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    Product description PowCom 3.18




    POWCOM 3.18


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    Product description PowCom 3.18


    1.1 General Introduction 5

    1.2 Hardware requirements 5

    1.3 Installation 5

    1.4 Installation of modem in PPS 15.00/PPS 30.00 system 6

    1.5 Installation of modem in PPS 6.00 system 6

    1.6 Installation of modem in PPS 3.00/5.00/10.00/PCS system 6

    1.7 Installation of modem in Galero and other systems without LCD display 6

    1.8 Null-modem cable 7

    1.9 Main window 7

    1.10 Telephone list 8

    1.11 Telnet communication 9

    1.12 Direct communication 10

    1.13 Network connection 11

    1.14 Com port setup 11

    1.15 Properties 12

    1.16 Set parameters 12

    1.17 Set date and time 14

    1.18 Set installation data 14

    1.19 Set system status (only PCU 30.00) 15

    1.20 Transfer test data 16

    1.21 Get all tests 16


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    1.22 Get battery log (PCS / GMC only) 16

    1.23 Change password 16

    1.24 Alarm history 17

    1.25 Alarms/information 17

    1.26 Module data 17

    1.27 Alarm dial back 18

    1.28 Set network address 18

    1.29 TCP/IP settings. 19

    1.30 Inventory (PCS only) 19

    1.31 Log data 19

    1.32 View parameter file 20

    1.33 View test data 20


    Print. 21

    1.34 PCS configuration updater (PCS /GMC only) 21

    1.35 Button bar 23

    1.36 Glossary 23


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    Amendment record:



    Description Author Date

    A First issue Gro Martinsen 24.01.95

    B Second issue Gro Martinsen 01.06.95

    C Third issue Renate Enersen 16.09.96

    D Fourth issue Arild Sageb 27.11.98

    E Fifth issue Arild Sageb 07.04.99

    F Sixth issue Arild Sageb 08.03.00

    G Update from version 3.11 to 3.16 Arild Sageb 18.07.01

    H Update from version 3.16 to 3.17 Hans Andre Dokka 03.09.03

    I Update from version 3.17 to 3.18 Hans Andre Dokka 23.09.04

    Originated Hans Andre Dokka Date 23.09.04 Approved Arild Sageb Date 23.09.04

    Signed Signed


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    Product description PowCom 3.18


    1.1 General Introduction

    PowCom software is a Windows based program that communicates and controls Power-One rectifiers and

    supervision systems. The software allows a user to access the system from a remote location using agraphic user interface to perform the same functions that are available on the controller (PCS/GMC).Some of these functions include:

    Viewing battery test data.

    Displaying discharge curves.

    A database function for saving battery test information.

    Context sensitive help. Pressing the F1 key opens a help menu that is sensitive to the current activewindow.

    Site installation information.

    Note! Some functions that are described in this chapter may not be available to all systems due to differenthardware configurations.

    1.2 Hardware requirementsThe PowCom software requires a PC with Microsoft Windows v3.1 or higher with at least one serial portavailable. A modem/null-modem cable is used to connect from the serial port on the PC to externalhardware.

    The modem must be Hayes compatible and communicate on one of the following baud rates: 2400, 4800 or9600. The baud rate must be at least as high as the one in the PPS system.

    PowCom will automatically adjust itself to the baud rate in the PPS system if it is lower than the one inPowCom. Therefore, it is possible to call a system that has a modem with the baud rate of 2400, with a 9600baud modem. However, the PPS system cannot be adjusted to a lower baud rate. Therefore, it is impossibleto call a system which has a modem with a baud rate of 9600 and which is adjusted to 9600 baud, with a

    2400 baud modem.

    1.3 Installation

    1. Download the language version of your choice fromhttp://www.power-one.com/products/software_download.html

    2. The program downloaded will work in read only mode until the license key has been entered.

    3. Obtain a license key from your Power-One sales associate. Note that your company might have acompany license, and have a license number they can distribute internally. We recommend that you checkthis before contacting Power-One.

