Pregled gramatike engleskog jezika za 1. razred..doc


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  • 8/19/2019 Pregled gramatike engleskog jezika za 1. razred..doc



    Dragi učenici,

    ovaj kratki pregled gramatike engleskoga jezika trebao bi vam pomoći da uspješno savladate sadržaj

     prvoga polugodišta kako bi se što lakše prilagodili nadolazećem gradivu. Ovaj kratki preglednik sadrži

    definicije na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku kako bi što bolje shvatili srž i bit jezika kojim se bavimo.

    sto, pregledniku su dodane dvije kratke priča na engleskom jeziku. !ščitavajući tekstove na

    engleskom jeziku, vi proširujete vlastiti rječnik i uspješno se prilago"avate jeziku koji danas otvara

    sva vrata svijeta.

    #elena $ujčić, prof.


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    %. to e&press a habit'! get up at ( o)clock.*arta drinks coffee ever+ morning.

    . a fact -hich is al-a+s true

    o-s eat grass./no- falls in the -inter.

    !z rečenica koje smo naveli kao primjer jasno je kako 0resent simple koristimo kako bi izrazili naše

    navike, one radnje koje su dio nas i naše svakodnevnice. 1ako imamo rečenicu,  I get up at 8.00. (Ja

    ustajem u 8 sati.) kojom izražavamo našu naviku o jutarnjem bu"enju.

    sto, 0resent simple koristimo kako bi izrazili činjenice koje su uvijek točne pa tako imamo primjer 

    Cows eat grass (Krave jedu travu), što je opća istina o kravama pa je i izražena present simpleom.

    #ednako je i s rečenicom Snow falls in the winter, što je tako"er uvijek istinito jer snijeg i pada samo



    1. positie senten!es:

    ! drink coffee. 2e drink coffee.

    3ou drink coffee. 3ou drink coffee.

      4e5 /he5 !t drinks coffee. 1he+ drink coffee.

    /o, it is obvious that the verb gets suffi& "s or "es onl+ in the third person.

    $idljivo je kako se u 0resent simpleu glagolu samo u trećem licu jednine dodaje nastavak  "s ili " 

    es. $ažno je napomenuti kako taj nastavka izaziva promjenu kod glasa + ukoliko se on nalazi iza

    suglasnika, npr. e carries a new suit!ase. 6dje je # prešao u i$ 7carr+8carries9. :o, ukoliko se

    glas + nalazi iza samoglasnika ne dolazi do promjene. She buys "us ti!#et ever$ da$. Dakle, +

    ostaje nepromijenjen, 7bu+ bu+s9.

    %. negatie senten!es:

    &to make a negative sentence -e use verb do or  does ' not$ so -e have do not or don(t and

    does not or  doesn(t.

    )oesn(t is used onl+ in the third person singular.

    *ark doesn(t ride a bike. 88 this is a negative sentence, but positive sentence is'

    *ark rides a bike.

    /o, it means that -e mustn)t use the verb rides -ith suffi&  "s in negative sentence, but -e

    have to use infinitive.


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     :iječna rečenica u present simpleu se tvori tako da upotrijebimo don(t i glavni glagol u

    infinitive u svim licima množine te u prvom i drugom licu jednine. Dok doesn(t i glavni

    glagol koristimo samo u trećem licu jednine. Dakle, valja još jednom napomenuti kako nam se

    glavni glagol u niječnoj rečenici mora vratiti natrag u infinitiv i ne smije imati nastavak  "s ili

     "es u niječnom izrazu.


    *att bu+s himself coffee ever+ morning.

    *att doesn(t *u# himself coffee ever+ morning.

    ...doesn(t *u#....correct5točno

    ...doesn(t *u#s...incorrect5 netočno

    +. ,uestion

    8-e also use do or  does. )oes is used onl+ in the third person singular.

    )oes *att ride a bike ever+ da+;

    )o +ou -ae this D;

    Dakle, u upitnim rečenicama imamo isto pravilo o korištenju glagola dodoes. )oes se koristi

    samo u trećem licu jednine i to tako da zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom i do"e na prvo mjesto.

    /va druga lica koriste do$ a pritom zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom.



    2e use present continuous to e&press an activit+ happening no-'


    1he+ are pla#ing in the garden.4e is drinking coffee at the moment.

    /o, both sentences e&press and activit+ -hich is happening at the moment of speaking. !n the

     present continuous -e often use adverbials, such as at t-e moment or no.

    0ogledamo li dvije rečenice koje smo upotrijebili kao primjer jasno je kako te rečenice

    izražavaju radnju koja se doga"a u trenutku govora. :pr. 1he+ are pla#ing in the garden.

    7Oni se igraju u vrtu.9, jasno je da se radnja odvija u trenutku govora. Dok u drugoj rečenici

    imamo i priložnu oznaku at t-e moment u oom trenutku$ koja nam pomaže da odredimo

    vrijeme u kojem se radnja odvija. sto, valja napomenuti kako je učestalo i korištenje priložne

    oznake vremena nosada.

    1. positie senten!es:

    8 to make a positive sentence in the present continuous -e use the present form of the

    verb *e ' &ing.



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    ! am drinking coffee. 2e are drinking coffee.3ou are drinking coffee. 3ou are drinking coffee.4e5/he5!t is drinking coffee. 1he+ are drinking coffee.

    /o, -e use 2M2REIS 7the present form of the verb be9 and the full verb -ith "ing.1hus, -e onl+ have to be careful -hen -e are choosing the correct 2M2REISform.

    Dakle, kada tvorimo jesnu rečenicu u present continuous, trebamo izabrati pravilan izraz prezenta

    glagola 3E$ koji 2M2REIS$  potom glavnom glagolu dodamo nastavak  "ing. $ažno je izabrati

     pravilan oblik glagola 3E$ tako za prvo lice jednine koristimo 2M$ za treće lice jednine koristimo IS$

    dok za drugo lice jednine i sva lica množine koristimo 2RE.

    %. negatie senten!e:

    8 to make a negative sentence -e use 2M2REIS ' N0T ' &IN4

    1hus -e have'

    ! am not drinking coffee. or !(m not drinking....

    3ou are not drinking coffee. or 3ou aren(t drinking.....

    4e is not drinking coffee. or 4e isn(t drinking.....

    Dakle, kada tvorimo niječne rečenice glagolima 2M2RE IS dodamo negativnu riječ N0T$ s

    tim da onda imamo i kratke oblike kao što su 5m not$ aren(t$ isn(t.

    +. ,uestion:

    8 to make a

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    1. Use t-e present !ontinuous or t-e present simple. Nadopuni re7eni!e koriste8i present

    simple ili present !ontinuous glagola u 9agradama.a

    =' !s #anet in, please;

    >' 3es, but I thin# 7 !5think9 she)s bus+ at the moment. She is washing 7she5-ash9 her hair.

    =' %8??????????????7!5think9 of bu+ing a ne- computer.

    >' >ut computers 8 ????????????7cost9 so much mone+. 2hat)s -rong -ith the one -e)ve got;

    =' @8???????????????7it5get9 out of date no-.


    =' 3our ne- trousers A8????????????7look9 nice.

