fares are relaliyely low when compared with the rest of Europe. The re are fi rst and second class facili ti es, and you aTe advised to book in advanc because of high demand. On some routes, CP (the abbreviation for the national railway company) will offers car transportation

In Brazil , rail travel is not a major mode of transportation. The train called the dourado is a night train thal runs betwe Sao Pauio and Rio de j aneiro , and is a very pleasant journey. The main types of trains are:

Automotora: Small , fast diesel train on local routes

Corre ia: TWice-daily mail train on long-distance routes; al so takes passengers

ALFA: Express train from Lisbon to Opon o

Lusitania-Exprcss: Lisbon to Madrid luxury express

Inter-Cidades: Di rect interci ty train

Sud-Express: Lisbon to Paris express in 24 hours


booking office a bilhe teira! beel-yl/Il-IQY-nlh a bilheteria (Bmz) beel-yull-tell-,"ee-ah

buffet a cafeteria hah-J,h-1Ch -rec-all carriage a carruagem Iw,wall -jayng compartment o companimento komparlee-mQHoo connection a ligar;ao Iceg(lssQwng coucheue a carruagem carnal hww'-lh-jayng ka}J-mu

o vagao-leito (Bra:) \'a}1-~-lcih-tOJ1 currency exchange o c<'l.mbia hgm -)'00 dining car a carruagem hanvQh-~avng

restaurante rushlO -;"am



ge trolley

ge van


r .... cd sea t uranl car

tum ticket

o abnne a lacomotiya a entrada a saida primcira classe cntrar sair o guarda o deposito de

bagagens/ o guarda volumes

(Bm:) perdidos e

achadDs o carrinho das

bagagens a furgoneta

das bagagens/ o \"agao das

bagagens (Bra::) a plataforma o carriV o lfilho (Bra::) o caminho/ a estrada (Bm:)

de ferro o lugar reservado a carruagem

reSlaurante o bilhete de ida

e yolta o lugar segunda classe o bilhcte simples a estar,;ao o chefe da eSlar,;ao


alarm /oo/lOomootC5,;.vuh oHrall-du}l sa-a;.-dull prccmay-nlh Idass 01l ral1/" sall -"r gwa,-duIJ dCP2:::'CCIOO dull bagnJI-iavngsh g\\'ar-du -volJ -loQill-('s

pcrdrrdoo:: Cf

ashah-doosh har.l:..\:ll -Yoo dusll

baggh-jayngsll joorgoollfuuh

dUSJ1 bagqll -ja)'ngs/11 \'alJ -~das

bag-ill12heng plalajQl"mllh IWI"f.f1l t.rr.-lcc-oh kama:nyoo/ es-wlli-dah

duh js;.ITOO loogar rc::airvgh -doo Iwrw(!lJ -jayng

11Isllwl1 -ranc bccl-vf.( duh crduh

ee \'Qiwh loogar scgQQnC/uh klass beel-y,-! srrmplush shrassQ\nlg sht'jj dushlaSSQlVl1g



bacalhau a Bras baca lhau a Gomes de Sa

bacalhau assado bacalhau a Ie do Pipo hacalhau com oa las bacalhau dourado bacalhau na brasa banana flamb ee halala assada batala a murro batala palha halalas halalas cozidas halalas frj las halalas salteadas balidolbatida (8m::) de chocolate batidos/bal ida ( Bra::) batidoslbatida (Bra::) de fruta bavaroise

bern passado berbigao bcringclas bcsugos betcrraba h iea hifanas bire bire a cortador hire de a lcat ra bire de alUm bire de javali hife de pojadouro hire de vata (com ovo a c3\'a\0) hife grelhado hifes com ccholada hires de peru hire tartaro bifinhos de porco bifinhos na bnlsa


cod .. \ith egg and pmatoes fried cod with onions, bOiled potatoes

and eggs grilled cod cod in egg s;luce cod with cream b:lked cod barbecued C(xl. banana nambe baked potato small baked potato th inl), cut chips pota tocs boiled potatoes french fri es boiled potatoes in butter sauce chocolate milkshakc m ilkshakes fruit milkshakes dessen made with egg whiles

and cream well done clam~like shellfish aubergines sea bream (fish ) beetroot small black coffee pork shce m a roll steak thICk. I~nder steak rump steak tuna steak ..... lld boar steJ~ top round "leak stea" ",-,!11 an egg on lOp) gnlltrl ~eak stW ¥>,:!: unl0ns ~·s:.ai.;s

steU: ur"..i.."?

smaD s.a.:es ~~. pork small sh...-es 0: barbecued beef

la d e cam e 10 d e amfndoa 10 d e chocolate 10 de no: es 10 ingles 10 Rei

hoi .. borrego it moda do :>tinho

ra llco broas

c:achOITosicachorro quent e (Bra.:)

"" u fe p ingado ("aft duplo cafe glace (".l ldcirada (aldo d e aves (aldo d~ ca rne cald o verd e camar6es calida callja de gaHnha C"J nlc6is caranguejos carapaus de eseabeche carJpaus fri los carH carioca carne it jardi neira ("arne de porco com am Hjoas carne de '"aea assada carne de \'a(a gUisada carne estufada t-'lrlle iro (arnes carnes frias cas lan has ccrejas cerveja ce l"veja branca


meatball cooked m dough almond cake chocola!e cake walnut cake "'pong'" cake comammg dned fnllt nng-sha~d cake eaten at Chr'.Slmas cakes m;mnaled 1.3mb m the \hnho style whlle com cakes

hot dogs coffee espresso coffee \\1th a touch of mtlk double espresso iced coffee fish stew bIrd soup meat soup cabbage soup prawns cmnamon chicken soup snails crabs marinated mackerel fned mackerel curry small weak black coffee meat and Hgelable stew pork \\1Ih clams roast bed stewed bed ~tewed meal mutton meals seiecnon of cold mealS chestnuts chemes bw lager



l,s this the right train for ., E eSle 0 comboio/trem (Bra::) para ... ? ell cshe 00 hombQ)'oollrain rar-uh

Which platform for the ... train? De que platafo rma sai 0 comboio/trem (Braz) para . duh huh platajQrmuh sye 00 hombQYoo/lrain PQr-uh

Is the train lai C? o comboio/trem (Bra.:::) esta atrasado? 00 kombQYoo/lrain shtah arrazgh-doo

Could you help me with my luggage, please? Pode-me ajudar com a minha bagagem, por ramr? PQd-muh ajoodahr hong IIh m.crn-yuh baggh-jayng, poorJuh-\'Qr

Is this a non-smoking compartment? ESiC e urn compartimento para nao fumadoreslfumantcs (Braz)? eshl ell oom hompaneemrnloo pgr-uh nowngfoomadQrushl Jl4 h-.!1:l.illl-chees

Is this seat free? Este lugar esta line? esht loogg.r shrah l.crvnih

This seal is taken Estc lugar esui ocupado esht loogar shlah oll-hooPQh-doo

I have reserved this seat ESle lugar esta reser\'ado eshr loogg.r sil/ah re::'jin,'Qh-doo

May I open/close the window? Posso abrir!fechar a janela? PQssoo abrcr.r1fushgr uh jandluh



k n do we arrive in ... ? .e hOTas chegamos a ... ? -e Qrush shugglHnooz uh

bat stalion is this? ..... estac;ao e esta?

,hlassQwng ch f.shcuh

. long do we stop here? - .:tuanto tempo paramos aqui?

hwqnlOO cQnpoo pal1!h-mooz ah-I~IT.

we stop at . .. ? "':Jmos em ... ? • ... .J.h-muoz ayng

the re a restaurant car on this train? E,:$:e comboio/trem (Braz) tern carruagem restaurante?

~r kombo....,yoo!rrain cayng hanvQh-jayng rushtoh·rgnl


alarme de emergencia 31e lll;ao atrasado bagagem bilhcte de gare bilhete iralbilheteria (Braz) cambios chefe da estac;ao chegadas CP (Caminhos de

Ferro Portugueses) deposito de bagageml

guarda volumes (Braz)

emergency alarm anemion delayed luggage platform ticket ticke t office currency exchange station master arrivals Portuguese National Railways

left luggage



dias de semana dias verdes domingos e feriados entrada cxcepto aDs domingos fumadores/fumantes (Braz) honirio informal;oes malas multa por uso indevido ocupado partidas passageiro plataforma proibida a entrada proibido [umar quiosque/

banca de jomais (Braz)

weekdays cheap travel days Sundays and public holidays entrance Sundays excepted smokers timetable information suitcases penalty for misuse engaged departu res passenger platfonn no entry no smoking newspaper kiosk

reserva de lugares seat reservation revisor ticket collector saida exit sala de espera waiting room suplemento supplemem

TRAVEL 'r international airlines provide services [0 Portugal , flying .:: (0 such important centres as Opono, Faro, and Funehal ....adei ra, as well as to Lisbon . it is on the domestic flights , .It terminals, that you might need to know some Portuguese. _ can reach Brazil by air from most countries, but flights


y arrive in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Recife. However, does have good imernai flight connections.



o anao a hospedeiral a aeromo<;a (Braz) a companhia aerea

o aeropono o autocarro do

aeroponol a 6nibus do

aeropono (Bra::) a coxial

aV-YQwng oshpcdQY-l1lhl ell -row-mow-sa hompan-YIT-uh

ah -mr-yuh ah -airoo-PQrtoo owlookjJ}TOO doo­

ah-airoo-PQrtoo once-boos doo

vagao carnage L __________ __________ ~,~qI

_ age claim

o eorredor (Braz) as chegadas a ree lama<;ao de


ah-airoo-PQI"tOO hoosl1ff-tlhl ho-Ilc-iliwr. shul1 -gQh-duhsh rchlanJassQwng duh


rd ing card ck-in ck-in desk

ay parture

o recebimento de bagagens (Braz)

o cartao de embarque a check-in o ba\cao de

check-in o atraso a partida o embarque (Braz)

bagah-jayngshl rc-scb-ch-mcll -toh

duh bagfih-jayngsh hartQwng daym -bQrh Chfch-in balhgwng du.h

c/Jgch- in atrQh zoo puhr-tce-duh aym-bar-heh

4 1


departure lounge a sala de embarque emergency exit a saida de

emergencia flight a n)o flight number o mimcro de \'00

gate a ponalo POrtaO (Braz) de embarque

jet o aviao a jaclO/ o aviao a jato (Braz)

land (verb) aterrar/atcrrizar (Braz) passport o passapone passport comrol o comrolo de

passapones/ a contrale de

passapones (Braz) pilot o piloto runway a P1St3 scal o luga r seat belt o cimo de

steward seguranca

o comissario de bordo

stewardess a hospedeira! a aeromor,;a (Braz)

take orr (verb) descolarl decolar (Braz)

window a jane\a wing a asa

When is there a flight to ... ? Quando e que ha urn yon para ... ? hw(!naoo eh hee ah 00/11 vQh-oo par-uh

What time does the flight to .. leave? A que homs parte 0 \'00 para ... ? !Ill lIce Qrtlsh part 00 vQh-oo par-uh


srrh-Iuh daym -bgrh sah-crduh duh et'mer-)~nss-yuh

vQIl-oo nQQn1eroo dull vQh PQrtlih/paw-~ng

daym-bark aV-YQwng tih jgttooJ aV-YQwn~ tih ja-IQ&. alerrgr/a -le-he-za ~assuh-PQrt antral duh pass1.lh-PQrlsh cong-~- Iee

duh passuh-PQrtsh peelQh-roo Effsh-tuh Doggr

SITnlOO dull scgoorgnsuh

koomeesgr-yoo duh bQrdoo

oshpedgy-ruhl eh-row-/1lQI\'-sah deshhoolarl deh-col-Iar janf,/lull gll -zull


• a direct fligh t? _~ n)o directo/direlO (Bra::)?

-,,: \'QJ1-00 dcert:.rooldeh -ero

_ I have to change planes? - ~,J que fazcr transbordo?

JO Iw ll fa:::ml lIall)-bQI(/oo

;.::. Tenho que lrocar de a\iao ? _ - )tJ hulltro-mr deh ah -vch-owng

:ben do I have to check in? :..:t' horas tenho que fa=er 0 check-in? ~a Qnlsh [Ql -YOO huh fa:::gj ,- 00 cht:.ch-in

like a single/return ticket LO . ..

_~ ria um bilhete simples/urn bilhctc de ida e volta para. ~ -uh 00111 beci-Yf/ s~mplt1sh/oom beel-y!:.! duh (kduh e vQlta pa/"-tl

d li ke a no n-smoking seat, please _eria um lugar na secc:;ao de nao fumadores, por favor _-!lit DOn} loogar nuh sehssQwng duh nowng-foomadQl"Ush,

P -.jrfuh-t'QI'

r J::) Queria urn lugar na ser,;ao de nao fumantes, par favor ~-!lh 00111 loogQI' nuh seh-sowng dult 1l0wngfuh-illJ1!1-chccs, <"j vr Juh-vQr

d like a window seat, p lease ..:eria urn lugar a janeia, por fayor ..:..:-uh oom loogar ah jangl1ah, poor Jul1-vQr

ow long will the flight be delayed? I"\....:anto tempo e que 0 YOO esUi. atrasado?

"!.IIl too c(mpoo eh hee 00 l'Qh -oo shcah acrazah-cloo



Is this the right gate for the . . . flight? E csta a porta de embarque para 0 \'00 ... ? ell eslll uh PQrtuh daYI11-bqrh pa.r- uh 00 vall-ao

(Braz) E este a POrtao de embarque para 0 nJO de ... ? eli clJ-srch oh paw-tillWg daym -barh pgr-uh 00 vQh-oo duh

When do we arrive in ... ? A que horas chegamos a .. 7

uh hee Qnl.sh shl/gall -moo::: uh

May I smoke now! Posso fumar agora? PQssoo Joomqhr QgQflIh

I do not feel very well Nao me sima muito bem nowng mull scrntoo 111IVcr.l1too bayng



-ndega _ nar os dntos de seguranl;a

rragcrnlaternssagem (Braz) rragem de emergencial

31crrissagern de cmergencia (Braz) "aD mandante missario de bordo

CDntrol0 de passaportesl conlrole de passaporles (Braz)

roxialcorredor (Braz) descolagemJdecolagem (Braz) ~ala bora local

spedeira/aeromoc;a (Braz) mforma(:oes

ncIa nao fumadorcsl

nao fumantcs (Braz) nao fumar passagciros plsta porta/portao (Braz)

de embarque saida de emergencia lripula(:ao ,"elocidade '"00 directo/direto (Bretz.) v60 frctado ' 00 regular/pontc aerea (Braz)


customs fasten seat belts wing landing emergency landing

airc raft captain steward passport comrol

aisle take·off intermediate stop local time stewardess informat ion window non·smokers

no smoking passengers runway gale

emergency exit crew speed direct fligh t charter flight scheduled flight



The major Portuguese cities have good bus networks. On m buses you pay the driver as you enter. Since there is generally a Oat fare, it is cheaper to buy a book of tickets ca lled a caderneta. Multi-journey passes for tourists (passes turisticos and monthly passes (passes sociais) are also avai lable. In Brazil , buses are the main fo rm of transportation wi th good connec tions and frequent services. Buy tickets from the conductor at the back of the bus. Inter-ci ty buses leave from the rodoviaria; long-distance, overnight buses. called leitos , art cheaper than travelling by plane.

There is an excellent coach network which serves the whole of Portugal, covering the gaps in the raHway system and givi a better connecting service between cities. The coaches are comfortable , fast and have fa cilities such as video and air conditioning (essential in a hot climate).

Lisbon's underground system is called the metro. Agai n, a fl fare is in operation and you can buy a caderneta (book of ten ti ckets) or a seven-day ticket (passe) giving un limited trave\.

Lisbon also has a tram network covering most of the city" T same caderne ta used on buses is also valid for use on trams.

Boats connect bo th sides of the Tagus rh'Cr in Lisbon, carrying cars and pedestrians . Ano ther feature of the City is I ele\'adores (l ifts) taking people up the steep hills,


adult boat bus

bus stop


o adulto o barco o autocarrol o Onibus (Bra:::) a paragem do

autocarrol o ponto de

Onibus (Bred

adQQ!lOO bgrlwo owcoo-kqrrool once-boos parrgh-jayng doD

olVtoo-kgrrool pon-toJI deh



a crianl;;a kree-gnstth o autacarrol owtoo-hgnnol o Onibus (Bra::) onee-boos o cabrador/ kobrult -dQf a candutor (Bm:::) /wndootQ I" a conexao con -ex -owng o cruzeiro hoo::QY-roo o condutorl hondootQr/ o motorista (Bra::) mOIV-we-rrri-wh o pw;o pre-sow

(da passagem) (doh po-sah-illrugl o barco de barkoD duh lrah-

tra\"essial Vch -ssfe-ah o balsa (Bra~ bow-el -81 o lago /gh-goo o mapa mgll-pull o autocarrol o\\'too-kgrroo/ o Onibus (Braz) ollee-boos

numero cinco IlQQmeroo sfQIg-koo a passageiro passajgy-roo a porto hQrwo o cais ysh o rio fIT-OO

o mar mar o lug~r loor;r o nano nu l-vee-hoo a eSla<;ao sll WSSQIVllf o tenninaV term CC-IlG

o POnto final (Bra::) h@1l10Jljecllah! e t o bilhclel cd-yc.U

a passagcm (Bra.::) pall-salt-sheng derground a metro m,o"Oo

n ere is the nearest underground station? ':e e a esta<;no de metro mais proxima?

:o'h lilt ShlQSSQwng duh m(htroo mysh prQssewllIh



Where is the bus station? Onde e a esta<;ao dos autocarros? Qndeh till shassQwng dooz owtoh-harroosh

(Braz) Onde e a csta<;ao rodo\,jaria ( Qndeh !lh ah shassQlVng row-doll -vcy-ah-rey-ah

Where is there a bus stop? Onde e que ha uma paragem do autocarro? Qndch kee ah QQmuh panlh- jayng dowtoo-hgrroo

(Braz) Onde e 0 ponto de anibus? Qndeh all pon-wh deh once-boos

Which buses go to . .. ? Que aUlOcarros vaa para .. ? kee owtoh-hqrroosh vowng pgr-uh

(Braz) Que ani bus vai para kcll once-boos viy pgr-uh

How often do the buses to . .. run? De quanta em quanta tempo e que ha autocarros para ? duh hWQntoo ayng hlVQntoo tgmpoo eh hef ah owtoh-hQnoosh pgr-uh

(B raz) De quanta em quanta tempo passa a anibus para . _? drlh hwgntoo ayng kwqntoo tgmpoo l2Qh-sah oh once-boos l2f1-rah

Would you tell me when we get to . . . ? Pode-me avisar quando chegarmos a "( pod~mtih aVf.f.zuhr kWQngdoo shcgQhr~mooz uh

(Braz) Poderia me avisar quando chegarmos em .. . ? poh ~dch ~ rce ~ah mull av~zuh hWQngdoo shcgQhr-mooz fhm

Do I have to get off yet? ja tenho que sair/descer (Braz)? jail tJ.::.llyo blh sah-rrrldeh -sscr


do you get to ... ? __ ~ ~ que se vai para.