    4. Make sure no other programs are running. Including the Microsoft Office Icon bar.

    5. Unzip the file and run setup.exe. (Or double-click setup.exe from within WinZip).Note that you need administrator rights on Win2000 and XP.

    6. The program will prompt for an installation directory. Select the directory for installation. The defaultdirectory is: C:\PowCom. Select the installation icon after the directory has been entered.During setup, the software may display warnings. Select Ignore to continue. In most cases warnings arecaused by DLLs in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory being newer than the version on the install disk andshould not cause a problem with the system.

    7. After PowCom is installed start the program.

    8. Select Properties on the Communication menu, and click on the License tab.


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    9. Enter or paste in your License key, and click Activate license. The user number and license level shouldchange.

    10. Close PowCom and start it again to make sure all functions are activated.

    If you do not have a license key you may still use the program, but it will be read only, ie. you will not be ableto change any parameters. You may enter a license key any time; it is not necessary to reinstall theprogram.

    1.4 Installation of modem in PPS 15.00/PPS 30.00 system

    Connect the modem to 9-pins serial port on PCU 30.00, (PL2). A cable for PC with 9-pins serial port can beused.

    Enter the PCU 30.00 menu system; MENU-CONFIG-LIMITS-TEST DATA-OTHER-MODEM. Select baudrate 2400, 4800 or 9600 depending on the modem.

    Connect modem and turn it on. Press MODEM INI. (NOTE!Never press MODEM INI while modem is on line

    and communication is ongoing.)The modem switches to "Auto-answer modem" and is ready for receivingdata.Call up the system. If the operation fails, repeat the installation.

    1.5 Installation of modem in PPS 6.00 system

    Connect modem to 9-pins serial-port on PPR 6.C00D/E, (PL232). A cable for PC with 9-pins serial-port canbe used.

    PCU 6.00D/E always communicate with 2400 baud rate.When PCU 6.00D/E is activated, a communication line is transmitted to the modem. Pull out and in the PCU6.00D/E (to initiate the modem). The modem switches to "Auto-answer modem" and is ready for receivingdata.

    If the operation fails, repeat the procedure.

    Parameters is stored in the modem, but may be changed if the modem is connected to other equipment.

    Initiation is not necessary if the modem is shortly disconnected, or power supply disappears.

    1.6 Installation of modem in PPS 3.00/5.00/10.00/PCS system

    Connect modem to 9-pins serial-port on the front of the control module. A cable for PC with 9-pins serial-portcan be used.

    Connect modem and turn it on. Enter the menu MISCELLANEOUS and press INITMODEM.

    The modem switches to Auto-answer modem and is ready for receiving data.If the operation fails, repeat the procedure.

    Parameters are stored in the modem, but may be changed if the modem is connected to other equipment.

    Initiation is not necessary if the modem is shortly disconnected, or power supply disappears.

    1.7 Installation of modem in Galero and other systems without LCDdisplay

    First connect the modem to a PC and use a terminal program (ex. Hyperterminal). Set the baud rate to 9600and enter the following command: ATS0=1&W. Then press enter.Connect the modem to the 9-pins serial-port on the front of the control module. A cable for PC with 9-pins

    serial-port can be used.


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    1.8 Null-modem cable

    If a null-modem cable is used to communicate directly to a control unit without using modem, select

    Communication/ Direct communication. The baud rate for bothPowCom and the control unit should bethe same. If the baud rate for PowCom and the control unit is different, it is impossible to get contact.

    The cable shall be connected to 9-pins plugs as following:







    Figure 1:

    1.9 Main window

    Figure 2: Example. Main window for PCU 30.00

    When PowCom is connected to a system the main window will display various information about the system,like voltage, current, etc. The information may vary depending on the particular system, so not all theinformation listed here will be available on all systems.

    System voltageDisplays the voltage of the system.

    System voltage 2This is usually the same as system voltage. However, if the system contains a DC-DC converter, twodifferent voltages can be measured.