    >' 1hank +ou, the trouble is B8???????????????????7the+5not5fit9 properl+. C8

     ??????????????7!5not5kno-9 -h+ ! bought them, reall+.

    %. /omplete t-e senten!es *# putting in t-e er*s in present simple form. Nadopuni

    re7eni!e koriste8i present simple glagola u 9agradama.

    %. *+ friend is finding life in 0aris a bit difficult. 4e???????????7not5speak9 rench.

    . !)ve got four cats and t-o dogs. ! ?????????????7love9 animals.

    @. :o breakfast for *ark, thanks. 4e ?????????????7not5eat9 breakfast.

    A. 2hat)s the matter; 3ou????????????7not5look9 ver+ happ+.B. Don)t tr+ to ring the bell. !t??????????????7not5-ork9 properl+.

    C. *atthe- is good at badminton. 4e??????????????7-in9 ever+ game.

    E. 2e al-a+s travel b+ bus. 2e ????????????7not5o-n9 a car.


    1.%8 ! am thinking

    8 ost

    @8 !t is getting

    A8 Fook  

    B8 1he+ don)t fitC8 ! don)t kno-.

    %. %. doesn)t speak, . love, @. doesn)t eat, A. don)t look, B. doesn)t -ork, C. -ins, E. doesn)t




    2e use the past simple for something in the past -hich is finished.

    Gmma passed her e&am last #ear.  tj. Gma je prošla ispit prošle godine.


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    Glvis died in 1

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    koje su u past simpleu ne mijenja oblik kroz lica nego uvijek ostaje isti. Ovo pravilo vrijedi i za

    sve pravilne glagole, npr. ! arried at C o) clock. /he arried at C o)clock.

    * negatie form and ,uestion:

    8 in negatives and

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    1his sentence means that at three o) clock -e -ere in the middle of a period of rain. 1he rain began

     before three o)clock and stopped some time after three. /o, -e are stressing the length of time.

    /oft music as pla#ing.

    1his sentence means that -e heard the music at that particular moment, but it -as pla+ing before -e

    heard it and it stopped some time after -e heard it.

    0rva rečenica It was raining at three o* !lo!#. (Ki%ilo je u tri sata), označava trenutak u prošlosti kada

    smo mi svjedočili kiši, ali uporaba glagola as raining označava da je počelo kišiti prije nego smo

    mi vidjeli da kiši i da je ta kiša prestala u nekom trenutku nakon što smo mi vidjeli da kiši. Dakle,

    uporabom past continuous naglašavamo trajanje radnje u prošlosti. !sto vrijedi i za drugu rečenicu gdje

    smo mi u jednom trenutku čuli kako svira nježna glazba, ali glagoli as pla#ing naglašavaju kako je

    glazba svirala i prije nego smo je mi čuli i kako je svirala i nakon što smo je mi čuli.


    1he past continuous is formed of the past tense of *e @asere and an L ing form.

    %. positive sentences'

    *ar+ as pla#ing the piano.

     +ar$  is the third person singular noun, so -e use as form of the verb *e$ and verb pla# is

    accompanied -ith the 8 ing form.

    1he+ ere skiing in /-itzerland.

    he$  is the third person plural pronoun,  so -e use ere form of the verb *e$ and the verb ski is

    accompanied -ith the L ing form.

    ! as running. 2e ere running.

    3ou ere running. 3ou ere running.

    4e5 /he 5 !t as running.  1he+ ere running.

    1o sum up, the first and the third person singular use the form as$ -hile all the other use the form



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    Dakle pri tvorbi jesnih rečenica u past continuousu koristimo asere 7tj. prošli oblik glagola *e$

    vidi tablicu %. i glavni glagol kojem se dodaje nastavak  "ing. #asno je iz prethodne konjugacije kako

    u prvom i trećem licu jednine koristimo ;2S$ dok sva ostala lica koriste oblik ;ERE.

    . negative sentences'

    8 to form a negative sentence -e use asere J notso -e have' as not or asn(t and ere not or eren(t

    *ar+ asn(t pla#ing the piano.

    1he+ eren(t skiing in /-itzerland.

    #ednostavno se da zaključiti kao pri tvorbi niječnih rečenica u past continuous pomoćnom glagolu

    asere dodajemo not dok sve ostalo ostaje isto. !pak, važno je paziti na to u kojem se licu nalazi

    subjekt kako bismo upotrijebili pravilan oblik pomoćnog glagola.


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    2hen he as !arr#ing a suitcase, he dropped it on his foot.


    1. Use past simple or past !ontinuous of t-e er*s in *ra!kets. Nadopuni re7eni!e koriste8ipast simple ili past !ontinuous glagola u 9agradama.

    !t 7%9?????7be9 a fine da+ -hen !79???????? 7start9 out on the last part of m+ -alk around the

    coast of >ritain. 1he sun 7@9??????????7shine9, and a light -ind7A9??????7blo-9 from the

    south8 -est. ! -as pleased that it7B9???????? 7not rain9. ! 7C9??????7kno-9 b+ no- that ! did not

    like the rain. !n fact, !7E9?????????7hate9 it. !7(9???????? 7-alk9 along the cliff top and then

    do-n into the lovel+ little fishing village of 2elburn, past a cafe -here people7H9????????? 

    7have9 morning coffee.

    %. Use past simple of t-e er*s in *ra!kets to !omplete t-e te>t. Nadopuni re7eni!e koriste8i

    past simple glagola u 9agradama.

    1-o people died 7die9 in a fire in Gllis /treet, Oldport +esterda+ morning. 1he+ 7%9????????7be9

    4erbert and *oll+ 0a+nter, a couple in their seventies. 1he fire 79?????????7start9 at @.M a.m. =

    neighbour, *r. =ziz, 7@9????????????7see9 the flames and 7A9????????????7call9 the fire

     brigade. 4e also 7B9??????????7tr+9 to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat

    7C9 ??????????7be9 too great. 1he fire brigade 7E9 ??????????????7arrive9 in five minutes.

    1-ent+ fire8fighters 7(9????????7fight9 the fire and finall+ 7H9 ???????????7bring9 it under 

    control. 1-o fire fighters 7%M9???????????? 7enter9 the burning building but 7%%9 8

     ??????????7find9 the couple dead.

    +. Make a senten!e *# using past simple and past !ontinuous. Na7ini re7eni!e koriste8i past

    simplepast !ontinuous.

    a9 he5break5 his leg5-hen 5he5 ski?????????????????????????????????????????? 

     b9 she5 loose 5 her passport5 -hile5 she5 shop????????????????????????????????? 

    c9 the phone5 ring5 -hen5! 5leave 5 the house????????????????????????????????? 

    d9 -hen5! 5leave5the+5pla+5 in the garden5???????????????????????????????????? 

    e9 his hair5 catch5 fire5 -hen5 he5 cook5chips???????????????????????????????? 

    f9 -hile5 -e5 pla+5tennis5 it5 start5 to rain5?????????????????????????????????? 

    g9 -hen5!5 phone5 /imon5 he5have5 a sho-er???????????????????????????????? 

    h9 !5do5 m+ home-ork5 -hen5#ane5 arrived????????????????????????????????? 


