P&P Booklet



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Purifying oneself is very important in the life of a Kem. The first principle of Spirituality is that of respecting the space of the Divine World. As a human being, awareness of our corrupt nature is extremely important so that we may take the proper precautions when approaching incorruptible beings. The process of purification is two-fold. One must be both physically and mentally clean and pure. Without the prescribed cleanliness, one can never come close to the World of the Gods. The Spiritual Purifications below purify the spirit of the experiences of human life that corrupt or dirty it. Spiritual Purifications are extremely important and have been adopted by many of the modern religions, although without a proper explanation as to why. The Spiritual purifications allow a human to be pure enough for a limited time so as not to pose a threat to the purity of the Divine World. It is important to understand the fact that the left and the right hand are used, spiritually, for specific purposes. Regardless if you are a "leftie" or "rightie", the left hand is the "dirty" hand and the right hand is the "clean" hand. It is acceptable to do most of the ablutions only with the right hand. After one has completed the ablutions, or purification, one must not touch any person who has not performed their ablutions or any thing that is not clean. This includes spouses, children over the age of seven (children under the age of eight are considered pure and are not included in the ban), and family members. Do not touch anyone who has not done ablutions and kept their purity until after your Zem Zem is complete. If you touch someone by accident, the process of purification must be re-done, as you will no longer be considered clean. To properly cleanse the body, one needs only water. Do not use soap. Ablutions can be done either inside the shower (not during your regular shower; they can be done alone or after your regular bathing), outside, near a sink, or wherever is most comfortable and convenient for you.



The first step in the ablutions is to ensure that the anal and sexual areas are clean. This does not mean merely using toilet paper after using the restroom, as toilet paper is not an effective way to ensure cleanliness and often leaves the person, knowingly or not, rather dirty. (The Kem must get into the habit of washing the anal and sexual areas with water using the left hand after every elimination.) To begin the process of ablutions one must wash these areas, using the left hand, with water. Hands The hands must be washed thoroughly using water. To purify the hands, one cups their hands, pours water in them, and washes both sides of their hands. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the hands, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash hands and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash hands and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash hands and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash hands and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash hands and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash hands and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash hands and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)



The mouth must be cleaned using only water.To do this, one puts water in their right hand, transfers it into the mouth, and cleans the teeth and tongue using the right index finger. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and after the water is emptied from the mouth, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash mouth and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)



The inside of the nose must be washed. To do this, one puts some water in their right hand and carefully "snorts" the water into their nose to cleanse it. The careful technique will be learned quickly, as you do not want to snort it too heavily (one does not want water to enter the sinuses), but you also need to snort it strongly enough for the nose to be cleansed. Once the water is in the nose, use the thumb and index finger of the right hand to help clean the nose, expelling the water and any material that may accompany it. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the right hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash nose and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash nose and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash nose and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash nose and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash nose and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash nose and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash nose and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)



The ears, both inside and out, need to be cleansed. Using your hands, get some water and wash both the inside and outside of the ears with your index fingers and thumbs. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is being shaken off the hands, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash ears and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash ears and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash ears and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash ears and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash ears and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash ears and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash ears and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)



The face is washed next. Pour some water into the right hand and wash the face thoroughly from the forehead down. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is being shaken off of the hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash face and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash face and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash face and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash face and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash face and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash face and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash face and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)


Left armpit

The left armpit is next. Pour some water into your right hand and wash underneath your left arm. This is to be done seven times. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash left armpit and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)


Right armpit

The right armpit is next. Repeat the process used for the left armpit but for the right armpit. In washing the right armpit, of course the left hand is used. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash right armpit and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)


Right foot

Pour some water into the right hand and wash the right foot, including the bottom of the foot and in between the toes. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2 Wash right foot and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash right foot and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)

Left foot

Repeat the same process as was used for the right foot but for the left foot. This is to be done seven times. After each washing, and as the water is shaken off the hand, the prescribed chant must be voiced. 1. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Wsr" (In the name of Wsr) 2. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Heru" (In the name of Heru) 3. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Aishat" (In the name of Aishat) 4. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Nw" (In the name of Nw) 5. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Shw" (In the name of Shw) 6. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Tfnwt" (In the name of Tfnwt) 7. Wash left foot and say "Em ren Geb" (In the name of Geb)


Top of the Head

Using your right hand, get a small amount of water and put it on the top of your head, going from the forehead back. Do this three times.