    Load currentDisplays the current to the load. On PCS systems a button will appear if the system has distributions withindividual current measurement. Clicking on it will open a window that will display individual distribution


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    currents and allow setting of individual high current alarms. If the limit checkbox is not checked the limit isnot active. Setting the limit to 0 is the same as deactivating it.

    Battery current

    Displays the current to the battery (if the current is negative the battery is discharged).

    Rectifier currentDisplays the current to the rectifier.

    Distribution currentDisplays the current in the different distribution modules

    Fuse alarmIndicated with green if everything is OK. Alarms will be indicated with red.

    ModulesGrey square indicate module not installed. Green square indicate module OK. Red square indicate module


    Alarm relayDisplays the alarm condition. The indication squares are red in case of alarm, otherwise green. By clickingwith the mouse on one of the indication squares, a window with the alarm texts will be displayed. On somesystems a yellow square will be displayed, if there are any messages on the systems that do not lead toalarms. The information texts will be displayed in the alarm text window together with the alarms.

    TemperatureDisplays the temperature if temperature measurement is installed in the system. Otherwise it will print: Nomeasurement.

    Show symmetry voltage

    This button will toggle a window with measurement of symmetry voltages.

    Symmetry voltageDisplays a list of measurements of symmetry voltages. If the battery/batteries contain 18 cells, one of themeasurements for each battery will be 0.00V.

    External MeasurementsOn PCS systems this button will be available if there are any external measurements on the system. Clickingon this button will open a window with external measurements that are system specific, i.e. they are notstandard measurements. These measurements and the text describing them are programmed in theconfiguration of the system.

    Operation modeA text field indicating the charging status of the system. (NORMAL, BOOST, TEST, SPARE, etc.)

    1.10 Telephone list

    In the telephone list name, telephone number and baud rate may be entered (without limitation of length onname and telephone number). Several telephone lists can be used, and these lists may be protected with apassword. It is also possible to use callback.If no baud rate is entered, 9600 will be used. If the modem you want to communicate with is adjusted to alower speed, the program will automatically adjust the speed when contact is achieved.To call a number, select the actual line in the list and press CALL. If the list does not contain the number youwant to call, press OTHER NUMBER and enter the telephone number, baud rate and callback if wanted, andpress OK.

    The telephone list is now sorted alphabetically on name. The sorting happen when a number is added to thelist. To sort an existing list select changes on one of the existing numbers and press OK.


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    Quick searchTo find a site in the list start typing its name in the Quick Search field. The first matching item in the list willbe selected. As more characters are typed the selection will move to match the typed name.

    This function depends on the list being sorted. If you have an existing list made by earlier versions ofPowCom you can force it to be sorted by selecting an item in the list. Press Change. Without changinganything press OK in the window that pops up. The list will now be sorted. PowCom will always sort the listwhen changes are made.

    CallingThis window is displayed when the modem is used. Messages from the modem will be shown in the textareaIf the modem dials and does not contact the system, an error message will be generated. Such as NOCARRIER, BUSY or NO DIAL TONE. In this event, PowCom will not hang up. The user will have topress CANCEL CALL to hang up.

    PasswordOnce connection is made by the modem, the system password will have to be entered.The password is1234.Some systems will also require password to accept parameter updates.

    Edit telephone listTo edit the telephone list, highlight a line and select CHANGE. The blank line at the bottom of the listshould be used to enter new numbers.To delete a line in the telephone list, select a line and press DELETE.To change telephone list, press NEW PHONE LIST and select a file. To create a new list, type a new filename, and the file will be created.To change the password for the active telephone list, press NEW PASSWORD. Enter your old password.Then, enter the new password twice to ensure correct spelling. The password can contain all kinds of lettersand numbers, and the system will distinguish between small and capital letters.

    Modem initialisationTo change the initialization string for the modem, press MODEM SET-UP and enter the string.

    Note! Switch data compression off, select direct asynchronous communication, set the terminal speed tofollow the line speed, select no hand shake. For some modems this is adjusted from the factory. However,for high speed modems the user usually has to switch data compression off (v42/MNP).

