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A reflective critiqueby

Laura Johnson Katy Procter, and

Alan ( Paddy!) Shorrock










The programme in general did not offer any ‘strong’ solutions for any of the themes expressed.

‘The council says its all about intervening early, nationally the government are rolling out to 20,000, to what they call problem families, though it is said to cost nine billion per year, to provide ‘problem families’ with basic parenting skills’.

So while there is discussion of a solution for ‘problem families’ in and around the UK, the programme endues to give negative connotations towards the service, in relation the price tag and how like government funds projects vigilantes, and stops services users progressing to use the service.



Shorrock (2012) stated on ‘ The Real Shadworth’ ‘that the council recently invested in 2007, in a new play park, cage football pitch, stake park and scooter park build inside the community centre providing play areas for children to use and that more funds totalling 1.5 million are due to be invested soon. In relation to the cuts essential services are still being used.

Chinerry, G (2012) states Shadsworth is ‘ a nice community, lots to do, there is street football on a Friday night funding by Blackburn Rovers, climbing wall comes on a Friday, fathers club, stitching club, brook with wildlife at the end of the estate.’

Solutions cont

Being helped by the housing association, with carpets, skips, wallpaper and paint, so I could have a good clear out and feel better about myself.’ (Olwyn 2012)??? ‘Blackburn council says it has got ring fenced money to help more families but all services are under pressure from budget cuts.’ (Bilton, 2012)

Offers a solution for poverty, but again this is taken away by saying the funds are not readily available. You could be supported or not?


“Shadsworth is not some lost estate. It is full of families with hopes and aspirations” (Bilton,



“Kids are growing up in tough times”

“Is this a picture of broken Britain?”

“…anti-social behaviour and drugs are at the door”

“Anti-social behaviour eats away at estates like Shadsworth”

(Bilton, 2012:TV)

The portrayal of the Resident’s and the Estate

Comments found on forums include:-

“i must admit and this might make me sound judgemental but when it said the estate was called the shadsworth estate all i could think of were the similarities between the fictional chatsworth estate on

shameless!!” (netmums, 2012:online)

“i just kept thinking of the lady with the pink in her hair with the boy called oshi must be costing the government a fortune” (netmums, 2012:online)

“There were many things that annoyed me but the main thing was the woman complaining that she had been called in to the job centre earlier than expected. She was moaning that it was inconvenient as she had things to do - like shopping. I have things to do as well but unfortunately I can't do them

until I've finished work - I don't moan about it, I just get on with it!

Also I found it amazing that she had been provided with carpets and furniture and had had her house decorated for her by some organisation to help with her depression but the carpet was filthy and the

wallpaper in the hall was all ripped. Perhaps she wouldn't be so depressed if she kept her home looking nice - you don't have to have lots of money to keep your house clean and to put things away.”

(netmums, 2012:online)

“…Then it cuts to a bunch of early 20s lads who get asked if they would do it, they come out with some shit like 'who wants to be a cleaner?' and 'why bother if you get the same on benefits', both of whom

confess to smoking weed as part of their daily routine.

The to a woman who also says she smokes weed regularly and is seen rolling up a fag every time she's on screen. The guy asks if the job center put a job in front of her and said you're working tomorrow

what would she do? She says she'd ask them if they were having a laugh.

Later in the show this fat bitch has her kid expelled from school and didn't even discipline him, she says 'well he knows what he did was wrong, not point in taking away his xbox'. How the fuck can this bitch

who has been out of work for 8 years and has 4 kids afford an xbox?

Fucking ****s” (, 2012:online)


Chief Superintendent Bob Eastwood- “It is wrong to say that drugs are common place and everyone is involved”

Also states that it is wrong to say drugs are sold openly on the streets of the estate

Richard Bilton questions whether the drug strategy is wrong, after which the programme proceeds to show drug deals on the street in the daytime.

Attempt to undermine Chief Superintendent Bob Eastwood?

Richard Bilton also appears to take at face value the statements made by residents of the estate regarding drug use- everyone does it! However, has little regard for the statements made by Bob Eastwood


Is generally considered to be a lack of money


Concerns such things as lack of opportunities,

inability to access healthcare; safe

environments; adequate protection from harm, and a lack of resources

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)

The English Indices of Deprivation measures relative levels of deprivation in small areas of England called Lower Layer Super

Output Areas.(,2011:online)

The seven domains used to construct the index are: income

employment health deprivation and disability

education skills and training deprivation barriers to housing and services living environment deprivation


IMD Summary

 ”…Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is the 17th most deprived out of the 354 local authorities in England. Around 37% of residents lived in areas that were considered to be within the 10% most

deprived in England in 2007 compared to approximately 34% in 2010. 

