Primar Engleza IV Cadru Didactic


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Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii

Proiect Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri dezavantajate“

Programul „A doua ºansã“

Aceastã primã ediþie (pilot) este finanþatã de Uniunea Europeanã.

Iudit Sera

Nivelul IV

GGhhiidduull ccaaddrruulluuii ddiiddaaccttiicc

I need to know

Limba englezã

Aceste materiale – publicate în cadrul Proiectului Phare „Acces la educaþie pentrugrupuri dezavantajate“ 2003 – au fost realizate de o echipã de experþi ai MinisteruluiEducaþiei ºi Cercetãrii, pentru a fi folosite în primul an de aplicare experimentalãa programului educaþional revizuit „A doua ºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“.

Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt:Cristiana Boca, coordonatoarea componentei „Învãþãmânt primar“Mihaela Bucinschi, autoare „Limba ºi literatura românã“Carmen Costina, autoare „Limba englezã“Aniþa Dulman, autoare „Matematicã“Gabriela Dumitru, autoare „Cunoaºterea mediului“Cristiana Ilie, autoare „Istorie. Geografie“Iudit Sera, autoare „Limba englezã“dr. Doina–Olga ªtefãnescu, autoare „Educaþie civicã“Paul Vermeulen, expert componenta „Elaborare curriculum

ºi materiale educaþionale“

Coordonator editorial: Mihaela MarinDesign copertã: Dinu DumbrãvicianDesign ºi dtp: Gabi IancuFoto copertã: Dinu Dumbrãvician

Aceastã publicaþie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuridezavantajate“, componenta „A doua ºansã“Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaþiei ºi CercetãriiData publicãrii: martie 2006Conþinutul acestui material nu reprezintã în mod necesar poziþia oficialã a Uniunii Europene.

© Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 3

Cuvânt de bun venit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

DAILY PROGRAMME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

What’s going on? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

I never play footbal at the weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

If you don’t mind me asking... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Unit 1 – Progress Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

THE WORKPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

What do you do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Applying for a job – who’s the most suitable candidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Where are they? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Unit 2 – Progress Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

TIME AND SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Places worth visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Holiday plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Unit 3 – Progress Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

LEISURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Traditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Hobbies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Plans for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Unit 4 – Progress Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

FINAL PROGRESS CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43


Unit 1

Lesson 1.1

Lesson 1.2

Lesson 1.3

Unit 2

Lesson 2.1

Lesson 2.2

Lesson 2.3

Unit 3

Lesson 3.1

Lesson 3.2

Lesson 3.3

Unit 4

Lesson 4.1

Lesson 4.2

Lesson 4.3

4 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Stimatã învãtoare,Stimate învãþãtor,

Felicitãri pentru cã faceþi parte din marea echipã a proiectului „A douaºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“!

Prezentul ghid face parte dintr-o serie de materiale educaþionale elaborateîn cadrul proiectului Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri defavorizate care vor fiutilizate în cadrul componentei A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar decãtre cadre didactice, directori, inspectori ºcolari care conduc saucoordoneazã clase de tip „a doua ºansã“. În acelaºi timp, ele pot fi folositeºi ca resursã în eforturile de construire a unor ºcoli incluzive.

Forma pe care au dobândit-o aceste ghiduri se înscrie în concepþia unitarãa programul A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar, program definit prin:

• modularitate ºi flexibilitate în organizare• caracter activ, practic aplicativ al curriculum-ului• respectarea individualitãþii în învãþare ºi evaluare.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice ºi pentru cursanþi au fost realizate înconformitate cu programele ºcolare aprobate pentru anul ºcolarexperimental 2005-2006.În ghidurile pentru cursanþi urmãresc aplicarea unui model constructivist,secvenþial, accesibil ºi bine structurat de tip orientare, achiziþie, aplicare ºitransfer. Astfel, modelul didactic ales ºi pãstrat ca un laitmotiv se coreleazãcu etapele pe care le poate parcurge o unitate de învãþare, fiecare dintremomente cuprinzând secvenþe precum cele enumerate:

• etapa de orientare poate cuprinde prezentarea scopurilor, semnificaþieiºi contextului din perspectiva cursantului, activarea ºi valorizareacunoºtinþelor ºi deprinderilor anterioare ale acestuia, captarea atenþieicursanþilor prin conexarea subiectului cu unul de interes vital pentruei, introducerea unor întrebãri ºi situaþii provocatoare de cãtre cadruldidactic º.a.,

• etapa de achiziþie cuprinde rezolvarea de sarcini, exerciþii, însuºireanoilor cunoºtinþe având ca rezultat înþelegerea ºi operarea de cãtrecursant cu conceptele, etapã în care sunt alese cele mai eficientemetode de predare-învãþare-evaluare adecvate atât grupului þintã, darºi specificului subiectului predat.

• etapa de aplicare ºi transfer se concretizeazã prin integrareaconceptelor achiziþionate în contexte noi, elaborarea unor produse aleactivitãþii (de tip eseu, poster, tabel, colaj, model, proiect), evaluareaºi auto-evaluarea atât a proiectului cât ºi a rezultatelor obþinute.

Ghidurile elaborate pentru cursanþi cuprind, pe lângã unitãþile de învãþaredetaliate, activitãþi de reactualizare a conceptelor cheie ale modulului/nivelului anterior, probe de evaluare ºi auto-evaluare, dicþionar cu termeniutilizaþi, pagini pentru aplicaþii ºi proiecte sau anexe cu informaþiiesenþializate pentru consolidarea învãþãrii.

Cuvânt de bun venit

Programul „A doua ºansãpentru învãþãmântulprimar“ în anul ºcolar2005-2006 va fi aplicat pebaza O.M. nr. 5160 din6.10.2005 în conformitatecu urmãtoarele documente:• Metodologia privind

organizarea procesuluide învãþãmânt în cadrulProgramului „A douaºansã pentruînvãþãmântul primar“;

• Planul cadru pentruprogramul „A douaºansã pentru învãþã-mântul primar“;

• Programe ºcolareintegrate prin care se realizeazã educaþiade bazã.

• Materiale educaþionalepentru elevi ºi cadredidactice.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 5

Fiecare dintre ghidurile pentru cursanþi pentru fiecare disciplinã sau nivel destudiu se completeazã cu ghidul adresat cadrului didactic, astfel încâttranspunerea în practicã a ideilor programului sã fie cât mai coerentã ºimai transparentã.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice reprezintã cel mai complex instrument princare programele ºcolare prind viaþã. Ghidurile cadrelor didactice sunt ooglindã a fiecãrei unitãþi de învãþare prezentate ºi o aprofundare a ei dinperspectiva scopului, a metodologiei, a formelor de organizare posibil deabordat. Caracterul alternativ al acestor ghiduri se explicã prin aceea cãordonarea conþinuturilor relevante sugerate, ritmul ºi metodologia abordãriilor vor fi stabilite de cãtre fiecare cadru didactic în funcþie de stilul sãudidactic, particularitãþile grupului cu care lucreazã, resursele de învãþaredisponibile, contextul local în care se defãºoarã învãþarea. Ghidurile cadrelor didactice cuprind într-o manierã flexibilã ºi individualãsecþiuni prin care se prezintã programa ºcolarã specificã disciplineirespective, se prezintã sugestii de întocmire a planificãrii, se oferãconceptele ºi achiziþiile cheie ale disciplinei pentru fiecare nivel ºicorespondenþa dintre acestea ºi metodologia didacticã cea mai eficientã.Ghidurile prezintã într-o manierã succintã informaþii atât teoretice, dar ºipractice despre realizarea evaluãrii formative dar ºi a celei sumative, atâtprin forme clasice, dar ºi alternative, cu exemple de probe de evaluareconstruite pe baza standardelor de evaluare regasite în programele ºcolarepentru fiecare disciplinã ºi nivel de studiu.Ghidurile cuprind ºi referiri la alte surse bibliografice utile pentru derulareademersului didactic specific fiecãrei discipline. Acestea sunt fie lucrãri dereferinþã ale pedagogie sau didacticii dsciplinei, fie adrese utile pentrucadrele didactice care doresc sã se foloseascã de Internet. Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice pot fi cu uºurinþã adaptate ºiindividualizate în funcþie de contextul local, de resursele materiale de caredispune ºcoala, de stilul de predare al cadrului didactic ºi departicularitãþile cursanþilor. În multe dintre unitãþile de învãþare propuse ladiferite discipline de studiu pot fi întâlnite sarcini care se rezolvã cuajutorul computerului, mici proiecte ºi cercetãri care se desfãºoarã încomunitate sau în diferite instituþii º.a. Cadrul didactic împreunã cu clasapot hotarî în legãturã cu oportunitatea desfãºurãrii sarcinilor ºi aplicaþiilorpropuse astfel încât cursanþii sã trãiascã experienþe de succes în învãþare.

