Post Tender Valuations Budget Control -...


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Post Tender Valuations


Budget Control

Better Financial Control for your Projects

using Candy Valuations

Course Notes

Evelio De Abreu - November 2010

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Contents

Chapter 1. Starting Up ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Starting Candy ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Company Manager ............................................................................................................................................ 1

1.3 Create a New Company ................................................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Job Manager ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.5 Create a new Job ................................................................................................................................................ 4

1.6 Recover the CCS Demo Job ........................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2. Candy User Interface ....................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Candy Navigation ............................................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Document Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Right click menu functions ............................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions.................................................................................................. 11

Chapter 3. Post Tender Checks ....................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Job Information ................................................................................................................................................. 14

3.2 Confidence Check ............................................................................................................................................ 16

3.3 Selling Rate ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Copy the final quantity from the bill quantity ....................................................................................... 21

3.5 Check and review reports ............................................................................................................................. 23

3.6 Value Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 27

3.7 Resource Checks ............................................................................................................................................... 29

Chapter 4. Pricing using Worksheets ............................................................................................. 35

4.1 Price Code ........................................................................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Price Plug and Split Rate items using Worksheets .............................................................................. 35

Chapter 5. Value Engineering (or Re-modelling) .......................................................................... 43

5.1 Job Remodelling ............................................................................................................................................... 43

5.2 Explode Macros................................................................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 6. Coding using Cost and Group codes ........................................................................... 49

6.1 Cost codes & Group codes .......................................................................................................................... 49

6.2 Defining the Cost codes ................................................................................................................................ 50

6.3 Allocating the Cost & Group codes to Simple resources ................................................................. 52

6.4 Resource Analysis Reports ............................................................................................................................ 54

Chapter 7. Controlling Labour and Plant using Task Codes ........................................................ 61

7.1 Defining the Task codes ................................................................................................................................ 62

7.2 Task code allocation ........................................................................................................................................ 63

7.3 Task code analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 67

7.4 Task code reports ............................................................................................................................................. 69

Chapter 8. Variation Pricing and VO codes ................................................................................... 75

8.1 Variation pricing ............................................................................................................................................... 75

8.2 VO Codes ............................................................................................................................................................ 77

8.3 Variation Order documents .......................................................................................................................... 77

Chapter 9. Valuation No.1 using Calcsheets .................................................................................. 79

9.1 Valuation Setup ................................................................................................................................................ 79

9.2 Primary Valuation Quantities ....................................................................................................................... 81

9.3 Measuring Final qty’s using Quantity Calcsheets ................................................................................ 83

9.4 Entering Valuation quantities ...................................................................................................................... 86

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Contents

Chapter 10. Valuation No. 1 using Area Bills ................................................................................ 89

10.1 Area manager .................................................................................................................................................... 89

10.2 Importing the bill items in the area bills ................................................................................................. 90

10.3 Apply area code ................................................................................................................................................ 92

10.4 Measure Area Actual Quantities ................................................................................................................. 95

10.5 Update Valuation Actual qty’s using Areas ............................................................................................ 96

Chapter 11. Valuation Report Manager ......................................................................................... 97

11.1 Interim Payment Claim report ..................................................................................................................... 97

11.2 Valuation Listings report ............................................................................................................................... 98

11.3 Valuation Resource Analysis report ....................................................................................................... 100

11.4 Project Codes Resource Analysis report ............................................................................................... 101

11.5 Valuation Trade Total Display................................................................................................................... 103

Chapter 12. Costs & Allowables .................................................................................................... 105

12.1 Analyse Allowable to-date ......................................................................................................................... 106

12.2 Cost & allowable columns ......................................................................................................................... 107

12.3 Import To-Date costs ................................................................................................................................... 107

12.4 Check import file ........................................................................................................................................... 109

12.5 Cost Adjustments .......................................................................................................................................... 111

12.6 Release costs ................................................................................................................................................... 111

12.7 Analyse Allowables to date vs. Costs to Date..................................................................................... 112

12.8 Cost to complete using cost rates .......................................................................................................... 113

12.9 Cost & Allowables at Completion ........................................................................................................... 117

12.10 Cost & Allowables using Task and Cost Codes ................................................................................. 118

Chapter 13. Set up Next Valuation ............................................................................................... 119

13.1 Setup Next Valuation ................................................................................................................................... 119

Chapter 14. Subcontract Manager ................................................................................................ 123

14.1 Create a new Subcontract .......................................................................................................................... 123

14.2 Creating Subcontract Bill using the Main Bill ..................................................................................... 125

14.3 Creating the Subcontract Bill using S/C Adjudicator ....................................................................... 130

14.4 Subcontractor Details .................................................................................................................................. 133

14.5 Subcontract Progress Measure ................................................................................................................ 135

14.6 Extras .................................................................................................................................................................. 140

14.7 Charges ............................................................................................................................................................. 142

14.8 S/C MOS ........................................................................................................................................................... 143

14.9 S/C Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 144

14.10 S/C Liability ...................................................................................................................................................... 147

Chapter 15. Valuation No. 2 Using Subcontract Manager ......................................................... 149

Appendix A- System Registration ................................................................................................ 153

Appendix B – System Settings ...................................................................................................... 155

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


Chapter 1. Starting Up

1.1 Starting Candy

Start the System from the windows desktop by double clicking on the Candy shortcut.

Complete the user Login with your User Name, Initials and Company name.

1.2 Company Manager

This is the top level menu in the system where a maximum of 24 companies may be created.

For example, if you are tendering in a joint venture with another firm, you can create a brand new

company for that bid.

To select a company, position the cursor on the required company and use Enter or Double click.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


1.3 Create a New Company

Do this

Click the Company > New > Company menu.

Edit the company name to read “CCS Training Company”, click .

Note: You may enter a Company Code and a Password for your company

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


The company “CCS Training Company” has now been created.

1.4 Job Manager Double click on the “CCS Training Company” to access the Jobs in the company.

The job manager generates a new header and new job automatically. You may create up to 99

jobs within a company that may be copied, renamed, deleted and backed up using the Job menu

or using the Right-click Menu.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


1.5 Create a new Job

Do This

Click the Job > New Job menu.

Edit the job name to read “Waste Water Treatment Works” and then click

Note: You may designate a Job Code and Password for your job

Open the job by double clicking on the job or by clicking

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


1.6 Recover the CCS Demo Job

From the Job Manager click Job > Backup/recover job > Recover into a NEW job > from file

Recover the Ventshaft and Substation Contract using the following directory on the Candy

Installation CD <CD Drive>/FSCOMMAND/Demo Jobs/Ventshaft and Substation Contract

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Company & Job Manager


Click to confirm

Click on to access the Ventshaft & Substation Contract

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


Chapter 2. Candy User Interface

The Candy user interface consists of four main sections namely: Title bar, Application Tabs,

Application Menus & Toolbars.

2.1 Candy Navigation

Candy button To select the job manager, system settings and to exit the


System toolbar Job manager and system settings toolbar buttons

Title Bar Displays the company and job you are working in

Candy version Displays the software version installed on the computer and

displays the system information

Application tabs To select the Various Candy applications

Application menu Displays the menus of the application selected

General menu Menu for Utilities & Help including telephone list, daily dairies,

card games, help files, licence registration, support information

& a website link to Update the Candy version

General toolbar Displays general tool buttons for use on all applications

Application toolbar Displays shortcuts specific to the application selected. This tool

bar changes when a different application tab is selected

Customise Toolbar To select the toolbar buttons displayed on the different


System Toolbar Title Bar Application Tab

General Toolbar Application Menu Application Toolbar

Candy Version

General Menu Customise Toolbar

Candy Button

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


2.2 Document Navigation

Do this

To add the Standard Bill of Quantities Document to the Document Manager click on

Documents>Estimating Documents then click and Select 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities

and confirm then click to open the document.

