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2011 To 2016

Date: 17-05-2017

Title: PEC/Proc-AR/2017/V



This is a Standard Bidding Document (SBD) for printing of PEC Annual Reports for the

year 2011-2016 for which a prequalification process has not been done. A brief

description of the documents contained in this SBD is given below.

Title: SBD for Printing of PEC Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016


Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

This section provides relevant information to help Bidders to prepare their

bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening and

evaluation of bids and on award of Contracts. Section I contains

provisions that are to be used without modification.

Section II: Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

This section consists of provisions that are specific to procurement of

services for printing of Annual Reports and it supplements the information

or requirements included in Section I, Instructions to Bidders.

Section III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

This section contains the criteria to determine the lowest evaluated

responsive bid and the qualifications of the Bidders to perform the


Section IV: Bidding Forms

This section contains the Proformas like bid Submission Sheet, Financial

Bid and Bid Security to be submitted with the bid.


Section V: Service Requirements

This section contains the detail of work/ service required, delivery

schedule and technical specifications.



Section VI: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

This section contains the general clauses to be applied in the subsequent

contract that shall be offered to the successful bidder.

Section VII: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

This section contains clauses specific to the contract that modify or

supplement section VI, General Conditions of Contract.

Section VIII: Contract Forms

This section contains form of Contract Agreement, which, once

completed, incorporates any corrections or modifications to the accepted

bid relating to amendments as permitted under PPRA Rules, 2014.



Section I



Section I. Instructions to Bidders

A. General

1 Scope of Bid 1.1 Punjab Examination Commission invites bids from

printing firms in the form of Sole Proprietor, Company,

Firm, Consortium, Association of Persons (AOP) Joint

Venture (JV) and Group etc. for printing and supply of

PEC Annual Reports. Procurement shall be governed

by PPRA Rules 2014. JVs, AOPs, Consortiums should

be registered as per law.

2 Eligible Bidders 2.1 Firms registered with Income Tax/ Sales Tax

Department who fulfill the criteria as per Technical Bid

and Services Requirements as per Section V will be

eligible for bidding.



The bidding firm or their sister organization should not

have been blacklisted by any Government, semi

government organization. Original Affidavit of

Rs.100/- regarding non-corrupt practices and no

blacklisting must be attached.

Firms that were heavily penalized (more than 25% of

total contract value) for unsatisfactory performance of

PEC contract/s shall not be considered.

2.4 Any Government or Semi-Government or Autonomous

body intending to participate in bidding should have

“NOC” from their competent authority.

2.5 Formation of any Joint Venture (JV), Consortium,

Association of Persons (AOP), and Group should be as

per law.


3 Sections of Bidding


3.1 The bidding document consists of Parts 1, 2 and 3,

which include all the Sections indicated below, and

should be read in conjunction with any addenda issued

in accordance with ITB Clause 5.

Part 1 Bidding Procedure

Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section III. Technical Evaluation and

Qualification Criteria.

Section IV. Bidding Forms


Part 2 Services Requirements

Section V. Services/Work Requirements

including technical specifications, quality

control, packing, delivery etc.

Part 3 Contract

Section VI. General Conditions of Contract


Section VII. Special Conditions of Contract


Section VIII. Contract Forms

3.2 The Invitation for bids issued by Purchaser “Punjab

Examination Commission (PEC)” is not part of

contract agreement



The PEC is not responsible for the completeness of the

Bidding Documents and their addenda, if they are not

purchased directly from PEC.

This tender may not be taken as an indication of

subsequent supply order and does not in any way

commit PEC to purchase the items offered;

3.5 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions,

forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding

Documents. Failure to furnish all information or

documentation required by the Bidding Document may

result in rejection of the bid.


Clarification of

Bidding Documents

4.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the

bidding document shall contact the Purchaser/PEC in

writing at the Purchaser’s address indicated in the

BDS. The Purchaser/PEC will respond in writing to

any request for clarification, provided that such request

is received not later than seven (7) days prior to the

deadline for submission of bid. The Purchaser/PEC

shall forward copies of its response to all those who

have acquired the bidding documents directly from it

but without identifying its source. If the Purchaser/PEC

deems it necessary to amend the bidding document as a

result of clarification, it shall do so following the

procedure under ITB clause 5 and sub-clause 5.2.

5. Amendment of

bidding documents

5.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of

bids, the Purchaser/PEC may amend the bidding

documents by issuing addenda.


5.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of bidding

document and shall be communicated in writing to all

who have obtained the bidding documents directly

from the Purchaser/PEC.

5.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which

to take an addendum into account in preparing their

bids, the Purchaser/PEC may, at its discretion, extend

the dead line for the submission of bids, pursuant to

ITB sub-clause 15.2.


6. Cost of Bidding 6 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the

preparation and submission of its bid, and the

Purchaser/PEC shall not be responsible or liable for

those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding process.

7. Documents

comprising the Bid

7 The bid shall comprise the following:

(a) Technical Bid

Bid Submission Sheet(BSS), Technical Bid Proforma,

Bid Data Sheet (BDS), Bid Information Sheet (BIS)

GCC, SCC, Bid Security, copy of CNIC, Income Tax

Return/NTN, original receipt of Bid Document

purchased from PEC, Bank and Financial statements,

Certificate of Incorporation, Sales Tax and Income

Tax Registration Certificates, Press Declaration

Certificate, Bank Certificate for financial soundness of

Bidder, Affidavit that firm was not blacklisted.

(b) Financial Bid


Bid Submission

Sheet And Financial


The financial bid comprises Financial Bid Proforma

and Services Requirement (Section V).