Dat fiind caracterul experimental al programului „A doua ºansã pentruînvãþãmântul primar” în acest an ºcolar ºi necesitatea revizuirii tuturormaterialelor educaþionale elaborate pânã la extinderea programului în anulºcolar 2006-2007, contribuþia dumneavoastrã, a tuturor celor care lucraþicu aceste materiale în aceastã perioadã este foarte importantã. Aºteptãmsugestiile de revizuire, comentariile, observaþiile sau aprecierile pe

Vã mulþumim ºi vã dorim succes!Cristiana Boca

6 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar






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Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 7

This Guidebook is for teachers of English workingwith students in Second Chance education,Primary Level 4. This is the last of a set of threeguidebooks for teaching English to SecondChance primary students.

Overall objectives • To develop skills of oral and written reception

and production• To develop a positive attitude to English by

providing a context in which learning isstimulating and fun

• To encourage students to take active role intheir learning and to reflect on their progress

• To establish a basic level of English on whichthe students can continue to build

The target groupStudents who take level 4 of English SecondChance primary may be 14 and over. They haverecently learnt to read and write in Romanian,and their first language may be other than Romanian.Their motivation for taking this course varieswidely. Some may be driven back to school bythe need to obtain a certificate that will enablethem to get a job, others may simply want toobtain their driving license. When it comes toclassroom participation, some may be inhibited.However, it’s important to remember that thesestudents may be busy adults, with families and jobs.It is highly important to build their self-confidence as learners; show them they can learnand persuade them that speaking a foreignlanguage is an asset in today’s world. It is yourjob as their teacher to encourage them to reflecton how they learn best and to cater for theirpreferences. Help them assess their own progressand provide them with constructive feedback.Remember: adults may get bored with highlyrepetitive, routine activities. It is important topractise structures you plan to teach them insituations that make sense to them and whichthey are likely to encounter in real life. Movethrough the basics quickly and return to themfrom time to time.

Language content Level 4 assumes that students have coveredLevels 1 to 3 or equivalent; therefore, theirprevious knowledge of English is essential. Thecommunicative functions covered in this level arepresented at the beginning of every unit. Topicshave been chosen to reflect the interests ofadults returning to school to complete basiceducation (see Contents page).

Active and cooperative learningYou should organise lessons so that students playas active a role as possible. This will help themfeel important, their motivation and interest willincrease, and their learning will be moremeaningful and lasting. Developing an active rolein the learning process fosters a sense ofresponsibility and cooperation, promotesconfidence in the students’ own capacity to learna language and teaches a number of skills andstrategies necessary for a more autonomous typeof learning. By participating in the pair work andgroup activities, students will get to know theirpeers and learn to work together, thus developingtheir interpersonal and social skills, too.

Use of Romanian in the Englishlessons

At the beginning of each unit, you may have touse Romanian to make sure that everyoneunderstands what you mean. However, avoidtranslating utterances that may be obvious frombody language, or from what you model. Simpleinstructions or requests and use of vocabularyacquired in levels 1-3 will help studentsunderstand you. Even if not all respond to whatyou say, they may copy other students who arequicker to understand. In such cases, it is awaste of time to translate. If for some reason, a student wants to know precisely what has beensaid, insist that they ask a colleague or you totranslate by saying, “Please, translate. / Whatdoes … mean?”


8 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

EvaluationEvaluation can provide important information notonly on the performance of the students, but alsoon teaching methods and materials. For formativeevaluation it is advisable that the classroomactivities are monitored on going basis.

To this end, use an activity record sheet and asimple system of marking in every session (e.g. N – need more work; OK – good progress; E – excellent).For summative evaluation, you can use theprogress checks at the end of each unit, and thefinal progress check.

Proposed session structureBe imaginative! You may have to adjust thecontent of the lesson to the specificity of yourgroup of learners. However, follow the proposedstructure as presented below:

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:At the beginning of the session, share the learningobjectives with the students. You may have touse some Romanian to do this effectively.

THINK!This is a key point of the lesson. Your studentswill be engaged in learning depending on howwell you manage to active them, and arouse theircuriosity. We recommend that you start eachlesson by evoking previous knowledge and personalconnections. Also, encourage your students tomake intelligent guesses. Knowing what thestudents already know or think they know isextremely important. It shows you what you needto avoid spending time on, and where you mayhave to allocate more time than you had planned.


LET’S LEARN!Build on the evoked knowledge when introducingthe new vocabulary and structures. Make surewhenever it is possible you link the new words

and structures to the learners’ experience. Useillustrations, flashcards, etc. to present new content.

This section of the lesson may be repeated. It should be followed by “Your turn” wheneveryou feel a newly acquired structure needspractising before you move on to another one.

YOUR TURN!Practice the new vocabulary and structuresinviting students to do a variety of activities (seealso suggested learning activities in the syllabus).This section of the lesson will be recurrent. Itfollows naturally after “Let’s learn!”

CHECK THIS!At the end of each session, invite students to saywhat they can now do, by wording simple “I can”statements. Elicit such statements by asking“Can you (say your name)/(greet someone inEnglish)/(ask for directions), (etc.)?”

TRY THIS!This section contains extension activities. Theactivities suggested here are appropriate fordifferentiation. The complexity of the task can beadjusted to the students’ abilities. Also, if moreable students can cover the Your turn in a shorterperiod of time, the Try this can be done orstarted in class. For slower students, Try this canbe assigned as homework.

Lesson ______________________ Session ______________________ Date ___________________

Learner’s name Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5


Introduce the unit by asking the students to lookat the first page of the unit, and based on theillustrations try to predict what they will belearning. This conversation can take place in bothRomanian and English. For instance, theillustration may be described partly in English;however, when you discuss functions (What do youthink you will be able to do when you completethis unit?), you may switch to Romanian. Conclude the discussions by reading this:

In Unit 1 you will learn:• to talk about actions in progress;• to talk about your daily programme;• to apologize and respond to apologies;• to tell the time;• to describe people.

Check previous knowledge. In levels 1-3 some ofthe topics have already been covered in a simplermanner.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 9


1 Daily Programme

1.1 What’s going on?

10 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to talk about actions in progress

• to tell the time

Language FocusPresent continuous

I am (not)

You / We / They are (not) verb-ing.

He / She is (not)

Am I

Are you /we / they verb-ing?

Is he / she

What time is it? What’s the time?It’s six o’clock.It’s half past six.It’s a quarter to seven.It’s ten to seven.It’s late.


THINK!• The questions will draw the students’ attention

to the differences between English andRomanian patterns for telling and asking thetime. They are meant to help the studentsnotice similarities and differences so as toavoid making mistakes.

LET’S LEARN!• Explain to your students what “action in

progress” means: an action that is happening/going on at the moment of speaking. Thetranslation (acþiune în desfaaºurare) may helpthem understand the difference between thesimple and the progressive aspects. There is nodifference in Romanian between a habitualaction and an action in progress, so somestudents might face difficulties inunderstanding the need to express presenttense in different ways.

• When asking and telling the time the danger is“word for word translation”. Some students willask “What’s the clock?” or “What o’clock?”instead of “What’s the time? / What time isit?” Many students will tend to use Romanianword order and say: “It’s one and a quarter”instead of “It’s a quarter past one”.