Using your index, middle and ring fingers of your right hand, get the tips of the fingers wet and bring them to your mouth. Suck in briefly. Pull your hand away from your mouth and repeat. Do this seven times. Then recite, "Em ren heka ee ooh ba ee ooh Neteru" (In the name of the power of the souls of Gods)



The following two actions are to be performed in concluding both the spiritual cleansing and the daily spiritual activities. The first action is to recite the first prayer that has been given to us for spiritual activities. This prayer is usually recited with the palms facing up while the hands are held parallel to the earth at about the level of the waste. The elbows should be bent and the upper arms should be next to the body. First Prayer

This is the first spell given by Ra to those who vow to defend him and keep his power going. Whoever says it will be protected and reduce the threat of negative energies. This prayer can be said at any time, but it comes with a catch that the person needs to be CLEAN and PURE, and one needs to follow the seventy-seven commandments. "Nuk heka-ooh pooey Ab em ray-ee hhat-ee Ra Neter-ooh hree watee em ray-ee Nuk ra ee-yah-ooh Nuk ba fey heka-ooh" I am (words of) spiritual power I am pure in my mouth and my body Ra placed the Neteru in my mouth I am the spirit of Ra I am the soul of his (words of) spiritual power Next place the fingers of the right hand on the forehead and recite "Em ren Wsr". Move the hand to your left shoulder and recite "Em ren Heru". Keep your right hand in place while you place the left hand on the right shoulder. Recite "Em ren Aishat." This action should be executed three times.




The Worshipper’s Position You will bend your knees. You will place yourself on your knees. If your health allows, you can either stay on your knees or sit on your heels with your knees on the floor and your hands extended to your knees (shown below), or find a position that is comfortable on your buttocks with your legs extended or crossed.


The Second Prayer Having taken the worshiper's position of respect, recite the following prayer; "Awoon Neter-ee eeyah-hey ooh-tet say mez-sue jesuf Ready too em eeb-ee in tea bah-ga-ee Neter-ee er Neter-ooh Neter kooey Ew-ee hah kooey em bik Neter-ee Ab kooey Neter kooey Ee-yah kooey Ooh-zer kooey Ba kooey Une fey Neter mah Neter-ooh em Neter ger-tet Ew fey Neter hhat fey tem two Neter-ee ooh bah-ee em per seb-oot Neter-ee fey bah-ee me Neter-ooh Neter Neter-ee hheper jesuf pa-too" Translation: The Creator of the children who created himself, give me the soul of God and Gods I am God I am devoted in my heart I am pure I am divine I am excellent I am strong I am the soul He is divinized among the God and Gods in the World of the Gods He is divinized in his body completely He divinized my soul in the House of Sebut He divinized my soul like the Gods Self-Created God, and Creator of the other Gods


ZEM ZEM POSITIONS Next, you will recite the seven chants below in seven positions. Each chant is recited once in each of the seven positions during the process of breathing in and out. Once each position has been executed with the given chant, the set is complete. Take one breath in between sets, and continue taking each position until the last set is complete. Set One "Em ren Wsr" Set Two: "Em ren Heru" Set Three: "Em ren Aishat" Set Four: "Em ren Nw" Set Five: "Em ren Shw" Set Six: "Em ren Tfnwt" Set Seven: "Em ren Geb" The Zemzem positions: 1. Put both hands flat on the floor so that your index fingers and thumbs are touching, forming a triangle.Begin breathing in very slowly.You will continue to breathe in until you reach the top of your head (step 4), so do not breathe in too quickly. Recite the prescribed chant.

The first set will start with this position and the Kem will recite “Em Ren Wsr” and then move to the next position.


2. Put both of your hands together, palms touching in a prayer form, on your chest.Your thumbs should be touching your sternum (the bone on the chest between the ribs that is located breasts). Continue inhaling slowly. Recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr” and then move on to the next position.


3. Keep your hands in the prayer form and place them on the top of your head, standing straight up. Recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr” and then move on to the next position.


4. Keeping your hands on the top of your head, open the hands and elbows so that it is only your thumbs and index fingers that are touching, forming a triangle that is pointing straight up.Continue breathing in. Recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr” and then move on to the next position.


5. Begin exhaling very slowly. Close your hands back into prayer form bring them to your face.Your index fingers should be touching the middle of your forehead, and your thumbs touching in their natural place. Continue exhaling. Recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr” and then move on to the next position.


6. Bring your hands, still together, down to your chest in the same position as step number two. Continue breathing out. Recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr” and then move on to the next position.


7. Place your hands on each thigh, palm down. Finish breathing out and recite the prescribed chant.

The Kem will hold this position and recite, “Em Ren Wsr”. This completes the cycle. The Kem will now return to zemzem position one, for the second set - now reciting “Em Ren Heru”. He/she will continue until they have finished each of the 7 sets, after which he/she will begin his/her lamentations.



Your lamentations are your personal communication with your ancestors. It is your ancestors who care about what is going on with your life. This is the time to communicate with your ancestors. You are not limited in what you say to them or tell them. If something is not going right in your life, let them know what is happening and ask them to change it. If something is going right, let them know and thank them for their participation in the events or situation. This is the time to make your wishes and desires known to your ancestors, for it is only your ancestors who can help direct your destiny. After you are finished performing the seven sets, slowly turn your head from center to left and back to center, then center to right and back to center. This signifies to your ancestors that you are finished with the prayers and are ready to do your lamentations.

To perform your lamentations, place your hands in prayer formation. Kneel on both of your knees and place your hands on the floor so your pinkie fingers are against the ground. Lean forward and bow your head (or place it on your hands). This is the position that you will want to take for your lamentations.