    1. %9 -as, 9 started, @9 -as shining, A9 -as blo-ing, B9 -asn)t raining, C9 kne-, E9 hated, (9

    -alked, H9 -ere having

    2. %. 2ere, . /tarted, @. /a-, A. alled, B. 1ried, C. 2as, E. =rrived, (. ought, H. >rought, %M.

    Gntered, %%. ound.

    +. a9 4e broke his leg -hen he -as skiing.


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     b9? /he lost her passport -hile she -as shopping.

    c9 1he phone rang -hen ! -as leaving the house.

    d9 2hen ! left, the+ -ere pla+ing in the garden.

    e9 4is hair caught fire -hen he -as cooking chips.

    f9 2hile -e -ere pla+ing tennis, it started to rain.

    g9 2hen ! phoned /imon he -as having a sho-er.

    h9 ! -as doing m+ home-ork -hen #ane arrived.


    2 Tale of Friends-ip

    Written and Illustrated by Carol Moore

     Author's Note:


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     -ear reader, while this stor$ is a"solutel$ untrue I ma#e no apologies, for in the imagination

    of the heart and at the heart of imagination ever$thing is possi"le and an$thing !ould "e. It

    has "een said that the world was !reated in si da$s and on the seventh da$ /od rested

    having !reated all manner of "east and then man. ut one animal was not there in the

    "eginning. It was fashioned "$ the Creator man$ $ears later, and this is a stor$ of how it !ame

    to "e. 

    /-apter 0ne

    3ears ago, even before the !ndian had set foot in =merica, there lived a colon+ of

     beavers on the banks of a tributar+ of the *atta-amkeag Niver in upper *aine. /emi8

    mountainous, it -as a beautiful place -ith -illo-, elm and pine trees and plants such

    as fern and duck-eed. 1he banks of the tributar+ -ere dotted -ith meado-s of -ild

    grass created b+ the beavers in the cutting of trees to build their dam. 

    1he beaver colon+ -as neither large nor small, having three families and ten

    members, and like all beaver the+ -orked

    ver+ hard to dam the small river. =lthough

    the beavers took occasional breaks, usuall+

    for not more than half an hour, one beaver 

    relished sitting at the -aters edge deep in

    thought. 4e -orked harder and faster just

    so he could sit still longer. !f the+ kept bus+

    -ith the -ho and -hat of things, he found

    value in the if and -h+ of things 88 for 

    hours at a time. 

    One da+ in earl+ spring -hile he -as sitting

    on the bank deep in thought about -h+ trees should shed their leaves in -inter, he -as

    distracted b+ a loud P

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    1he beaver sighed. POh, ! like that -ord Pcurious...curiosit+, curiousl+, curiousness.P

    4e rolled the sounds over his tongue like the taste of a tender -illo- sprig. P! am

    m+self curious about man+ things. or instance, -hat is +our name;P 


    1he beaver lo-ered his voice as if the+ -ere co8conspirators. P*iena, m+ name isDooro. ! have a

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    =ll that -eek *iena sought Dooro out -henever he rested on the bank. 1his -as

     partl+ because the other ducks left her alone -hen she -as -ith him and partl+

     because he -as so happ+ to see her. 1he+ -ould discuss -hatever came to mind,

    -hich could be about some difference bet-een ducks and beavers, or the relative

    threat of such enemies as bear and cougar, or even -here the+ might end up if the+

    fle- or s-am in one direction forever. 

    1hen one morning Dooro invited

    *iena to accompan+ him -hile he

    -orked. /he paddled beside him as

    he s-am gracefull+ and po-erfull+

    closing his forepa-s into fists and

    carr+ing them close to his chest as he

     propelled himself for-ard -ith

    -ebbed hind feet, using his tail as a

    rudder. 2hen *iena dipped her headunder-ater for a piece of duck-eed

    Dooro lo-ered his head too. !nstead

    of ordinar+ e+elids, his e+elids -ere

    transparent. 2hen he closed them it -as like looking through -indo-panes and he

    could see her -ith perfect clarit+. 

    *iena felt e&hilarated. /he -as at home in the -ater, her feathers providing perfect

    insulation, and no- that she didnt have to -orr+ about other ducks chasing her she

    could rela& and enjo+ the surroundings. /he loved to paddle against the soft liut une&pectedl+ the duck sounded an alarm. 

    P2hats -rong;P Dooro e&claimed. 

    *iena -as emphatic. P:ot that tree. 1heres a nest in it.P 

    /he lifted her head to point and Dooro sa- that there -as, indeed, a nest half-a+ up

    the tree hidden in the branches. 4e -atched *iena fl+ to it. 

    1he duck recognized the nest because she had hatched in one just like it. =lthough

    ground nests -ere more common, occasionall+ some -ere put in a tree. /he found

    eight olive8green eggs nestled bet-een soft bro-n feathers and -ondered -here the

     parents -ere. >ut the nest did feel -arm to her feet so she realized the mother duck

    had onl+ recentl+ left and -ould return shortl+. /he rejoined Dooro -ho had alread+

    selected another tree.


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    sing his tail as a stool on -hich he could sit upright,

    Dooro gripped the trunk in his forepa-s and began

    che-ing the bark of the si&8inch -illo- sapling,

    dropping chips as he -orked. !t took onl+ %B minutes

     before the tree began to s-a+ on the verge of 

    toppling. 1aking one last bite, Dooro slapped his tail

    on the ground setting off distant thumps and pistol8

    like pops as other beavers follo-ed suit on ground

    and -ater. Gven *iena kne- this -as the beavers version of P1imberQP an emergenc+

    signal that reverberates throughout the beaver colon+ telling others to seek the safet+

    of -ater until the+ are sure no enemies have been attracted b+ the sounds of a falling

    tree. Dooro too returned to the canal and -aited ten minutes before he got out and

     began dismembering the branches of the tree and che-ing the trunk into pieces about

    three feet long. 6ripping a branch in his teeth he splashed back into the canal, -ith

    *iena close behind. 1he beaver -as tireless and *iena accompanied him as he made M trips to the lake

    and back. 4e ferried the branches and trunk sections to the dam and -ith de&terous

    forefeet and strong ja-s pushed, pulled and -ove them into the tangled structure.

    Occasionall+ another beaver helped him -ork a particularl+ large trunk section over

    the top and rest it at an angle, further buttressing the back of the dam. 

    >ecause he -as single8minded in his effort Door and *iena talked onl+ occasionall+.

    1he beaver had cut do-n, sectioned and transported t-o trees to the dam before

    deciding it -as time for a morning break. 1he+ sat on the bank -atching other beavers

    still hard at -ork. 

    P2ere +ou born here;P asked *iena, nibbling at some -atercress that had sprung up at

    the -aters edge. 

    P3es,P ans-ered Dooro, P!n the lodge at the center of the lake.P 4e began rubbing oil

    on his coat from the scent glands near his tail and using the split toenails of his back

    feet to comb through his thick mat of underfur. P4o- about +ou, -here -ere +ou


    P= lake close b+ 88 one nights flight from here. ! left, though. ! didnt feel safe there.P 

    P2h+ not;P 

    *iena hesitated. P1hats -here a snapping turtle grabbed me b+ m+ foot -hen ! -as a

    duckling. *+ parents beat at him -ith their -ings until he let me go. !f !d been in

    deeper -ater and not so shallo- at the time. . .P /he shuddered as her voice faded. 

