Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes


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  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes


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    Model Number 419401

    Premium Stand Mixer

  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes



    The attachments 3

    Cakes and loas

    Sponge cake 4

    Butter Cake / Marble Cake 6

    New York Style Cheesecake 8

    Chocolate Orange Cake 10

    Juicy Lemon Cake 12

    Carrot Cake 14

    Pancakes, scones and muns

    Scones 16

    Pancakes 18Choc Chip Mini Muns 20

    Biscuits, cookies and slices

    Fruit & Nut Cookies 22

    French Macaroons 24

    Chocolate Brownies 26

    Choc Chip Cookies 28Basic Pizza Dough 30


  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes



    The attachments

    While mixing, careully pour ingredients

    via the pouring shield into the bowl.

    The splash guard prevents ingredientsspilling over during mixing.

    Use the fat beater or mixing normal to

    lighter cake and biscuit dough, pancake

    batter or or stirring ingredients.

    Use the dough hook on a low speed

    setting or mixing and kneading heavier

    (e.g. yeast) cake, bread, pizza and pastadough, or or mixing raw minced meat.

    Use the wire whisk or whipping cream,

    beating eggwhites, or whisking eggs,

    mayonnaise, sponge cakes or anything

    that needs air incorporated.

  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes



    Basic Sponge Cake

    For a classic aternoon tea delight, just ll with jam or ruit and whippedcream, and top with resh ruit and extra cream, or a drizzle o icing sugar


    4 eggs, separate eggwhites and yolks

    4 tbsp cold water

    200g caster sugar

    2 tsp vanilla sugar

    80g plain four

    80g cornfour

    1 tsp baking powder


    For best results, leave the eggs out o the ridge to reach room temperature

    beore processing.

    Preheat a conventional oven to 200C (180C an-orced).

    Place the eggwhites and 4 tablespoons o cold water in the bowl o the

    Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the wire whisk to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the wire whisk into the mixing bowl, attach the splash guard and

    start whisking on a high speed setting or about one minute or until sti.

    Add sugar and vanilla sugar through the pouring shield and whisk or a

    urther minute, or until the sugar has dissolved.

    Add the egg yolks and combine with several pulses.

    In a separate bowl, combine the four, cornfour and baking powder. Pour

    the four mixture into the mixture in the bowl and incorporate briefy with

    several pulses.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Fill the dough in a springorm tin and bake in a moderate oven or

    15-20 minutes, or until cooked. The cake is ready when it starts to come

    away rom the side o the tin and it springs back when touched lightly in

    the centre.

    Turn onto a cake rack and when cooled, cut into hal, ll with your choice

    o lling and reassemble. Dust with icing sugar beore serving, or add extra

    cream and jam and/or ruit.

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  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes



    Basic Butter Cake

    A classic butter cake thats delicious on its own and a suitable base or youravourite extras: cocoa, choc chips, sultanas or nuts


    185g sot unsalted butter or margarine

    1 cup caster sugar

    1 tsp vanilla essence

    1 pinch salt

    3 eggs

    2 cups sel-raising four

    cup milk


    Preheat a conventional oven to 200C (180C an-orced) and grease a

    20cm cake tin.

    Place the butter, sugar, vanilla and salt in the bowl o the Premium Stand

    Mixer. Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl

    into its place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing on medium to high speed until the mixture is smooth and creamy. I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    Add the eggs, one at a time, through the pouring shield and beat well ater

    each addition.

    Turn the speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer head. Sit

    the four over the mixture. Return the fat beater into the mixture and process

    on low speed, adding the milk gradually through the pouring shield.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Fill the dough in the cake tin and bake in a moderate oven or

    approximately 50-60 minutes, or until it is cooked through and skewer

    inserted into the centre comes out clean.

    Cool the cake in the tin or a ew minutes beore turning it out onto a wire

    rack to cool completely.

    You can modiy the basic butter cake mix by adding dierent extras or

    favourings at the end.

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    Marble Cake (based on the basic cake mix)


    Fill 2/3 o the basic butter cake dough in a suitable baking tin (loa or ring-


    Add 1 tablespoon o cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon o milk to the

    remaining dough in the mixing bowl and stir in briefy with several pulses.

    Add the dark dough on top o the light dough in the baking tin and draw a

    ork through the dough in a spiral motion to create a marble pattern.