8.1 The Bidder shall submit the financial bid using the

form furnished in Section IV, Financial Bid Form.

This form must be completed without any alternations

to its format, and no substitutes shall be acceptable.

8.2 The Bidder shall submit financial bid for printing of

PEC Annual Reports.


8.3 Financial bid furnished on Proforma other than

original shall not be accepted.

9. Alternative bid 9 Alternative bids shall not be considered.

10. Documents

establishing the

qualification of the


10 To establish its qualification to perform the contract,

the Bidder shall submit all evidence indicated in

Section of Technical Evaluation and Qualification.

11. Period of validity bid 11 Bid shall remain valid for a period specified in BDS

after the bid submission deadline date i.e. 90 days

from the opening of Technical Bid. A bid valid for a

shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser/PEC

as being non-responsive.

12. Bid security 12.1 Bid security @ 5% of estimated price of Rs 200,000/-

favour of Chief Executive Officer, PEC Lahore in the

shape of Pay Order/Bank Draft or CDR issued by any

scheduled bank should be attached with the

Technical bid. The Bidder should affix on the back of

the Pay Order/Bank Draft/CDR, the seal/stamp of the

Bidder or Group Lead Bidder, as the case may be.

12.2 Any bid not accompanied by the substantially

responsive bid security in accordance with ITB sub-

clause 12.1 shall be rejected by the Purchaser/PEC as

being non-responsive.

12.3 The Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders shall be

returned promptly upon the successful bidder’s

Furnishing of the Performance Security.

12.4 The bid security may be forfeited:

(a) If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period

of bid validity specified in BDS;

(b) If a bidder provides false or fabricated


(c) If a bidder provides outdated information that

has a bearing on the outcome of the bidding


(d) If a bidder tries to influence the procurement


(e) If the successful bidder fails to:

(i) Sign the contract in accordance with

ITB Clause 27;

(ii) Furnish a Performance Security in

accordance with ITB Clause 28.

12.5 The Bid Security of Sole Proprietor, Company, Firm,

JV/Consortium, AOP, Group etc. must be issued by


Sole proprietor, Company, Firm or by the Group

Leader in case of Group or one Lead Member of the

JV, Consortium and AOP that submits the bid.

13. Format and Signing

of Bid Document

13.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original document

comprising the bid and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL”

on the relevant Proformas given in the Standard

Bidding Document (SBD).

13.2 The original bid shall be written in indelible blue ink

and shall be signed by the Bidder himself or a person

duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder.

13.3 For financial bid, any interlineations, erasures, cutting

or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed by

the authorized person signing the bid.

13.4 For financial bid, use of white correcting fluid for any

of the above, even if attested, shall be considered as



14. Sealing and Marking

of Bid

14.1 Bidders may submit their bids by hand.

14.2 The Bidder shall enclose the Technical Bid and

Financial Bid along with all relevant attachments in

separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes


These envelopes shall then be enclosed in one single

envelope and shall be sealed.

14.3 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder:

(b) be addressed to the Purchaser

(c) Sealed properly by self-adhesive paper and

signed with stamp.

14.4 If envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the

Purchaser/PEC will assume no responsibility for the

misplacement or premature opening of the bid.

15. Deadline for

Submission of Bid

15.1 Bid must be received by the Purchaser/PEC at its

address and no later than the date and time indicated in

the BDS.

15.2 The Purchaser/PEC may, at its discretion, in

unavoidable circumstances extend the deadline for the

submission of the bids by amending the bidding

documents in accordance with ITB clause 5, in which

case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser/PEC


and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall

thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

16. Late Bid 16 The Purchaser/PEC shall not consider any bid that

arrives after the deadline for submission of bids. Any

bid received by the Purchaser/PEC after the deadline

for submission of bids shall be declared late, rejected,

and shall be returned unopened to the Bidders.


Bid opening

(Technical bid)

17.1 The tender document will be received up to

02-06-2017 till 10:30 A.M in the office of Director

(Administration & Finance), PEC and Technical Bid

shall be opened on the same day at 11:00 A.M. in the

presence of Bidders or their representatives who make

themselves available on the date and time in the

Committee room of PEC, Wahdat Road, Lahore.



Financial Bid

Invalid Offer/Bid










The Financial Bid of those Bidders who qualify in the

Technical Bid shall be opened on a notified date and


Price quoted must be inclusive of all applicable duties/

taxes, packing, and delivery to PEC;

Price quoted in the tender will be fixed throughout the

period of the contract and shall not be subject to any

upward modification;

Price must be stated in words and figures in Pakistani


Offer must be valid for 90 days;

Rate must be written on PEC prescribed Financial Bid


No tender/bid will be considered if the bid/offer

if: ‐

Received without required documentation or

found incomplete;

Received later than the date and time fixed for

tender submission;










signed/stamped by an unauthorized person of

the firm/company;

from a black listed firm/company;

Received by telephone/telex/fax/telegram;

Received from a firm/company that was previously

heavily penalized i.e. @ 25% or more of total

contract value by PEC for poor performance;

Received without earnest money/CDR; Inconsistent with the specifications given by PEC; Unclear/vague due to cutting, overwriting that is not

attested /verified by bidder.


20. Confidentiality 20.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation,

comparison, and qualification of bids, and

recommendations of contract award, shall not be

disclosed to the Bidders or any other person not

officially concerned with the process until information

on contract award is communicated to all Bidders.

20.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser/PEC

in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post

qualification of the bids or contract award decisions

may result in the rejection of its bid and

disqualification of Bidder.

