PRAFO Q&A Leaflet



A Question and Answer style document focusing on the PRAFO

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PRAFO® Pressure Relief Ankle-Foot OrthosisWhat is a PRAFO®?The term PRAFO® stands for Pressure Relief Ankle Foot Orthosis - a family of devices manufactured by Anatomical Concepts Inc and developed since 1995.

Do other companies make PRAFO’s?The term PRAFO® is a registered trademark and shouldn’t be used to refer to anything other than our products. The PRAFO® range are patented and trademark registered prod-ucts because we know that they have benefits that rival products cannot claim. If you compare a rival product side by side with a PRAFO® you will understand this.

What are the main applications?There are actually a broad range of applications and you will find a page later that lists many of them. You will see that these devices are very versatile.

In simple terms, the PRAFO® range is perfect for all patients with compromised mobility at risk of pressure sores at the heel. Lack of mobility tends to increase the risk of pressure sores and we all know that the heels and malleoli are vul-nerable. Whether a patient is in bed or in a wheelchair, pressure sores at the heel are important to prevent and difficult to treat. These devices ensure ZERO pressure and shear at the heel - eliminating the main cause of ulceration.

Research suggests that whenever the risk of pressure sores at the heel is high, it is vital to take ALL pressure, and particularly shear force, off the area. NO de-vice that touches the area can do this.

The PRAFO® range is particularly impressive because they are the only designs on the market that can serve to protect when a patient is immobile and con-tinue to protect when the rehabilitation process requires mobility. The design ensures that the patient is protected around the vulnerable areas of the foot and heel and will remain so during ambulation.

The structure was designed from the outset to allow safe ambulation and still keep vulnerable areas protected. It’s integral walking base gives good stability and security. Many rival products have a detachable foot base that is insecure and puts the patient at risk.

I’ve seen cheaper devices that look similar to yours - why should we use yours?Product cost is always important but make sure that you really compare like - with like. As you know, prescription should be made on the basis of clinical effectiveness. Think about what you actually expect a product to do and then first of all identify products that meet that requirement. The PRAFO® range of products are competitively priced with features that mean you only pay for the benefits you need.

Some other devices are certainly cheaper and do not have the same level of mechanical stiffness as our products. Our products have a metal upright section where all other designs are plastic. This ensures that ours has a mechanical stiffness that is vital for effectiveness.

Questions and Answers...

Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

“Its not what you put on a foot ulcer - its what you take off - eliminate pressure and shear”

This mechanical stiffness is also important when there is a tendency for a deformity/contracture to develop - where the foot/ankle/toes become fixed in a plantarflexed position. This makes the achievement of walking at some later date very difficult. Also if the structure is not stiff enough, even movement of the patient can be enough to flex the device and place pressure on vulnerable tissue areas.

What has always been important with the PRAFO® is the ability to eliminate pressure at the heel, have sufficient mechanical stiffness to prevent contracture development, but most of all to allow the patient to be safely mobilised with the device. This allows limited ambulation as part of rehabilitation and ultimately wider-range ambulation whilst remaining protected.

Won’t the metal upright damage the persons other leg?We have never had any episodes of this happening and we have supplied thousands of these devices around the world since 1996. On the other hand, if you use a “plastic” splint, the risk of a patient developing a contracture or pressure ulcer is much greater than with the PRAFO®.

There is a slim bar on the calf section - what is this for?When the device is being worn by a recumbent patient this bar can be positioned medially or laterally to prevent the leg rotating and putting pressure on the malleoli. It’s present if you need it. If you don’t need it, it can be left in the vertical position or easily removed.

What about options? Choices of liner styles?There are quite a few variations of the PRAFO®. There are choices you can make about the style of upright and the liner - both colour and type.The original PRAFO® - the 650 - has a curved metal upright section and can be sup-plied with different liners or as a “pad & strap” version. The pad and strap version al-lows bulky wound dressings to be accommodated and can allow superior foot control when the PRAFO® is to be used in walking training and other circumstances when mobility is the primary focus. The range also includes the 650APU and the 650D. The APU version allows precise control of the degree of plantarflexion/dorsiflexion and the 650D version provides both plantarflexion/dorsiflexion and valgus/varus positioning of the foot and ankle.

What about sizes?We have a wide range of Adult products and the key variations are available as Paedi-atric and infant products. The sizes are adjustable and work for left and right so you have no complex stock holding requirements.