-"": ... 10 ch huh stlh vye PQr-uh

\"ou go near . .. ? :J. pena de ... ? :...h prurioo dull

ere can I buy a ticket?


.:.? passo comprar urn bilhete? ... n PQSSOO homprw oom bcel-Yf)

b se close/open the window - se impona de fechar/abrir a janela, por favor r:g seempQ'"tuh dllh JushQr/abrrrl" tih jalld!lIh, poor Juh -vQI"

uld you help me get a ticket? ";~ -me ajudar a camprar urn bilhete? ;-muh ajoodQf till homprQf oom bcel-Yf.t

en does the last bus leave? ":'JC horas pane a ultimo autocarro?

I:~' C Qfush pan 00 QQilecmoo owwh-hQITOO

,_,::) A que heras sai 0 ultimo 6nibus? ;~ce Qrush saeh 00 QQitecmoo illlce-boos



adullOS bilhcte/passagem (Braz) caderneta cheio condutor/motorista (Braz) crianc;as deseer entrada lugar lugar rcscrvado modulo mOSlrar mudar obliterador pagar paragem do autocarrol

POOIO de onibus (Braz) passe social picar 0 hilhert proibido fumar quebrar em case de

emergcncia revisor saida saida de emcrgencia troeo


adults ticket book of tickets full driver children to get oIT enlrance seal reserved seat ticket (m book) to show to change ticket-stamping machine to pay stop

pass stamp/punch your ticket no smoking break in case of emergency

ticket inspector exit emergency exit change (money)

I E "TING OUT -:ugal and Brazil offer a variety of places to ea l:

e: A general cafe that sells all kinds of food and drinks and is well worth trying for a qUick snack. Full meals are also often available.

urrascaria: A restaurant specializing in barbecued dishes.

' nfeitaria (Bra::) : A bakerylcafe thal sells bread and cakes, and also serves snacks, j uices , milkshakes and coffee.

""p lanada: Pavement cafe

unchonete (Braz): A cafe-bar selling sandwiches and light meals as we ll as cakes, sweelS and drinks.

te laria:


.. nack-bar:

A cake shop that also serves tea, coffee, beer, sandwiches and ligh t snacks. In Brazil , this is a place specializing in pasteis (savoury pastri es with fillings), and other snacks, but not cakes or swee t pastries.


A combined cafe, bar and restaura nt not to be confused with the English idea of a snack-bar. Service is prOVided at the Counter or, for a little extra, at a table . There is usually a good varie t), of set menus at reasonable prices (look for pralOs combinadas or, in Brazil, pratos do dia - dish of the clay).




beer a cen·cja serv.\J,X-juh b;1I a coma kQntllJl bottle a garrafa garrghtuh bowl a ligela lee~fHlt cake o bolo bQ 1- 100

cher o cozinheiro koo::ecn -Y-'ly-roo coffee o cafe kuff,h cup a chj\'cnaia xicara (Bra::) shqw:nuhlshe-lw-rah fork o garfe ra'foo glass o copo J:DO knife a faea fa -killl menu <I cmcmaio cardapio (Braz) eeml;;.ntuhlcar-lliw.-eo mi lk o leilc layt plate o pra lo prglJ-lOo receipt o recibo rtlssJ;fboo restaurant o restaurante IlIShtoh-rllnr sandwich a sandesl sandj!

o sanduiche (Bmz) SQlld- lVffC/J·ch

serviette o guardanapo gwardll!J -I1GPOo snack a refei<;ao ligcira/ refay-sQwng Icejaynthl

o Ianthe (Bm.::) lang-shell soup a sOfia sQhppUJl spoon a co her hool-ym/" sugar o a<;l1car assQQkar table a mesa mrzuh lea o cha sha teaspoon a colhcr de cha hool-yillr duh sha tip a gorjew gOOljr[uh waiter o empregado de mesal empregQh-doo dull m~zw.

a gan:;om (Braz) gah -iQ!!g waitress a empregada de mesal empregqh-dull dull m~zuh

a gan;onete (Braz) gall -song-£K.b..t: water a agua ilhg-lVlIh

wine o vinho vg:nyoo wine list a \isla dos vinhos /g:Shtllh doosh vfrl1Yoos~



uble for one, please -, mesa para urna pessoa, par fayor - .. h m,;:::ul1 pgr-uJl QQmuh pessQh-uh, poor JuIH'Qr

:.able for two/three, please -...:. mesa para dua5ltres pessoas, por fayor

-. .:.h m,:::uh par-tlh dQQ-llsltllrcsh pcssQh-lIsh, poorJuh-vQr

..:m we see the menu, please? _e trazer a ementa/o cardapio (Bred, par favor?

:razru r llh eemr.Hlllhloh car-ill!J2-eo, poor JlIh-vQr

Un we see the wine list, please? ..:e trazer a !ista dos vinhos, par favor?

... rrazillr lilt Icrshwh doosh vf.fnyoosh, poor fuh-vQf

1 you do children's portions? >:: :-.. em porc;6es para criancas7

.... ,li ng poo-soyngsh pahr-uh Inee-ang-sash

hat would yo u recommend? '- .:{ue e que nos aconselha?

~t'e eh huh nooz ahonsr.ll-yuh

:J~ 0 que pode sugcrir1 ~t:c l1!illdch ~eh-reer

th is suitable for vegetarians? .0 e apropriado para \,cgctarianos? ~hlOO eh aproo-pree-ahdoo pahr-uh "eh -jeh-tah-ree-aI1l1oos

r d Hke . .... Jc ria .




Just a cup of coffee, please 56 um caie , por fa\'or soh 001ll hllJ{r.h, poor Juh-\'Q,

Waiter!AVaitress! Se faz fa\'or! suh fash fult-vQ,

(Bra:::) Garc;oml Gar<;onete! gail -lQUg gah-song-ilib..!:.

Can we have the bill , please? Pode trazer a conta, por favor? pod tra.::::mr!liJ I~QIlWh, poor jU/H'QT

1 only want a snack 56 quero um3 refeh;ao ligeira soh hai.roo QQl1lUh niffay-sQwng leejgy -ruh

(Bra;:) S6 quero lanchar soh hillmo lang-slJah

Is there a se t menu? Qual e 0 prato do dial Imlat ell pralO doh dea

I didn't order this Eu nao perli iSlO

£.11-00 /lowllg pedff. "sheoo

May we have some more .. ,? Pode trazer mais ... ? pod traZa!r mysh

The meal was very good, thank you A cam ida estava 6plimai6tima, obngado till hoomcr.dllh shtah-vuh Qttimmuhlal!-u-n: .. 1h obgriggh-doo



\ lENU GUIDE .. harale ~.;orda de alho icorda de marisco JCUC'.U

l~uardcn!cs bagacciras l£uardenlcs vclhas e

prcparadas llpO

llcachofras al facc alho a\ho frances J lrnOndegas ~Jperces

amil:ijoas amt ijoas ;i Bulhao PalO

amcijoas na calaplana amcixas ameixas de Elvas amcndoa amarga amendoas a moda de . ananas ancho\'as (10 natural aperitivo aITO: arabe afro: a ,-alenciana arfO: braneo arro: de cabidela arro: de frango arro: de marisco arro: de palO arro: doee alUlIl a"cl1s a: eilOnas

J\'ocado (hIck bre.ld soup with g,ulic thICk b read ,;cup \\1th ~hellhsh sugJr I!r;re b~JndlC5 a):ed brandte~


lettuce carhe ieek meat halls apncol'> clams cl,lms wit h commdu , onion

and garlic clams in a S\\'(,(,1 tomJto sauce plums dned plums from EiVJS

bltltr :llmond dr ink almonds in the style of pmcapple ancho\,cs plam apcnnf fned rice \\111'1 dned nUb :md fruit rice with cht.:ken. p~lrk and seafood pbm nee rice \\"11h birds blLllld chicken \\111'1 nee n..:e with shellfl$h duck \\"1lh n..:c SWeet r ice de"en IUnJ ha:elnuts Oh\-(,5



bacalhau it Bras bacalhau 11 GOines de Sa

hacalhau assado hacalhau it Z(: do Pipo bacalhau com nalas bacalhau dourado bacalhau 113 brasa banana fla mbee halala assada halala a murro halala palha halalas halalas cozidas halalas fritas halalas saheadas batidolbatida (B "'I~ de chocolate batidoslbatida (Bra::) batidoslbatida (8,",[V de frut a bavaroise

bern passado berbigao beringclas besugos bcterraba bica bifanas hire hire a cortador bife de a lmIra hire de alUm hire de javali hire de pojadouro hire de .. "aea (com ovo a c3\'alo) bire grelhado bifes com ccbolada bifes de peru hire tartaro bifinhos de porco bifinhos 11 3 brasa


cod Wl!h egg and potatoes fned cod \\!ith onions, boiled potatoes

and eggs gnlled cod cod in egg sauce cod with ( rC3m baked cod barbecued cod ban,ma flambe ixlked potato small baked potato thinly CUt chips potatoes boiled pOlatoes french fnes boiled potatoes in butter sauce chocolate milkshake milkshakes fru it milkshakes dessert made v.ith egg whiles

and cream well done d am-like shellfish aubcrgines sea bream (fISh) beetroot small black coffee pork slice In a roll steak th ick, tender steak rump steak tuna steak wild boar steak top round s;:ea~ steak (vnth an egg on top) gnlled steak steak ..... lm onwns lUrker steb.5 steak taIUn

smaJl sbces 0: f':':~

small ~ cl ~rbecued bed

,ola de came ~olo de amt ndoa :'010 de chocolate Jolo de no: es ~o lo inglts Jolo Rei oolos borrego II moda do ~ Iinho

bnmco broas

cacho rroslcachorro quente (Bra~ cafl! cafc: pingado cafe: duplo cafc: glace caldeirada caldo de ayes (aldo de carne caldo verde camarOes canda canja dc galinha caracois caranguejos carapaus de escabeche carapaus fritos caril t'arioca carne II jardineira cam e de po rco com ameijoas carne de vaca assada carne de "aca guisada carne estufada carndro ca rnes carnes frias cas tanhas cerejas cerveja ccrveja branca


meatball cooked in dough almond cakt chocolalt cake walnut cake sponge cake conlammg dned fru it ring,shaptd cake elltn at Chnstm:ts cakes mannated lamb m the \Imho st}'le white com cakes

hOI dogs coffee espresso coffee \\ith a touch of mIlk double espre~o Ked coITce fish Stc_\ bIrd soup meal soup cabbage soup prav.ns cmnamon chicken soup snails crabs mannaled mackerel fned mackerel CUTTY

5rr,lll "elk bbck coffee meat and \'ege table stew pork \\1Ih clams roast beef Slewed beef Slewed mtal mUllan meats ;;election of cold meats chestnuts chem~s

beer lager



ccrvl'ja prl' ta cha de limao ena de menlol c:hanfana de porco chantilly chocola te glace chocolate qUCntC

choces chouri{o choux churros cidru cimbalino civet lebTI' cocktail de camar.lo codorni:. codorni:.es frit as coelho ;\ ca"ador coelho de fricasst coelho frito cogumclos cogumelos com alhe compota conquilhas coral;ao cora(6es de alcachofra conina costelctas costclclas de carnei ro costclc(as de porco costele.las fritus costeletas grclhadas courge ltes com creme no forno courgcttcs fritas (Olive branca com vinagrc (OUVe-nor cotwe-nor com moine branco

no for no cou\'e-fl o r com nalas convc roxa couvert


bitter (beer) lemoll tea mmt tea pork casserole whipped cream iced chocolate hot chocolate cuttlefish spiced sausage cream puff long. lUbe-shaped fri llers cider espresso coffel' Jugged hare pra\l,T1 cockt:l.ll quail fned quail rabbit casserole wi.th rice rabbit fncassee fried rabbI! mushrooITl5 mushrooITl5 \11th garliC stewed frutl baby clams hean artichokC" hea:-.s large sea fts.h <hop> lambchc~

"""'''''''' [n<d d»;< gnIkd c.h..:o;:-; bakrC CDUri:'~::<'S \\llh cream ~~.:t"S '\IIi ~"T ~[h vinegar ~ ~~;"..e'C..,<

~ -:::.~:eJm

"" """"'!< """=

'JU\'CS de bruxdas 'u\'es de bruxdas com nalas 'u\'es de bruxda5 ~headas "U\'eS guisadas com saLsichas , :ido 11 porlllguesa

eme de marisco re l,e de camario cpc dc carne cpc dc cogumelos

crepe de espinafres crcpe de legumes


doce de amendoa doct' dt' 0"05


eclair de chantillv eclai rs de caft . eclairs de chocolate ementa empadilo de carne elllpadilo de pcixe encharcada enguias engui.as fritas ensopado de borrego rnsopado dt' enguias cnlradas entrecosto cnl recosto com amcij oas cnlrecosto frito uvilhas ervilhas com ovos


Brus~ls sprouts Brussels sproul:> wah !.:Team Brus~ls ~pr"uts m butler sauce stewed cJbbJ£e Jnd Slusage PllrtUmlC"t s:ew '\\llh chKken.

SJ.U5.J.gr et.: crelm of shellftsft soup pTlV.ll ..:r~pr

meat cr~pe mushro()m .:r~pe spmJ~h crepe wgetable cr~pe cr~pes

cr':pe ~u:cttr meat croquelles

dessert, pm. sweet made from eggs and sugar

almond dcsseT! cUSlard-likr sweet made from eggs

;md sugar dory (sea fish)

whIpped cream eclair coffer eclairs chocobte tcJalrs menu l;nge meat pll"

brge fish p:e ~\\-eel made of almonds and eggs eels fried ee!~ lamb stc\\" eel stew s:artcrs enm:Cl\te entrec6!e with clams fned entrec6te p:as slt'wed peas \\1th poached eggs

and bacon



ervilhas n:hocadas escalope escalape com Madeira escalope de ca rnei ro c5calope de porco cscalope panado cspargos esparguetc a balonnesa esparrcgado espelada de ieilao cspclada de rins cspetada de ,,{tela espclada mis ta cspinafrcs gratinados espinafres saltcados expresso


far6flas (anuras fa l ias rcehcadas febras de porco feij ao verde fe ijoada fi ambre carameli ~ado

figas figcs moscatel figcs seCDS

m ete fil ete de bife com foie gms m eteS de pescada filh ozcs folhado de carne folhado de salsicha fondu e fondue de carne fonduc de queijo fran go frango assaclo frango na pucara


peas In butter sauce with bacon escalope cscalope with MadeIra \\1ne mutton escatopc pork cscalopc b rC<lded escalopc asparagus spagheu i bclognese purted spinach suckling pig kebab kidney kehab veal kebab mixed kebnb spinach wnh cheese spinach in butler sauce espresso coffee

pheasant whipped egg while wi th cinnamon long, lube-shaped fritlers slices of b read wi th fned mmcr thin pork slices French bean hcan SICW

ham coated wi th caramel figs muscatel fIgs dned figs fillet fillet ofbcrh\ilh foil" gras Rllm of hake sugaR'd buns meat roll \\lth puff pastry sallSagr roll fondue meal fondue ch«5C fondue chicken roast chicken crucken casserole Wilh port

and almonds

'rango no Churta5eO -rango no e5petO -rula _fU ta da epoea 'uncho

:alanti nc de coelho ~aiantine de galinha :aia11line de vegetais ,aliio ~" l i nha de _-\frica ~l til\ha de fricasse gJ rnba5 i ambas grelhadas ~rOIO


~c1ado ; clado de baun Hha ~c lado de fnnas ~c i eia

~i njinha .:roselha

hamburguer hambu rguer com balalas frilas hambu rguer com ovo hambu rguer no pao

logurte IScas a portuguesa lIaliana

lagosta lagosl3 a ame ricana lagosl:l termidor 1~lg05 l i ns lamprcia a moda do ~tinho

lampre ia de avos lanche laranj as


ba~becued chllken harbecued chIcken frun seaso;'J1 fru:1 fennel

rabbIt galantJne chllken gaiJnnne vegetable galantme large rn!lk~" coffee gumCl fowl chicken fncaS5ee prawns grilled p rawns small milky coffee chl1led vegetable soup ICe cream vanilla ice cream fruit ice cream preserve type of cherry brandy currant similar 10 blackcurram

hamburger hamburger and chips hamburger and egg hamburger roll

yoghun :ned liver and bOIled potltoes half an t':.pre~5(l


kh'ler \\lth tomato and omons lobster tnmmdor Cra\"flSh

ma~lIlated lamprey sen"ed m the ~l!llho Style

egg dessen shaped l S a lamprey afternoon lea oranges



lasanha leitao it Bairracla Id le Id le cremc limonacla lingua lingua de porco lingua de vaea tinguado a meunitre Iinguado grcl hado/frito/no forno !iSla

!isla de pre "OS lombo de porco lombo de vaea lulas com flalas lu las fritaslguisaclaslrecncadas

ffial;a assada

ma"as maced6nia de fru tas mal passado manteiga manteiga de ancho\'3s marinada marisco marmelada marmdos marmclos assaclos mayonnaise mayonnaise de a lna mazagrin meia de lei Ie

meia desfeita

mcio-seco mclancia melao melilo com pn:stlnto meloa com vinho do Porto!