This is a basic prayer for people to approach their ancestors who are still learning to express their worries or concerns. In addition to this prayer one should also express their concerns, frustrations or worries in a non emotional manner. I now call upon all of my ancestors, All of my mothers, all of my fathers It is my wish that you hear me in this moment I acknowledge your presence within me And with honor, respect and humility I greet you I come to you in need of your assistance I am thankful for what you have already done for me But to survive in this world I will need your continuous support Please help me fight the corruption inside my mind and heart Lend me your strength so that I may be able to contain the evil within Give me the foresight to make wise decisions in my life I wish to be a better father/mother, a better sister/brother A better husband/wife and a better teacher and student of life Protect me from the dangers that may be put in my path Help me to reclaim the dignity and pride that was stolen from you Use me as a vehicle to express your greatness I wish to develop the qualities that will allow me to be favorable in the eyes of Neteru I ask that you negotiate these wishes with Neteru on my behalf And allow their blessings to reach me through you When you are finished, using your four fingers on both your hands, place the fingertips flat on the ground and bring them to your forehead. Do this three times. After this is done, say "Em ren (the God or Goddess of your choice)" and sit up.


The Chants

It is now time to do the chanting. The minimum number of times to say each chant is nine, but the ideal number is twenty-seven. You can do more than twenty-seven if you feel the need. Whatever number you perform, that number must be divisible by nine. Each chant is divided into sets. It important that they are done in the exact order as shown here. Set One - The First Trinity Ib Ra hema (x27) (the "i" in ib is pronounced like an "ee") Ib Imin hema (x27) (The heart of Imen is inside me) Ib Ptah hema (x27) Set Two - Another First Trinity Ib Knoun hema (x27) Ib Imsu hema (x27 Ib Tem hema (x27) Set Three - The Second Trinity Heper heka-ooh Wsr hema (x27) (The power of the word brings Wsr inside me) Heper heka-ooh Heru hema (x27) Heper heka-ooh Aishat hema (x27) This is the end of the regular Zem Zem. At this time, you can practice M'TAM Ka'at Ib techniques or sit quietly and clear the mind of distractions and thoughts. When you are finished, you will recite Prayer One and close out as you do in your ablutions (conclusion on page 13). Now you are ready to start or finish your day.


Ancestral Holy Days

The ancestral holy day is the day on which you make offerings to your ancestors. Offerings to the ancestors should be food items (offerings can also be money offerings, but it is best to reserve money offerings for designated temples, as the proceeds from the money offerings are used for sacrifices at the temples in Africa).The offerings need not be large in quantity. If you are offering a part of your meal, you must place the offering on the offering plate in your holy space (or on the floor) before you begin eating your meal. Only a small portion is needed, for it is not the quantity that is transferred to your ancestors.They receive the non-material aspect of the offering, which does not rely on quantity. Also, it is better to be consistent in your offerings rather than make a big offering and waiting for a long while to pass before making another offering. Consistency is key. When you make your offering, tell your ancestors that it is an offering for them. Be sure to make your wishes known at this time. The offering is to be made and prepared while you are pure, after the ablutions but before the Zem Zem begins. In addition to an offering, one must add two more sets onto their chanting. These additional sets are added after the third set, or the second trinity (Wsr-Heru-Aishat). It is not vital to recite these two extra sets in their exact order. Set Four - Children of Heru Ib Mesthi hema (x27) Ib Hapi hema (x27) Ib Duomutef hema (x27) Ib Keb-Senuf hema (x27) Set Five - Four Corners of the Winds Ib Geb-Pooey hema (x27) Ib Shakh-Pooey hema (x27) Ib Udjah-ooey hema (x27) Ib Henkh-ses-ooey hema (x27)


Divine Holy Days

The Divine Holy Day is the day on which you make offerings to the Gods.This is done in the same way as the ancestral offering, however one offers incense or money instead of foodand directs it towards the Gods rather than your ancestors. The Zem Zem for the Divine Holy Day only requires that one perform the first set of chants (The First Trinity:Ra-Imin-Ptah).After this set, one performs one more set of chants.These chants are directed towards the God(s) of that dekan (original week, which is ten days long).One recites, 27 times, "Em ren (enter name of God)"for each Deity that is presented on the Sidereal Calendar for that week. For example on the Divine Holy Day of the first Dekan in the month of Tehuti, the Gods of the Dekan are Seb and Ismat.One performs ablutions and prayers, makes an offering and does his/her lamentations.After the first set of chanting, one would recite "Em ren Seb" 27 times, followed by "Em ren Ismat" 27 times.One then goes into his/her M'TAM Ka'at Ib practice or stills the mind and sits quietly.When you are finished, you will recite Prayer One and close your Zem Zem as normal. Days of Rest

The days of rest are the days on which no Zem Zem is done. There are two days of rest in each dekan.It is very important that one does not make an offering on these days! Check your Sidereal Calendar for the specific dates of the days of rest. Ablutions and Zem Zem will become a normal part of your daily routine.After time, they will become second-nature, and you will not feel right when they have not been done.It is important for ones own spiritual progress to be disciplined and consistent with their Zem Zem practice.The results one will feel and experience will be truly amazing. Look for Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig's upcoming book on M'TAM Purification & Prayers for further information.

The Sun Never Sets… It is Man Who Moves Away From the Light. -Maakheru Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig


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