• Ask the students to look at the pictures andhave them name as many objects as they can.This activity will help them refresh theirvocabulary. They will be able to name objectssuch as: chair, table, bed, carpet, sink, plates,glasses, cups, etc. Invite them to makeguesses about what is going on.

• Read the text with the students. Write some ofthe sentences on the blackboard to explain theuse of the continuous aspect. You may want tointroduce a few spelling rules:o have, move, drive + ing : having, moving,

drivingo sit, get, begin + ing: sitting, getting, beginningo die, lie + ing: dying, lying

We are organizing a party. Elena and Irinaare decorating the room. The boys arebuying drinks. The girls are makingsandwiches. ...

• Teach telling the time using a large clockso your students can easily follow yourexplanations. Make drawings on theblackboard next to the sentences.

• Drill the patterns with the class to makesure everybody remembers the patterns.Have students alternatively ask and tell thetime.

YOUR TURN!You may want to let the students work in pairs tocomplete the sentences.Encourage them to write complete sentences intheir notebooks. Check the exercise by havingstudents write the sentences on the blackboard.

TRY THIS!1. Encourage the students to use their

imagination to write about what Lisa is doing.Tell them to think of at least 10 differentactivities.It’s 7.30 a.m. Lisa is getting dressed.

2. Make this an optional task. Do not insist thatthe students bring photographs to class if theydo not feel like talking about their families.Most people like talking about themselves,others might feel embarrassed. This activitycan be fun if students feel free to choose ifthey want to participate or not.“This is my wedding party. I’m dancing withmy mother-in-law.”

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 11

Practise writing sentences on the blackboard withthe whole class before moving on to YOUR TURNsection.Suggested activities:

• Organize a party. The students get differenttasks: buy drinks, make sandwiches, bringmusic, decorate the room etc.

• Write the plan on the blackboard:

U N I T 1D A I L Y P R O G R A M M E

1.2 I never play footbal at the weekend

12 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives• to talk about your daily programme• to express the frequency of events

Language FocusPrepositionsat (5 o’clock / the weekend, noon, etc.)on (Sunday, Monday, etc.)in (the evening, the morning, the afternoon,winter etc.)

Days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Frequency adverbsalways usually often100% 75% 60%sometimes rarely never30% 15% 0%once a weektwice a monthfour times a year

Present simpleI / You / We / They play. Do I / you / we / they play?I / You / We / They don’t play.He / She plays. Does he / she play? He / She doesn’t play.


THINK!• The questions will introduce the students to

habitual, repeated actions by having themthink about activities they do every day andactivities that are repeated with differentdegrees of frequency.

LET’S LEARN!1. Read the text with your students and help the

students identify verbs in the present simple inthe text. Write some examples on the blackboard.You may want to explain some spelling rules/pro-nunciation rules for the third person singular. • Practise the verbs be and have because

some students tend to apply the same rulewith these verbs.

• Use negative and interrogative forms insome sentences that you choose to write onthe blackboard.

• Use various frequency adverbs in your examples.

Cosmin is flying to Britain. He is visiting theSmiths. He is sitting next to a footballer, AlfredBates. Alfred is not a famous footballer yet.Cosmis wants to find out about him.“So what do you usually do in your spare time?””You mean on Saturdays and Sundays? I love thosedays. I always spend them with my family: my wifeMary, my son Jerry and my daughter Alicia. Werarely wake up before 9 on Saturday mornings. Wehave breakfast together and make plans for theday. We sometimes ride our bikes or swim togetheror just go for a walk in the park. For lunch, weusually go to a pizza restaurant. Jerry loves pizza.We let the children decide how to spend theafternoon. In the evening, we often visit friends.”“How about Sunday?”“On Sunday morning we always go to church. My wife is very religious.”

YOUR TURN!1. Let the students do the exercise individually,

then have them compare their daily programmewith other students’. Tell them to findsimilarities and differences and ask them toreport to the class.e.g. We both get up at 6.30 a.m. I go to bed

at 11 p.m. but Ionicaa goes to bed at 9 p.m.

2. The focus of this exercise is on frequencyadverbs. Tell the students to make notes asthey interview their colleagues so as to be ableto report to the class later. It is advisable thatyou help them prepare the questions beforethey start interviewing their classmates. Theymay use the table in the previous exercise andwrite a set of questions next to it:e.g. How often do you dance / go swimming /

play football / watch TV / play cards…Ask the students to write a name next to eachfrequency adverb in the grid.

3. After checking this exercise you might want toask the students to work in groups andprepare a short test for another group. Havethem write five sentences with blanks to befilled in with prepositions. Check their sen-tences before giving them to a group to solve.Complete the sentences with at, in or on.a. I have lunch at 12 o’clock.b. We always go to church on Sunday.c. I like to watch TV in the evening.d. Where were you at 5.30 on Friday?e. I only have coffee in the morning.f. He sometimes drives at night.g. On Mondays, I am usually late for work.h. We go swimming a lot in summer.

TRY THIS!Tell the students how to make a poster. Givethem a reason for making it. Tell them they owna leisure centre and want to attract people to trythe activities they offer. Tell them to be asconvincing as they can because you can onlyafford to go to one of them, so only one groupwill win. Students will work in groups of four andwill either choose the best poster to be presentedto the whole class or make a new poster in thegroup using what each student has brought.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 13

“What do you do after church?”“We visit our parents. We always have lunch withmy parents or with Alicia’s parents.”“Do you play football on Sunday afternoon?”“Absolutely not. I never play football at the weekend.”

Let the students complete the table individuallyor in pairs and then check with the whole class.

Frequency What Alfred Bates and his family

doalways e.g. go to church on Sunday






2. Make sure the students use the rightprepositions in their sentences: at theweekend, on Monday, in the morning.

U N I T 1D A I L Y P R O G R A M M E

1.3 If you don’t mind me asking...

14 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives• apologize and respond to apologies• write a personal letter• describe people

Language FocusWhat does he look like?What’s he like?What does he like?How is he? Excuse me.I’m sorry.I apologise.I hope you don’t mind.That’s all right.Not at all.Whose is it? It’s mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs.

Personal pronouns Possessive Subject Object Possessive adjectives

I me mine myYou your yours yourHe him his hisShe her hers herIt it - itsWe us our ourYou your yours yourThey them theirs their


THINK!• Ask the students in what situations they

usually start a conversation with a stranger.You might want to start a discussion about firstimpressions. Why do people try to make goodfirst impressions? Have they met people whomade a very good impression first but thenturned out not to be as they seemed? Whatimpression do your students think they makeon other people when they first meet?

LET’S LEARN!Use the text to discuss ways of starting aconversation. Ask the students what they thinkCosmin’s first impression about Miss Meddling

is. Have your students think up some situationsin which they would need to start a conversationwith a stranger. They cuold work in pairs and actout short dialogues for the class.

1. Ask the students to explain their choices. Havethem go back to the text and read out thesentence(s) in which they found the information.A. Miss Meddling is the Smiths’ next

door neighbour. T FB. Susie invited Cosmin to Liverpool. T FC. Tom runs a business in Romania. T FD. The Smiths are taking Cosmin

to a restaurant. T FE. Miss Meddling is a nosy person. T F

2. Before doing this exercise practise descriptiveadjectives on some of the illustrations in thestudents’ guide. You might want to use otherresources ( flashcards, photographs etc.) Fillin the blanks in Cosmin’s email to Anna usingthe words below: interesting, tall, pretty,green, energetic, long-haired, pointed,unhappy, embarrassing, confident.

3. Invite the students to act out short dialogues inpairs. Ask them to imagine some othersituations in which people would apologize andrespond to apologies.a. You are late for your English class. b. You have forgotten your pen. You want to

borrow a pen.c. You interrupt a conversation to say

something important.d. Someone stepped on your foot by mistake.

They apologize.e. You dialled the wrong number.