Madeira merengue


bsagne suckling pig from B;mfada milk light cuslard \Ynh cmnamon fresh lemon JUKe diluted \\lth water longue longue of pork tongue of beef sole meunierc grilledlfriedlbakcd sole-menu price list loin of pork si rloin stewed squid with cream friedistewccVSlufTcd sljuld

baked apple apples fnm cocktai l ro c< butter anchovy buller marinade shellfish quince jam quince roasl qUince mayonnaise garlic mayonnaise iced coffee \Yuh lemon large white coffee cod and chickpeas \\1lh olwe all

and \;negar medIUm dry watennelon melon melon wilh ham small melon with port0.[adelra


r.ex ilhoes l::ugas a alentejana ::lil fo lhas miolos ~io los com 0"05

~olho a cspanhola molho ao Madeira molho beamcaise

molho bechamel molho branco molho hol:mdts molho ingles molho mornay molho mousseline molho tanaro

mo[ho vclo utee

morangos morangos com chantilly morangos com nalas more na morena mistura branca e pre ta \ loscatel nlOusse de chocolate mousse de fiamb re mousse de lene condensado


ntsperas no:::es

omo\ele/omelete (Bra:;:) omoletelomelete (Bra:;:) com e r ... as omoletelomelete (Braz.j de cogumelos Ollloletelo melete (Bra:;:) de fiambre omolete/omelete (Bra::) de queijo orel ha de porco vinaigrellc 0\'0 com mayonnaise ova em geld a


mussels thICk bread soup sweet. flaky pastry brams brams '\lIh eggs SPICY oman and garlk sau(e \ladelrJ. sauce sauce made from egg yolks. lemon Juice

and herbs bechamel sauce whae sauce holland:llse sauce (\\1th flsh ) brown sauce bechamel sauce w1\h cheese hollandaise sauce \\'lIh cream lanar sauce (mayonn:usc with herbs.

gherkms and capers) white sauce made fro m egg yolks ~md cream

strawberries strawberries and whipped cream strawberries and CTealll beer mIxture of lager and bitLer muscatel wme chocolate mous~

ham mousse condel15l'd mIlk mousse

long. nat bISCUits loquats , frUit)


omelelle vegetable olllelellc mushroom omelette ham omelette chee::.e omelette pig's car in \ln3igrelle egg mayonn:l.lse Jellied egg



0\'0 csne\ado 0\'0 queme OV05 escalfados ovos mexidos ovos mexidos com tomale ovos verdes

pao de centeio paD de 16 de Alfaizerao paD de 16 de Ovar paD de milho pao integral pao IOrrado pargo pargo assado pargo cozido parrilhada paslCis de nata paste is de Tentugal pastelinhos de bacalhau pataniscas pale de aves pate de figado pale de galinha paw it Cantao palO assad o paw com laranja

reixe reixe espada peix!' cspada com escabeche peixinhos cia horta peqllcno almo!;o pera bela Helena peras perrebes pcrdizc5 fritaslde escabeche perdizcs na pllcam perna de carneiro assada perna de carneiro cnlremeada perninhas de Ta peru


fried egg soft-boiled egg poached eggs scramhled eggs scram bled eggs with tomato stuff~d eggs

rye bread sweet sponge cake sweet sponge cake corn hread wh olem eal bread toasted b read sea bream roast b ream boiled bream fish grill puff past l)' with egg custa rd filling custard p ie with almonds :md nuts cod fishca kes salted cod fntter bird p<1t t<: liver p.tte chicken p;ltC Chinese style duck roast duck duck a rorange [isll swordfish marina ted sword fish French bean fritter continental breakfasl pear in chocolate S;luce pears kind of shellfish fried/marin ated partridge part ridge casserole roaSt leg o f lamb stuffed leg of lamb frogs" legs lurkey

'XnI assado :len! de fricasse peru recheado ;-escada co::ida ~escadinhas d e mbo na boca

pessego careca pessegos pet it-fours pltllenta pimen tos plperate prato da casa pra to do dia pratos combinadas pregos pudim de laranja pudim de ovos pudim flan pure d e batala pure d e castanhas pI" (prer;o variad o)

qucij o curado qucij o da Ilha queij o da Se rra queijo de cahra qu eijo de o' "elha queijo de Palm cla que ijo de Serpa qucijo fresco qu eijos

rabanadas rala remoulade rcqueijao rillctc rms rins a Madeira rins saltead os


roast lurkey turkey fncassce stuffed turkey balled hake whulng sen"cd \\1th their l;llis In

theIr mouths nectanne peaches small almond cakes pepper peppers ~ red or green) pepper stew speClllny of the house today"s spe-Clal mixed dishes thlll shce of steak m a roll orange Ibn egg pu dding type of crem e caramel mashed potatoes chestnut puree pn cC' \"anes

cured chees.: strong" peppery cheese from ro.ladcira cheese from [he Serra da Est reb goatS cheese shceps cheese small d n cd cheese small dned cheese \"el)" mild goat"s ch<."('s <." chc6es

French tolSt skate dreSSing wah muStard an d herbs curd cheese potted pork and goose meal kidneys kidney sen"ed \\1 th l-laul"I ra wine sauteed kidneys



rissol r issol de camarao robalo rolo de carne


"I salada de agriOcs salada de alUm

salada de chicuria salada de frutas salada de lagosta salada de tomate salad a rn is ta salada russa salmao sal mao fumado saimonctcs grcJhados sals icha salsichas de cocktail salsichas de porco sandes de flambrc sandes de [a mbo sandes de paio sandes de presunt o sandes de queijo sandc-s mis ta santola santola gratinada sapaleira sardinhas assadas seeo selec(ao de queijos sob rcmcsas solha ,>olha assada no fo rno solha frita salha r((heada sonhos sopa de agrtOcs sopa de a[ 1I0 frances


rissole prawn ns:.o1c rock bass meat loaf

dessen with egg yolks and wh:[c "\.1nc <oh cress S3bd lUna salad chll'oT) salad fru it 5.11ad lobster salad IO m al O salad mixed salad d iced vegetable salad In m;Jn>nnaISC

salmo n smoked salmon gnlled mullet sausage cocktail sausages pork sausages ham sandwich steak sand\\lch sausage sandwich p,mna ham sand\\lch cheese sand\\1Ch mixed 5.1ndwich spider cr.lb spider crab au gral!n spider crab grilled sardines

d~' selection of cheeses desserts flo under baked flounder rried flounder sturred flounder dned dough wl \h cmnamon cress soup lerk soup

'pa d e camarao 'pa d e cehola g ratinada

~'p;l d e cogu m elos "'pOl de co: ido ""(la d e espargos "'pa d e lagosta )oJpa d e ostras .vpa d e panela !oUpa de p:1o e coenlros ....-J pa de ped ra "'pa de prLxe svpa de m bo de hoi w p:! de ta rt:Jrug:! sop:! dourada ""pa J u lian a s.lpas sournc de cam;lrao -ourne d e ch ocolat e ~oufn e de cogumelos sourn e d e cspi nafres )ourfit de peixe soufn t de queijo sournt gebdo ,umo de laranja ~umo dc limiio 'Sumo de maca sumo de tomate

laTtc de am t'ndoa lA n e de cogumelos lan e de Ii milo (arle de ma"a (i nto tomales rech eados IUranja IOrresmos wrtilha to!> la \I)S1a m is la Illucinho d o ctu Intfas de ch ocolate


pra\\11 soup oman Sl'UP au gratin me:lt soup meat soup aSpaT,H!US soup !e>bs!er soup l'y;;t<:r soup egg-based "wee! soup \\llh bread and (ortancler vcg.:tabk soup fi:;h soup oxtail soup tunIc soup rgg-bl scd sweet wgeublt" soup soups pr:l\\l1 soum~ ch ocolat.: souftl t mushroom sou ffle spmach saum.: fIsh souffi.: cheese souffle lee cream souffle urange JUice lemon JUICe apple Juice :omato )UlC':

almond tan mushroom qUiche lemon un lpple un

"d SlUffed IOmatocs "rapdruit ~man rashers "r l').leon Spamsh omelette ~\\11h POI:lIO) tuasled .sanciwl(h ham and chrese wasted sand\\"kh egg dessen choeol::lte truffles



trota (mta assada no forno InUll cozida truta frita

uvas brancaslpretas uvas moscatel

"eado assado "iciras recheadas vinagrc de estragao vinho branco vinhos espumantes vinho tinto vinho verde

xaTore xaropc de grosclha xarope de morango


ahacaxi acaraje agua-dc-coco <\ngu bacalhoada hife bobo de camanlO cacha\;a cafc zinho caipirinha caldo de cana carne de boi/vaca carne de sol chopp chunasco eoeada (ouve a millcira coxinha de galinh.\ damasco


trout bJk~d trout bOIled trout fned ITOUl

whueJbJack grapes muscatel grapes

roast vcmson stuffed scallops tarragon \1negaf while wine sparkling wines red wine sHgh!ly sp3rkiing \\1ne

syrup blackcurrant syrup strawberry syrup

pineapple fried bean dumpling coconut waler polenta baked salt cod with pO(ato and pepper steak mashed cassava and prawns spirit made from sugar cane small bb ck coffee cocktail of cach::u;a, lemon and sugar sugarcane JUice beef dried sail beef draught beer b:lrbccued meat dessert made of coconut find), chopped spnng greens ,kale) fried chicken dumpings apricot

padinha -<l fa "jiio preto . 'ao tropeiro

":oada ~mhalfrango

laba ramI

mao ndiocalaipim racuj a

_' queca Imito .J de queijo


l minas xim de galinha


palm oil

P" stde dish of cassal"a flour and eggs black bloans dIsh m~de l\1 th be~ns . cassal-a flo ur

and eggs black bean and mixed me:lt stew chicken guava soft dnnk made from an Ama:oman plant saU5.1ge papaya cassava passion fruit fish (lr prawn stew palm hean brC:ld mJde l\1th cassava flour and chee5C thm fned pasty wllh various fillings savoury cream (Ilith meat or fi sh juices) pork creme camme! mild cheese deep fried minced nleat dessen made Ili th coconut. sugar and eggs unlimited helping of barbecued meats

(can"ed at the table) savoury filled pastries ernb bird soup meat soup cabbag..: soup mashed beans wah hard boiled eggs and

bncon spicy thick cream Idth hread, coconut

milk. prawns :tnd nuts milk shake chicken wah prnllTlS and peanuts



The usual opening hours are 9 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 7 pm. Mos t shops close a l 1 pm on Saturdal"s. In major cities, shopping centres (Centro Comcrcial are open from 10 am to midnight seven days a week.

In all Brazilian ci ties there are a good many shopping cent res which are open seven days a week from 10 am to 10 pm. Unlike Ponugal, shops do not lend to shut for afternoon siesta.


audio equipment o eqUipamentO eekeepamr.ntoo de som duh song

bakery a padaria ftadduh -rn:"uh books hop a livraria ecvrar"--lIh butcher o ta lhol tg!yoo/

o 3\ougue (Bra;:) ah-lililh-geh buy (verb) comprar homprahr cake shop a pastelaria! pashtulluh-rff-uhl

a canfeilaria (Brav cong-Jace-ah-rr.-ah cheap barala barah-loo chemist (shop) a farmacia jar'-;;Qss-.vuh department store as grandes grand::

arma=ens arrna·::~Ul1gsh fashion a moda I?lQdduh fishmonger a Heixana payshuh·'If·uh florist a onsta jlor!;£,shluh grocer a mercearia! mersce·uh·ra·uh

o armazem (Bra::) ar-mah . .:£llg

ironmonger a ferreira fcrriJy-roo menswear a raupa rQIJ ·ptlh

de homen dQmmayng newsagcnl a tabacarial cabahtlh.rs.:~>lih

a banca bahn-hah de jornal (Bra::) dch Johr-nillli



record shop

sale shoe shop shop go shopping souvenir shop

speCial offer spend stationer sl~permarket tatlor till toy s hop

travel agen t

wo men's wear

a facrural o recibo (Bra:::) a discotecal a loja de discos (Bra::) as saldos a sapataria a 10)3 Ir as compras a loja de arngos

regionaisJ a loja de

lembran(3s (Bra::) a oferta especial gastar a papelaria a supermercado a alfaiataria a caixa a 10]<1 de brinquedos

a agencia de \iagens

a roupa de senhora

Where is there a .. . (shop)? u nde e o/a ... (loja)7 21l(lch oo/uh .. . OQjjuh)

Where is the shopping area? u ncle e a area comefClal? ,ludell \lit Qhree-uh hoomerSfC-qhl

Where is the ... department? u ncle e a secr;ao de ... ? ,ludell tilt St/<SQII'l1g dull


faluQQrull/ rfh -gf-!JOIV deeshJlOo1!:,hlwil/ low-s!Ja ddl dis. -cos sqldoosh sal'awh-rcr-uh IQjjuh cer as}l hQll1prush lajjuh dartcrgoosh

rej-yoo-IlXshl lajjuh dell

lcng-hrall·sCls oIffJiHull shpllss-yg,l gash .l.Qhr pappeltlll.r,,·lIlJ soope r-mer-hg,IJ·doo alfyc·a/llllJ-fIT-lIlJ hXf-S!W!J hzijuh dllh brccnhfh­

doosh ajfllss-yuIJ dull

\Tc-gh·jClYllgsh rQ!l .pllh dull




Do you have ... ? Tern ... 7 tayng

How much is this? Quanto e que iSlO cusla? hwqlltoo ch kee ffslllOO hQQsllCuh

Do you have any more of these? Tern mais deslcs? taYllg mysh dC.Slllsh

Have you anything cheaper? Tern alguma eoisa mais barata? taYl1g a!gQQl11uh 1?Q,)'':::ldl mysh ba rg}l -ruh

Have you anything larger? Tern maior! tay ng maY-Qr

Have you anything smaller? Tern mais pequenofTem menor (Bra::)? rayllg mysh peh~IHtoo/laYllg meh-IlQr

Can I try it ( them) on? Posso experimenlar? PQssoo sllpherec-IJH:mahr

Docs it come in other colours? Tern outras corcs? tayng Qh-fI1lsh harush

That's fine Esta bern shlah bmmg


rd like to change this , please ~uena trocar ISto, por fa\'or I~-lIh lrookahr crshroo, poorjuh-\'Qr

Can I have a refund? Jc.lc-me!Pode (Bra:::) dc\"oh"er 0 dinheiro? _xl-muhll'0h-deh dtnTo/"q!r 00 dcen-YQy-roo

\\-hcre do 1 pay? nde e que se paga?

_ :dclJ huh stlh pah-guh

( an 1 have a rece ipt?


1Cle-melPoderia (Bra::) dar uma facturalum recibo (Bra::), 'Jor fayor? ~ ,l- nwhlpoll -deh-rcr-ah dar QQI1Hth JahtQQruhloom 11eh-~-bow, " OOl".rll Jl-vQr

Do you take credit cards? -~e ila canoes de credito?

Jy-Iuh car-lOw-ecnsh de Cl"fdcf-loo

~ ould you wrap it for me? - de-melPoderia (Bra::) embrulhar iSlO?

_..I-Itl tlh/poh-deh -ra-ah embrool -ygr rrs1uoo

an I have a bag, please? je-melPoderia me dar urn saco/uma sacola (Braz), por fa \"or?

_.I-/poh-dch-n'Nm muh dar oom sghoo/oomah sa-Iw-Ia, poorjll!H'Qr

m just looking -: OU 56 a \-er

)11 "<;oh {Ill vai r

'"liz) Esteu 56 olhando -:oe so ah-li-Q.ll-do



I'll come back later Volto mais tarde vQltoo nl)'sh tard


agenda de viagens banco de jornais (Braz) barato caro cavefsubsolo (Braz) confeq:6es de crianl;a/

moda infantil (Braz) confec~oes de homenlf

mada masculina (Braz) confeq:6es de senhora!

mada fcmin ina (Braz) desconto drogaria gclatariafsorveteria (Braz) livraria loja de hrinquedos material de escrit6rio mercearia mada oferta especial padaria papelaria pastelaria pre.;:o prc\os reduzidos pre-pagamento primeiro andar primeiro pi so produtos al imentares

tra\"e\ agent ncwsagent cheap expensive basement children's wear


women's wear


drugstore ice cream shop bookshop lO)' shop office supplies greengrocer fashion special offer bakery stationer cake shop pnce reduced prices pay before you eat first floor first floor groceries

qualidade res-do-chao/terreo (Braz) sapataria seq:ao/ser;ao (B raz) tabacaria


E favor nao mexer (Dm z) Por favor nao tocar Please don't lauch

Ja foi atendido? A.re you being served?

E tudo 0 que temos This is all we have

\lao devolvemos 0 dinheiro We cannot give cash refunds

"'1ao tern mais pequeno? (Bm z) Nao tern menor?

qualny ground floor shoe shop department newsagent

Have you anything smaller? (money)

Por favor utilize urn carrinho/cesto Please take a trolleylbasket

Tenho muita pena mas nao ha mais (Draz) Desculpe, mas esta fora de estoque rm sorry, we're out of stock




In addition to ordinary hairdressers' shops, there are also ha irdressing salons to be found in all new Portuguese shopping centres. These salons are open from 10 am to midnigh t all week, includ ing Sundays. The re are only a few unisex sa lons.

Most hairdressing salons in Brazil are unise:.:. but there are also many traditional men's barbershops.



beard blond brush comb conditioner

curlers curling tongs curly dark fringe ge l hair haircu t hairdresser

hairdryer highlights

long moustache parting


a marca~aol a hora rnarcada (Bra:::) a barba laura a esco\'a o pente o creme amaciadorl o condiclOnador (Braz) os rolos/o bobe (Bra=:) o ferro de frisar encaracolado escuro a franja o gel o cabelo o cone de cahelo o cabelei reiro, a cabeleireira o secador as madeixasl as mechas (Bra~ comprido a bigode a riscol a re panido (Braz)

marhassQwngl Q[-a mar-lill-dah barb"h /Qh-roo shkQvuh pelll hrem amass-mh-dQrl con-dis-cQ!1-ador rQ/ooshlbo-!w;l fg.rroo duh frec::n.hr ayng-karakoo/ah-doo shhQQroo f rgnjuh jell -lwbt.:h-1oo hart duh hab,h-Iaa kubICly -rgy-roo, kHbJay- rQv-nllJ seh-hadQ/" madQ\-shllshl 111..G,.Y.-shas homprcrdoo becgQd rcrshhool rey-pah-k-dah


perm shampoo

shave (\'crb) shaving foam

short wavy

a pennaneme o champOI o shampoo (Bra.:) barbear a espuma de

barbear curto ondulado

I'd like to make an appoimmem Queria fa.:er uma marca,ao I~rff-tlh fa::.mr QQnwh marhassQhng

(Braz) Queria marcar uma hara i?rcr-Hh .!lliIb.-car tun-ah Q[-a

Just a trim, please Queria 56 cortar as pontas, par fayor krff-uh soh hoonahr llsh PQlllush, poor fuh -vQI'

Not too much Nao corte muito Ilowng hort /nw(£nroo

A bit more off here , please Cone urn poueo mais aquL par fayor hOff oom PQh -hoo my::.e ahff, poorfuh-\'Q/"

I'd like a cut and blow-dry Queria conar e fa.:er brushing/escoYa (Bnd hrcr-lIh hoonQhr re fa::..mr brus11ingles-llo-va

I'd like a perm Queria fazer uma permanente 11I"u:-u!J fa-sr -ah QQmllh permanfl1l

permanfnt shampQhl shampililli barbee-ahr ShpQQl1mh duh

barbee-ah,. hQQrtoo -ondoo/ah-doo




barbeiro cabeleirei ro/ca be lei rei ra cabeleireiro de homensl

barbeiro (Braz) caheleireiro de senhoras cabeleireiro unisexol

cabeleireiro unisscx (Braz) espigado fazeT a barba fazeT brushinglcscova (Braz) lacallaque (Braz) lavar e pentearl

lavar e fazcT escova (Braz) eleoso permanente peruca salao de cabeleireiro secar com secador

de mao seeD linta


barber hairdresser men's hairdresser

women's salon unisex salon

split ends shave to blow-dry hair spray wash and set

oily perm wig hairdressing salon to blow-dry

dr), tint


Thanks lO Portugal's excellent climate. almost all outdoor sports .lre well catered for. The Algarve and Lisbon coasts pro" ide t:specially good opportuni ties for s\\i mming, wa ter-skiing, r arag liding, sailing, fishing and Windsurfing. The northwest ..:oaSl with its rougher sea is nOt so inviting.

A flag warning system operates on most beaches: red fo r j angerous conditions. rellow fo r cau tion and green for all .:: lear. You may also see a blue flag, which indicates a beach meets EU standards for heahh and safety. It is advisable 10 swim wilhin the designated areas (zona de banhos) where the .ifeguard (salva-\idas) keeps an eye on the swimmers. Avoid ' he danger areas (zona perigosa) . Hiring equ ipment poses no ?roblem and most things are available at reasonable prices.

Golf can be played all year round at courses in the Lisbon J fCa and al nearly all the major beach resons. The famous ?cnina course in the AlgarH is a championship venue and :aters espeCially for golfing holidars. Tennis courts can be :ound in most places, but the majority of them belong 10 :1Otels or priva te clubs. Squash is rapidly becoming more ;lOpular, but again most couns belong to private organizations .