Document Title The name of the document

Split screen


Resizes the document to the top or bottom half of the screen.

Escape Go back to the previous menu.

Document menu The menus available for this document

Document toolbar Tool buttons for larger or smaller screen fonts, line deletion, find

& replace, export to Excel and print screen.

Select all records Selects all records in the Bill of Quantities.

Function Buttons These buttons relate to the function keys on the keyboard.

Namely; Calculate (F12), Worksheet (F11) and Go to Page (F10).

NB: If the rates and heading totals require re-calculation, click

the red calculate button.

Record selector Selects the entire record. Right click to display the record menu

Column Selector Selects the entire column. Right click to display the column menu

Page Navigation


Scrolls between different pages namely; first page, previous

page, next page and last page of the bill.

Document Menu Split Screen Buttons Document Toolbar Document Title

Select all


Escape Column




Function Buttons Page Navigation


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


2.3 Right click menu functions The menu functions in Candy are context sensitive; therefore, specific tasks can be performed

directly on the documents cell, record, or column by right clicking for additional options.

In a cell:

In a record selector:

Right Click

Right Click

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


In a selected column:

Right Click

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


2.4 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions

Mouse Functions

Note: This table assumes that the mouse buttons are configured for a right-handed user.

Mouse action Function

Left-click On an Active Document - moves the cursor line to and positions the editing

cursor at the mouse pointer. On an Inactive Document - Turns the document

Active and acts as above.

Right-click On an Active Document calls up the context menu.

Double Click Fetch another document, i.e.: Double Click on a Net Rate calls up the


Row Record


Select a line of data for Dragging and Dropping.

Row Record


Marks the Start and End of a Range of records for Dragging and Dropping.

Alt+Left-click Set an Alternate document.


This is a list of the Editing and Cursor Movement Keystrokes, with a brief explanation of the

function, and the equivalent Icon if available.

Note: Normal Windows shortcut keys can be used e.g. Ctrl C – Copy, Ctrl V – Paste etc.

Shift+Esc(ape) Returns to the job selector

Esc(ape) Returns to the previous menu

Ctrl+Tab Moves the document currently on top to behind all other documents.

Ctrl+Insert Inserts a new line at the cursor position

Ctrl+Del Deletes the current line at the cursor

Tab Moves the cursor forward to the next Field. Shift+Tab moves the cursor


Home Moves the cursor to beginning of the field

End Moves the cursor to the end of the field

Ctrl + > Move to the next page

Ctrl + < Move to the previous page

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control User Interface


Ctrl+Page Up Takes you to the first line of the first page of a document

Ctrl+Page Down Takes you to the first line of the last page of a document

Ctrl+Enter Split the line at the cursor position

Backspace Deletes one character at a time

Ctrl+Backspace Deletes one word at a time

Ctrl+Left-arrow Bubble Up - move the current line up

Ctrl+Right-arrow Bubble Down - move the current line down

Ctrl+Up-arrow Collapse level headings (to hide all text under headings)

Ctrl+Down-arrow Expand level headings (to show all text under headings)



Opens all sub headings within the cursor position heading



Closes all sub headings within the cursor position heading

Ctrl+Space Bar Open all headings completely



Close all headings completely

Ctrl+R Pick Up the current Line



Drop (insert) Lines picked up using Ctrl+R at the current line

Ctrl+U Turn current line to UPPERCASE letters

Ctrl+L Turn current line to lowercase letters

Ctrl+T Turn current word to Sentence case

Ctrl+K Copy the Field above

Ctrl+J Copy the Field above and moves cursor down one line

Alt+Del Close the active Document.

Shift+Alt+Del Close All Documents.

Ctrl+Z Undo.

Note: As soon as the cursor is moved off the line, the line is stored

and the undo button will not function

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Chapter 3. Post Tender Checks

Recover the estimate and do the following Checks. It is good practice to copy the job before

Remodelling the job for Post Tender Valuations. Eventually the Q.S will have and electronic copy

for the Job at Estimate Stage and a copy for the Remodelled Job for use at Post Tender Valuations


Do This

Go to the Job Manager Duplicate the Ventshaft & Substation Contract, rename the job to

Ventshaft & Substation Contract- Remodelled.


The estimate created by the tender department in Candy Estimating can now be used by the

Site Team. It is essential to do some post tender check to prepare the Tender for Post Tender


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.1 Job Information

Certain useful information like the Contract Value and Job Size can be analysed.

Trade Totals Display

Do this:

Choose the Valuations application tab.

The job total by trade can be displayed by clicking the (Trade Totals) icon.

Initial Valuation setup

The Initial Valuation setup dialog appears when accessing the Valuations Application for the first

time. The valuation setup dialog is used for entering details for the first Valuation.

Enter the Valuation Date, Number and header.

Cost and Allowable options

Cost and Allowables options allows for inclusion or exclusion of Variation orders in Cost and

allowable documents. Variation orders and Cost and Allowables will be covered in detail later.

Choose the Cost and Allowable options.

Note: These options may be changed later if required.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Select the Bill Quantity

Select Net rates

The Net Trade Summary is shown.

The Gross Trade Total and Selling Trade Total can be displayed using the same icon and

selecting the appropriate rate.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.2 Confidence Check

Checks the entire estimate and reports problems found.

Unpriced or plug/split pricing codes, provisional items and resources, data copied from the master,

markup and selling rates are checked and recorded.

Do this:

In the Trade Totals Display click

Select Perform full error check with report

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Job Size Display

Gives an overall listing of the job and is an important indicator for the time factor allocated to the


Do this:

Click Check & Review > Job Size Display

3.3 Selling Rate

At Tender Stage the: Net Rate + Applied Mark Up = Gross Rate. The gross rate is calculated based

on the net and mark up applied therefore any changes made on the net or applied mark up will

change the gross rate. This is ideal at tender stage but not ideal for the post tender stage of the


At the Post tender stage, a Selling Rate is available in Candy. The selling rate is used as the

contractual rate for printing the Interim Payment Claim to the client. Adjusting the net or Applied

Mark Up will not affect the selling rates.

Therefore, for Post Tender Stage the: Net Rate + Calculated Mark Up = Selling Rate

The selling is a fixed contractual rate by adjusting the Net (job remodelling) the Calculated Mark

Up will change.

One of the essential checks at post tender is to ensure that the job contains a selling rate. The

confidence check shows items that do not have a selling rate therefore, the selling rate must be

entered or we can copy the Selling rate from Gross rate.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Do this:

Open the Document Manager by choosing Documents > Valuation Document Manager.

Now open document 1.1 Gross to Sell Bill

Note the selling rate column on the right side of the document. At Tender Stage the job was

priced and the Mark up was applied, the selling rates can now be established by copying the Gross


Right-click in the selling rate column header, select Copy > Copy Selling rates from Gross.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Check the option to lock selling rates after copy and Copy zero gross rates click OK…

…and confirm the message.

Note the selling rates are displayed next to each bill item.

NB: Check the selling amount balances back to the signed contract document.

If the totals do not balance then go back to the problem bill page and check the selling rate of

each bill item on that page.

Right Click

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Now open this document 1.2 Selling Bill of Quantities

Unlock & Lock the Selling Rate

The indicator in the selling rate column indicates that the rate is locked. To fix the rate

we must first unlock it.

Right click on the selling rate and select Lock/Unlock > Unlock selling rate.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.4 Copy the final quantity from the bill quantity

NOTE: It’s best to do this before entering any valuation quantities.

Do this:

Open the document 2.2 Primary Valuation Entry

Right-click on the Final Quantity column header and

choose > Copy from selected quantity.

Then select the Bill Quantity as the source and confirm.

Click YES

Something to consider........

The bill quantity will normally be used for the first Final Value projection and as a starting point

can be copied to the Final Quantity column.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


And then OK the quantities copied.

