Presentacion General Vesda Xtralis


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  • VESDADeteccion de Humo por muestreo de AireING. KOSKANI MENDEZ

  • Objetivos del CursoDescribir las tcnicas de muestreo de aire y los beneficios de un sistema de deteccin por muestreo de aire. Aprender los principios del muestreo de aire que permitan el diseo, la instalacin y el mantenimiento de un sistema VESDA.Lograr la certificacin VESDA

  • AGENDACaracteristicas del humoVESDA, FuncionamientoAplicacionesVESDA, Productos, Nuevos ProductosEstandaresMantenimiento

  • Estadsticas Recientes

  • Estadsticas Recientes

    Fuegos de grandes perdidas por clasificaciones de uso mayoresEn USA Numero PorcentajePerdida TotalPercent Property Use de Fuegos de Fuegos (in millions)of Loss Manufacturing 13 28% $264 9.6% Special Properties 11 24% $1746.3% Wildlands 4 9% $2,12677.1% Stores and Offices 4 9% $471.7% Residential 4 9% $35 1.3% Industry 3 7% $40 1.4% Storage 3 7% $19 0.7% Public Assembly 2 4% $16 0.6% Vehicle 1 2% $321.2% Educational 1 2% $6 0.2% Total 46 100% $2,759100.0%

    Fuente: NFPAs Fire Incident Data Organization (FIDO)

  • Paper warehouse destroyed in fire Flames shot 20 to 30ft into the air and smoke from the blaze could be seen across the city About 100 firefighters were called to the siteIron Mountain, the firm that owns the data storage unit, said it held "archived, inactive business records".

  • Warehouse in Calexico, CaliforniaJan, 2007

  • Incendios en LA

  • Estadsticas RecientesLatinoamrica

    ___________________________Paraguay, Supermercado Ycu Bolaos Agosto 2004, 9:00 a.m. 426 Muertos, ms de 510 Heridos

    Caractersticas del lugar: Supermercado local de dos niveles, 4,000 m2 cada uno.

  • ___________________________________________________Sistemas de Proteccin contra incendios: Contaba con Hidrantes de pared, sistema de bombeo inoperante, 90 detectores fotoelctricos, 49 de calor y estaciones manuales, 10 sirenas con luz estroboscopica conectados a un panel de intrusin

  • ___________________________________________________Factores que contribuyeron: El incendio inicio en al area de comida, por la chimenea, se propago encima de los plafones, tardo 2:20hrs en detectarse las llamas. El guardia de seguridad al ver a la gente salir, cerro las puertas, el sistema de deteccin no se disparo.

  • Detectar, Alertar y Evacuar. Life Safety!Cual es el prposito de un Sistema de Alarma de Incendio?

  • El Fuego

  • Caractersticas del HumoColor de HumoEl relativo brillo u obscuridad del humo, con un rango de invisible a blanco, de gris a negroEl Humo viene en diferentes tamaos de partculas 0.01 a 1 micron (tipicos fuegos de flamas)1 a 20 micrones (tipicos fuegos humeantes)

  • ~2% oscuracin/pie~.002% oscuracin/pie

  • Comparacin de DesempeoIonico1.0 - 1.5 % obs por pieFotoelectrico2.0 - 3.5 % obs por pieBeam0.2 - 2.0 % obs por pie

    VESDA Deteccion basada en Laser 0.0015 6.25 % por pieUn Detector cumple todas las aplicaciones4 niveles de alarma programables Interface con Supresin amigable

  • Como Funciona VESDA? VESDA es un sistema activo de deteccion temprana de humo que permanentemente toma muestras del aire de una zona de riezgo hacia un detector que monitorea y analiza estas muestras para determinar el grado de particulas de humo existentes

  • Que es Vesda?

  • Sistemas de aspiracin de aireCmara de muestreoDe alta sensibilidadAspiradorcalibrado para muestreo Cabezal de MuestreoCaera de muestreo

  • Que es Vesda?Un sistema el cual aspira el aire de un area, via una red de tuberias, que viaja a un detector central el cual continuamente monitorea cantidades muy bajas de humoSampling pipeCentralized DetectorHow VESDA Works

  • Deteccin de humo ActivavsVESDA es un sistema de deteccion ACTIVO, el cual continuamente drena aire y constantemente analiza el aire de humo. El humo es llevado al detector VESDA por sus tuberias instaladas estrategicamente en el espacio protegido

    Deteccion de humo Convencional es PASIVO ya que espera a que el humo suba hacia el techo donde esta instalado el detector.

  • Drivers de aplicacin Advertencia tempranaLa deteccin convencional tarda demasiado!!

