Pranic Healing Introduction


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Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing® is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-

touch energy healing originated and developed by Grandmaster Choa

Kok Sui.

According to the precepts of Pranic

healing, our body is actually

composed of two parts: the visible

physical body, and the invisible

energy body called the bioplasmic

body or aura.

The visible physical body is that part

of the human body that we see, touch,

and are most acquainted with.

Our aura is that invisible luminous energy body, which interpenetrates

the visible physical body and extends 2-6 inches beyond it. This

energy body is called the etheric or Astral body.

Pranic Healing is the way to clearly understand and experience the

world of auras, chakras, Prana, chi, of psychic phenomena. To

understand nature of thoughts, and emotions. To take charge of your

life, control stress, and also heal yourself and others.

How it works

Pranic healing utilizes Prana (or chi/qi/ki) or life energy and the

chakras or energy centers to heal diseased energy levels.

The healing process involves the manipulation of the patient's chakras,

ki and aura. It has also been called psychic healing, therapeutic touch,

laying of the hand and magnetic healing.

Pranic healing is based on two laws: The law of self-recovery and the

law of Prana or life energy.

1. Law of Self-Recovery:

In general, the body is capable of healing itself at a certain rate. If a

person has a wound or burn, the body will heal itself and recover

within a few days to a week. In other words, even if you do not apply

antibiotic on the wound or burn, the body will repair or heal itself.

2. Law of Life Energy:

For life to exist, the body must have Prana, chi or life energy. The

healing process can be accelerated by increasing life energy on the

affected part(s) and on the entire body.

In chemistry, electrical energy is sometimes used as a catalyst to

increase the rate of chemical reaction. In Pranic healing, Prana or life

energy works as the catalyst to quicken the rate of biochemical

reactions involved in the natural healing process of the body. When

Pranic energy is applied to the affected part of the body, the rate of

recovery or healing increases tremendously.

What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the

rate of self-recovery of the body. There is nothing supernatural or

paranormal about pranic healing. It is simply based on natural laws

that most people are not aware of.

Pranic healing can be used to Cure or reduce

Simple ailments * Cold

* Fever

* Sprain

* Stomach ache

* Other physical disorders

Chronic physical ailments * Diabetes, Cancer

* Arthritis, Spondilitis

* Sexual disorder

* Respiratory disorders

* Digestive disorders

* Urinary disorders

* Kidney ailments etc

Psychological ailments

* Stress, Anxiety,

* Fear, Concentration,

* Emotional &

* Mental problems

Addictions * Addiction

* Hallucinations

This can also be used on animals.

"Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but

rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is

severe, please consult immediately a Medical Doctor and a

Certified Pranic Healer."

Master Choa Kok Sui

In India Apollo Hospitals have a center for Pranic Healing also.

Four Levels of learning-

Pranic healers undergo training through techniques such as meditation

and yoga.

Students of Pranic healing pass through four levels of training.

1. Learn to absorb Prana, sensitize their hands to it.

2. Cleanse and energize the body's energy, and project that energy.

3. How to use color Pranas, and heal psychological ailments

4. Use crystals to focus Prana.

The techniques

Pranic Healing Techniques

There are 3 main techniques used in Pranic Healing:

1. Scanning - A healer has to have the ability to see energy, to

identify the cause of an energy imbalance in the auric field?

Simply by using a technique called 'Scanning' it is done with the


Your hands have an energy of their own, so they can 'tune in' to any

other energy field and 'scan' it.

It enables a healer to identify areas of energy blockage as well as

sources of any disease in the body and aura.

2. Cleansing - Once the problem area has been identified through

'scanning', the old blocked energy that is causing disease needs to be

removed so that the body can begin healing itself.

3. Energizing - Once an area is thoroughly cleansed it can be

energized with healthy Prana.

By cleansing the aura, chakra or organ before energizing it minimizes

the amount of energy needed to heal the disease and also minimizes

any exacerbation of symptoms commonly called a "healing crisis".

Many people consider a healing crisis to be part of every treatment,

however there is no need to go through these symptoms if cleansing is

done properly.

The techniques taught in Pranic Healing ensure that the healer does

not project their own energy to the patient as this will soon cause

fatigue and tiredness for the healer!