See that the Bill qty have been copied to the Final Qty

Note: Later in the course the final qty will be re-measured using the quantity calc sheet.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.5 Check and review reports

To do a Pricing Check Report

Do this:

Go to Check & Review > Pricing Check

Select all price codes on Direct Cost bill

pages and select priced in plug and

priced in split.

Note: unused Priced codes should be

deleted before printing this report.


Now Candy can generate a number of reports to help you check for any possible problems on

the tender.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


To delete unused price codes

To delete unused price codes go to the document 1.1 Price Code Listing ( )

and click Tools > Delete unused Price codes

… and choose YES to confirm the Price Code


Note: 12 unused price codes deleted.

… and OK


The Price code list may contain price codes not used in the bill. You should consider deleting

unused price codes which will result in having a less confusing job. The job will therefore only

contain price codes used in the bill.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Similarly unused resource can also be deleted directly from the resource list.

Do This

Go to the document 1.1.Resource List ( ),

click Tools > Delete ALL unused resources > Delete Key resources as well

And click YES to confirm deleting ALL unused resources

The list shows what unused resources were deleted.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Worksheet calc line check

Check & Review > Worksheet calc line check

Click OK.

How many errors were detected?

If errors are detected a report will be generated.

Provisional Listings: Worksheets

Check & Review > Provisional Listing

Choose Worksheets

In this example the check shows that no Provisional Worksheets were


If errors are detected, a report will be generated.


At tender stage the estimator may mark worksheets, resources and bill items as provisional.

Locate the provisional worksheets, resources and bill items.


Checks for mistakes on worksheet calculation lines. If there is a space between +5%waste then

the wastage report would be incorrect. If *CONC] is used instead of *[CONC] the first

occurrence would be seen as a comment and not a variable if 1.O9 is used instead of 1.09 then

1.00 instead of 1.09 will be used on the calculation line. Ensure accuracy at all times.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.6 Value Analysis

Open the Valuation Reports by choosing

Reports > Valuation Reports Manager.

Print the Value Analysis (68) report

and choose Final Quantity.


80/20 rule of thumb, identify which items contain the value and which items should be

concentrated on at pre and post tender stage.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Select 80% Percentage of total to be printed.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


3.7 Resource Checks

Resources can be checked for potential problems like provisional rates or out-dated rates.

Resource List with Date

Here we will alter a standard document to make a new Resource List with Date document and

customise it.

Do this

Open the Resource Document Manager by choosing

VALUATIONS >Documents > Valuation document Manager.

Select the Resources tab to display

the available resource documents.

Click the New Document button to

open the list of template documents

and choose

1. Estimating layouts > 1.1 Resource


Now right click on new 1.1 Resource List and rename it to

1.1a Resource list with Date.

To change the columns shown, click Customise

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Add the column 4.2 Date of resource rate change and confirm.

Now open your new document 1.1a Resource list with Date. Look for resources that have old

dates and check the rates.


This is the column layout selector. To include column data into your document, you can move

available columns (left hand side) to the right with the green arrow; to remove them use the red


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Sorting the resources by the date

The resources can be sorted by the date in ascending order.

To do this, right-click in the Final rate

changed column, select Sort > Ascending

When you are finished you can clear the sort with

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Provisional resources

If you move the pointer over the red dots on the Final rate, you will notice that these are marked as

provisional, like this:

Alternatively, a fixed filter can be used to find resources that where marked as provisional.

Select the document menu View > Filter > Provisional Resources

Note: “Filter toolbar – 6” indicating 6 filtered provisional resources.

You can now show just the resources you want with

On the filter toolbar, click

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Resource percentage report

Value Analysis can be performed on resources to identify which resources contain the value and

which resources should be concentrated on at pre and post tender stage.

Open the Valuation Reports by choosing VALUATIONS >Reports > Valuation Reports Manager.

Click Select 8. Resource

Analysis Reports > 8.5 Resource

percentage (74)

Select Primary sort by Resource type

Select Final Quantity

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Post Tender Checks


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Chapter 4. Pricing using Worksheets

Plug rates and split rates must also be converted to Worksheets to generate the required resource


4.1 Price Code

4.2 Price Plug and Split Rate items using Worksheets

The pricing check report printed earlier listed Price code E1133 as a Plug rate and Price code

E42111 as Split rate. To control your allowable the plug rate and split rate must be priced using


The list of price codes for the job can be displayed by clicking on the

Price codes and how they work

The Price code’s function is to deal with the unit price of a bill item.

To rate a bill item, a Price Code is entered against it and the bill item adopts the rate from the

Price Code (regardless of whether it was generated by plug rate, split rates or worksheet).

The Price code can be up to 8 alpha-numeric characters in length. The first character of the Price

Code must start with a Trade Code letter and the rest of the code is entirely up to you.

Note that the Price code has its own Description. The description of the bill item is totally

independent of the Price code description. Therefore, one Price Code may be used for multiple

Bill Items effectively speeding up the pricing process.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Do this

Go to document 1.1 Price code listing

Note: Price code document lists all the Price codes available in the job in Alpha numeric order.

Price Code E1133 using a Worksheet

Price Code E1133 Site clearance is plugged.

Right click in the rate and select Display


… to show the Price code’s worksheet.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Do This

To add the required resources to the worksheet from the Resource List, type resource codes




…at the beginning of calculation lines 2, 3 & 4.

The worksheet fetches the resources from the Resource List.

Now multiply each resource by the required number. Type in the multipliers:

32511 JD 410 Digger loader *1off

3171 6m3 Tipper *2off

2211 Labourer *4off

About Worksheets

315 Calculation lines are available to calculate the net rate for the price code. The worksheet

header displays Price code, Pricing description and pricing qty of “8250m2”. The worksheet

header also display where the price code is used in the bill “Page 4 item A and Page 1 item A”.

Therefore the change in rate for the price code will change the rate on the items where the price

code is used.

Note: A calculation must start in the beginning of the line using a resource code. Beginning with

a space will only create a comment line.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Start an applied factor using“#” on calculation line 1. End the applied factor using a “=” followed

by the calculation *0.5day/710m2.

Note: The Enter key or moving off the line will automatically calculate the result and the words

“APPLIED FACTOR” will appear.

Use the shifted function on the Store & next w/s function

button to change the store mode from

Store & Next worksheet to Store & return to document.

Click Store Worksheet

This message will offer to change it from

Plug Rate mode to Worksheet mode.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Click YES to change to worksheet mode and OK to store the worksheet.

Price Code E42111 using a Worksheet

The Price Code E42111 Exc fnd; ne 2m is Split.

Right click in the rate and select Display worksheet

Typing the resource code requires knowing the

correct code.

If you don’t know the code you can add a resource

by right-clicking on the calculation line and

choosing Resource list.


The worksheet header displays the total pricing qty of “1725m3”, 600m3 on Page 4/Item C, and

1125m3 on Page 1/Item C.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Select the resource 32511 JD 410 Digger Loader W&O”

and to add the resource to the w/s calculation line.

Place the cursor on the next calculation line and add “2211 Labourer”

Multiply each resource by the required number.

32511 JD 410 Digger loader *1off

2211 Labourer *2off

Price worksheet using the applied factor applying a production of 85m3/day and adding 10% for


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


The net rate is calculated to “34.74”

Click Store worksheet

Click YES and store the worksheet.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Pricing using Worksheets


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


Chapter 5. Value Engineering (or Re-modelling)

5.1 Job Remodelling Let’s assume the site team will purchase diesel for 6/ Litre instead of 6.3/ Litre.

Resource List

Open resource document 1.4 Utilisation and value – bill quantity

Purpose of Value Engineering

The site team can now re-visit each of the worksheets and adjust the productions to what they

will achieve on site. Better buying, better S/C rates are taken into account, the site team agrees

on the productions in the worksheets and relooks at the construction methods used.