In Brazil. football is the most common span; even the ~mall est village will ha\'c al least one playing fi eld. Footba ll .md "olleyball arc also often played on the beach.


.u hle tics i:ladminton ball :,each J icyc!e ~anoe

j eck chair

o atlelismo o badminton a bola a praia a bicicleta a canoa a cadeira de lana! a cadeira de praia (Bra::)

aI/elm-moo 'badminwll ' bQillih pl):-lIh bccssccklfftHh hanQh-uh kadQvl1lh dUJl IQlHlUhl Iladm'l1lh duh -p rayah



diving board a prancha fishing fishing rod

a pesca a cana de peseal a Yara de pesca (Braz)

flippers as harhatanas football o futehol football match o jogo de futebol goggles . as 6culos golf o golfe golf course o campo de golfe gymnastics a ginastica ha rpoon a eSbinga~da

su manna hockey o h6quei jogging o {ogging lake o ago mountaineering o alpinismo oxygen bottles as garrafas de

oxigenio pedal boat a gaivola racket a raqueta!

a raquete (Braz) riding a equita<;ao rowing boat o barco a remos run (verb) correr sa ilboard a prancha de

windsurf sailing fazer \'ela/veJejar (Braz) sand a areia sea o mar skate (verb) patinar skates os pat ins skin diving mergulhar snorkel o respirador

aqualico stadium o eSladio


prang-shah !:,;,hhuh ~h-l1uh dtth p,shhuhl

\'a-rah duh p!.:shkuh barba/all -nush joo!-bQII jah-goh duh joo!-bQII Qhhooloo,h 'golf hampoo duh ~olf jeengsh-rihhu shpeenggrduh

soohmarrrlluh Qkkay 'jo~/ng' 1(1 I-goo alpeenw-moo gaIT{1h-jush dee

oksee-j,nyoo gye-vQHuh rakfltuhl rah -erchc eekee(Qssown~ barkoD uh r, -moosh noorair prgnShuh dull

-windswj' fa:gir \'dlullAc-leh-jgh argyyuh mar pateenql palcrnsh mClgool -YQhr rushpeeradQr

a/I\\'aWnoo shtqhd-vOO

sunshade s\\;m swimming pool tennis tennis Court

lennis racke t

lent underwater

fi shing volleyball water-skiing water-skis wave we t suit

windsu rfing yacht

o guarda-sol nadar a plscma o tenis o campo de u~nis! o campo de tt-nis (Bra~) a raqueta de tenis! a raquete de It-nis (Bra:::) a barraca a pesca

5ubmarina a yoleibol o esqui aqualico os esquis aquaticos a onda o rata isotermico/

a roupa de mergulho (Bra::)

o windsurf o iate

How do I ge l to [he beach? Como e que se \-ai para a praia) I~Qh-moo eh nuh sull \ye prah p':r.-lIh

Bra::) Como chcgo na praia? ~Qh-moo shell -go nail p1:r.-uh

Is the wate r Yer)' deep here? :\ agua aqui e muito funda? jll Qhg-IHlh anrs: ell 111I1'fQ1I00 fQQllduh

Is there an indoor/outdoor pool here? rla aqui urna plscina eoberta/ao ar liwe?

guahr-duh sol 11(I(/g)1 r pt'l?sh-su:nuh lQlccsh


nQmpoo duh lQll1ecsh/ nampoo duh lc.:h-nis rahCHu/l duh 1(11I1Ceshl ra/~-J.:..l.dJ.£ tell-nis ba-llilk-er l'(shlwh

soobmafcr-nllJI \-ollm'·!JQIl slJ/~ee ahwGclinoo sl1hcc::: anlrQuilwosh Ql1ciul1 jalt-roo

e::::oolai.rmcenoo/ rQw-PC!i1 de

mdl-goo-low '\\'indsulf ygc

.lit c!hcr oomul1 peeSIl -S[[I1Hl1lwobai.rtllh/ow af k.f\'ruh



Is it safe to swim here? Pode-se nadar aqu!? PQd-Sllh nadaJJr ahcr.

Can I fish here? Posso pescar aqm? PQssoo pllshl~ar aha:

Do 1 need a licence? Preciso de uma licen(a? prcssrr::oo dQQn1uh /cess(llsuh

I would like to hire a sunshade Queria aJugar urn guarda-sol hrrr-uh aloogfillr oom guar-duh sol

How much does it COSt per hour/day? Quanta custa par hora/dia? kwartwo hQQstuh poor Qrtlhlpoor dcr-u/t

I would like to take water-skiing lessons Queria tel' li~6es de esqui aquatico krcr.-uh wi,. lasQvllsh dushkcr aJnl'Qllikoo

(Braz) Ql.leria fazer aulas de esqui aqutlllco hcr-tlll jail-::rJ1f aw-Iclhs dushhcr akwqllikoo

\Vhere can I hire ... ? Onele posso alugar ... ? Qlldull PQssoo aloogahr



aluguer de barcosJ

I aluga-se harcos (Braz)

aluguer de guarda-sois I aluga-se guarda-SOiS (Bmv

aluguer de gaivotasl alugua-se pedalinho (Bmv

apanhar banhos de soV tomar so l (Bmz)

bronzeador campo de golf campo de tenis clube de golfe c1ube de {enis fazer surf fazer vela fazer windsurf mergulhar montar a cavalo nadar perigo pesca sub marina piscina piscina cobena primeiros SOCorros proibido acampar proibido nadar pro ibido pescar proibido nadar remar salva-vidas surfar (Bm~:) vclajar (Braz) zona balnea r zona perigosa

boat hire

sunshades for hire

pedal boat hire

[0 sunbathe

suntan lotion golf course tennis court golf club tennis club [0 surf [0 sail [0 windsurf to go dhing to go (horse) riding to swim danger underwater fishing swimming pool indoor swimming pool fi rst aid no camping no swimming no fishing keep out of the water to row li feguard to surf to sail s\\imming area danger zone




Post offices in Ponugal can be found by looking for either the word corrdos (post office) or, morc frequently, a sign with the Icuers CTT in red. Stamps can be bought in POSI offices, hotels and to bacconis ts. Letter boxes are red. POSt offices aTe usually open between 9 am and 6 pm , although small POSt offices close for lunch.

Most banks are open from 8.30 am until 3 pm Monday LO

Friday, with somE' larger ones open until 6 pm. \-Vhile service in banks can be slow, they do orfer belle r exchange rales for foreign currency, Eurocheques and traveller's cheques than hotels or exchange offices. Electronic currency exchange machines, found outside most large banks and in major airports and railway stations , are also usefuL Cred it card cash advances can be drawn in banks and at MB (Muhibanco) cash machines, which are located outside mOSt banks. Paying by credit card is often possible in ci ti es but should nOt be relied upon elsewhere.

The Ponuguese unit o[ currency is the common European currency, the euro (aYQQro) . One eura is divided into 100 centimos (srulilllosh), and the coins come in 1, 2, 5, 10. 20 and 50 centimos; 1 and 2 euros. Notes are available in 5, 10. 20. 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros.

In Braz il, post orfices can be identified by a yellow sign with the word correios; pos tboxes. too, are yello\\·. The Brazilian currency is the rea l (hey-aD - plural reais (Iley -ice), which is divided into 100 ce11lavos. Money can be changed at major banks. large hotels and trawl agencies as well as at airports. For the best exchange rates, look [or casa de cambia. You can also obtain cash advances on major credit ca rds at most banks in the ci ti es or at cash machines. Most banks open [rom Monday 10 Friday; exchange departmenLS often close at 2 or 3 pm.




airmail a correia aerco hoorgyoo ah-rurcc-oo bank o banco b"hll-cOO hanknOle a nota IlQ-cllh cash machine a caixa automatica hif.-s/wh all'coo-ma-tee-Iwh change ( 1101111) o troeo trQh-coo (vn-b) troca r troo-c{1r

collection a tirageml ceerQh-jayng/ a coleta (Bra::) hor- lct-ah

Counter o balcao balhQwng credit card o canao de credito cQr-twong deh C/fdcc-roo currency a cambia h"mb-yoo

exchange customs [ann a impressa de eC/1~rf.ssoo dull

delive ry alfandega al andll~h

a distribui~ao dccshlrec -wecs.Qwllg depOSit (nOIlI1) a dep6slto dell -PQ-::.ee-too

(verb) depositar ddl -poo-:::ee-cQr exchange rale a taxa de camhia rQshuh dell hamh-yoo form o impresso/ cemprfSSOO

letter o formuhirio (Bra::) {ormlllll@lio a cana "ilgrtll l1

letter box a marco do correia/ mQrlwo doo hooruyoo a caLxa do cav-slw do

correia (Bra::) cor-l1.cu:-ol1 money order o \·ale postal val possl1-rQI pos t o correio hoorjJYoo postage rates as tarifas pastais /arrcr-jush poosll-I):sll postal order o "ale posta l \'a111 pooslltQl postcard o postal! roosl1tal

postcode o careao postal (Bra::) W H!1.!Jg poosllral o c6digo postal haddigoo pooshcahl

paste restante a posta-restante hQshtllh rushtglll postman o canc iro artavroo post office os correlOs hoo,~~}'oosl1 pound sterling a libra inglesa lff.b l1lh LCllglch-:: l!h



registered letter stamp surface mail withdraw (molley) withdrawal

a cana registada oselo \'ia terrestre lc\,antar (dinheiro) o Icyantamemo

How much is a letter/postcard to ... ?

Iwrwh n?jeeshtgh-dllh sfh-Ioo \'IT- tlh rch-rrcsh -rfuh lclJ-vahn-IQI" decnghei roh 'eh -\'qhn-{uh-m,hn-loo

Quanta custa uma cana/urn postaVcartao postal (Bra.:: ) para ... 7 1<11'"11/00 kQQshluJl QQlI1uh 11Qrtuhloom pooshc{lllhartruJg pooshtal par-llh

I would like three 50 cent stamps Quena tres selos de cinquema centimos Im:.f-uh cresh Sdl-Ioo.~h duh sccng-kwC/Huh sc.nrimosh

(Bra:::) Queria tres selos de urn real hrrr.-uh Ires/1 Sdl-Ioosh dull oam ha,\ -al

I want to register this letter Quero mandar esta cana regislada 11illroo /I1Q/lclnhr f:,sw/J harluh n..:jccshta/l -duh

1 want to send this parcel to ' Quero mandar eSla encomenda para", IlQiwO m(mdQhr fshtuh enlwom,nduh par-lIh

How long does t he post to '" take? Quanta tempo demora para esta carta chegar a .. ,? 1M-on-wit lem -pah delt-mor-all pa-ra cs-wh carow sJ1Qy-gaJl

'vVhere can I post this? Onele passo p6r is[O no correia? Qlldlllt PQssoa par ,"shwa noo /warQYoa

Is there any mail for me? Ha algum correia para mim? ah algoom Iwargyoo Pf!H lh mccng



I'd like to send a fax Queria rnandar urn fax hcr-tlh mandQhr vom fax

This is to go airmail Quero man dar 15to por correlO aereo hairoo malldQIJr ((SIHaa poor kovr~vov ah-gifl:c-ao

Could you change this into 20-curo notes? Pode trocar is[Q em notas de \'inte euros? pod croo-car ITsluoo ayn nQ-ltish deh venu a),QQrosh

(Bra~ Pode trocar is[Q em netas de de: reais] pod. croo-car ITshcoo ayn 11Q- CUSI! (kh de::: hay-!£.!;.

I'd like to cash these traveller's cheques Queria trocar eStes cheques de \'iagens krD:.-lll! lrOO-CQr f.sh -cshch Shfh-Ildt d.el! \'ffa-jClinsh

What ,is the exch~ng~ rate for ~he pound? Qual e a taxa de cambia para a hbra? h\\,Q-leh ch uh (Qslw/J dell cghm-ba-oo p!1./J-nlh ah l!.J.:bnl/1

Can 1 draw cash wi lh this credit card? Posso lenmtar/tirar (Bra:::) dinheiro com este can<'io de credilo? {,Q.ssoo leh-\(Hl -cgrlrear-ah dCfll -hav-roo ha/lln eslllclJ (ar-tn'Ol1g

deh Cl f.dcc-coo - -

I'd like smaller notes Queria notas mais pequenas hrff.-uh IlQ-taslJ mITsh pdll~f.Il-l1ash

(Bne:) Queria notas menores hff-uh IlQ-tash men-or-res




banco catxa caixa automatica cambio carta carta expressa codigo postal correio aereo correios (CTT) depositos destinatano direq:ao/endere<;o (Braz) encomenda franquia honirio de ahcrlura levantamcntos/saques (Braz) localidade moeda extrangeira pOT avU\o posta-Tcstantc preencher registos/carta registrada (Braz) remete nte selos tarifas tax as de cambio telefone tiragem/coleta (Braz) trocar

bank cashier cash machine currency exchange lener express Jetter poslcode airmail POSt office deposits addressee address parcel postage opening hours withdrawals place, tOW11

foreign currency by airmail poste restante to fill in registered mail sender stamps charges exchange rates telephone collection to change/exchange international money order surface mail

vale postal inlcrnacional via superficie




Telephones: :\'ew telephone boxes in Portugal are blue and orange, olde r ones merallic grey. Vlost countries can be d ialled di rectly; codes are usually displayed inside the phone box. To call the CK, dial 00+-+ then omi t rhe 0 that precedes the area code.

All POSt orfices haye telephone boxes. To make a call rrom one or these. rou must ask at the counter fo r a line and pay the assistant after making the call. There are also payphones in bars and restaurants , but these cannot be used for international ca lls.

The lOl~es you ?ea.r on Portuguese phones are: d ialling lOne-5<1me as til UK: nnglng tone - repeated long tone; engaged Lone - rapid pips .

[n Brazil. public relephones have dis tinctive conch-shaped covers - red for local calls and blue for long-d istance. To operate, use fichas (to kens ) or cartao telef6nica (phoneca rds), available at newsslands .


ca ll (nolln)

(verb) code

crossed line d ial (v, rb) d ialling tone d irectory

enquiries email add ress emergency extens ion international

ca ll number

a chamada relef6nica

relefonar o indicati\·ol o codigo (Bnl::) as linhas cruzadas marcar/discar (Bra::) o sinal de chamada as informa<;6es

o endere<;.o de email a emergencia a extensao a chamada

mtemacional o numero

s/wm.ah-dllh lullLlh-fQllllihuh

lulluh-foonahr cendcekuh-ff£..\'ool ruh-de-go IITllytls~ kroo~h-dtlsh marhall rldees-kahr seenal dc:h shumah·dull ecnfoormuJl -sQyngslJ

endclJ-rc-soo delJ ce-mayl cemer-jQIss-y uJl ecs}llcnsQIVllg shamall -dull

cCllternass-yoonQI I1QQmeroo



operator payphone

push-button te lephone


reverse charge call

telephone telephone box

telephone directory

a telefonista rulluh-Jooncrshtuh o tclcrone publico/ !IIllllh ~fonn PQQblilwo/ a orelha6 (Bra::) ol1 -reh-!ce-aw a tdefone rulluh -JQnn

automatico owto-mQltihoo o auscuhadorl olVshhooltuh-dQrl o manaronc (Brav l11o-noh-Joh-nec a chamada paga s/lQmQh-duh pah-gull

no deslinatanol 1100 dushrcenargr-yool a chamada a cobrar (Braz) s/w-m.ab.-da all !ill-bra o teldone lulluh-jQnn a cabina telef6nical habcr.nuh wlll/h-

[Qllllilmhi o orelhao (Bra:) oh-reh-Iee-aw a !isla telef6nicai Icr.shruh mlluh-a !isla tclef6nica (Braz) jQnllilwhllecS-fah


""here is the nearest phone box? On de fica a cabina telef6nicalo orelha6(Bra::) mais proxima? Qllduh j"Jwh uh JWbfflluh lu1!ull-jQllllilwhloo oh-reJ1-1ce-al\' mysh


Hello, this is ... speaking ESl3., e ala. shtah, ell ooluli

(Braz) Ala. aqui e ala . ah-Iow, a-hey.cl! ohlal1

Is that . . . ? E o/a . .. 7 ch oO/lIh

I would like to speak 10 .

Queria falar com. krf(-uh ja/ahr kong



~peaking E a pr6prio (said b\ man) ell 00 prQPrrc-oo ~

(Bra::) E de (said by man) tb. a-lct' -

E a prdpria (smd by woman) cll uh prQpree·uh

(Bra::) E da (said bv woman) ma-la -

Extension ... , please ExtensaolRamal (Bra.: ) ... por fa\'or ccsJW."ISQII'llgIRah-l1w\\·l ". poorfuh-vQ/'

Please tell him .. , called Fa: favor de dizer que lelefonou o/a ... fas h Jllh-vQf dull dee.:Qir huh ll!lIuh-JoonQh oolul1

As k him lO call me back, please Fa.: [,l\'or de Ihe di.:er para me Ielcfonar fash Juh -\'Qf dl/I-yuh dce:::illr pgfuh mull ltllluh -foo l1(1h r

My number is . o meu numero de Ielerone eo ... 00 m.dl-ao I1QQmeroo duh cUl/Uh-jQIlI1 ell 00

Do you know where he is? Sabe onde e que ele e5t<i? 5{lhb Qndec eh hee chi sluah

When will he be back? Quando e que ele regressa/\'olta (Brai)? hWUlldoo eh her elll regrs:,ssuhlm-ra?

Could you leave him a message? Pode-Ihe deixar um recado? pQcll-YHlJ daysllahr oom rd'fih-doo

9 1


Sorry, I've got the wrong number Desculpe, enganei-me no numero dushhQQlp, cngana..v-muh noo IIQQmeroo

(Bra:::) Desculpe , roi engano dushhQQlp , fay rn-gah-noh

['11 ring back lat er Volta a telefonar mais tarde vQ/loo uh wlluh-Joollllr mysh lard

Is there a telephone directory? Tern uma !iSla lelef6nica/tclef6mca (Braz)? rayng QQl1wh If.C:shtuh ClII!U}l-JQ'Hlilmhlleh-leh-Jilli-Ilfe-ha

I would like the directory ror ... Queria a !iSla telefonicaltelefonica (Bra:) de ... /nff-uh llh lcrshruh fulluh-Ja.nnillllhlceh-kh-jQh-nce-ha duh

Can I call abroad from here? Possa telefonar daqui para 0 estrangeiro/exterior (Bra:::)? pa.ssoo lulluh-fooll(!hr dah ff. prall shtran-JQvroo!ex-u h-rc-or

How much is a call to ... ? Qual1lo custa uma chamada para ... ? hwgntoo hQQshwh QQJl1UJl shall1uh-duh pgr-uh

I would like to reverse the charges Queria que a chamada fosse paga no destinatario hr~-Llh hce lilt slwmQh-duh Joss pah-guh noo dushreenargr-,)!OD

(Bred Queria que a chamada fosse a cobrar kr.a:-uh I,ce !Ill shamah-duh Joss ah coh -bra

I would like a number in Queria urn numcro em , h IT-lill oam nQQmeroo ayng



How do I ge( an outside line? Como pOSSO obter hga<;ao ao exterior? /W1l100 P05S00 obuhr /eegah-ssowng au esh-teh -rce-or

\\That 's your fax number/email address? Qual e 0 seu numero de faxlendere<;o de email? Im'al fh 00 sIlL-OO nOO-m(HO deh fa..'l:kndeh-re-soo dell fe -mayl

Did you ge l my fax/email? Recebeu 0 meu fav'email? n:h-sl1C-bfll 00 l11[h -oo JQ).-jee-mayl

Can I send an emaiVfax from here? Posso em'iar urn emaiVum fax daquP fl OSSOD C/n't'f-(lhr Dam ce-mayllmall-dahr oom fax dl4h -hcc

Can I use the fax machincJphotocopier? Posso usar 0 faxla fotocopiadoraJrnagui na ele Xerox (Bm::)? 1'05500 oo::arh 00 fax/ah Joto-llO-pce-all -do-tth/l11ahhecllah deh sb.rrox


1 I2 - emergencias (Portugal 0111)') 190 - (police, Brazil only) 192 - (ambulance, Brazil only) 193 - (fi re. Brazil onl),)

ava riarlo/nao funciona (Bmz) cabina teief6nica ca rtao te1ef6nico chamada internacional chamada interurbana chamada local correia electr6nico endere~o de email fax

emergency number

out of order telephone box phonecard international call long-distance call local call email email address fax machine -



fotocopiadoral rnaquina de Xerox· (Braz)

indicativo/c6digo (Bmz) informal;oes orelhao (Braz) pagina na internet/web sile (Braz) servi(:o auto matico scrvil;O internacional tarifas telefone telem6veVceliular ( Braz)


Com quem quer ralar? \Vhom would you like LO speak to?