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    New York Style Cheesecake

    A cold, smooth lling on a crumbly biscuit base - a perect summer dessert

    Ingredients250g plain sweet biscuits, broken up into pieces

    125g unsalted butter, melted

    750g cream cheese, chopped and sotened

    1 cup caster sugar

    1/2 tsp vanilla extract

    2 tsp nely grated lemon rind

    2 tbs plain four

    4 eggs

    300ml sour cream

    120g raspberries, strawberries or sour cherries (or garnish)


    Preheat a conventional oven to 160C (140C an-orced) and line the base

    o a 23cm springorm tin with baking paper.

    Crush the biscuits in the bowl o a ood processor, or with a stick mixer, until

    the mixture resembles ne breadcrumbs. (Alternatively, place the biscuits in

    between a olded sheet o baking paper and crush with a rolling pin.) Add the melted butter to the biscuit crumbs and stir until well combined.

    Transer to the lined pan and, using a straight-sided glass, press the

    mixture over the base and sides, leaving a 1cm space at the top o the

    pan. Cover the springorm with plastic wrap and chill or 30 minutes.

    Add the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon rind into the bowl o the

    Premium Stand Mixer. Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place

    the bowl into its place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and beat ona high speed setting until smooth. I the mixture sticks to the sides o the

    bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer head and use the plastic scraper to

    scrape the mixture o the sides o the bowl back into the centre. Then

    resume mixing.

    Add the four and stir until just combined.

    Add the eggs, one at a time, and process until well combined. Stir in the

    sour cream and mix again until just combined.

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    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixerhead. Take the springorm out o the ridge and pour the cream cheese

    mixture into the base. Place the pan on a baking tray and bake or 75-90

    minutes or until just set in the centre.

    Turn the oven o but leave the cheesecake in the oven, with the door ajar,

    or at least 2 hours or until cooled completely. Then place the cheesecake

    in the ridge or at least 4 hours (or overnight) to chill.

    Top the cheesecake with the ruit beore serving.

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    Chocolate Orange Cake

    A rich treat or any chocolate lover

    Ingredients150g sel-raising four

    Pinch o salt

    1 tsp baking powder

    50g cocoa powder

    Juice and grated rind o 1 large orange

    175g unsalted butter or margarine

    175g caster sugar

    3 eggs


    Preheat a conventional oven to 180C (160C an-orced). Grease two

    round cake tins (20cm ) and line the base and sides with baking paper.

    In the bowl o your Premium Stand Mixer, sit the four, salt, baking powder

    and cocoa. Add 1 tablespoonul o the orange juice, orange rind, butter,

    sugar and eggs.

    Attach the wire whisk to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure. Lower the wire whisk into the bowl, attach the splash guard and beat on a

    medium to high speed setting until pale and fuy.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Divide the mixture between the cake tins, making a well in the centre

    o each cake. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven or 20-25 minutes untilspringy to the touch.

    Remove cakes rom the oven, allow to cool in the tins, then turn onto a

    wire rack. When the cakes are completely cool, pierce them with a skewer

    and spoon the remaining orange juice over the cakes and let it soak in.

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    Chocolate-orange ganache

    350g orange-favoured chocolate

    300ml cream

    Chop the chocolate and place it in a pot with the cream. Bring to the boil

    without stirring, then remove rom heat. Allow to stand or 10 minutes until

    the chocolate has melted, then stir until smooth. Leave to cool until it is

    sti enough to spread onto the cake.

    Sandwich the two cakes together with a third o the ganache, then spreadthe rest over the top and sides o the cake.

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    Juicy Lemon Cake

    Rich, moist and tangy a special treat or the citrus lover

    Ingredients250g unsalted butter, at room temperature

    250g sugar

    5 eggs

    250g sel-raising four, sited

    125ml reshly squeezed lemon juice

    100g icing sugar, sited

    Extra icing sugar or serving

    Method Preheat a conventional oven to 180C (an-orced 160C). Lightly grease a

    loa tin and line it with baking paper.

    Place the butter and sugar in the mixing bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into is

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and mix the

    ingredients on medium to high speed until creamy and fuy. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing thoroughly ater each addition.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    Gradually add the four through the pouring shield and mix until combined.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Pour the dough into the loa pan and bake it in the preheated oven

    or about 60 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the middle o the loacomes out clean.

    Let the cake cool in the pan until it is cool enough to touch.

    With the cake still in the pan, use a skewer to poke holes in the cake.

    Combine the lemon juice with the icing sugar and stir until dissolved. Then

    drizzle the lemon syrup onto the cake.

    Leave in the pan until cooled completely. Remove rom the pan and, i

    desired, sit a little extra icing sugar on top beore serving.

