PRESCOTT COLLEGE€¦ · Last week Prescott College had our Year 12 cohort organise and lead the...


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PRESCOTT COLLEGENewsletter Term 2, Week 6, Friday 10 May

From the Principal’s Desk...Light is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes it behaves as a particle and other times as a wave. Humans can only see a certain range of wave lengths, referred to as visible light. There is more light beyond the range of visible light, for example, ultraviolet light, which causes sunburn. We cannot see it, but nonetheless, it still exists. In contrast, the supposed opposite of light is darkness. In fact, darkness is not a particle, a wave, or any type of matter; darkness is merely the absence of light. Put simply, light is everything and darkness is nothing.

Last week Prescott College had our Year 12 cohort organise and lead the rest of the student body in WOSE (Week of Spiritual Emphasis). Music, drama, interactive activities and engaging talks by our guest speaker Pastor Tapiwa Mutseriwa took place in Chapel every day. The theme for the week was “Light the Way”, which is fitting, considering Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”. Although Biblical descriptions of God talk about physically intense light, I believe the metaphor here takes on a far greater meaning. Light is required for all life on this planet, just as God is the sustainer and author of life. Students who choose to allow God to “light the way” will choose a Christ-centred lifestyle, which naturally produces students who will live out our school values of integrity, respect and joy. This creates a school that is a warm, inclusive community that allows all to thrive and produce excellent student outcomes.

Thank you Sam, Brittany and the Year 12 classes for your strong and creative leadership. Our Prescott College community has been blessed and strengthened by you. Peter Charleson (Principal)

2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082 p: 08 8269 1655 f: 08 8344 1391

Dates to RememberJune

• Queen’s Birthday Holiday (Pupil Free Day) Monday 13 June

• Year 10-11 Revision Week Tuesday 14 - Friday 17 June

• Year 10-11 Semester 1 Exams Monday 20 - Thursday 23 June

• Pupil Free Day Friday 24 June

July• Term 3 Fees posted Monday 4 July• Last day of Term 2 Friday 8 July• Pupil Free Day Monday 25 July• First day of Term 3 Tuesday 26 July• Australian Maths Competition Thursday 28 July

Peter Charleson(Principal) Week of Spiritual Emphasis

W.O.S.E Speaker Pastor TapiThe moment I stepped into Prescott College, I felt the warmth of the school. Thank you for having me come and speak to you during Week of Spiritual Emphasis.This week, I have spoken about the war which rages right now between light and dark. The devil is very real in our world, and he uses dark and evil weapons of violence, selfishness and disease against us. Sometimes, we are afraid and angry, as there is so much darkness and violence in our world. Yet, there is another force in our world, one much more powerful than the devil. He brings peace, gentleness and humility into our world. Jesus Christ is the light of our world.

As Christians, we know that Jesus Christ has defeated all evil when he died for us on the cross of Calvery.

God asks us to choose light over darkness, good over evil. Which will you choose?

Pastor Tapiwa Mutseriwa, Fairfield SDA Church

Week of Spiritual Emphasis (WOSE) was an incredible blessing, with over 70 students volunteering to participate in the proceedings. Thank you to all the students who played an instrument or sung in our praise and worship team. Thank you to the students who decorated the Chapel - the lights were spectacular. Thank you to all the students who helped out behind the scenes by making sure our microphones worked and ensuring that the week ran smoothly. Thank you to everyone who invited the presence of God into our College during this special week.During WOSE 2016, we asked God to “Light the Way”. If you felt blessed by God’s presence this WOSE, please continue to ask God to light the way for you and for your families and friends.

We invite you to make an appointment to see Pastor Leighton Tuesdays/Thursdays or Pastor Ali Heise on Wednesdays/Thursdays for spiritual nurture, prayer, or pastoral support. Phone 0468 949 589 (Leighton) or 0423 478 112 (Ali).

Leighton and Ali Heise

2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082 p: 08 8269 1655 f: 08 8344 1391

Chaplain’s Corner

Year 9 Altitude DayOn Wednesday 1 June, we had the opportunity to attend Altitude Day, an event which teaches us to improve our leadership and goal setting skills. Along with the Lead team, we heard from Callum Hann, two time Masterchef contestant Barnaby Howarth, stroke survivor and AFL player and Rowie McEvoy, an

international and enthusiastic personal trainer. We learnt how to seize our

potential, achieve our goals and how to be the best person we can be.

Overall, we discovered how to make a difference in our society.

All of us had a great time and we recommend it to everyone

who has the opportunity to go.