Quem fala? Who's speaking?

De que m.imero fala? What is your number?

Dcsculpe, mas ele naD esta (Bmz) Sinlo muito , mas ele na~ esta. Sorry, he's not in

Elc vem/volta (Braz) as ... hOTas He'll be back at . o'clock

Volte a telefonar amanha, por favor Please call again tomorrow

Eu digo-lhe que tdefonou I'll tell him you called



code enquiries telephone box Web site direct dialling internat ional calls charges tclephone mobile phone


In Portugal. there are state-run hospitals and private hospitals. Prh-ate hospitals and clinics are wry expensiw and not as well equipped as state-run hosp itals . If you go privately, always ask the price first. In case of emergency. ask to be taken to the scrvic;o de urgencias or pronto socorro (casualty) . There are reciproca l arrangements bet\wen Portugal and Britain for free medical treallnent.

Medicines and drugs are only a\'ailable from chemists (farmacias) , which are open from 9 am 10 1 pm and 3 pm to 7 pm. If the chemist you visit is closed, there will be a notice on the door giYing the address of the duty chemist (farmacia de servic;o) .


accident ambulance anaemic appendicit is appendix aspirin asthma backache bandage

bite (verb) (noun) (by insect)

bladder blister blood blood donor


o acidente a ambuiancia anemico a apendicite o apendice a aspmoa a asma a dar nas costas a ligadura/ a aradura (Bra:) marder. picar mordida a picada a bexiga a bolha a sangue o dador/o doador

(Bra:::) de sangue a queimadura

assccdgnt amboo/gnss-Ylih an(mmihoo apcndee~sIT.t apflldeess ashpeergfnuh gjmuh dar nush koshwsll /cegadQQrtlhl ata-doo-rall mordellr pcckar mordec-dull pceki]ll -dull bcsli(f,'sull bQIYlIh sangllh dadorldoll -ah -door duli sgnglill




cancer o cancro/ hgnhroo/ headache a dor de cabe~a dor duiJ habeh-stlh o cancer (Bra.::) han-sah heart o corac;ao IworassQlVng

chemist (shop) a farmacia Ia nngss -yul! hea rL attack o enfarte aYllg-Jart chest o peito pgyroo hospital a hospital OShpCl.'lg} chickenpox a varicelal mreesdluhl ill doente dOO-QH

a catapora (Brail ha-!ah-l2Qfr-ah indiges tion a indigeSl<10 cCl1d~ljesshlQ\vng cold a constipac;aol hohnshfeehassQwngl injection a lnjec(ao/ fCll}fSsQwngl

o resfriado (Braz) h!?s-Jrt:e -(ill-doh a InJec;ao (Bra:::) il1 -jcr-~ concussion o traumatismol 1rOll macflJmol itc h a comichao/ Iwomee-shQlVngl

a concussao (Bred COI1-COO-~ a coceira (Bm::) !i,Q-scly-ra constipation a prisao de pree:::Qwllg duh kidney o nrn feeng

ventre t'fnt l1lh lump o caroc;o Jw-roh-so contact lenses as lentes de contaclO /encsh dull homqhroo measles o sarampo sargmpoo corn ocala kg/oo migraine a enxaqueca CIlslJahrhlmlJ cough a tosse coss mumps a papelra IJapgy -ruh Cttl o golpel ~olPI nausea as nauseas IlQIV-zec-u"~!J

a corte (Braz) or-chee nurse a enfermeira emjerm.Q}' -ru n dentist a denti sta dellfITshwn operation a operac;ao ()~erassQ\vll* diabetes os diabe tes dee-ab(csh opt ician o aculista () oolITslllti diarrhoea a diarreia dec-alTQYlIIJ pain a do r clor dizzy estonteadol slJ toll1i:T-ah-doo/ penicillin a penicilina penee-scc/ffllull

tonto (Bra::) lOn-lOh plaster o penso adesi\"o/ prug-soo aclcZf..f.l'oo/ doctor a medico mddcehoo o esparadrapo (Bm::) es-pah-rah-dm-polJ earache a dar de ouvidos dar dee Oll-W.fdoosh pneumonia a pneumonia pneh-oomoonIT.-yul1 fever a febre Jr.bnln pregnant gra\ida grgv\'iduJI filling a chumbo sllQQmboo preSCription a rceena rllssav-cuh first a id os primeiras pr.:cmay-roosn rheumatism a reumatisma rch-oo-mat!:!jmoo

socarras sOOI~QIToosh sca ld a queimadura b:ymadQQnlh nu a Ftripe greep scratch o arranhao arran-YQlI'llg fracture a ractura! jraktQQl1lhl smallpox a ,-ariola varrr.-olluiJ

a fratura (Braz) frah -w.- rah sore throat a dor de garganta dar dllh gargfilltuh German measles a rubeola roObr}l -oolluh splinter a fa rpa fub.-~a glasses os Deulos ohhooloosh sprain a disten~ao "clees l/CllSQlVtlg haemorrhage a hemorragia ~mmoorah -J"-!lh sting a picada pccl~Qh -dllh hay fever a rebre das fenos f£.bruh clo{1sn stomach o estomago SIHQl1-magoo

Jr.h- Iloosh temperature a temperatura rcmperarQQntiJ

96 97


lOnsils toothache travel

sickness ulcer vaccination vomit (verb) whooping


I have a pain in . D6i-me . dgy-l1lllh

I do not feel we ll

as amigdalas a dar de dentes o enjoo de

\iagem a ulcera a Y3cinac;ao \"omltar a tosse COIWU lsaJ a tosse de cachorro (Braz)

Nao me sima bem n Olllng mldl SITI1COO bayng

I feel faint 5il11O que YOU desmaiar S£.[l1toO hull \'Oh duj-mY -(l1

1 feel sick Estou agoniado/enjoado (Bra=:) s!ltoh agool1cc-Qh-doo!cn-jow-aaoh

I feel dizzy Sima lOnturas sr.cn 100-wntQQ r -ush

It huns here Doi-me aqui elm-'-mull aha (Braz) lvle doi aqui Mull -doyallee


amrrgduh-lush dol' dult dents}1 Cl1jQh-oo duh

\'Ct·-qh-jayng QQlst'nih vasseenassQwng vQomee-tnr toSS COIl\"QQIsuhl lOSS deh ba-show-ra

I,t's a sharp pain E uma dor aguda eh QQI11Hh dor agQQduh

',t 's a dull pain E uma moinha/dor leye (Bra:) ell QQmuh moo-crn-yuhldohr k..b.vee

It hurts all the time Doi-me sempre dQ\'-muh 5gmplllil

(B raz.) :.lao para de doer nowng lliili-rah dee dotl-er

It only hurts now and then Doi-me so de \-e:. em quando dQ\'- muh soh duh \'C':: ayng i?wql1doo

(Bra.::) S6 doi de 'T: em quando s()h duh dell ve.::: ayng hwqndoo

It hurts when you louch it Doi-me quando the toea dQy-muh 50/1 hwgndool-.vuh tQhkuh

(Bra.::) S6 doi quando ,-oce encosta so dm:. kwan -do ,"oh-55eh en -ca5-rah

It hurts morc at night Doi-me!hle doi (Bra.::) mais a noile dQi'-muhll\ ftlll doy my.:: ah l1oy1

It stings Arde-me/Arde (Bra.::) qrd-muh/ardeh




It aches D6i-me/ESl<l doendo (Bra::) dQ)' .ntllhIEh-scah doh-rhn-doh

I have a temperalUre Tenho febre t.tnyoa jr.bnt!l

I need a prescription for. Preciso duma receila para. prcssrr:::oo dQQnwh ntSs.Q,,-ruh par-till

J normally take .. Normalmente tomo . lloonnaitl1QlI tQh-moo

I'm allergic 10 .

Sou alergico a .. soh almr;ikkoo lIh

Have you got anything for .. . ? Tern alguma coisa para ... ? rayng algQ.Qmuh kQ,v::uh par-till

Do I need a prescription for ... ? Preciso duma receita para ... ? pn:ssC£.zoo dQQ}l1Llh nlssgY-luh par-l/Ii

I'm ... months pregnant EstOll gnh-ida de ... meses shtoh gra-\'ce-daJl cllh ... mcha-zsh

Can you lake these if you're pregnantibreastfccaing? Posso lornar estes cornprimidos se esth'cr gravida/a amarnemar/

amamemando (Bra::)? passoD tao-maIH' cstsh hongpree-mee-doosh she csh-tf'e -vehr gra-\t't:­

da/l/(lh a}l-/1w!J -mt'ng-Iah rlaJl-nw}l-mel1-wllll-doh


I hayc lost a filling Caiu-me urn chumbo IWYQQ-lIlllh 00111 shoomboo

(Bra:::., Perdi uma obturac;ao per-dt'y QQmali ob-wo-ms-ml'llg


Tome ... pflulas/comprimidos de cada vez Take ... pIlls/tablets at a time

Com agua \\Tith water

Mastigue-os Chew them

Uma vezlduas vezesitres vezcs ao dia Once!t\\;ce!three times a day

S6 quando se deitar Only when you go to bed

o que e que gcralmeme lOrna? \Vhat do you normally take?

Eu acho que devia consu!tar urn medico I think rou should see a doctor

Tenho muita pena, mas mio temos isso (B,-az) Simo muito , mas mlo tcmos isso rm sorry, we don't ha\'c thm

Para isso precisa duma/de uma (Braz) reccila For that you need a prescription


10 1



abcesso/abscesso (Braz) ambuhi ncia-1 12

ambulanda-1 92 (Brazil only) analise!exame (Braz)

de sangue chumb% btura<;ao (Braz) cHnica consulta denti sta doutor emergencias (Braz) exames farnu1cia de scrvi.;o honirio das consultas infectadol

inflamado (Braz) injeq:ao/inj e<;ao (Bmu medico oculisla 6cul05 o to rri nola rin go 1 ogi 5 La

penso cura tivo P OS IO de enfermagem pronto socorro pressao arterial radiograha rece ila scrvic;o de urgencias servic;o permanentd

aberto 24 hOTas (Brm:) urg~ncias vacm a


abscess ambulance

blood tests

filling clinic appointment dentist docto r emergencies testS dULY chemist surgery hours septic

injection doctor optician glasses ear, nose and throat

specialist dressing fi r51 -aid centre first -aid centre blood pressure X-ray prescriptwn casualty open 24 hours

emergenCies vaccine



A mile is 1.6 km. To com'en kilometres to miles, divide the km by 8 and multiply br 5. Com'en miles to krn b)' dh'iding the miles by 5 and multiplying by 8.

miles 0 .62 1.2-t 1.86 2 .-18 3.11 3.73 -1.35 6 .21 miles 0 1" km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 kill 1.61 3.22 -1 .83 6.H 8 .05 9.66 11.2716.10


The kilogram is equivalent to 2 lb 3 oz. To com"ert kg to lbs, dhide by 5 and multiply by 11. One ounce is about 28 grams, and eight ounces abom 227 grams; 1 lb is therefore about 454 grams. Ibs 2.20 -1.-1 1 6 .61 8.82 11.02 13.23 19.84 22.04 Ibs or kg I 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 kg 0. -15 0.91 1.36 1.8] 2.27 272 4.08 4.53


To com"cn Celsius degrees into Fahrenheit , the accurate method is to multiply the O( figure by 1.8 and add 32. simi larl)" to com'ert OF to 0C, subtract 32 from the OF figure and divide b)' 1.8. O( - 10 0 5 10 20 30 36.9 40 100 OF H 32 -1 1 50 68 86 98.4 ]04 212


A litre is about 1.75 pints; a ga llon is roughly 4.5 litres. gals 0.22 O. H 1. 10 2.20 4.40 6.60 11.00 ga ls or htres ] 2 5 10 20 30 50 lilres 4.54 9.10 22. 73 -15.-16 90.92 136.-102 27.30


Iblsq in 18 20 22 2-1 26 28 30 33 kglsq crn 1.3 U 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3




Slight variations in si : es, let alone European equh"alents of UKIUSA sizes, \\ill be found c\'cr},,"here so be sure to check before you buy. The following tables a f C approximate:

WOlllens dresses and suits UK 10 12 1+ 16 18 20 Europe 36 38 40 42 44 46 USA 8 10 12 14 16 18

Mens suils and coats UK/USA 36 38 40 n H 46 Europe 46 48 50 52 54 56

Womcns shoes UK 4 5 6 7 8 Europe 37 38 39 41 42 USA j Ill 61h 71/2 8'h 9111

Mells slioes UK/USA 7 8 9 10 11 Europe 41 42 43 44 45

Mens silins UK/USA 1+ 1-+ lh 15 15 th 16 16'h 17 Europe 36 37 38 39 41 42 43

\Volllcns swearers UK/USA 32 34 36 38 40 Europe 36 38 40 42 44

Waisf and dlcst measurements Inches 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 H 46 Cms 71 76 80 87 91 97 102 107 112 117



about : about 16 c('rca de dt'::.l.~;;,el:ilde::l'~xlS Bra::.

acce lerator " l-:clerJdN accident " ;I;;.-:den:.: accommodation (' JI,"lm('nto acne 1 dor adaptor <.) JdlPt.ldo~ eb;nlco address a monda/oJ endere,,, iBra.:) adhesive ,'ad",;::y" admission charge <.) rr<·~ .. , de Jdmissiio/

J e:l:rJl.!J BT;":

after de:";:>l ~ aftcrsha·\"(· kCJl' pJnJ J hJrbJ.1

1('i;Jl' d" bJrt>eJr B,.I':: again (lutrl W~

against ':00t::1 ~ir l' a T

air condi tioning 0 aT c.'ndlclOn:ldo aIrcraft c J\~j;:>

;lIT freshener (I d~;:"'d,,n:Jme de Jmblo:nt<'.lQ punhcador de aT ,Bra::::

air hostess a hospedelra do aT! J aerl'm('\J Bra.::

aIrline a comp:mhl3 aaea aIrport l' .ie :"p'-'rt~, alcohol ll jk(>(>l

alt :Ud.l that"s all e mdl' a ll the streets todJ.s J~ :1Jas

allowed perrnHid,' almost qUi\se alone $l'

alreadv .1.1 alwavs s.empre am: I am ~u "'-'U ambulance a ambuIJ:1(la America J Amenca .-\merican Jmenllno/a mH'

and e ankle II tDml, : e1o anorak 0 anoraquefo agaSJlho IBra;:! anolher OUl f<' ~nswering machine 0 atendcdor de

,ham;tda,!atendedOT Juwmallco/ a sccretana ~e lectn"'mc~ t Bra,:: )

antifree:c 0 anucongcbntc antiques shop a IOJa dt' antlgu\dades amiscplic 0 :mtisepllco anylhing: do you have anything?

tern alguma coisa) appendici tis a apendicue appetite 0 apetite apple a ma,~ lIpplicat ion form a rieha ell.' inscri,ao appoi mmem a marcJ(aol

a hor:! tn.1rcada (Brau apricol 0 damasco are: you li re (Sing. po/ild

Iro man) 0 SenhOT e 110 IH'man) a Senhora e Ismg. "ami/iar} ttl es plural pol irt'! os Senhoresl

as Senhoras 5:10 plural familial \'octs s:1o

wc arc somos they aTC des sa.o

a rm 0 bra(o ;Irt a Jrte a rt gallery a gale ria de .ute artist 0 ants!:! as: as soon as possible

o mal!> depreS5.1 possl\"t' l ashtray 0 c m :::C1 TO

asleep a donmr he's asleep elc estj J dO TTTml dormmdo ''Bra.:::)


ASP aspirin a aspmna at : at the p o St office nos COITCIO~

at n ight .I noile at 3 o'clock ;15 Ires horns

allraelivc 31mente aunt a U3

AllSlralia a Austr:Hia Aus tralia n austrahamv'a ,mii' Aus tria a Austria Aus trian 3ustriaco/a .mlf': automatic automatico awa),: is it far away? e longe?

go away! \'a-Se embOT:!! awful hurriYt:l axle O .. IXO

baby 0 heWo bdx (Bra.::. back (no! jront) a pane postwor

(of body) as costas bacon 0 bacon

bacon and eggs bacon com ovos bad mau bait a lsca bake 355M

bake r 0 padeiro balcony a varanda ball a bola

(da ncd 0 b:1.l1e ball point pen a esferogrMica banana a b:mana band (mUSicians) a banda bandage a ligadural:! ataclura 'BrcQ bank 0 banco hanknote a nOl3 bar 0 b3r

b;lr of chocolate a barr;! de chocolate barbecue 0 churrasco barhers 0 barbeiro barga in a pechmcha basement a elwio subsolo 'Bra::) basin <.> alguld:u/a p ia (S,(/::)

(sillk) 0 b VJ t6rio


baskct 0 cestoia cesta . Bra.::. bath II hlnho

have a bath tomlr h.:mho bathroom a Ca5J de banh(v

o bJnhelro (8ra.;:)

bath sallS os SJ.IS de' banhl' balle ry (car) a ba!ena

(wrch. a pllha beaeh a prJ.la beans os fC IJOes

green beans os vjgem heard a barba

becausc pOl'que bed a cama bed linen a roupa de t-ama bedroom 0 quarto beef a carnc de vaea beer a cen'ep bdore ames bcgilllle r 0 principJante' behind ,urns bdge beige Belgian belga Belgium :l Belgica bell (church) 0 sino

(doo') a campainh:l below abaixo belt 0 <:i nt O

beside junto de/do !ado (lka;:l best 0 mcl hor be ller mclhor between emre hicycle a bicicle'!a big grande bikin i 0 bl klll i hill a conta bin liner 0 saw do lixo bird 0 passMo birthday 0 dla de anos!

o an l\'ersario (B raz)


happy birt hday! Parabt'ns ' birthday card 0 GUlaO de alll\'er~;ino biscuit a bolacha

BIT bite \ffb morder, p:.:a~

I.&<'n monilc!J (ir~(dlsr..lk~ pK.ldJ

bitter amilrgo black prcto blackbe rry a lrnOTa blanket (I coixTlor bleach h'rf. ces.:ol('l'lr,descolonr ,Bra::,

1r.'!1Il a !eXl\13!3 J~a Yll1t.lria Bra:: blind <\mr.')[ sa ce;;~~

'em "1r.jOl' J. per~l.lnJ blisle r a bt,lhJ blood 0 sanll\l C" blouse a bl~~J blue a: uI boal 0 b,uco bodr {'I corpo boil fen'er bo ll \<,ril [r,:!ncar

11m '/"'N ' a fechldu rJ bone 0 0550

,tl~h a espmha de pn'l:e bonnel .Jr J CJPOla/O c:ap6 'Brad book r.,;.r; 0 h\'!\~

\<',[> rese,;ar boo king office a bl1h~lelrllbilhetena

BJ..r.::. bookshop 3 h\TaII3

boot lcar 0 pom bagagensl o pona rr:31as ,Bra.::. 1~""'f1',f .. r J DNa

border a iT0r,lelra bor ing abo:recidolcr.alO ,Bra.;: born: I was born in ,

eu nbCl em bOlh ambos

bOlh of them J.mbos bOlh o f us n6" (IS d,11s1nOs dois Bra:: bo th .. , and . 131lto, cornel

bottle J l;aIT.1ia bott le opener ('I lbTe-gaTraflsl

o 3bndC'r de garrafas IBra;:

bottom 0 fundo bowl a Ilgela box 3 caLxa boy 0 Tapa:: boyfri end 0 namorado bra 0 souticn bracelet a pu\selra braces os suspensonos brake ,noun' 0 tTavJ.oIo frelO lBra.::.)