20.3 Notwithstanding ITB, from the time of Bid opening to

the time of contract award, if any Bidder wishes to

contact the Purchaser/PEC on any matter related to the

bidding process, it should do so in writing.

21. Clarification of the




To assist the examination, evaluation, comparison and

qualification of the bids, the Purchaser/PEC may, at its

discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification of its bid.

Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with respect

of its bid and that is not in response to a request by the

Purchaser/PEC shall not be considered. The

Purchaser’s request for clarification and the response

shall be in writing.

No change in the prices or substance of the bid shall


be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the

correction of errors or discrepancies identified by the

Purchaser during the evaluation of the bids.

22. Examination of the

Terms and




22.1 The Purchaser/PEC shall examine the bid to confirm

that all terms and conditions specified in the GCC and

the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without

any material deviation or reservation.

22.2 The Purchaser/PEC shall evaluate the technical

aspects of the Bidder as per its requirement stated in

this SBD;

22.3 If, after technical evaluation, the Purchaser/PEC

determines that the bid is not substantially responsive

it shall reject the bid;

22.4 A substantially responsive bid is one that conforms

to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the

bidding documents without material deviation,

reservation or omission.

23. Purchaser’s right to

accept any bid, and

to reject any or all


23 The Purchase/PEC reserves the right to accept or

reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process at any

time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring

any liability on PEC.


24. Award Criteria 24 The Purchaser/PEC shall award the contract to the

Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the

lowest evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to

this Standard Bidding Document.

25. Purchaser’s right to

vary quantities at

time of award

25 At the time the contract is awarded, the Purchase/ PEC

reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity

of Annual Reports originally specified in Section-V,

Service Requirements as provided in PPRA Rules,

2014 without any change in the unit prices or other

terms and conditions of the bid and the bidding


26. Notification of


26.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the

Purchaser shall notify the successful bidder, in writing

that its bid has been accepted.

26.2 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the

notification of award shall constitute a binding


26.3 Upon successful Bidder’s furnishing of the

Performance Security, the Purchaser/PEC shall

discharge its bid security.


27. Signing of Contract 27 The successful Bidder, within a week of issuance of

“Notification Of Award” shall sign an agreement as

per Contract Agreement given in section VIII Contract

Forms with CEO, PEC on a stamp paper of the

requisite value which shall be paid by the Bidder

28. Performance


28.1 Within seven (7) days of the receipt of notification of

award from the Purchaser/PEC, the successful bidder

shall submit the performance security @ 10% value of

contract in shape of Bank Guarantee/Pay Order/CDR

issued by a scheduled bank. However, on written

request of the successful bidder time period may be

extended for another 03 days subject to payment of the

penalty as specified in sub clause GCC Clause 13.2.

28.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above

mentioned performance security or sign the contract

shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of

the award and forfeiture of the bid security and

blacklisting of the firm. In that event the Purchaser

may award the contract to the next lowest evaluated

Bidder, whose offer is substantially responsive and is

determined by the Purchaser to be qualified to perform

the contract satisfactorily.



With reference to a particular award the performance

security of Sole Proprietor /Company/ JV/

Consortium/ AOP/ Group must be in the name of Sole

Proprietor, company and as group leader or one Lead

Member of JV/Consortium/AOP/Group that submits

the bid. If the JV/ Consortium/AOP/ Group have not

been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the

performance security may be on behalf of names of

one or more than one or all future members as named

in the letter of intent or deed of


Adjustment of Performance Guarantee against already

submitted bid security shall not be allowed.

29. Limitation of


29 Negotiation may not relate to the price or substance of

tenders or proposal specified by the Service Provider

in his tender, but only the minor technical, contractual

or logistical details.

30. Stamp duty/stamp


30 The Bidder shall execute an agreement on stamp paper

in accordance with stamp duty act;



31.1 The Purchaser/PEC may conduct regular inspections

during work process to ensure quality and timely

completion of work;


31.2 The Bidder shall facilitate the monitoring team of PEC

to check the safety, security, equipment, quality of the

work and accuracy of data and other allied




Change in Laws, Taxes

and Regulations

Other Instructions










Notwithstanding any other provisions in this

document, the Purchaser/PEC in order to ensure in

public interest and timely completion of the job, may

withdraw the award in part or whole, if the Bidder

fails to comply with timelines mentioned in the

Standard Bidding Document regarding completion of

process and award the same to the next lowest Bidder

at the risk and cost of the first lowest Bidder who

failed to perform the work awarded.

In case of any tax levied by Government is changed

during the currency of the agreement separate

instructions to the extent of such levy will be issued to

the bidder. Such instructions shall be deemed to be a

part of this agreement.

The successful bidder shall not sub contract/sublet the

assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer, assign

or subcontract the assigned printing job to any other


PEC/ Procuring Agency reserves the right to increase

or decrease the quantity at the time of issuance of

Purchase Order up to the extent provided under PPRA

Rules, 2014;

PEC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all

tenders as per PPRA Rules 2014;

PEC Inspection team shall visit the printing facility of

the successful bidder to inspect the quality of Annual

Reports being printed;

The terms mentioned in this tender will be considered

as accepted by the firm in case no written clarification

is asked for by the bidder 7 days before the closing


On rejection of Technical Proposal, the Financial

Proposal will be returned unopened. Punjab

Examination Commission will not be responsible for

any Financial Proposal which submitted collectively

with Technical Proposal or found opened on

submission or is not properly sealed;

Any attempt by a bidder to influence the



Delivery of Tender





examination, evaluation, comparison, and

qualification of the Bids or Contract award may result

in rejection of its bid;

Tender will follow “Single Stage, Two Envelopes”

procedure under PPRA Rule 38, 2 (a).