Healers are taught to draw in and use Prana from their surroundings to

prevent Pranic weakening of themselves.

These simple yet enormously powerful techniques can be applied to

any aspect of life. Since everything in the world is made up of energy,

anything can be scanned, cleansed and energized; be an organ, a

chakra or a business.

Differences with Other Healing systems

Based on a article from Master Stephen Co, USA

Here is a brief and general list of differences between Pranic Healing

and other systems.

The techniques and teachings are standardized and regulated globally.

This ensures quality control of the teachings.

The diagnosing technique scanning allows one to sense

the aura and chakras and evaluate problem areas that

need healing.

Cleansing techniques give the patient the greatest advantage of fresh

energy and avoid complications that may occur from energizing a

polluted aura.

In many cases, just by applying cleansing techniques the

patient already feels relief from symptoms and causes of

the ailment.

Treatments are specific to and targeted to the ailment, producing

quick and effective results.

The treatments have been validated and produce consistent and

repeatable results.

By following the simple instructions and treatment protocols detailed

in the books, one can treat very complex ailments safely from the very


Energizing techniques do not use the healer’s own personal energy.

We live in a ocean of prana or life force.

In Pranic Healing one learns how to tap into this energy

and impel it to the patient.

So rather than the healer feeling drained after a treatment,

the healer is actually energized too.

This is how Pranic Healers can treat dozens of patients in

a day without feeling drained or exhausted.

A practice called "energetic hygiene" that is rarely found in any

healing modality keeps your personal energy tank clean and full.

This consists of a series of simple practices that will keep

the healer topped-up, strong and unlinked.

The use of color energies targeted to specific chakras and areas of the

body dramatically accelerate the body's innate healing abilities.

The use of color prana produces dramatically fast and

effective results.

The techniques have been researched and systematized for over 20

years, and refined to such a fine degree that it can be easily learnt in a

weekend, and you can start healing safely and confidently after the

first day of tuition.

The techniques produce consistent and repeatable results. Anyone can

do it.

More about Techniques

The majority of healing modalities taught, use a 7 chakra (energy

center) system.

Pranic Healing techniques recognize 11 chakras that work with the

Endocrine System, Skeletal System, and the Nervous System.

They are called the Tree of Life.

1.Energy Chakras

In the palm of your hands are energy centers called chakras. Through

a simple exercise, these chakras are activated to become sensitive to

feeling energy fields.

You can scan that energy field to locate blockages and be able to

cleanse, energize and revitalize the area with new Prana.

You will also learn techniques to stop the drain of energy on your

body that many health practitioners experience while working on

others. You will actually energize yourself while your are healing

someone else!


Here the healer uses advanced energetic extraction techniques on the

affected chakras so phobias, compulsions and addictions can be cured

in a very short time.

3. Color Pranic Healings:

By using the will and special visualization skills taught in this course,

you can focus color energies to the receiver to produce accelerated

healing. Most severe aliments necessitate the use of qualified Color

Pranic Energies for better results. Using Color Prana is like going to a

specialist instead of a general practitioner.

4. Pranic Crystal Healing

Harness the power of Mother Earth's precious gifts. Use Crystal

Power to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity

5. Psychic Self Defense

Protect yourself and your loved ones from psychic attacks, negative

intentions, malicious entities and energetic pollution.

We are surrounded by a sea of negative thoughts and emotions which

can subtly harm us. This course will teach you scientific ways of

utilizing Pranic Energies in different dimensions to properly protect

yourself, your belongings, surroundings and love ones.

6. Pranic Self-Healing

In this intensive "hands-on" 2 day workshop, you will learn step-by-

step techniques to:

* Heal yourself of energy leakages & imbalances (sources of most

health problems)

* Manage your health by powerful Pranic Self-Healing methods

(you will be given step-by-

* step techniques to practice everyday to achieve your goal of good


* Cleanse yourself of diseased energies and energize with fresh

revitalizing prana (life force)

* Quickly recharge your body through simple, yet effective energy-

based physical exercises

* Restructure the energetic patterns of your bodies with specially

designed meditations...


This picture shows the aura

before and after Pranic

healing session.