'\ah tra\'arlfrear ,Bra;:) brandy 0 brandy Bra:i1 0 Br3si l Brazilian b rasllclrola rmlfJ bread 0 pao


breakdown (car) a a\';\n;lIcnb'Ui~r (Bra;:,) (ner .... olls) 0 esgotamcnto ncrvosLV 3 crise ncrmsa (BI(lV

b reaUast 0 pequeno almocol o caft da m;mM (B ra::)

breathe rcspirar 1 can't breathe nao posso/ ml() consigo respirar (B ra::)

bridgc J ponte briefcase a pasta British b rilanico b rochure 0 folhelO broken pam do/quebraclo (Bra;:)

brokcn leg a pcrn~1 partida! quebrada (Bra::)

brooch 0 broche b rother 0 mn ao brown ca5lanho bruise 0 hematomJ/a comusdo (Bra..::.)

brush ,noun) a e;.cova pm'll} 0 pmcel il-ab) c;.corar

buckcl 0 balde building 0 edifiClo bull 01OUro

b ull fight a tourada b ullfightCT 0 lOurelro bum per 0 p;i ra-choques burglar 0 g3tun%ladniL) rBHIV


BUR burn :Ia!>1 quetmJf

nOllnl a quc!maclura bus 0 auwcarro bus ine .. s 0 ncgocio

it"s none of your business 0;\0 tern nada com 1SS\.1

bus stat ion iI eSta~~0 de 3Ulocarrosla roclO\l(\na Bra;:,

bus stop a par3gCl11 do 3utocarro! o POntO de onibus Bra~

bus)' (occuplcd ) ocupado (Slrcell mO\lment:tdo

but mas butcher 0 talhoio a,ouo,;.<, Bra.: bUller J m:mteu.:a button <.) bOllo ~ buy compmr by: by Fr id;])' na SeX\a-Felra

by myself so:mho by t he window peno dJ pnda

cabbage a COU\'e!,,' rep(llho Bra.:. cable car \.'I tclcf\"n,x' cable T\' a I'" (1,1T cab.) cafe 0 cafe cagoule 0 Impame,\wl de nylon!

o casaco de n,1I10n Bra.:. cake 0 bolo C".Ikc shop a plS!elaruio confelLlnJ Bra::: calculator a cakubdora call: whal's it called ? como e que

se cil:? camera a mjqUlna fOlOgrafica campSite 0 parquc de campismD can :tin) a lata

(an I ... ? po~~o can I ha\'e """1 pode-me dar

Canada 0 Canada Canadian C:madl;mo/Can;lde:t..--e (Bra::! canal 0 canal cancer <.) cancr% dncer (Bra;::1 candle a '"cb


canoe ,1 canoa cap \) bone car 0 Clrro caravan a rulottdo :ratkr B'~ carburellor 0 carbufac!or card 0 cartJo cardigan 0 Cl5aco cie tnJlha careful cUldadoso

carefll1! cUldado l


car park 0 parque de estJ(lL'namenloi o estacionamento "Bra;::

ca rpet a carpctdo carpet.:' Br,z.::. carriage ([mUlJ a car.uJ!,-Cr:1 carrot a cenoura carrycot 0 pona-bebe ca r seat {jar a baby' 0 a(.:'n\O para ~bt/o aS5enlO parJ J hd~ B,,,.::

case a mala cash 0 dinheiro

(chang(') 0 troco pay cash pagar em dmhClro

cassette a casscnda fua-cJ,;:.e!(' Br".:: casseue playcr 0 knOT de C;l~!'i""lle!'J

o toca-fnas (Bra;::

castle 0 castelo cat 0 gate cal hedral a catedral caulinower a cou\"e-Oor cave a grUia cemetery 0 cemiteno centre 0 centro certifica te 0 ccnifil ad,) chai r ~ cadelf;1 chambermaid a cn;lda de qu~n01

a arrumadeim (Bra;::

chamber music a musica dt" (,\mlfl

change (c!mht's) mudar de r~~UrJ (money) trocar

Channel 0 canal ela ~Iancha cheap barato cheers! (Ioas!) s.l(ldc ! cheese 0 queijo chem ist (~hop) a farm.icia

CHE cheque 0 cheque chequebook 0 hn% 1.1130 Bra.::.

de cheques cheque card 0 canJo de credlto cherry ,1 (<,re'J chess 0 xaclre: ches t 0 peno chewing gum a pa:;ulhJ distica!

o chlcleh! Bra.::. chicken 0 tram.:o child a CnJn~a." children as cnan~a5 china a. pcr~ebrJ China a Ch;ro Chinese chm~s"chmeSJ. m;i chips :l.S bJtJt~ :nus chocolate " chcc...,lale

a box of chocolates uma catxa de chocobtes

chop 7"lOd 3 cosleleta 'I,' ,U!' conJr

Christian name 0 nome propno church a lo:r<']3 cigar l~ ch.iruto Cigarette 0 Or.JITO

cmema (> cmema city a odade-ci ty centre 0 CentrO da. Cldlde class l cla~ classical music a mUSlca classica clean hmpll clear cl3ro

is lhat clea r? compreende? clever ('speno clock 0 relOglo

alJrm 0 despenade>r close n,'ur peno

'SlUr/.\ lhlbd" . al-II kch~r

the shop is closed a IOJ3 esta fechada clothes a roupa dub 0 c1ube

'carJ5' 0 n:llp<' de P:lUS

coo clutch 3. embr.llageml

~ embreagem Bra..::1 coach 0 autocarrolo Ombus IBra.:::)

of Iraln J carruagem/o \"ag;\o (Bra:) coach st::Hion a esta(;\o dos autocarrosl

a esta\lo rodo\lana IBra.:::) COat 0 casaco coal hanger 0,) (abide cockroach a harata coffee 0 cafe coin a moeda cold (il/m'ss) J constipa(aol

o resfnado (Bra::} (ad) fno

collar a gob/a colarinho (Bm::) collection (stamps CIC) a colecc;aol

a coletao (Bra;::) (posw /) a tiragem/a (olet;! (Bra:)

colour a cor colour fil m " rolo de fotografias

a corcs/o mOle colorido rom::) comb (noIW) 0 pente

(wrb) pcmear come \·lr

I come from """ eu sou de " we came last week nOs \>1cmos a semana passada

compartmCIII 0 compammento complicated complicado concert 0 concerto condit ioner (hair) 0 creme am~!cbdorl

o condiciOIl~el"r (Bra:::) conductor (1ws) 0 condutorl

o motonsta (B raz) i('nhrsua) 0 maestro

congratula t ions! par.JbCnsl consti pat ion a pns.'\o de venire consulate 0 consulado contact lenses as lenle5 ele contacto contraceptive 0 contmcepl1\"01

o antlconccpclOnal (Bra:) cook (r!vWII 0 co:mhelro

(v ,"ln ) co:tnhar


coo cooking utensils O~ ulensfhos

de co:inha cool fresco cork a rolha corkscrew 0 saca-ralhas corner IIr. llJUm 0 canto

(of Slu.'I' a csquma corridor 0 corredor cosmetics os cosmtllcos COSt \ (rb,' custar

what does it cost! quanto ~ que custa~ cot a cama de behelo hertO (Bra;:) cotton 0 JIg<Jd.lu colton wool 0 algodao hidrofllo cough nub lOSS1r

(nmm) a tosse could: could you .. . ? podla . council 0 conselho cou ntry (srmd 0 pais

(not rol~n) 0 campo cousin (malt) 0 primo

fj<'nlalc' J pnma crab 0 car;mguejo cramp a cl.imbrJ crayfish 0 bgO~\lm

cream as naL1S (jor skm' 0 creme

credit card 0 can:1o de (redllo crcw a tnpUla~lo crisps as balalas fnlas crowded apmhadlVlotado Bra:: cruise 0 cru:etro crutches a~ mu\etJs cry '\I-(fr' ChOI':lT

(sll{lu! griur (UCllmber 0 pepm.., cuff links as bOlOes de punho/

as aboloadura:; ,Bra,: cup a chan.'na/a :-.icara Br'a~

cupboard 0 annano curlers os roloS/os babes IBra:::! curls os caracois cu rry 0 carillo 'curry' Bra;:


curtain a comna customs a ,.lJfJ.ndeca cm . ",'un' a golpel; cone lira.::.

Iwrb· cortar

dad 0 pap.vo pap:!! BrL.O.:.:

dairy 'jhop' a lel:aria damp humido dance dam;ar dangerous pengoso dark escuro daughter a filh:J. day a dia dead morto deaf surdo dear caro deck chair a cadena de con\"~s deep fundo deliberately de prop!.hlto dentist a dentisl:l dentu res a demadura post"a deny negar

I deny it eu nego iS50 deodorant 0 desodorr..::anteJ

o desodorante Bm.:


department store 05 grJnje~ anna: ensl :l lop de depanmem(1, Bra::

dep:l rtuTC a pamda de\-e!op (gItlW de:;enn,h-er

(a film) rewbr diamond Qrwd" ,;) dl:lrr:~1ntC

(cards) 0 naipe de our!}:' d iarrhoea a dianeia diary a agenda diclionary 0 dicionano die morrer diesel 0 gas61e% dieie! B1J_::'

different difereme that's diffe rem isso e difcreme I'd like a different one quen.l outro d if('r(>n t('

diffituh diftClI

DIe; dining car a carrua2,em restauramel

o \'Jl!ll' restauonee Bf';:::

din ing room a s.1la de Jantar directon' '1,': ... "I:"r.<' a bla

h::do:";l~:llleiefvm.:a Bra,::

dirt\' SUj\.'

dis:;bled de:l~lt"nte disposable nappies J:i fraldas

de,;,..:a"j\'e!:; dislribulOr '(..:ir ("I dls:nbuldo: din: mer>!.'Jlhar dhing board a pr.m..:hl dhorced dlY0rciacl" do Ia:er dOClo r ("I medico document l~ d.xumt"nto dog ~' c.1,' dolll bL':le~a dollar ~, dobr door a pona double room 0 qUlno de CJsai doughnut l h.~IJ de &rhml

o ;,cnho S,,;,;: down em baL\0 drawing pin 0 plo:l~sI

a U,;hl Bnt=. dress 0 \"C,;nd,) dnnk ~<'rj, beber

r.,'4r. a beblcia " Quid you like a drink? quer uma her.:dl'

drinking water l Jl!"cll pou\"d drive lob ,..I' ...:ondu:JTldlnKlr Bru.:)

dri\er (1 conduwr/o 1r.(I~onstJ Bra.;:: driVing licence a tartl d", condU/;jO/

l canetrl d~ motonsta B,,,;::, drun k IXbJdoib':lxdo Bra.: dr. seco dry cleane r 3. !tmpe:,a a se(() dummy Iii,," bah, :l chupe!;! during durante dus tbin (I calXOle de lixol

"latJ de hxo (B ra;:

ENG duster 0 pano do pOI

o t:"~PJn,\dor de poBm.::) Dutch holand~slholandesa (mit) dilly-free dun'-free dUI;'-free sh~ps lop~ fr:mcasllojas de

duty fret" ·Bm::1

each cada two euros each dois euros cada

early cedo earrings as bnncos ears as ordhas cast o..:ste easy [<'101

egg 0 0 \"0

ei the r: qualquer eilher of thelll urn qualqul'rl qualqucr 11m (Brav cilha ,. , or , _ au , 0\1,

clas t ic elastico elas t ic band 0 elastico elbows os cotovclos electric eletlrico electrici ty a elcctticidadc else: someone else OUlm peSS(Xl

somClhing else OUlm coisa somewhere else outra lugar

email 0 correia electr6mcolo em:111 email address 0 endere~o de email embarrJ,ssing embar.l~Q!";O embassy a embalx3d3 embroidery 0 bordado eme rald a esmeralda emergency a cmerg~ncla emergency cord 0 smal de :lbnne empl)" \"a: lO end 0 flm engaged (occupIed) ocupado

l"m engaged eu estou nOl\'o engine (m%r) a motor

\railway) a loco[llolwa England a lngiatcrra

11 1

ENG English mglts Englishman 0 mglts English woman a mglesa enlargement a amphJ~;lo enough suhncntc en tertainme nt 0 di\"cmmentol

a diq~rsao Bra~ entrance II emrada en\"(~lope 0 envelopt' escalator a ('stada Tclame especial I)' especialmeme evening a none ever)' cada everyone tOOa a gente!

lodo 0 mundo :Bra;: everything tude everywhere em toda a parte example 0 exemplo

fo r example por extmplc excellent ('xedente excess baggage 0 exCCSSO de

bagagcm exchange (wrb) trocar exchange rate a taxa de cjrnblO excursion a excurslo excuse me! desculpe'

(to get aUen/wn) se fa: favorY f:u: favor! (Br~ (10 gll pas/I com hCen(3

exit a saida expensiq" caro extension lead a t'xtensJo f")' t' drops J.S golJ.s par.l os olhas eres os olhos

face a carl faint (uJ1clear vago

(l' lTb) dcsmJiar to feci faim scnm·se dcsfalecer

fair (funfair> J fClfa VllSIl JUSto

it's not fair n~o (: Justo


false teeth a demadura poStl~a. family a famiha fan {wnula!vfl a \'entomh31

o q'ntilador B'a.::, (nllhusiasf 0 adepl% fj. -Br~

fan belt a correia da ,'enwmlu do vemilador Bra:,

fa ntastic fantastlco far longe fare (bus) 0 pre(o \da pJ.SSagem


farm a qUlntala fa::enda Br~ fa rmer 0 lanador/o fa::endelro Bra:) fas h ion 3. moda fas t r:lpido fa t (pawn) gordo

(on m,;:m ele) a gordurn father 0 pal fax m3.chine 0 fax feel (touch) wear

I feel hot ttnho calor I fcellike " . apetece-mc I d on 't feel well nao me smto bern

feet os pes fel H ip a caneta de feltro fcrry (small) 0 fcrry- bo3.1 fevc r a febre fiance 0 noh'o fia ncee a noiva field 0 campo fig 0 figo fi lling (footh) 0 chumb..v'

a oblUrncao (BriO rHm 0 filmc filte r 0 filtro fi nger 0 dedo fi re 0 lumc/o fogo (Bra.:

tblazr) 0 mcendio Olcmcr) 0 aqucl:cdor

fire extinguisher II cx\inlor fire work 0 fogo dc amficlO first primeiTO fi rst aid os pnmClros Sll~orros firs t floor 0 primeiro and,n

FIS fish l' pelxe fishing a jX'SC3.

go fishing Ir ,1 pe, .. '3. fish ing rod J. cana de peKai

a vaTa de peS;.;ar STu,::, fishm onger' a pe'IX.ln3. fi:: ~ ca..~so nag .1 b.1ndetrJ nash ~"rr."'(i Co !lash nat :n .. ; pbno

lolf.:l':n;cr:! 0 a;:anarr:ento flavour l,) SJbvr Ilea J pulp l1ight 0 n~('I

flip-nops as chmelas de meter 0 dedo! ('S chmdos Bm.::.

flippers 3.. barbataTl3~ floor (\ cha:o

stor,'\ 0 JndJT nour J' bnnha 110\\ eT a flor l1u a gnpe l1ute a flauta fly lab- voaT

1'lSt'd :J. mO~i..a

fog 0 nevQelro/a nubluu Sra:. folk music J mu~ica fo\cloncJ food a comldJ food poisoning a mtox!(a,.lo ahmentar football ('\ futeb~~l for ['JrJ

fo'r a w('ck por uma semart3. for me ?JrJ mlm what fo r? para qu.:'

foreigner ('I t'stran:;:C1T(l forest J flores\J forget: I forget esquc(,:o-m,; fork ('\ garfo fo rtnight a qum: ena fou ntain pen J caneta de Imla pcnnanente fourth qUJrto frac turc a fraclurala fratUfa 'Bra.::. Franct' a Fr,m,a

GET free n,l (OSI' 'lra\ulto

',u Ith"Tty hVTe free : cr 0 con~,;bdor French france-~ Frenchman 0 frJncts fridge 0 fngonfKoIa 1!,;!;ld.:nJ (SIa::)

friend 0 amil;:o friendly simpjllcO fronl: in front em freme frost a geadJ fruit a frull fruit juice 0 sumo de trutaS fry {nlar fT)i ng pan a frigideira fu ll {'helO

I'm fu ll cstou cheio' full board a pens;lo w mplcla funnel (for pOlmng) 0 funll funny cngra<;ado furniture a mobilia

garage a gamgcm garde n 0 j;lrdim gar lic 0 alho gas-permeable lenses as lent CS

semi-rlgid3s gay Olappy) felt:

(h()m(lscxual) homosexual gear a caixa de \'elocidadesl

a marcha {Bra.;:} gear lever a ala\'anca das mud:lm;asl

de marcha (Bra.:.) German alemlo Germany 3 Alemanha get I;:rch if buscar

gel the train ap3nh.1r 0 combow/ ITem IBra.::; havc you got",? tem .

get back: we get back tomorrow nos regressamoslvohamos (End amanM get something back receber algo de voha


GET gel in entr:u

(arnlei chegJr get OUI salT gCI up ens,') k\'anllr-><: gifl 0 prescntc gin 0 gm ginger a gengibre girl a rapariga/a menina !Bra;:) girlfriend a namor:J.da givc dar glad content!'