    P! understand,P said Dooro s+mpatheticall+. P=iera the -olf gives us grief, too, but one

    thing he cannot do is sneak up on us from under-ater. 1hats -h+ -e are -orking so

    hard right no- to keep the -ater high. Rits are being born. *+ mother has t-o ne-


    PNeall+, -here are the+; ! havent seen them,P e&claimed *iena -ith interest. 

    POh, she -ill bring them out soon. 1he+ are not +et a -eek old, but alread+ she isteaching them ho- to s-im. 1he+ learn at the edge of the eating shelf inside the


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    PGating shelf;P 

    POh, ! forgot, +ou have never been inside a lodge, P said Dooro. P2e have t-o levels.

    1he upper level is for sleeping and the lo-er level slopes to the -ater and is for eating

    and a place to dr+ off. 2ould +ou like to see it;P 

    POh, ! couldnt disturb +our mother and her babies,P said *iena. 

    P:o. ! -ill sho- +ou m+ lodge,P said Dooro proudl+. !ts the smaller one near the dam.

    1he back entrance isnt that long.P 

    P>ack entrance; 

    P= tunnel ! made from the bottom of the pond to m+ lodge, ma+be M feet long. !ts a

    couple of feet -ide. !m sure +ou could make it.P 

    P! dont kno-.P *iena said. /he didnt mind diving, but the image of a dark tunnel

    unnerved her. 

    Dooro insisted. Pome on. ! -ill be -ith +ou.P 4e coa&ed her into the -ater and over

    to the area above his tunnel. 1hen the+ dove, Dooro leading the -a+. 

    =s -ith all beavers, Dooro -as endo-ed -ith an almost miraculous abilit+ to sta+

    under-ater. 4e had outer ears he could fold shut and flaps of skin in his nose he could

    close to keep -ater out. 4is oversized lungs allo-ed him to submerge for as long as

    fifteen minutes and to s-im under-ater half a mile. 2hen he dove his heartbeat

    slo-ed automaticall+ and his bod+ prepared to absorb -hat to other animals -ould be

     poisonous amounts of carbon dio&ide. >ut *iena -as not so endo-ed. ertainl+ she

    -as able to dive for minutes at a time, but that -as under conditions -here she couldsee her surroundings and had immediate access to the surface. Dooro realized there

    -as a problem -ell before he had reached the entrance to his lodge. 

    =lmost half-a+ through the tunnel *iena panicked. 0ushing against the -alls -ith

    her -ebbed toes, she sought to s-im faster but onl+ stirred up mud, t-igs and debris

    that clouded the passage-a+. =nd once she couldnt see she became disoriented,

    thrashing about in terror. /ensing trouble, Dooro turned and s-am back to her,

     pushing and guiding her back out of the tunnel -ith his chest and forepa-s until she

    -as into clear -ater. /he stopped floundering and hesitated onl+ a moment before

    rushing to the surface to dra- in deep breaths of air. /he made her -a+ to the bank and

    la+ e&hausted. !t didnt help that Dooro caught a disapproving glance from his father -ho -as

    -orking on the dam. Dooro -as over-helmed -ith shame. P*iena,P he e&claimed. P!

    reall+ thought +ou could do it.P 

    POhhhh,P she gasped. P!ll never do that again. Gven if ! -as chased b+ %MM turtles !

    could never, ever enter a tunnel again.P 

    P!m sorr+.P Dooro didnt kno- -hat else to sa+. 

    P! kno- +oure sorr+,P *iena reassured him. P3ou just thought ducks are like beavers

    88 and -ere not. !m not. #ust dont ever mention that horrible place again.P


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    /-apter T-ree

    *iena didnt hold her unfortunate e&perience against Dooro. 1he+ continued to meet

    and talk ever+ da+, at least for a -hile, as he -as busier than ever. 1he sno- pack -as

    melting and the -aters of the tributar+ s-elled, forcing the beaver colon+ to abandon

    their lodges, if onl+ temporaril+. Dooro e&plained to *iena that this -as actuall+ a

    good thing because the more -ater

    the dam could hold back, the more

    -ater there -ould be to fill ne-

    canals and under-ater plunge holesso necessar+ to escape enemies. :o-

    that the trees closest to the lake -ere

    gone the+ had to travel further afield,

    and each additional canal lined -ith

    under-ater escape burro-s might

    mean life or death. 1hrough Dooro,

    *iena came to understand a beavers

     passion for dam building. 

    =long -ith the increased flo- of

    -ater and abundant greener+ came an e&plosion of ne- famil+ members. >esides the

    coot and merganser ducks -ith their ducklings, three of the mallard couples -ere

    sho-ing off their ne- broods. G&cept for their more subdued coloring, *iena thought

    all the ducklings -ere adorable miniatures of their parents. or the first time she kne-

    a ne- +earning and couldnt -ait to discuss it -ith Dooro. 

    PDo +ou plan on having a famil+ one da+;P she asked the beaver as he lie sunning

    himself lazil+ on his back. 4e flipped to his stomach. 

    P3es. ! do. = couple -eeks ago, as a matter of fact, ! -as considering it.P 

    *iena -as surprised. P3ou didnt tell me.P 

    P:o, ! didnt think to. ! came across a fresh mound of mud an unfamiliar beaver had put onto a fallen log. /he had shaped it into a cone. !t smelled... marvelous.P 4e

    stretched his chin out onto his forefeet and closed his e+es, savoring the memor+. 

    *iena didnt have a clue as to -h+ mud -ould smell marvelous. P1hats.... nice. ! have

    thought about it, too. :ot mud, of course 88 but having a famil+. >ut then...P 

    Dooro sensed *ienas depression. Rno-ing she -as an outcast from her o-n kind and

    unlikel+ to attract a mate, it occurred to him a distraction -as in order. PFook, theres

    m+ mother -ith m+ brothers.P 

    /ure enough, the mother beaver -as s-imming across the lake in their direction -ith

    her t-o kits straddling her tail. =fter passing b+ a pair of ducks also giving rides to

    their ducklings, the+ came right up to *iena and Dooro. 1he beaver kits immediatel+


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    abandoned their mother and began leaping onto Dooro and then tumbling over one


    P>o+s, behave +ourselves,P their mother admonished sternl+. 1o Dooro she said, P3our 

    father and ! are about to cut do-n a big spruce tree. 2ill +ou -atch +our bab+


    Dooros e+es t-inkled. 4ed alread+ seen *iena fluff her feathers in anticipation.

    P1hat -ill be fine, mother. *a+be ! -ill give them another lesson on dam building.P 

    1he mother beaver smiled her beaver smile and nodded serenel+, full+ trusting her

    oldest son. /he didnt object to *iena. /hed decided it -as an odd friendship, but after 

    all, ducks are no threat to beavers. /he returned to the -ater -ith a gentle slap of her

    tail and Dooro, *iena, and the kits all follo-ed her as far as the dam. 

