Prayer for Veterans: The Olive Branch - Olivet Lutheran Church · Thursday, December 6, 2018 The...


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The Olive Branch

The Twice-Monthly Newsletter of

Olivet Lutheran Church 5840 Monroe Street - Sylvania, OH

Office 419-882-2077 - Fax 419-824-0213

Nathan J. Tuff, Lead Pastor

Melissa Micham, Associate Pastor

Donna Mens, Director of Faith Formation

Shannon Walker, Director of Operations

Our Vision Celebrating the power of the Holy Spirit

by inviting all people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus

Our Three-Fold Mission

~ Create a safer place for growing, learning, listening and loving

~ Address social issues by focused engagement in community partnerships

~ Make direct connections for learning, mutual support and relief with people around the world

November 18, 2018

Twenty-sixth Sunday of Pentecost

November 25, 2018

Christ the King Sunday

Prayer for Veterans:

Heavenly Lord, we bring before You

the men and women who have been

called to serve our country in the armed

forces – on land, sea and in the air, and

who have spent much of their lives participating in the pro-

tection of our shores and land, from the enemy that would

seek to do us harm. Thank You for the selfless way that so

many have been used to maintain our freedoms through

their courageous acts – both at home and abroad. Thank

You for each one and bless them abundantly, and we pray

that You would be their strength and stay – and that You

would graciously supply them with all they need to contin-

ue to serve our country in a retired capacity. And Lord, for

veterans and those in the armed forces that do not yet

know You as their Savior, we do pray that You would

draw near to each one and make Yourself known - so that

they may come to trust in Jesus as Savior and come to be a

soldier in the army of the King of kings and Lord of lords,

in Whose name we pray, Amen. Source:

Prayer for the Residents of Southern California:

God, have mercy on those living through this terrible threat

of fire in Southern California. Protect the lives of the brave

men and women fighting the flames. Give courage to all

those who have lost their homes. Give wisdom to those

who must make important decisions about their property

and the property of others Lord, you are Lord of the weath-

er. We ask you now to calm the winds, increase the humid-

ity and slow the advance of these blazes. Guard those for

whom the smoke is a health threat. You can extinguish

these fires. We ask boldly that you would. We pray this in

Jesus’ name. Amen. Source:

A Prayer of Thanksgiving:

O God, You are so good. You are faithful and gracious and

You have blessed me beyond measure. Thank you for eve-

ryday blessings to which I have become accustomed, but

never want to take for granted: clean drinking water, elec-

tricity, food in my pantry, hot showers, a roof over my

head, and a bed to sleep in.

Thank you for legs that carry me where I need to go

and hands that enable me to accomplish many things.

Thank you for my hearing and my vision and for a sound,

healthy mind.

Thank you my family, my friends, my job, my neigh-

bors. Thank you for freedom to attend my church, for my

pastors, and for my small group(s) and my many relation-


Thank you for the things You are doing in my heart

and in my life. I’m grateful that by the power of Your Holy

Spirit, I am much different today than I was 10 years ago,

or a year ago. I am even different than I was at the begin-

ning of this year, and it’s because of Your power at work

in me, continually transforming me into Your image.

I love and adore You, Lord, and my heart overflows

with gratitude for all these blessings. In the precious name

of Jesus, Amen. Source:

Advent by Candlelight

Thursday, December 6, 2018 7:00 p.m.

Ladies, reserve this evening for a beautiful beginning to the

Advent Season.

While some of the hostesses have family and

guests from outside Olivet, there are others eager

to have you join them at their table. You do not

need to be invited by a particular hostess –

ALL women are invited.

Sign up at the tables in the Atrium or by the CLC.

Last day to sign up—DECEMBER 2.

Giving Trees will be up by

November 25.

Please take a look at the different

paper ornaments indicating person-

alized gift, store gift certificate or

grocery store gift card. Take one or

two of these with you when you go

Christmas shopping. Gifts are due December 9.

NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Make a donation online :

OR Write a check, dated Nov. 27, and have it at the church

office by 3 pm Tuesday. It must be marked GIVING TUESDAY

Last year, Olivet received $6200 for our missional efforts

December 2 in the Atrium Children of all ages!

Celebrate the start of the Advent

season! Arts, crafts, devotionals and

ideas for “gift-giving that make a

difference” will be on display! “Bead for Life” and

SERRV products are featured.

Christmas Concerts

Rejoice & Jubilee Handbells

Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018 ~ 7:00 p.m.

Sacred and Secular Music

Rejoice Handbells Free Concert

Friday, December 14, 2018 ~ 7:00 p.m.

Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle

Pre-Concert Dinner

Sunday, Dec. 2 ~ 5:30 p.m. Before our annual Handbells Concert, why not enjoy a

scrumptious dinner in the Christian Life Center to

benefit our youth programs? Our cooks are preparing a

fabulous menu:

Beef Stew, Salad, Rolls and Brownies or Sugar

Cookies with Peppermint Ice Cream for dessert.

Tickets are available on Sundays or in the church of-

fice: $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children to age 12.

Tuesday, Nov. 27 through Tuesday, Dec. 18

Study Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth with Pastor Nate on Tuesday nights leading up to Christmas. Meet in the

Teen Room at 7:00 p.m. We’ll look for you!

Olivet Choir will present “Darkness Into Light” by Mary McDonald

Sunday, December 16, 2018 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

in the Sanctuary Invite your friends to join you for this beautiful and timely program.

Come to our gathering

on Sunday, November 18

6:00-8:00 p.m.

Activities, Food, Prayer

and Devotions


SPARK and Club 345

Spark is for children ages 3-2nd grade

Club 345 is for children in grades 3-5

Families begin in Worship together,

then children will head to their class

rooms after the pastor’s time with

“Kids of the Kingdom.” Children

return in time for Communion.


on November 25.