By doing this, the site team takes ownership of the tender and any losses cannot be blamed on

the estimating department. By remodelling, the site team could have more financial gain with

productivity and innovation making a profit from better buying and alternative construction


Macro price codes must also be exploded so that progress quantities may be entered.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


Adjust the diesel rate accordingly and click Calculate

Note that the Diesel allowable decreases from 280 155.37 to 266 814.64 representing a buying

saving of 13 340.73.

Trade Totals Display

Do a Trade Totals Display on Selling at 6.3/Ltr of Diesel.

The tender rate for Diesel at 6.3/Ltr calculates Material Net Amount of 2 583 388.80 and a Markup

of 757 249.87

Do a Trade Totals Display on Selling at 6.00/Ltr of Diesel.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


The Diesel at 6/Ltr calculates Material Net Amount 2 570 048.08 and a markup is now higher at

770590.59. An increase in markup of 13 340.72

Now return to page one of the Bill of Quantities

Do this:

Open document 1.1 Gross to Sell Bill

Notice that the Net and Gross rates have changed as these items use the cheaper diesel in their

make-up. The Selling rates remained fixed and the calculated mark-up has increased in relation to

the Selling.

5.2 Explode Macros Macro Price codes are ideal for the estimator to price but are not suitable for the site team to

progress against. For example progressing 50% of the Manhole will generate 50% allowable for

Excavations, Concrete, Brickwork etc. The solution to this problem is to explode Macro Price codes

so that Excavations, Concrete, Brickwork may be progressed against.

Do this:

Access document 3.1 Variation Pricing

This document is ideal for variation pricing.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


Right click on the price code column header and select Explode Macro Price codes > Explode

Macros without recoding

Click Yes

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


Note: The additional Internal Items were added below Item F. Internal Items only have a net rate

and no Selling rate. Internal items are marked with an “I” in the attributes column and therefore will

not be printed on the Interim Payment claim to the client. Item F is the external item and

therefore only has a selling and no Net rate.

Copy Bill to Final Qty

Note the Internal items do not have final qty’s, they can be copied from the bill qty.

Do this

Do a filter for internal Items.

Right click in the attributes column header, select filter > Internal items.

16 Internal Items are filtered

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Value Engineering


Right click in the Final Qty Column header, Select filtered records

Copy from selected quantity

Select Bill Quantity

Yes to confirm

16 Quantities copied to final

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Chapter 6. Summarising Resources using Cost & Group codes Cost codes together with Task codes provide a summary of the allowable.

The matrix below illustrates the various the codes available and where to define and allocate them.

For example all the Task codes are defined in the Definitions & Settings (Blue hammer) and are

allocated to the price codes using either the price code document or Bill document. The Cost code

is defined in the Definitions and Settings (Blue hammer) and allocated to simple resources using a

resource document.

6.1 Cost codes & Group codes At Post Tender Stage the Allowable to date in Candy can be reconciled to the Costs to Date in

Accounts. It is therefore important to have the cost code in Candy matching the accounting ledger

code. The Cost Code is used to summarise the resources into Cost codes. Similarly the Group code

is used to summarise resources into suppliers.

Resource Document 1.6 Resource Group and Cost code allocation displays both group and cost

code columns.

Do this:

Open the document manager and select the resources Tab

Resource document 1.6 Resource Group and Cost code allocation is available as a template


Add a new template document by clicking on New Document

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Select 1.6 Resource Group and Cost code allocation

Open resource document

6.2 Defining the Cost codes

The Cost and Group must be defined before allocating them to the resources.

Do this:

Click on the to access the definitions and Enter and check the following Cost and Group Codes.

Choose 4.1 Cost codes (Ledger code)

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Choose 4.2 Group codes

Click OK to close the Definitions

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


6.3 Allocating the Cost & Group codes to Simple resources

Cost Code

Check that all the simple resources have a cost code and that the correct Cost code has been

allocated to the simple resources. The money is summarised into the cost codes for Cost &

Allowable control.

Return to the resource list and allocate the Cost and Group codes to the various resources. Cost

and Group codes should only be applied to Simple resources, those resources that are bought and

are defined with a letter in the resource type column i.e. M for Material, P for Plant.

Complex resource

Complex resource is a combination of simples and complexes. A complex resource is identified by

using a number in the Type column. The number represents the level of the complex from level 9

being the most basic to 1 being the most complex.

Applying a cost code to a complex resource such as JD 410 Digger Loader W&O would be

incorrect because the complex includes a combination of Plant, Fuel and Labour.

Filter Simple Resources

To make it easier to allocate cost to simple resources only use the filter facility shown below. The

same filter can be used to check if all simple resources have cost codes.

Do this:

Go to View > Filter > Blank codes> Cost codes (simples only)

Click to view only the simple resources with blank cost codes.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Allocate codes using double click

Double click in the Cost code column for resource code 60329 – High Tensile Steel

Select 506 Reinforcing and confirm.

Click Abandon

Allocate Group code

Similarly allocate the group code ABC to all the stone and sand resources.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


6.4 Resource Analysis Reports

Resource analysis reports can now be printed showing the resource Utilisation and Amount

including a Cost code or Group code summary.

Do this:

Open the Valuation Reports by choosing Reports > Valuation Reports Manager

Select report Valuation Resource Analysis (70) Click Customise

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Select Cost Codes as the Summary

Click OK, select Bill Quantity and confirm, select Allowable rates and Print Report

Now print the report and preview the report.

Page 1 reflects all the complex resources

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Page 2 reflects all the root complexes

Page 3 reflects all the simple resources. Note that all simple resources should have a Cost Code


…and Page 4 is the Cost Summary

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Cost and Group Code Audit Reports

Analysis by Cost code report

This report will list those resources that contribute to a particular cost code.

Do this:

From the report manager select report Analysis by Group/Cost (72).

Customise the report and select Sort by Cost Code.

Entering a cost code in the sieve will print out only those resources that contribute to that

particular cost code. By leaving the sieve blank will analyse all the cost codes.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Tracer report

The Tracer report will list all the bill items that contribute to a particular cost code. The tracer

report is available under the Check and Review Reports heading.

Print the Tracer report and select Cost Codes in the tracer selector.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Type in the cost code 400 and click OK.

Analysis by Group code report

This report will list those resources that contribute to a particular Group Code.

Do this:

From the report manager select report Analysis by Group/Cost (72).

Customise the report and select Sort by Group Code.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost and Group Codes


Click OK

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Chapter 7. Controlling Labour and Plant using Task Codes The Cost Code provides resource-based control for managing fixed resources such as Materials.

The Cost Code will provide limited control to productive resources such as Plant and Labour but is

not ideal. The engineering site staff will require the Labour and Plant allowable in more detail

typically the allowable per Task completed on site.

CCS provides a simple method of summarising the Bill items into Tasks. The allowable for each bill

item is broken down into the various Resource Types, so immediately there is

the Labour and Plant allowable for each Task, the exact information required to control the

productive resources.

The Task Code is used to implement Functional Control on the Job. The Task Code summarises bill

items into categories of Function or Activity.

The key is to summarise items with similar production, e.g. bulk earthworks items would be

summarised separately to hand excavation. Machines for bulk earthworks and labour for hand

excavation would be used.

By summarising items with like production and are summarising items with like resources and,

therefore, like cost sensitivity. If the machine is not being used effectively, it is costing a lot more

than if labour is not being productive. There would be different controls on plant versus labour.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


7.1 Defining the Task codes The task codes must be defined before allocating them to the Bill items or Price codes.

Do this:

Open the Definitions and enter the following Task codes.

Task codes may be summarised into Task code headings. The level column represents the heading

level from level 9 to level 1. Therefore, the Earthworks Tasks of Clear site and Excavation may be

summarised into the level 1 heading Earthworks. Note the m2 quantity of Clear site must be

factorised by 0.10 to calculate the m2 to m3.