4. Rephrase the following sentences to avoid repe-tition of the words in bold type. For guidance,you may refer to the table on the previous page.e.g.: This is my car. It is mine.

These are his pencils. They are his.a. Don’t drink from that glass. It is her glass.

It is hers.b. Stay away from that computer. It is his

computer. It is his.c Is this your book? Is it yours?d. “Whose house is this?” “It’s our house. It’s

ours.” e. This is their project. It’s theirs.f. Don’t dance with her. She’s my girl. She’s mine!

TRY THIS!Make the task easier for the students bysuggesting possible ways of beginning andending the letter. Suggest some useful words andphrases to be included in the letter. UseCosmin’s email as a starting point. Ways of beginning a letter: Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…Ways of ending a letter: Yours sincerely, /Regards / Kind regards /All the best / Best wishes Useful phrases: Thank you for taking the trouble to wait for me at therailway station.I am arriving on…(date)…at …(time)I am a short / tall / slightly overweight / black-haired /brown-eyed / young / middle-aged person.I will be wearing blue jeans / a red skirt / a flowerydress / a grey jumper / a green cardigan / blacktrousers / a brown hat / a fur coat / a leather jacket.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 15

YOUR TURN!1. Explain the four questions to the sudents

before asking them to do the matchingexercise.

1.What does he a. She’s very friendlylook like? and sociable.

2.What’s she like? b. He likes playingfootball.

3.What does he like? c. She’s fine.4.How is she? d. He’s a blue-eyed,

handsome young man.

1. – d; 2. – a; 3. – b; 4. – c.

2. Ask the students to describe someone withoutnaming the person. Invite the group to guesswho has been described.

U N I T 1D A I L Y P R O G R A M M E

Unit 1 – Progress Check

16 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar


1. The correct form of the verbs are in bold type.1. At the moment I live / am living in Liverpool.2. We never drive / are driving to work.3. I always wear / am wearing a hat in winter.4. Tom doesn’t wear / isn’t wearing jeans today.5. My children don’t drink / aren’t drinking

coffee after 6 p.m.

2. The correct words to complete the sentencesare in bold type:a. This / These book is mine.b. That’s our / ours address.c. How’s your / yours sister?d. Mine / My sister is well.e. That / Those cars are very expensive.

3. Suggested answers:7.30 – Susan / have breakfast. It’s half past

seven in the morning. Susan is havingbreakfast.

12.00 – Susan / have lunch. It’s twelveo’clock. Susan is having lunch.

14.00 – She / work / in her office. It’s two inthe afternoon. She is working in her office.

17.00 – He / drive / home. It’s five in theafternoon. He is driving home.

19.30 – Tom / watch TV. It’s seven thirty inthe evening. Tom is watching TV.

22.00 – They / go to bed. It’s ten in theevening. They are going to bed.

4. Open task:You are Georgiana. Write a reply to Nick’sletter. Describe at least two people you getalong with in your English class. Dear Georgiana,My job here is not very easy. I work long hours, butthe pay is good. You remember Paul, the older guyI came with? He’s the short one with the darkmoustache. He is having a hard time. Hecomplains all the time. He spends most of thetime on the phone with his wife. I haven’t heard from you for a long time. The lastthing I know is you went back to school. I’m dyingto hear more about it. How is it going? Do you havenew friends? Do you like the teachers? Write to meabout them.When we meet again, I want to take you out to anice restaurant.Love,Nick

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 17

Introduce the unit by asking the students to lookat the first page of the unit, and based on theillustrations try to predict what they will belearning. This conversation can take place inboth Romanian and English. For instance, theillustration may be described partly in English;however, when you discuss functions (What do youthink you will be able to do when you completethis unit?), you may switch to Romanian. Conclude the discussions by reading this:

In Unit 2 you will learn:• to describe what people do in various jobs;• to ask for and provide personal information;• to compare things and people;• to talk about familiar items in the house and

at the workplace.

Check previous knowledge. In levels 1-3 some of thetopics have already been covered in a simpler manner.


2 The Workplace

2.1 What do you do?

18 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to describe what people do in various jobs

Language Focuswork – workerdrive – driverdance – dancersing – singerteach – teacheract – actor / actresswait (on) – waiter / waitress

plumber secretaryelectrician nursearchitect hairdresserengineer tailorclerk mechanicdoctor farmerchemist cookpostman computer operator


THINK!• Introduce the topic with a discussion about

jobs. Let the students express their opinionsabout “good” and “bad” jobs. Name some jobsand ask the students to say what they wouldlike/dislike about each job.

LET’S LEARN!Draw the students’ attention to the use of theindefinite article with jobs.Read the following sentences. Underline thenames of jobs.

1. She repairs water pipes, sinks and baths.She is a plumber.

2. He repairs or connects electrical wires orequipment. He is an electrician.

3. She looks after people who are ill orinjured. She’s a nurse.

4. He works in an office typing letters andanswering phonecalls. He’s a secretary.

5. She repairs motor vehicles and machinery.She’s a mechanic.

6. He designs or builds roads, bridges ormachines. He’s an engineer.

7. She owns or manages a farm. She’s a farmer.8. He prepares and cooks food. He’s a cook.9. She prepares drugs and medicines.

She’s a chemist.10. He makes men’s clothes. He’s a tailor.

YOUR TURN!Complete the sentences using the followingwords to find out what these people do:serve, design, school, office, perform, arrange,computer, drive, waiter, postman, doctor, actor

1. Her job is to design buildings. She’s anarchitect.

2. His job is to collect and deliver letters.He’s a postman.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 19

3. Her job is to keep records or accounts in anoffice. She’s a clerk.

4. His job is to treat people who are ill. He’s adoctor.

5. Her job is to cut, wash and arrangepeople’s hair. She’s a hairdresser.

U N I T 2T H E W O R K P L A C E

6. His job is to operate a computer. He’s acomputer operator.

7. Her job is to perform in a play or film.She’s an actress.

8. His job is to perform in a play or film. He’s an actor.

9. Her job is to drive a car, bus etc. She’s a driver.

10. His job is to teach especially in a school.He’s a teacher.

11. Her job is to serve food and drinks at thetables in a restaurant. She’s a waitress.

12. His job is to serve food and drinks at thetables in a restaurant. He’s a waiter.

TRY THIS! Be flexible with students’ opinions. Ask them toexplain why they think those qualities arenecessary for the jobs they chose, but do not tellthem they are wrong if you disagree with them.

• a patient person;• a good listener;• a person with good manual skills;• a person who is good at imitating other people;• a person with a good sense of humour;• a talkative person;• a person who is good with figures;• a caring person;• a person who has a good sense of direction;• a person in good physical condition;• an imaginative person;• a dynamic person.

2.2 Applying for a job – who’s the most suitable candidate

20 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to ask for and provide personal information

• to compare things and people

Language Focusprepare a curriculum vitae / CVqualificationshave an interviewapply for a job

good – better – the bestbad – worse – the worstfunny – funnier – the funniestenergetic – more energetic – the most energetic


THINK!Encourage those students who have applied forjobs to share their experiences. Ask them howthey found out about the job, how they managedto convince that they were the suitablecandidates for the job, who interviewed them. Ifthey failed in getting the job ask them if theythink they gained experience that will be usefulto them in the future.

LET’S LEARN!1. Fill the gaps in Dan Smith’s CV with the

students. Tell them that a curriculum vitaeshould contain information that is relevant tothe position/job the person is applying for.Advise them to tailor the CVs they are going towrite to suit the requirements of the job theyare applying for.

Curriculum vitae

Personal informationFull name: Dan SmithAddress: 5 Crescent Rd, Liverpool, Great BritainTelephone number: 0044 673 476 312E-mail: dsmith@mymail.comNationality: BritishDate of birth: 4 July 1986

Work experience February 2005 to present

part time job as a milkman June 2004 to September 2004

part time job as a worker on a building site

Education and trainingSt. Mary’s College, Little Crosby

Skills and competencesexcellent organization skills good language skills

Other relevant informationI am an energetic person in a good physical condition. I am good at singing and I can play the guitar.

friendliest, the funniest and the most energeticof all. On the other hand, Dan Smith is themost patient and the best singer by far.