Reserve this date: Sunday, Dec. 16! - Our children are

going to sing at Oak Leaf Village. More info will be

forthcoming. The residents always LOVE to hear our kids

sing for them!

Infants & Toddlers

with their parents Meet Sunday, December 2

at 10:10 a.m. in the


Join us!

...or come on Wednesday,

Dec. 5 at 9:15 a.m.



One goal of the Community Mission emphasis team

is to partner with Sylvania Area Family Services

(SAFS) as volunteers and grow their financial

base. This year, the Meijer Store on W. Central Ave

will again support the SAFS Food Pantry through its

annual Simply Give campaign. Customers may pur-

chase $10 donation card(s) which are converted to a

Meijer Food-Only Gift Card and donated directly to

the SAFS food pantry. The holiday Simply Give

campaign runs through, Saturday, December 29.

On Friday, December 7 only, every gift is doubled

– your $10 donation becomes $20!! Please join the

Community Mission Emphasis Team is supporting

our neighbors who hunger.



SAT. December 8

9:00-3:00 p.m.

Sylvania Area Family Services

5440 Marshal Rd., Sylvania, OH

Handmade jewelry, wood art, candles,

essential oils, home décor, custom

gifts, crafts and so much more!

Body Shop is underway with great partic-

ipation! We meet twice a month with

lunch, large group activities and small

group discussion. Our study this year will

be focused on the Ten Commandments

and the Beatitudes.

Adults and ministry groups who love interacting

with youth – please consider providing lunch for our

group once during the Body Shop year (through the

first weekend in May)! You provide a simple lunch and

enjoy breaking bread and learning with our students!

You’ll be glad you did! We provide the paper products,

and can also provide drinks and dessert if needed.

Please see Donna Mens for open schedule dates!


SUNDAY, December 9

On this date, we will participate in our annual “Cookie

Caper!” We always have the greatest time making,

decorating and delivering cookies to special people.

They appreciate it so much and you will be re-paid

with many smiles!

Thank you for participating in

Operation Christmas Child!

60+ boxes were sent to

Samaritan’s Purse to be

sent all around the world!

Events in our Area

Hope Lutheran Church 2201 Secor Road, Toledo

invites you to a concert by contemporary

Christian artist, Abby Pakvan

December 18, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.

Sylvania Women’s Connection West Lunch, Songs, and Message

Friday, Dec. 14 ~ 11:15-1:30

Highland Meadows Golf Club

7455 Erie St., Sylvania

Reservations: Julie 419-466-9701

Sunday 18 9:00 AM Worship-w/Spark & Club 345

10:10 AM Bible Study-AE

10:00 AM Global Missions - Liobrary

11:00 AM The Vine-CLC w/Spark & Club 345

Noon Boday Shop

6-8 PM Sr. High youth

Monday 19 11:10 AM OCNS program-CLC

Tuesday 20 6:30 AM Parables at Panara

9:30 AM Women's Bible Study-TR

10:30 AM Quilters-Ad Ed room

11:10 AM OCNS program-CLC

6:30 PM Financial Peace-AE

Wednesday 21 5:15 PM Daily Bread Meal-CLC

6:45 PM d'Vine practice-CLC

6:45 PM Thanksgiving Worship-Chapel

7:30 AM Olivet Choir

Thursday 22 Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday 23 all closed

Saturday 24 no events

Sunday 25 9:00 AM Worship -Sanctuary no/Spark/Club 345

10:10 AM Bible Study-AE

11:00 AM Worship-The Vine-CLC no/Spark/Club

Monday 26 Tuesday 27 6:30 AM Parables at Panara-Talmadge

9:30 AM Women's Bible Study-TR

10:30 AM Quilters - AE

7:00 PM Pr. Nate Bible Study-TR

6:30 PM Financial Peace-Ad Ed

Wednesday 28 5:15 PM Daily Bread-CLC

6:45 PM Worship-Chapel

7:30 AM Olivet Choir

Thursday 29

Friday 30 Saturday 1 9:00 AM Altar Guild Decorating

2:00 PM Shower in TR

Sunday 2 9:00 AM Worship-HC

10:10 AM Advent Festival - Atrium

10:10 AM Frolic-Spark Room

10:10 AM Bible Study-AE

11:00 AM The Vine-CLC w/Spark & Club 345

noon Body Shop

5:30 PM Pre-Concert Bell Choir Dinner

7:00 PM Bell Choir Concert - Sanctuary

Monday 3 12-3:00 pm Leisure League - CLC

Tuesday 4 6:30 AM Parables at Panara

9:30 AM Women's Bible Study-TR

10:30 AM Quilters-Ad Ed room

6:30 PM Financial Peace-AE

7:00 PM Bible Study- Matthew Nativity - TR

Wednesday 5 9:15 AM Frolic-Teen Room

5:15 PM Daily Bread Meal-CLC

6:45 PM d'Vine practice-CLC

6:45 PM Worship-Sanctuary

7:30 AM Olivet Choir

Thursday 6 7:00 PM Advent By Candlelight

Friday 7 Sat 8 no events

Sunday 9 9:00 AM Worship-w/Spark & Club 345

10:10 AM Bible Study-AE

11:00 AM The Vine-CLC w/Spark & Club 345

Noon Body Shop-Cookie Caper


When grocery shopping, don’t forget to

help stock the food pantry. We are in

need of the following: stuffing mix,

instant potatoes, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and



Thanks to the 47 households who shopped and

designated Olivet as the recipient of the Kroger

Cares dollars. $294.00 check just received!


If you are having an event here at church and are in

need of mustard or ketchup...PLEASE do not

purchase any. We have an over abundance

to be used up.
