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It was hot outside today. I live in the town of Greensville, Pennsylvania. We have a weird mountain in our town. Im Logan and Im 9 years old. I am at my house watching TV with my friends Colin, Joey, and Gorge.[ I dont really like Gorge]. My dog Sonic was lying on my lap. Logie dont forget to feed your fly trap! my sister Samantha said.CHAPTER I

Sure and dont call me Logie!I said. Then I decided we should go outside. We went down stairs. Then George said he had to get his gum. We waited 1 hour. I think he snuck out the back door. What a nuisance!I said. So then I went back up stairs. Then I noticed his receipt and his gum. The receipt said magic gum. Weird, I thought. Then I saw my fly trap eating the gum! Before I could get the gum something amazing happened he disappeared.

Where did he go? A mystery was set to find my fly trap. The next day I woke up it was hot again like yesterday my friends were going to look for my fly trap today. So I went outside. To my surprise Colin was the only one out. Where are the others? I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. I think I found a clue he said. It was a penny covered in blue goop. GROSS!I said in disgust. Lets just go!he said.Chapter 2

All of a sudden the ground started to shake. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It ate our friends!Colin screamed. That was when I knew I was doomed.

Colin and I ran past town scared and confused. That was when we saw the biggest fly trap ever! We both exchanged frightened glances . GGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! My fly trap! It splattered blue goop on my neighbors house and it melted.

Chapter 3

I thought about the craziest idea ever . I had to go in it . What choice do I have? Here I go.

I jumped into its mouth. It was hot and sticky. I fell down its throat. I landed on a car floating in the stomach acid. There was a hole on the side filled with blue goop. I stuck a boulder in the hole. Grab on! a voice yelled. The voice threw a rope down . I did as he instructed . As I climbed out I noticed the fly trap got bigger!Chapter 4

I climbed out. The fly trap kept growing . It grew as big as the Empire state building! SHES GONNA BLOW! Colin yelled. Colin and I hid behind the goo covered house. BOOOM!!! I spotted my fly trap and George. When they hit the ground I said, Why did you do that ? I looked down at him . He looked like he was dead .

Ohhh he moaned. Hes knocked out, I said. When he woke up he moaned, OWW! Just then the ground started to shake . A volcano rose out of the ground. HELP! someone called. The volcano had erupted. OWWWW! I yelled. The volcano had killed me.


I woke up to see Sonic licking my face. What a dream! I said to Sonic. He licked me again. Down boy, down!I checked to see if my fly trap was there. Sure enough it was there. But it had a lump in its stomach . Samantha! I yelled. Where was she? Then the fly trap spit out a white cloth. Oh no it ate her!Chapter 6
