Potential Businesses in Batangas City


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  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    Chapter I


    Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources

    currently controlled (Burgstone & Murphy, 2012). This is one of the est found

    definition of entrepreneurshi. The ter!s "usiness# and "usiness $enture# are

    synony!ous with it.

    %tarting an enterprise is one of the est ways to earn !oney. t is one of

    the acti$ities in which one can ha$e inco!e wherein !oney wor's to earn !ore

    !oney. ccording to oert *iyosa'i (2000), entering into a career of

    entrepreneurship is one of the two ways to get wealth.

    +urther!ore, enterprises contriute to the society. Entrepreneurship has a

    tre!endous i!pact on the econo!ic de$elop!ent of a country (Burger

    -el!chen, 2012). t is eplained that enterprises contriute to the !o$e!ent of

    !oney in the econo!y, generate inco!e, pro$ide e!ploy!ent, and help in the

    distriution of wealth in a society. /ith this in !ind, the researchers estalished

    that entrepreneurship is one 'ey ele!ent in the success of a co!!unity.

    nder the u!rella of entrepreneurship, the first usiness !odel and also

    !ost co!!on is the category of !erchandising. t is est defined as a

    co!!ercial enterprise dedicated to the purchase of finished goods and their

    resale for a profit. !erchandising usiness will generally uy their products

    fro! a wide range of distriutors do!estically and internationally and !ar'et their

    products locally in their area of operations.


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    The researchers are interested in entering into a usiness $enture. This

    led the researchers to conduct this research. Being ased in the !unicipality of

    Batangas, the researchers chose the locality to e the focus of this study.

    n the hilippines, the epart!ent of Trade and ndustry categori3es

    usiness into four. The categori3ation of a usiness $enture is classified

    according to the a!ount of assets and nu!er of e!ployees within the


    The researchers ha$e decided to conduct this research on the !icro

    usiness category. t is an enterprise with a capitali3ation not eceeding hp.

    4,000,000 and has an e!ployee count not eceeding nine people.

    n relation to the state!ents ao$e, this study is then ai!ed to deter!ine

    what set of products shall e !ost !ar'etale for a !erchandising usiness.

    More specifically, it see's to deter!ine what product category and price range is

    !ost suitale for the Batangas 5ity !ar'et. +urther!ore, it ai!s to locate a

    strategic place of operation should $enturing into usiness ta'es place.

    Statement of the Problem

    This study see's to answer to following 6uestions7

    1. /hat is the de!ographic profile of the respondents7

    1.1ge81.29ender8 and1.4Monthly allowance : inco!e;


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    2. /hat product do they want to e easily and !ore pro!inently a$ailale in

    Batangas 5ity;

    2.1roduct category82.2rice range8 and2.4

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    Significance of the Study

    The researchers elie$e that the results of this study would enefit the


    Entrepreneurs. The results of this study shall eneficial for entrepreneurs

    who! of which are planning to enter into a usiness $enture in Batangas 5ity.

    Mar'eting Managers. This study shall pro$ide insights as to what product

    line is $iale to the Batangas 5ity !ar'et.

    +uture researchers. This research !ay ser$e as a dataase, guide, or

    reference future researchers who wish to conduct related studies.

    Scope and Limitations

    n this study, the researchers inspected the product preferences of the

    Batangas 5ity target !ar'et. More specifically, the researches ai! to deter!ine

    the ite!s sought which are not yet easily a$ailale in the locality.

    This study co$ers the product preferences, price range, purchasing power,

    and accessiility perspecti$es of the people of Batangas 5ity for its scope. t

    li!its itself to the =urisdiction of Batangas 5ity and its residents.


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    Chapter II

    Review of Related Literature and Studies

    ccording to i!aano, et.al. (2010), di$erse entrepreneurial 6ualities and

    aspirations are oser$ale and pertinent in de$eloping countries which include

    the hilippines. n addition, entrepreneurs are considered energi3ers, ris' ta'ers,

    =o pro$iders, inno$ators and instru!ents for econo!ic growth (ruc'er, 1??@).

