PPT pt3 English 2015 (1)



exam paper pt3

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SEKOLAH BINA INSAN Memaknai Ilmu, Membina Insan, Mencontoh Adab




1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat bahagian.2. Jawab semua soalan.3. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis di ruangan yang disediakan.

[Lihat halaman sebelah]SULIT

For Examiner’s Use

Question Full Marks Marks1 102 103 204 155 56 307 10



Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak

SECTION A[10 marks]

[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and the last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

Joe is an orphaned baby Borneo pygmy elephant. He was

only four months old where he was rescued at the Gunung

Rara Forest Reserve. Joe's mother and the rest of the pack,

as many as fourteen jumbo elephants, sadly all perished

therefore to poisoning. After his rescue, Joe was brought

from the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. While there, Joe became

attach to one of the park's rangers. He would only eat or

drink when the food and drinks were given through the

ranger, Now, a year later, Joe was doing much better. He

eats and drinks on his own. He consumes about 25

kilograms of food or drinks 40 litres of milk every day. He

is also a live young elephant who enjoys playing in the

mud with other calves into the park. As for Joe's future,

e.g. when

(a) ____________

(b) ____________

(c) ____________

(d) ____________

(e) ____________

(f) ____________

(g) ____________

(h) ____________

(i) ____________

(j) ____________

2[Lihat halaman sebelah]


Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj was born 8 February 1903 in Alor Setar, Kedah. He was

the seventh son of Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, who was the Sultan of Kedah, and Che


The young prince received his early education in schools in Alor Setar, Penang and Bangkok.

When he was 17 years old, Tunku received a scholarship to further his tertiary education in England.

He studied History and Law and in 1925 graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Tunku returned to his hometown in 1931. He joined the Kedah civil service. In 1948, he

became the Chairman of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) Kedah. After that, he

returned to London to complete his law studies. A year later he returned to Malaya. In 1951 he

succeeded Datuk Seri Onn Ja'afar as the president of UMNO.

On 27 July 1955, after the first elections were held, Tunku became the Chief Minister. Later

that year, Tunku headed a delegation from the Alliance Party to London for talks with the British

government. This meeting led to Malaya's independence on 31 August 1957. He became the nation's

first Prime Minister.

Besides being interested in sports, Tunku also enjoyed photography, golf and sailing.


he will spend the next ten years of his life at the wildlife

park so could even become a permanent resident there

because he has become used to being around humans.

[10 marks]

SECTION B[30 marks]

[Time suggested : 40 minutes]

Question 2Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a)-(j).

3[Lihat halaman sebelah]


Early Education:(c) _________________Penang(d) __________________

Tertiary Education:(e) __________________

Background:(a) Date of Birth: ____________________ (b) Place of Birth: ____________________

Post Held:1948: (f)______________________1951: (g)______________________1955: Chief Minister1957: (h)______________________

Personal Interests:Photography(i) ______________________ (j) ______________________


Question (a) – (j)Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

4[Lihat halaman sebelah]


Visit the Discovery Cafe, which is traveller's lodge, is a colourful building. The owner also has a beautiful collection of curious and antiques which you should discover. Many buildings near here date back to the 20s and 30s so just walk along the road for a vision of old-world charm and architecture.

Make a visit to the Malacca Conservation Centre. It is located at No 45. Jalan Bunga Raya. This place is worth a visit just to learn more about the architecture of the buildings along Jalan Bunga Raya and its surrounding areas.


[10 marks]

Question 3Read the travel brochure below. Then, answer question (a) – (j).

VISIT MALACCAJalan Bunga Raya in Malacca has something for everyone. Here are some of

its hidden treasures.

5[Lihat halaman sebelah]


At Bunga Raya Village, which is beside the Malacca River, you can see the ruins of St. Lawrence Chapel. There is also a pathway along the river where you can take a stroll to enjoy the beauty of Malacca River. In addition, the path also leads to two Chinese shrines; the Sea Dragon Temple and The Three Treasures Hall.

Many people flock the stalls or restaurants along Jalan Bunga Raya for their food. They are willing to wait in long queues to try local tasty food such as popiah, oyster omelette, rojak, cendol or mixed ice kacang with eight ingredients.


Question (a) – (d) Based on the travel brochure, state whether the following statements are


(a) The ruins of St. Lawrence Chapel are beside the Malacca River.

(b) Visitors can book a place to stay at the Discovery Cafe.

(c) You can learn about the history of the buildings along Jalan

Bunga Raya at the Malacca Conservation Centre.

(d) The food stalls are packed with people wanting to eat local


Question (e) – (i) Study the travel brochure carefully and answer all the questions below.