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    Carrot Cake

    Moist, spicy and light, and topped with a smooth cream cheese rosting

    Ingredients2 cups sel-raising four, sited

    1 tsp allspice

    1 tsp ground cinnamon

    1 cup brown sugar

    2 cups grated carrot

    1 cup chopped walnuts (or pecan nuts)

    1 cup vegetable oil

    3 eggs


    Preheat a conventional oven to 180C (an-orced 160C).

    Grease a loa pan and line the base and sides with baking paper.

    In the bowl o your Premium Stand Mixer, combine the sited four and

    spices, sugar, carrot, nuts, oil and egg.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure. Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing on a medium to high speed setting until thoroughly combined.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Spread the dough into the prepared pan.

    Place the cake into the oven and bake or about 75 minutes, keeping an

    eye on it while it is baking. I it browns too quickly, cover the pan loosely

    with aluminium oil. The cake is baked when a skewer inserted into the

    centre comes out clean.

    Let the cake cool in the pan or 10 minutes beore turning it out onto a wire

    rack. When cool, spread rosting on top o the cake, i desired, and add a

    ew walnuts or decoration.

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    Cream cheese frosting

    125g cream cheese

    2 tsp lemon rind, grated

    1 cups icing sugar mixture

    Walnuts, to decorate

    Add the cream cheese and lemon rind in the bowl o your Premium Stand

    Mixer and beat until combined using the fat beater. Gradually add the icing

    sugar and beat until smooth.

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    Serve with jam or compote and freshly whipped or dollop creamfor a traditional morning tea treat

    Ingredients(makes 12-18)

    1 egg

    4 tbsp oil

    2 cups milk

    4 cups sel-raising four

    1 tsp salt

    1 tbsp sugar

    Jam and cream, to serveMethod

    Preheat a conventional oven to 220C.

    Place the egg, oil and milk in a small bowl and beat with a whisk until


    Sit the four, sugar and salt into the bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the dough hook to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl to

    into its place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the dough hook into the mixing bowl, attach the splash guard and

    add the egg mixture to the four mixture.

    Turn the rotary speed control to a low speed setting to start mixing.

    Increase to medium speed and mix until just combined. Do not overwork

    the dough, it should be sticky and not too dry.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Turn the dough out onto a lightly foured surace and pat it into a fat

    shape o about 2cm thickness.

    Cover the dough with a tea towel and let it rest or 10 minutes beore

    cutting it into scone shapes (or use a lightly foured scone cutter).

    Place the scones close together on a lightly greased baking tray so they

    rise upwards (not out). Brush the tops with a little milk, i desired.

    Bake the scones in the hottest part o the oven or 10-15 minutes until

    lightly browned.

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    Serve with resh or stewed ruit, ice-cream or your avourite topping or asweet breakast treat


    2 eggs

    1 cups low-at milk

    3 tbsp butter or margarine, melted

    1 cups plain four

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp sugar

    tsp salt


    Place the eggs, milk and melted butter in the bowl o the Premium Stand


    Attach the wire whisk to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the wire whisk into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    whisking on a high speed setting until creamy and fuy. I necessary, stopthe mixer and scrape the batter o the sides o the bowl, then mix again

    briefy to combine until smooth.

    In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients (four, baking powder,

    sugar and salt), then add them to the egg/milk mixture and mix quickly to


    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Let the batter rest or at least 15 minutes while it will thicken slightly.

    Preheat a greased pancake pan to medium heat and with a ladle, spoonthe required amount o pancake batter into the pan.

    Cook or one to two minutes, or until bubbles orm on the surace and

    edges become dry. Turn over and cook the underside until golden brown.

    Serve immediately with your choice o topping.

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    Choc Chip Mini Muns

    These mini treats have all the favour o traditional muns, but in a smaller size

    Ingredients cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

    1 cup sugar

    2 large eggs

    2 cups plain four

    2 tsp baking powder

    tsp salt

    cup milk

    1 tsp vanilla extract

    1 cups choc chips


    Preheat a conventional oven to 190C (an-orced 170C).

    Place the butter and sugar in the bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing on medium to high speed until the mixture is light and fuy.

    Add eggs, one at a time, and continue beating until completely


    In a separate bowl, sit together four, baking powder and salt. Then add

    this dry mixture gradually to the butter mixture, alternating with the milk,

    while continuing to beat until just mixed (ending with four).

    Gently stir in the vanilla and chocolate chips.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer


    Place cupcake liners in a cupcake tin and spoon the batter into the liners,

    lling almost to the top.

    Cook the muns or 20-25 minutes, but start checking ater 20 minutes to

    ensure you do not overcook them. They are cooked when a skewer come

    comes out clean when inserted into the mun.

