Poster Research 1


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Use of pull quotes and rating to inform the reader of the standard of the film and to inform the reader a bit more about the film, used simple black bold font quite small not taking up a lot of room

Background image of estates and corrugated metal informs the reader that the film is based in a low class area of Britain

Used large selection of characters concentrating on the key character in the middle,

Use of graffiti font to be more suggestive to the reader of the setting and topic of the film

This poster is of the film this is England, this film is a British social realist film, as you can see from the poster they have used many conventions in order to bring this across to the audience. For example all of the main character have a backdrop of corrugated iron council estates to show the setting and class. The poster also has the colors of the union jack to explain to the audience in a simplistic way to the audience where the film is set, they have also decided to represent all of the key cast, with this using mise en scene of the characters outfits was a useful technique to represent the film