(e) How can visitors enjoy the beauty of the Malacca River?

______________________________________________________________ [1


(f) Why would tourists be interested to visit Discovery Cafe?

______________________________________________________________ [1


(g) Fill in the table with the most appropriate phrase from the brochure

6[Lihat halaman sebelah]










(i) a special quality of a place which

you like because it is old and

reminds you of the past

(ii) something about the place is

interesting so you should go there.

(h) Why does the brochure encourage people to visit the Malacca

Conservation Centre?

____________________________________________________________ [1


(i) Why do you think there are 'long queues' at the stalls or restaurants

along Jalan Bunga Raya ?

____________________________________________________________ [1


[10 marks]

(j) Your friend is going to visit Jalan Bunga Raya in Malacca.

In about 50 words, write a postcard to your friend


In your postcard:

state the places to see along Jalan Bunga Raya

give reasons why he/she should go there

add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

7[Lihat halaman sebelah]





[10 marks]


[20 marks]

[Time suggested : 20 minutes]

Question 4

Read the letter from Alexis to his mother.

8[Lihat halaman sebelah]


Dear Mom,

How are you and everyone at home? I'm doing well but a little busy completing an asignment.

It is due next week. I can't believe you remembered that I took a course in landscaping. After all, it was

two semesters ago. To answer your question, I'd be happy to give you some tips for an indoor garden.

Since your friend lives in an apartment, the first thing to do is find out the direction her balcony

faces. If it gets direct sunlight, then she should have sun-loving plants in her balcony. She can get

Jasmine. However, if it doesn't, she could choose shade-loving plants such as the Boston fern.

If her balcony is small, she may want to have a vertical garden. A planter box is attached on


Read the letter carefully and answer questions (a) – (i).

(a) Why was Alexis busy the week before?

__________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Why did Alexis' mother write to him for advice on creating an indoor


__________________________________________________________ [1


9[Lihat halaman sebelah]


Dear Mom,

How are you and everyone at home? I'm doing well but a little busy completing an asignment.

It is due next week. I can't believe you remembered that I took a course in landscaping. After all, it was

two semesters ago. To answer your question, I'd be happy to give you some tips for an indoor garden.

Since your friend lives in an apartment, the first thing to do is find out the direction her balcony

faces. If it gets direct sunlight, then she should have sun-loving plants in her balcony. She can get

Jasmine. However, if it doesn't, she could choose shade-loving plants such as the Boston fern.

If her balcony is small, she may want to have a vertical garden. A planter box is attached on

Your loving son,Alexis


(c) What are the possible things the friend may do once she finds out the

direction of her balcony?

(i) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) What should the friend do if she doesn't have much space for a garden

on her balcony?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article.


(i) plants which grow well under direct sun

(ii) measuring a short distance from the top to bottom

(iii) a metal fence which is made of a series of upright bars

(iv) having a strong pleasant smell

(f) What can the friend grow in a shallow planter box?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(g) What will Alexis most probably do after he finishes writing the letter to

his mother?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(h) Why would choosing the right plant be beneficial?

(i) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

10[Lihat halaman sebelah]


[1 mark]

[1 mark]

[1 mark]

[1 mark]

LeisureBy William Henry Davies

 What is this life, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughsAnd stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,Where squirrels hide theis nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare.


(i) Give two other suggestions for an indoor garden.

(i) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

[15 marks]

Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer question (a) – (d).

11[Lihat halaman sebelah]



(a) Why does the persona tell us to stand beneath the tree branches?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Why is the squirrel hiding nuts in the grass?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Why does the stream sparkle like stars?

_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) What kind of life does the persona say people will have withour leisure? Why did he say this?


__________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

[5 marks]

12[Lihat halaman sebelah]



Section D

[40 marks]

[Time suggested : 45 minutes]

Question 6

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are representing your school in a public speaking competition. You have

decided to give a talk on the benefits of taking up a hobby.

When writing out your talk:

you must use the notes given suggest two other benefits of taking up a hobby add any other relevant information write between 120 to 150 words






13[Lihat halaman sebelah]



gain knowledge use time wisely make friends reduce stress


























Question 7

You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

14[Lihat halaman sebelah]



The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English


Based on one of the novels above, write about an important lesson you have

learnt. Support your response with evidences from the novel.

Write :

in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)















15[Lihat halaman sebelah]


1. Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne

2. How I Met Myself - David A.Hill

3. The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit (retold by

John Escott)


16[Lihat halaman sebelah]


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(Mazlina bt Nasir)TP Kurikulum

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