  • Qu es lo que VESDA trata de evitar? Ofrece la deteccin ms temprana posible en condiciones previas a la combustin Detecta en la etapa de fuego sin llamas antes de que el humo sea visible Previene daos, tiempo inactivo y supresin prematura

  • Detector

  • Movimiento del AireTarjetaIdentificacinCabezaFiltroColector

  • Tecnologa de FiltradoAire Al DetectorFiltro De Polvo (>20 micras)Entrada de Aire

  • Tecnologia del FiltroFiltro de Alta Eficacia (0.03 Micrones)Aire al DetectorAl Colector de Aire LimpioFiltro De Polvo (>20 Micrones)Entrada de Aire

  • Camara de Deteccin

  • Coffee Break5 Minutos

  • Regalos de Navidad



  • NFPA75 Requerimientos El proceso de seleccin del Sistema de Deteccion debera evaluar las condiciones de ambiente del lugar para determinar el dispositivo adecuado, su locacin y sensibilidad:

    En el techo, en toda el area

    Debajo del piso falso del area que contenga cablesy usado como recirculacin de aire.

    Sobre el techo suspendido si es usado como recirculacin de aireNFPA 75 Standard for the Protection of Information Technology Equipment

  • Problemas en la Deteccin para Centros de Datos Dilucin de Humo por los sistemas HVAC del Data Center Susceptibilidad de dao a Electrnicos por el humoAcceso Restringido a reas; piso falsos Gran densidad de equipos y cableado elctrico

  • Enfriamiento del Ambiente y sus efectosSource: Zerodowntime Magazine 01/03El aumento en densidades de calor al nivel del microprocesador


  • El Resultado es que la intensidad del calor en los chips y en los gabinetes esta creciendo a tazas muy rapidas3.5 kW = 1 TonEl Pentium promedio consume 100 watts.Un Gabinete estandard puede consumir en exceso de 21KW.

  • El Alto Calor generado requiere un sistema de enfriado significante para remover el calor generado dentro de los gabinetes de equipos. Es esencial considerar el Enfriamiento Mcanico y el movimiento del flujo de aire para el diseo del sistema de deteccin apropiado.




  • El Alto Flujo de Aire Afecta el Movimiento del HumoRAISED FLOORGABINETES DE EQUIPO IT

  • El Flujo de Aire Afecta el Movimiento del HumoRAISED FLOORGABINETES DE EQUIPO IT

  • El Flujo de Aire Afecta el Movimiento del HumoRAISED FLOORIT EQUIPMENTCABINETS

  • Movimiento del Humo en Data Centers

  • NFPA 72 5-7.5.3 High Air Movement Areas Table 5-

    5- EspaciamientoEspaciamiento del detector dependeDel movimiento de aire dentro delcuarto (incluyendo aire suministrado y recirculado), el cual puede ser Designado como cambios de aire porMinutos o cambios de aire por horaEl Espaciamiento debe ser de acuerdoA la Tabla 5-

    Excepcion: Muestreo de Aire o detectoresde haz de luz proyectada de acuerdoCon las recomendaciones delfabricanteImpacto del gran flujo de aire en el espaciamiento de detectores

  • Cobertura de Detector de Humo Puntual (Spot) Detector deHumo9m6.4mArea tpica de proteccinMximoradio de proteccinEl montaje de detectores puntuales esta basado en localizar los detectores en el centro de un rectngulo de 9 x 9 metros. La distancia del centro del detector a cualquier extremo no debera de exceder 6.4 metros.6.4m9m

  • Daos No-TermicosEl problema no es el calor o flamas sino el humo. Danos no termicos se esperan sean el 95% del dano de la propiedad.

    2.2 lbs. de chloridos liberados por la quema de PVC bajo las condiciones adecuadas producen el equivalente a 2 galones de acido hidrocloridrico.

    Esto puede contaminar 4,000 mts2 de superficie. Contaminacion a este nivel destruye equipos electronicos y su rentabilidad.

  • Respuesta de Deteccion con Flujo de Aire encendido

  • Respuesta de Deteccion con Flujo de Aire encendido

  • Respuesta de Deteccion con Flujo de Aire encendidoArriba de 30 cambios de aire por hora la respuesta de los 3 detectores es virtualmente la misma

  • Respuesta de Deteccion con Flujo de Aire apagado, fuente de Humo dentro del cuartoEl detector a Nivel del techo es el nico que responde

  • Respuesta de Deteccion con Flujo de Aire apagado, fuente de Humo dentro del cuartoEl Detector del piso falso es el unico que responde

  • Estrategia de respuesta al fuego por etapas1st Opcin de Respuesta permite una intervencin manual muy rpida