    Entering into usiness is always an a$ailale choice. +ilipino students in

    this generation are asically in the !ind set of ha$ing gainful e!ploy!ent after

    finishing college education. But in contrast, entrepreneurship is always a $iale

    option. +inancially spea'ing, entrepreneurship dri$es the creation of new wealth

    or $alue out of inno$ation (Monde=ar, 200@). n addition, it ai!s to gear people

    towards selfe!ploy!ent (i!aano, et.al. 2010).

    s of the 2010 listing, there are !ore than three thousand fi$e hundred

    registered usinesses in Batangas 5ity. s found out y the researchers, the

    greater density of the usinesses engages in retailing and wholesale8 wherein

    !ostly are "sarisari# stores. n addition, co!puter shops ta'e a large portion of

    the nu!ers as well.

    n a written article y rdre Arie (2011), there are so!e considerations

    that entrepreneurs !ust thin' o$er efore starting a usiness. +irst is the

    6uestion of whether the entrepreneurs are co!fortale with wor'ing without a

    fied inco!e. %econd is the 6uestion of funding the usiness. Third is the

    orientation of the entrepreneur as a wor'er or a leader. +ourth is the 6uestion of


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    ta'ing ris's and o$erco!ing fears of failure. nd lastly is whether or not there has

    een an estalished plan.

    This study shall focus on the planning function of !anaging a usiness.

    The goal of this study is to deter!ine what 'ind of product is rarely a$ailale in

    the locality. t is of great i!portance to 'now what is not easily a$ailale to the


    The first 6uestion in starting an enterprise is what 'ind usiness is to e

    estalished. n an article written y a$id 9arland (2012), it is e!phasi3ed that a

    usiness is oser$ed to e !ore successful when the entrepreneurs enter into a

    uni6ue usiness !odel. +urther, the characteristics of passion, personality, and

    'nowledge play a sustantial part in entrepreneurship.

    9arland (2012) in=ects that entrepreneurs who estalished an enterprise

    !a'e !ore when the usiness is the passion of the entrepreneur. n addition to

    the state!ent, this situation reeds !ore creati$ity that leads to success.

    %tarting a usiness egins with a plan. usiness plan is a for!al

    state!ent of a set of usiness goals. n addition, these goals !ust e attainale

    and feasile. lso included are the acti$ities which !ust e eecuted in order to

    achie$e the goals. ccording to inson (200>), failure to ha$e a concrete

    usiness plan is one of the !a=or reasons why !ost %MEs fail.


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    el!ar and %hane (2004) argue that entrepreneurial perfor!ance is

    dri$en y two core di!ensions. +irst is the entrepreneurial acu!en C the aility to

    percei$e profit opportunity and to de$ise a !eans to eploit it. %econd is the

    resource ac6uisition C this supports the entrepreneurial perfor!ance pro$iding it

    the capacity to deli$er the strategy. The researchers co!pletely agree with the

    state!ent. n relation, this study focuses on the entrepreneurial acu!en, with

    e!phasis on de$ising the !eans to eploit it through co!petiti$e usiness


    Bur'e, et.al., (200?), used an endogenous switching regression !odel to

    ea!ine endogeneity and interaction effects for new entrepreneurial $entures.

    +urther e!phasis is placed on planning acti$ities to gather infor!ation in order to

    eploit a usiness !odel. This study ai!s to achie$e the sa!e goal.

    ifferentiating this study is the research !ethodology wherein the researchers

    shall use a si!ple descripti$e analytic research !odel.

    research conducted y Torni'os'i and Dewert (200) re$ealed that

    usiness plans are deployed sy!olically. The institutional theoretic approach

    used in the study i!plies that usiness plans !ight e seen as a de$ice to !a'e

    new $entures see! !ore predictale. This approach argues that new $entures

    face usiness pressures to confor! and ho!ogeni3e with eisting usiness

    for!s. The state!ents clearly i!ply the weight of a co!prehensi$e and

    co!petiti$e usiness plan. The researchers co!pletely agree. This is one of the

    purposes of this study.


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    nother consideration for entrepreneurship is the usiness location. n a

    research conducted y ina 9erde!an (2012), it was clearly e!phasi3ed that

    geographic considerations play a sustantial part in the success of a usiness.

    +urther, in a =ournal article of lcacer and Fhao (2012), the usiness location

    !ust increase the $alue of the enterprise. The state!ents in oth researchers

    i!ply that it is essential to properly choose a strategic location for usiness



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    Chapter III

    Research Methodology

    This chapter presents the discussion of the research design, sources of

    data, sa!pling design, respondents of the study, locale, and research instru!ent.

    esearch esign

    The researchers used the descripti$eanalytic !ethod with 6ualitati$e

    approach as !ethodology. This !ethod is used to identify which type of usiness

    shall e paid !ore attention to y the custo!ers y analy3ing the de!ographics,

    !onthly inco!e and:or allowances, and geographic preferences of the

    respondents in relation to their product preferences. Through the infor!ation

    gathered, the researchers will then e ale to !a'e a logical decision on what

    usiness $enture to pursue.