Part-I and Part-II quotations will be enclosed in

separate sealed envelopes. For identification purpose,



PRICE” shall be written in BLOCK CAPITAL

LETTERS on the respective sealed envelopes which

will be placed in a large envelope bearing complete

details of the tender.

The tender/bid will be enclosed in sealed cover which

will be marked with bid against Tender Inquiry No.

PEC/Proc-AR/2017-V addressed to the “Director

(Administration & Finance), Punjab Examination

Commission, Wahdat Colony, Near Govt. Pilot

Secondary School for Boys, Lahore”. The tender,

brought by hand, will be handed over to Deputy

Director (HR, Admin & Finance) for placing the same

in tender box placed in his office.

Bids shall be delivered to the following address:-

Director (Administration & Finance)

Punjab Examination Commission (PEC)

Wahdat Colony, Near Govt. Pilot Secondary School

for Boys, Lahore

Ph # +92-42-99260156

Fax # +92-42-99260153


Section II. Bid Data Sheet

The following specific data for printing of PEC Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016 shall

complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the instruction to Bidders (ITB).

Whenever there is conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.


1. The Purchaser is :Punjab Examination Commission (PEC)

Contents of Bidding Document

2. For Clarification of bids purposes , the Purchaser’s address is

Attention: Director (Administration & Finance)

Address: Punjab Examination Commission

Near Govt. Pilot Secondary School for Boys,

Wahdat Colony

City: Lahore

Country: Pakistan

Telephone: +92-42-99260156

Fax: +92-42-99260153

Preparation of Bids

3. The Bidder shall submit all documents as required under Section-III

“Evaluation & Qualification Criteria”. The following documents shall also

be attached:

I) Bank Certificate of Financial Soundness

II) Affidavit of Non Blacklisting with any Government

Department/Agency/ Organization

III) Certificate that the Bidder was not penalized by PEC (up to

25% of contract value)

4. Alternative bids shall not be considered.

5. Final destination/site : Punjab Examination Commission, Lahore

6. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be: “fixed” as per tentative number of Annual

Reports. However, in case of increase or decrease in number of Annual Reports

the unit price shall remain fixed.

7. The bid validity period shall be 90 days from the opening of Technical Bid

8. The Bidder shall attach Pay Order/Bank Draft/CDR in favour of Chief Executive

Officer Punjab Examination Commission of Rs. 10,000/- i.e 05% of the

estimated prie of Rs. 200,000/- as Bid Security with Technical Bid.


9. Financial Bid should be submitted in original. The Bidder shall quote the price

inclusive of all services and all taxes levied by the Government including GST as


Submission and Opening of Bids

10. 10.1 The inner envelopes shall bear the following additional identification marks:

(a)Technical bid / Proposal Without Price (b) Financial bid / Proposal

With Price

10.2 Particulars of documents to be attached should be duly signed and stamped

by the Bidder:

(a) Technical Bid:



Particulars of documents

1. Bid Submission Sheet (BSS)

2. Technical Bid Proforma (TBP)

3. Bidder Information Sheet (BIS)

4. JV/Consortium/AOP/Group information sheet registered as per

law (if applicable)

5. Sales Tax Registration Certificate

6. Income Tax Registration Certificate/NTN

7. Bid Security in shape of Pay Order/Bank Draft

8. Copy of NIC, previous 2-years income tax/sales tax returns

9. Original receipt of purchase of Bid documents from PEC

10 3 samples sheets of 100 GSM imported paper, both sides

glazed and smooth Brust factor = 16 +/- 3%, Tear MD = 65

+/-3%, CD=60+/- 3% and Brightness = 90+/- 3%. The

bidder shall pay the required testing fee for lab testing.

Title cover; Art card 260 GSM imported.

11. Bank Statements and/or financial statements/Bank Certificate of

Financial soundness

12. i)Affidavit of No Blacklisting, ii) Certificate of No penalization @

25% of total contract value by PEC

(b) Financial Bid:

Following documents be attached



Particulars of documents

1. Financial Bid Proforma (original)

2. Services Requirement Section V

11. For bid submission purpose, the Purchaser’s address is:

Attention: Director (Administration & Finance)

Address: Punjab Examination Commission, Near Govt. Pilot Secondary

School for Boys, Wahdat Colony, Lahore

City: Lahore.

Country: Pakistan


Telephone: 042-99260156

The deadline for the submission of bids is:

Date: 02-06-2017

Time: 10:30 AM

12. The bid opening shall take place at :-

Address: Punjab Examination Commission, Near Govt. Pilot Secondary

School for Boys, Wahdat Colony, Lahore

City: Lahore

Country: Pakistan

Date: 02-06-2017

Time: 11:00 AM

Evaluation and comparison of Bids

13. The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes

is:Pak Rupees.

14. An evaluation methodology to determine the lowest-evaluated-bid shall be

applied as specified in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

Stamp Duty/ Stamp Paper

15. The Service Provider shall execute an agreement on stamp paper in accordance

with stamp duty act.

Performance Guarantee / Security

16. The Service Provider shall submit Performance Security @ 10% value of

contract in shape of Bank Guarantee/Pay Order/CDR issued by a

scheduled bank.

Award of Contract

17. After execution of contract the maximum percentage by which quantities may be

increased or decreased is 15%. However, any addition or reduction in quantity

shall be done with mutual consent of both parties.


Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

This section contains all the factors, methods and criteria that the Purchaser shall use to

evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required qualification.

Table of Contents

1. Technical Evaluation Criteria.

2. Lowest Evaluated Bid Criteria.

1. Technical Evaluation Criteria:

(a) Technical Bid Proforma

(b) Affidavit of bidding firm regarding non- blacklisting as per ITB

clause 2.2

(c) Certificate of Bidder firm that it was not penalized more than 25% by


(d) Technical Evaluation Report

2. Lowest Evaluated Criteria:

(a) The Financial Bid of only technically qualified Bidders shall be opened.

(b) Comparative Statement:-

The Bidder offering lowest responsive bid would be declared as the lowest

evaluated Bidder


1. Name of Bidding Firm / Lead Bidding Firm: ______________________________

2. Status (Firm/Company/JV/Group):______________________________________

3. Address: __________________________________________________________

4. NTN:_____________________________________________________________

5. Sales Tax Reg. No. (if applicable) ______________________________________

6. Date of Establishment of Business______________________________________


7. Financial Information: (In case of JV/AOP/Group/detail of all members to be


NOTE: if any of the following information is left blank no credit shall be awarded

for that information.

Mandatory Requirements/Documents The following documents must be attached by the bidder. Failure to supply the following

documents will render the bidder ineligible to compete in technical bid hence shall be

declared unqualified.

I. Complete profile / Introduction of Bidder (including name of Chief Executive

Officer/MD, Partner(s) and Owner(s) and addresses/contacts)

II. Sales Tax Registration Certificate

III. Copy of Valid NTN /Annual Tax Returns of last 2 years

IV. Affidavit declaring that that Bidder is not blacklisted

V. Certificate that the firm was not heavily penalized i.e. more than 25% penalty of

overall contract value for unsatisfactory performance by Punjab Examination


VI. Alternate Power Supply (state alternate power capacity)

VII. Press Declaration Certificate

VIII. The Firm must have ownership of two Four Color Printing Machines and/or

Digital Printer/Photocopier Machine/s

IX. Copy of Bid security/CDR Reference Number and date must be mentioned

without mentioning the total amount of bid security. Or Copy of bid security by

masking the bid amount with tape or fluid must be attached.

X. 3 samples sheets of 100 GSM imported paper, both sides glazed and smooth Brust

factor = 16 +/- 3%, Tear MD = 65 +/-3%, CD=60+/- 3% ,Brightness = 90+/- 3%,

Title cover; Art card 260 GSM imported.


Technical Capacity Performa

Bidder’s Signature _____________________ Date _________________________ Stamp _______________________

Sr. No Machine Remarks.

1 Number of Printing/Photocopy machines

2 Total Capacity of printing/copying machine per hour

3 Previous relevant experience

4 Whether Isolated Secure environment is available for Printing

5 Arrangement for Tape Binding available

6 Capacity for printing and binding of 500 PEC Annual Reports within 48 hours.


Qualified/ Disqualified

Signatures: _____________________________________

Stamp: _______________________________________________

Name of authorized Officer/s (PEC): _________________________

Dated: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________


It is certified that the above stated machines are in the ownership of M/S………………

and the information provided regarding their quantity and output capacity is correct in all

regards. We do understand that we may be disqualified, blacklisted or penalized in case if

there is material disinformation in the above.

Bidder’s Signature _____________________ Date _________________________ Stamp _______________________



FINANCIAL BID PERFORMA Printing of PEC Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016

1. Name of Bidder: _________________________________

2. Address: ___________________________________________

3. Phone No.: __________Fax No. ____________Cell No._______________

Rate per Leaf (inclusive of printing, packing, delivery to PEC is offered as


Serial No.

Total No. of Leafs (Approx..)





1. 11410

Total value in words: Rupees :________________________________________________________________

Note: Quoted price must include delivery of PEC Annual Reports to PEC.

1. Bid security paid vide Pay Order/CDR/Bank Draft amounting to Rs.___________

of Bank ___________________________________Dated________________

Name of Proprietor/ Partner___________________________________

Dated __________________ CNIC____________________________________

Signature of the Bidder: _________ Stamp of the firm____________


Human Resource Performa

Total Number of Employees:-

Designation Qualification Experience


No of


Nature of


Period of


with the firm


Bid Submission Sheet


Tender No.:-----------------


The Chief Executive Officer,

Punjab Examination Commission


I/we, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) I/We have examined and have no reservations to the bidding documents, including

Addenda No: …………………

(b) I/We offer services in conformity with the Bidding Documents and in accordance

with the delivery schedule specified in the Services Requirements.

(c) Our bid shall be valid for the period of 90 days from the date of opening of

Technical Bid and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any

time before the expiration of that period;

(d) If our bid is accepted, we commit to submit a Performance Security in accordance

with ITB Clause 28.1 and GCC Clause 9 for the due performance of the contract;

(e) We or our any sister concern(s) have not been blacklisted by any Government,

semi-government/autonomous organization;

(f) We or our sister concern (s) have not been heavily penalized @ 25% of total

contract value by PEC;

(g) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof

included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between

us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed;

(h) We understand that Chief Executive Officer, PEC reserves the right to

increase/decrease the quantity of PEC Annual Reports with mutual consent of

Bidder as provided under clause 25 of ITB.


(i) Particular of Pay Orders/CDR regarding Bid Security;

Pay Order No. Dated Bank Name Amount (Rs.)