    Once at the dam Dooro began e&plaining the fine art of dam building. 4e told them a

    dam needs to be -ider at the bottom than the top. 1hat instead of one big tree being

    used as a foundation, man+ saplings and limbs of older trees heav+ -ith brush go intothe construction. 1hen branches are laid side b+ side in line -ith the direction of the

    current and anchored into the mud b+ rocks and stones, so as not to -ash a-a+. 2ith a

    -eb of interlaced branches acting like a net, all manner of drift-ood and debris are

    entrapped. Dooro e&plained that once the foundation is laid, to be -atertight the dam

    needs a plaster of mud, pebbles, and grasses and that this plastering of mud must be

    done on the upstream side first or it -ill -ash a-a+. =nd finall+, the heaviest logs are

    added to the dam on the do-nstream side and pushed against it at right angles for

    more strength. 

    >eing onl+ three -eeks old, Dooros brothers -ere hardl+ attentive. 1he+ perked up,

    ho-ever, at the mention of mud. P2e -ant to plaster. an -e do that;P the+ begged. 

    !t -as -hat Dooro had in mind. 

    4e took them to the bottom of the pond -here he sho-ed them ho- to scoop up

    armfuls of mud, old leaves and pebbles. 4is forepa-s -ith their five toes and strong

    cla-s -ere particularl+ de&terous, and -ith the support of his paddle8like tail he could

    -alk on his hind legs under-ater. =rms full, Dooro actuall+ -alked up the side of the

    eight8foot dam to the surface -here he began shoving mud into place -ith pa-s and

    snout. !n follo-ing his e&ample, the beaver kits -ere barel+ successful. >ecause of

    their size and underdeveloped coordination, mud melted from their grasp and the+

    ut the mud -ar -as self8

    limiting because b+ that time Dooro had no intentions of gathering more mud. 

    1hen the+ turned to *iena. !t occurred to the beaver kits the+ could pretend to be

    ducklings and be ferried about. Over Dooros strenuous objections *iena -ent along

    -ith it, looking decidedl+ -aterlogged, or rather, beaver8logged. /he traveled beside

    the dam to-ards the bank, figuring to get out once she gre- too tired to carr+ her

     passengers. 1he+ -ere having a -onderful time, dra-ing looks of amusement from


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    other ducks as -ell as beavers. 

    /uddenl+ close b+ there -as a noise as loud as a pistol shot 88 so loud it could be heard

    half a mile a-a+. !mmediatel+ other loud pops follo-ed, some fainter, as distant

     beavers sounded the alarm -ith their tails. 1hose in the pond reacted b+ diving or

    fl+ing, but *iena did neither. One of the kits dove instantl+ but the other kit seemed

    confused and -as s-imming to-ards the bank. 2ith bone8chilling fear *iena sa-

    =iera, the dark8gra+ -olf, loping along the bank in their direction. 

    2ithout thinking, and on the pure instincts of a mother duck, she raised a hue and cr+

    as loud as her lungs -ould permit. PSuack8-ack8-ack. Suack8-ack8-ack.P 4alf

    fl+ing, half pushing the -ater -ith her feet she rushed to put herself bet-een the kit

    and =iera. 1he same instant the -olf sa- the +oung beaver he heard and sa- the duck.

    !ts automatic that predators attack the -eakest and *iena kne- instinctivel+ to

     become vulnerable. /he began flapping one -ing and bobbing spasmodicall+, all the

    -hile keeping up her PSuack8-ack8-ack,P as though she -as in great pain. 

    1he ruse -orked. =iera couldnt resist a -ounded duck. 4e crashed into the pond,-ater spra+ing ever+-here. 4is muzzle -as onl+ inches a-a+ and -hen he opened

    -ide his mouth *iena sa- his fangs. Out of the corner of her e+e she also sa- the

    second beaver kit dive to safet+. !n front of =ieras e+es she healed instantl+, fl+ing up

    and a-a+ to a tree -here she could safel+ -atch his reaction. 

    1he th-arted -olf leaped about in the -ater, sniffing and gro-ling. =ll the beavers

    had disappeared and the ducks -ere either in the trees or had paddled to a safe

    distance. =ieras tongue drooled from unanticipated loss and unable to accept defeat,

    he actuall+ began s-imming to-ards the ducks at the center of the pond. 2ith

    e&aggerated nonchalance the+ easil+ outdistanced him and he finall+ gave up. 

    4alf an hour later the ponds residents -ere back to doing -hat the+d been doing

     before the -olf appeared, e&cept for Dooro, *iena and the kits -ho sta+ed close to the

    famil+ lodge at the center of the pond. 2hile the kits s-am and pla+ed, Dooro and

    *iena talked, keeping a -ar+ e+e on the bank. 

    Dooro -as in a-e. P1hat -as marvelous -hat +ou did.P 

    Determined to remain modest, *iena dipped her head in the -ater several times.

    Droplets of -ater rolled and splashed off her back and feathers. P*+ parents did that

    for me. !ts something -e ducks do.P 

    P2ell, ! still think it -as marvelous,P insisted Dooro. P1he place -here ! live in the -intertime has more than one -olf. 1he+ usuall+ live in

     packs, +ou kno-,P said *iena changing the subject. 

    1he thought both intrigued and terrified the beaver. P! have never heard of that.P 

    P2ell, !ve seen it,P she assured him. 

    *ienas -orldl+ kno-ledge never failed to impress Dooro and after the events of that

    da+, he had even more respect for her. =s for the duck, she basked in his respect.


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    /-apter Four

    1he ne-ness of spring changed into the laz+ da+s of summer. G&cept for an occasional

    repair of the dam, the beavers -ere unmotivated to cut an+ trees. !t -as a time of

    abundance for beaver and duck alike because the+ could no- dine on a -ide selection

    of plants. 2ithout leaving the -ater the+ feasted on duck-eed, -ater lilies, and

    -atercress. lose b+ gre- ferns, mushrooms, -ild grasses, and berries. *iena enjo+ed

    an occasional bug or minno-. Dooro, too, -elcomed the change in menu and onl+

    occasionall+ ate -illo- or aspen, a staple during the -inter months. 1he flourishing

     plant life of the beaver pond attracted other animals. !t -as not uncommon to see deer,raccoons, skunk and bear, although the beavers -ere al-a+s nervous -hen a bear -as

    around. >ears had been kno-n to tear apart beaver lodges. 

    *ean-hile the ducklings and kits turned into +oung ducks and beavers. :ature -as

     preparing the ducklings for their -inter flight. Garl+ on the+ had lost their do-n and

     begun gro-ing flight feathers. =nd -hile the +oung beavers -ould not be independent

    until t-o +ears old, b+ the end of summer at half their adult size, the+ -ere full+

    capable of patching the dam or felling a tree. 

    1hroughout the summer *iena and Dooro continued to have their special

    conversations. 2here Dooro -as, there -as *iena 88 and vice versa. 1o Dooro, -hat

    fe- beaver conversations he had had, became boring in comparison. =s for *iena,-ell, she had no one else to talk to and gre- to prefer it that -a+. 