    Allow to the muns to cool directly in the pan or 5 minutes, then remove

    to a cooling rack.

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    Fruit & Nut Cookies

    Great with coee or tea, or with a glass o milk ater school

    Ingredients125g butter, dairy spread or margarine, sotened

    1/4 cup caster sugar

    1 egg

    Grated rind o one orange

    1-2 tbsp orange juice

    1 cup sel-raising four

    3/4 cup wholemeal four

    125g dates, chopped

    1/4 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped


    Preheat the oven to 180C and line three fat baking trays with baking


    Place the butter and sugar in the bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and startmixing on medium to high speed until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

    Add the rind, egg and orange juice and mix until well combined.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    In a separate bowl, sit together the two types o four and add them

    gradually to the cookie mixture through the pouring shield while stirring on

    a low speed setting.

    Gently old in the dates and nuts.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Shape 2 tablespoons o mixture into a ball, repeat with remaining

    mixture. Place dough balls onto greased baking trays, press down and

    fatten to make a cookie shape.

    Bake or 12-15 minutes or until rm.

    Let the cookies cool on the trays. Place any letover cookies into an airtight

    container or storage.

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    French Macaroons

    Crunchy and light with a melt-in-your-mouth lling, who could resist ahomemade macaroon?

    Ingredients(makes 35-40)

    100g ground almonds

    200g icing sugar

    100g eggwhites (about 3 eggwhites, at room temperature)

    4 tbsp (about 45g) granulated sugar

    Food colouring (optional)


    In a separate bowl, mix together the ground almonds and icing sugar andset aside.

    Place the eggwhites in he bowl o your Premium Stand Mixer. Attach the

    wire whisk to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its place on

    the base and turn to secure. Lower the wire whisk into the bowl, attach and

    splash guard and whisk, starting on low, then on a high speed setting.

    Add the sugar gradually through the pouring shield, one tablespoonul at a

    time, until the mixture is glossy sti peaks orm. You should be able to tip

    up the bowl without the meringue sliding out.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Fold the dry almond mixture into the meringue with a spatula. I you

    want coloured macaroons, add a pinch o ood colouring at this time and

    old until ully mixed, but do not overmix (a spoonul o batter dropped on

    baking paper should slowly fatten).

    Fill a piping bag with the batter and pipe the macaroons (about 2-3cm in

    diameter) onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Remember that the

    dollops will fatten, so leave enough space in between. Let the macaroonsset or 60 minutes to orm a dry skin.

    Preheat a conventional oven to 150C and when it is hot, bake the

    macaroons or 10-12 minutes on the middle shel. They brown easily, so

    keep an eye on them towards the end o the baking time. The macaroons

    are done i they no longer wobble when you gently touch the top.

    Let the macaroons cool completely beore removing them rom the baking

    sheets. I you have trouble removing them rom the paper, put them back in

    the oven or a couple o minutes.

    Pipe your lling o choice (see opposite)on one hal o a macaroon and

    sandwich together with another hal.

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    Favourite flavours

    You can use the basic macaroons as described on the opposite page, or

    favour the dough to your hearts desire. For example:

    Citrus: Dried and ground lemon, orange or lime zest added to the dryingredients add a resh, tangy taste.

    Nut: For a more nutty favour, replace hal the ground almonds with ground

    pistachios (which also give a light green colouring) or pecan, walnuts or hazelnuts.

    Chocolate: For chocolate macaroons, replace 15g o the icing sugar with

    cocoa powder and bake them or a ew minutes longer.

    Coee: Depending on the strength o the coee favour desired, add a

    tablespoon or two o ground instant coee to the dry ingredients.

    Easy fillings

    You can ll the macaroons with any lling that complements the favour o the

    macaroon dough.

    For example, chocolate ganache is a avourite or plain, nut, vanilla or

    chocolate macaroons. Just bring 150ml o cream to a boil, pour it over

    150g chopped dark chocolate, stir to combine, then let it cool until it is rm

    enough to pipe onto the macaroon halves.

    A vast range o recipes available online or dierent types o buttercreamllings, some easier to prepare than others.

    Chocolate hazelnut spread, strawberry jam or lemon butter are easy,

    ready made alternatives that you may already have in your ridge or pantry.

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    Chocolate Brownies

    An easy to make all time avourite chocolate treat

    Ingredients150g unsalted butter

    1 cup brown sugar, rmly packed

    2 eggs

    cup plain four

    cup cocoa


    Preheat a conventional oven to 180C (or an-orced to 160C).