I"m glad eu e~IOU contente glass 0 copo glasses os 6culos gloss prints as fOlografias a cores gloves as 1m-as glue a cola go IT

when docs it go} a que horas p;me? goggles {IS oculos de protc\"lo gold 0 auro golf 0 golfe golfball a bola de golfe golf dubs os lacos de golf.­golf course 0 campo de' golf.> good lauII born

good ! 6p:lmC'lJomllo' ,B,a:,: goodbye adeus go\'cmment 0 gOl"CmO granddaughter a Ot't;l

grandfather 0 Jni

grandmother a ayo grandson 0 nelO

grapes ~lS u,-as grass J relva/a grJma Bra:::: Great Britain J Grj·Bret;mha green ,"(' rd,' grey cm;;ento grill ('.o-j,) grdhJT

(lI(lun! a grdha grocer 'shop) a nH'rct'aria/

o anna: tm Bra.:::) ground floor 0 Tt.'s -do-chaevo tl'rreo I Bra~


groundsheet a lona Impenneavt'l guarantee 'noun a gafJnt!a

n:rh garannr guard 0 guarda guide book 0 gtlla guitar J \iola/a \101.\0 Bra;:

gun riJle J esplll~JrdJ IpL,wll l plstola

hai r os cabe-los haircut 0 corte de cabdo hairdresser 0 cabdelTelro hairdryer 0 sccador de cJ.belo hair spray a bca/a bque Bra.::. half a metadc

half an hour a mell h(\fa half board a meu pens.io ham 0 fi ambre! .

o presullIo (Bm:: hamburger 0 hambuTI;o?r hammer 0 martdo hand a 01 (10

halldbag a carteu a! a bolsa (B 'a~

handbrakc a tra\':"o dt" mJo/ o freio de mao (B,a;:

handkerchief 0 lem;o handle (door) a macaneta handsome boni to hangover a ressaCJ happy k hz harbour 0 porto hard duro

(difJiclIlI l M icil hat 0 chapell ha\'c te r

can 1 hav!;". ) pod" -m<, d:lf I don't have ... mlO t<'nho have you got ... ? tern 1 have to go now t<'nho qut' me ir embor:!

hay fever a febre dos knos

HE he ell' head a caocca headache a dor de calxca headlights o~ larols healthy o.audawl hear OUVIr

hearing aid 0 apardho audlln·o hean c coracJo heart attack 0 ataqut: CJrdu.::o heating 0 aqueClffi,'nw heavy pt'5ado heel r"f shOe a saito do sapato

,,' Ndy I 0 calcanhar hello oLi/oi Bra .::.

,to gel altmtll'n se fa::: favor! par fa\·or' Bra:.

help rnoun) a aJuda ,wrbl aJudlr help ! SO(OITO'

hepatitis hepat!!!.' her: ifs for her e para eb

give it to her de-o J eb her book (1 !tno deb her house a eEl deb her shoes os sapatrs dda its he rs c dela

here aqUl hi ob high alto highway rode (l rcidigo da estrada!

de transito Bra.:.:. hill 0 montda colma ,Bra;::!

him: iI's for him e par.l ele gh"e it to him de-o c\ de

hire alugar his: his book 0 !tno dele

his house a rasa dele his shoes os sapatos dele iI's his e dde

history a hlstona hitchh·ike pedir bolchfpedlr caroml ffira:::1 HI\" positive seroposim·o/

HIY POSltiVO Bra::: )

hobby 0 passalempo hole 0 buraco holiday as fenas

'bank holidav <'Ie) 0 feriado Holland a H;bnda home a casa homeopathy a homeopati;t honest honesto honey a md honC\·moon a lua de mel horn' (wr) J bu::ina

(!mm(1/) 0 chifre horrible horrivcl hospital 0 hospital hot queme


hot water botlle 0 sacc/a balsa (Brav de agua queme

hour a hora house a Ca 5.1

how? como) humid hilmido hungry : to be hungry ter fame

I'm hungry tenho fame hurry: I'm in a hurry estou com pressa husband 0 marido

l eu ice 0 gelD icc cream 0 gdado/o sonTte (Bra~ icc cube 0 cuba de gelD icc lolly 0 gclado/o picoh~ (Bra::) ice rink 0 ringul.: de patinageml

pista de gelo (Braz)

icc skates os patms de gelD if SI'

ignition a igni<;"o/a igni~ao (Brav

ill doeme immediately imediatamente impOSSible impossivel India a india Indian mdlano indicator 0 mdlCador


INO indigest ion ;l mdlgc:slJO information J mflmnJ~J .. ' inhaler V,l, a,(/;m,l" a malada! injection a mjeet;lola mlet;lo Bra.:. injury 0 fenmemo ink a tinta inn a estalagern inner tube a c;jmar.l de aT insect 0 insectolo inseto Bm.:. insect repellent 0 rept'iente de

in;;ectos/m,"elos Brei;: insomnia a tnsonu/a 1!".sOma Bra;: insu rance 0 s.:guw interesting lnterc:",;mte mtemet a mte-me-t mterpret mterpretar invitation 0 convlte I n~land llrbndi1 Irish irlandes iron (metaU 0 fe rro

(for doth,'s) 0 fe rro dt,' en,!:om:ul

o ferro de pi1Ssa.T roupa Bra,:,1 ironmonge r a fe rreira is: hdshe is de/ela c:

it is .". t island a Ilha Italian Italiano Italy a Itaha itch in..nlFl a wmlchJc'IJ

a coceira Bra;: it itches fa: com~chaol olar com cocclra Bra;:

jacket 0 casaco jacuzzi 0 PCU::I

Jam a compo:a jealous Clumento jeallS as cakas de ganga/a cak.1 Jt,';m~


jellyHsh a alforreca/;l agtta-\wJ (Brot;:) jeweller ° jO;l.lheiro job Ol.'mprego


jog Ilab correr go for a jog IT corrcr

jogging 0 Joggmg joke a bnncadelfl journey a nagcm


jumper a camlsobJo "Ue.er Br~ just: its j ust arrh'ed ac.lbcu :ie chegar

J"ve just one left 0(' :eaha urn

kettle a chaleira key a cha"e kidncy 0 n m kilo 0 qU\lo kilometre 0 quilometro ki tchen a c:o: inha knee 0 Joclho knife a bca knit mCOlar knill ing need le a agulha de m"::Olar know: I don 'l know rillo SCI

label a cliquell lace a renda

(oj shod 0 atacador/a cadan;o Br;;.;:. lake olago lamb 0 cordt'iro lamp a lampada larnpshadc 0 abajur land (noun) a terra

l\"rrb) aterrar/atem: ar Br..:..: language a lingua large grande lasl (final) ult imo

last week a semana ra,,~da last month 0 mes pas;;,1UO at last! enfi m!

late: it's gett ing late cSla-sc a fa:er tarde! eSla ficando tarde (Bra ::. the bus is late 0 autoc.lITo/Ombus (Bra::) e:;t{l mrasado

laugh nr laundrtll e a lavand:ma automlllca laundr'\" r:iL,' a la'"andaw

a :aY3JlderU Bru::. .:1,'1/;,', a roup3 par.lla,-:u

la;..:a th 'e 0 JaxaO\'o la: y pregluNso leaf J ["iha leaflet a hn..xhura learn aprender leather <) (,:abedlV~' couw Bra:: left r,ill ngr.: esquerdo

there"s nOlhing left rUo sobrou nada

left luggage 0 depl~Sl!O dt' bapgens k\:kcr 0 ClClfol

l' annj,no com cha\-e Bra:: le ft o\'ers os Tt,'SW. leg l perna lemon 0 hm;lo It'monade a hmonada It'nglh ° compnmento lens '(am,'rel' a obJec\1ya/a lente t8 ra::.)

1,1! glasus' aiente less meno~ lesson a ht.1o leiter J cana leiter box 0 man:oIa caL>;,! Bra.;:' do


lettuce a liflce library 3 blbhoteca life .1 \1da lift iT! bidding 0 e1e\'ador

gil e someone a lift dar bolell/carona Bra;: a algutm

light '1M /;(ul.\ leye 'na! dark claro

lighter Olsquelro lighter fuel 0 g;\S butano light meter 0 fotometro like: I like you g0510 dc sil\"oc~ Bra::)

I like swimming £ 0 510 de nadar it"s like "" " C como

MAN lime (jnl.!! a lima lip salve a pomada pl m os lahlos lipstick 0 batom liqut'ur a heor Lisbon Lisboa list a IIsta litre 0 htro li n cr 0 ho lill ie (small) pequeno

ifs a little big t urn pouco grande just a lill ie 56 urn bocadmhol pouco (Bra:,:)

liver 0 fjgado lobsu:r a bgosta locked fechado lollipop 0 chnpa-chupal

o pirulito (Erai' long (fil m, r(xld) longo

how long? quanto !emp07 lorry 0 cami<'to/o caminh:.l.o (13m::) los! property a sect"oIsct :lo (Ora::) de

perdidos e achados 101: a lot multos lond alto

(colour) bcrrante lounge a sala love (noun) 0 arnor

Iwrb} amar lover 0 amante low hlL>;O

luck a sont' good luck! boa sonel

luggagt' a bagagcm lunch 0 alm<x;o

maga:ine a re\;sta mail 0 correio makt' fa: er make-up a rnaqullhageml

a maquilagcm (Bra::.)

man 0 homcm manager 0 gerenlc


MAP map 0 mapa

(SO-.· ... 1 mapl 0 mapa da cldade market 0 mercldtlla r"lmBm.::. marmalade 0 dol.:I.' cl ... iJr,mp married cJ.s-lda mascara 0 rimeV,1 rnase.IT.} Btu.::. mass (hur.-h a mlSSl match ,light, 0 fasfara

(sl"'rt (I Jogo material rdmh I 0 tcod., maLlress 0 (olehao maybe la\Yc: me: it's for me t' para rutrn

give it to me d~-mo a mlln/mc d~ Bra;:, meal a T"ki,'ao meat a carne mechanic 0 mcc.\mc,l medicin ... 0 r ... m ... J1O

mect ing a n.'umj(l melon 0 mehlo men (WI/CO homens menu a cmema/o cardapio Bra;;:: message 0 Tecado midday 0 mClo ·dlJ middle 0 mew midnight a mcLJ-nOlte milk 0 leu ... mine: jt"s mine C ffieu mineral water J .lgu.!. mmt.'rJI minute 0 mmUkl mirror 0 espdho

<rar] 0 e"pelho retro\1SOr mistake 0 rITo

make a mistake engan:lT-sc mobile p ho ne 0 Telern\'lVd/o cdlul.lr

lBra.:: l

modem 0 modem money 0 dmhf."lro month 0 m~s

monum ent ~1 monumemo mo ped :l motori:Jd:lla moto (Brrt::) more malS

morc or less malS ou menos


morning '-! m.mha in thc morning de manhl

mother J m.lt> motorbike J mow motorboat 0 barco a mOtor


motorway J autoc~!rada;J wdo\1J Bra:;:) moumain J montanha mouse 0 rJto moustache a bil;~xl" mouth :l b0(J. mo\'c mexer

(l1ml>(' mudJr-se don't mo,'c! nao 5t" mex.l'

m ovie 0 mme mug :t c:m"cl. mum a mama/a mam;lc Bra.::. museum 0 muscu music a musica musical instrument 0 Instrumento

musical musician 0 mus\Co mussels os mexilhaes/os manscos 'BnG my: my book 0 meu !i\'ro

my house a minha ca~3 my shoes os meus sapJW5

nail (mrta ]J 0 pre,l;o (jingrr) a unha

nailfile a lima/h, ... a Bra:: de untus nail polish 0 ,'erni: de ur.nJ.5l'

o csmaltc (Bra;:)

name 0 nome na pkill 0 guardanJpo nappy a fralda na rrow CSHeno ncar: ncar the door peno dJ pona

ncar london pnw de Londres necessary nCCeS5."irio necklacc 0 colar need (verb) precisar

I need""" preciso de the re's no nced n;lo ha m:cessldadt'

NEE needle a J~lh,l negathe ph.I." ~'ne"J,IVO

neither: neither of them nenhum d,,!es neither"" " nor '"' r..:rr. nem

nephe\\ 0 :<ohnnhc never r::.:.n,J new f •• W,

news :l!' n0\"ldJdes ("t' !,; 'n 15 :-:('\l~!-'-"

ne"sagenl J \Joa~Jn.ll~ll,'nuleiro BI~

newspaper (l J~'IT'.J.J ;'\e\\ Zcaland J ""',"J Z~llnd!J next proXimo

ncxt week a 5t"mJnJ qu~ \'ern next month 0 mt':s quI' wm ,\hat nC"I? e tlgorJ'

nice b.'mto niece l ,;0bnnh'-! night J noite nightclub tl db(ot':l3 nightdress ;1 CJml~J da nuuc!

'Jffibl,laBr,l.::: no r ... ~p,,,:,.. n~o

r,,', <11:\· n~nnum

nois\" barulha'.tv north ,I ll,'ne '\"onhern Ireland a lr::mda do "one nose <) nan: nose drops JS 1:;,'IJ5 plr.:i 0 nJri: not nl(l nOlcbook ,1 blo(0 de

Jt'I.'nt;llT:t:nw~(aderr"C' Brx:. no,:d ~~'mJn<.e no\\ J~,'rJ nudist _, nuct~ta

number l' numew 'It",.-rr ... 'r,,· 0 numero do tclefon!'

number p late a matncul.ll l piJd Bra:::

nurse .1 enfermelTJ. nut ,111lll'.1 no:

'/,11 r,'!1 .1 porCl


occasionally .. x:bll'nJlmt'nteide '"e: em 4u'-!nd" B'J:::'

office ,1 ..:~cnlllno often frequem~m.:me oil .. , ole,l oimment J po..1mJ.lh OJ.: llk old "dh., olive J J:dWllJ o n: on the balcon~ na ,",lr.l.I1da

on the beach n.1. pra!;\ on top ~m elmJ

one urn" umJ. onion .1 cebllla open ' n· r" " ;Ibnr

ladl) atxno o perator (plwnfl a lelelonlsta opposilc: opposite thc hOle I

e111 frente do hOld optician 0 uculista or ou orange (",lour) cor de l. .. r:mja

([mit) a lar:l1Ija o range juice 0 sumo/suea (Bm.::) d..:

hU".mja orchcstra a orqut.'~ trJ organ <.) 6r&\0 our nos::.O

ifs ours ~ nosso OUI: he's out ele 5;liu outside l;i fo ra oycr poT elma

o,"cr there all o\"ertake uhrapJ~".1r orsler J astra

pack of cards 0 baralho de carta" package o..:mbrulho

rar.d' J cnloIllenda packet 0 pa~otc

packcl of cigarcllcs 0 IIl.I(;O cit:: CigJfHJS page J p;\f!;mJ


PAl pain a dO T

pa ir 0 par Pakis tan ('\ PaqUlStjo Pakis tani paquistlnts pancake a panque.:a pa racetamol ('\ compnmldo do;!

paracel3mol paraffin a parafuu parcel ('\ embrulho pardon ? perd;l.O?/COffiO} Bra.: parents 05 pal:; park Ir.oun ('\ parque

'.ab' cstacwnar parsley a salsa part)' (ulrbWli(m a festa

(group) 0 grupo (po/uicaIJ 0 pamdo

passenger 0 paSSJgelro passport 0 p,lssaporte pas ta a massa path 0 caminho paveme nt 0 passeto pa), pagar peach 0 pessego peanuts os amendOli1S pear a pera pear l a perela peas as cr,ilh3S pedestrian 0 p.!.iolo pedestre Bra.: peg (c/.llhrs' a mala da roupaf

o pn:gJdor de roupa Bra.::, pen a GlOfll

pencil 0 bpis pencil sharpener ~1 apara-bptsl

o apontador Bra::) pen friend 0 correspondentc penkniff: 0 (antl'CIC

pepper 1['" sa!r) a plfficnta \1'<,gwabI<'J 0 plmcnt% plment;l.o (Bra.:)

peppermints os bomboms de horteLl pimental a balJ de h0l1cl;1 IBra::.!

per: per n ight pO l' none


pe rfume 0 perfuIT.e perhaps lalve:: perm :l pennam:nte pe rsonal s tereo 0 wa!km:m~

petrol l gasolma


petrol s tation a bomba de ga.."Ohna peHicoat 0 saiote phonecard 0 canJo tekfomco phOlocopier a fo:,ocopiadoraia maquma

de Xerox' .Bra.:: pho tograph noun' a fotogni.ha

.ah- fOlografa r photographer 0 fotografo phrase book 0 lIno de expressOes

!dlOm;l\lCaS piano 0 pmno pickpocket 0 cartemsta/o bltedor de

cartelTa (Bra::) picnic 0 plquemque piece 0 bocadolo peda~o Bra.: pillow a almofadalo tra\'eSSClro (Bra.:,. pillowcase a fronha p ilOl 0 piloto p in 0 alfinete p ineapple 0 ananaslo abaca."i Br~ pink cor de rosa p ipe Ji.,r smukmg l 0 C;lchlmbo

Jor ~,aur} 0 cano piston 0 embolo p i:::a a pl=::a p lant a planta p las te r (jor CUI- 0 adesl\-01

o esparadnpo lira::. plastiC 0 plasnco p las tic bag 0 saco de plastic.) pla te 0 prato pla tform :l pLuafonna p layground 0 parque mfamil!

o playground (Brad please por favor plug (d(crriwl) a lOmada

(smk) a tampa pockcl 0 balsa

POI poison 0 \'enenCl police J policta police officer 0 po!1ctJ police station a csquldm cia policilf

a de!e>,lda de pClh<.:u Bra:.. politiCS a pol:n.:a poor pobre

,i">;.::i q'.J.l:lZ'. :nl'J pop music a mUSICl pop pork 3 CJme cie p0r(0 port r.aro<'lir 0 porto

'dnnh 0 \lnho do PortO porter 0 ponelw Portugal PonuSll Portuguese ponugut'ilponuguesa !mlj) possible possin:l pOSt -r.OUIl· 0 eorrelO

I,Tb, PO! no correlo postbox l cal'O postal postca rd 0 posllillustradc>l

o eJnao postal Bra::,

poster 0 eana.: postman 0 CJrtelro pOSt o ffi ee os coneics potato a batata poultry as al·es pound w<"1ght 0 peso

tr.l'f.(\ a hbra pov.dc; 0 p~\ pram 0 camnho de bebdbeh.: Bra.::> prawn l glmbalo camarao Bra::,> pregnant gra\"'lda prescription l retellJ p retty reaunrul bomto

>/lii/t· mUI!O price 0 pre"o p rit:SI 0 padre pr iva te pn\'ado problem 0 probkma

whal's the p roblem? qual e 0 problema)

public (I pubhec pull puxar

REC puncture 0 pneu furado purple \ioleta purse 0 pona-moedaslo cartelTa (Bra::) push empurr.u pushchair 0 clfnnho de bebe/b;:be


p~·jamas 0 plpma

quality a qualidade q uay 0 calS ques tion a pcrgunla queue (noun) a bicha/a fila (Bra.::>

(verb) fa:er blchalfila (Brat> quick r:lpldo quiet silencioso quilt 0 l'd red;\o/oedredom (Bra::)

qui Ie (fairly) bas!ante ({ully) muho

rad ialor 0 radiJdor radio 0 radio radis h 0 mb-1nete railway line 0 cammho de ferrol

a eSlrada de fe rro (Brat> ([ rach) as linh:1S f(' rreas/a \'iJ ferret (Bra::)

rain a chuI'a raincoat 0 imperme:'l\,el!

a capa de chlll'a (B ra::)

ra isin a P.1ss.1 rare (uncommon) raro

(steak) mal passado raspberry a framOOcsa rat a rala::mala rato (Bra.::> ra: or blades as l:lmmas de barbear reading lamp 0 candecmyo ahaJur (Braz)

(D(d) 0 candeclro da me:.mha de cabecelra/o ahajur de cabecelrJ (Brav

ready prol11o rear light s as lu:es de Ids receipt 0 reelbo


REC rccCj)lion iSI ('> recepcionisla record , mUSiL' <) di~l:(\

(~JXlr!mg c/O 0 r~cotde record player 0 >;Ira-discos!