Chenuri Wijesekara Gamage,

Tim Howard, Hannah


Week of Spiritual Emphasis 2016

Biggest Morning Tea Prescott College’s SRC invites all parents and members of the community to our Biggest Morning Tea. Please help us to reach our fundraising goal of $500 for the Cancer Council!9:30am - 12noon, Friday 17 June at Prescott College. RSVP by Monday 13 June. 0434 713 110

School Captain nominations and voting will take place in Term 3. The role of School Captain includes but is not limited to:

• Liaison with the Principal, Deputy, Staff and the SRC Coordinator• Membership on and leadership of the Students’ Representative Council

• Representing the student body at formal occasions• Representing the college at official functions

• Addressing college assemblies about relevant matters• Exhibiting leadership during sporting events and carnivals, fundraising

events, college marketing events and cultural programs.Prescott College Captains must be outstanding role models to all

students within the school at all times. Our selection procedure for Captains will be featured in the newsletter in the

coming weeks. Josie Prnich (Deputy Principal)

Word from the Deputy

Josie Prnich(Deputy Principal)

2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082 p: 08 8269 1655 f: 08 8344 1391

Prescott College Website LaunchPrescott College has launched our new website! let us know what you think of the new look. Check out the teacher bios and subject blurbs. Keep up to date with our Media Centre and Student Services information.If you are interested in contacting Prescott College regarding enrolment, please use our Admissions pages to contact our Enrolment and Administration team.Ms Tessa Parry (Marketing and Enrolment Officer)

Time CapsuleA time capsule was found in the Prescott College Design

and Technologies kitchen. Dated 29 April 1959, this beautifully drawn blackboard records a math lesson

and a Bible lesson. The board includes carefully drawn cursive handwriting and a coloured

drawing of Noah’s Arc. What an amazing piece of Prescott College’s history!

Mrs Elizabeth Ludlow

Loose Change FairYear 10 Geography students are still raising money for charity! To raise funds for ADRA, students held a Loose Change Fair, including a wet sponge throw game, a three legged race, and ring toss!Miss Krissie Hopkins

Knockout BasketballPrescott Senior Boys Basketball have won their first round matches against Cedar and Pedare!Great effort by the boys and a stand out comeback, lead by Lachlan Hann, 25pts, with 12pts in the last quarter to secure the win against Pedare. Mr Carlos Vera (PE Teacher)

Prescott College Open DayPlease invite your friends and family to a relaxed and personalised tour at Prescott College

during our upcoming Open Morning. Thursday 11 August 9:30am - 11:30am

...Because your child matters

2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082 p: 08 8269 1655 f: 08 8344 1391

School BlazersPrescott College blazers will be compulsory in 2017, and are selling for an early bird price of $90 until the end of June.

Laptop Price Increase Laptop prices are increasing. Get your laptops before its too late! The prices for the Macbook Air 13” and the Leader Ultraslim 13” laptops are going up due to improved specifications. The MacBook Air will now have 8GB of RAM as the standard specification. The Leader Ultraslim 13” laptop has a super fast I7 quad processor instead of the Dual Core I5 processor.We still have a few Macbook Air laptops in stock with the 4GB configuration which will sell at the same price, however we are out of stock of the Leader Ultraslim, therefore any new orders will attract the new price.The Laptop Program webpage and Agreements for each machine will be updated as soon as the price increase is finalised.

Year 12 Trauma BagsYear 12 Child Studies class has been busy making bags of gifts to give to children who have recently experienced extremely traumatic situations. These bags will be donated to a not for profit organisation to be distributed to children in need. The bags look beautiful, and all students have invested a lot of time, effort and care.Mrs Elizabeth Ludlow

Year 8 WebpagesDuring Week 2 of this term, the Year 8 Information Technology classes created webpages using Weebly, a web-hosting service that allows beginners to build websites using the drag-and-drop method. The ability to develop a website in the 21st century is becoming increasingly important. Business-starters want to be able to control one’s own website, as it is favourable to out-sourcing the job. The students were able to showcase their creativity utilising the four design principles: contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. We are hopeful that they will be able to integrate this skill into other school subjects as well. Ms Renee Chen (Digital Technologies Teacher)

Gravity Falls: (By Jennifer Huckle) Adelaide Crows: (By Connor Sawtell)www.connor adelaidecrows.weebly.comSoul Surfer: (By Eliana Wegener)www.soulsurfer.weebly.comSherlock Holmes: (By Sujit Krishnan)




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Chipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community Center

(123) 456-7890

Sunday 3 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmSunday 31 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmPrescott College2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082

08 8269 1655

The program will start:Tuesday 2 August, 2016

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Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18


Chipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community Center

(123) 456-7890

Sunday 3 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmSunday 31 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmPrescott College2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082

08 8269 1655

The program will start:Tuesday 2 August, 2016

Attend a FREE information session to learn more about CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program)

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Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18


Chipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community Center

(123) 456-7890

Sunday 3 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmSunday 31 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmPrescott College2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082

08 8269 1655

The program will start:Tuesday 2 August, 2016

Attend a FREE information session to learn more about CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program)

+ Lower BMI / Weight + Normalise Blood Pressure + Lower Cholesterol + Reduce Stroke Risk + Lessen Depression


Pre-register now: |

Proven Results + Priceless Benefits

Significant health changes can occur in as little as

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Insert stamp here


Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18Jan 18


Chipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community CenterChipville Community Center

(123) 456-7890

Sunday 3 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmSunday 31 July, 2016 6pm - 7pmPrescott College2 Koonga Ave, Prospect SA 5082

08 8269 1655

The program will start:Tuesday 2 August, 2016