    =ll too soon the light of da+ began to shorten and b+ the end of /eptember the beavers

    -ere once again hard at -ork. 2ith increased cloud cover and colder -eather the

    ducks appeared nervous, -atching the sk+ and looking south-ard. 1heir

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     plasterer striving to cover ever+ bit of e&posed surface. 

    P*iena, -hen are +ou going to leave -ith the others;P he said, -orr+ edging his


    *iena hesitated. P1heres time.P *omentaril+ she tucked her head under her -ing, and

    then shook her feathers. 

    Dooro persisted. P>ut almost all the other ducks have alread+ left. 

    P1hats not true. 1here are ducks left.P 

    Dooro didnt -ant to argue. 4e preferred making a suggestion. P2ell, at least ! hope

    +ou plan on leaving -ith them -hen the+ do leave.P 

    *iena looked a-a+ and didnt respond. 1he subject -asnt mentioned again for a


    /-apter Fie

    !n a -eeks time there -ere no more ducks at the pond, e&cept a forlorn *iena. 2ith

    even beavers disappearing into their lodges for the -inter, Dooro -as trul+ alarmed

    and determined to straighten it out one -a+ or another. 

    P*iena, -hen are +ou leaving; 1he ducks are all gone and +ou kno- its time.P 

    1he ducks ut, -h+ notQP 

    P! just cant.P =nd then more defiantl+, P! dont -ant to and ! -ont.P 

    1o the pragmatic beaver this violated ever+ instinctual rule. Ducks fle- south for the

    -inter and there simpl+ -as no other option. Dooro -as emphatic. P3ou cant leave;

    2ell, +ou cant sta+. 2hat -ould +ou eat; 2here -ill +ou live; 1he pond -ill be

    frozen soon.P 

    *iena refused to ans-er. !nstead she turned her back on him and fle- off to a tree.

    1he -orried beaver didnt kno- -hat to do. /he -as his friend, after all. 

    Dooro kept an e+e on her all the follo-ing -eek. 2ith each progressive da+ the no-8

    freezing temperature began to have its effect. 1he mud the beavers had so carefull+

    applied to their lodges became hard as cement and the pond began to freeze over

    starting at the shoreline. 1his -as no problem for the beavers -ho could continue

    -orking under-ater even in a completel+ ice8covered pond. Dooro -as accustomed to

    memorizing ever+ air pocket including the ones that al-a+s formed along the shore of

    the pond or the one that formed at the dome of ice above the entrance to his lodge.

    2hat he -asnt accustomed to doing -as -orr+ing about a duck -ho had no such


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    defenses against -inters harsh elements. *iena looked more miserable each da+. 

    4e thought and thought about ho- he could help her. 4e even suggested to *iena that

    she dive into the pond before it -as frozen over so she could seek shelter in his beaver 

    lodge. >ut this -ould have meant using the tunnel passage-a+ and Dooro onl+ needed

    to see the terror in her e+es to kno- that ans-er. 

    1hen one morning after it had sno-ed all night, the frantic

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    P2hat does this animal look like;P 

    P!t -alks on t-o legs like a bird, but it cant fl+. !t has arms instead of -ings and no


    1he+ talked on and on about the strange animal. >ut -hile *iena began to rela& and

    enjo+ herself, Dooro couldnt ignore a persistent feeling of doom. or good reason. =tthat ver+ moment =iera -as foraging in their area. 

    1he -olf hadnt eaten in da+s and -ith the alluring scent of duck and beaver -afting

    through the air he follo-ed it eagerl+, lifting his muzzle and sniffing often. rossing

    the no- frozen pond, it didnt take him long to find Dooros lodge. 

    Dooro and *iena smelled him before the+ heard him. 

    PDive, *ienaQP ordered Dooro. 

    >ut the duck, paral+zed -ith fear, shrank against the -all of the lodge. Dooro kne- if

    he left her she -ould be killed. =lread+ he could hear =ieras gro-ling as the -olf tore

    and scratched at the freshl+ packed mud and branches. !t -asnt long before his head

    and shoulders broke through. 

    Dooro, backing up, pushed *iena against the -all and lifted his head to sho- his

    teeth. >ut the stronger and more agile =iera -asnt the least intimidated. 4e -riggled

    and crashed through the barrier leaping on the beaver and pulling him outside. /o

     po-erful -as =iera that once he had a solid hold of the beavers neck he shook him


    1he violence of the scene and terrible gro-ls of the -olf a-akened *iena from her

    daze. PSuack8-ack8-ack.P /he rushed from the lodge, flapping her -ings, doing her

     best once again to attract =ieras attention. /he finall+ succeeded, but at -hat cost.

    =iera released the beaver and grabbed *iena b+ her left -ing, breaking it. 1hen he

    tossed her into the air to get a deadlier grip. 

    !t -as all the chance Dooro needed. =ieras left back leg came -ithin reach and he bit

    do-n as hard as he had ever chomped a -illo- tree. 1he bone cracked and =iera,

    ho-ling in rage and pain, released *iena. Dooros attack -as totall+ une&pected and it

    unnerved the -olf, -ho -as reall+ a co-ard at heart. 4e turned and fled, using anuneven gait to favor his injured leg. 


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    nfortunatel+, for all their braver+ both *iena and Dooro -ere mortall+ -ounded.

    1heir red blood -as splattered on the -hite sno-. Dooro collapsed, shivering. P!ts

    cold,P he gasped. 

    *iena, pushing -ith her -ebbed feet, struggled to him and laid her good -ing over

    his back like a blanket of feathers. P!s that better;P she asked. 

    4e sighed and closed his e+es. P= little.P

    /-apter Si>

    1he truth is that no matter ho- noble or terrible our intent, -e must face theconseut so strong and pure -as Dooro and *ienas friendship

    that it had not gone unnoticed b+ the reator. /uch devotion and self8sacrifice are rare

    and in this case re-arded. *+steriousl+, magicall+, -ondrousl+, *iena and Dooros

    -ounds -ere healed 88 as surel+ and

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    SE/0N) TA0U4ATS *# /arol Moore


    Tuesday, June 15

     A t high noon a large spaceship floatedgently down out of a blue sky to land on thefront lawn of the White House. It restedotionless for the ne!t fi"e hours while the

     White House hued with acti"ity. The#resident was e"acuated and then theilitary o"ed in with troops, tanks andhelicopters. $tealth fighters roared o"erhead.%oth &ongress and the 'nited (ations called

    eergency sessions as a frightened worldheld its breath.

     At e!actly 5)** p.. eastern tie, a sall door opened in the side of thecraft and a huan+like creature stepped out.

     As beings go, it wasnt that alaring. About three feet tall, it had a largehead atop a sall body with two spindly legs. And there were feather+likeappendages growing fro its head as well as fro what could ha"e been atail if it were a bird. %ut it o"ed like a huan and wore a one+piece

    unifor of a gold etallic aterial that sparkled in the sun. Walking to thenearest soldier, it stopped short, its two unnaturally large eyes blinkingtwice. Then in perfect -nglish with a high+pitched "oice, it said, Take e to

     your esteeed leader.