The task code accumulates the amount of money and quantity; therefore, each task code should

have a unit.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


7.2 Task code allocation

Add an additional document containing the Task code columns

Do this:

Open the Valuations Document Manager , select Valuation Bills Tab.

Click on New document to add a

new template document

2.6 Task coding (Controlling

labour & plant)

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Customise the document and add columns 26.8 Task code description and 26.9 Task code unit.

Allocate the Task Codes

Do this:

Open document 2.6 Task coding (Controlling labour & plant) and check to see if all the bill

items have Task code.

To filter for Bill items without Task codes Right click in the Task code column select Filter > Filter

for blanks.


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Explanation of the Task code factor

The Task Code accumulates the amount of Money and Quantity, the Task Factor column is used to

determine the quantity to be added together for each Task code. If the unit of the Bill item is the

same as the Task code then a factor of one is used.

There may be instances where the unit of measure of the bill item may be different to the unit of

measure of the Task Code.

For example, there may be a bill item measured in linear metres of formwork, yet the bill item has a

Task Code with a unit of measurement of m2 so a Task factor to factorise the Lm to m2 is applied.

By using a Task factor of 0, the money will be included but not the quantity, for example, the cost

of wood float finish could be added to Task Code Concrete in Ground Slabs but only the quantity

of the Concrete in Ground Slabs is required and not the quantity of the wood float finish. Allocate

Task codes and factors to each of the bill items.

Allocate the Task codes

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


7.3 Task code analysis

Price Plug rate to a least a Split rate

Note: to calculate the Task Code summary no plug rate items may exist in the job.

Do this:

Do an on-screen task analysis, click Finalisation > Job analysis > Job analysis by Task code.


Update the values by clicking on Update Codes

Click Yes

Click OK

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Note that the Total Quantity, Amount and derived rate is calculated for each Task Code. When

finalising a tender, if the derived rate is much lower or higher compared to previous tenders, then

relevant items can be investigated for possible errors in the pricing worksheets.

The total allowable for Labour is calculated for each Task Code, i.e. The Labour allowable for

placing concrete in Foundations is 1,352,959. Once progress quantities have been entered for each

bill item, the total Labour allowable amount for each Task code is calculated and should be

reconciled back to the total Labour cost for each Task code.

Clicking the Split Rates or Split Amounts toggles between displaying split rates and split amounts

for each of the Task Codes.

Note the derived Labour rate to place 1m3 of concrete in Foundations is 80.16 per m3, if the

concrete team on site has poured 10m3 then you should not have spent more than 10 x 80.16 =

801.60 on the Labour team.

Daily costing should be done against the relevant Task Codes which should be reconciled to the

Labour allowable based on the work that has been completed on site.

A similar approach should be followed to control Plant.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Totals for Task code headings may be displayed by placing the cursor on the heading and pressing

Ctrl-Up and Down Arrow.

7.4 Task code reports

Various Task code reports are available in the Report Manager under the report heading Project

Code Reports.

Project Codes Report

The project codes report will list the bill items in Task Code order with a total for each Task Code.

Print the Project Codes (78) report.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Select Task code as Primary and none as the secondary and click OK.

Select Final Qty

Select Summary only, net, Spreadsheet and click OK

Report includes the Task code summary

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Project Codes Quantity Summary

The Project Codes Quantity Summary report lists the total quantity for each task.

The project code quantity summary report is available in the template reports.

Do this:

From the report manager click New report and select report 9.6 Project Codes Quantity

Summary (83).

Print the report.

Select Final Quantity

Select Task code as Primary and none as the secondary and click OK.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


The Task code summary report displays the total Quantity per Task. Note for this job consists of a

total of 27745m3 of excavations.

Project Codes Resource analysis

A complete resource analysis for each Task code may be printed with totals for each Cost code per

Task code.

Do this:

Print the Project Codes Resource Analysis.

Select Analyse complexes to level 9, Print codes separately and Summary by Cost Code.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Select Final quantity then Allowable rates.

Select Task code as Primary and none as the secondary and click OK.

Page 1 - 50: Lists the resource analysis per Task and the Cost code summary per Task

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Task Codes


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Variation Pricing


Chapter 8. Variation Pricing and VO codes

8.1 Variation pricing

Recap on pricing and the function of the Price code

The Price Code’s function is to deal with the unit price of a bill item. To rate a bill item, a Price Code

is entered against it and the bill item adopts the rate from the Price Code regardless if it was

generated, by plug rate, split rates or worksheet).

Variation pricing document

The variation pricing document includes the ideal columns for V.O. pricing.

Do This

Go to Valuation bills in the Document manager and open document 3.1 Variation pricing

Variation orders can be entered between existing bill items or entered on new page of the bill. The

practical method would be to add and price all the VO’S in a new page in the bill. Heading levels

can be used to group each VO in to headings.

To create a new page Click on the

Select New page and

Note: The new bill page 7 has been added.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Variation Pricing


Do This

Type in the New heading, Sub headings & Variation item including final qty. Headings should

coincide with existing heading structure, Create the level 2 heading called Variation orders and

level 3 heading for variation order # 1.

Price V.O. # 1 Clear site North Boundary using Price code E1133.

Note: The bill item Clear site North boundary adopts the Price codes Net and Selling rates

effectively speeding up the pricing process. The Price Code E1133 has a red indicator block

indicating that it is used on multiple bill items. If the rate is changed then the changed rate will

apply to all the bill items. Therefore if different rate is required the bill item will require a different

Price code.

Apply the Task code to the variation items.

Do This

Open document 2.6 Task coding (Controlling labour & plant)

Note: The bill item already has a Task code 0100. The task code is allocated to the price code

therefore by allocating the same price code the bill item will adopt its Task code.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Variation Pricing


8.2 VO Codes

Define VO Code in the definitions and settings

Open document 2.5a My Variation pricing and Allocate VO Code 1 and mark it approved.

Double click in the VO Status column and mark it approved.

8.3 Variation Order documents

Variation Orders with BOQ allocations

This document groups the bill item by VO code

Do This

Go to Valuation bills in the Document manager and select document 3.2 Variation Orders

with BOQ allocations

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Variation Pricing


Variation Orders – Financial Summary

This document is used to analyse the Valuation amounts per Variation Order.

Go to Valuation bills in the Document manager and select document 3.3 Variation Orders-

Financial Summary

Variation Order Bill

This document displays all the bill items on 1 Page per VO. This is mainly used for when the VO’s

were entered between existing bill items.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


Chapter 9. Valuation No.1 using Calcsheets

The Candy Valuations is used for the post tender stage of a project. The Bill of Quantities created in

Candy Estimating is available in Candy Valuations, the difference between Estimating and

Valuations is the extra Valuation quantity columns, Valuation layouts and the Valuation reports.

9.1 Valuation Setup The initial Valuation and every Valuation thereafter commences at the Valuation Setup process

listed below:

Step 1: Duplicate & Rename the Job

Step 2: Setup Next Valuation

Step 1: Duplicate and rename the job.

It is good practice to copy the job before entering the new monthly valuation quantities.

Eventually the Q.S will have and electronic copy for each Valuation in Candy, and if required, can

back track to previous valuations.

Do this:

Go to the Job manager , select Ventshaft & Substation Contract - Remodelled, click on Job in

the menu and select Duplicate job then rename it to Ventshaft & Substation Contract –

Valuation NO. 1

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


Step 2: Step next Valuation

Setup next valuation is not required for Valuation No.1 because the initial valuation setup has

already been done on chapter 4. Therefore Setup next Valuation is only required for all Valuations

that follow. In Valuations click on the Main menu, select Valuation setup and click on Setup next


Please Note: Setup next valuation will copy all to date Quantities to previous. Therefore this step

must be done before entering any new quantities for all Valuations that follow.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


9.2 Primary Valuation Quantities This document contains the three primary progress quantities available in the system.

Actual Quantity - Actual cumulative quantity to-date for a bill item. Used for internal

reporting, it measures the actual amount of work done.