Signed _______________________ in the Capacity of ________________________


Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of__________________________

Dated on ____________________________ day of ___________________________


Bid Information Sheet

Date: _________________

Tender No.: _________________

1. Bidder’s Legal Name

2. In case of JV / CONSORTIUM / AOP/ Group

3. (a) Name of JV/Consortium /

AOP /Group

` (b) Name of Authorized Representative

Lead Member

(c.) Members firms information

4. Name of firm with address

%age share

Owner’s name NIC NTN




Attach copy of agreement / letter of intent to form JV/Consortium /AOP/Group, copies of NTN and NIC of members (in case of more members attach separate list)

5. Bidder’s Address

6. Bidder’s Authorized Representative Information



NIC No.___________________________________________________________



Telephone/Fax numbers:___________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________






Section V. Services Requirements

I. Scope of Work

II. Schedule of Activities




2. Digital four color printing.

3. Use hard glue binding with spine for title cover page.

4. Cover page size: Length 28mm, Width 41mm

5. Spine after binding as per requirement of the reports.

6. Language version is English

7. 3 sample sheets of 100 GSM imported paper, both sides glazed and smooth

Brust factor = 16 +/- 3%, Tear MD = 65 +/-3%, CD=60+/- 3% and Brightness =

90+/- 3%

8. Title cover; Art card 260 GSM. The bidder shall pay the required testing fee

for lab testing.


Printing, Packing and supply of approximately 390 Nos. PEC Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016

Sr. No

Description of Work Leafs per Report

No. of Units

Total No. of Leafs

1. Annual Report 2011 26 65 1690

2. Annual Report 2012 24 65 1560

3. Annual Report 2013 24 65 1560

4. Annual Report 2014 20 65 1300

5. Annual Report 2015 34 65 2210

6. Annual Report 2016 48 65 3120

3. PROVISION OF SAMPLE I. Supplier will provide three (3) title covers as specimen (soft copy II. will be provided by PEC). The bidder shall affix the stamp of his firm and

sign on the top right corner. In case advance sample is not provided, the offer will be set-aside.

III. The specimen must conform to PEC technical specifications and sample

provided by PEC. IV.



I. Supplier will deliver the PEC Annual Reports to Punjab Examination

Commission within 3 days of issuance of work order.


I. The Purchaser/PEC’s inspection team will carry out regular inspections of the printing, packing etc. to ensure quality and timely supply of PEC Annual Reports.

II. The successful bidder/printer will allow inspection of packed paper rolls, ream packing (to confirm import quality) before commencement of printing.

III. The bidder shall always facilitate the Inspection Teams of PEC to check the quality of paper, printing, packing and other allied inspections.

IV. PEC inspection team may take random paper samples , duly signed by Bidder and PEC Authorities for verification from standard testing laboratory.





Details Tentative


1. Uploading / Publishing of Tender

Notice on PPRA & PEC Website


2. Opening of Technical Bids 02-06-2017

3. Announcement of Bid Evaluation



4. Opening of Financial Bids 08-06-2017

5. Award of Contract 19-06-2017

6. Issuance of Work Order 19-06-2017

7. Complete Delivery of PEC Annual

Reports to PEC


Signature & stamp of bidder



Beneficiary: Punjab Examination Commission

Dated: _______________


We have been informed that ____________________ (hereinafter

called “the Service Provider”) has entered into contract dated ___________ with

you, for the supply of __________________ (hereinafter called “The Contract”).

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the

contract, a performance guarantee is required.

At the request of the Service Provider (Name of Successful Bidder),

we __________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not

exceeding in total an amount of Rs. _____________________


This guarantee shall expire no later than the _____________ and

any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or

before that date.




Section VI: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

This section contains the general clauses to be applied in all contracts.

Section VII: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

This section contains clauses specific to each contract that modify or

supplement section VI, General Conditions of Contract.

Section VIII: Contract Forms


Section-VI of PART-3

General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

1. Definitions 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

(a) “Contract” means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

(b) “Supplier” means the service provider/ successful bidder to whom contract is awarded

(c) “Purchaser” means the Punjab Examination Commission”

(d) “Contract Documents” means the documents listed in the Agreement, including any amendment(s) thereto.

(e) “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to the terms of Contract.

(f) “Day” means calendar day.

(g) “Completion” means the fulfillment of the printing, packing and supply of PEC Annual Reports by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.

(h) “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract.

(i) “PEC Annual Report” means the PEC Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016.

(j) “Purchaser” means the entity purchasing the PEC Annual Reports, as specified in the SCC i.e. Punjab Examination Commission, Lahore hereinafter referred as PEC.

(k) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract.

(l) “Supplier” means the natural person/Joint Venture (JV)/Consortium/ Association of persons (AOP) / Group (combination of natural or legal persons specially bound together to undertake this job),


private or government entity, or a combination of the above, whose bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assignees of the Supplier.

(m) “Service Provider” means the successful bidder whom contract is awarded.

2. Contract


2.1 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the Contract (and all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually explanatory.

3. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

3.1 If the Supplier is a Joint Venture (JV), Consortium, or Association of the Parties/Persons,(AOP)/Group shall be jointly and severally liable to the Purchaser for the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract and shall designate one party to act as a leader with authority to bind the joint venture, consortium, group or association of persons.

3.2 The composition or the constitution of the joint venture, consortium, or association/group shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Purchaser/PEC.

4. Bid Security 4.1 As in ITB clause 12.

5. Dispute Resolution

5.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the address specified in the SCC. The term “in writing” means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

5.2 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract.