  • 1a Opcin de respuesta

  • 1a Opcin de respuesta

  • 1a Opcin de respuesta

  • 1a Opcin de respuesta

  • Estrategia de respuesta al fuego por etapas1st Response Option allows earliest manual intervention 2nd Response Option Automatic Clean Agent Fire Suppression

  • 2a Opcin de respuesta

  • 2a Opcin de respuesta

  • 2a Opcin de respuesta

  • 2a Opcin de respuesta

  • Protegiendo las rejillas del retorno del aire

  • Protegiendo los equipos solo a travs del muestreo en el retorno de aire

  • Cuartos de Servidores pequenos

  • Capilares en Plafom

  • Proteccion de los retornos de aire

  • Drivers de aplicacin Advertencia temprana

  • Supresin

  • Supresin

  • Tuberia CPVC - en lista UL 1887 para el uso con sistemas VESDA.- Anaranjada, nica polimera con muchas propiedades benficas: Premarcadas: Caera de muestreo para deteccin de humo VESDA. No daar. - Gran gama de fittings y accesorios- Plenum rated- Temperaturas de Operacin desde 0 hasta 200F


  • Tubos CapilaresOfrece flexibilidad de diseo del sistema 27 max, para mezclar entre sPuntos de muestreo discretosCapilares y accesorios



  • Factores de Riesgo en BodegasLas Bodegas son areas amplias de gran volumen, con grandes espacios abiertos que contienen un diverso rango de inventario guardado como son materiales empacados, toda clase de consumibles como cajas, papel, productos para distribucin, informacin de bancos, etc.

  • Los dispsitivos de deteccin temprana reducen drsticamente el alto y peligroso porcentaje de dao producido por el fuego proveen TIEMPO para mitigar las prdidas antes de la activacin de sprinklers en una bdega.Costo Efectivo

    Centralizacin del Mantenimiento

    Monitoreo de grandes areas

    Beneficios de la deteccin temprana

  • Estratificacin

  • Estratificacin

  • EstratificacinPuntos de Muestreo

  • Problemas con la dilucion de humo y el estratificacion en edificios con techos altos y areas grandes y abiertas

  • Proteccion de los almacenes de 14 metros de altura......Tubos de aspiracin con orificios a nivel del techoALMACENAJE EN ALTURA

  • Proteccion de los almacenes de 14 metros de altura......Tubos de aspiracin con orificios a nivel del techoTubos capilares de aspiracin al nivel de los 7 metros

  • Proteccin con orificios de muestreo en Pared y Techo

  • Aspiracion sobre el techo de un depositoProteccin con orificios de muestreo en Pared, Techo y con capilares

  • Aspiracion en racks de multiples niveles

  • Application Drivers High Ceilings Puntos de muestreo de Aire en la verticalVESDA LaserPLUS

  • Ceiling Level Detection Zones1st Intermediate Level Detection Zones21Ft AFF

  • Pruebas y Maintenimiento TEST & INSPECTION STATIONS

  • CFD Domain Simulation

  • CSIRO Smoke Pellet TestSmoke Rise From the Smoke Pellet Smoke Spread at Ceiling Height at 120sec

  • Medium T2 Paper Fire

  • Movimiento del Humo en Almacenes123

  • Sistema Comparativo de Respuesta200 Kw25 Kw15 Kw500 KwT2T3T4T1T1: Respuesta de VESDA en instalaciones dentro de RacksT2: Respuesta de VESDA por deteccin en techo por arriva de pasillosT3: Respuesta de Detectores convencionales en techoT4: Activacin de sprinklers FiresizeTimeT1

  • Estratificacin

  • Estratificacin

  • Drivers de aplicacin Advertencia temprana



  • Almacn: Destilera Jack Daniels

  • Almacn: Destilera Jack Daniels

  • Sampling DesignIsometric JD

  • Salon de Cables

  • ACESITA Fabricacin de Acero Inoxidable Ipatinga Brasil

  • ACESITA Fabricacin de Acero Inoxidable Ipatinga Brasil

  • ACESITA Fabricacin de Acero Inoxidable Ipatinga Brasil

  • ACESITA Fabricacin de Acero Inoxidable Ipatinga Brasil

  • Salon de Cables

  • SubstacioneTubos capilares dentro de los gabinetes mas criticosTubo recorriendo el techo

  • Fotos de aplicacin Dentro del gabinete (Generacin de energa)

  • Fotos de aplicacin (Generacin de energa)

  • Fotos de aplicacin techo (Generacin de energa)

  • Fotos de aplicacin (Generacin de energa)

  • Fotos de aplicacin (Generacin de energa)

  • Bandejas de Cables

  • Bruce Nuclear Power

  • Bunker Radioactivo

  • Bunker Radioactivo

  • Investigacin Nuclear

  • Metro en Madrid, Espaa

  • Metro en Madrid, Espaa

  • Metro en Madrid, Espaa

  • La caera es montada en el techo del almacn y transportada hasta el detector VESDA, ubicado en el entre techo. Offset Clip

    Insulation BootSaddle ClipMuestreo a Nivel del Techo en una camara frigorificaLa tuberia esta montada en el techo del almacn y el aire etransportado hasta el detector ubicado en el entre techo.