    Examples of suitable init. strings for some modems:

    Description Value

    US Robotics Sportster 14400 AT&K0

    Lasat Unique 14400 AT&Q0&K0

    UCOM Fastlink 14400 AT&Q0HIDEM 14400 fax AT%C0\N1

    HANDY 144 CC AT&F&C1&Q0&K0

    XLINK 28800 AT%C0\N1 (Rockwell chip set)

    1.11 Telnet communication

    The Telnet menu option enables PowCom to communicate through a Telnet session over a TCP/IP network.PowCom needs an IP address and a port number to a Telnet device that can direct raw data to a serialRS232 port.

    Note:The telnet device has to support a raw 8-bit data through port without telnet character processing.Often a special TCP/IP port number is used for this type of connection.

    The Omnitronix SNMP Link SL60 is an example of such a device that supports raw data through a serial portwhen using TCP/IP port number 2000.


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    The serial cable between the control module and the telnet device should be a null-modem cable.

    Quick search

    To find a site in the list start typing its name in the Quick Search field. The first matching item in the list willbe selected. As more characters are typed the selection will move to match the typed name.

    This function depends on the list being sorted. If you have an existing list made by earlier versions ofPowCom you can force it to be sorted by selecting an item in the list. Press Change. Without changinganything press OK in the window that pops up. The list will now be sorted. PowCom will always sort the listwhen changes are made.

    TelnetThe address list for system names, IP addresses, port numbers and initialisation strings will appear whenTelnet communication from the pull down menu is chosen.

    Password Protection

    To change the password for the active telnet list, select NEW PASSWORD. The system will prompt for theold password, enter this and then enter the new password twice to verify. The password can contain all kindof letters and numbers, and the system will distinguish between small and capital letters.

    Edit the Telnet ListTo edit the telnet list, highlight a line and select CHANGE. The blank line at the bottom of the list should beused to enter new numbers.To delete a line in the telnet list, highlight the line and select DELETE.To change or create a new telnet list, select NEW TELNET LIST and choose a file. If a file name, whichdoes not exist, is entered, a new list will be created.

    Telnet Initialisation StringThe telnet initialization string is a message that is sent to the telnet device when the connection is made.

    This string must contain the correct commands to initialize the session over the RS232 serial port. Thecommands available are:

    {text) Makes the init sequence wait until "text" is received from the telnet device

    \e Inserts an escape character (Chr(27))

    \r Inserts a carriage return character (Chr(13))

    \l Inserts a line feed character (Chr(10))

    , Sends the string preceding the comma

    \f Turns off doubling of Char(255)

    Init String ExampleThe init string for SNMP Link SL60 should look something like this:


    This string will initialise communication with the SNMP Link I/O port 1. The Baud rate of both the PCU/PCSand the SNMP Link box has to be identical, i.e. 9600 baud (8,N,1).

    1.12 Direct communication

    The direct communication selection is used to access a system that is connected directly to the controller

    using a null-modem cable. It is important that com-port and baud-rate is correctly set before selecting "DirectCommunication".


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    When connection is made the stored installation information on the system is shown and the systempassword have to be entered.

    1.13 Network connection

    The purpose of this window is to establish a connection to a system with PNI (Power Network Interface).The PNI contain a server that allows connection with PowCom.It can also be used to connect trough a TCP/IP server that act as a link to a network of rectifier systemsconnected to that server. To be able to use this a server program must be running on this computer or onanother computer reachable in the TCP/IP network.TCP/IP must be installed on the computer.

    Server: PortEnter the address and port number of the PowCom server here on the format address:port. If a name-serveris available symbolic names can be used for the address, otherwise the standard TCP/IP notation is used.


    4999 in the example is the port number. PowCom only accept a port number higher than 1000 to avoidconflict with standards used in TCP/IP. The port number must be the same as the one the server use.

    The standard port number for the PNI is 9000.

    Get listAfter entering an address and port number into Server: Port, selecting Get List will display a list of systemsconnected to the server.

    ConnectWhen one of the systems in the list has been highlighted, selecting CONNECT will set up the connection tothat system. When connection is made the stored installation information on the system is shown and the

    system password has to be entered.