Who uses the PRAFO®?Quite a number of different healthcare professions coordinate the use of the PRAFO® in their organisations. To some extent, who is most involved depends on the applica-tion area. When we first started to work with the range in 1996 we primarily worked with ortho-tists and coordinated the use of the devices in a hospital setting along with Tissue Vi-ability nurses. One of our own specialities has been diabetic foot care and this has often resulted in our working alongside the podiatrist, nurse specialist, orthotist and

Questions and Answers...

Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

doctor as part of a coordinated care plan. All members of the team need to understand how and why these devices are used and how they fit in with everything else that goes on.

As we have broadened the application of the PRAFO into areas such as stroke rehabilitation, the physiotherapists have started to play a leading role. By very early application following a stroke, therapists have realised that the PRAFO can resist contractures developing through abnormal tone and they can take advantage of the devices to get patients standing and moving early in recovery to facilitate the rehab process.

Can you demonstrate what these devices can do?We welcome the opportunity to support you through in-service training and other oppor-tunities. As we use these devices ourselves clinically, we do have “hands-on” experi-ence to share. We will leave you to decide how you might benefit.

Tell me about your company?Established in 1996, Anatomical Concepts (UK) Ltd was founded by clini-cians, engineers and business professionals. As part of a group of three compa- nies in related areas of rehabilitation, we are well placed to serve clients with diverse and com- plex needs. The company designs, develops and distributes innovative and clinically effective healthcare solutions on an inter-national basis. The core products we offer are widely used in rehabilitation - whether in a hospital or home environment.Based in Clydebank Scotland, Anatomical Concepts works with distribution partners throughout Europe and directly with hospitals, other care providers and private individuals. The products and services we offer aim to improve the quality of life of people affected by conditions such as stroke, diabetes, spinal cord injury, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.The company directors work closely with clinicians such as orthotists, surgeons, therapists, podiatrists and nurse specialists to ensure that our products are effective and refined in practice.Cross appointments with University and research organisations have always allowed us to maintain awareness of emerging technologies and concepts. We are represented at conferences and seminars around the world and recognised for our own research and educational expertise.

Where can we buy PRAFOs?Contact us for details. We work with distribution partners across the UK and we can also supply direct depending on the volume and support requirements you have. The range is on the SFD19 contract for NHS supply in Scotland.

References• Munro, WAM (2005) “Orthotic prescription process for the diabetic foot” The Diabetic Foot, Vol. 8, No 2 p72, Summer 2005• Munro WAM, Jones D, Stang D Benbow S (2005) “Clinical experience of the PRAFO in the management of the diabetic

foot” First Prize Poster Presentation, Allied Health Professions Clinical Effectiveness Meeting, Polmont, Scotland • Edmunds, ME; Foster, AVM (2006) “ABC of Wound healing: Diabetic foot ulcers”BMJ 2006;332;407-410• Munro WAM, Jones D, Stang D (2006) “Clinical Effectiveness of the PRAFO - Diabetic for ulcers” BAPO Magazine, Feb 2006• Munro, WAM; Stang, D; Jones, D (2007) “Clinical effectiveness of the PRAFO® - Diabetic foot ulcers” Orthopaedie Technik,

p114, Feb 2007• Jones, D; Sealey, R; Munro WAM (2007) “Effective orthotic management and stroke” 1st Prize Orthotic Paper, BAPO Con-

gress, Bolton 2007

For copies of articles and other published papers please contact our office

Questions and Answers...

Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

Typical Applications • Diabetes - protection of the neuropathic or ischemic

foot• PVD • Multiple sclerosis • Intensive Care Unit

CVA – Stoke rehabilitation - contracture management and early mobilisation.

• Dermatology • Burns • General Immobility

Diabetes Neuropathic or neuro-ischaemic foot ulcers. Any grade/classification of wound o Lesions on the distal-posterior or medial or lateral bor-der of the calcaneum o Lesions on the medial or lateral malleoli o Lesions extending from distal-posterior margin of cal-caneum, over the tendo-achilles area to the distal calf May be used as part of prophylactic therapy for pa-tients at high risk of diabetic foot ulcers

PVD Ischemia involving foot and/or ankle o Lesions on the distal-posterior or medial or lateral bor-der of the calcaneum o Lesions on the medial or lateral malleoli o Lesions extending from distal-posterior margin of cal-caneum, over the tendo-achilles area to the distal calf

Multiple sclerosis Prevention and or management of equino-valgus or equino-varus contractures at the foot and ankle

Intensive Care Unit o Management of “at risk” tissue for the prevention of pressure sores at the heels and malleoli. o Immobile patients requiring position control of the foot and ankle.