  • Cuartos Frios


  • Application Drivers Challenging Environment

  • Atlas Steel Foundry Tacoma WA

  • ASERRADEROFiltros Externos para Ambientes Sucios




  • VandalismoCuando el dao a los sistemas convencionales constituye un problemaRed de muestreo usada para el sistema de aire de retorno Detector ubicado en un rea de seguridad centralizada Seguro y sencillo de dar servicio/instalar Instalaciones tpicas:PrisionesProbadoresEn reas pblicas

  • Correccionales

  • Punto de muestreoManipulacin y SeguridadPunto de deteccin discreto dentro de la celda de una prisin

  • Caja de empalmes que aloja la tubera capilarTubo disfrazado de conduit elctrico

  • Esttica

  • Esttica

  • Esttica

  • NFPA 72 - EDICIN 1996Detector de Humo Tipo Muestreo de Aire 5-3.4.2. Cada puerto de muestreo de un detector de humo tipo muestreo de aire deber ser tratado como un detector de punto para el propsito de ubicacin y espaciado. El tiempo mximo de transporte de aire desde el punto de muestreo no debe exceder los 120 segundos. =

  • Mantenimiento

  • Mantenimiento

  • Mantenimiento

  • Mantenimiento

  • Coffee Break10 Minutos

  • Tema 2Diseo del Sistema VESDA Perspectiva general

  • DetectoresLaserFOCUS250 mts2.500 mts2

    LaserCOMPACT800 mts2.VESDAnet VersionRelay Only Version

    LaserPLUS2000 mts24 pipe inlet

    LaserSCANNER2000 mts24 pipe inlet4 Zone

  • Presentando el VESDA LaserFOCUS

  • Display de Reconocimiento Instantneo Indicadores de alarmaNivel de Humo/Buscador instantneo de FallasDesactivarEncendidoFalla

  • LaserFOCUS

  • LaserFOCUS Network Card VIC-010

  • LaserFOCUS Multifunction Card VIC-020 VIC-030

  • VESDA LaserFOCUS0.008 % obs/pie 6 %obs/pieVLF-25012 orificios de muestreo como mximo30m de tubo de muestreo como mximoVLF-50024 orificios de muestreo como mximo50m de longitud como mximo

    3 rels (Accin, Fuego 1, Falla)Bitcora de eventos segmentada (hasta 18,000 eventos)2 juegos de umbral de alarma

  • LaserPLUS4 umbrales de alarma programablesDiseo modular para cumplir con requerimientos especficos del cliente4 entradas de caera con sensores de flujo individualesProducto lder en la lnea VESDA7 reles programablesHasta 2000 mts cuadrados de cobertura

  • LaserSCANNERAnuncio por caera individualSetting de sensibilidad individual por caera por Factor de SectorDisponible con 7 12 reles programables Diseo modular para cumplir con los requerimientos del cliente

  • VLP / VLS - Montaje dentro de Muro

  • LaserCOMPACTEspecficamete diseado para reas ms pequeas hasta 800 metros cuadrados Visualizador simpleFuego, Pre-Alarma/Alerta, Falla, OK, Resetear/Aislar3 RelesFuego, Pre-Alarma, Alerta/FallaDos versiones bsicasVLC-500 (RO) rele solo en versin de interfazVLC-505 (VN) reles y versin de interfaz VESDAnet

  • Mdulos remotosCualquiera de los mdulos VESDAnet se puede localizar en lugar remotopantallas para proporcionar informacin sobre el estado Cada modulo amplifica la seal de datos 1,200 mtsprogramadores para permitir la programacin centralizada de todo el sistema VESDAnetenchufes VESDAnet para permitir que el VESDA HLI y la PC tengan acceso al sistema VESDA

  • Mdulos remotos

  • Mdulos remotos

  • Mdulos remotos

  • Ideal for placing VESDA modules in standard control equipmentFully configurable integrating all VESDAnet product module typesProducts to meet customer needs

    19 Sub- Racks

  • Interfaz de alto nivel (HLI) VESDA HLI Standard (VHX -200)Convierte VESDAnet RS-485 a RS-232Habilita la conexin a una PC compatible con IBMHace Interfaz de la familia VESDA LaserPLUS con la familia VESDA sopieware:VConfigProVSM3VSM4VSC

