Pot Addiction - Is Smoking Marijuana Addictive Or Not?



Now, there are many people who like to claim that marijuana is not addictive and how pot addiction does not exist. I always wonder about these people. They like to compare marijuana addiction to alcohol addiction or any other drugs.

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Pot Addiction - Is Smoking Marijuana Addictive Or Not?


Now, there are many people who like to claim that marijuana is not addictive and how pot addiction does not exist. I always wonder about these people. They like to compare marijuana addiction to alcohol addiction or any other drugs. They like to question and ask things like "People high on weed have never become violent" or "You never see high people fight or get in a driving accident". The above statement may be true but I am here to say that marijuana is addictive depending on the individual. Some people are addicted to marijuana. And some people are NOT addicted to marijuana. That doesn't mean that marijuana is not an addictive drug period.

Weed is addictive to some people. For me personally, I am not addicted to drinking or gambling. But I did have problems with marijuana back in the days. Does that mean I should say "drinking is NOT addictive" or "Gambling is not addictive". That is baloney! ...It all depends on the individual! So if you have struggles with quitting marijuana, then stop listening to people who tell you "Yeah...marijuana is not addictive...so take another hit!" That's just another excuse for you to get a bong and smoke another bowl of weed. ...How do I know? Because I told myself these lies to myself for a very long time. And what was the result? ...I smoked weed every single day! I couldn't stop! So...stop giving yourself excuses to smoke because the idea that "marijuana is not addictive" is just another EXCUSE to smoke more marijuana. ...The most important thing for you is to recognize this old myth that "marijuana is not an addictive drug" as an excuse for you to smoke weed. Stop believing the old myth that pot addiction is untrue because it is real for many people who struggle with it every single day. Stop letting the old myth influence you. And start going towards the road to freedom once and for all! Find some unusual tricks to quit smoking marijuana in Bobby Min's website http://www.HowToQuitMarijuana.com and kick off this nasty addiction for good! Pot Addiction - Is Smoking Marijuana Addictive Or Not?, Copyright 2010 by http://www.HowToQuitMarijuana.com