    CancelPress cancel to leave this window without making a connection.

    1.14 Com port setup

    Figure 3: Com port setup

    The port set-up menu allows the PowCom software to set the PCs communication port and the modemsbaud rate. Select which com-port should be used and the communication baud-rate. If an incorrect baud-rateis selected, direct communication will not work. The baud-rate should always be the same as the controllersetting.

    PCU 30.00 9600/4800/2400 baud (Default 9600)

    PCU 6.00 2400 baudPBSU 2400 baud


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    PCU 3.00 2400/9600 baud (Default 2400)PCU 10.00 2400/9600 baud (Default 2400)PCS / GMC 2400/9600 baud (Default 9600)

    1.15 PropertiesMessage timeoutMessage time-out sets the amount of time PowCom will wait for a reply before sending a new request. Thedefault value is 1.0. In most cases this is ok, but when communicating via mobile phones, or over very longdistances, or via radio modems or other equipment that cause a delay in the data flow it may be necessaryto increase this time. In most cases 2.0 will be enough.If this time-out is increased it will take longer for PowCom to discover a broken connection. The system doesnot allow values under 1.0.

    Dial up timeoutThis function sets the amount of time that the software will wait for a modem to connect to another modem.The default is 60 seconds. In most cases this is enough, but it may need to be increased if the remote

    modem has been set up to wait for many rings before answering.

    1.16 Set parameters

    Figure 4: Example for PCU 30.00

    The Set Parameters menu is located under the Supervision menu and allows system parameters to bechanged. The functions in this window will be the same as those that are on the system controller.The number of functions displayed in the set parameters will vary depending on the particular systemconnected. Not all of the functions listed below will be available on all systems.Some systems have more than one output voltage. In this case the select rectifier window will open andlimits should be set for the module or module group.

    Select rectifierSome systems have several galvanic isolated output voltages and the possibility for individual alarmthreshold adjustment. Because of this feature the rectifier must be selected before the alarm adjustment canbe made. However, when one module in a module group is adjusted the others will automatically be

    adjusted correspondingly.


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    Select U1 - U4Select output mode for the system. U1 is the normal charge voltage. U2 is the boost charge voltage. U3 isbattery test voltage. U4 is a spare mode that may be used for a user-defined purpose.

    U1 - U4Voltage reference for the different output modes.

    Battery Current limitGives the possibility to select a maximum current for the system. As battery current in amps.(PCS/PCU5/10), or as rectifier current in percent of maximum capacity (PCU30).

    Low voltage alarmAdjusts the lower limit for voltage before the system gives alarm.

    High voltage alarmAdjusts the upper limit for voltage before the system gives alarm.

    Over voltage shutdownIf the voltage reaches over this limit, the rectifier that delivers the highest current will be switched off

    Load/battery disconnectionIf the voltage falls below this limit during mains failure, the load/battery will be disconnected.

    Partial load disconnectDisconnection of lower prioritised load in order to extend backup time for important load. Disconnection istime controlled or voltage controlled.

    Load/battery connectIf the battery is disconnected, it will be connected again if the voltage is above this limit and the mainsreturned.

    Note! Some systems do not include this function.

    High loadEntered in percent of the maximum power from the system. If the load current gets higher this limit, thesystem will give alarm to signal that there may not be enough capacity to charge the battery.

    Temperature limitSets the upper limit for temperature before the system gives alarm

    Symmetry limitIf the voltage in one block differs more than this limit, from the average block voltage, the systems will givealarm.

    End voltage battery testLower limit for system voltage during test. If the voltage falls below this limit, the test will be stopped and analarm will be reported.

    Battery test timeSets the maximum number of minutes a test may last. If this limit is reached the test will stop.

    Ah. limit for testSets the energy that may be discharged from the battery during test. If this limit is reached the test will stop

    Time for testSets the time of day (0-23) when automatic test should start. E.g. 4 - the test starts at 04.00.

    Number of batteries


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    Sets the number of branches on the battery that are equipped with symmetry measuring.