  • Detectors dispersed throughout the warehouse (FOK)Locate RDUs with fire panel at main entrance

  • VESDAnetLazo de comunicaciones cerrado tolerante a fallas La clasificacin se adapta mejor al Alambrado Estilo 7 de NFPA 72 Soluciones de configuracin redituables Se elimina la duplicacin de productos Configuracin sencillaSin doble hilera de conexionesConecta hasta 250 nodos VESDAnet VLP, VLS, VLC, pantallas, programadores, Por lo general un mximo de 100 detectores

  • Caractersticas Tcnicas de VESDAnet Interfaz fsica de 19.2K BPS RS485 que corre sobre par trenzado blindado de hasta 1,200 metros de longitud Se recomienda el uso de cable Belden 9841, 9729, 8103 o equivalente (calibre 24, impedancia caracterstica de 120 ohmios), que proporciona buena inmunidad contra el ruido y mxima longitud de cable

    Tolerante a fallasAuto detecta fallas de comunicacin Se toleran fallas en un solo punto cada nodo tiene doble puerto

    Configuracin sencillaTodos los nodos direccionables estn automticamente configurados con el software

  • Aprobaciones/Listas MundialesFM(USA) UL(USA) ULC (Canada) CSFM (California) MEA (New York) LPC (UK) AFNOR (Francia) VdS(Alemania) SSL(Australia) NC (China) CE Mark

  • ASPIRE2 Guia para disenar Tuberias

  • ASPIRE 2Guia de ayuda en tuberiasRapidamente disena una red de tuberias que sea apropiada para el edificioPerformance CriteriaEnter the criteria you wish to achieve e.g. transport time, sensitivity, etc.Isometric ViewSimplifies isometric layoutBill of MaterialsGenerates the Bill of Materials for quoting and ordering for the jobReturn

  • VESDAPipe routed up sloped roof linePipe routed down sloped roof linePipe Loop to Accommodate roof angles

  • Nuevos Productos

  • VSC Software

  • VSC Software Event Log

  • VSC Software Event Log

  • VSC Software Event Log

  • VSC Software Event Log

  • VSC Software Grfica de Humo

  • VSC Software Grfica de Humo

  • Sistema de Integracion en la proteccion de incendios VESDA

  • PROACTIV El Sistema de Control VESDA

  • What we have now!1 VESDAnet Loop - up to more than 200 Devices4 Precision Loops - up to 251 Devices eachAncillary Loop - Up to 32 Devices2 Configurable Serial PortsPower Supply Multi Function / Voltage3 Relay Outputs expandable to 2591500 Event Data log..

  • What we have now!VESDAnet Loop - up to more than 200 DevicesVESDA LaserPLUSVESDA LaserSCANNERVESDA LaserCOMPACTVESDA LaserFOCUSVESDA Racks and RemotesVESDA System Relay ModuleVESDA ProgrammersVESDA High Level InterfacesVSM (VESDA System Management)

  • What we have now!Four (4) Precision LoopsUp to 251 Devices on each loop.Up to 125 Precision Detectors Up to 125 Precision Modules Up to 250 Precision Compact DetectorsUp to 3000m of Cable for each loop.World renowned Apollo Discovery DetectorsSpecially modified for Vision SystemsThe PRECISION loop is a 100% digital protocol

  • What we have now!Communications2 Serial Ports configurable toModemPrinterRemote Comms via TCP/IP2 Wet Outputs in the Panel3 Dry Outputs in the PanelTroubleSupervisoryAlarm (Configurable)

  • What we have now!Total of 6 different Modules Fire Alarm Annunciator (FAA)Provides for up to 16 zones of Alarm and Fault output LEDs Alarm Annunciator (Open Collector) (AOC)Provides for up to 16 zones of Alarm and Fault output, up to 20mA eachAnnunciator and Control Module (ACM)8 Controllable, Programmable Switches and IndicatorsOutput Control Module Dry (OCM)Provides either 4 or 8 Relay outputsOutput Control Module Wet (OCM)Provides either 4 or 8 monitored 24VDC outputsAgent Release Module (ARM)Provides 2 or 4 24VDC monitored outputs for releasing CO2 or any other Suppression Agent

  • VESDAnet (w/VLF)

  • VSM4 Conectividad RemotaPC-Link HLI (VHX-0200)VESDAnet Socket(VRT-300)VESDAnetVESDAnetWall-Mounted HLI (VHX-1200)VESDAtalkVESDAlinkUsando conectividad serial directaA VESDAnets locales y detectores

  • VSM4 Conectividad RemotaUsando dispositivos Serial-to-Ethernet (MOXA) detectores unidos por TCP/IP pueden estar en cualquier parte del mundo