Name Dan Smith Pat Davies Claire Browne

good at xxxxx xx xxxsinging

friendly xxx xxx xxxxx

patient xxx xx xx

funny xx xxx xxxx

energetic x xxx xxxx

good better the best

friendly friendlier the friendliest

patient more patient the most patient

funny funnier the funniest

energetic more energetic the most energetic

2. Use the following prompts to make comparisons.e.g.: car – plane – fast

The plane is faster than the car.The car is not as fast as the plane.

George – Claudia – tallPaul – Peter – youngMihai – Petre – ambitiousMaria – Daria – beautiful Bob – John – reliableice cream – chocolate - delicious

TRY THIS!Ask the students to decide what job they aregoing to apply for before they start writing theCV. Tell them to think about their strengths andweaknesses and present themselves in a goodlight without lying about their qualifications orcompetences. Tell them to leave out anyinformation that is irrelevant to the position.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 21

2. Discuss with the students what qualities theythink are required for the position of supportstaff at a children’s summer camp. Does Danseem to have the necessary skills andcompetences? Does he have the neededqualifications? Do they think Dan will do wellin the job if he gets it?Let the students role-play the interview inpairs, then have one pair act out the interview. Encourage them to take their roles seriouslyand think of some other questions that aninterviewer might ask. You could make a listof frequently asked questions and a list of“difficult” or “embarrassing” questions.

YOUR TURN!1. Do the exercise orally with the students before

asking them to write sentences. Ask thestudents who they would give the job to. PatDavies doesn’t have a chance but Claire’s the

U N I T 2T H E W O R K P L A C E

2.3 Where are they?

22 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to locate things and people

• to talk about familiar items in the house and atthe workplace

Language Focusin (the house)on (the table)at (the desk)over (the door)under (the chair)above (the kitchen)below (the bedroom)

axe pliersbaking tray rakebroom rolling pindrill sawfork scissorsgrater screwdriverhammer sieveiron spadeneedle wheelbarrow


THINK!Use the illustrations in the students’ guide orflashcards to elicit the targeted vocabulary. Askthe students to name as many objects as theycan. You might want to bring some tools to class(pliers, scissors, screwdriver etc), put them indifferent places in the classroom to introduceprepositions.

LET’S LEARN!Tell your students to look at the pictures, readthe sentences, close the books and try toremember where things / people are. Askquestions such as: Where are the clothes?Where’s the sign/the newspaper/ Lisa…?

“Where’s Lisa?”“She’s in the store. She’s at the cash desk.”

“Where’s Lisa?”“She’s in front of the shelves.”“Where are the clothes?”“They’re on the shelves.”

“Where’s the sign?”“It’s over the door.”“Where’s the newspaper?””It’s under the door.”

“Where’s the women’s clothes department?”“It’s below the men’s clothes.”“Where’s the men’s clothes department?”“It’s above the women’s clothes.”

2. The students can work in groups of three orfour. You might want to ask them to add one ortwo items to each group.a. in the kitchenb. in the gardenc. for housework other than cookingd. for work outside the houseaxe, baking tray, broom, drill, fork, grater,hammer, iron, needle, pliers, rake, rolling pin,saw, scissors, screwdriver, sieve, spade,wheelbarrow

TRY THIS!When checking this task, have your studentswork in pairs. Tell tem to describe the placewithout showing the drawing to their desk mates,who will make a drawing as they listen to thedescription. The two drawings will then becompared.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 23

YOUR TURN!1. Ask the students to do the exercise individually

and then have them compare their answers tothose of their desk mates.a. The flower shop is between the chemist’s

and the greengrocer’s.b. He lives at 5, Eminescu Street.c. The men’s clothes department is on the

third floor, above the women’s clothes onthe second floor.

d. I work in the restaurant across the street.e. She is a secretary. She works in a very

modern office.f. The cat jumped over the fence.g. He is wearing an orange shirt under his

jacket.h. Susie is standing in front of her shop.i. On the second floor there’s the women’s

clothes department, just below the men’sclothes department on the third floor.

U N I T 2T H E W O R K P L A C E

Unit 2 – Progress Check

24 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar


1. See the letters in bold in the column on theleft.

1.He plays his guitar in a a. teacherpub every night. c

2.She sells various things b. postmanin a shop. f

3.She manages her own c. musicianbusiness. e

4.He teaches children d. traffic wardenin a school. a

5.He repairs sinks and e. businessbathroom fittings. h woman

6.He delivers the mail. f. shop assistant

7.She directs the traffic. d g. secretary

8.He answers the phone h. plumberand writes letters. g

2. See the completed table below:

nice nicer the nicest

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

happy happier the happiest

interesting more interesting the most interesting

expensiv emore expensive the most expensive

goodb etter the best

bad worse the worst

short shorter the shortest

young younger the youngest

old older the oldest

3. Open task:Describe the picture using at least the followingprepositions: in, on, under, at, above. e.g.: There’s a table in the room.

4. Open task:Write a paragraph (approx. 50 words) answeringthe following questions: What kind of a personare you? What job do you think suits you?

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 25

Introduce the unit by asking the students to lookat the first page of the unit, and based on theillustrations try to predict what they will belearning. This conversation can take place inboth Romanian and English. For instance, theillustration may be described partly in English;however, when you discuss functions (What doyou think you will be able to do when youcomplete this unit?), you may switch to Romanian. Conclude the discussions by reading this:

In Unit 3 you will learn:• to talk about the weather;• to ask for and give information about places;• to express likes and dislikes.

Check previous knowledge. In levels 1-3 some ofthe topics have already been covered in a simplermanner.


3 Time and Space

3.1 Shops

26 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives• to talk about the weather and seasons

Language Focus


THINK!• Show the students illustrations of different

seasons and tell them to describe the picturesbefore asking them what their favourite time ofthe year is.

• Start a discussion about people complainingabout the weather, comparing what seasonsused to be like and what they have been likein recent years, with sudden changes from oneday to another, extreme temperatures. Do thestudents feel affected in any way by thesechanges?

LET’S LEARN!• Ask the students to work in groups and write

sentences to describe the four seasons in

Romania. Ask them to put down anypeculiarities that come to their minds. Youmight want to set a time limit or a certainnumber of sentences. The students read thedialogue and compare their opinions to thoseof the characters in the text. Ask them to tickthe sentences in which similar opinions areexpressed, and put crosses next todisagreeing opinions.

• Let the students decide in groups what time ofthe year they recommend to the potentialvisitors and then have one group memberreport to the class.

YOUR TURN!1. Check the students’ notebooks to make sure

the spelling is correct, remind them aboutcapital letters in months of the year, days ofthe week (unlike Romanian: ianuarie –January; luni - Monday).

Months of the year














1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9th – ninth

10th – tenth

11th – eleventh

12th – twelfth


Adjectives windyrainysunnysnowywarmhotcoldcoolchilly

2. The students do the exercise orally. Every correctsentence produced by the students should bewritten on the blackboard. The students canafterwards be grouped into four groups andasked to write a short dialogue between thecharacters in each picture. They can take uproles and act out the dialogues for the class.

3. The purpose of asking such questions is to useordinal numerals in meaningful contexts. Toencourage the students’ involvement in theactivity offer a “prize” to the one who producesthe most questions in the shortest time.e.g. Which is the second day of the week?Which is the fourth letter of the English alphabet?Who was the last Romanian king?What’s your first name?

