Practice Education Update 7


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Dietetic Practice Education Update 7 January 2015

Dietetic Practice Education Update Sharing developments and best practice with those involved in dietetic education

Happy New Year! 2014 was very busy, and 2015 looks to be the same. The review of placement learning outcomes work continues and you’ll find an update on the progress being made in this issue. Other news includes information on the work of the PAL evaluation group, and details of an innovative placement undertaken in NHS Highland.

Placement Paperwork We have noticed that some Practice Educators are continuing to use the old paperwork when completing a review of student competence at the end of placement. We know… old habits die hard!! However, to make it easier for you, electronic copies of the new paperwork are available on the website here: Just look under ‘resources’ and then ‘placement forms’. We’ve also seen an increasing number of forms being returned which have been completed by the student’s themselves, and this fits very much with a student-centred model of training. However, it is essential that there is clear evidence of endorsement of the statements made by the student, or completion of the form by the placement lead, to ensure that the content is an accurate record of the students’ achievements. In light of the ongoing placement review, there will be no more changes to the pre-and post-placement paperwork. However if you have feedback/comments that you wish to make, please do continue to raise these via your Link HEI.

Dates for your Diary 21st Jan 2015 Introduction to Clinical Education (GCU). Booking available at:

30th Jan 2015 PAL Survey deadline

17th Feb 2015 Practice Educator Training – Introductory Day. Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Booking available at:

24th Mar 2015 Practice Educator Training – Update Day. Borders General Hospital. Booking available at:

7th Apr 2015 Practice Educator Training – Introductory Day. Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline. Booking available at:


Dietetic Practice Education Update 7 January 2015

Placement Review Working Group Progress Since the last newsletter, much progress has been made in relation to the review of placement learning outcomes. The steering group met in June and October 2014 and the working groups have been going at full swing to develop the activities, resources and assessment tools to go alongside the new learning outcomes.

As previously outlined, the learning outcomes will be themed according to the BDA Nutrition and Dietetic Care process, with the addition of specific learning outcomes on communication and professionalism. Careful attention has been paid to the terminology used and showing progression across the three placements: “With supervision (A), with decreasing supervision (B), with minimal supervision (C)”. In addition, it has been agreed that placement A will now be summatively assessed on ‘observable’ learning outcomes i.e. professionalism and communication, therefore requiring students to demonstrate minimum standards prior to progressing further in dietetic placements. A timescale of work has been developed which includes consultation with various stakeholders including students and service users. We hope to consult the Scottish dietetic profession on the completed learning outcomes and resources in May 2015 and begin piloting the placement A documentation in January 2016, so do look out for an e-mail requesting your input. Please remember that there is a representative from each Health Board on the working group so do take the time to discuss more details of the progress with them. We plan to have a national launch event followed by Local Health Board events commencing in Autumn 2015. It’s going to be an incredibly busy year but we hope to see great benefits of the changes and standardization to the smooth running and quality of our placements.

Did you know…

The Scottish Dietetic Cluster HEI Operational Lead role has now rotated to the West (this occurs every 3 years). Your contact now is Christine Monaghan (GCU) and her contact details can be found at the end of this newsletter. Christine should now be your first point of contact for practice placement queries, but remember that you can also utilise your Link HEI for advice and support.

2015 Placement Cycle

In the last couple of months, Lead Placement Educators should have received details of the students that will be coming to you during the next placement cycle (2015). You will be pleased to hear that we have been successful in securing placements for all students so thank you for the continued commitment that you have shown. Total placement allocated for 2015 are as follows: Placement A – 71 (142 weeks) Placement B – 74 (888 weeks) Placement C – 75 (900 weeks) You will see that this is a reduction on the initial projected figures. Please note that spare capacity has been kept aside as ‘held’ placement and will be utilised in exceptional circumstances or for repeat placements. Where possible we have attempted to be equitable in the distribution of these ‘held’ placements. We aim to release ‘held’ placements back to placement providers no later than 1 month before the start date should it not be required.


Dietetic Practice Education Update 7 January 2015

National NES-led Evaluation of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Models for Practice Placement

Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) can be defined as: “To get knowledge through study, experience, observation or teaching of an equal”. Peer assisted learning is thought to encourage active, more independent and collaborative learning. In the context of practice placements a PAL model means having two or more students actively learning with and from each other on placement. This is distinct from simply having 2 students on placement at the same time.

In 2009 an event to share learning about PAL models of placement being implemented in London was funded by NHS Education for Scotland. Subsequently a National working group was established to develop and implement PAL models for dietetic A, B and C placements. Several health boards were active in piloting PAL placements and their experiences were widely shared. A resource pack was developed to support Dietetic departments wishing to implement PAL models and to support students and practice educators to understand how this model could work in practice (

Many dietetic practice educators have continued to provide PAL placements and several have undertaken evaluations of their local experiences of implementing PAL. To date there has been no National evaluation of how PAL has been implemented across Scotland. NHS Education for Scotland therefore formed a steering group in 2014. The purpose of the steering group has been to oversee a project that will evaluate the experiences of Dietetic practice educators in implementing PAL placements across Scotland. The project is being led by Mig Braid, AHP Practice Education Lead in NHS Fife, who has previously conducted research into PAL and Occupational Therapy practice education as part of her Masters programme of study. To date, a survey has been developed and circulated to all Practice Educators. If you have not already done so, please access the survey at up until Monday 12th of January 2015.