    VESDAnetWall-Mounted HLI (VHX-1200)MOXA DeviceVESDAtalkVESDAlink

  • VSM4 enables effective responseEventos de entrada causan que la barra de estatus cambieUna funcion de aparicion de texto puede ser usada Todos los eventos son reconocidosRoom 105 Level 5 Fire 2Click here to acknowledge

  • AUO10 & 11 Taichung1700 DetectoresVESDA manejados en diferentes edificios y sitesExpansion planeada a 2100 Detectores

  • SAMSUNG Linea 12-13 & EDSMas de 600 Detectores VESDA en un solo campus

  • SAMSUNG line 7 (LCD)345 Detectors installed for Stage 1Planned expansion in Stage 2 now in progress

  • SAMSUNG SDIMore than 170 VESDA Detectors Managed over a campus

  • LG line P7 (LCD)120 Detectors installed and managed on sitePlanned expansion in Stage 2 now in progress

  • GraciasPreguntas?

    Ask them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.Ask them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.To be able to detect fire, we have to first understand it. What causes it, how does it work?718Ask them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.Ask them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.VESDA provides solutions for world-wide corporations, manufacturing facilities, cultural heritage, internet service providers, data centers and more ... At the microprocessor level, the doubling effect of Moore's Law is overwhelming chip power efficiency improvements

    Transistor density is growing phenomenally, and, with itheat density on the chip is growing at an unprecedented rate note logarithmic scale.

    The Fire risk: The result is that the heat density on the chip and in the cabinet is growing at a faster rate. By illustration:The average Intel Pentium consumes 100 W. With the processing density and power consumption of blade servers, standard cabinets can consume in excess of 21 KW.thats a lot of heat!!Notice the heat trend in the cabinet from 2000 to 2005. Typical airflow pattern for raised floor cavity data centers is depicted on this slide, cooling is achieved through the continuous re-circulation of the air in the space. Heat from the IT equipment is dissipated into the air which flows to the top of the CRAC unit where it is treated (filtered) cooled, and/or humidified/dehumidfied and is re-circulated back into the raised floor which acts much like a reservoir of conditioned air. The cool air travels into the the equipment cabinets via perforations in the raised floor tiles and/or openings on the underneath the equipment cabinets. Air changes per hour are used as a measure of the cooling requirements of the IT equipment. High density blade server data centers can have air rate changes in excess of 1 per minute > 60 air changes per hour.Due to high heat loads associated with digital IT equipment these rooms require vigorous cooling which are typical provided by packaged Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units. A raised floor cavity is also common in these facilities facilitating both the management of airflow and signal and power connections to the IT equipment.Typical airflow pattern for raised floor cavity data centers is depicted on this slide, cooling is achieved through the continuous re-circulation of the air in the space. Heat from the IT equipment is dissipated into the air which flows to the top of the CRAC unit where it is treated (filtered) cooled, and/or humidified/dehumidfied and is re-circulated back into the raised floor which acts much like a reservoir of conditioned air. The cool air travels into the the equipment cabinets via perforations in the raised floor tiles and/or openings on the underneath the equipment cabinets. Air changes per hour are used as a measure of the cooling requirements of the IT equipment. High density blade server data centers can have air rate changes in excess of 1 per minute > 60 air changes per hour.In this scenario an electrical overheat condition inside an IT cabinet is starting to liberate products of combustion due an overheat malfunction thermal event. The products of combustion are entrained in the airflow and because of the dominant airflow patterns in the room the movement of these products of combustion will be towards the return air inlet of the CRAC unit. This is a classic example of an incipient fire condition the beginning of a fire with little or no release of heat and or damaging smoke.Since the products of combustion are entrained in the air they will enter the CRAC unit and be treated and cooled and re-introduced back into the raised floor and into the room. This has been validated by extensive testing and personal observation when conducting Hot-wire smoke tests in similar facilities with high rates of air changes. This resultant diffusion of the products of combustion throughout the entire volume of both the raised floor and the IT room is a leading contributor of the damage risks to sensitive electronic equipment to contamination from smoke. In rooms with high rates of air changes this diffusion effect is immediate, this is akin to throwing a glass of orange juice into a swimming pool. It soon disappears. This is due to the vigorous airflow of the CRAC units in effect forming a highly diluted and uniform smoke concentrations that only high sensitivity air sampling detection systems like VESDA are able to discern and detect. In this scenario an electrical overheat condition inside an IT cabinet is starting to liberate products of combustion due an overheat malfunction thermal event. The products of combustion are entrained in the airflow and because of the dominant airflow patterns in the room the movement of these products of combustion will be towards the return air inlet of the CRAC unit. This is a classic example of an incipient fire condition the beginning of a fire with little or no release of heat and or damaging smoke.Since the products of combustion are entrained in the air they will enter the CRAC unit and be treated and cooled and re-introduced back into the raised floor and into the room. This has been validated by extensive testing and personal observation when conducting Hot-wire smoke tests in similar facilities with high rates of air changes. This resultant diffusion of the products of combustion throughout the entire volume of both the raised floor and the IT room is a leading contributor of the damage risks to sensitive electronic equipment to contamination from smoke. In rooms with high rates of air changes this diffusion effect is immediate, this is akin to throwing a glass of orange juice into a swimming pool. It soon disappears. This is due to the vigorous airflow of the CRAC units in effect forming a highly diluted and uniform smoke concentrations that only high sensitivity air sampling detection systems like VESDA are able to discern and detect. In this scenario an electrical overheat condition inside an IT cabinet is starting to liberate products of combustion due an overheat malfunction thermal event. The products of combustion are entrained in the airflow and because of the dominant airflow patterns in the room the movement of these products of combustion will be towards the return air inlet of the CRAC unit. This is a classic example of an incipient fire condition the beginning of a fire with little or no release of heat and or damaging smoke.Since the products of combustion are entrained in the air they will enter the CRAC unit and be treated and cooled and re-introduced back into the raised floor and into the room. This has been validated by extensive testing and personal observation when conducting Hot-wire smoke tests in similar facilities with high rates of air changes. This resultant diffusion of the products of combustion throughout the entire volume of both the raised floor and the IT room is a leading contributor of the damage risks to sensitive electronic equipment to contamination from smoke. In rooms with high rates of air changes this diffusion effect is immediate, this is akin to throwing a glass of orange juice into a swimming pool. It soon disappears. This is due to the vigorous airflow of the CRAC units in effect forming a highly diluted and uniform smoke concentrations that only high sensitivity air sampling detection systems like VESDA are able to discern and detect. Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) used to jacket and insulate electrical wiring and cables is major part of the total potential fire load in IT facilities.The fire loss record in IT facilities in the past ten years and related research have shown that non-thermal damages caused by a fire in or near electronic equipment often can account for as much as 95% of the total damage. Because agents borne in the smoke cause these non-thermal affects, the damages, which they cause, will occur wherever the smoke spreads. In several cases, these damages have spread throughout the building.