    Boost timeSets the duration of boost charging.

    Boost intervalSets the number of weeks between each boost.

    Boost factorUsed to set the duration of boost after mains failure. See T1 LIMIT and T2 LIMIT.

    T1 limitWhen the voltage reaches below this limit, the system starts counting time. When the voltage reaches overthis limit again, the counting stops. The counted time is used in a function with the boost factor when thevoltage reaches over T2 LIMIT.

    T2 limitWhen the system reaches over this limit the boost will start. The duration will be the time from T1 LIMITmultiplied with the boost factor.

    Automatic testSets how many times each year automatic test shall be performed.

    Battery typeSets the type of battery that is connected. Indicates how many blocks each branch is divided into forsymmetry measurements

    Temperature compensating

    Activates the temperature compensation. The charging voltage will be adjusted continuously according tothe compensation factor.

    Compensation factorWhen the temperature compensation is active the charging voltage will be changed according to this factor.The adjusted charging voltage refers to 20 degrees C. If the temperature rises with 10 degrees, the voltagewill be reduced according to the adjusted compensation factor. If the temperature goes down the voltage willbe adjusted correspondingly. The adjustment is done continuously, which means that if the temperature ischanged with 1 degree, the voltage will be changed with 1/10 of the compensation factor.

    System specific limitsThis button will open a window with system specific limits. In this window limits that are specific for thissystem can be set. These limits and the text that describe them are programmed in the configuration of thecontroller. If no limits have been defined, the button will be grey.

    1.17 Set date and time

    The Set Date and Time menu allows the date and time for the controller to be set.The menu allows the controller to reset according to the system time of the PC.

    1.18 Set installation data


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    Figure 5: Installation data

    This menu allows system information to be changed. This information will be displayed when connecting tothe system. The information will not have an influence on the function of the system, but is necessary toidentify the system. The installation date should be set when the system is installed because it is used tocalculate dates for battery tests.

    1.19 Set system status (only PCU 30.00)

    Control module activeControls if the control module is allowed to regulate the output voltage of the rectifier modules. Should beactive during normal operation. Will automatically be set "not active" at e.g. change of EPROM. Theprocedure is to adjust all parameters for voltage, alarms, levels etc. and then activate the control module.

    Automatic boost chargingSets the automatic boost charging (boost) active. Must only be activated if the batteries shall be boostcharged.

    Temperature compensatingActivates the temperature compensation. The charging voltage will be adjusted continuously according tothe compensation factor.

    Compensation factorIs the factor with which the charging voltage will be changed when the temperature compensation is active.The adjusted charging voltage refers to 20 degrees C. If the temperature rises with 10 degrees, the voltagewill be reduced according to the adjusted compensation factor. If the temperature goes down the voltage willbe adjusted correspondingly. The adjustment is done continuously, which means that if the temperature ischanged with 1 degree, the voltage will be changed with 1/10 of the compensation factor.

    ModulesSet the modules that are installed in the system. 1-31 are rectifier modules and 33 is the alarm unit (PAU).Tick off the installed rectifier modules. PAU (33) shall always be activated.

    Automatic test (only PCU with lower software versions than 3.20)States if an automatic test shall be executed once a year. PCU 30 with V3.20 or higher have several optionsfor automatic test.


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    1.20 Transfer test data

    This menu displays the last 10 tests stored in the controller. The tests are numbered in time order starting

    with 0 (being the most recent) and 9 (being the oldest). This window allows test data to be viewed; thisincludes information about measurement numbers, end voltage, and maximum symmetry voltage.Test data can be saved to file or viewed in the View Test Data window or in a spreadsheet format.Selecting Preview will display an example of the test curve.

    GMC and PCS only:If there were any batteries with symmetry measuring during the test the symmetryvoltages may be downloaded by clicking the Symmetries button. If the button is grey no data is available.Symmetries may be stored as normal battery test files. The files for each battery is saved separately, with afilename, block numbers 1-4 is added to the name to produce the full name. That means that the filenamefor each battery should not be more than 7 characters.

