Poveste in engleza



Poveste in engleza

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TheSoldier: (whispers) Once upon a time, a soldier was deserted by his commander, and was lost in the forest. As he walks deeper in the forest...(23:55:42) TheSoldier: (whispers) He hear horse tramples. A small group of thiefs just robbed a nearby village,it seems.(23:57:18) TheSoldier: (whispers) The robber chief ask the soldier, got money? And soldier says no, im trying to join the army im poor.(23:58:19) TheSoldier: (whispers) The commander of the lost soldier was intentionally dismissed, and now he commands his soldiers to attack villages and steal money.TheSoldier: (whispers) After the robbers left, they said to him, dont dare to join our army again,(whispers) after the robbers left the lost soldier tried to stop this robbers and bad actions, but he couldnt he was just 1 soldier. After he exit the forest 3 swordmans were laying on the ground. SOldier asked what happend... we were engaged in a big fight were the only one who survived. (whispers) Now.. soldier and the 3 swordmans decided to stop the robbers, and now they were going to the commander's castle (whispers) when they reached the entrance the swordmans defeated the garnison, and they found the commander. And was captured. All his Gold was captured and his crown was taken, he couldnt lead ever again(whispers) when the robbers found who was the new commander, the soldier, they decided to change themselfs and they build a good army,