    Fire source: BS 6266 Hot-wire smoke test.With the fire source located within the room the Return-Air detector responded first, followed by the ceiling-level detector, and then the raised floor cavity detector followed almost simultaneously.With the fire source located within the raised floor again the return-air detector responded first, followed by the raised floor detector and then the ceiling level detector followed within a few seconds. With re-circulating airflow rates above 30 air changes per hour test results show that all three vesda units respond to either fire source location within 60 seconds. As a point of reference the BS-6266 Hot-wire smoke tests acceptance test criteria for VEWFD for EDP which has been adopted by NFPA 76 the Fire Protection Standard for Telecommunication Facilities allow up to 180 second response to accommodate larger areas with longer sampling pipe transport times. These results clearly demonstrate both the diffusion of smoke that occurs in these type of airflow conditions and the responsiveness of the Vesda ASD.

    Fire source: BS 6266 Hot-wire smoke test.With the fire source located within the room the Return-Air detector responded first, followed by the ceiling-level detector, and then the raised floor cavity detector followed almost simultaneously.With the fire source located within the raised floor again the return-air detector responded first, followed by the raised floor detector and then the ceiling level detector followed within a few seconds. With re-circulating airflow rates above 30 air changes per hour test results show that all three vesda units respond to either fire source location within 60 seconds. As a point of reference the BS-6266 Hot-wire smoke tests acceptance test criteria for VEWFD for EDP which has been adopted by NFPA 76 the Fire Protection Standard for Telecommunication Facilities allow up to 180 second response to accommodate larger areas with longer sampling pipe transport times. These results clearly demonstrate both the diffusion of smoke that occurs in these type of airflow conditions and the responsiveness of the Vesda ASD.

    Fire source: BS 6266 Hot-wire smoke test.With the fire source located within the room the Return-Air detector responded first, followed by the ceiling-level detector, and then the raised floor cavity detector followed almost simultaneously.With the fire source located within the raised floor again the return-air detector responded first, followed by the raised floor detector and then the ceiling level detector followed within a few seconds. With re-circulating airflow rates above 30 air changes per hour test results show that all three vesda units respond to either fire source location within 60 seconds. As a point of reference the BS-6266 Hot-wire smoke tests acceptance test criteria for VEWFD for EDP which has been adopted by NFPA 76 the Fire Protection Standard for Telecommunication Facilities allow up to 180 second response to accommodate larger areas with longer sampling pipe transport times. These results clearly demonstrate both the diffusion of smoke that occurs in these type of airflow conditions and the responsiveness of the Vesda ASD.