TRY THIS!Have your students work in groups. Each groupwill own a travel agency trying to attract foreigntourists to Romania. Tell the students to givenames to their travel agencies and advertise theinteresting itinerary (in a magazine, on the radioetc.). The trip lasts for at least seven days, sothere should be lots of places to see and manyactivities to do in one week.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 27

1st first month January winter

2nd second month February winter

3rd third month March spring

4th fourth month April spring

5th fifth month May spring

6th sixth month June summer

7th seventh month July summer

8th eighth month August summer

9th ninth month September autumn

10th tenth month October autumn

11th eleventh month November autumn

12th twelfth month December autumn

U N I T 3T I M E A N D S P A C E

3.2 Places worth visiting

28 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives• to ask for and give information about places

Language Focus


THINK!Share with your students some of yourexperiences. Tell them about places you havevisited, countries you have been to. Tell themwhere you would like to go and why in order tostir their interest in the topic. It would be usefulto be prepared with some photographs,postcards, magazines that they could choosefrom in case the students have never thought ofvisiting places before.

LET’S LEARN!1. The focus is on nouns (plural forms, irregular

nouns). Use the text to teach nouns. Writeexamples from the text on the blackboard andgive simple explanations.

Some nouns can have both countable anduncountable meaning (names of animals, fooddrink) e.g. fish. Tell the students that they can lookthem up in dictionaries if they are not sure abouthow to use them. The label [C], [U] or [C/U] next tothe noun will help them use the noun correctly.

Uncountable nounsnewsinformationluggagemoneyadvice

Irregular pluralfoot – feetwoman – womenman – menchild – childrenmouse – micetooth – teeth

Countable nouns- can be both singular and plural- when the noun is singular, the following verb is also

singular, when the noun is plural, the verb is also plural

singular plural moneynewswater



a chairan apple

six chairsten apples


a child a man

two childrenthree men

Uncountable nouns- have only one form- the verb that follows an uncountable

noun is always singular

in May or June there’s lovely weather forholidaymakers who are not interested in skiing.The place is very well equipped for hiking at over6,000 feet. Up there you feel on top of the world.In Sinaia you can visit the royal castles, Pelesand Pelisor. And there are a few excellent hotelsand restaurants that serve delicious local food.Believe me, there are few places in Romania thatare as well equipped for tourism as Sinaia.”Susie: “It sounds exciting. I’m interested. Howmany days does the trip take? And how muchdoes it cost?”Travel Agent: “Well, let me go into the detailsand give you some advice ….”

2. You might want to mention some spellingrules ( day – days, monastery – monasteries,tomato – tomatoes, radio – radios, class – classes)

COUNTABLE NOUNS SINGULAR REGULAR PLURALa trip two tripsa holiday two holidaysa monastery two monasteriesa hotel two hotelsa place two placesan apple two applesan umbrella two umbrellas

COUNTABLE NOUNSSINGULAR IRREGULAR PLURALa foot two feeta tooth two teetha woman two womena man two mena child two childrena mouse two mice

Example: I saw a woman standing on the corner. Isaw two women standing on the corner.

a. The trip lasted for one day. The trip lastedfor three days

b. The monastery is in Northern Moldavia. The monasteries are in Northern Moldavia.

c. They have got one child. They have two children.d. The dentist pulled out one tooth.

The dentist pulled out two teeth.e. There’s a hotel on the beach.

There’re several hotels on the beach.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 29

Travel Agent: “Fun Holidays. Alicia Gibbonspeaking. How can I help you?Susie: “Hello, my name is Susie Smith. I wouldlike some information about package holidays toRomania in May or June. I am especiallyinterested in the monasteries in NorthernMoldavia. Have you got anything to offer?”Travel Agent: “Yes, madam. I have good news foryou. We have quite a few packages in Romania.It’s becoming a popular place with our customers.”Susie: “Really? That’s interesting. I never metanyone who’s been there on holiday.”Travel Agent: “Well, madam, I can offer you anexcellent package that includes trips to theNorthern Moldavian monasteries, and the famousmedieval towns, and the Prahova Valley, if youknow what I mean.”Susie: “I don’t know about the Prahova Valley.What’s there to see?”Travel Agent: “The scenery is breathtaking. TheCarpathians offer an exquisite view. In addition,

U N I T 3T I M E A N D S P A C E

30 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

f. The kids caught a mouse. The kids caughtfive mice.

g. That woman is very pretty. Those womenare very pretty.

h. My sister is buying an umbrella. My sisteris buying two umbrellas.

i. This apple is fresh. These apples are fresh.j. My left foot hurts. Both my feet hurt.

3. Draw the students’attention to some commonmistakes with uncountablenouns. The nouns in thelist are countable inRomanian. Ask them to tryto make sentences withthese nouns to make surethey use them correctly.

Example: Good evening. Here isthe 8 o’clock news.

a. The weather changesvery rapidly in this country.There’s sunshine at 9 a.m.and it rains an hour later.

b. I can’t carry this luggage. It’s way too heavy.c. This is an excellent piece of work.

Congratulations! You’ve done a great job!d. Let’s make sure we get some more

information about this issue. We cannotmake a decision yet.

e. My neighbours are putting in new furnitureand they are making a lot of noise.

f. Our office received new computers andprinters. Our bosses make sure we alwayshave the latest equipment.

g. We stayed in a peaceful Carpathian villagesurrounded by magnificent scenery.

h. They gave him very little money forharvesting the crop.

i. Let me give you a word of advice. Youshould get someone to help.

j. Our team has won the game. This is greatnews to all of us!



3.2 Places worth visiting

Example:How many children are there at the party?There are twelve children at the party.a. How much milk is there in the fridge?

There is a lot of milk in the fridge.b. How many apples are there in the basket?

There are three apples in the basket.c. How much information is there about this topic?

There is a lot of information about this topic.d. How much coffee is there in the cup?

There isn’t any coffee in the cup.e. How much luggage has he got?

He hasn’t got any luggage.f. How much money have you got?

I haven’ got much money.g. How much equipment is there in the new office

building?There’s no equipment in the new officebuilding.

h. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?I smoke only three cigarettes a day.

i. How many jobs has she got?She has got a full time and a part time job.

i. How many monasteries are they visiting this week?They are visiting four monasteries this week.

TRY THIS!The students can stay in the same groups orchange groups if they like. This task requires atleast one group member with artistic skills. Tellthe students that the posters will be evaluated byan impartial judge, other than you.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 31

YOUR TURN!1. The exercise offers further practice on

countable and uncountable nouns. Ask thestudents to work individually and refer to thelists of nouns in this lesson before they writethe questions.


How many children? How much information?

a child a piece of information

some / several / some / a little / not mucha few / not many / / a lot of informationa lot of children

fewer children less information

not …any / not …any /no children no information

none none

U N I T 3T I M E A N D S P A C E

3.3 Holiday plans

32 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to express likes and dislikes• ask people about things they like doing

Language Focus

I like (doing) somethingI don’t mind (doing) somethingI prefer (doing) something … to (doing)something else.I don’t like / dislike (doing) something.I can’t stand (doing) somethingI hate (doing) something.


THINK!People like fantasizing, so questions like: “Whatdoes a really good day look like to you?” shouldhave most of the students sharing their imaginaryexperiences. You might want to tell them yourselfwhat you like/dislike doing, thus offering themthe language pattern on which they can buildtheir sentences.

LET’S LEARN!1. Let the students work out the pattern

(like/love/dislike/hate… + V+ing) after readingthe text. Some students might notice thatthese verbs can be followed by verbs or nouns.Praise their sense of observation if they do.

Susie, Dan and Cosmin are in the garden, andchatting about likes and dislikes.Susie: “So what do you really like doing, Cosmin?”Cosmin: “Travelling. I love travelling. Andmeeting people. All sorts of people. I prefertrains to airplanes. Trains are quite cheap, andyou get to see a lot. Flying is expensive. I don’tmind flying, though. It saves you time. But I hatemissing connections.”Dan: “I also like travelling, but I hate flying. And Idislike trains. I really like driving. I like listeningto loud music while I’m driving. But I can’t standgetting stuck in traffic jams. And I like cycling.”Susie: “Do you know what I really like doing? Ilike sitting here, in the garden, listening to you.And I like running my business, but I can’t standgetting into arguments with customers.”Cosmin: “I also enjoy sitting here, talking to you.”Dan: “Me, too.”