<) toea-dIscos \Bra:::)

record shop a disc-olera! a lop de disc0S I Bra~

red encarnadolvermelho refreshments (dli"hl ~ bebldJ$

(fOll(/' a rcfcil;ao ligelralo l:mche IBrtkJ registered letter a (ana rcglsmo" relax c!csc:ms.1T religion a rcligiao remember lembrar-se

I don ', remember nao me 1embro re n! (\wbJ alugar

Inmml a renda repeal rcpem reserva tion a reselya rCSI (Il' rn/mld,.- ) 0 resta

(,,: ll1x l deSCJIlS;lT restaurant car :l carruagem rc~13uranteJ

o \":tg:lo-rC5IJUrnnle Bl(l';:

rCHlrn (c"me balkl Trgrcssar/\'o\lar IBru::: (~W( back) dc\'ol""T

rich rico right (co m:CI ) (eno

(dn'.'cuon) a d ircHa ring (10 wlllleld0nar

i ll't'JulI1g etd 0 :mel ripe m;Iduro

river " no road a clOlr:lda rock (s lolld a rocha

(mll';ic) a musica rock roll (b'C1ld) .l carcac;a/o pJ.o:mho !Bra.:)

(wfbl rohn roller skales as patins roof 0 telhado

(Irrr(lCc) 0 termc;o room 0 quarto

(sp<lcd 0 espa(o rope a t:orda


rose a ri"'c:.,a rou nd <lrd,I'::'1 red.:>ndo

ifs my round agora pa!l;o eu rowin g boat (I barco a rem~'~

rubber a borracha rubbish 0 ilxo ruby IC"il'llr' a cor de- rub\

S!,ltl." 0 rubi rucksack a mochlla rug . mal a C;lTpeIt':

1>ll.Inkfl. 0 cobertor ruins as minaS ruler a regua mn 'renon' (;orrer runway a plsla de

descC'lagemldecolJgem Bra.:.

sad lrisle safe seguro safe lY pin 0 alfinele sail ing boal 0 barco J \"ela sale lal r(duc.-d pnas 0$ s.lldos salmon 0 s:llrnjo s ail 0 Sli


sam e: the sti rnI.' hat 0 mesmo dupeu th e same skin a mesma Slla the stlmc tlgain a mesma CObJ

sand a :lTCHl

sanda ls as sandalias sand dunes as dunas sanita ry towels os pcnsos hl.l!,lemcos/

II abrorwntc ''Bra.:: satell itc n ' a \y \ia saldlle sauce 0 molho s aucepan a pane-Ia sauna a sauna sa)' di:er

what d id you say? 0 que e que dissc? how do rou say ... ? como e que se dl: ?

Scandina\"ia a Est:andma\la scarf 0 lem;:o

SCH school a <"scola scissors a (eSOUTa Scotland a E~~~'I.'ia

Sconish e~,-O<.:?s scre\\ 0 parJfuSl.~

scrcwd rh"er a cha\'e Je parafusosl f,,:mJ.\ Bru.;:

sea 0 mar seafood os mans..:os seal 0 Iugar seal bel t 0 nnto de ;:q,'tlmn"l second segundo sec n'r

1 ca n't ~ee nao po~o/(on~lgo vcr (B1a::)

I see estou a wr/n:ndll Bra.::; sell \"ender separale separaJo separated sepamdl) sept ic mfectadwinflamado Bm;: serious serio serviett e 0 gU;lTdanlpo scvcral \";inns

sew U',tUTJT

shampoo 0 charnpOlo shJmpoo Bra::,., shaH' ow/b. h:er a barbJ s ha\er a maquina de harbcar sh:wing foam a espurn:l de barhe.u shawl (' xlilc she cia sheCI (,Ieno;:ol shell a (Qncha ship II barctYo nanD ,Bn:;: sh irl a Caml5J. shoelaces o~ alacadoreslo cada ro;:o (Bra;:! shoe polis h ;1 pl'mada Jo~ s;J.patosl

a ):r aXl d(" s;'lp.lto (B ra;: shoes ~)s ~,lp,llOS shoe s ho p a 5.lpatana s ho p J IOjJ

shoppi ng as compras go s hopping iT as compras

shopping cen tre 0 tentro !,;omerci;IV l) shoppmg IBnl;:1

s hort curto s horts os calo;:iks shoulder 0 ombro


sh ower (bath) 0 duche/a duch.1 (Bmi> (1'(lin) 0 19uaceirola ChU\'l (Braz)

sh ower cap a louca de han ho shower gel 0 gel de banho shuller (camera) 0 OblUT:ldor

(window) 0 estor/a \'enCZlana (Braz) sick (ill) doente

I feci sick estoll agoniadolenJO<u.lo (BIll::) s ide (edge) a bord;l

I'm on her s ide eu eslOu do l;,Jo del a

s idelights as luzes de prcsenc;a/ a lu: lateral (Brav

Sights: lhe sights of " as viSlas de . s ilk a seda s ilvcr (c%ur) p rate,J(lo

(meta/) a praIa s imple simples s illg Can( ;lf

single (on .. ) tinico (unmalri .. d) soilelro

Single room 0 quano mdil'lclual s iSler a irma s kales os palins ~kicl (veriJ) patinar/dcrrapar (Dmz) skin cleanser loi;";'lo para lirnpar a pele/

o iet le de hrnpeza (3mv skirl a saia sky 0 cell s leep (noun) 0 sono

(verb) donnir go 10 sleep ir donnir

sleeping bag 0 saco dl' dormir s leeping car a carmagl'!ll carnal

o vaglo-leiw (B,av s leeping pill 0 t:omprlllmlo paf'.l dormlT s ling 0 aparclho dl' g.::ssoIa IIp6ia (Bra;:) slippers os t:hinclos ~low lento small pequeno


SME __ smell (Iloun) 0 cheiro

(verh) chcirar smile (noul1) 0 sorriso

(l'Ub) sarrir smoke (n01ln) 0 fum o

(verb) fumaT snack a refei~'jo ligeiraf

o b nche (Erail snorkel 0 respirado r aquatico Silow a nc\"c so: so good t<'to born soaking solution (for conran lenses)

a SO\lH;aO para as lentes de tentaclo soap 0 sabanctc socks as meias somebody algueill somehow de alguma manein something alguma eOlsa sometimes 3S vrzes somewhere nalguma panel

em algum Ju gar (B ra::) son 0 mho song a can~iio sorry! dcsculpe ! south 0 suI South Africa a Arlie;) do Sui South Arrican sul-africano souvenir a lembran(,:J souvenir shops a IOJa de anigos reglOmls!

a lojJ de lcmbran~as (Braz) s pade (shovel) a pa

(cards) 0 nair e de espada, Spain a Espanha Spanish espanhol spanner a chave inglesa spare parts ;IS pe<;as sobressc1cntc;.!

sobressa1cntes (Bmz) s park plug a wla speak falar

do you speak . . "? fala . . ? I don't s peak" eu nao b lo

speed a Yc.!ocidade


speed limit 0 hmae de \"eloCldade speedometer 0 conta-quil6metro;.!

a \"c\ocimelro (Bra:)

sp ider a aranha spoon a colher sprain a distensao spring (1Il,"chanica/) a mola

(season) ~ prima\"era stadium 0 estadio staircase ~ escada stairs os degraus stamp 0 selo


stapler 0 agrafador!o grampeador (B raz)

star a estrelalo astro (mffJ (film) a csnc.!a de cinema

start a pamda (wrb) come(ar

stat ion a esta(a.o (mwn) a eSla(aO do metro

statue a estatua steal roubar

my bag"s been s tolen roubaram-mc a caneira

steamer 0 barco a vapor (cooking) a paneb de press:lo

steering whec.! 0 \"olantc s teward 0 comissario de bordo sticky tape a fita adesivalo Durex:> (B raz)

sting (noun) a picada (verb) plGIT

stomach 0 eSlomago stomachache a dor de estOmago SlOp (verb) parar

(bus stop) a paragem de aUIOGUro/ o ponto de 6nibus (Braz) stop ! stop!!pare! (Braz)

storm a tempestade stream (small riwr) 0 nbciro!

o n acho (Braz)

s t reet a rua SIring (cord) 0 cordeVo barbanle (Braz)

(guita r ftc) a corda student 0 es tudante

STU s tupid eSlupldo subu rbs os arredores suga r 0 a(UCar Sui t n,lUn 0 fato!o lemo Bra.::.

I\ab' hcar bem it suits you flca-lh~ b~m

su itcase ;! mal;! sun 0 sol sunbathe 'i.omar banho~ de sol sunburn a quelm:ldura solar sunglasses os oculos de sol sunn )" soalhdr()/~n501arado Bra.;::1

s untan 0 bron:::eado s untan lotion a 10<;-<\0 de bron:ear!

o bron:eador Bra":) supermarket 0 supennercado supplement 0 suplcmlonlO s ure: a re you sure? tern a ceITe:::a ' surname 0 Jpehd% sobrename iBra::) swea t (nOl(01 0 suor

(wrb ) suar sweatshirt a Gllntsolala camisa de

moleton IBra.::. s wee t (nol sour' doce

"candy ) 0 rcbu(ado/;! bala (Bra::) swimming costume 0 fato de banhol

o caleao de banho (mani! maio \\OnlCin) (Bra.::.)

s\\imming pool a piscina s wing 0 baioi(o/o balan(o (Bra.::.) Swiss sui~o/a (mi{l s witch a mtcrruptor S\\it::er la nd a Suwa s ynagogue a smagoga

table a mesa ta blet 0 cOffiprimido take toffia r take away: to lake away para leYaT takeoff (noun I a descolagcml

a dccolagem (Bra::) (wrb) descolar/decolar (Bra::)


talcum powder 0 po tako!o tak a (Braz) ta lk (noun ) a conversa

(wrb) fala r tall alto tampons os lampCes h igienicos tap a IOrnelra tapestry a tape(ana tea 0 ch;). tea towel 0 p,mo de co:::mha telegram 0 telegrama lelephone (noun) 0 telefone

(verb) telefonar telephone box a cabine Iclcf6mcu

o ordha0 (Bra.::.) te lephone call a chamada telefonical

lekf6mca (Bra:) tele\l s ion a telnls:lo temperature a temperatUra tent a tendala harraca (Braz) tent peg a estaca par:l prender a tenda lent pole a vara (mastro) da tenda tban do que thank (I"ffb) agradecer

thanks obrigado thank yo u obrigado

that: that bus esse aUlocarrp/ aquele onibus (Braz)

that man CS!.iC homcm that Womal] css,'l mulher what"s tbat? 0 que e lSSO? I think that""" eu penso que

their: their room 0 quano delesldelas their hooks os lil"fos delesldelas it 's theirs e ddes/delas

them: it"s for tbem e P;lnt eles/elas give it to them d;; ~o a des/d as

then ent <l.o there ali these: these things estas coisas

these are mine estes sao meus they ele;.!elas thick espesso, grosso Ihin fmo



think pensar [ th ink so aeho que sim I'll think about it vuu pcnsar msso

thi rd Icrcciro thirst )': I'm thirsty tmho sede thi s: this bus CSti' Jutocarrol

onibus (and this man CStI' homem this woman esla mulher what's lhis? 0 que elsIe? th is is Mr ... cstI' e 0 Senher.

those: those things I'S5.1S (OLSaS

those arc his csscs sjo dele 1hrO(1I a garganta 1hroat past illes

liS pasllihas para a garg.lntJ through :lImn's thunderstorm a trO\,OOdl ticket 0 btlhele/a passagem (Brav tide a m:lre

high tide a marc-alta low lide a m3re·balxa

lic (noun) a gra\'atJ (l'Ob) alar

tights a mcia-cah;a lime 0 tempo

whaes the time? que hora~ s;\o' timetable 0 hor.irio tin a lala tin-opener ('\ abre-latNio abndor df'

bias (Br~ tip (mollt'y) a gorgeta

(rnd) a ponta tirrd canS;ldo

1 feel tired sinto-me cansado tissues os len\=05 de pape\ to: \0 England para lngiaterm

to the Sl:lIion para a ('statilo 10 the doctor para 0 mcdico

toast (lm'ad) a lOJT:Ida (1Iril1k) urn brinde

IObacco 0 tabaco IOday h<.lJc



tog~ther jUntos lOilet a caSJ de banh% banhelTO (Braz) toilet paper 0 papel hlgll:!nlcol

hlgltnlcO ffired tomato juice 0 sumo/suco ffira~

de lomalr tomorrow amanha lOngue :I lingua IOnic water :l agua tomC<!ltOmc:a Braz) tonight est:l noile 100 la!sol tambem

kX(l':isj\~) df."masiado tooth a drnte 100thache a dor de demes toothbrush a ('scm"a de dentes toothpaste a pasta de dentes la rch a lamema lour a excur5:lo to uris t 0 tunsta lOuris t information office 0 (entro de

mfonnatao turlsnca towel a walha tower a torre town a ctdade lawn hall a clmara municipal toy a bnnquedo toy s hop a lop de bnnquedos track s uit 0 fato de treinol

a roupa de Jogging (Brav tractor a traetor/o Intor rBra.:., tradition a lradltao lraffic 0 lr:lnsllO trnfficjam 0 engarrafamento traffic ligh ts os semaforoslos smalS

(Brav trailer 0 reboque

(Vatl) a rulote!o trailer (Bra~ train 0 comboiolo trem {Bra:::J

translate tradu:ir transmission :l lnnsmlssjo t ravel agency a ae;tnCla de \lagens traveller's cheque 0 cheque de \i<lgens tray a Ira\"essala bande]a IBra~

TRE tree a .in"ore trousers as cakas truck a cami:l% cammh;l.o Bred tf)" IcntJr tu nnel 0 tunc! t\\ee:ers a Pillta typewri ter a m,iqulnl d ... ;:scrc\"cr tyre (I pneu

unlbre lla 0 guarda.chu\"a uncle 0 tio under debaixo de underground 0 metro underpants lS cuc-cas unders tand: I don"t undersland

nao compreendo underwear a roupa mtenorl

de baLxo :1:Ira.::. university a uO\\"erSldade unmarried soltelr0 until au: unusual pouto \"ulgarlincomum iBra.::.) up em oma

IUrl,ards) paTa Cima urgent urgent;: us: it"s for us e p.ua n6s usc ,n,'un) ,1 usa

(W ,b l usar its no usc n:.'io \"ale a pena

useful un] usual usual. habitual usuall)" usualmentl'

vacancY·1l],Jml \"aga./o quan o \"ogo i1:Ira.:::! vacuum cleaner 0 aspl rador \ aCUUlll flask 11 Irnno/

a garrafa tennlCa (Bra;:1

'"alk" \J \"a1c val\": a \":i.h-ub van a furgoneta/J cammhonete {Bra;:)

vanilla a hJ.umlha

vase. 0 \"350 veal a \-i tem vegetables os legumes vegetarian (jJCTSLm) 0 vegetanano

(ad]) yegctariano vehicle 0 ydrulo very multo \"est a camisola intenor/a camlseta (Brav video tape l \ideocassete view a \1sta \iewfinder 0 \"isor vi1l:l :l \l\"endwa ca~a de campo (Braz)

\'i1lage :l aldela vinegar 0 \lnagrt' violin 0 \"iolino visa 0 \1sto \"isit rnoun) a \"islta

\abl \is1tar \"isilOr a \lSlIa vitamin tablets as \itammas voice avo:

wai ter 0 cmpregado de m;:s.a/o gartom IBra.::. waiter!/waitress! se b: fm"or'l por favor! !Bra;:!

waiting room a sala de c~pcra

waitress a empregada de mesal a gartonele (Bra.::.

Wales 0 PaIS de Gales wa lk "noun a paSSClO

I\wb) andar a IX' go fo r a walk iT dar urn p:lsseio a 1*

wall (in,ide) a parede l(Jutsidd 0 mum

wallet a caneira war l guerra wardrobe <) gua.rda·roupa wann queme was: I was hcrc las t n ight

I'll C5t1\"C :lqui onten) a noite washi ng powder ("J dctcrgcnte


washing-up liquid 0 detergente para lavar a IOi(a! o detergentc para lavar a lovel (Braz)

wasp a vespa watch (nmm) Q rel6g1o (wrb) obsernT

water a agua waterfall a cataratala cachoeira (Bm::) wave (noun) a anda

(\'~rb) aeenar we nos weather 0 tempo \Veb site a pagina na internet!

o web site (Bra;:) wedding o·casamcmo week a semana wtltome: you"re welcome de nada wcllingtons as bOlas de borroch;;! Welsh gJll?:siesa (mlj) were: we werc here last year

nos eStl\Tmos "qUi 0 ana passado west 0 oeste wet molhado what? 0 tlUe? wheel aroda wheelchair a cadeira de- rodas when? quando? where? onde~ whether se which? quaP white branco who? quem) why? porqu~ ~

wide largo wifc a csposa wind 0 n .-mo window a pnch

(of shop) a mantra/a \itrine (Bra::) windscreen 0 para-brisas windscreen wiper 0 limpa para-brisas wine 0 vinho wine lis! a lis!a dos \1nhos wine merchant 0 negociame de vinhos


wing a asa with com without sem woman a mulhcr women (toilt'r) senhoras wood a madClra wool a Ii! word a pa!al'ra work (noun) 0 lrabalho

(wrbj Irabalhar machine etC) funClonar

worse plOr worst pessimo


wrapping paper 0 papel de embrulho wrist 0 pulso wriling paper 0 pape! de cana wTong errado

wha['s \\7011g7 0 que e que se passa]

rear 0 ano yellowamare!o yes Still

yes terday omem yet: is it ready yet? ja esta promo?

not yet ainda nJ.o you (sing. familiar) tu

(plural familiar) \'oci's (smg. poIlU:) (10 man) 0 Senhor (to woman) a Senhora (plural pohle) os Senhore:las Senhoras

your (sing. familiar ) your book 0 teu livro is it yours? c teu) (smg. poille) your house a sua casa is it YOUTS] C seu? (plural familiar and polik') you r house a ,'ossa casa is it yours? e ,'ossO'

youth hostel 0 albergue da ju,·emudc

zip 0 fecho eclairS zoo 0 prdlffi .::oologicO

@ '" 0

rIITI rIITI rg m 1H1llTHUI run mJ1 II IIJlllUl