    With the fire source located within the room with no airflow to influence the movement of smoke, the smoke rose slowly but steadily and was detected within 120 seconds. As expected there was response from the other two detectors.With the fire source located within the raised floor cavity with no airflow to influence the movement of smoke, the smoke was detected by the raised floor detector within 80 seconds. As expected there was response from the other two detectors.

    VESDA has a wide sensitivity range and multi-stage programmable alarm thresholds covering the entire fire progression stages.This flexibility enables VESDA to be used in many different fire protection design configurations to match unique applications.

    Computer modeling will be used to generate a set of charts that will enable VESDA to be set up to be equivalent to a spot detector for the release of suppression.

    VESDA has a wide sensitivity range and multi-stage programmable alarm thresholds over the entire fire progression stages.This flexibility enables VESDA to be used in many different fire protection design configurations to match unique applications.

    Computer modeling will be used to generate a set of charts that will enable VESDA to be set up to be equivalent to a spot detector for the release of suppression.

    VESDA provides solutions for world-wide corporations, manufacturing facilities, cultural heritage, internet service providers, data centers and more ... Implicit in the testing requirements is that a smoke entry test is required only through the end sampling port on each pipe run. An acceptable test method is to use smoke or a listed aerosol to introduce smoke to the end sampling port to cause an alarm response at the air sampling detecting unit. This test simultaneously performs three basic functions; 1) smoke entry into the detection unit with a resultant functional alarm response operation from the ASD unit, 2) establishes sampling pipe integrity throughout the entire length of each pipe run and 3) with use of a stopwatch measures the elapsed time it takes for smoke to travel from the last sampling hole to the ASD unit, which per NFPA72 cannot exceed 120 seconds.The remaining sampling holes only need to be checked for airflow to ensure that they are not blocked or dirty. Where the sampling holes are readily accessible (normal ceiling heights areas) a simple suction pressure test is used to establish airflow through the sampling holes. Where sampling holes are inaccessible or in difficult to access locations (high ceilings) airflow through all other sampling holes must still be verified by use of alternative test methods that has been accepted by the AHJ. This alternative test method should be submitted for acceptance as part of the normal design review process of this system by the AHJ.Racks are ommited for better clarityAsk them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.Detectors are located throughout the warehouse and are networked to Remote Display Units located adjacent to the Fire Alarm Panel at the entrance to the building.Ask them to be back in ten minutes, but expect the session to start in about 15 minutes.As soon as they start out of the door for the break advance to the next slide.Even with the VLF, there is only so much that can be done simply by looking at the display. The VSC software is the latest VESDA System Configuration software and is a powerful tool for troubleshooting VESDA products. The VSC software is the next generation of V-config pro and is available for download at


    An important troubleshooting tool within VSC is the Event Log. To view the event log, click on the detector within the device tree for which you want to retrieve the event log, shown here next to the red arrow.Next go up to view, and click on Event Log.A window pops up that allows the user to filter what event types are to be included in the event log. Event types consist of Alarms, Troubles, User Actions and smoke value changes. User actions consist of logging on and setting parameters such as smoke thresholds or filter service interval. A value change event is a change in the smoke level the detector sees. The user can control how much smoke change is required for the detector to log an event this parameter is called significant change, and the default setting is 0.0063 percent obscuration per foot.This is an event log from VSC. Just like the active event list, troubles show up as yellow, alarm events show up as orange and red, disabled detectors show up blue, and all other events show up white.

    Once retrieved, the event log may be sorted by any of the headings by simply clicking on the heading. It useful to sort the events by Time & Date, as well as by fault type. Sorting by fault type allows the user to easily discover patterns of when any faults or unwanted alarms that may be occurring within the facility.

    The smoke trend is another powerful troubleshooting tool for looking at smoke events, unwanted alarms, and elevated background levels in challenging environments. To view the graphical smoke trend, click on the detector you wish to analyse, then click on view, then Trend Graph, as shown.In this example, we have the classic industrial environment where the elevated ambient background level exists during operational hours. In this view I have zoomed in to see four days of operation. Each elevated plateau occurs during daily operation where there is a high level of background activity. There is limited overnight, so each night the background ambient level drops. A solution in this case is to use the two separate alarm thresholds sets to provide more sensitive settings during the night time hours, and less sensitive settings during the day while the elevated background is present.

    A manual switch wired to the General Purpose Input of the VESDA detector may be used to switch from Alarm threshold set #1 to Alarm threshold set #2. Alternatively, the detectors may be programmed to switch alarm threshold sets automatically at a specific time each day.