Almost a fifth (18.1%) of residents aged 16 to 64 are claiming out of work benefits and it is

estimated that 29.5% of children in the borough are living in poverty. The number of council tax claimants has decreased by -0.7% and housing

benefit claimants increased by 0.1% between July 2010 and July 2011”

(, 2011:online)

% of children in Families on out of work benefits (North West)

Allerdale 16%

Barrow-in-Furness 22%

Blackburn with Darwen UA 29%

Blackpool UA 29%

Bolton 24%

Burnley 29%

Bury 18%

Carlisle 17%

Chester West and Chester 16%

Chester East UA 13%

Chorley 13%

Copeland 18%

Eden 9%

Fylde 12%

Halton UA 27%

Hyndburn 25%

Knowsley 32%

Lancaster 18%

Liverpool 34%

Manchester 40%

Oldham 29%Pendle 24%Preston 23%Ribble Valley 6%Rochdale 28%Rossendale 19%Salford 29%Sefton 20%South Lakeland 9%South Ribble 12%St. Helens25%Stockport 16%Tameside 24%Trafford 15%Warrington UA 14%West Lancashire 18%Wigan 20%Wirral 25%Wyre 16%, 2012:online

Continued. (, 2012:online)


Vulnerable Localities Index(Lancashire,, 2011)


Applicable Theories

Social Disorganisation Theory (Sutherland, 1934)

Infers that community ties become severed and as a result, resistance to

deviance is lowered. This happens as a result of businesses and a transient

population entering an area(Sutherland, 1934 cited in Williams, 2008)

Applicable Theories

Broken Windows (Wilson and Kelling, 1982)

“… originally employed to describe a range of

offensive and disorderly behaviours and conflicting relationships in fractured

and eprived communities in the USA”

(Wilson and Kelling, 1982 cited in McLaughlin and Muncie,2009:15)

Residualisation“The term ‘residualisation’ means

a process in which a residue is created. When people move in

some number from a neighbourhood or community because they believe it is no

longer a desirable place to live, then what they leave behind is a

social residue of less enabled people. The social balance of the

area is disturbed by the departures and the people who remain are

faced with concentrated poverty together with strengthening social


(Williams, 1999:online)

Applicable Theories

Differential Association Theory (Sutherland, 1939 cited in Williams 2008)

Asserts that crime is learnt from association with those who already have

criminal tendencies

Bibliography Bilton, R. (2012). Panorama: The Estate. TV, BBC1. 2012 September 11. 21.00hrs. (2011). Chapter six: Deprivation in the Borough. Available (Last accessed 11 October 2012). (2011). The English Indices of Deprivation 2010. Available (Last accessed 12 October 2012) (2012). Poverty in your area. Available (Last accesse 13 October 2012). (2012). Thread: Panorama: Trouble on the Estate. Available (Last accessed 11 October 2012)

Hirschi, T., & Gottfredson, M. (1983). Age and the explanation of crime. American Journal of Sociology, 89, 552–584

Kanazawa. S. (2003). ‘Why productivity declines with age: The crime- genius connection’, Journal of Research in Personality 37 (2003), 257-272.

Bibliography cont… (2010). Lancashire Community safety maps and graphs. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012). (2011). Vulnerable localities Index. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012). (2011). Indices of Deprivation 2010 local authority analysis. Available (Last accessed 12 October 2012) (2011). The local assessment for Blackburn with Darwen. Available (last accessed 13 October 2012). (2012). Unemployment core data: official unemployment (May/July 2012) and claimant count (August 2012) published September 2012. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012). (2012). My Area: Shadsworth. Available (Last accessed 14 October 2012)

Bibliography cont…

Liverpool City Region. (2010). Child and Family Poverty Needs Assessment. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012)

Mclaughlin, E., Muncie, J. (2009). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology. London:Sage (2012). Thread: Panorama: Trouble on the Estate. Available (Last accessed 11 October 2012)

ONS. (2012). Labour Market Statistics, September 2012. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012)

ONS. (2004). Neighbourhood Statistics: Area: Shadsworth (Ward). Available (last accessed 12 October 2012)

Bibliography cont…

Saferlancashire. (2012). Rate per thousand population, except for domestic burglary which is rate per thousand households. Available (Last accesse 13 October 2012)

Sutherland, E. (1924). Principles of Criminology. Chicago: Chicago University Press

Sutherland, E. (1939). Principles of Criminology, 3rd edn. Philadelphia: Lippencott

Telegraph (2012). UK recessions since World War Two. Available (Last accessed 13 October 2012).

Williams, B. (1999). Stemming the Urban Haemorrhage. Available (last accessed 14 October 20120

Williams, K. (2008). Textbook on Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wilson, J., Kelling, F. (1982). ‘Broken Windows- the police and neighbourhood safety’, Atlantic Monthly, 249 (3), 29-83