Claimed Quantity - This quantity is used to record how much you are claiming to date in

an application for payment. Think of it as an External quantity.

Paid Quantity- This quantity is used to record how much the client has paid you to date.

Final Quantity- This is the anticipated ultimate quantity of the bill item.

Valuation Documents

Do this:

Click on or Open the Valuation Document Manager Documents > Valuation Document


Duplicate document 2.2 Primary Valuation Entry & rename it to 2.2a Favourite Valuation Entry

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


Select document 2.2a Favourite Valuation Entry Click on to select the columns required

in the Valuation document

Select the required columns as per the above layout and click .

Link the valuation tool button

Right click on document 2.2a Favourite Valuation Entry > Link/unlink toolbutton > Link

document to the VALUATION BILl toolbutton.

Note: The valuation toolbutton will now open your Favourite valuation entry.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


9.3 Measuring Final qty’s using Quantity Calcsheets The quantities can be entered manually against a bill item. Alternatively, double-clicking on the

quantity displays a "calc-sheet" where detailed measurements can be recorded to calculate the

quantity. If there is a calc-sheet, a green dot is displayed in the quantity field and the letter is

displayed in the quantity calcsheet indicator column.

Calcsheets are available for Bill, Actual, Claimed and Final Quantities.

Note: Item 1/A Clear and strip site has a calcsheet for the bill qty therefore indicating a green

indicator block on the Bill Quantity and a “B” in the Qty Calcsheet indicator column.

Do this:

Using Document 2.2a Favourite Valuation Entry double click on the Final Qty for Clear and Strip

site to open a calcsheet.

Measurements from other calcsheets and bill items can be copied using .

Copy the Bill qty calcsheet into the Final Qty calcsheet. Select the Bill qty as the source selection

and type in Page “1” Item “A”.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


Click to confirm.

On line 4 add the following calculation “20*20” and remarks “Area 4 DRW # 110 Rev1”.


Select Update after rounding on 4/5 rule and

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


Note: The quantity calc sheet indicator now contains a “B” and “F”

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


9.4 Entering Valuation quantities Entering the Actual quantity will automatically reflect the claimed and paid quantity columns.

Do this:

Progress all Earthworks, Formwork, Reinforcing, Concrete and Joints in the ventilation shaft as

100% complete by typing in 100% in Actual % Final column.

On Page1

On Page 2

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuations


On Page 3

On Page 7

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Chapter 10. Valuation No. 1 using Area Bills Areas are used to isolate sections or areas of a contract for measurement and control purposes.

Areas provide a location based control within a construction project. Each area has an area bill that

must contain main bill items. The measurement from the area bills can be used to update the main

bill. Section 3 Substation and yard on page 4 consists of two substations. Areas II will be used to

isolate the control the measurements for each substation.

10.1 Area manager The area manager is used to create, delete, copy, rename and backup the area bills

Do this:

Click on Areas > Area II definitions to access area bills.

Click to create new areas for Substations A & B.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


10.2 Importing the bill items in the area bills

Do This

Select Sub A – Substation A

Document manager holds all the required documents for areas.

Select document 1.1 Area bill

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Click Tools > Import bill items > Import bill items by page & trade

Importing may be done using a page range. Uncheck Select all pages and Select trades. Select

page range from page 4 to 6.

Message appears confirming 34 items imported. Click OK to confirm.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


10.3 Apply area code The area bill can also be linked to the main bill by allocating the area code to main bill.

Do this

In the Area manager Select Sub B - Substation B

Select document 2.1 Valuation bill Area allocation

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Note: The area code Sub A has already been allocated to the bill items.

Filter for area code Sub A. Right click in the Area Code column > Filter > Start a new filter.

Type Sub A

Filter Toolbar indicates 34 Items Filtered.

Click to select the filtered items.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Right click on the selection > Code allocation > Areas > Allocate to Area

Select Substation B and to confirm.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


Message appears confirming 34 allocated. Click OK to confirm.

10.4 Measure Area Actual Quantities

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Area Bills


10.5 Update Valuation Actual qty’s using Areas

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


Chapter 11. Valuation Report Manager Print the following Valuation reports from the Valuation Report Manager

11.1 Interim Payment Claim report The Interim Payment Claim is always based on Claimed Quantity and can only be based on the

Gross and Selling rate.

Do this:

Click on to access the Valuations Job Manager , double click on Valuation Bills and select

Interim Payment Claim, click .

Select the following options then click .

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


11.2 Valuation Listings report The Valuation Listings report can be based on any Valuation Quantity and can be based on the Net,

Gross or Selling rate.

Do this:

Return to the Valuation Document Manager and select Valuation Listings Report then select


Select the following options and click .

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


Select Actual Quantity

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


11.3 Valuation Resource Analysis report The Valuation Resource Analysis can be based on any Valuation quantity. Printing this report on

Actual Quantity will list the resource and cost allowable to date.

Do this:

Return to the Valuation Document Manager and double click on Resource Analysis Reports and

select Valuation Resource Analysis report then select and

Select the following options and click

…and select Actual Quantity

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


11.4 Project Codes Resource Analysis report This report prints the Resource Analysis split into the Task codes. Printing this report on Actual

Quantity will list the resource and cost allowable to date per Task code.

Do this:

Return to the Valuation Document Manager and double click on Project Codes Reports and click

on Project Codes Analysis report then select and

Select the following options…

…and choose Actual Quantity

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


Choose Task code as the Primary code and None as Secondary.

Click .

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation Reports


11.5 Valuation Trade Total Display

Trade summary can be based on any Valuation Quantity and Rate.

Do this:

Click on the tool button select Actual Quantity and select Net rate.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Chapter 12. Costs & Allowables Cost & Allowables is used to monitor the financial performance of a project. The comparison of the

To-Date allowable generated in Candy with the To-Date costs captured in the accounting system

like BuildSmart® is monitored within Candy. Additionally the Remaining and At completion

allowables and costs is also monitored in Candy.

Cost & Allowables is used to analyse the following:

To Date Allowable vs. To Date Costs

Remaining Allowable vs. Remaining Cost

At Completion Allowable vs. At Completion Costs.

The Cost & Allowables documents are available in the Valuation document manager.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.1 Analyse Allowable to-date Go to Costs & Allowables Tab in the Valuations Document manager use doc 2.1 Cost Allowables by


The above document shows the To-date, Remaining and At completion for the current

Valuation period.

Note: The Task code column is included by default in this document. The BuildSmart® accounting

system has both the Task code (Activity code) and Cost code (Ledger code) for more

comprehensive cost control. However some other accounting systems only make use of Cost codes

for their cost control.

Summarise by Cost codes only

In this course we will import a text file from “another” accounting system that only use Cost codes.

To do the comparison we need to change our Cost & Allowable documents to work with only the

Cost code.

Do This

From the document menu select View > Column layout. Remove the Task code column and

confirm. The document is automatically re-calculated and displays only the Cost code information.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.2 Cost & allowable columns The following is the definitions for the terminology used in Cost & Allowable:

• Allowable to date – Actual quantity x Net rate.

• Cost to date – Imported cost to date from the accounting system

• Variance to date – Allowable to date less Cost to date

• Allowable remaining – Remaining quantity x Net rate

• Cost remaining – Remaining quantity x Cost rate in Candy

• Variance remaining – Remaining allowable less Remaining cost

• Allowable at completion – Final quantity x Net rate

• Cost at completion – Cost to date + Remaining cost

• Variance at completion – Allowable at completion less Cost at completion

12.3 Import To-Date costs The To-date costs can be imported as follows:

1. Imported via a text file (MS Excel) from an accounting software package.

2. Imported from Candy’s Material received module.

3. Import BuildSmart’s cost and accruals.

Do This

Select the Cost & Allowable tab on the Valuation document manager.