    %ources of ata

    sur$ey 6uestionnaire designed y the researchers was distriuted to the

    respondents in gathering pri!ary data for this study. n addition, =ournals, oo's,

    and internet resources that contain rele$ant infor!ation, theory, and concept

    were gathered for the progress of the study as secondary data.

  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    n this study, the researchers used ten respondents who were fro!

    different industries with different speciali3ations, perspecti$es, $iews, opinion,

    preferences and tastes.

    ata nalysis

    %ince this research is using a 6ualitati$e approach, the researchers shall

    e gathering infor!ation and logically !a'e a decision ased on oser$ation

    fro! the results of the sur$ey.


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    Chapter I

    Presentation and !nalysis of "ata

    This chapter deals with the presentation and the analysis of the

    infor!ation gathered using the sur$ey 6uestionnaire. %ince this research uses

    the 6ualitati$e approach in order to reach a final decision through the responses

    of the ten (10) respondents, the sur$ey results will then e presented in a

    co!pact taulated for! in order to present a etter perspecti$e.


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    te! in



    Do.1 Do.2 Do.4 Do.> Do.@ Do.H Do. Dge H0 22 2H >2 4@ >I 2@ 2

    9ender M M M + M + M +Monthly



    D 10,000 1I,000



    20,000 D 40,000 2

    roduct 5ategory7 an'ed

    Entertain!ent 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 4

    Dightlife 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 2%pecialty 1 2 2 1 2 > 4 1

    %hopping > > > > > @ > >5onsu!er 9oods @ @ @ @ @ 1 @ @








    Bars 9i!i':






    ?? B


    Most 5on$enient

  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    Based on the responses, the researchers ca!e into the following oser$ations7

    1 %pecialty, entertain!ent, and nightlife categories are the top three choices.

    Eight out of ten respondents ran'ed the afore!entioned as 1,2 and 4.2 %pecialty goods see! to e the est choice. +i$e out of ten respondents

    ran'ed specialty goods as 1. Three out of ten respondents ran'ed it as 2.4 The second choice falls under the category of nightlife. Three out of ten

    respondents ran'ed it as 1. Three out of ten respondents ran'ed it as 2.> The entertain!ent category can also e dee!ed as a feasile choice.

    lthough only one respondent ran'ed it as 1, this category is ran'ed 2 y four

    respondents, and ran'ed 4 y fi$e respondents.@ 5onsu!er goods and shopping goods are ran'ed as > and @ y the greater

    nu!er of the respondents. 5onsu!er ran'ed as @ y eight out of ten

    respondents. nd shopping goods ran'ed as > y eight out of ten

    respondents.H The price range that the respondents placed for their selection is spread

    dyna!ically. The top choices for con$enient locations are along the national highway and

    along di$ersion road.


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    Conclusion and Recommendation

    /ith the oser$ations !ade, the researchers e$aluated different usiness

    $enture ideas and ca!e up with the top choice of putting a night !ar'et usiness

    pre!ise. /ith the dyna!ic selections of the respondents and the dyna!ic price

    ranges, pro$iding a usiness space located either along the national highway or

    along the di$ersion road can e dee!ed as $ery feasile.

    usiness pre!ise as a usiness $enture is $ery pro!ising. /ith the

    operations to e done at night and pro$ided that it is estalished within the top

    locations, a wide selection of products and ser$ices can e offered. n addition, a

    night !ar'et is so!ething which is a seasonal e$ent only in Batangas 5ity

    (tiangge). night !ar'et would e highly $iale throughout an entire year.

    Ane factor which !ust e ta'en into top consideration should the chosen

    usiness $enture e reali3ed is an effecti$e and efficient !ar'eting strategy,

    focusing on ad$ertising. This would in$ol$e oth inward and outward flows of

    ad$ertising. nward flow is pertaining to ad$ertising in for enticing different rands

    and usinesses to rent the usiness space. Autward flow is pertaining to

    ad$ertising that would reach the greater population of Batangas 5ity as target



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  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City



  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    Part I. Demographics

    Name (Optional) : _____________________________

    Age: _____________________________

    Gender: _____________________________

    Monthly allowanceincome: _____________________________

    Part II. Prod!ctser"ice wanted to #e easily a"aila#le in $atangas %ity

    &. In yo!r opinion' !nder which prod!ct category do yo! #elie"e is c!rrently not easily

    a"aila#le or is lacing "ariety in $atangas %ity (Please ran them *rom &+, with & #eing

    the most not easily a"aila#le and , #eing the least.)