5.3 If, after twenty one (21) days, the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or difference by such mutual consultation, then either the Purchaser or the Supplier may give notice to the other party of its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given. Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been given in accordance with this Clause shall be finally settled by arbitration. Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after delivery of the Goods under the Contract. Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in


accordance with clause 7 as specified in the SCC.

5.4 Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration herein,

(a) The parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless they otherwise agreed; and

(b) The Purchaser/PEC shall pay the Supplier any amount validly due to the Supplier.

6. Supply of PEC Annual Reports

6.1 The delivery of the PEC Annual Reports shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Delivery specified in the Supply Requirements.

7. Quoted Rates 7.1 The rate per leaf (per unit) shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes. Supplier will also mention the total value of the contract;

7.2 In case of any increase or decrease in number of PEC Annual Reports their rate shall remain fixed

8. Payment 8.1 Upon successful completion of assigned job by the Supplier/Service Provider, payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser/PEC, but in no case later than thirty (30) days after submission of an invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and subject to fulfilment of all procedural and codal formalities. The payments shall be made in Pak Rupees.

8.2 The Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc., leviable at the time of submission of bid and incurred until delivery of the contracted PEC Annual Reports to PEC

9. Performance Security

9.1 The Supplier shall, within seven (7) days of the notification of contract award, provide a performance security @ 10% of the value of contract in shape of bank Guarantee/Pay Order issued by a scheduled bank. The bid security shall only be released after submission of performance security.

9.2 The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.

9.3 The performance security shall be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to the Supplier after 31-07-2017.

10. Confidentiality 10.1 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the Contract, whether


such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination of the Contract.

10.2 The Supplier shall not use such documents, data, and other information received from the Purchaser for any purpose other than the performance of the Contract.

11. Contract Law 11.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Pakistan/Punjab

12. Inspection

The Supplier shall ensure that the PEC Annual Reports etc. supplied under this Contract shall conform to the Technical specifications and standards.

12.1 The supplier shall abide by the packing instructions as given in “Service Requirements”.

12.2 The Supplier shall pay to purchaser paper testing fee as deemed fit by Purchaser/ PEC.

12.3 The inspections and tests (pre & post) may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its Subcontractor, at point of delivery of PEC Annual Reports.

12.4 The Purchaser shall provide the Supplier with a report of the results of any such test and/or inspection.

12.5 The Purchaser may reject any PEC Annual Report or any part thereof that fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such rejected PEC Annual Report at no cost to the Purchaser.

12.6 In addition the supplier shall arrange 0.1% of the total quantity as replacement of defective copies without any charges.

12.7 The supplier shall execute a contract agreement with the Purchaser on stamp paper worth Rs.0.25 % of the total value of work awarded.


13. Penalties


1. Non-execution of contract agreement within the stipulated period i.e., 7 days.

Offer shall stand cancelled and forfeiture of Bid Security.

2 (i) Non submission of performance security/bank guarantee / pay order / CDR beyond 7 days of date of execution of agreement.

(i) In case of request for extension beyond 7 days but up to 14 days penalty of Rs.500/- per lac /day shall be charged.

(ii) Non submission of Bank Guarantee / Pay Order / CDR beyond the extended period.

(ii) Cancellation of contract and forfeiture of Bid Security.

(iii) Submission of false and invalid invoice (which could not be verified from Sales Tax Department)

(i) Penalty @Rs.10% of total

amount of bill shall be


(iv) If 15% of PEC Annual Reports are found defective i.e. low gram /low quality paper is used and visually defective printing is done

(ii) Cancellation of contract and

forfeiture of Bid Security.

(iii) Blacklisting of firm

3. (i) The defective, blurred, unreadable copies will be worked out on the basis of percentage of the sample checked.

a.) Defects up to 1% a.) 1% of the cost of consignment

b.) Defects above 1% - 5% b.) 5% of the cost of consignment

c.) Defects above 5% - 10% c.) 10% of the cost of consignment

d.) Defects above 10% - 15% e.) Defects above 15% or Defective Reports include misprinted , blank, double side printed , faded color, duplicate printing, incorrect color coding, improper security feature, improper embossing etc.

d.) 15% of the cost of consignment e.) Contract shall be cancelled and Performance Guarantee will be confiscated

f) Use of paper other than specified sample approved or of lesser grammage causing poor quality PEC Annual Reports

f.) Stock will be rejected, Contract shall be cancelled and Performance Guarantee will be confiscated

4. The bidder fails to supply complete quantity as contracted

Payment to supplier will be withheld till the time the total number of PEC Annual Reports is supplied to PEC as per contract; and in case of failure to complete the supply, the Contract shall be terminated & Performance Security forfeited.

14. If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the PEC Annual Reports within the period specified in the Contract, the Purchaser may without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as penalty(s), a sum equivalent to the percentage specified in the Clause -14 on the delivered price of the delayed PEC Annual Reports per day of delay until actual delivery or performance, up


to a maximum deduction of the percentage specified in the SCC. Once the maximum is reached, the Purchaser may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 13

15. In particular and without prejudice, the penalties stated in Clause-13 may be imposed judiciously for irregularities committed by the supplier in execution of work awarded to him / her by the Board. Any decision with this regard to imposition of penalty / penalties will be enforced only after service of show cause notice (s) on the bidder and providing an opportunity of being heard.

16. Change in

Laws Taxes



16.1 In case the regime of any tax levied by Government is changed during the currency of the agreement separate instructions to the extent of such levy will be issued to the bidder. Such instructions shall be deemed to be a part of this agreement.

17. Force


17.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, penalty(s), or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

17.2 For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is, acts of the Purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes etc.