Open the document 4.1 Cost import. Select Tools > Import and overwrite Cost to date > Import

cost from a file. Use explorer to find the text (Excel) file and import the file.

Column Identification is used to select column headings that match the imported information.

Identify columns for the Cost code and Real cost to date.

Note: To do a meaningful comparison with the costs from accounts it is essential to measure

the actual quantity on the day of cost close (e.g. 25th of the month). Additionally Job

remodelling is essential to price Plug rate and split rate with worksheets (Refer to Chapter 4).

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Click Continue

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.4 Check import file When the import is complete, the imported information needs to be checked against the Candy

formation for differences. The check is used to verify if all the imported cost codes exist in the

Candy Job. Select Check import file and select the codes for checking. If the imported file contains

data with costs codes that do not exist in the job a message will be displayed listing which

line/lines are not compatible. These lines will also be filtered out and displayed. Most likely it would

be column headings in the import document that have not been defined as cost codes in Candy.

Use CTRL+DELETE to remove this unwanted information.

Click Check Import file and select Cost Codes.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


If the imported file is not fully compatible with Candy’s information a message will be displayed

advising which line/lines are not compatible.

These lines will also be filtered out and displayed.

Most likely it would be column headings in the import document that have not been defined as

cost codes in Candy. Use CTRL+DELETE to remove this unwanted information.

Re-check the file and you should get a Validation successful message.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.5 Cost Adjustments After the “real” cost have been imported, further adjustments can be made by the site team to

reflect the site situation.

Do This

Use the cost import document to make some reallocations and additional cost provisions as per

the screen below.

12.6 Release costs Having made the adjustments as required, the adjusted costs can now be released for comparison

with the allowable.

Do This

Click Tools > Release costs for Costs & Allowables

Note: Reallocation total must always add up to zero.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.7 Analyse Allowables to date vs. Costs to Date The variance between the To-date Allowable and To-date Cost can now the analysed using Doc. 2.1

Costs & Allowables by period

Do This

Open doc 2.1 Cost Allowables by Period and Click Calculate to view

Something to consider........

The cost import document should form part of your Cost reporting pack.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.8 Cost to complete using cost rates Thus far the comparison was only used to monitor the To-Date performance of the project. The To-

completion performance of the project can now also be monitored by the use of the remaining

Allowable and remaining Costs. The remaining costs are derived by the use of a resource cost rate

and the use of the cost worksheets.

Cost to complete using resource cost rate

Do this

Use doc 7.2 Resource cost rates to completion

In the Cost rate column change the simple resource’s cost rate to the following resources.

4914 Diesel rate change cost rate from 6.00/Ltr to 6.20/Ltr.

53111 Stock Bricks rate change cost rate from 750.75/Thou to 800/Thou.

53411 Face Bricks rate change cost rate from 915.92 to 980/Thou.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Re-calculate the document 2.1 Cost & Allowables by period to see the changes in the Remaining

Cost column.

Cost to complete using cost worksheets

Production outputs, wastages and could even go as far changing construction methods will affect

the remaining costs. These adjustments can be done using the cost worksheet.

Do this:

Open the document 6.2 Bill with cost rates for cost w/s adjustment.

Open the worksheet for item 5/A – One brick wall in foundations.

Select View > Flip to cost worksheet.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Adjust the output formulae from 600 bricks per shift /day down to 500 bricks per shift and change

the wastage from 10%waste to 15%waste.

Store worksheet


Indicators on the Cost rate will indicate cost rates that use Net rate, Use Net w/s with resource

cost rate and Use Cost worksheet.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


Re-calculate the document 2.1 Cost & Allowables by period to see the additional changes in the

Remaining Cost column.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.9 Cost & Allowables at Completion

Allowable at completion is calculated using the Final quantity x Net rate and the Cost at

completion is the sum of the Cost to date and Remaining costs. This information is used to

determine the at Completion performance of the project.

Do this:

Open document 2.1 Cost & Allowables by period and Calculate

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Cost & Allowables


12.10 Cost & Allowables using Task and Cost Codes

The Cost Code provides resource-based control for managing fixed resources such as Materials.

The Cost Code will provide limited control to productive resources such as Plant and Labour but is

not ideal. The engineering site staff will require the Labour and Plant allowable in more detail

typically the allowable per Task completed on site.

Cost Code “201 General Labour” is a typical problem, we know we losing money on labour but now

we need to know what Task is the cause of the losses. The example below illustrates a loss for

labour on Vertical formwork and a gain on Excavation.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Set up Next Valuation


Chapter 13. Set up Next Valuation In Valuations we can track Previous, Months and To Date Qty’s. Setup next valuation will copy all

the To- Date quantities into the previous quantities. Therefore Setup next valuation is required

before entering any new valuation quantities.

Open 2.1 Valuation Input – Actuals. Note the Previous Actual qty is empty because this was the

first Valuation.

13.1 Setup Next Valuation

Step 1 – Backup or Copy the job.

It is good practice to backup each valuation job before entering the next monthly valuation

quantities. Eventually the Q.S will have and electronic copy for each Valuation in Candy and if

required can back track to previous valuations. For this course we are going to just copy and

rename the job.

Do This

Go to the Job manager , copy Ventshaft & Substation Contract – Valuation No. 1 and

rename it to Ventshaft & Substation Contract – Valuation No. 2

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Set up Next Valuation


Step 2 – Setup next valuation

Select Main > Valuation setup > Setup next valuation.

Set the date and entre the Valuation Header.

Note the option to Archive previous quantities is also Checked


The option to Archive previous qty is checked. This will archive all previous quantities. The archived

quantities can be viewed using valuation document 4.3 Archive Valuation Quantities.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Set up Next Valuation


The Bill is now ready for Valuation 2.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Chapter 14. Subcontract Manager The Subcontract Manager is used at post-tender to handle the project’s subcontractors.

Subcontract manager contains Subcontract bills which are created using items from the main BOQ.

Multiple Subcontractors can work on one Main BOQ Item. Each subcontract is awarded to a

subcontractor, and his rates and 'awarded' quantities are entered in the subcontract bill. Progress is

recorded in the subcontract bill and is used to create a Subcontractors payment certificate and may

also be used to update the Quantities in the main BOQ’s. Extras, contras and inter-subcontract

charges can be recorded for each subcontractor and included in the Subcontractors payment


14.1 Create a new Subcontract The S/C manager is used to create and manage various subcontracts. These subcontracts are bills

that define the work to be carried out by a certain Subcontractor.

Do this

In Valuations select Subcontract > Subcontract manager

Click New

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager



A new Subcontract can be added using the following options:

Manually: This option is used for when we need to create a new subcontract from


Selecting a s/c package code: This option is used to select pre-defined subcontracts.

Selecting a subcontract from the adjudicator: This option is used to select subcontracts

from the Subcontract adjudicator.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.2 Creating Subcontract Bill using the Main Bill

The Subcontract Bill

This bill must be populated with items from the main BOQ together with the relevant quantities.

When a subcontractor is appointed he is attached to this subcontract and his rates are entered into

the subcontract bill.

Do This

Open the Painting subcontract by double-clicking on the subcontract, or by pressing the Select

softkey or Enter.

Any item on the BOQ (or a selection of items) can be dragged, copied or imported into a

subcontract bill - the code for that subcontract will be displayed against the BOQ item.

Alternatively, entering a subcontract code against a Main BOQ item will insert that item into the

subcontract bill.

Many subcontract codes can be entered against a BOQ item - in other words, many subcontracts

can refer to the same BOQ item.

Do This

Import the bill items by page & trade

Click on Tools> Import bill items > Import bill items by page & trade

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Importing may be done using a page range or trade. At the tender stage trades have been and

therefore check the option Select Trades to import by trade.

