Presentacion comenius power point ceip villalpando


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This is our school: Villalpando

There are 30 teachers and 378 pupils in our school.

It is located in the capital city of Segovia, near the aqueduct and other

important monuments.

Our school aim is “Quality education paying attention to cultural diversity

fostering the participation of our families”.

Infant Education (from 3 to 6 years old)

Pupils also learn ICT and psychomotor skills.

Primary Education ( from 6-12 years old)

School starts at 9 am and finishes at 2 pm. There are extra services such as Early Birds Programme (7:30 am -

9 am) and Lunch Service (2 pm - 4 pm)

From 4 pm, in collaboration with the Parents Association, there are after-school activities, such as “Library”,

“Media Library”, “Chess”, “Dancing”, “Judo”, “Sports competitions”, etc.

Pupils study English as a foreign language in Infant Education.

In addition, the school has got a bilingual section:

Science and Arts &

Crafts are taught in English in Primary


We also have an American Assistant

teacher for our English classes.

We have a counselling

service to help with pupils

with different learning rhythms.

The school has got a music classroom: we take part in music festivals and we collaborate in a

radio programme.

Pupils have Physical Education classes and there are sports

activities in the school.

Playground Gym

In collaboration with other local Associations, they do different

sports activities.

The school has got a

library where pupils can borrow

books of their choice.

We do different reading


We provide a wide range of extracurricular activities, such as

contests, performances, etc.

Values Education

Excursions and trips:

- To the city.- To villages.- To different


In Segovia, there is an International Puppet Festival in

May, called “Titirimundi”.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the

world.” Nelson Mandela