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 33

2. This activity will make students distinguishvarying degrees of intensity. You might like toask for the Romanian translation of these phrases.

+ + Tom loves watching TV.

Lisa really likes cooking.

+ Petre likes riding horses.

= Tom doesn’t mind sleeping in hotels.

- Anica dislikes trains.

- - Petre hates queuing.

Lisa can’t stand ironing.

U N I T 3T I M E A N D S P A C E

YOUR TURN!1. Ask the students to pair up and ask and

answer questions alternatively about Cosmin,Dan and Susie before they write the sentences. Examples: Susie likes running her business. They all like sitting in the garden.

2. In pairs, students can make assumptions aboutwhat the others have written. If you choose todo the activity in pairs, have the students puttwo columns in their notebooks:

Have the students check each other’snotebooks and tick or cross the assumptionsof their partners.

TRY THIS!Ask individual students questions like: How doyou feel about cooking? Do you like dancing? Doyou prefer watching the news to readingnewspapers? These model questions will helpthem conduct the survey. Tell the students towalk about the classroom and interview as manystudents as they can (if time allows they shouldask everybody in the class) and put crosses inthe boxes. The results will be reported to theclass in sentences like the ones in the examples.

+ + + = - --

Watching the news

Reading newspapers



Studying English


Writing letters

Example:Three people love dancing. Everyone hates writing letters.

I love dancing. I think Petricaa lovesdrinking beer.I really like …I like …I quite like …

I don’t mind …I don’t like …I dislike …I hate …I can’t stand …

Unit 3 – Progress Check

34 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar


1. The correct words to complete the sentencesare in bold type. a. How much / many people are coming to the

party?b. Women / Woman like romance.c. Let me give you some / an advice.d. How much / many information do you need?e. Is / Are your work more difficult than mine?

2. See answers in bold type:

3. See answers in bold type.

Singular Plural

party parties

child children

cat cats

monastery monasteries

horse horses

book books

village villages

mouse mice

trip trips

tooth teeth

teacher teachers

4. See the complete list of the days of the weekbelow:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday

5. Open taskWrite sentences about yourself and yourfriend, using the following prompts: love /really like / like / quite like / don’t mind /don’t like / dislike / hate / can’t stand.Example:We both love chocolate. I like cooking, but she hates it.

1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9th – ninth

10th – tenth

11th – eleventh

12th – twelfth

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 35

Introduce the unit by asking the students to lookat the first page of the unit, and based on theillustrations try to predict what they will belearning. This conversation can take place inboth Romanian and English. For instance, theillustration may be described partly in English;however, when you discuss functions (What doyou think you will be able to do when youcomplete this unit?), you may switch to Romanian. Conclude the discussions by reading this:

In Unit 4 you will learn:• to make suggestions;• to ask someone to do something;• to express future plans;• to talk about hobbies;• to write a postcard;• to talk about intentions and probable future actions.

Check previous knowledge. In levels 1-3 some of thetopics have already been covered in a simpler manner.


4 Leisure

4.1 Traditions

36 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to make suggestions• to agree to do something• to offer and ask for something

Language Focus

Why don’t you open it?You should open it.Let’s open them.Shall we open them?Could / Can / Would / Will you open it for me?Please, help me open it.

cheap expensiveold youngold new early latemany fewweak strongtall shortlarge smalldark light

This/that/these/those (gifts)

carefully to decide which statements aretrue and which are false.

A. There were few gifts under the Christmas tree. T F

B. Lisa’s hat looks expensive. T FC. Cosmin’s present is in a big box. T FD. Angie’s hands are weak. T FE. Dan has got a new pair of slippers. T FF. Susie’s got a traditional Romanian

tablecloth. T F

2. You might want to start a chain game.Suggestion: leave your pen on a desk and takesomebody else’s pen as if by mistake, thenask holding up one pen and pointing to theother: My pen is there. Whose pen is this? The “owner” will reply That’s my pen. It isnow his/her turn to ask a question (Whosebooks are those?).

here there

singular THIS THAT



THINK!Start a discussion about traditional celebrations.Ask the students what makes Christmas the mostpopular celebration in the world (the carols, thepresents, the Christmas tree, the special meal?).Ask them if they know how Christmas is celebratedin other countries. Ask them if they used to believein Santa Claus (Father Christmas) coming on asledge pulled by reindeer to bring them presents.

LET’S LEARN!1. • Knowing that people all around the world

get presents at Christmas, ask the studentsto predict what gifts Cosmin and theSmiths are going to get. Ask them to writethe words in their notebooks, and thenquickly go through the text to see if “theirpresents” are mentioned.

• Tell the students to read the six statementsbelow and then read the text again

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 37

U N I T 4L E I S U R E

2. Ask the students to read the list of adjectivesand then cover it while they replace theunderlined words with their antonyms.Ambitious students might want to cover thelist without reading it. When they havefinished they can check the list.a. My cousin is tall. shortb. Miss Meddling is beautiful. uglyc. Her favourite colour is light blue. darkd. My aunt is young. olde. There’s a lot of milk in the bottle. littlef. There are a lot of apples in the basket. fewg. Cosmin likes to get up early. lateh. She’s got small hands. bigi. These boys are weak. strongj. These are old slippers. new

TRY THIS!Suggest a sum of money that each student hassaved for presents. Tell them to make a list ofnames and presents they can afford within budget.

YOUR TURN!1. Ask the students to do the matching exercise

individually and then pair them up for thefollowing task:

student A – make a suggestionstudent B – disagree and suggest something else insteadstudent A – agree and then ask for somethingstudent B – offer to do it Example: B-5

A. Shall we go to the cinema? – 3 1. We’ll help her.B. I cannot open this box. 2. Yes, but make sure you return it by 10.C. That box looks heavy. She can’t lift it. - 1 3. That’s a good idea. D. Why don’t you see a dentist? – 6 4. I don’t think he’ll like that.E. This film is boring. Let’s go home. – 9 5. Why don’t you use a pair of scissors?F. Can I borrow your car for tonight? – 2 6. OK, I’ll go tomorrow.G. Why don’t we watch TV instead? – 10 7. Why don’t you help them?H. Let’s surprise him, shall we? - 4 8. Yes, it’s bothering my eyes.I. They can’t work out the final result. – 7 9. Let’s.J. Shall I turn off the light? – 8 10. I don’t fancy watching TV tonight.

4.2 Hobbies

38 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to express future plans• to talk about hobbies

Language Focus

Going to - future

I am (not) going toYou / We / They are (not) going to verb.He / She is (not) going toAm I

going toAre you /we / they+ verb?

Is he / she

Will - future

I shall / will (not)You/He/She/They will (not) verb.We shall / will (not)Shall I / weWill I /you / he /she / verb?

we / they

will not = won’t I hope (not) to be / become / get…

as a listening comprehension one. They will beable to mark the boxes at one listening, so askthem to put crosses in the right boxes whileyou’re reading out the text.When the students read the text, they shouldfocus on ways of expressing future.

YOUR TURN!1. Refer to the text in Let’s Learn and analyse with

your students the different uses of going to: - Ask the students to underline the sentences

in the text where going to is used.- Write some examples on the blackboard

and ask the students to decide which ofthe two uses of going to is to be found inthe underlined sentences.

a. Intention I’m going to tell him the truth. (= I intend to…)Are you going to stop talking?He’s not going to give them back the money.


THINK!Use the first two questions to introduce going to andwill expressing intention and prediction. Start byanswering the questions yourself in sentences in whichthe distinction between will and going to is clear. Use the last question to introduce the topic ofthe lesson. You may want to link it to the languagefocus of the lesson (expressing future) by askingthe students to make predictions or expressfuture intentions in connection with their hobbies.

- What are you going to do in the next 24 hours?- What will you do when you finish this course?- Do you have a hobby?

LET’S LEARN!Tell the students to listen to you reading out thetext and do the reading comprehension exercise

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 39

U N I T 4L E I S U R E

If your students are progressing well, you mightwant to challenge them with one or two trickyquestions. (e.g. “Am I wrong if I say Will youcome to my party? in sentence f?”). Will can beused in any of the sentences in exercise 1.