    1.21 Get all tests

    Gets all tests stored in the PCU and save them on disk. You can enter the name of a file or use the firstseven letters in the type description, and 0, 1, 2, will automatically be added to the file names of thebelonging tests. The test data can thereafter be studied in the VIEW TEST DATA window or a spreadsheet.If you do not know what is included in the different tests, this is mush quicker than getting one and one testfrom TRANSFER TEST DATA. If the filename you enter generates a filename that already exists, the old filewill automatically be deleted.

    1.22 Get battery log (PCS / GMC only)

    Figure 6

    Selecting this will open the above window which download the battery log data that has been stored in thePCS the first of every month. Press Download to collect the data from the PCS, this will take a while, and isindicated by a progress bar. Click Save to save the log as a tabulator separated file that can be imported inExcel, and other programs.

    1.23 Change password

    Select this menu to change the default password. To change the password for the active telnet list, selectNEW PASSWORD. The system will prompt for the old password, enter this and then enter the newpassword twice to verify.


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    1.24 Alarm history

    Figure 7: Alarm history

    This window shows a list of the last (up to) 40 alarms. Selecting a time on the list displays a list of alarms

    that where active at that time, and also shows changes in the alarm status.

    1.25 Alarms/information

    The list shows all alarms that are active at the moment.

    1.26 Module data

    This window shows data about the active module. The layout of this window depends on the connectedsystem. However, a scrollbar will always be displayed in the upper part of the window. This scrollbar is usedto select the module. The number at the right side of the scrollbar shows the selected module. The numberthat is stated as module no. (below the scrollbar) shows the module for which the data is displayed. If youselect another module with the scrollbar, the data for this module will be displayed after approximately 1second.


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    1.27 Alarm dial back

    Figure 8 Dial back control

    If needed the PCU/PCS can be set up to dial back to a certain number in case of an alarm. Tick off thealarms that should trigger a dial back. Enter the phone number, and enable dial back. Dial back require amodem connected to the PCU/PCS. Three modes of dial back is available.

    Server on change, is used together with the PowCom phone server and the telephone number must bethe number to that server. Note that this mode will dial repeatingly until contact has been made with theserver, so do not use this in any other context.

    Pager on change will dial once each time the alam status change, including when the alarm isdeactivated.

    Pager on new alarm will dial once when new alarms occur. To send a number to a pager set the phonenumber to NNNNNNNN@XXXXX , where NNNNNNNN is the number to the pager and XXXXX is thenumber that will be shown on the pager.

    1.28 Set network address

    New versions of the PCU software allow several control units to be connected to one serial port controlled bya PowCom network server, or a PNI (Power-One network interface). For this to work each of the PCU's mustbe given a unique address. The address must be between 2 and 255.

    When a PNI is used the network address should be set to 2.


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    1.29 TCP/IP settings.

    On systems with built in PNI (Power Network Interface) the IP-address of the network board must be set

    from PowCom before the network interface can communicate on the network.Enter the IP address, net mask and default gateway to be used.Use a telnet client to log on to the card and do further configuration of the network interface. See the PNIdocumentation.

    1.30 Inventory (PCS only)

    Figure 9

    The inventory menu displays a list of all modules and units in a system controlled by the PCS. Selecting amodule or unit and selecting View Unit/Module Info will show more information about the selected item.The Reconfigure button is used when modules or units are permanently removed from the system to tell thePCS that all items that is not communicating has actually been removed from the system.

    Some system allows a master reset to be performed when you are connected with a direct connection.Some systems also allow the controller to be restarted without resetting anything. These buttons are onlyavailable when the connected system support them and there is a direct connection. Resets are not possiblefrom network or modem connections for security reasons.

    1.31 Log data

    Figure 10


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    The Log Data function can be used to log current, and voltage. PowCom must be on-line with the systemduring the log period.The files generated by the logger, cannot be displayed in the VIEW TEST DATA window, but can beimported to a spreadsheet.

    1.32 View parameter file

    Files saved by the save command in the SET PARAMETERS window may be viewed and edited offline byselecting this command. This allows a parameter file to be altered and restored to the system at a later time.The command opens a Set Parameter window for the original system type.