Select the trade “V Painting”

Note: 6 Items imported

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Subcontractor Awarded Rates and Quantities

The subcontractor's rate for each item in his bill must be entered - called the Subcontract Rate.

The contract quantity must also be entered - called the Awarded Quantity.

Do This

Right click in the Awarded Quantity column, select Copy from selected Bill quantity

Select Final Quantity

Check Overwrite existing items and click Yes

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


To import the bill rates into the subcontract bill, right click on the Subcontract rate column and

select Import Bill rates.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Select Net Rate by resource type

Select “S Subcontract”

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.3 Creating the Subcontract Bill using S/C Adjudicator The S/C Adjudicator may have been used at the tender stage. The subcontract adjudicator contains

quotes from various Subcontractors on various S/C Packages. One of the S/C quotes can be used

to price the main bill item. The S/C quote in the S/C Adjudicator can then be used to create the

Subcontract in Subcontract manager.

Do this

On the S/C Manager click New and choose the option Select a subcontract from the Subcontract


Choose Drainaway Limited and Import Subcontractor rate

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Click OK

Click Select to open the Plumbing Subcontract.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Note: The S/C Bill Items have been imported using the rates quoted by Drainaway limited in the

S/C Adjudicator

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.4 Subcontractor Details The Subcontracts for Painting and Plumbing can now be awarded to the subcontractors. Seagreen

Painters will do the Paintwork and Drainaway Limited will do the Plumbing.

Do This

For the Painting subcontract entre the code SEAGREEN and Name Seagreen Painters

Click Allocate a subcontractor to this subcontract

Entre all the required Subcontractor details

For the Plumbing subcontract entre the code DRAIN010 and Name Drainaway Ltd. Then entre

the subcontractor details.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager



Subcontractors code could be the code used for the subcontractor in your company’s accounts

system. If the subcontractor is already in your Subcontractor database, the drop down list can

be used to copy the details.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.5 Subcontract Progress Measure Progress Quantities

As the Subcontractor contract progresses, the following quantities must be entered:

Invoiced quantity - quantity claimed by the subcontractor.

Due quantity – quantity measured by the main contractor.

Pay quantity - quantity used to pay the subcontractor.

Note: the terms Claim, Actual and Paid are avoided to prevent confusion with the main contractor's

progress quantities.

Progress Painting subcontract

Do this

Choose the Painting contract

To access the s/c document manager click Tools > Document manager

Select 2.2 Subcontract Bill with progress update

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Note: the Subcontract Bill with progress update includes Due and Pay quantities.

Do the Progress measure as per the screen below.

Progress the Plumbing contract

Choose the Plumbing contract

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Click tools > Document Manager

Select 2.2 Subcontract Bill with progress update

Do the Progress measure as per the screen below.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Customising the document

Click View > Column layout

And add the pay amount column

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.6 Extras Any additional work done by the subcontractor outside his contract can be added as an extra cost.

VO’S between the main contractor and the subcontractor are extras. VO’S that need to be claimed

to the client will not be an extra. Client VO’S must be entered as a Main bill Item and then imported

into the Subcontract bill.

Repairs charged to others will be additional work done that must be contra charged to another


Do This

Seagreen Painters damaged an eaves gutter during painting. The damaged gutter must repaired by

the Plumber and contra charged to the Painter.

In the Plumbing subcontract select the Extras Tab and click New in the “Repair charged to

others” section

Entre the required information as per the next screen picture.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Note: Repair charged to other must have a charged to Subcontract

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.7 Charges Any items that incurred by the subcontractor will be a charge. Charges from Main Contractor will

be some additional items supplied to the subcontractor like safety equipment.

Do This

In the Painting subcontract select the Charges tab

Note the charge from the Plumbing subcontractor automatically appears as a Charge from other


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.8 S/C MOS

Materials on Site claimed by the subcontractor. Only the entries for the current period are regarded

for this period’s certificate - in other words, any lines that are displayed in grey text are ignored in

determining the current month's MOS. When the next certificate is made, the previous certificate's

entries will be displayed in grey text but cannot be changed.

Do This

Add MOS for the Plumbing Subcontractor as per the illustrated below.

Select the MOS Tab then Click New and add the rainwater pipe.

Click OK

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.9 S/C Summary

Certificate record

All previous and the current certificate are recorded. All the information shown on this screen can

be edited to reflect the progress of the payment to the subcontractor. However, the Certificate

Number cannot be changed as it reflects the sequence of certificates and is in cemented

automatically when the next certificate is setup.

Do this

Click Edit

and Entre the certificate details.

Click Ok

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Lookup values

This is the accumulation of all the Subcontractor data and is used to create the subcontractors

certificate. The export button will send the data in this list to your Excel template, the information

can be mapped to your Excel Template by row and column.


The next certificate button is used to setup next S/C certificate. When used, the to-date values

will be copied to previous. Therefore this must be done before entering the next certificate

value. The next certificate button will only apply to the current Subcontractor and must be done

for each individual subcontractor.

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Subcontract Manager


14.10 S/C Liability

A summary of all the subcontractors can be viewed in the S/C Liability document. The liability

document displays all the subcontractors’ bill values.

Do This

Click Subcontract liability


The Subcontract liability amount is calculated using Total due less Total Pay Amount

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation using Subcontract Manager


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation using Subcontract Manager


Chapter 15. Valuation No. 2 Using Subcontract Manager The Valuation S/C Due Quantities accumulate to the S/C total due Quantity (column 28.13) in the

main bill which can be copied into the main bills actual qty.

Do This

Open the valuation document Manager

Customise document 8.2 Bill with Subcontract update to add column 28.13 Subcontract total

due quantity

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation using Subcontract Manager


Click Ok and open the document

Right click on the Actual Quantity and select Update from Subcontract Due quantity

Note 11 Quantities copied

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control Valuation using Subcontract Manager


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Registration


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Registration


Appendix A- System Registration

To use Candy, the system must be registered with CCS.

If your system has not been registered, the system registration dialogue box will be displayed as a

broken key.

If the system has been registered the job selector will be displayed.

Please contact the nearest CCS office:

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Registration


Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Settings


Appendix B – System Settings The Candy desktop may be configured individually to your requirements. To open and configure

the system settings use the Candy button > System settings .

Alternatively use the (brown hammer) icon.


Change the font, style and size for various areas of the system. You may find that the view is

limited in a document, for example the Bill of Quantities, and may need to adjust your fonts later.

Desktop Set desktop images and/or calendars to display in the desktop

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Settings



Colours can be selected for cursors and input fields on documents and level headings.

Tool buttons

Frequently used shortcuts keys can be activated here by applying ticks or removing ticks

Do this:

Select utilities tool buttons to activate the system tools

Post Tender Valuations & Budget Control System Settings


Folders and Paths

This sheet holds various folder paths used by Candy. The paths may be entered manually or

located by using the Browse button.

The Candy system can be configured on the network by setting up the folders and paths. The

following paths can be set as below:-

Common backups – to set the path to the Common folder used by all the users wishing to backup

data on the organisation’s network. (The backed up data can be recovered by other users)

Archived backups - to set the path to the Archived folder for the individual user wishing to

backup data on the organisation’s network. (The backed up data can only be recovered by the

individual user)

Candy network masters – To set the path for a master network company enabling users to access

the master library job centrally

Microsoft Excel - the path pointing to Excel for exporting Candy data directly to Excel.

Tool buttons Set tool buttons to display in each toolbar button

Job start-up Set the start tool button document to open immediately when a job is


Folders and


Set the folders and network path for backups and network masters. If Excel

is installed on the computer, the executable command can be located here

for exporting document information direct into Excel.

Number format Set number styles to use

Keyboard Set text input and Enter key direction

Languages Set the langue file to use (other than English)

Macro keys Set keyboard shortcuts to activate recorded keystrokes in sequence

Toolbar keys Set keyboard short cut commands to activate tool button functions