    -ntertainment hopping

    Nightli*e %ons!mer Goods


    /. 0ith the category yo! mared with n!m#er &' what speci*ic prod!ct do yo! ha"e in

    mind ___________________________

    1. 2or yo!r answer in 3!estion n!m#er /' how m!ch wo!ld yo! #e willing to spend on it on

    a monthly #asis (Please chec the closest amo!nt to yo!r estimates.)


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    $elow Php. 455 Php. ,66 7 Php. 555

    Php. &666 7 Php. &455 Php. &,66 7 Php. &555

    Php. /666 7 Php. /455 More than Php. /,66

    4. I* the prod!ctser"ice wo!ld #e a"aila#le' where in $atangas %ity wo!ld #e most

    con"enient *or yo! as a p!rchase location (Please chec the item closest to the most

    con"enient location *or yo!.)

    Along the National 8ighway Along P. $!rgos treet

    0ithin the minor city streets Along Di"ersion 9oad

    Mall (M $atangas) Mall ($ay %ity Mall)

    Mall (%aedo %ommercial %enter) Mall (N! %ity)


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    Curriculum itae


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    P#RSO$!L I$%ORM!&IO$

    Da!e 7 n=anette B. !oroso

    ddress 7 J111I i$ersion oad Balagtas Batangas 5ity

    ate of Birth 7 ugust 12, 1??4

    ge 7 20

    9ender 7 +e!ale

    5i$il %tatus 7 %ingle

    5iti3enship 7 +ilipino

    eligion 7 glesia Di 5risto

    +athers Da!e 7 lert +. !oroso

    Mothers Da!e 7 osario %. Benite3

    #"'C!&IO$!L (!C)*RO'$"

    5ollege 7 ni$ersity of Batangas

    5ourse 7 Bachelor of %cience in Business


    Ma=or 7 Business Manage!ent

    %econdary 7 ni$ersity of Batangas


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    P#RSO$!L I$%ORM!&IO$

    Da!e 7 Deregine 5. y6ue

    ddress 7 acifico, %ta. Teresita, Batangas

    ate of Birth 7 %epte!er 2I, 1??4

    ge 7 20

    9ender 7 +e!ale

    5i$il %tatus 7 %ingle

    5iti3enship 7 +ilipino

    eligion 7 o!an 5atholic

    +athers Da!e 7 eynaldo . y6ue

    Mothers Da!e 7 Marissa

  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    P#RSO$!L I$%ORM!&IO$

    Da!e 7 5ristine . 9arcia

    ddress 7 Bayanan %an ascual Batangas

    ate of Birth 7 Kuly 2@,1??4

    ge 7 20

    %e 7 +e!ale

    5i$il %tatus 7 %ingle

    5iti3enship 7 +ilipino

    eligion 7 o!an 5atholic

    +athers Da!e 7 ene 9. 9arcia

    Mothers Da!e 7 Medelina . el 5a!po

    #"'C!&IO$!L (!C)*RO'$"

    5ollege 7 ni$ersity of Batangas

    5ourse 7 Bachelor of %cience in Business


    Ma=or 7 Business Manage!ent

    %econdary 7 Bayanan Dational -ighschool


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    !- (OO)S

    Brugstone, Kon and Murphy, Bill Kr.. 2012. Brea'through Entrepreneurship. %an

    +rancisco, 5alifornia7 +arallon ulishing

    ruc'er, eter. 1??@. Entrepreneurship7 %tarting, e$eloping and Managing a

    Dew Enterprise. %7 rwin

    +ar6uhar, Killian awes and owley, Kennifer. 200?. 5on$enience7 %er$ices


    *iyosa'i, oert and

    (pril 2012)7 4>C@4.

    Bur'e, ., +raser, %., and 9reen, +. (200?). Multiple Effects of Business lans on

    Dew Nentures. 5ranfield Manage!ent esearch, 5ranfield %chool ofManage!ent

    el!ar, +. and %. %hane (2004) Ooes Business lanning +acilitate the

    e$elop!ent of Dew Nentures;, %trategic Manage!ent Kournal


  • 7/24/2019 Potential Businesses in Batangas City


    i!aano, M.-., h.., Magnaye, .., h.., Ecalnir, ..5., h.., & -eralde,

    +.M. , h... 2010. Entrepreneurship !ong B% 9raduate Business

    %tudents7 %elf erception of %'ills and !pact of the 9raduate Business

    rogra!7 Batangas %tate ni$ersity 9raduate %chool esearch Kournal


    ina 9erde!an.