Practical Tip - Ward off Negative Energies

Here are simple techniques of Pranic Energetic Psychic Protection to

prevent negative energies from entering your energy field:

You can start by closing the aura. Cross your arms and legs

whenever you are in the presence of negative people. This

simple technique shrinks and compresses the aura and makes it

armor like in texture. You will feel very isolated and indifferent

to others emotional outbursts.

You can also concentrate on your heart and crown energy

centers. Visualize your hands projecting a combination of pink

and gold energies to the angry or negative person. These special

color pranas are the vibrations of personal love (pink) and

Divine Love (gold). They neutralize the negative astral energies

projected by an angry person. You may also simultaneously

chant "Om Shanti Om" to calm your own emotions as well as

shower them with the combination of Peace and Loving

Energies. Most angry people will calm down after about 5-10

minutes of being smothered by these high frequencies. This

technique also works well in calming down overactive children.

Courses and Links

Healing Courses


All India Pranic Healing

Foundation Trust

Ram Villa, 21, 10-A,

Craig Park Layout,

M.G. Road,

Bangalore-560 001,India.

Tel: 91-80-558-3749/4364


Prana Energy

What is Pranic Healing

Global pranic healing.

Pranic Healer Certification

The Pranic Healer Certification program is for Pranic Healers who

wish to enhance their Pranic Healing skills, and to become members

of a competency-based internationally standardized group of certified

Pranic Healers. All Pranic Healers are encouraged to become Certified

Healers in order to enhance the standardization and professionalism of

the practice of Pranic Healing globally.

If you would like to join the Pranic Healer Certification Program,

please request information from:

Global Pranic Healer Certification

Louisa Uy

Phone: +(63 2) 732-8258, 712-0213

Fax: +(632 2) 731-3828

In the United States of America, please contact:

Dr. Mary Clark

Myo-Sei Center

741 Garden View Court Suite 204

Encinitas, CA 92024

Phone: +1-888-226-4325

Fax: +1-619-615-2078 Dr. Glenn Mendoza

Pranic healing Center

The MCKS Karuna Wellness Center is a chapter of the Pranic Healing

Association of Delhi.

Pranic Healing "Helpline" 9268289707, 9268289708

Yulia Pal Administrator 91-98 111 55388 (mob.)

Pranic Healing .Net

Official Site in India

Almost all states have local chapters.

Your Hands Can Heal You

Pranic Healing Foundation of Delhi

1 Administrator (+91- 11) 65630461, 32927709,


2 Pranic Healing "Helpline" 9268289707,


UP Yog Vidya Pranic healer’s Association, Lucknow

Phone numbers-

094505 01282

0522 2395864

0522 2323685

0522 2324429


74, Indraprastha Nagar

Picnic Spot Road,



Phone –91-522-2323685/2324429

B-98, Sector C,

Mahanagar (Nearness Wireless Crossing),


Mobile – 09415016939

S-3, Surya Palace

Sector 16/106, Indira Nagar


Phone- 91-522-2357405

M-3/452, Sector H

Kanpur Road, Near Nainital Bank

Ashiana, LUCKNOW

(To be Opened Soon)


List of Pranic Healing Practitioners


Master Choa Kok Sui

1953 - March 2007

Filipino-Chinese, New Age religious leader, he was the Founder

of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, and author of more than 21 books

published in many languages.

At a very young age GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui became interested in

yoga, psychic phenomena, mysticism, Chinese ki kung and other

esoteric studies.

During his development as GrandMaster he received a degree in

engineering and became a successful businessman.

He spent more than eighteen years researching and studying esoteric

sciences that have resulted in the Pranic Healing System teachings.

Along with committed participants he spent several years

experimenting to determine the effectiveness and the mechanism of

the healing techniques commonly known and used by healers and

students of esoteric sciences.

He was not a clairvoyant nor was he born with any healing ability, but

he was very open minded and had read extensively the old masters'


Master Choa not only conceived the comprehensive techniques

designed to cleanse and energize the physical body, thereby

accelerating the rate at which the body can heal itself, he even

originated new, never before used terms, to thoroughly clarify the

concepts he devised. Master Choa successfully has demonstrated that

energy is an important factor in healing the physical body, and

through employing Pranic Psychotherapy, also in healing the psyche.