You might want to explain to your students thatin this case the meaning will be different

e.g. Are you going to come…? (= do you intendto…?)

Will you come…? (= I’d like you to come;I’m inviting you)

Tudor is not going to sell his horse.(= doesn’tintend to…) [=nu are de gând]

Tudor won’t sell his horse. (= is not willingto…) [=nu vrea]

2. This exercise will help the studentsunderstand some of the various meanings/usesof will. After matching the sentences to thefive different uses, ask your students to comeup with their own examples. Let them work ingroups and offer assistance.Draw a table on the blackboard with thefollowing headings: request, spontaneousdecision, refusal, promise, offering to dosomething and then have each group write anexample under each heading.a. I don’t know what Christmas present to buy

for my Grandma. I think I’ll buy her a pairof slippers. – 2. spontaneous decision

b. “Will you help me carry this box?” – 1.request

c. “I’ll get you a glass of water.” – 5. offeringto do something

d. “Don’t worry. I promise I’ll return it before11 o’clock.” – 4. promise

e. “I won’t lend you my car.” – 3. refusal

TRY THIS!Tell the students that you are going to organize acontest and give a prize to the best “reporter” =the one who comes up with the most unusual/in-teresting/funniest hobby story. Encourage them tofeel free to use their imagination and invent acharacter with a hobby if there is nobody in theneighbourhood to write about.

b. Prediction based on deduction This vase is very heavy. I’m afraid I’m going to

drop it.The sky is cloudy. It’s going to rain.Don’t watch that horror movie. You’re going to

have a nightmare.

a. I / call you later. I’m going to call you later. b. She / visit her parents tomorrow. She’s going to

visit her parents tomorrow.c. George / not give up. George is not going to give up.d. Who / tell him the news? Who’s going to tell

him the news?e. Andrea and Marin / make the plan for the

weekend. Andrea and Marin are going to makethe plan for the weekend.

f. You / come to my party? Are you going to cometo my party?

g. What you /do this weekend? What are yougoing to do this weekend?

h. Tudor / not sell his horse. Tudor is not going tosell his horse.

4.3 Plans for the future

40 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

• to write a postcard• to talk about intentions and probable future


Language FocusDear …Write to me soon!Love,Best wishes,I / You / He / She / We / They will probably betheretomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week / month / year

A. When did Anna and Lorraine move to LittleCrosby?a. yesterdayb. todayc. last week

B. When is Anna starting work in the library?a. todayb. tomorrowc. the day after tomorrow

C. When is Lorraine going to nursery school?a. last weekb. this weekc. next week

D. When will Anna write again to Cosmin?a. first they settle in, and then she’ll write againb. tomorrowc. next year


THINK!The question might embarrass some students ifthey have never written a postcard. Tell them it’sbetter late than never and announce them that itis time for them to write one as you have someblank postcards in your bag. Tell them you’llkeep their postcards as souvenirs.

LET’S LEARN!The students can do the multiple choice exerciseas a listening exercise. Books closed, tell youstudents to listen to you reading out the postcardAnna wrote to Cosmin. Tell them to open thebooks, cover the postcard and choose the rightanswer for questions A – D. Read the text againso the students can check their answers. Discussthe details (layout, paragraphing, date, beginning,ending, address, signature…) with the students.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 41

U N I T 4L E I S U R E

2. If possible, give some real postcards to yourstudents. Let them choose the postcards theylike. Tell them to imagine that they areactually there and have them write to one oftheir classmates, if possible. Deliver the mailyourself and then ask the students whoreceived postcards to read them out loud.Dear …,Here I am in …. The weather is …. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to …. I hope to ….I’ll probably not … next week.I’ll write to you again ….Love,

TRY THIS!Make this a serious project work and suggestthey hand it in to you. Promise to keep theirplans and suggest a date when you should allmeet in ten years’ time to check on how theymanaged to fulfil their intentions.

Share your intention I’m going to learn Spanish …I’m going to finish building my house …

Say when … next week / month / year …… tomorrow …… 10 years from now …… then …… one day …

Explain why … because I plan to work in Spain.

… to move in with my family.

YOUR TURN!1. The students practise the use of will

expressing probability. Do the exercise orallyoffering them an example. Ask a student:Mihaaiþaa, when will you get married?Mihaaiþaa answers your question and then heasks another student a new question.Tell the class to listen carefully and writesentences about their classmates in theirnotebooks. Check their sentences.e.g.: We’ll probably have a party next weekend.a. complete my studiesb. go to the pubc. get marriedd. start a familye. take an examf. start a businessg. buy a carh. go on holidayi. buy new furniturej. be famous

Unit 4 – Progress Check

42 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar


1. Suggested answers:a. you / make sandwiches tonight?

no /I make a pizza.Are you going to make sandwiches tonight? No, I’m going to make a pizza.

b. she / wear her new dress / on Saturday?no / wear jeans.Is she going to wear her new dress on Saturday?No, she’s going to wear jeans.

c. they / sleep now?no / do their homeworkAre they sleeping now?No, they are doing their homework.

d. we / have a holiday / next summer?no / stay at homeAre you going to have a holiday next summer?No, we’re going to stay at home.

e. he / write a letter now?no / write an essay.Is he writing a letter now?No, he’s writing an essay.

2. See the rewritten text below:My sister is a beautiful young woman. She istall and slim. She’s got long hair. She wearsthe most expensive clothes. Her favouritecolour is light blue. She lives in a big house inthe middle of Liverpool. Her husband is astrong man. He’s also very rich.

3. What do you say in the following situations?Suggested answers:a. Your luggage is too heavy for you to carry.

Ask your friend to help you carry it.Can you help me carry this luggage? It’s tooheavy for me (to carry).

b. You don’t know which shoes to buy.Suddenly, you decide to buy both pairs. (I think) I’ll buy both pairs.

c. Your friend wants to use your computer.You don’t want to let him use it. I won’t let you use my computer.

d. Promise your friend you’ll write to him.(I promise) I’ll write to you.

e. Offer to buy someone a drink.I’ll buy you a drink.

4. Open task:What are your plans for the future? What areyou going to do when you finish Level 4? Writea paragraph sharing your intentions.


1. The correct words to complete the sentencesare in bold type:

Final Progress Check

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã IV 43

2. Open task:You are shopping for Christmas presents.Write a 10-12-line dialogue between you anda shop assistant. You can use some of theseideas:• I’d like to buy …• Interesting / boring• Cheap / expensive• My friend has got one like this. / My friends

say it’s / they’re good / useful.• What’s the price?• Merry Christmas!

3. Open task:You are on holiday. Write a postcard to afriend. Tell him / her about where you arestaying, what the weather is like, and whenyou are returning home.

1. I … early in themorning.a. usually get upb. get up usually

2. I like … coffee inthe morning.a. to have b. have

3. Shopping is … a. boredb. boring.

4. There’ s … milk inthe fridge.a. manyb. a lot of

5. Mary … for herdaughter.a. waitingb. is waiting

6. … she likebananas?a. Doesb. Do

7. I really like … inthe countryside.a. driveb. driving

8. What time … theyarriving?a. willb. are

9. Her brother is …architect.a. anb. a

10. These trousers aretoo large. Get me a… size.a. largerb. smaller

44 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

RATE YOUR PROGRESS! Very well Well Can do betterI can tell the time.I can talk about actions in progress.I can talk about my daily programme.I can apologize and respond to apologies.I can describe people.I can describe what people do in various jobs.I can ask for and provide personal information.I can compare things and people.I can talk about familiar items in the house and at the workplace.I can talk about the weather.I can ask and give information about places.I can express likes and dislikes.I can make suggestions.I can ask someone to do something.I can express future plans.I can talk about hobbies.

I can write a postcard.I can talk about intentions and probable future actions.

4. How do you rate your progress? Tick the boxthat best describes how well you can do thefollowing:

Final Progress Check