CVA - Strokeo Use as an evaluation ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) immedi-ately post-stroke and during rehabilitation to restore mo-bility.o Use as a recumbent foot and ankle positioning system for night time use to resist development of contractures.

Dermatology Use to relieve pressure and protect heels and malleoli with compromised tissue viability due to dermatological conditions.

Burns In the management of burns to control foot and ankle position

General immobility Use to protect the heels and ankles of all patients with compromised mobility at risk of pressure sores in these areas due to poor tissue viability, compromised nutritional status, suppressed level of awareness and general debility.

NOTES Although there are no specific contraindications the following notes apply to the use of the PRAFO®. 1. The PRAFO® is not to be used with open wounds – an appropri-ate wound dressing must be used. 2. The fitting instructions must be followed and a visual check made to verify that the calcaneal area is positioned and secured within the device to avoid contact with the structure. 3. If gross oedema of the lower limb is present it may be necessary to customise the calf section of the PRAFO® to accommodate the dimensions of the limb. 4. In extreme cases of foot instability it may be necessary to cus-tomise the foot bed. 5. Whether the Kodel liner system or the pad & strap system is used, the liner and strap system are for single patient use only. The liner may be laundered using the recommended “white goods” procedure until the resilience and loft are reduced at which point the liner and straps should be replaced. 6. The PRAFO® structure is durable and may be re-used by follow-ing specific recommendations on safety checks and cleaning. Linings and soft components are to be removed and treated as medical waste on conclusion of treatment with a single patient. Local protocols for cleaning of the structure may override the manufacturer’s guidance and should be followed.

Questions and Answers

Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

Recumbent Prophylaxis

Recumbent Treatment - eg forPressure Re-lief & Wound Healing

Recumbent Accommo-dation or Resist De-formity

Ambulation with Assistance

Gait Evalua-tion &Rehabilita-tion

Gait Tuning



Multiple Sclerosis 650 650D 650D 650D 650D 650D

Cerebral Palsy 550/650 550/650/650D 550D/650D 550/650D

Spinal Cord Injury 650 650 D 650D 650APU/650D 650APU/650D




650 650 D 650D 650APU/650D 650APU/650D


Stroke 650/650APU 650/650APU 650D 650APU/650D 650APU/650D




Diabetes 650 650 650D 650/650APU 650APU 650APU

PVD 650 650 650D 650/650APU 650/650APU 650APU

Renal 650 650 650D

ICU 650APU 650APU 650D

Burns/Plastic Surgery

650APU 650APU 650D

Dermatology 650 650 650D 650APU 650APU 650D



De-rotation 650 650 650D

Contractures 650D 650 650D 650D 650D 650D

Hip Fractures 650 650 650D 650APU 650APU 650D

Hip Abduction 650 650 650D

Osteoarthritis - Knee

Post-Knee Surgery

See Next Page for Product information

PRAFO Application Matrix for the 650, 650APU and 650D

Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

ASK -about the V-VAS!

ASK -about the KMO!


Innovative, clinically effective, healthcare -

8-10 Dunrobin Court, Clydebank G81 2QP Scotlandt: +44(0)141-952-2323 f:+44(0)141-952-3434

650 650APU 650APU 650D/PS 650D/PS



ADULT PRAFO® - “Original” PRAFO with Kodel liner

650 ADULT Dual Action PRAFO® with Pad & Strap kit


ADULT PRAFO® - with Black Terry Cloth Liner 650R/T/B Paediatric PRAFO® 550

ADULT PRAFO® - with Pad & Strap configuration 650PS Paediatric PRAFO® with Black Terrycloth liner 550R/T/B

ADULT PRAFO® - with heavy duty upright 650HD Paediatric PRAFO® Dual Action with Black Terrycloth liner


ADULT - Adjustable posterior upright - Green & White Kodel liner

650APU Infant PRAFO® - with Black Terrycloth liner 450R/T/B

ADULT - Adjustable posterior upright - Black Kodel liner


ADULT - Adjustable posterior upright - Black Terry-cloth Liner


ADULT - Adjustable posterior upright - Pad & Strap 650APU/PS

ADULT Dual Action PRAFO® with Black Terrycloth liner


Enquiry FormPlease complete and return to us or phone or email as you please

Anatomical Concepts (UK) LtdClydebank Business Park8-10 Dunrobin CourtClydebankG81 2QPT: 0141-952-2323F: 0141-952-3434Email:

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I am interested in learning more about the PRAFOI am interested in an in-service eventPlease send me more detailed clinical informationPlease contact me to discussPlease contact me regarding a visitPlease contact me regarding volume pricing