17.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.

18. Extensions of


18.1 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its subcontractors should encounter conditions impeding timely delivery of the PEC Annual Reports, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the delay, its likely duration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Director concerned shall evaluate the situation and if found justified may recommend to the CEO, PEC to extend the Supplier’s time for performance, in which case the extension shall be ratified by the parties by amendment of the Contract.

18.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery and Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of penalty(s) pursuant to GCC Clause 13, unless an extension of time is agreed upon.


19. Termination 19.1 Termination for Default

(a) The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract in whole or in part:

(b) If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the PEC Annual Reports within the period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Purchaser;

(i) If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the Contract; or

(ii) If the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has engaged in fraud, misrepresentation and corruption, in competing for or in executing the Contract.

(c) In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in part the Purchaser may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, PEC Annual Reports similar to those undelivered or not performed, and the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser for any additional costs for such similar PEC Annual Reports. However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.

(d) Termination for Insolvency.

(e) The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by giving notice to the Supplier if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termination will be without compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser

20. Assignment 20.1 The Supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, their obligations under this Contract, except with prior written consent of the other party.

21. The Supplier shall not sub contract PEC assignment /order

21.1 The successful bidder shall not sub contract the assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer, assign or subcontract the assigned printing job to any other firm,


Section-VII of PART-III

Special Conditions of Contract


Section-II: Special Conditions of Contract The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement and / or amend the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

1. The Purchaser’s country is: PAKISTAN



4. The language shall be: ENGLISH

5. For notices, the Purchaser’s address shall be:

Attention: Director (Administration & Finance), Punjab Examination Commission

Address: Punjab Examination Commission (PEC), Near Pilot Secondary School for Boys, Wahdat Colony, Lahore


Country: Pakistan

Telephone: 042-99260156

6. The governing law shall be the law of: PAKISTAN and PUNJAB

7. The rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings pursuant to GCC Clause 5.3 shall be as follows: The Chairperson, Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) shall be the Sole Arbitrator whose award shall be final and binding on the parties.

8. The scope of supply for the PEC Annual Reports to be supplied shall be as specified in Schedule of Activities and as mentioned in ITB

9. All prices shall remain fixed during the currency of the agreement

10. Payment: Payment will be made by Punjab Examination Commission through SDA cheque against pre-receipted bill (duly affixed with revenue stamp) along with professional tax certificate (Photocopy attested) of the supplier within 30 days of delivery and acceptance of Items and receipt of quality certificates.


Payment will be made on production of the following documents:

I. Bill in original with Sales tax invoice; II. Delivery Challans duly signed by PEC Authorized representative;

III. Certificate by the supplier that designing and printing is according to PEC’s required specification;

IV. Certificate from PEC office that PEC Annual Reports were received in conformity to required specifications;

V. Quality Certificate from standard Government testing laboratory;

No advance payment will be made.

All applicable taxes will be deducted.

11. The amount of the Performance Security shall be: 10% of value of contract.

The currency shall be: PAK RUPEES

12. The types of acceptable Performance Securities are: Bank Guarantee/Pay order issued by any scheduled bank issued in the name of Chief Executive Officer, Punjab Examination Commission.

13. Performance Security shall be released after successful completion of job to the satisfaction of PEC

14. The Inspections and tests shall be conducted at:

(i) The premises of the suppliers/printers

ii) Sample testing shall be carried out by PEC from any standard Government

Laboratory, which PEC deems fit.

15. The Penalty(s) shall be: As given in GCC clause 13

16. The amount of penalties will be calculated as mentioned vide clause 13 of GCC.

17. The period of validity of the Contract shall be: up to 31-07-2017

18. The period for replacement/ replenishment of PEC Annual Reports shall be: 15 days



(On stamp Paper worth Rs.0.25% of the total value of work awarded)

Contract Agreement

This agreement is made on this ________day of _______ Year ______ by

and between Mr. _______________________ Owner/Director/Representative of

M/s_____________________________ address ____________________________

hereinafter referred to as the bidder, which term shall include his successors executors,

administrators and assignees, etc. of the one part and the CHIEF EXECUTIVE


referred to PEC shall include his / her successors in the office, assignees etc.


Annual Reports from 2011 to 2016 to be printed, packed and delivered to Punjab

Examination Commission (PEC). The Bidder has agreed to print, pack and supply the

PEC Annual Reports of the quantity, specifications and rates as under;

Serial No.

Total No. of Leafs (Approx..)





1. 11410


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Contract referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Contract Agreement, viz.:

(a) The Purchaser’s Notification to the Supplier of award of Contract; (b) The Bid Submission, Bidders information Sheet and the Contract Price

submitted by the Supplier; (c) The Special Conditions of Contract; (e) The General Conditions of Contract; (f) The Supply Requirements and (g) Delivery Schedule.


This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall prevail in the order listed above.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser/PEC to the Supplier as indicated in this Agreement, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser/PEC to provide the PEC Annual Reports and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.

4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of PEC Annual Reports and /or the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

5. This agreement shall take effect from ______________ and expire on ______

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan and Punjab on the day, month and year indicated above.

Signature of the Supplier

With full name and address

Name: ______________________

Complete Address: ______________


Signature of the Purchaser

Chief Executive Officer Punjab Examination Commission

Near Pilot Secondary School for Boys Wahdat Colony, Lahore

Witness – I

Name: ________________________________

Signature: ____________________________

Address: _____________________________

Witness – II

Name: _________________________________

Signature: _________________________________

Address: __________________________________