     After uch ilitary and political consternation, the re/uest was granted.$tanding before the #resident of the 'nited $tates, who was seated at hisdesk in the o"al office surrounded by half a do0en secret agents, the little

     being bowed. #resident and &hief &oander, I hubly coe to you asabassador facilitator for an ancient and distinguished race. #lease reali0e


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    that youre dealing with beings of such power that their purpose ust befriendly or youd ha"e already been destroyed in y huble estiation.

    It paused to scratch the base of a head feather. I yself a ooba. ykind are respected throughout the uni"erse as the finest of translators. Iust tell you that the 2!lepis ship has been oored at the edge of yoursolar syste for a year now while I"e been studying your languages andcustos on their behalf. I know all there is to know about all of you, in yhuble opinion.

    The #resident siled halfheartedly, $hould I find that coforting3

    ooba brightened, 4f course. %ecause I thorough I rarely akeistakes. He shrugged. Ill adit to a few, but none that wasnt rectified.I sorry to infor you that yours is not the only species I considered forcontact on this planet. There are soe others ore appealing, but yours isthe ost intelligent. And yours is also the only species belie"ing thesel"esin charge.

    The #residents eyebrows lifted at such a stateent.

    ooba continued, or purposes of decoru, toorrow I will teach youabout the 2!lepis. His top feathers suddenly stiffened. %e forewarned.

     Although highly e"ol"ed intellectually, the 2!lepis are eotionally fragile

    and /uick to percei"e iaginary insults if decoru isnt carefully followed.Theyre /uirky that way++easily offended. And if you offend the you willnot reap the benefits they can bestow.

    air enough the #resident agreed, but his e!pression was one ofpu00leent.

    The con"ersation was o"er.


     Wednesday, June 16

    The ne!t day two soldiers were sent to escort ooba back to the WhiteHouse, but he wasnt on the spaceship. Instead, when the #resident with hisstaff and secret agents arri"ed at the eeting roo, ooba was alreadythere. Without anyone noticing, he had left the spaceship, slipped through aring of ilitary, a ob of reporters and White House staff to find thesecured eeting roo no one had told hi about the day before. Itunner"ed the #resident and particularly his secret agents.


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      $tanding at the back of the roo ooba waited fore"eryone to get settled. Then he abruptly began, The firstthing to do when to bow. $oe of your huancultures already practice that forality. And the second thingafter bowing... is to do nothing. He paused for ephasis.Its best, $ir #resident, to allow e to do all the talking,particularly in the beginning. The 2!lepis thesel"es rarely speak because words to the are sacred. They belie"e that by saying less, what is said increases in "alue. $o speaking only at the end of a con"ersation is a sign of respect. 4f course, iny huble opinion, that akes for "ery shortcon"ersations. It was hard to tell if ooba was 7oking so noone laughed.

    The alien continued. The 2!lepis find it difficult dealing with othercultures, so they take great care to insulate thesel"es. In addition to beingtheir translator I ser"e as a filter to shield their refined sensibilities++but stillI ust be accurate and coplete. (ot an easy 7ob, in y huble opinion.The 2!lepis are eotional, you see. 8espite all their sophistication, they 7ust

     want to be lo"ed and they cant handle re7ection. I think you huans canappreciate that. He watched as one of the staff arose and walked to a tableat the side of the roo pouring hiself a cup of coffee.

    Whats that3

    The #resident siled. Its coffee, a coon be"erage. And theres alsodonuts. Would you like soe3

    oobas top feathers twitched e!citedly. &ertainly. He stepped /uicklyacross the roo and to e"eryones surprise gulped down a whole carafe ofhot coffee. Then he grabbed se"eral donuts. 9eturning to the front of theroo, he noisily sacked his lips. #owdered sugar fro the donuts hadsoehow ended up on his chin. It was a coical sight that e"eryone politelyignored.

    That was tasty, he said, in y huble opinion. (ow, let e e!plainore about the 2!lepis. Ha"ing astered the ysteries of science andtechnology, they ha"e returned to the arts, particularly their poetry. Theyare on a /uest for new fors of e!pression. or e!aple, the :* ways anelephant calls to its young or the 5; words the -skios use for snow.

     Whether or not a language is written or spoken is of secondary iportance.The 2!lepis take pleasure in con"erting all anner of creaturecounication into 7ust the right word with a precise eaning andconte!tual fla"or to be used in their poetry. $o they tra"erse the uni"erse in

    search of counication to define new words because, to the, only wordsha"e true "alue. #ersonally, I think its because words con"ey eotions.


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      $peaking of "alue... ooba stopped id+thought. Ah... could I ha"eore coffee3

    $ir, theres no ore coffee, said one of the agents addressing the#resident.

    The #resident wa"ed his hand. Well then, please get another carafe. Itllonly take a inute.

    The agent left the roo. Through the door, which had not fully closed,s/uee0ed a short, rotund %asset Hound. It went iediately to the#resident wagging its tail while casting side+glances at ooba.

    Hi there, $ally, the #resident gently stroked the dogs back. ooba,this is y dog. $he 7ust had puppies four weeks ago. What do you think ofher3

    ooba was /uite interested, particularly when $ally left the #resident toapproach hi, her tail still wagging. He bent o"er so that his face wasalost le"el with the dogs and she licked the sugar off his chin. His headfeathers danced wildly. I like her, he said and then ade a noisesoewhere between a bark and a whine. It startled e"eryone in the roo,

     but $ally woofed in response.

    $uddenly, the agent with the coffee appeared. Heres the coffee, $ir.

     At that point $ally was let out of the roo. ooba drank ore coffee,after which he continued instructing the #resident.

    As I was saying, concerning "alue its things that ha"e no price that are worth the ost to the 2!lepis. Things such as honor or knowledge or 7oy.Thats because eotions, or the intangible, offer infinite possibilities fornew words of shading and intensity. When a thing has a price, its "alue isalready set, defined and liited according to the 2!lepis. $o instead of

    price, "alue for the is in how any words a thing inspires.

    %ut as for eotions...the 2!lepis fell in lo"e with the 8rugans on theplanet #hi0ell because theyre always laughing. They ha"e

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    coercial says a car has a soul, where does that lea"e a an3 In order toadd "alue to a thing, you"e stolen a word eant only for li"ing beings andde"alued it. And in de"aluing that word you"e de"alued yoursel"es. The2!lepis would ne"er understand and its better that they not know about it.In y huble opinion.

    ooba patted a tail feather. 4n the other hand, your worlds librariesare filled with books and are an endless resource for poetry and great

     writings. Huan beings are capable of deep thought and intense eotionsand soe ha"e a desire to define the. It is these writings that will appealto the 2!lepis and they will reward you beyond iagination. As long as theyreain on this planet they will bestow gifts, so its to your benefit to pleasethe. Thats all I can say.

    He bowed and the eeting was abruptly o"er.


    Thursday, June 1=

    The introduction of the 2!lepis was set for noon. Although it was anunusually o"ercast day, that hadnt stopped a huge crowd fro foring. Attwo inutes to 1:)** the #resident and four secret agents walked slowly upthe red carpet and stopped :* feet fro the craft.