Following the analysis of the survey, a report will be produced and circulated to Dietetic Practice Educators. It is hoped that this project will provide useful information about how PAL is being implemented, what practice educators feel about PAL and how to develop this type of placement model in the future. For further information please contact

Dr Karen Allan AHP Practice Education Coordinator, NHS Education for Scotland


Dietetic Practice Education Update 7 January 2015

Recipe reminiscences brings student’s work placement to life

Ross Anderson, Communications Officer, RGU

An RGU dietetic student has been given a flavour of dementia care during her placement with NHS Highland. Catherine Tosh recently completed the first pilot placement of a student dietitian in a care home setting in Scotland. Catherine (20) spent two days a week at Urray House in Ross-shire over a five week period this autumn. There she carried out an audit of nutritional care plans, completed a case study review of a resident and presented her findings to staff and dietetic colleagues. She also developed her communication skills and understanding of the challenges in engaging with residents who have dementia alongside the home’s activities co-ordinator Fiona Barclay. Catherine said: “Dementia patients are often hard to engage in conversation and often find it difficult to recall recent events or express their views when asked. “However, we spent a few hours trying to tap into memories of residents by asking them to discuss their recollections of mealtimes, special occasions and their favourite foods. The results of this exercise were astonishing, as they rekindled thoughts of family mealtimes and favourite foods. One resident, normally a very quiet lady, became actively involved in the conversation, articulating herself really well. She came alive when we were talking. It was wonderful to see.” The residents were asked to help create a favourite menu and Urray House’s cook, Muriel Fotheringham, prepared it for a themed day on Catherine’s last day. It contained Scotch broth, Rabbit stew followed by Clootie dumpling for pudding. Denise Scott, manager at Urray house, said: “Having a focussed discussion around food memories is a great way of engaging with dementia residents and their families. It gives them a voice in choosing their favourite menus and we followed up with a themed meal. Everyone can participate, have fun and enjoy the memory.” Evelyn Newman, Nutrition and Dietetics Advisor for care homes with NHS Highland, said Catherine’s placement was a great success due to her hard work, interest in the care of the residents and the support she had from Dietetics and Urray House staff. Evelyn said: “A huge amount has been achieved in a relatively short space of time and we hope to continue to offer care home placements to student dieticians in the Highland. The themed lunch tapped into the memories of some of our hard to reach residents and it’s great to see how everyone in the home helped to bring the event to fruition. “The learning from the audit and Catherine’s work is being shared across care homes, both in Highland and more widely across Scotland by NHS Education for Scotland and RGU, which will benefit many more residents in the future.” Dr Myra Mackenzie, Course Tutor in Dietetics at RGU, said: “We’re very excited about this new model of practice placement delivery. It provides an opportunity to extend the role of the dietitian, and supports learning about the sociology of food and developing communication skills with different groups. The placement was also an excellent example of partnership working between different agencies, supporting the move towards achieving the Scottish Government’s 2020 vision of integration of health and social care.”

Dietetic Practice Education Update 7 January 2015

University Operational Group: Who are we? Many of you will be familiar with some of the dietetic staff at the Universities. Below you will find out about who sits on the University Operational Group and what roles we undertake within this committee.

Susan Lennie is the Programme Leader at Robert Gordon University. She has been leading on the review of placement learning outcomes and resources.

School of Health and Life Sciences, Cowcaddens Road Glasgow, G4 0BA

Tel: 0141 331 8723


Glasgow Caledonian University

Jacklyn Jones is the Postgraduate Programme Leader at Queen Margaret University. She takes the lead role for Approval and Monitoring of placements.

Sara Smith is the Undergraduate Programme Leader at Queen Margaret University. She liaises with the allocation officer and links with the BDA on issues such as the new Curriculum.

Heather Donald is a lecturer at Robert Gordon University. She is responsible for the website and keeping it up-to-date.

Contacting Us

Queen Margaret University

School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University Drive, Musselburgh, EH21 6UU

E-mail: Jacklyn Jones (PG Programme Leader)

E-mail: Sara Smith (UG Programme Leader)

Robert Gordon University

School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Riverside East, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, Grampian AB10 7GJ

Tel: 01224 262800


Emma Kinrade is the Postgraduate Programme Organiser and lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Christine Monaghan is a Clinical Placement tutor at Glasgow Caledonian University. She is the current Lead for the Operational Group.

Myra Mackenzie is a lecturer at Robert Gordon University. She takes the lead for monitoring student placement evaluations.

Pamela Knox is the Scottish Dietetic Placements Allocation Officer, based at Queen Margaret University.
