


POS/420. Introduction to Unix. Philip Robbins – March 12, 2013 (Week 1) University of Phoenix Mililani Campus. Agenda: Week 1. Introductions Review Syllabus Week 1 History of Unix, Linux, and GNU UNIX / Linux Distributions Download & Install VM Player & Ubuntu Linux - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Philip Robbins – March 12, 2013 (Week 1)University of Phoenix Mililani Campus

Introduction to Unix

Agenda: Week 1

• Introductions• Review Syllabus• Week 1

- History of Unix, Linux, and GNU- UNIX / Linux Distributions- Download & Install VM Player & Ubuntu Linux- Watch video on Linux (1h 20m)- Run Ubuntu- Learn some basic commands within Terminal

• Quiz #1

What is Unix

• Developed by Ken Thompson• Bell Labs (AT&T) in 1969 and released in 1971.• Operating System initially written in assembly then in C.

The GNU Project

• 1983, Richard Stallman @ MIT• Freeware Collaboration project• To give computer users freedom and control• Develop and distribute software with the following rights:- Users are free to run the software- Share it (copy & distribute)- Modify it

The GNU Project

- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

The GNU Project

What is Linux

• Linux is an Operating System (OS) just like Windows and MAC OS.

• Linux Kernel designed by Linus Torvalds• Linux is open source and free (GNU 1992)• Approximately 60% of servers use Linux.

What is Unix / Linux

• OS used on top 500 Supercomputers

Evolution of Unix


The Top 10 Linux Distributions (2012)

1. Linux Mint

2. Mageia

3. Ubuntu

4. Fedora

5. openSUSE

6. Debian

7. Arch Linux

8. PCLinuxOS

9. Zorin OS


Linux Mint






Arch Linux


Zorin OS


Advantages of Linux

• No constant rebooting• Start/stop services without interrupting others• Portable• Flexible• Downloadable Applications• Settings aren’t hidden in code or registries• Open Source• Distribution Freedom

Advantages of Linux

• Linux Server

What is a shell?

What is a shell?

What is a shell?

What is a shell?

What is a shell?

What is a kernel?

• Central component to most Operating Systems• In charge of all access to computer resources• Standard interface to system hardware• Implements multitasking for processes continuously

competing for system resources (enforcing isolation).

Let’s Install Linux!

• Work in Teams & help each other!• Download Ubuntu 12.10- http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop

• Ways to install:- .ISO file (Burn to DVD)- Live CD- Bootable USB- Dual Boot- Binaries- Virtual Machine (VM)

Install VM Player

• Download VMware Player- http://www.dorkatron.com/docs/POS420/1%20-


Run Ubuntu VM

• Download & Extract “VM.rar”- http://www.dorkatron.com/docs/POS420/1%20-

%20SOFTWARE%20-%20VM.rar- Download winrar- Run “POS420VM.vmx”


• Let’s take a break… RETURN @ 800PM

Run Ubuntu VM

• Login to Ubuntu 12.10- Username: student- Password: 3

Search for Terminal

Run Terminal (Use F11 for fullscreen)

man man

man ls

List directory contents

• List the directory contents for student account.

List directory contents

• List the directory contents for student account.

man pwd

Print Working Directory

• pwd for student account.

man passwd

Change your password

• Change password for student to “password”.

man sudo

Enable root (administrator)

• Change password for root to “password”.

man su

Log in as root

man shutdown

Restart system

Week 1 Linux VM Changes

• Enabled root account• Password for “root” is now “password”• Password for “student” is now “password”

Week 1 List of commands

man – manual pages

ls – list directory contents

pwd – print working directory

passwd – change password

sudo – execute command as superuser

su – login as superuser

shutdown – shutdown

Quiz: Week 1

• 10-15 minutes