     With the opening of a large door, a strangegreen ist eanated fro the craft. Then along and gently sloped rap slid out upon

     which ooba e!ited. The ururing crowdhushed as three figures eerged fro

     behind hi. The figures were nearly se"enfeet tall, rather thin, and co"ered entirely ingrey+green flowing robes and hoods. orethan anything they resebled >regorianonks, but it was how they o"ed that was

    startling. Although there was not a breath of wind, their robes rippled fluidly and theyappeared to pour across the :* feet coingto rest alongside ooba and in front of the#resident and the agents.

    oobas high "oice spoke into the ultitude of icrophones set up byreporters and it sounded o"er the #A syste. ebers of planet earth, Ia pleased to introduce you to the 2!lepis. And, they in turn are "erypleased to eet you. As he said this the three beings bowed deeply as did

    the #resident and his agents.


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      ooba continued, $upree &oander, #resident of the 'nited $tatesand all citi0ens of earth, I a pleased to infor you on behalf of the 2!lepisthat today they would like you to accept this gift that they offer you withoutreser"ation. Withdrawing soething fro a hidden pocket, ooba handedit to the #resident.

     Accepting the ob7ect, which fit into the pal of his hand, the #resident bowed again. Thank you.

    $eeing the three 2!lepis nodding fro beneath their hoods, oobaadded, The 2!lepis thank you, too.

    The crowd roared their appro"al and the first eeting was o"er.


    riday+$unday, June 1?+July @

     When the gift was e!ained, scientists were astounded. The #residenthad been handed a container that turned out to hold bacteria fro a distantplanet. %ecause these bacteria could anufacture any ineral, the 2!lepishad culti"ated and refined it for ultiple purposes. $pecifically in huans,once ingested the bacteria becae sybiotic with li"ing cells and wentabout curing deficiencies. The resulting good health was iraculous and theclosest thing to a fountain+of+youth eli!ir that huanity had e"er

    e!perienced. urtherore, the bacteria were easily reproduced.

    The #resident wished to reciprocate with a gift of e/ual "alue and atoobas recoendation coissioned a copendiu of sacred writingsto be copiled in their original languages. ooba assured hi that as a gift,this would be a delightful surprise for the 2!lepis. It was an abitiouspro7ect re/uiring scholars of e"ery religion and the 'nited (ations wasappointed to coordinate it. All nations agreed that no aount of oney oreffort should be spared to ha"e the gift ready for the ne!t eeting with the2!lepis.

    ooba hadnt anticipated the effect the 2!lepis would ha"e on theirhosts. ankind becae like children at &hristas. While the 2!lepiss giftof health was reproduced en ass, that was 7ust the beginning.

    -"erything had to be 2!lepis+related. To accoodate the deand,anufacturers broke all records nearly those of physicsB to get out aplethora of products. 4"ernight >regorian onks garb becae the fashioncra0e, gray+green the ost popular color until onday when pastel+greens

     were introduced followed closely by polka dots. #eople were dressing their

     babies and pets in robes with cowls. 2!lepis gray+green began showing up


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    on toys, dish ware, buildings. If iitation is the highest for of flattery thenthe 2!lepis should ha"e been flattered indeed.

    &oercials ad"ertising 2!lepis products had but one thee, life was better with 2!lepis whether you wore 2!lepis clothes or sat on 2!lepisfurniture. The inference was, so long as you had 2!lepis you were asoebody with soething. 'nfortunately, the opposite inference was alsotrue, for without 2!lepis you were considered a nobody with nothing.

    The irony was not lost on ooba who watched coercialis turn the2!lepis, a race of beings who lo"ed the nonaterial, into the biggest nae

     brand of all tie.


    onday, July 5

     When the #resident and his staff appeared at the spaceship on ondaynoon it was before a "astly different+looking crowd. Although a hot July day,the a7ority was wearing hooded robes, wa"ing signs and holding bannersthat said, 2!lepis rocksC

    This day, upon e!iting the craft, the three 2!lepis did not iediately bow. Although their faces couldnt be seen, it appeared that fro beneaththe cowls they were turning their heads to e!aine the crowd. Watching

    the, oobas head feathers stiffened noticeably and he frowned.

    This tie it was the #resident who cae bearing a gift. The #residentproudly offered the huge book hea"y with gold leafing that one of the2!lepis gingerly accepted, grasping it with long fingers while the other two2!lepis stretched forward for a closer look. Their grey+green robes cast agreenish hue o"er the book.

    #lease accept this gift fro ankind, said the #resident, his "oicetrebling. 4"er

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      >o on. Tell the, the #resident urged and ooba coplied.

    The reaction was iediate. $ho"ing the book back at the #resident, which he alost dropped, the three 2!lepis, ururing bubbling+clickingnoises, whipped about and swept back up into the spaceship faster thananybody thought they could o"e. ooba followed as closely behind as hisspindly legs allowed. #ausing at the ships doorway he turned and shruggedas though apologi0ing 7ust before the etal door slaed shut with a thud.

    The #resident and crowd, indeed the whole nation and all of earth werestunned. They felt like children awakening &hristas orning to disco"erthat their presents had been stolen.

    There was no further contact with the 2!lepis although "igorousattepts were ade using a #A syste as well as radio and tele"ision wa"esand banging on the spaceship doors. (ow nobody anywhere talked aboutanything e!cept the 2!lepis and why they had so abruptly left the gathering.-arth coiserated.


    Tuesday, July 6

    -arly Tuesday, without ado, the huge spacecraft gently lifted into theorning air and disappeared.

    It was then ooba sought adittance to the White House, shockinge"eryone because they thought he had left along with his alien eployers.-scorted to the #residents o"al office, oobas head feathers began to wa"eas he oaned sorrowfully. In y huble opinion, y 7ob is 7ust toodifficult.

    The #resident agreed without knowing why as ooba sat down on achair. A couple of agents approached to stand behind hi. Its y fault. Ithought Id ade you understand, but I was wrong. Dou eant only to

    ipress when you said the book cost illions to create. %ut as soon as youga"e it a price, in the eyes of the 2!lepis you declared it useless. They wereinsulted and horrified. They couldnt lea"e fast enough.

    He hesitated and then glared at the #resident as if to suggest he did shareresponsibility. Then ooba sighed. Its y huble opinion that theydne"er ha"e understood your species anyway.

    Well then why are you here3 the #resident was incredulous.

    $uddenly the little alien siled. %ecause unlike the 2!lepis, I dont careabout words or eaning or oney. -!cept in the perforance of y 7ob, of


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    course. I due for a "acation and Id like a little fun. %efore agents couldstop hi he had 7uped up and o"ed to the #residents desk grabbingsour leon candies fro a dish. #opping the into his outh he adeslurping sounds.

    The stateent was so ridiculous the #resident had to laugh. Dou ean aperanent "acation3 Apparently theyre ne"er coing back.

    ooba grinned knowingly as his head feathers twitched. 4n thecontrary. I"e been with the 2!lepis 1:* years and dont you think that ifanybody should know what theyre doing and why theyre doing it, it would

     be I3 Thats y huble opinion. As for selecting your species, I"e hadsecond thoughts. %ut dont worry, $ir #resident, the 2!lepis will be back.%efore their ship left I put a puppy on board.

    He popped another sour leon candy.