    1.33 View test data

    Figure 11

    This window displays test data graphically. Up to four charts can be displayed at the same time. Select thefile you want to see from the file list. Use the CTRL. key and left mouse button to display several charts atthe same time.

    The combo boxes marked with X-axis and Y-axis can be used to change the axis values. The voltage as afunction of Ah-discharged can be used to compare data for different tests to see if the battery voltage fallsfaster during discharging than when the battery was new.To delete files use "drag-drop". Click on a file and drag it to the trashcan icon.Test data files can be saved by using the built in database function. Drag and drop the file in the databaseicon (file cabinet) to save.To open a file in the database, double-click on the database icon, a list of available files will appear. Selectthe file from the list.To cancel the marking of all files in a list: Select only one file, push the Ctrl. button and click the left pushbutton on the mouse over the selected file.

    The list boxes which covers the graphic area can be moved by clicking the right push button of the mouse

    and drag the window, or hidden by deselecting LEGEND.


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    1.33.1 Print.

    The Print button allows the file to be sent to a printer. The following options are available:

    Full page - Printing the charts in the window in a full-page version. The data for each chart is printed at thetop of the sheet.

    Half page - Printing the charts in the window on a half page. The data for each chart is printed at the top ofthe sheet.

    U, A, Ah - Only available when one chart is selected. Prints voltage, current and ampere-hours as a functionof time in three different curves on one sheet.

    Measurements - Prints the values of the test as text.

    Printer set-up - Standard printer set-up picture for selecting printer and paper orientation (landscape orportrait).

    Copying to Clipboard - Copies the chart to the clipboard enabling the user to paste it into a document inanother program, e.g. Word. To paste the chart into a Word document, select PASTE SPECIAL in Word andselect PICTURE from the list. The chart will be pasted in the Word document and can be scaled in Word. Topaste the information texts about the different charts select PASTE SPECIAL once more and selectUNFORMATTED TEXT.

    1.34 PCS configuration updater (PCS /GMC only)

    If the configuration of the PCS need to be updated you can get a file from Power One that can be used to dothat.

    1. Open the PowCom software and choose Update PCS config from the Utilities Menu.

    2. Another window will open. Choose Select update file

    Figure 12

    3. Locate the directory that has the update file. Select the file and click Ok.4. Choose Transfer data to PCS button. The transfer process will take a few seconds.5. Once the transfer is complete, choose Store config in flash6. When the system is done, select close from the Configuration updater menu.7. To check that the configuration is updated, check the configuration number via the PCS miscellaneous-

    version menu.8. If you get a warning that the configuration was not made specifically for this system, it means that you

    are trying to load a general configuration. You can do that if you are sure that the configuration suites the

    system you try to load it into. If you are not sure of this then press cancel to abort the operation.It is


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    important not to load unsuitable configurations since the configuration may change the operation of thesystem.


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    1.35 Button bar

    Opens the window for selection of baud-rate and serial port.

    Opens the phone list for communication via modem.

    Starts direct communication.

    Opens network connection window.

    Opens Set parameters window. (Only when communication is established.)

    Opens View test data window.

    1.36 Glossary

    Bbaud-rate: speed. Can be 2400, 4800 or 9600 depending of type of modem and set-up

    Ccall-back: modems can be adjusted in a way that when the modem has been called and when the correctpassword is stated, the modem hangs up and call back a programmed number. This is not a function that isavailable for all types of modems and some types of modem will not work together if this function is used.See the user manual for the modem for more information. If this function is used, it is possible to transfer a

    password and thereafter wait for the modem to return your call.clipboard: clipboard in Windows. Whatever is put here, can be pasted into documents in other programmes.combo-boxes: combo-box is a text area that shows a text together with a push button. When pushing thisbutton a list will pop up below the text window, enabling the user to choose another option

    Ddrag-drop: on an object and drag it over another object: Choose a file. While pressing the left push buttonon the mouse, drag it over another object and release the push button again.