    Place the butter and sugar in the bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing on medium to high speed until the mixture is light and fuy.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing. Turn the mixer down to low speed and add an egg, mixing thoroughly until

    ully combined beore adding the other egg.

    Quickly mix through four and cocoa, do not overprocess.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Spread the mixture onto a greased slice pan lined with baking paper.

    Bake at 160C or 25-35 minutes, or until rm.

    NOTE: Check the brownies at least 5 minutes beore the end o the baking

    time to avoid overcooking. Shake the pan and i the centre stillwobbles, they will need a ew minutes longer. A skewer inserted

    into the middle o the slice should come out without any raw dough

    sticking to it, but a ew damp crumbs are alright, as you are looking

    or a moist texture.

    Let the brownies cool down and, i desired, add a chocolate icing.

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    Chocolate icing

    125g unsalted butter (at room temperature)

    cup icing sugar

    125g dark chocolate, melted and cooled

    In the bowl o the Premium Stand Mixer, cream butter and icing sugar with

    the fat beater until pale and creamy. Add the chocolate and beat until the

    mixture is smooth and fuy. Spread over the brownie slice.

    When the icing has set, cut the brownies into small squares.

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    Choc Chip Cookies

    Great texture and taste

    Ingredients150g unsalted butter, at room temperature

    1/3 cup caster sugar

    cup brown sugar

    1 egg yolk

    1 tsp vanilla extract

    1 cups sel-raising four, sited

    1 cup choc chips (milk, dark or a mixture)

    Method Preheat a conventional oven to 200C (an-orced 180C).

    Place the butter, both types o sugar and the egg yolk in the bowl o the

    Premium Stand Mixer.

    Attach the fat beater to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into its

    place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the fat beater into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing on medium to high speed until the mixture is light and creamy. Add

    vanilla and beat until combined.

    I the mixture sticks to the sides o the bowl, stop the mixer, raise the mixer

    head and use the plastic scraper to scrape the mixture o the sides o the

    bowl back into the centre. Then resume mixing.

    Add the four, stir briefy to combine, then add the choc chips and stir until

    just combined.

    Turn the rotary speed control to [ 0 ] to stop the mixer and raise the mixer

    head. Roll the mixture into balls. Put the dough balls onto a greased baking

    tray lined with baking paper and press down to shape cookies. The doughwill spread, so make sure to leave some room in between cookies.

    Bake the cookies or 15 minutes or until light brown. Place on a wire rack

    to cool.

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    Basic Pizza Dough


    200ml lukewarm water25g yeast

    1 tsp salt

    Optional: tsp dried onion or garlic powder, or dried herbs to taste

    Splash o extra virgin olive oil

    300g four


    In the bowl o your Premium Stand Mixer, combine the water, yeast, salt

    (and any optional favouring ingredients). Attach the dough hook to the mixer head, then place the mixing bowl into

    its place on the base and turn to secure.

    Lower the dough hook into the bowl, attach the splash guard and start

    mixing gently on a low speed setting until the yeast dissolves.

    Add the oil and the four and continue mixing until the dough becomes

    elastic and starts to pull away rom the bowl. Then increase the mixing

    speed and mix until the dough is sticky and smooth.

    NOTE: Do not mix continuously or more than 5 minutes at any one time.Should a longer mixing time be required, let the machine rest or

    15 minutes in between consecutive cycles.

    Grease a large metal bowl with olive oil. Form the dough into a ball,

    transer it to the bowl and cover it with plastic wrap and a towel. Let the

    dough rise in a warm place or about 2 hours, or until it doubles in size (in

    hot, humid conditions this may take less time).

    Ater rising, briefy knead the dough or a ew minutes with a little olive

    oil. For a thin crust, divide the dough in hal and roll out the pizza crust ona lightly foured surace to t your pizza stone, tray or pizza maker. For a

    thicker crust, stretch out all the dough with your hands and roll until it is the

    size o a large pizza pan.

    Preheat your oven to its maximum temperature, or preheat your pizza

    maker according to the instructions. Spread a sauce and/or cheese

    over the base, add your toppings and nish with a sprinkling o grated

    mozzarella cheese. Do not use too much lling on the pizza.

    Bake the pizza until the base is crisp and the topping hot and melted.

  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes



    Topping suggestions

    Vegetarian: Capsicum, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, eggplant, olives,

    resh tomatoes, basil.

    Seaood: Prawns, mussels, scallops, garlic, resh tomatoes, parsley.

    Meat options: Ham, salami, prosciutto, pepperoni, bacon, cooked chicken.

  • 7/27/2019 Premium+Stand+Mixer+ +Recipes

